Deep Within, We Want it All

December 3, 2013 at 11:07 am 60 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 31, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at In addition to ISON, the comet now streaking through the sky, there will be other indicators reminding you of your inner-joy, all sprinkled with the fairy dust of joy. Many of you will experience a different type of holiday this year. You will sense the joy of the season without fear, sadness or other emotions that have marked past holiday seasons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  “Holidays – Another Should”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.


Dear Ones,

Are you feeling somewhat hollow – fluctuating between slivers of joy and a deadening nothingness?

Perhaps such is so because you are transitioning between worlds. For many there is an additional more personal piece.

You wish to recreate some of the glories of past lifetimes.

All of you have experienced both depravity, because of religious teachings, and lives with extreme levels of fame and wealth.

You are now more interested in your past glories than the religious penitence that marked at least one of your lifetimes. Yet, you will not allow yourself access to the glories and riches you hold dear in this time and place because you are not certain you can achieve your goal – or that you want to.

Many of you claim that you are not interested in the fame and corresponding riches you accumulated easily in past lives. We beg to differ. You did not select this particular time on earth to create a New Age that forced you to sleep on a bed of nails or  to deprive yourself of your electrical gadgets. You wish to have it all.

A life of joy does not include poverty, hunger, or the fear of doing something wrong as was true of your religious life experiences. Perhaps you did not feel deprived in your religious lives – but you were. You had so many rules you forgot who you were. You prayed, genuflected, sang and interacted when the rules said you could. Even though you did so in love for that life and historical period, that truth is not valid in this lifetime.

New earth is freedom and creating your rules – if you must. Perhaps meditating daily makes you feel wonderful. Perhaps not. There are no rules. More importantly, you have decided to transition in a time in which things and inner-power reign.

Maybe even the thought that you might prefer things to living in a mountain cave isolated from society seems wrong and selfish. Yet, why else would you create new earth during this time of consumerism?

Perhaps you feel such is true but your challenge is to ignore all that and live a solitary life in the country with few, if any, conveniences. Even though that might be true for you as an individual, it is not true of this new earth transition. It is not about deprivation, it is about celebrating all you have discovered on earth that gives you joy and creating even more to do so.

You are not a spiritual being. You are a physical/spiritual being. And for you to ignore your physical being is no more glorious or correct than for you to ignore your spirituality – and uniqueness.

Allow yourself to move in the direction correct for you without the shoulds of,  “If I do this I will be more spiritual.” Perhaps you will – but at the expense of your physical being. Allow yourself to glory in the capabilities of your Internet, computers, iPads, cell phones and any gadgets that catch your imagination.

Some of you feel you need to deny the creations now readily available on earth. Yet those creations allow you to expedite this transition. You could isolate yourself in a mountain cave, but that would negate all you and your advance Lightworkers created to ensure this transition was a global event.

Many of you will counter that most religious faiths spread globally before modern innovations. Such is true. But those religions were created over hundreds of years.

You, as a group, decided you did not wish this transition requiring hundreds of earth years. You wanted this transition to happen in two or three generations. You have since decided to expedite the process to a few decades. Neither of which could have happened without the communication/transportation systems you created in the past century. Those systems are not your enemy. You created them so you could exchange and share information rapidly. And by so doing, create a global freedom of wealth and comfort earth has never experienced.

Is it not true that most have access, in one form or another, to television, automobiles, radios, computers and cell phones? You continue to declare that all are to be equal. You are starting with your devices. Your dream of equality is becoming reality despite your inability to understand that such is happening.

At the same time, those innovations are creating a lust, if you will, in the hearts of many for a better or different life. That living in a tin hut somewhere in the world is not enough. Such has almost always been the case. But now the lust for things and a different life is no longer a dream, it is a necessity.

You are creating a new earth of joy in so many ways you have not yet acknowledged. Decide not to watch the news if you wish. Decide not to read newspapers or check your cell phone for updates. Even so, you will learn of the large earth events. You can no longer bury your head in the sand and scream to the heavens that the world must not change. You and earth are changing – not because of isolated spiritual meditations, but because those meditations, emotions and thoughts are part of your computer world.

At the same time, the images you see daily of cruises, elegant homes, education opportunities and inventions are tickling the fancy of your physical being – just as they were meant to when you first encouraged/allowed/created them in this life or another.

You marvel at how rapidly this transition is happening. Yet you ignore the basis of that process – your ability to create and purchase. We have come full circle. This is not the lifetime to hide in a cave of spiritual longing or meditations. This is the lifetime to glory in your physicality and to use that to blend your physical and spiritual life.

