Angry, Snarly, Sad? YEAH!

April 24, 2012 at 3:14 pm 20 comments

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 22, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at recent sadness, anger and fear are not a return to the Old Age. Those feelings are your physical Lightworker being shifting dramatically – birthing itself.

The Creation Energies BlogTalkRadio show contains different material than that channeled for Brenda’s Blog even though both may be on the same or similar topic as is true this week.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Is Your Emotional World in Upheaval?”

Dear Ones,

Are you feeling unexpected anger, rage or sadness?  You are birthing the new physical you!

In the past few years, you have experienced several physical shifts – but nothing as comprehensive as has occurred recently. Your internal physical form is shifting from that known by your scientists into a crystalline structure with different connections and abilities.

How will this shift change your physical being? Scientists and the medical world will not necessarily notice the difference in your physical being unless they are also Lightworkers. Do you remember stories of Native Americans not initially seeing European ships landing on American shores because Native American could not conceive of such an eventuality? So it will be for your doctors and scientists.

Even though parts of your physical being might shift a bit, the cellular structure shift we are discussing today will not become common knowledge for several years. The current human interior model required the study of thousands, if not millions, of humans. As is now true for those humans with achromatism (albino), the first Lightworkers will merely be noted as unusual.

Those of you at the forefront of the Lightworkers might be concerned that you will not receive adequate medical care because doctors will not understand the true you. Most doctors will not. But then, as your body shifts you will have less need of medical care.

One of the important tools in your New Age kit is the regeneration of your physical body. Perhaps that concept seems like a fairy tale, yet you fully accept that starfish regenerate parts of themselves.

Please know that your current medical beliefs continue to be a factor in your physical health.

Most of you Lightworkers remain too deeply enmeshed in your current medical model to allow yourself to heal or rebound from physical ailments – even though it is possible.

Today, we are merely reviewing your medical beliefs and informing you that your internal physical being is shifting dramatically.

Your friends and family are not necessarily shifting in the same fashion. This recent physical shift is part of your Lightworker lesson plan – it is not global. So even though you may feel uncomfortable emotionally, those around you may be quite joyful.  Such a difference may make you believe that you are not a Lightworker or you have not accepted the New Age. The opposite is true.

In our Creation Energies radio show this week (, we likened your discomfort to the birthing process.

Perhaps you were extremely excited about re-entering earth in this lifetime – that is, until you were in the birth canal and shortly after birth. Both extremely uncomfortable sensations. In a similar fashion, your mother may have been excited to learn she was pregnant – until labor pains made her wish she had never thought of having a child. The earth birthing process is not a comfortable or even loving process. In a sense, it mirrors the belief patterns of earth – you will find joy after much pain. An interesting thought we will address in future messages!

We return to your emotional state as a result of your internal changes. Please understand that your physical body is trying to reject your physical changes. Your new cellular structures do not feel comfortable to your physical plant – they feel invasive.

Will your physical body reject your new structures? No – for this shift is an important part of your New Age/new earth role. But then, your physical plant will not adjust overnight. Have you ever been inoculated to protect you from an illness such as diphtheria only to become ill for a few hours? Such is the case now. Your body is protecting you and will continue to do so until your totality accepts the new you.

This physical transition is also part of your “learning to love yourself” lesson. Do you not allow yourself to be self-centered, crabby, exhausted, sad and so many other emotions when you have what you label the flu? Yet now that your entire inner-being is shifting, you expect yourself to be sunny and cheerful.

You will know if your recent mood swings are related to your physical shift if you ask yourself if it is so. Only you know. Perhaps you are depressed about other issues. Or perhaps there is a physical ailment that requires medical attention. You have to decide that for yourself. If the thought of taking medication or meeting with a doctor feels right, that is what you need to do. But if you ask yourself why you are moody and you see or sense a laughing bubble or entity, you know that you are merely birthing your new physical being. And as is true after human birth, the related bliss will soon occur.

