You’re Don’t Need to Return to Battle Trenches

April 28, 2013 at 4:43 pm 69 comments

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 26, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps new Lightworkers are requesting information from you. If you provide such despite feeling it burdensome to do so, you return to Old Age care taking or victim roles. You’re a trailblazer who most likely wishes to explore new dimensions and processes.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “First Salvos of the New Astrology”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.


Dear Ones,
Perhaps you started your New Age/new earth journey filled with blissful innocence. You expected your transition to be completed with ease in a few days or months.

Instead, it is a process consuming more time and energy than you thought possible when you first decided to transition from fear to love. “How difficult can it be?” Indeed.

You are now bemoaning your advancement or lack thereof. At this stage of completion, neither seems exciting.

An apt analogy is that you are a World War I soldier in the trenches of France and your unit has claimed a few feet of mud – at the cost of friends and your peace of mind. Fighting for your country seemed exciting before you arrived. Now you cannot wait until the war is over. The ups and downs, the physical discomfort, and the lack of anything you wish to talk about merely test your soul. You no longer care who wins as long as you can go home.

Such is not true for all of you in the transition ‘trenches,’ but it is true for enough to provide this overview – and a bit of hope.  Know that millions have joined you in your movement to joy.

Many of you can now only see a short distance in front of you. You have no idea how many, if any, are behind you.

As of last week, the numbers transitioning into the New Age/new earth expanded by millions. You are no longer alone or one of the few. Will you sense these new ‘troops’ immediately? No – you are so battle weary that you merely put one foot in front of the other.
Perhaps our thoughts are too dramatic for your current reality.

What we are speaking of is similar to a commander receiving new, untested troops for a military drive and deciding to use battle weary troops instead. It is possible – but why?

Why would a commander force exhausted, but trained troops to continue when there are millions waiting impatiently for their turn to glorify themselves and their country? The battle weary troops know there is little glorification in the process – merely one step in front of the other until the end/ light is visible.

You are the battle weary troops. You have fought, yes fought to find your place in this wondrous New Age transition. Even though you had no idea where you would end up other than a vague promise of joy, you gathered your courage and continued to move forward despite questions, concerns and yes, fears. You felt isolated, sometimes odd and yet slugged through many physical or emotional traumas.

All of this sounds quite depressing, does it not? But that has been your reality for some time. You moved forward with the promise of joy and an inner sense that you must.

This, in your earth historical perspective, is not much different from enlisting in the military believing that your country is worth the effort and the pain.

Perhaps you are horrified that we use a military analogy to describe your New Age/new earth transition. You have joined this transition movement to find peace and love. Is that thought any different that than that of soldiers who fought for the same when earth was in 3D realms? You have ‘fought’ many similar battles in the past, merely in the physical realms.

It is time for you to give up your military analogies. This transition is no longer a group activity. It is a solitary movement into what feels best for you. You are not needed to train new troops or to fight their battles. Your only role is to continue to move into joy and love.

We have made dramatic statements because many are now joining the Lightworker ‘bandwagon’. And they fully expect you to care for them during their traumas, fears and yes, battles. For you are the ‘good guys’ who will take their hand and lead them through the worst – at your exhausted expense.

You do not have the energy to care take. Nor do you have the need to be a victim. Stopping your nearly complete transition to help those along the way sounds noble, but you do not have the energy to do so. Nor do those who follow need someone to rescue them from themselves. For that is what you would be doing. They need to discover their own beings. That is not your role. Of equal importance, you do not have the energy to train or care take anyone now.

You advance Lightworkers are exhausted. You need to experience joy – not the pains of others as they evolve through their deepest fears.

Some of you may wish to train or teach newly minted Lightworkers. If it feels joyful to do so, by all means do it.

The majority of you have other pieces you wish to explore. You have no need to further explore your own pain, fear, anger – or that of someone you love. You are tired. And rightly so. You have moved through your fears and you need a rest before you decide to move to your next realm of exploration. Such does not include moving to the back of the line as friends and loved ones beg for your assistance so they do not have experience all that you did.

They will not move into the New Age/new earth until they explore their fears, but you know that. They fully expect you to give them the shortcut – to care take them.

