Grab Your Emotional Star Power

December 10, 2013 at 3:16 pm 59 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 8, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re discovering those emotions created by society may be shifting for you. Somewhat like wearing the color red for eons and suddenly discovering that gray looks lovely on you also. You’re melting your box of emotional shoulds and experimenting with new feelings. Feelings society often indicates shouldn’t be in your repertoire.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Deep Within, We Want it All”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you portray that which you think you should in the role of god/goddess/Lightworker/star being – you do not feel that role within you.

You have tested your resolve. You have created your perfect world in your mind. Yet, you feel you are a follower – despite all messages that you are a leader.

And as you throw off the new earth titles many bestow on you, you feel less and less worthy of anything other than your 3D life.

You know others are interacting with something outside their 3D beings. But they are the “golden” ones – the exception to the rule. The rest of you are somewhere in the middle of a Bell Curve of mediocrity.

How is it possible you are a god or goddess and do not have money to pay the rent?

You merely feel a continuation of your 3D life with a few new earth sparkles of joy here and there. You wait for the latest channel or workshop to get that joy upper only to lose that sensation the minute you arrive at work or your child breaks something special to you.

Joy is fleeting. 3D is your reality.

We beg to differ. You are shifting. One of the greatest indicators of your shift is your disillusionment with new earth.You believe enough to strive for something even though it seems to elude you.

You are all Lightworkers. But you have heard that so many times that it means little to you as you count your pennies at the grocery store.

Please know that your shift into Lightworker knowingness is happening in the next few days.

It will start with a few renegade emotions. An “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” moment(s) that will present itself in so many ways from, “No,” to “That’s your responsibility,” to “I’m more valuable than that.”

Those thoughts and feelings will squeeze out of your pores in ways you cannot yet conceive of.

We said that you would feel different emotions this holiday season – as if you are outside looking in. The next few days will produce another emotional element that will move you beyond feelings of new earth inadequacies.

Like the first day of a job when you are certain you cannot perform your assigned task and never will – only to realize a few months later that you are completely at ease with tasks that had you in a tailspin your first day.

You have had months and years of your first day new earth emotions. The emotions you explore the next few days are about knowing what you are capable of.

Perhaps you take care of someone emotionally to the extent that you ignore your needs – whether 3D or new earth. You might wake up and say, “You’re capable of taking care of yourself.”

Or you might allow yourself to know your capabilities in both your 3D world and new earth.

For you must feel confident in your 3D world before you discover your true new earth being.

If you feel ‘less than’ in your 3D world, even though you explore other dimensions, you will maintain that inadequacy in your new earth life. Much as someone abused at six years of age needs to review those feelings so powerlessness does not dominate his 3D world.

Feelings of inadequacy – in whatever dimension – reduce your new earth power.

Perhaps you are throwing up your hands in disgust for most Lightworkers have experienced 3D lives – especially this lifetime – that are horrendous in the remembrance. Things you almost do not dare tell others for who would believe you experienced that and now hope for new earth joy.

Please do not panic. You have cleared almost all those memories. It is just that in the next few days you will display related emotions you did not realize were deep within you.

Such is part of this year’s holiday shift – removing the shoulds of society AND knowing the reality of your being.

Your memories of being less than have prevented you from knowing your true being. A bit like Marilyn Monroe, the Hollywood movie star, who never accepted her stardom because of her unresolved childhood pain.

The energies of the next few days give you the freedom to dissolve all that keeps you in 3D even though you have moved beyond 3D in terms of your Lightworker role.

Allow those energies to do their work. Allow unusual or frightening night dreams. Allow yourself to explore relationships knowing that everyone is powerful enough to move in directions correct for them – most specifically, you. Cut the ties of those dependent on you.

Move forward as a bright star, instead of the heavy dust you have tried to be.

The next few days, you will feel emotions you did not know were part of you. And you will relay those feelings to others as you clear your emotional slate. Care taking and victimization will be the first to go.

Allow yourself to be in the next few days and you will sparkle as does a star.

Now you are worried you will offend or lose someone dear to you. If that someone or something is part of your feeling less than a shining star, it is time to let go – emotionally, even physically if that is appropriate.

Does that mean you will leave your job, spouse or community?  Perhaps. But this is an emotional shift, so it is more likely you will speak your truth – and if those you address do not wish to honor that truth, your relationship will change.