If that means living by yourself in a house in the country – so be it. But likely, that house will have some sort of computer or television access. And well it should as this new earth is created in days and months instead of lifetimes.

Do not belittle yourself or others if you desire something that seems inappropriate for a spiritual being – a house, car, iPad or diamond ring. You are not a spiritual being. You are now a human – no matter your origin. It is time to fully experience that humanness.

There are no rules. You can be or do whatever you want. Including accumulating wealth, sharing wealth, living in a mansion or tin hut. But do so because you want to not because you believe you should. Follow your joy wherever that joy takes you and you will be a Lightworker. Dummy down in whatever manner and you will be of 3D or stagnant in your Lightworker quest.

Allow yourself to be – including wealth, creativity, physicality or any other format you wish. But your wish, not the dictates of others. And once you allow that thought to be in every fiber of your being, you will zoom into joy. There are no shoulds other than enjoying your physicality and life. Deprivation was of other lifetimes. This is the life of fun. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Entry filed under: new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , .

Holidays – Another Should? Grab Your Emotional Star Power

60 Comments Add your own

  • 1. MaryAnn Fry  |  December 3, 2013 at 11:21 am

    God Bless you. I needed this today.


    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 3, 2013 at 12:28 pm

      Hi Mary,
      So did I. I finally understand. As I just wrote to Amy, I’ve always had the sense that we are to embrace abundance in all forms but didn’t really understand the larger picture until I channeled this blog.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 3. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 3, 2013 at 11:22 am

    Brenda, I am amazed how our “minds” are on the same wave length. Just of late, I have been guided to pull back and to observe, really observe. What I have observed has been most difficult to observe. People just not hearing “Love’s Call”.

    The huge pain Sophia is in. And still, people do not heed “Love’s Call”.

    What I have begun here, in my own personal space, (years worth!) is blooming out, branching out, and this THIS is the world I have been told to focus on. And no this does not include deprivation, for I am moving rapidly towards real income for what I do.

    In fact it has begun. I was “gifted” yesterday by my Vet, a bottle of pills that cost $200+, for she recognizes the huge Labor of Love we have begun here, yet have had no recognition for. I cried mixed tears of JOY and of pain, because so long, to walk this Life, and not be seen, and now, NOW, the fruits of OUR Labors are coming to harvest, is JOY beyond description.

    And this also includes what I do here online. That too shall provide an income. It will just happen. For when you are on your course, True without Doubt, the Universe smiles and gives gives gives.

    I have the goosebumps just now, in realizing the Truth and the Power in these words. It is time we ALL step into our Power, our Truth, and LIVE it. This is how the New World shall be birthed.

    And the OLD shall pass away. Forever.

    Thank you, Bless you! I do SO Love you!
    Your sister,


    • 4. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 3, 2013 at 11:24 am

      PS…..I will be writing about this very subject to at Petals Unfolding. I have the perfect photo too. It just works like that, again, when you are walking in your TRUTH. (((HUGS)))


    • 5. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 3, 2013 at 12:26 pm

      Dear Amy,
      I’ve felt for some time that we weren’t meant to live in deprivation – but it seemed to go against all that New Agers lived and taught. Today’s channel better helped me understand why we needed to live in abundant joy. Seems like the same has happened to you. Isn’t if funny how we continue to talk about listening to ourselves but when those thoughts are not what we think we should be feeling we still question?
      Love Brenda


      • 6. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 3, 2013 at 12:38 pm

        Yes, Brenda, but it is due to the “programming” we have received to perceive money as something “bad”. There is nothing wrong with money, per se. It is what people DO with it. That is what the problem is.

        I had to really work through how I felt about money. And now, there is this deep knowing inside of me that the abundance will “just happen”. The only thing I have to do is to stay in my Truth, walk it, and the rest, hey, Universe SMILES big! Down on me! Oh for the JOY!

        Yes, this message really did clarify some huge issues in my life. I have a message over at Petals I will be posting later on, and it is in the “strong” department. I do not question what my hand writes, and if some don’t like what is written, they are free to go on to the next website. (wink)

        Deaf ears won’t hear. Yet, that is not about to stop me from talking Truth. 🙂

        XXOO, Amy


      • 7. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 3, 2013 at 12:45 pm

        Hi Amy,
        Go for it. Spread the word. Heck we don’t even know if what others opt to do with money is bad. Just thinking of all the money donated by Microsoft founder and now Facebook founder. Or that David Thoreau decided not to manage his family’s lucrative pencil business and created thoughts that many loving leading took to heart. And so it goes. We only know what’s in our hearts.
        Love Brenda


      • 8. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 3, 2013 at 12:50 pm

        Yep. There are signs people are “waking up” and beginning to help others that need it. No we don’t know what is in others’ hearts, but it doesn’t take a genius to see where that money is going and what is being done with it.