Your role as an advance Lightworker is to move ever forward – perhaps leaving a trail of wisdom and energy in your wake, but certainly not to return to the front to fight the new Lightworkers’ battles for them.

Your trail of wisdom and light might include written materials or just allowing others to be in fear as they move through their ‘dark night of the soul’. You cannot do it for anyone – anymore than you can learn to read for someone.

It is time for you to move into joy without concern that your brother, mother, friend or lover will not make it through their transition. That is their concern – not yours.

We will close for now with words of love and healing for you Lightworkers who have fought the brave fight. Allow yourself to rest knowing that those who follow have a great deal more information – and yes, many more role models than you did. Rest a bit before your next big adventure knowing that you do not need to return to the trenches ever. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Entry filed under: new earth, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , .

First Salvos of the New Astrology This Week’s Energy Theme – Physical Healing

69 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Lighthearted Signs  |  April 28, 2013 at 5:48 pm

    Thank you! ♥♥♥…janis


  • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 28, 2013 at 6:08 pm

    Dear Janis,
    Isn’t it just so easy to fall into our care taking roles??? Finally, FREEDOM!
    Blessings, and Sparkles,


  • 3. Suzanne Rockford  |  April 28, 2013 at 7:18 pm

    Amazing yet again, how incredibly accurate your writing is. Thanks for the message, much needed.


    • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 28, 2013 at 9:56 pm

      Dear Suzanne,
      I’m thinking many of us need to hear this message a number of times. We do care taking so well!
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 5. maree rogers  |  April 28, 2013 at 7:24 pm

    Thank you, Brenda, such news is affirming my recent feelings. I enjoyed being “at the front” and do find the weariness overpowering at times. However, resting, meditating and being in the moment is revitalising and the new found state of total acceptance of others and their journey has enabled a freedom, calm and happiness – lovely.


    • 6. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 28, 2013 at 9:57 pm

      Dear Maree,
      Not care taking is so extremely freeing – isn’t it?
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 7. timbush222  |  April 28, 2013 at 8:58 pm

    Thank you for a great channeling once again. Do you have a class or some sort of book about this channeling stuff you do? I love reading your writings and I am always sure to tune in when I get the email..

    Love and light on your way for the rest of your days and beyond.


    • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 28, 2013 at 10:02 pm

      Dear Timbush,
      No class or even advice about channeling. I just sit at the computer or put in my headset and ask for information in love that will help me and my readers or listeners better understand this transition. I then say or type whatever I “hear”

      It seems easy to me. But then, I can’t “see” things as does a friend of mine in town – that’s easy for her. And so it goes.
      Blessings, Thank you and Sparkles,


      • 9. timbush222  |  April 30, 2013 at 11:21 pm

        Thanks Brenda… Keep doing it for it’s great!


  • 10. beloved  |  April 28, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    the only area I still get caught is with my 12 year old. wish I had more clarity about the shifting sands of parenting in the new age. Clarity will come. And for sure don’t have the energy to “save” anybody, barely some days even me. Thank God, some energy today! Feels so good to feel functional again.


    • 11. Kate Street  |  April 28, 2013 at 9:40 pm

      Savannah, I hear you loud and clear on this one! I feel this words of Brenda’s channel SO STRONGLY, but am unsure how to apply them to parenting my 8 year old, 5 year old and especially my 20 month old. (My 20 month old is giving me a run for my money right now as I attempt to change some of my care-taking role.) Parenting through this journey has been QUITE the challenge, dare I say, the ultimate challenge for me. Love to you, Dear Sister, as we navigate this new realm of higher dimensional parenting. ♥


      • 12. beloved  |  April 29, 2013 at 3:38 pm

        I’m with you. I thought of you in the night. Despite the incredible challenge, it has also been the source of so much love, intimacy, growth, awareness and joy. I know I chose this and I know I would never make another choice. For me it is a challenge to feel I can not be the parent I would prefer, give the attention I might like as my energy does not permit it. Then I must learn to accept and forgive, trusting her life is unfolding in Divine order. I send you a huge hug and big kiss. You are doing great!


    • 13. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 28, 2013 at 10:07 pm

      Dear Beloved,
      This was an exhaustion day for me. I’m so glad you have some energy. Yeah for energy!!!!