You will begin acting like a star even in your 3D world. For you will know deep within you that you have finally kissed the Prince, you, and your new role is beckoning – that of a new earth star. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Entry filed under: new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , .

Deep Within, We Want it All Join the Sparkle Fest

59 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Barb  |  December 10, 2013 at 4:05 pm

    Brenda, I almost can’t believe the subject and timing of this post, except such alignments do seem to be growing into normal these days. I love these connections.

    Not five minutes before reading this, I had an outburst of the kind described (even almost the exact words!). I’ve also had disturbing dreams the last couple of nights, which sort of seemed to be about clearing, but they’ve definitely been strange and unpleasant.

    So many of the feelings mentioned here apply as well. Despite experiencing more moments of joy, the material world remains sticky and it still can derail me. That was the “moment” that occurred just before reading this, and this helped me lift out again. My very great thanks once more.


    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 10, 2013 at 4:43 pm

      Hi Barb,
      My emotional meltdown was this weekend. I laughed when I realized the content of this channel – it spoke to me also.

      The material/3D world can still derail many of us – especially during this season of so many shoulds.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 3. Lady Pinkrose  |  December 10, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    All I can say is, HOLY CATS. Right on. Unbelievable! Right on, Brenda!

    Last night……out comes from my mouth words that I had NO control over. Words which described how I truly felt and which fell upon ears that were very unappreciative. Just a pouring forth came out, of total and absolute “I am SO done with this shit!”

    Ugly scene erupted. I felt honest to God fear in my belly. I could not believe this was happening.

    Then memories of another, being verbalized and I looked on in horror, for those memories, supposedly I shared, but they were not the ones I had. Am I loosing my mind? In desperation I called my sister to confirm something I just KNEW happened, and was being told it did not. I hung up the phone before she answered.

    I went within. OMG. What is happening?

    Bad dreams all night long. All having to do with my cats and being thrown out in the cold, freezing. Tossed and turned all night long with a wind outside howling angrily.

    And today another something is hitting me, leaving me so drained, I can barely move.

    I don’t seem able to remember my past as I used to. It’s spotty at best. And the memories don’t match what another says. Like I said at the beginning…..HOLY CATS.

    I feel weird. Strange. Here? No. Honestly, everything you wrote here is exactly what is happening, as of yesterday.

    Thank you, Brenda. Even a few times today I had to hang on a wall, due to such great dizziness. Now I go to head for the couch hoping the cramps in my feet have now passed so I can rest.

    Love, Amy


    • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 10, 2013 at 4:51 pm

      Hi Amy,
      Oh I’m so glad I could verify what you experienced. Something similar happened to me this weekend.

      As for others not remembering as you did, you do know that often happens in dysfunctional families??? I had some memories years ago that my family didn’t acknowledge – but a lifelong friend did before I asked. The most wonderful gift she has ever given me.

      As for your memories shifting or even disappearing, that’s part of this transition. Like Dorothy not being in Kansas anymore, we’re not of 3D and just beginning to tiptoe into other dimensions giving many that spaced out sensation. I’m so used not remembering words or places that I don’t even pay attention anymore.

      Sounds as if you are on track – bad dreams, emotional explosions and memory shifts and all!!!!!!
      Love Brenda


  • 5. elizabethsadhu  |  December 10, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    Wow! Love love love the synchronicities abounding all over the place. I concur and love the confirmation of your channel (your higher being that is YOU). Also, I read this from Patricia Cota-Robles that really resonated with me and it really fits what you are saying here. More more more synchronicity!!!! love you so so much my dear friend and sister in love.



    • 6. elizabethsadhu  |  December 11, 2013 at 4:05 am

      Whoops. Wrong article.



      • 7. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:16 am

        Hi Sweetie,
        Thoughts so. When I checked first one it didn’t seem to apply at all.
        Love Brenda


    • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:05 am

      Hi Sweetie!
      I just love synchronicities (so glad you spelled it for me so I didn’t have to look it up!) too….and it seems to be happening more frequently. How wonderful is that. More people are channeling and receiving the same or similar information at the same or similar time. Just as prophesied! YAY!!!
      Love Brenda


  • 9. Eliza Ayres  |  December 10, 2013 at 6:56 pm

    Brenda – I stomped out of work the other day due to the office not being heated properly. I was DUE an adequate work space and left because it wasn’t available. Then the disturbed dreams, half-awake meditations and chats with guides, etc., visions… all in a roil, yet I can laugh about it. Shifting, sifting and clearing. Thanks, for another brilliant message. Diamonds & hugs, Eliza


    • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:09 am

      Dear ELiza,
      I love the image of you stomping out of work – and rightly so. “We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.” Like you, I find all of this amazing and hilarious at the same time. Who would have guessed even a few years ago that we would all say, “Enough is enough” within a few days of each other….and then share it online. Gotta love this transition!!!!!!
      Love and Sparkles,


  • 11. timbush222  |  December 10, 2013 at 8:53 pm

    Thanks Brenda.. It seems like you are watching my life as if you had a secret eye look into all that I am going through.. I am looking forward to the new emotions. .Thanks 🙂


    • 12. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:11 am

      Hi Timbush,
      Isn’t it absolutely amazing how this transition is affecting so many of us in a similar way at a similar time? I marvel at our coordination capabilities and our willingness to move forward before, after and during learning what others are feeling and doing. We really are in this together.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 13. Capricorn  |  December 10, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    When I saw your message it was like I myself wrote it down. I just couldn’t believe how accurate it was with what I have been going through and now after reading other comments I see how deeply connected we are! Love you and thank you so much for always delivering wonderfully synced messages ❤


    • 14. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:15 am

      Hi Capricorn,
      Isn’t it amazing? I used to think my weekly channeled messages were just for me…until so many let me know they were experiencing similar thoughts, fears, joys and feelings.

      This is such an exciting adventure despite the emotional shifts and physical discomforts. YAY for us all for daring to be part of it….and continuing despite all odds.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 15. Sandy  |  December 11, 2013 at 4:05 am

    Thank you so much for this message Brenda, I completely resonate with it. Only last night woke from dreaming about my sister and childhood jealousies and resentments that I acknowledged I still am harbouring. It feels like I’m getting to the nitty gritty of our relationship and letting go of the old to allow the new. Also understanding this is all about me and my insecurities and that all is shifting within me. Profoundly grateful for this message which validates my thoughts and feelings. Much love to you Brenda, you are a bright shining star in my life, thank you.


    • 16. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:29 am

      Hi Sandy,
      Thank you. When I first started publishing “Brenda’s Blog” I didn’t know if it would interest anyone – I just keyed-in what I “heard” and thought it might be of use or interest to others. I knew the information was useful to me.

      Each week via Brenda’s Blog and BlogTalk show I understand this transition a bit more – and find it fascinating that at first (I channeled A Glimpse of Your Future in late 80’s and started Brenda’s Blog in 2009) my information was all encompassing – about our end-goal, but not necessarily how we would reach that end-goal. Now my channels seem to move us forward step-by-step with a few pieces about the end-goal. This is an amazing transition for us all.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 17. Grab Your Emotional Star Power | elizabethsadhu  |  December 11, 2013 at 4:07 am

    […] Grab Your Emotional Star Power. […]


    • 18. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:30 am

      Hi Sweetie,
      Thank you so much for re-blogging on!
      Love Brenda


  • 19. mirinthia  |  December 11, 2013 at 9:31 am

    Hello my Dear CS Brenda,

    Loved the part about letting go of care taking!!! I have a friend who 95 percent of the time sees the glass as half empty. I sent him an email 2 days ago stating I would no longer be his emotional dumping ground.

    Here’s part of the email I sent:
    “When you call me and dump your emotional stuff on me it is very disrespectful and abusive. It is no different than you coming into my home with a large bag of rotting, slimy garbage, opening the bag and shaking the foul contents around.

    My emotions are my spiritual home. When you dump your rotting emotional slime on me…it is emotionally abusive. I am letting you know,in an effort to preserve our friendship, I will no longer let you use me as an dumping ground for your emotional garbage.

    It is your duty and responsibility to emote kindness toward yourself and others. I deserve kindness.”

    So far I haven’t heard anything back from him. LOL…Perhaps he is stunned by my bluntness.

    Blessings of LOVE, Mirinthia


    • 20. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:46 am

      Hi Mirinthia/CS,
      And you might not hear anything from him ever. But then again,I’m guessing that if he’s that needy he will retort and return. Someone has to listen to him – that’s his calling – at least for now – “poor, mistreated me. Help me, listen to me, take care of me. I can’t do it all (or anything!!!) myself. Life is so terrible and then you die.”