        The more people who get on board to Live from Heart, just think of the possibilities in this world. This is motivation enough for me to keep plugging away. 🙂

        Hugs and Sparkles to YOU this day! Amy


    • 9. sherri  |  December 5, 2013 at 10:21 am

      I am fairly new to all this and some things I do not understand. What does this mean: “The huge pain Sophia is in. And still, people do not heed “Love’s Call”.”?
      Who, in your view, is Sophia?


      • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 5, 2013 at 10:45 am

        Hi Sherri,
        In this transition, love’s call would probably mean listening to your heart or inner-being (I don’t know how it was used in the piece you found). Sophia is most likely a reference to a Greek god of some sort, but haven’t used it in my blog/channels so not sure who the Sophia you asked about refers to. Sorry I can’t be more help.
        Blessings and Sparkles,


      • 11. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 5, 2013 at 10:48 am

        Sherri, I “think” you were referring to my comment. Sophia is my name for Mother Earth. Gaia. I call Mother, Sophia. She goes by many different names.

        Hope this helps to dispel the confusion. 🙂



      • 12. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 5, 2013 at 10:50 am

        THANK YOU AMY! I had no idea. I get so many emails each week I couldn’t remember who or what Sherri was referring to.
        Love Brenda


      • 13. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 5, 2013 at 11:33 am

        ……says one who is presently crossed-eyed from “emails” as well…….(smile) (((HUGS))) friend! I KNOW!

        You are welcome! Love, Amy


      • 14. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 5, 2013 at 12:15 pm

        Hi Amy,
        Way too many emails to take much time with FaceBook. Whew.
        Love Brenda


  • 15. Chyau Inn // Portia  |  December 3, 2013 at 11:50 am

    Reblogged this on .


    • 16. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 3, 2013 at 12:47 pm

      Hi Portia,
      Thank you so much for re-blogging on!
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 17. abiramiisabelle  |  December 3, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    mmmm…There are no rules. This is the life of fun.

    Loving it! It so resonates with my heart!

    Thank you Brenda!


    • 18. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 3, 2013 at 3:46 pm

      Isn’t it amazing how we’re sensing/getting similar information. We really are all in this together! YAY for playtime…and computers!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 19. Barb  |  December 3, 2013 at 4:09 pm

    I love this message! Even in recent months, others have said we need to live simply and less materialistically – only possessing what’s really “important.” It didn’t resonate with what I want but did tap into all the old programming. This is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you, Brenda!

    P.S. If dreams are any indication, it’s definitely time to move on. I’ve had two in the last week where people broke into my house because it was time for them to occupy the space and for me to leave. They weren’t dangerous, and in one I happily looked for a new residence, but in the other (most recent) I felt really threatened. Those old beliefs and fears can be quite stubborn. Thanks again for this encouragement.


    • 20. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 3, 2013 at 4:42 pm

      Hi Barb,
      Yes, isn’t the old programming stubborn? Let’s go with the first dream – someone else wants to live joyfully in your space. The heck with the scary intruders. Do you have any plans to move? The most odd thing has been happening to my husband and me. We just moved into a home and now we’re thinking about another. Seems inappropriate in the old world, but so fun to even think about it in the new. And so it goes for both of us. Dream on – it’s time!
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


      • 21. Barb  |  December 3, 2013 at 6:18 pm

        Hi Brenda —

        I’ve wanted to move for quite a while but the door has been closed — things I needed to do in my present location, I guess. Now it seems I’m definitely being urged to go! Hooray!

        I think your comment about you and your husband considering moving again makes a very important point. We’ve been taught to make a decision and stick with it, but it doesn’t feel like that’s how things are anymore. Why not choose and then choose again?

        It’s funny that you said “Dream on” because a line from that Aerosmith song was just mentioned to me a couple days ago, pretty much in this same context! Love it. “Dream on; Dream until your dreams come true.” Here’s to all our dreams doing just that. And then all the new ones, too!