      Have you ever thought about creating a New Age parenting process? I have no idea what that would be like given the need for individuality now – but just a thought.

      I so remember how I was at 12, 13 and 14 – a child trying to think and act like an adult – except when I wanted to be a child again. Twelve is not an easy age. Sending good thoughts and love your way.
      Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,


      • 14. beloved  |  April 29, 2013 at 2:55 am

        Girlfriend, you are a mind reader. I know I want to do a conscious parenting class in the fall. I was just listening to Sonia Choquette about intuition when I read your comment. BINGO. Just confirms this is a direction I will head as it is so needed. Thanks!
        Kate, I was just on my pity pot feeling so tired and then to be a parent of such a strong willed child! Eyee karumba! The ascension systems for the last few weeks were so depilating for me almost continuously. I was wondering how I can possibly be an adequate parent and still process my own shadow. I can’t even imagine with 3 younger kids. All I can say is you are going straight to heaven. I send you a huge hug of energy.


      • 15. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 29, 2013 at 9:30 am

        Hey Beloved,
        Isn’t absolutely wonderful how we each have our own area of interest and therefore, expertise??? Conscious Parenting what a wonderful area for exploration. You go! And you’re right about Kate – great kudos for Kate!
        Blessings, Sparkles and Hugs,
        PS I discovered Sonia about 20 years ago – isn’t her energy so gentle and loving??


  • 16. Kate Street  |  April 28, 2013 at 9:43 pm

    Wow, Brenda, you must have released the early channel just for ME tonight! Thank you! I was contemplating giving something up that I’ve been doing for well over a year because I just don’t “feel it” or “need it” anymore….(this situation doesn’t have to do with my Mothering)…and you validated my thoughts in this post. I resonate so strongly with it.

    And OH! I do so need a rest! I think I’ve been so grouchy lately because I don’t know how to rest with 3 young boys! Oh, what I would give for a uninterrupted weekend in bed with just a few books to read….ahhhhh…….will think of how to manifest that.

    Much LOVE to you, Dear Sister.


    • 17. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 28, 2013 at 10:10 pm

      Dear Kate,
      Yeah for following your inner voice even if it doesn’t always make logical sense!

      Sending good thoughts your way for a weekend in bed with books…and sleep.

      Blessings, Love, Hugs and Sparkles,


  • 18. Yoon Lien Chin  |  April 28, 2013 at 10:16 pm

    My country’s economic and social systems are in shambles. The minority races are forced to survive in
    institutionalised racist policies in days of yore till the present era. There does not seem to be any hope of alleviating all political, social and economic ills. Thus, my country is an “apt analogy with a World War I soldier in the trenches of France and its unit has claimed a few feet of mud.” Election is coming, everyone is crying for change but none of the present incumbent government officials nor opposition parties who are vying for election have exhibited the slightest hint of changing the said systems with which the people live and partake, be it languages, education or policy making on equal footing. The bickering among the people and politicians on the internet is perpetual. This is democracy, freedom to express they say. But to the extent that it hurts others? In fact, for the first time, the government will be deploying riot police to stop people from exposing ballot rigging on election day. And this has never happened before. We have come to an impasse. Going home seems beyond my grasp. Everything on a personal, school or corporation level is on the decline. People have forgotten their sense of decorum and code of ethics. Violence has sprouted up everywhere. This country is no longer safe for the people, let alone tourists.

    Just a few months ago, I “expected the transition to be completed with ease in a few days or months.” We are on the threshold of a new era, but it didn’t seem to have happened nor will it happen in the days/weeks/years to come. There is a lack of direction in our country’s destiny, not to say my own. Everything seems so blur and bleak.

    It’s a message that encourages those who despair in the present situation but I find it so difficult to believe it, perhaps because we are living it, and it is easy for those who are watching us to tell us what really goes on. To them, years merely seem hours. I’m not returning to the battle trenches but the reality is, I’m here and am living among people. Aye, there’s going to be more of those messages in the coming days. Change is going to take a while.