      As I saw somewhere that made me laugh out loud, “Bring out the small violins.”

      I’m almost willing to bet you that your letter will have little affect on his “poor me” life. He has to feel it from the inside – like a chemically dependent person. I guess the “poor mes” of the world do have an addiction to victimization. Interesting thought isn’t it?

      Course my area is care taking and I often think of myself as a care taker working in a care taker bar of the world!!!! So people like your friend quickly send up flags of “Don’t go there, you won’t be able to get out easily.” When I start feeling the victim pull.

      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 21. mirinthia  |  December 11, 2013 at 11:50 am

        LOL…..your post : “poor, mistreated me. Help me, listen to me, take care of me. I can’t do it all (or anything!!!) myself” captures it perfectly…it’s like you heard our conversations.

        Thanks for the chuckle!!!


      • 22. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 2:23 pm

        Hi Mirinthia/CS
        Or I’ve worked with/counseled people professionally for years!!!!! Kind of made me laugh when I was writing it too. Now you have to know if he returns or finds someone to take care of him emotionally. Bet he won’t do it for himself – at least not yet.
        Love Brenda


      • 23. mirinthia  |  December 11, 2013 at 4:26 pm

        Hi CS Brenda,
        I am still giggling at how well you captured his comments down to a T.
        I appreciate your wonderful insights and your great sense of humor.
        Thank you for being you!
        Love, Mirinthia


      • 24. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 4:59 pm

        Hi Mirinthia/CS
        You do have to keep us posted. Bet I’m not the only one to wonder if he will follow Old Age expectations or create a new joyful life for himself because of you.
        Love Brenda


  • 25. Mary  |  December 11, 2013 at 9:57 am

    Hi Brenda! 🙂

    I did my “I’ve had enough” bit a while ago,
    and I’ve also got used to not remembering things,
    but I would just like to add that I recently listened to your BTR channel, and I literally lol, ’cause as I was listening to it, I was wearing a new outfit that I had treated myself to, AND it was in a new colour that I don’t usually wear!!!

    Yay!!! 😀

    We’re All on track, in our own unique ways!

    Hugs & sparkles to you dear Brenda
    & to everyOne else too!


    • 26. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:48 am

      Hi Mary,
      This note made me laugh out loud. I have no idea where most of my examples come from. Guess that one was for you!!!! GO MARY…and us all!!!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 27. janis´¯`·.¸ʚįɞ  |  December 11, 2013 at 7:19 pm

    Reblogged this on ~Collecting~Lighthearted~Signs~.


    • 28. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:55 pm

      Hi Janis!!!
      Thank you so much for re-blogging on!!!!
      Love Brenda


  • 29. janis´¯`·.¸ʚįɞ  |  December 11, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    ♥ ♥ ♥


  • 31. YL Chin  |  December 11, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    Sounds promising. Sounds very promising.


    • 32. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 11, 2013 at 10:57 pm

      Hi YL CHIN!!!!
      YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so pleased for you!!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • […] Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: / link to original article […]


    • 34. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 12, 2013 at 9:24 am

      Hi Lucas!
      Thank you so much for re-blogging on!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • […] Grab Your Emotional Star Power | Welcome to Brenda's Blog. […]


    • 36. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 12, 2013 at 9:26 am

      Thank you so much for re-blogging on!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 37. Christine Hoeflich  |  December 12, 2013 at 11:24 am

    Brenda you’re right on again. I’ve been speaking to people about what doesn’t work for me about their behavior and last night I had such a terrible dream I awakened from, in a sweat. I’m on a mission and I know there are bad people after me who seem to have eyes that see everything and I have to flee with a baby in my arms and the baby (my projects?) make it hard for me to flee. I wake up right when I’m captured. Terrible dream!



    • 38. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 12, 2013 at 11:31 am

      Hi Christine,
      Hope you figure out why that dream keeps re-occurring – esp. the part where you’re captured. Perhaps a silly thought but have you tried writing the dream/question about dream in dominant hand and answer in non-dominant hand? Sometimes a great way to get answers. Or asking before sleep to know more about it..or to escape.