      • 22. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 3, 2013 at 6:51 pm

        Hi Barb,
        I so agree “dream on” to all of us. I’m not familiar with that song – at least the words so thought it was fun that I just decided to sign off that way. And I so agree. We’re choosing and doing it again and again…and it’s wonderfully ok. Isn’t this transition fun as we weave our way through the new perceptions, energy shifts and thoughts?
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 23. elizabethsadhu  |  December 3, 2013 at 10:20 pm

    Vanquishing the tyranny of should! We deserve ALL and it is ALL good.


    I, also, have been hearing that all is coming to us.

    I love all the confirmation and synchronicities!

    Much love dearest sister goddess. Blessings blessings blessings

    PS. I would not have known you and so many dear ones without the world wide web!! Xxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo


    • 24. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 9:15 am

      Hi Sweetie,
      You and I have duel channeled the need to receive abundance in all areas several times. It’s time for us all! I just didn’t really understand the whys of that abundance until this channel. And yes, I feel blessed to have connected with you…and so many others via the Internet. What a wonderfully fascinating transition we all created. YAY to us!
      Love Brenda


  • […] channeling posts over on Welcome to Brenda’s Blog have regularly helped me feel better.  Her posts have helped me see for the first time that […]


    • 26. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 9:13 am

      Dear BlueGrassNotes,
      Thank you for re-blogging my channel on!
      Blessings and Sparkles,


    • 27. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 9:22 am

      Shoot YogaLeigh,
      Didn’t see your web name on first screen – just BlueGrassNotes. Thank you for re-blogging on Not Just Sassy on the Inside. I’m a fan of yours too! Mutual admiration society or what!
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • […] Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: […]


    • 29. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 9:10 am

      Dear Lucas,
      Thank you so much for re-blogging on!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,
      PS Just heard on news last night that Lucas is one of 2013 top ten baby names in US. You were “in” before it was cool!


  • […] Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: […]


    • 31. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 9:07 am

      Thank you SweetWillowMan for re-bloggiing on!
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 32. heartlightdg  |  December 4, 2013 at 11:28 am

    Reblogged this on Life Heart and Soul and commented:
    Awesome. This is in line with “Fred” message of a few weeks ago titled “Don’t miss this chance!” about being human and taking advantage of our “tickets to Earth!” I love this since the phase I’m moving into has so many opportunities to have and enjoy all the physical things I have dreamt about for years.


    • 33. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 12:01 pm

      Hi HeartLightDG,
      Don’t you love how so many of us are getting similar messages??? This is such an amazing transition. Enjoy the fun of your toys – without the shoulds and have tos of yesterday. Play and have fun! Thank you so much for re-blogging on!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 34. mirinthia  |  December 4, 2013 at 11:32 am

    Dear CS Brenda,
    Loved the article!
    I am always amazed when some people say TV is bad. LOL…Apparently they don’t know they have the ability to view shows/programs that are fun, and/or inspirational.
    Thank you for being you.
    Happy Holidays with Blessings of LOVE,


    • 35. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 11:57 am

      Hi Mirinthia/CS,
      I so agree. Allow yourself and others to do/buy/sell/shift/listen/watch/be what is right for them. I love the freedoms and access the Internet and our other creations allow. But not everyone does. And I also love cable, my computer and so many other things. Playing is much more fun without the constraints of the Old Age – including the shoulds of “not having too much” or “being too much.” Yay for the freedom to be and knowing we’re not taking something from someone who can create as we can.
      Love Brenda


  • 36. mirinthia  |  December 4, 2013 at 11:39 am

    Me likey my new leased car every 3 years, my computer, my cable TV, and my smartphone.
    So… YES, YES, YES to glorious abundance in all areas of my life, and for everyone!


  • 37. Mary  |  December 4, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    Yay!!! “Follow your joy wherever that joy takes you” ~ this has long been one of my sayings Brenda! 😀

    I’m all for following my joy ~ and with great abundance thrown in too & deffinately out with all of the shoulds & shouldn’ts!

    Love you & your sharings your dear Brenda!

    Abundant Blessings to everyOne!


    • 38. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 3:50 pm

      Hi Mary,
      So funny that you should use the line “follow your joy” that’s tag line of a very dear friend of mine – Lynda Austin – who also channels and was my channeling mentor when I lived in the upper Midwest. Follow our joy in fun and abundance indeed. Let’s do it!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles in Return Mary!!!!!