    • 19. Soul Agenda  |  April 29, 2013 at 12:06 am

      Wow, I was just going to thank Brenda for this timely message when I saw yours…I believe we’re in the same country 🙂 And I’m not voting. Rather, I’m voting for Unity Consciousness and our Planetary/Humanity Ascension 🙂 Hang in there, please trust that we ARE getting there. It’s just that the foundations are being ripped up at the moment, so that an authentic one can be laid to build the New World. Massive renovations are always messy.



      • 20. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 29, 2013 at 9:24 am

        Dear Grace,
        You stated what I believe and sense so well. Thank you.
        Blessing and Hugs,


      • 21. Yoon Lien Chin  |  April 29, 2013 at 10:25 am

        you’re better than me in every sense of the word. Very positive.Unlike me, who’s tired of the waiting game. For as long as the C does not change, the government won’t change. This is for sure.


    • 22. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 29, 2013 at 9:23 am

      Dear Yoon Lien Chin,
      Even though the US situation is not as bleak as is true for your country’s, politicians are reacting in similar ways. Those who have held outer-directed power for so long are not likely to give up easily.

      This claiming of inner directed power is indeed a world wide revolution and you are so correct – it will not happen overnight. It must be so difficult seeing the pain and fear and knowing there is little you can do – and that those who could at this time in an outer-directed sense are not interested in doing so.

      There will be a time in our lifetimes when it will be different. I just wish it were today instead of tomorrow.
      Blessings and Hugs,


      • 23. Yoon Lien Chin  |  April 29, 2013 at 10:34 am

        Brenda, I know what’s you’re saying. I’m just a bit tired of this game. The more I stay here, the more karma I accumulate. Ha ha. Daily cumbersome mundane activities are getting to me. I’m not grateful at the moment. And I’m not manifesting the kind of reality that I want, at my personal level. Many personal issues – unsolved. Plus, prices have gone into orbit and manifesting abundance is kinda hard here. The knack of materialisation is elusive for me right now. I have problems resonating/harmonising with the new Energy. Who doesn’t know that the collective C would determine where we’d go… but you know, you just get tired.


    • 24. Soul Agenda  |  April 30, 2013 at 12:44 am

      **Brenda, my sincere apologies for this comment, I only mean to assist if I can.**
      Dear Chin, if you feel guided to do so, please feel free to contact me at gracepckoh-at-hotmail-dot-com and I will point you to some resources which may help. Blessings


      • 25. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 30, 2013 at 7:39 am

        Dear Soul Agenda,
        No apologies required. We’re all in this together – sharing and being.
        Blessings and Sparkles,


    • 26. Christie  |  May 3, 2013 at 9:28 pm

      Hi there Yoon Lien Chin,

      i think it’s great that you are being authentic about your emotions and feelings, that is important i feel, bc the more we lie about them the more they *don’t* flow and stay stuck. can we even lie about how we feel anymore? lol… and wonderful that we have guides like Brenda to give us a hand…..

      well im so tired myself but i still wanted to offer you some heart encouragement, bc i sure need it myself. it is indeed tiring to see what is so non-resonant with ourselves, bc we are so beyond that! i get it and sometimes can’t help but scream and pout. then after ive had my personal session to let off steam, what i do is imagine it’s just a virtual reality game that is unfolding and in it’s last pangs of survival, it will die out and that’s why the calamity (bc this is indeed true). and the fact that *this* time there is so much negative feelings involved, for more and more people, like the suffering and deep wounds and memories of not surviving, pain, physical non-survival, etc. is bc they are now clearing out in their utmost from our past lives, our subconscious, our ancestry lines, from the history of this earth. just try to keep re-framing your reality to yourself. deal with the outside as little as possible bc you don’t need to involve yourself anymore than is needed, and keep coming back to your own space, wherein lies infinity and love, the space to be as you really are… this is always and forever yours. and im definitely not saying to not pretend you are not sick of it bc that wont help, but what i do is the “re-framing” thing and hanging out in my own space of quiet, bc here is where i know the greatest unfolding of myself and my future unfolds. a big high-five for hanging in there as long as you have, but re-frame to that state of infinity where there is no need to do anything anymore, bc we’ve completed that for the planet! i will link an exercise from one of my favorite healers in which you leave the “earth game” and hang out with your greater self, bc here is where the REAL reality lies, in our greater selves lol….. (it is the 2nd audio on that page).