      Whoa this is an interesting time for us all.
      Blessings and Love,


    • 39. mirinthia  |  December 12, 2013 at 11:33 am

      Dear CS Brenda,
      3 days and no reply from my friend. We formerly talked, text-ed or emailed daily. Perhaps he is taking the easy way out and ignoring my email or maybe he is doing some deep thinking.
      Interesting, I feel rather detached from either outcome.
      Blessings of LOVE, Mirinthia


      • 40. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 12, 2013 at 12:25 pm

        Hi Mirinthia/CS,
        Perfect. You feel detached – not his angst or pain or fears or your worries for him – but detached. Whatever happens now is perfect because you’ve moved beyond the care taker role. Granted, you might slip once in a while, but not for long or forever. That little word ‘care taker’ will come to the forefront whenever or if it happens.
        Love Brenda


      • 41. mirinthia  |  December 12, 2013 at 12:40 pm

        Hi CS Brenda,
        Well I guess this makes it official. I am taking down my care taker shingle and retiring from rescuing, fixing or doing it for another.

        I am moving into 2014 filled with JOY and yet…detached.
        Here’s a twist on the familiar saying “Merry Holidays to all….and to all a good light” Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho
        Love, Mirinthia


      • 42. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 12, 2013 at 2:55 pm

        Hi Mirinthia/CS,
        One more care taker shingle gone. YAY. Happy Holidays….and to all a good LIGHT indeed!
        Love Brenda


  • 43. Christine Hoeflich  |  December 12, 2013 at 11:44 am

    Yes, I will ask right before I go to sleep to learn more. Thanks Brenda!

    Love, Christine


    • 44. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 12, 2013 at 12:26 pm

      Hi Christine,
      Great! Somehow knowing seems to remove the power of so much!
      Blessings and Love,


  • 45. YL Chin  |  December 13, 2013 at 6:52 am

    Hi Mirinthia.
    When I read your msg about this friend of yours, it reminded me about myself. I used to be like that. When I got into depression, I could not pluck myself out of it. Depression is a serious cleansing and it can kill. And I wasn’t careful. The depression had caused a lot of physical conditions. Some of my friends could no longer tolerate me, as it was always about “me, me, me, me” and I did not see anything else other than my own problems. They actually left. I lost friends. And it was good for them. They could not stand the kind of negativity that shrouded me. When you hang on to something in the past, usually unhappy experiences, you tend to see yourself as a victim, and you always ask that question, why me with vindictiveness? It’s like living and speaking in past tense. And I think you friend is going through something like this. Sooner or later, we’ll come to the point whereby we’ll forgive ourselves and let go. Let go. It’s sad to learn that Marilyn Monroe felt that way. I can empathise with her by reading the channelled msg. I don’t know her, I’ve heard of her, after all, she’s so famous (Obviously I’ve missed the childhood pain part), she’s well before my time but I do hope all is not lost and she’s ascended in her own way. When I take on this lightworker role, I do feel that all is not lost, even those who have left this world do ascend via the leap in collective consciousness of the present.
    So, I’m glad he’s no longer a bother to you. It will take time for him to heal but at times like this, when the light is always open to people, it is easier to be rid of negativities. I’m glad that you’re no longer a caretaker. As for me, try as I may, no matter how I try to release all those caregiver duties and 3D densities and create things of my own, I’d hit a wall. Yu wake up in the morning, still the same thing. I hope this will come true for me: “The energies of the next few days give you the freedom to dissolve all that keeps you in 3D even though you have moved beyond 3D in terms of your Lightworker role.”

    What does “CS”mean, by the way?


    • 46. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 13, 2013 at 9:07 am

      Dear YL Chin,
      You’re most definitely on your way to a different life and thought process. You’re recognized that you don’t enjoy seeing the worst or continuing to “loop” your experiences – not resolving them, just reliving them. That’s what it takes to change your perception..and life. YAY for you.

      I don’t think the gentleman Mirinthia was talking about was ready for that type of change…..yet. Time will tell with him. But you’re on your way. How delightful that you were astute enough to realize others didn’t want to be in your world of yesterday. Not everyone picks up on that and when they don’t, they just continue to spin into a darker place. Kudos and more kudos for knowing where you want to be and why….and moving in that direction.
      Blessings and Love,


      • 47. YL Chin  |  December 13, 2013 at 9:57 pm

        I’ve been moving in this direction a long long time and I really want to see the change now… To be honest, I don’t feel any different than it has been a normal day these past few days.


    • 48. mirinthia  |  December 13, 2013 at 10:22 am

      Hello YL Chin-
      CS means Cosmic Sister.