  • 39. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 4, 2013 at 5:53 pm

    I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. You May Accept, You May Decline, You May Appreciate the Honour and yet be Disinclined, But whatever You May Be, Be Sure You are Valued and Exceptional, To Me! Please Find the information for this award at my post:


    • 40. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 6:31 pm

      Dear Amy,
      I am so honored to accept your Sunshine Award. Spreading sunshine and understanding through my channels is such a great joy. Thank you for honoring my role in this wonderful passion play – our passion to find our joy.

      You are yet another joy creator and so rightly deserve the Sunshine award Morgan (love that name) presented to you.

      Isn’t it fascinating how many of us sunshine people have overcome great obstacles to find our place…and because of it are constantly amazed at the joy our place produces within us?

      Blessings, Love, Hugs and Sparkles,


      • 41. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 4, 2013 at 6:32 pm

        I Love you, Brenda!!!!

        Love, Amy


      • 42. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 4, 2013 at 6:44 pm

        Hi Amy,
        Isn’t it wonderful to share love despite never having met??? What would we do without our gadgets..or our blogs?
        Love Brenda


  • 43. YL Chin  |  December 5, 2013 at 7:09 am

    People like me have been creating these scenarios, a beautiful home, great environment, great job, living in comfort etc for a long, long time. I even meditate on and think about them all the time. Of course, I want it all and I wrote about it once in some channelled msg in this blog. I am still unable to manifest at will. People say you’ve got to be 100% positive with your creations and always think of the “now”, that you have it. I’d be lying to you if I could do all these. Arrrgh, it’s tough.


    • 44. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 5, 2013 at 9:19 am

      Dear YL Chin,
      It’s a process. You’re not a slow learner. Right now we’re in the dreaming and allowing it to happen at the right time for us stage. Most importantly, we’re shifting our perceptions to it’s ok to dream and want a different life. From my channels and others, that seems to be the big piece now. We’ve spent eons thinking that creating a loving/fun life is selfish. Changing our perceptions. It sounds so easy but it’s a big new group thought.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


      • 45. YL Chin  |  December 7, 2013 at 7:21 am

        HI Brenda, If I could, I’d fast forward. LOL.


      • 46. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 7, 2013 at 8:59 am

        If I could, I would fast forward for you.
        Love Brenda


      • 47. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 7, 2013 at 1:51 pm

        Dear YL Chin,
        Not sure if you’re familiar with Jennifer Farley quotes -almost daily messages. I thought her channeled quote today might be “just what the doctor ordered for you. So many channels are obtaining same info – we all have a thread in the tapestry of the new earth…and each tread is extremely important whether we can ackowldge that to ourselves or not.

        Take a moment and think of all the times you told yourself, “I’m nothing special.” Now, ask The Universe to show you who/what/how you REALLY are. For every ‘nothing special’ moment you have ever had, there are a hundred moments that you have been something VERY special to someone or something. Whether near or far, there are people that recognized your Divine Spark and celebrated you for simply being the human being you are. Even when you do not feel it; you are, always have been and always will be something special! ~ Creator

        Love and Kudos for being you!


  • 48. AligningWithTruth  |  December 5, 2013 at 7:54 am

    We want it all. We deserve it all. We can have it all! 🙂 I have chosen to live in a cottage on an island — but strong cell signal, internet, and cable are non-negotiables! I choose to live simply yet comfortably. Nothing in excess but no need to settle for less. False humility is so old earth/age. Thanks for this validating message Brenda! 🙂 Much Blessings…♥♥♥NadineMarie♥♥♥


    • 49. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 5, 2013 at 9:24 am

      Hi Nadine Marie,
      You get it!!! Not everyone has. Some still feel the need to put rules or parameters on their life or the life of others – that it’s ok to dream as long as it’s for the betterment of society or in the right way. Just dream…and create the life that’s right for you….as you have already!
      Love Brenda


  • 50. Christine Hoeflich  |  December 6, 2013 at 12:29 pm

    Hi Brenda!
    I totally resonate with this message and have been saying this for years, but many in the “new age” did not agree with me. But this was before Dec. 2012. (Isn’t it great we’re past all that?) I have also written years ago that the world is changing fast now because of all the information that people have access to on the internet (through blogs such as ours and “alternative” news and views, alternative to the mainstream I mean), I have stated that the Internet is the “grid” that’s in place that shifts our consciousness, but many light-workers did not see it that way. Oh, no, they said, the grid is some magical ethereal place we all need to activate by meditating simultaneously all over the world and adding to that frequency, or some other such thing. Oh well, I thought, one day they’ll get it and I guess you’re saying it’s happening now!