      also i try to do some self-gratitude at times if i feel up to it. i think about all the things i like myself for, and what ive done, and how i have helped the planet. but also my own soul energies that i am, and which i love about myself. of course if im feeling too low then it doesn’t quite help, but the audio i mentioned before does help. i get into that space of, wow, nothing is needed. from out here we know that all is ok, and it is actually the bigger reality over what we are involved in right now at the human level. tackling things the usual human way to solve problems wont even help bc things do need to break down… we’ve all heard these things before, but with all this constant change it’s easy to forget lol…

      also for anyone interested as well, i am looking into vibrational medicine that is quick and affordable.….. it is a machine that delivers frequencies to you that are healing. i personally plan on using it for vibrational maintenance, or, cleaning myself off of all the energies i tend to absorb or take on on a daily basis. i have had one session with a different device, the indigo quantum biofeedback, and boy did i feel MUCH more like myself after that! that ease, that knowing that all is well, that things happening on the surface are just that. i can’t emphasize enough how much it “re-framed” me.

      and for everyone, i know it can be easy at times to get knocked off center bc SO much is happening, so i’d say to that (which i myself need this reminder), that please don’t be hard on yourselves for that! we have done much more than we can imagine on this crazy planet, and it has been a huge challenge. we just get right back to center and feel the love again. writing this just put me back in my center and now i feel like saying i love you all very much, i can feel you all, and we have DONE it. it’s about US now and living in our own heaven till the rest of the world can do it too. ~Love, Christie 🙂


      • 27. Christie  |  May 3, 2013 at 9:43 pm

        oh yeah and i really don’t think that there is any karmic effect of you being there, even if you get angry, or lash out at someone. there is nothing you have to do in order to erase your experiences from being in the situation you are, bc karma was like an old system put in place for certain purposes and is no more (only to clear the past, out of our subconscious is what’s left, there is no need to continue karma as we did in the past)… the healer i gave you the link to has mentions this, i feel like she’s right on the money with current planetary info, so check it out….


  • 28. Soul Agenda  |  April 29, 2013 at 12:12 am

    Dear Brenda, Thank you very much for further validating what’s happening to the battered, bruised and battle-weary 🙂 At the end of the day, if we ALL get bogged down and forget our own duty of raising our own Light Quotient, the Ascension process will be adversely affected. Spiritual physics dictate that when our vibrations are high enough, Magic happens. Thanks once again 🙂



  • 29. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 29, 2013 at 9:25 am

    Dear Grace,
    And I’m doing the same in the United States..and the rest of the world. Thank you again.
    Blessings and Hugs,


    • 30. YL Chin  |  April 30, 2013 at 11:56 pm

      Hello Soul Agenda,

      I think no one needs to apologise for anything. It’s a public forum and anyone who writes there would expect/welcome different perspectives according to different experiences in one’s life. I’m ok with opinions even though I have other ideas.


      • 31. lifetapestrycreations  |  May 1, 2013 at 9:42 am

        Dear Yin Lien Chin,
        So true. Thank you for thoughts.
        Blessings and Love,


  • 32. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 29, 2013 at 10:51 am

    Dear Yoon Lien Chin,
    I’m not a better person than you – just a different person. We’re all pieces of this transition tapestry and each thread is an important part of the whole.

    Of course you’re tired. Just reading all the issues you’re facing now in your country felt exhausting. And it must feel like a game given that you’ve seen and felt so little progress.

    I know this happened in a different country at a different time – but I so remember the first salvos of the US Vietnam war protests. The college student protesters seemed so silly and their goal seemed unattainable. Yet within a few months, political leaders and the media followed their lead. During the process, it just seemed chaotic and frightening.

    I’m not advocating protests but rather emphasizing what group thought can create. We’re in world group thought now. You just can’t see or feel it given the difficulties you and your country are facing.

    Don’t worry about thinking “right” thoughts – just be you. That’s all that’s required during this transition.
    Blessings, Love and Hugs,


  • […] Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: link to original article […]


  • 34. mirinthia  |  April 29, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    Dear Brenda-

    LOL…I used the exact same phrase Battle Trenches around 8 years ago when I was describing my life to a friend.  