How are you to explain this moodiness to those who are not experiencing similar shifts? That is your choice. You are a trail blazer. Just as family and friends often did not understand those who opted to live in the wild as they discovered the trails of the “wild west”, so too is it true for you.

Should you try to be more accommodating to help them emotionally? Again, that is your choice. But we will forewarn you that if you become too accommodating, your inner-being will scream for release from that care taking mode.

This physical transition seems convoluted and difficult does it not? Somewhat like pregnant women deciding if they are going to scream and rant during the birthing process or try to quietly accept the pain and fear. It is your choice.

Everyone who wishes to move into the New Age will eventually go through this cellular shift. But then, those who follow will have your loving support doing so.

You are at the forefront of an ongoing wave of physical change. Once your change is complete, you will have more skills than you now think possible. But know that others may not understand your shift for they have not yet experienced it. It is your choice if you wish to dull the pain with medication or denial.

If you are a Lightworker of the first brigade you are experiencing the pains of your new physical birth. How long will these feelings last? That is up to you. Are you nurturing yourself and accepting the shift? Or are you denying or fighting it? Allow yourself to be and it will soon pass.

Embrace the shift and you will sparkle from within. Negate the shift and you will feel dark and heavy for some time. So be it. Amen.  If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , .

Is Your Emotional World in Upheaval? Surprise Yourself with Your New Sense of Humor!

20 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Kate Street  |  April 24, 2012 at 8:19 pm

    Thank you, Dearest Brenda ~ this is so timely as I am in week 3 of illness. I had 3 beautiful unassisted homebirths that were a piece of cake compared to this! Maybe I should remember more how I gracefully handled those to give me confidence for THIS. You’re a treasure.


    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 24, 2012 at 10:33 pm

      Dear Kate,
      I like to think that we’re in this together and supporting each other – Lightworkers, joy seekers and physical transformation accepters all!


  • 3. Alejandro  |  April 24, 2012 at 9:58 pm

    Thank you Brenda!
    Beyond great resonance with this message and many others in line with it these days, at this point I am completely convinced that many of us are here to embody and radiate the physical shift of the planet and reality on it.
    I would like to share how yoga, especially hot yoga, has been of tremendous help to balance out this recent emotional and corporeal discomfort.
    I would say that any form of physical exercise that pushes you to connect with your breath and your brain, to boost blood circulation and deep cellular releasing of toxins, along with lighter and live food, will drive you to flow downstream and to enjoy the ride even more 😉


  • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 24, 2012 at 10:43 pm

    Dear Alejandro,
    Thank you so much for your thoughts and suggestions.

    I so agree that many of us are the light on the path for those who want to follow.

    How wonderful that you’ve found the spiritual and physical modalities that are right for you. I’ve had the need to be outdoors throughout this last physical transformation blast, plus require more quiet time.


  • 5. Rita Desnoyers-Garcia  |  April 25, 2012 at 8:15 am

    Thanks, Brenda. I’ve been going through this shift since early March. Sort of up and down and now- crabby and unmotivated to do much at all. I’m taking care of myself as much as possible. It’s good to know I’m not alone.
    I’ve been channeling for about a year now and what has been said dovetails nicely with my messages.


  • 6. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 25, 2012 at 8:54 am

    Dear Rita,
    Isn’t it amazing and exciting that the messages – even though from different voices – are so similar? What a wondrous (and sometimes crabby) time!
    Blessings and Joy,


    • 7. Rita Desnoyers-Garcia  |  April 25, 2012 at 11:59 am

      It is amazing and yet it makes total sense since it’s all connected within us. Wonderous for sure. I had a great release of it all (or at least a bit of this latest crabbiness) on my Network Chiropractor’s table. Tears and then laughter..I am so grateful for the folks in my circle who are a great support.


  • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 25, 2012 at 4:22 pm

    Dear Rita,
    I love that you’ve established a support network. From what I’ve read and channeled, a loving network -.including Internet connections- is part of the Lightworker experience. YEAH!
    Blessings and Joy,


  • 9. Elizabeth Sadhu  |  April 25, 2012 at 6:38 pm

    Dearest Sister Goddess—-I love how your channels so often confirm what I hear also. You are such an inspiration and joy to me. Blessings, blessings, blessings……………And I am finding that speaking out is so important (and often hard), for me and for my sister goddesses of the world. love you tons and tons, sweetie!!


  • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 25, 2012 at 10:49 pm

    Hey Cutie!
    Speaking out is great…but oh so frightening at first. Say it sister!
    Love Brenda


  • 11. Sylvia Franco  |  April 27, 2012 at 2:29 pm

    Wow today I experienced what felt like a mini “dark night of the soul” and it frightened me a bit. I went to lie down and lit a candle and tried to just stay calm. I was assured that it would pass and I heard the words “shift.” That it is just part of a big shift I’m going through. I’m just glad that there is a space here to share and express this type of experience. 🙂 many blessings to all who choose to be warriors!


    • 12. Rita Desnoyers-Garcia  |  April 27, 2012 at 3:10 pm

      I’ve been there as well a few times- where there’s a feeling of darkness, depression for no reason. Glad you were able to take care of yourself and get that reassuring message.


      • 13. Sylvia Franco  |  April 27, 2012 at 3:21 pm

        Thank you!


  • 14. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2012 at 4:03 pm

    Dear Sylvia,
    I experienced something similar last week-end. As have many others who told me about their recent experiences. Like you, I wanted to know why. My radio show and blog messages helped me understand our physical shift. Interesting times for sure!


    • 15. Sylvia Franco  |  April 27, 2012 at 6:44 pm

      Brenda thank you, I just listened to the latest radio show and so now I know the why. Yes indeed this is such a re birth as I literally have felt as though it hurts to move, I’ve lost my appetite, I cannot get comfortable…and so forth but always with that inner knowing that all will be okay and that there isn’t anything that we are not well equipped to handle so I’m indeed so grateful to be a warrior and seeker. I am so thankful for the wonderful explanation provided on your blog talk radio show!


  • 16. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    Hi Sylvia!
    Isn’t it wonderful how different pieces resonate. I thought that my blog this week was more informative about the physical changes than was true for my show. And it appears as maybe the exact opposite was true for you. Don’t you just love how we are all unique people moving in the same direction?
    Blessings and joy,


    • 17. Sylvia Franco  |  April 27, 2012 at 7:51 pm

      Yes indeed as I’m finding that I’m not able to hold attention and concentration with reading in regards to spiritual text so the more direct auditory aspect worked perfect for me 🙂 didn’t join lennon say in one of his songs “strange days indeed…” Lol.


  • 18. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    Hi Sylvia!
    How fascinating is that!

    A friend died a couple of weeks ago and I found that I haven’t been able to read the last 30 pages of his wife’s recently released book (“Writings of the Mystery of the Universes: Book Three” channeled by Beverly J. Thompson) even though I found the channelings in Bev’s book absolutely wonderful. Something similar happened when my father died in January. It took me a bit of time to want to read spiritual materials. And so it goes….
    Blessings and Joy,


  • 19. Rita Desnoyers-Garcia  |  April 28, 2012 at 7:55 am

    I was speaking with a friend of mine about all this since she’s goind through this as well and was theorizing about why everyone is not going through it. Her reply was that no everyone is ready to awaken and I thought that perhaps we’re going through this first so that we can help others as they go through it. It’s not easy to do it alone. Good to know others who are walking (or crawling) through this time.


  • 20. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 28, 2012 at 8:26 am

    Dear Rita,
    Your friend’s theory follows my blogs exactly. We are the light / trail blazers for others who wish to follow. That doesn’t make us more spiritual, merely the role we selected before birth.
    Blessings and Joy,



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April 2012