    As far as money is concerned, I recently started working for a startup company that has a novel, non-invasive, non-intrusive medical device for monitoring vital signs. With the income that will come I can help my family and make a greater contribution to society. I am clear that working as a research engineer AND continuing to write about the shift in consciousness AND helping people regain their health are my missions here.

    We are BOTH physical and spiritual beings. There is matter AND energy. The new age has been focusing on energy and ignoring matter and that’s when things don’t work. We need to master energy AND matter. It’s about both not one or the other.

    I guess I got it because I studied materials science and engineering in college. Some of the “quantum physicists” of the new age talked about the enormous space between the electrons of an atom and its nucleus and how it’s like empty space–as if it was just empty space and all that counted was energy. They ignored the heavy nucleus in the center (matter).

    Thanks for this channeling and your blog!



    • 51. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 6, 2013 at 1:59 pm

      Hi Christine,
      Even though I’m not a scientist, I love touring factories of all kinds and continue to marvel at inventions and new thoughts. I just love learning how things – including humans – work and why.

      And like you, have thought for years that those of the new earth/New Age don’t need to worry about rent or food to be of the “movement” Most would marvel if a CEO of a Fortune 500 company didn’t have enough to buy groceries, yet the belief patterns many still maintain is that an artist or new earth worker shouldn’t expect toooooo much. And if by chance they happen to have a financial surplus – esp. new earth workers – that surplus should be shared or given away.

      Our 3D society doesn’t value those who work with people – teachers, social workers, new earth workers, day care operators, home health aids, etc – but highly values those who work with things. Isn’t the balance we keep talking about combining and valuing both??

      New earth workers can communicate because of scientific discoveries. And scientists are beginning to understand what new earth workers have known for some time. Rather than an us and them – isn’t it time for just us???

      Love that you’re in the scientific field. GO Christine…and continue to help the rest of us understand the value of science…and things as we transition into more sophisticated and inclusive beings!!!
      Love Brenda


      • 52. YL Chin  |  December 7, 2013 at 8:23 am

        “Our 3D society doesn’t value those who work with people – teachers, social workers, new earth workers, day care operators, home health aids, etc – but highly values those who work with things.”
        Hi Brenda. With regard to the above remark, you have made me feel very good about myself. I used to think that those in the science field are smarter than people like me. My German aunt mentioned once about Angela Merkel’s response to a reporter who asked her how she could cope with work and home simultaneously. She said that it wasn’t as hard as those who played the roles of care giving. They are the ones who are the backbone of the country. Whatever that means, it has made me feel good for a while. Now your comment is a reminder of my worth.


      • 53. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 7, 2013 at 8:58 am

        Hi YL Chin,
        Our society has designated who is smart and who isn’t. Did you know in the anciet Greek culture, artists were the valued members of society? And that in the Roman culture – military might was? Two cultures in same part of the world in similar times and their societies were so different. Not because they were different people but because those people valued different characteristics.

        Our current society doesn’t value art or people – granted there are a few who always slip through the cracks but overall we value science and things. The new earth is shifting that approach to the individual in whatever area is valued for themselves and within themselves – garbageperson or corporate executive. Guessing the corporate executive wouldn’t be so comfortable if garbage were piling up outside his office or home!!! We’re all important and extremely valuable – our society just hasn’t yet caught up to that thought – but it will.
        Love Brenda


  • 54. Christine Hoeflich  |  December 6, 2013 at 9:13 pm

    Thank you Brenda! I love what you’ve been channeling/writing and it so great to see so much interaction on your blog!


    • 55. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 6, 2013 at 10:30 pm

      Hey Christine,
      Thank you for being you!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 56. YL Chin  |  December 7, 2013 at 11:28 pm

    If there is such a thing as fast forward, it’d be great, wouldn’t it? They say time is no longer linear. In reality, it feels that it is. You put all the “finest” ingredients in the cake recipe and it’s still cooking. LOL. This dimensional blending is really really really really slow.
    Thanks Brenda, for initiating the fast forward button for me if you could.


  • […] Deep Within We Want It All by Brenda Hoffman (  […]


    • 58. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 13, 2013 at 9:06 pm

      Hi Nadine Marie,
      Thank you so much for re-blogging on!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • […] Deep Within We Want It All by Brenda Hoffman (  […]


    • 60. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 14, 2013 at 11:02 pm

      Thank you again Nadine Marie for re-blogging on your great post!



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December 2013