    For many years now I have not wanted/needed to care take of and/or do the work for others.  At first it was because I was physically and emotionally exhausted.  Then it actually became repugnant when another being expected me to step back into my old role of ‘saving’ them.  I now just listen, then give them encouragement to find their own solution.  

    When I read this:You are not needed to train new troops or to fight their battles. Your only role is to continue to move into joy and love. I heard myself say: GOOD!!!

    Thank you for being you.   Blessings of LOVE, Kathleen

    Be the change you wish to see in the world -Gandhi   Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down -Kobi Yamada



    • 35. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 30, 2013 at 7:46 am

      Dear Kathleen,
      I used to be the same….and still catch myself going into a caretaker role – it’s so easy and natural for me. But like you, I no longer enjoy that role.

      We really have shifted and changed a great deal more than we realize haven’t we. It seems to have happened so gradually but just think who we used to be just a few years or even months ago. And the same will happen with the new Lightworkers despite their fears.
      Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,
      PS Have always loved those quotes!


  • 36. beloved  |  April 29, 2013 at 3:42 pm

    I am sending you loving energy. My newest challenge is accepting and surrendering to the frequent exhaustion and fogginess lately and not buying any story of the past or future. I see how immediately I move into control, trying to control my sleep which totally backfires. Ah yes, more opportunities for healing


    • 37. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 30, 2013 at 7:49 am

      Dear Beloved,
      Ah control – yet another area of clearing for me also.

      I hadn’t even thought about us trying to control our sleep patterns. Great idea “catch” for us all. Those old belief patterns just keep popping up don’t they?
      Blessings and Sparkles,


      • 38. beloved  |  May 1, 2013 at 4:25 pm

        Just wrote a blog post today about what an ideal teacher sleeplessness has been for me to support me in releasing control if you want to give it a peek…


      • 39. lifetapestrycreations  |  May 2, 2013 at 8:48 am

        Hi Christine,
        Will do when company leaves.
        Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 40. pragti  |  April 30, 2013 at 12:24 am

    Brenda !!!!!!!!!
    Oh my god !!! This resonates 100 percent as this is exactly what i am going thru !! It is great joy to find this channeling dear 🙂 I am thrilled !
    Love and huggss


    • 41. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 30, 2013 at 7:50 am

      Hi Pragti!
      Who knows – we might just be on the same wave length or frequency!!!!!
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • […] întoarceți niciodată înapoi în tranșee. Așa să fie. Amin. Traducere Monica Poka Sursa: Raspunsul lui Dan Gicu:  Mersi Draga Monica. Este o Confirmare la ceea ce citiva dintre noi Stiam […]


  • 44. Christine Hoeflich  |  May 1, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    Hi Brenda!

    “Allow yourself to rest knowing that those who follow have a great deal more information – and yes, many more role models than you did. Rest a bit before your next big adventure knowing that you do not need to return to the trenches ever.”

    That is exactly what I’ve known for a long time. Those who are going through the transformations now have so much more available to them–at the press of a button! A dozen or so years ago this wasn’t the case. I am very tired now, I’ve been dragging some days, but I know it won’t take too long to get the energy back. Just in the last week I began to experience greater cooperation with my girls, and I think I’ll be in much better physical shape in just a few weeks time.

    Thanks for this incredible message!



    • 45. lifetapestrycreations  |  May 2, 2013 at 8:43 am

      Hi Christine,
      We’ve been with out-of-town, “non-New Age” friends for the last two nights. Both evenings we found activities that made the four of laugh for hours. Since I love laughing, I’m guessing I decided to have a laughter respite!

      I’m less exhausted then I was, but still not motivated to do much other than laugh and enjoy nature. I’m so pleased interactions with your daughters are in a much better spot also. Life is indeed good!
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • […] I hear what Savannah (beloved) is saying. In her response to Brenda Hoffman’s post which was actually what triggered this post, Savannah (beloved) talked about the challenge of […]


    • 47. AligningWithTruth  |  May 2, 2013 at 8:35 am

      Brenda dear, I was typing my thoughts on this message when I was moved to post about it separately instead. 🙂 Thanks as usual for a timely reminder and validation! Much Blessings, Much Love, Peace & Joy…Namaste…♥♥♥Nadine Marie♥♥♥


      • 48. lifetapestrycreations  |  May 2, 2013 at 8:45 am

        Hi Nadine Marie,
        How wonderful is that! Sharing and blessing one another.
        Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 49. Sarah Shiddian  |  May 9, 2013 at 4:40 pm

    Dear Brenda,

    I enjoy reading your wisdom and channelings. You and I are on the same page as to the information not having to come from an entity named Jesus or Michael for it to be of value. As I have been saying to many of the people I shared with: “one day you will understand everything I just told you (or in some cases repeated over and over…smile) .

