Shift a Bit – And Play a Lot!

November 15, 2010 at 5:32 pm Leave a comment

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

Dear Ones,

Today there is yet another unique occurence to report. Perhaps you feel as if little or nothing is happening, but there are shifts occurring within your being that are not necessarily noticed by you or by those closest to you.

Other channelers have reported physical symptoms such as back pain or flu-like symptoms. All or none of which may be happening to you.

Even though this New Age shift is Universal, each of you is reacting to the energy shifts in a unique way. Some of you may be barely able to function emotionally or mentally. Others of you will breeze through these shifts as if nothing has happened.

Which, of course, is little different from what you have always noted. Some of you move from one trauma to another. Others of you can not really define or better yet, understand those traumas of.

All of you have opted to be on earth during this major transition. At the same time, you are moving through those issues you wish to clear or observe. Let us explain.

Some of you may not have experienced as much stress, pain or fear as others during this transition because you have moved through most of your blocks prior to this year or even this decade.

Others of you may have opted to experience a less stressful life so that you could give more emphasis to the New Age shifts.

One personal approach is not preferable to another. All that was required of those of you on earth at this time and was that you would do what you needed to do to bring the New Age to fruition. You have done so.

Now your role, your direction is entirely up to you. Perhaps an apt analogy would be winning a lottery. Once you have won a lottery, there are no government rules or regulations, nor are there societal rules forcing you to function one way or another. Granted friends, relatives and acquaintances may feel they have the right to tell you how to spend or save your millions, but there are no rules.

So it is for you now. Perhaps you wish to become totally enmeshed in the New Age. You can easily do so by writing materials, joining specific groups, moving to new communities, producing films or other media events. Or you can opt to sit in your backyard watching the snow fall and the birds enjoying the seeds you have left for them.

You have completed your role – you have introduced the New Age.

For those of you who having some physical symptoms indicating you wish to delve further into the New Age; or that you are fearful that you have not done enough. Relax. Your cellular structure will shift at a pace that is correct for you. There is no need to rush the process – as indicated by your physical symptoms. And for those of you who are just starting to delve into your Pandora’s Box of personal hidden secrets, again, relax. This is the New Age.

Nothing needs to be pushed or rushed. Those are Old Age modes of activity. Perhaps you wish to look at some issues today, but do not feel the need to look any further in this lifetime. That is perfectly appropriate.

Perhaps you wish to uncover every last piece of discomfort you have ever experienced in your lifetime on earth and in other environments. That is also perfectly acceptable.

What is not acceptable is to push yourself in one direction at a pace that is faster than is correct for your current being. And you will know that such is true by your physical symptoms.

Your exploration is to be completed in joy, not pain. For if you push yourself to complete this issue by this day because someone has indicated that THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DAY, you are not moving in any differently than you did in the Old Age. Such a movement is a “should.”

Follow your body by listening to your inner being. Rest when you are tired. Eat when you are hungry. Play when you feel like doing so. And work at whatever you want, when you feel like doing it.

Some of you will transition into your New Age life more rapidly than others. Not because you are better or smarter than others, but because your physical being has directed you to do so.

Are you trail blazers? Perhaps. Are you merely jumping on the New Age star that allows you to move through some of your difficult pieces more easily than other life times? Perhaps. There are no rules for this transition.

The only decision required by you and all of those on earth at this time was whether or not to accept the New Age. You have done so. Now allow yourself to live in that New Age – without the rules, restrictions and requirements instrumental in the Old Age.

Allow yourself to be. Maybe yesterday you wanted to be a trail blazer. Maybe today you no longer wish to do so. That is fine. That is totally acceptable and appropriate. There is no angry god to answer to. There is no angel you have to appease. There is only you in all of your wisdom.

And if you are experiencing physical symptoms such as a cold, a headache or a backache, in all likelihood, you are moving faster than is correct for your physical being.

Slow down and “smell the roses.” The New Age is not a personal or Universal race. The New Age is here. You, in all of your glory, are adapting to the shifts such a dramatic change requires. If your cells shift today or next week – it will not matter to the Universe, but it will matter to you.

Shift a bit and play a lot – a wonderful motto for you who wish to enmesh yourselves in the New Age. And for those who wish to go no further into the New Age – play a lot – the only motto you need to adhere to. So be it. Amen.

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Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

The Shadow You Feel is Your Higher Self Your Spiritual Growth is Now at a Phenomenal Pace

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November 2010