    This to ask you if the above message was recorded because the person I believe to be my twin flame prefers mp3’s to written material.
    If so, can you provide the link please?

    Thank you. Love and Light Sister. And namaste to you, with all my heart.

    A very exhausted-but-still-keeping-up-with-the-work Lightworker. (wink). It was/is worth it.


    • 50. lifetapestrycreations  |  May 9, 2013 at 10:21 pm

      Dear Sarah,
      So glad we’re on the ‘same page’ – as are so many others….finally!

      I’m not sure if you’re asking if I have recorded materials??? I do have a weekly, 15-min, channel that’s free and available at either BlogTalkRadio or my website: Please note though that my BlogTalk channels are different than my “Brenda’s Blog” just because they’re always channeled on different days.

      And I’m thinking most of us are exhausted. Whew. Whole lot of changes going on!
      Blessings and Hugs,


      • 51. Sarah Shiddian  |  May 9, 2013 at 10:51 pm

        Hi again,
        Yes, are you aware if “You dont have to return to battle trenches” was put on youtube or elsewhere, as a recorded version? If not, I am planning to do so for my twin-flame-to-be who prefers listening to messages. But it would be easier to use something already on the Internet.
        And yes I listened to a couple of your radio shows. I like you a lot. Unfortunately there is SO much at the present time and I am really behind with the reading and stuff because of my new relationship with this wonderful and deserving man ^ ^. But I read all your blog posts. Thank you for everything . Namaste.


  • 52. lifetapestrycreations  |  May 10, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    Dear Sarah,
    No I’m not aware of any YouTube, etc of my channels. I did one YouTube for a conference a couple of years ago, but I don’t know if it’s still available.

    Isn’t it wonderful (even though overwhelming at times) that so much information is available? I’m in the catch up phase also – my computer went down yesterday. My 1989 channeled book, “A Glimpse of Your Future” stated that once the transition started, one would almost have have their head buried in the sand not to access information. And isn’t that the truth now? It’s everywhere in so many different formats and languages that if anyone is interested they can find it easily.

    As for you personally, falling in love is so delicious – maybe that’s all you need to do right now!!!!
    Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,


  • 53. heavenhappens  |  April 27, 2014 at 5:05 am

    Just discovered your lovely blog Brenda, I’m a Brenda too so will use my blog name heavenhappens (HH will do!).
    I’m fascinated by the replies you have had from mothers and I think the suggestion of a specific blog for them would be wonderful. I am a grandmother and my heart aches to see the young mums today who have to work so hard outside their homes as well as being a mother. It is very tiring for them. I am privileged to look after my grandson while his mummy works and it enriches my life. I wrote a post about Grandmas Advice to the grandchildren. I am aware that I won’t be around when they are grown up and as I love them so much I wanted them to know what I think is important. Maybe some of your reader/mothers might like to read it and I would urge them to let an older person whom they know well, respect and trust, take care of their children occasionally or on a regular basis. It brings joy to the mature person, brings a new perspective and insights into the life of their child, and gives them a WELL EARNED REST.


    • 54. Sarah Shiddian  |  April 27, 2014 at 8:24 am

      Dear Brenda when Heavenhappens (wink),

      What makes you write or say that you won’t be around when your grandchildren are grown up? An entity told you that? Is it part of your soul plan? Or is it plain old 3d thinking about death, not knowing about the wonderful stuff that is coming our way? And yours too! Be in your heart, not in your head, and SEE what your heart desire and not what you have been taught. Just to let you know dear one that what we call “future” might be very different than what so many think in the moment of now. Be well and thank you for supporting your beautiful daughter and grandsons. Namaste. P.S. You have not chosen that nick to let it pass by this soon…


      • 55. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2014 at 1:09 pm

        Hi Sarah,
        We really don’t know what’s going to be in our future in this lifetime. Maybe Brenda will pass that role onto someone else or live far beyond our current expectations. Isn’t that exciting in itself – what is the future going in new earth going to be like?

        Love your line, “You have not chosen let it pass by this soon” New perceptions, new thoughts flashing through us all as we discover our unique paths.
        Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


      • 56. heavenhappens  |  April 27, 2014 at 4:54 pm

        Oh thank you Brenda for this thought provoking reply. I realise I have been traditionally conditioned to accept what I have learned. I will read more of your posts and try to live by my hearty instead of my head. Thank you again x
        Namaste to you too x


      • 57. heavenhappens  |  April 27, 2014 at 4:56 pm

        Sorry, meant Sarah, not Brenda x


    • 58. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2014 at 1:05 pm

      Hi Brenda (great name!)/HH,
      It appears as if you’ve discovered your role. How wonderful is that? I can hear your joy and love singing to us all.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


      • 59. heavenhappens  |  April 27, 2014 at 5:00 pm

        Certainly my role in life is to make children feel safe, loved, happy and capable of doing/being anything they want that will help them develop into fulfilled human beings. I taught for 24 years in a school in a very deprived area and I am privileged to have introduced many hundreds of children to the joys of learning.
        I had a difficult childhood myself with some trauma which is why I am passionate about making sure other children don’t have the same problems to overcome.
        Thank you for replying x


      • 60. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2014 at 5:35 pm

        Hi Brenda (you must have had our wonderful name on your mind!!!!),
        Follow your joy and you can’t go wrong.

        Many of us moving into new earth seem to have had difficult childhoods. A thought to ponder I guess. And for you to know that not everyone with a difficult childhood is following your joy path of working with children.

        This transition continues to be so amazing for me. We each have important roles to play and only by following our joy can we discover what that role is. Sounds almost like a fairy tale doesn’t it? And yet, here you are shining such radiance in working with children. Some have the same feeling in respite care, healing, writing and on and on. So many roles and so much joy. YAY for us all!
        Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


      • 61. heavenhappens  |  April 27, 2014 at 6:20 pm

        Lovely reply x thank you x


  • 62. Sarah Shiddian  |  April 27, 2014 at 1:05 pm

    Hello Breanda (Hoffman). I thought the date on this site was one day ahead, reading some posts and then I saw 2013. It’s been one full year already since this one lol. Yes, so much information coming in, I DO feel overwhelmed and at the same time I want to grab it all (I don’t of course), knowing I already have all this info in me already. And as for the twin flame to be “story” it was never meant to happen because he is not the person I thought he was, and still not is. I realized it in time not long after my post. My twin flame is aboard one of my ships, UP there. I will meet with my beloved very soon and this time it will be true and wonderful.
    Wishing you the very best in everything. Namaste dear sister.
    It is always a pleasure to read your words.


    • 63. Sarah Shiddian  |  April 27, 2014 at 1:07 pm

      That was BRENDA. Sorry.


      • 64. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2014 at 1:45 pm

        Hi Sarah,
        Nothing to be sorry about. We’re all in this together.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 65. Sarah Shiddian  |  April 27, 2014 at 1:52 pm

        Much LOVE to you dear Brenda, you are one of the Sparkles in my Life. 😉 Have a great week.


      • 66. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2014 at 3:07 pm

        Hi Sarah,
        And the same – plus forever to you and yours!
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


    • 67. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2014 at 1:44 pm

      Hi Sarah,
      What I love about this transition is that we’ve been getting almost step-by-step assistance throughout and then the messages are often repeated in different words by different channels. My 1989 channeled book, A Glimpse of Your Future stated that’s exactly how it would happen, but until it happens we wonder and ponder!

      As we evolve, sometimes those around us don’t. Sounds like that’s what happened to you…and so many others.
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • […] You Don’t Need to Return to Battle Trenches […]


    • 69. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 2, 2014 at 9:07 pm

      Thank you so much Nadine Marie for re-posting my channel on Aligning With Truth



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April 2013