      My friend,at his core, a very kind soul and has so much to offer the world. His addictions have a lot to do with keeping him stuck. It’s impossible to think clearly with chemicals polluting the process.(Been there, done that). I literally wish him well.

      As for me, well I can no longer run in place waiting for others. I need to run like a wild horse. I see myself as a white horse with a purple mane. I will not be saddled or allow a bit in my mouth. I am running wild and free out in the open with my purple mane flowing in the wind!! (LOL… how’s that for a visual?)

      Congratulations to YOU on all your progress!
      Blessings of LOVE, Mirinthia


      • 49. YL Chin  |  December 13, 2013 at 10:04 pm

        That’s why I congratulate you for the fact that he has let you go.
        As for addictions, many of us have them. To me, getting rid of the tea addiction is a Big thing. As for other addictions, I must have worked them all off in my past lives. I don’t have many this lifetime. Some whom I know have become addicted to prescription drugs without realising it. And they are affecting the body and mind. A lot of indigo children are addicted. Even Sherlock Holmes (as I’ve found out recently when I read Doyle’s book) took cocaine to stimulate his mind. And I initially thought his stories were suitable for children. I’m not sure now. Cocaine was legal at that time, 18th century. I think all of us are working off these addictive karmas from the past, releasing them from our inter-cellular memories and he’s too. And it is especially hard when they are readily available to numb the minds and prevent unison with the higher self. . I believe there are many lightworkers who are triggering karmas to be released to the light and I’m sure your friend and along with others around the world is on their priority list. These karmas, other than sexual karmas are also major ones in this 3D reality that need to be addressed, released and further evolve in the collective consciousness. The faster they release, the better for all of us for we are part of the collective consciousness. Bless him and bless you, Miss.


      • 50. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 14, 2013 at 8:14 am

        Hi YL Chin,
        Yes many are working off addictive patterns from 3D lives. The difficulty is when someone stops or reduces their new earth life to care take someone. In chemical dependency terms that’s often labeled enabler. But the shift from 3D to new earth is knowing deep within you that you no longer need to stop or reduce your life taking care of others because they are fully capable of doing so on their own.

        Mirinthia will probably miss some interactions with her friend – she said he had a very good heart. But theirs wasn’t enough of a sharing relationship for her as she moved into her new being. She did not feel joy talking with him any longer – merely a heaviness trying to determine what would make his world better. He’s the only one who knows that. Yet he did not or could not go inside himself to explore his personal needs. So the relationship which may well have started out balanced and loving became a care taker/victim model of duality and dysfunction.

        The care taker feels they are more powerful and all knowing than the victim – but often eventually resents them for forcing the care taker into a prison guard model. And the victim most often resents the care taker for forcing him/her to be a dependent child.

        That’s one of the patterns the new earth is breaking. And that’s what Mirinthia was feeling – the freedom of the wild horse – unchained from caring for someone who is not yet ready to care for himself.

        One of your emails mentioned that you lost friends because they were no longer able to continue trying to brighten your life. And so it is now more than ever. Humans are flying into their new beings and no longer wish to be an enabler – because they reach a point where they just know that they can’t help someone who isn’t ready to be helped – the potential care taker can only reduce the joy in their life by doing so.

        The victim is not a bad or terrible person. Merely someone still blind to their inner-powers and joy. And enablers often increase the time it takes someone to explore their inner world.

        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 51. YL Chin  |  December 14, 2013 at 9:48 am

    Hi Brenda, the one who feels victimised does confine his/her friends or caretaker in a prison guard model. No matter how the latter entreats the former to change their perceptions or ways of life, it won’t happen instantly. It’s like Alice being stuck in the rabbit hole. I did that to some of my friends. Eventually, somehow or rather, I got out of it.

    My friends left me because they could not take the negativity that surrounded me. The negative energy just did not match with their positive energies. So, they repelled me. Which was good for them. .In fact, I now realise that when they were around me, the negative energy drained them, it literally harnessed their energies. It would be better to stay away. The parallel of this happened to me recently. I got in contact with someone, whom I had lost contact for a while. it was his higher self who got in touch with my higher self to contact him again. When I saw him, he was literally a living corpse, blue and green in the face, gaunt and grey. And I always felt uncomfortable in his house. I didn’t seem to feel happy when I was there. Something (let’s keep this short) was harnessing his energy (and he knew it) and in spite of my entreaties/warnings, he refused to do anything about it, rather, he was too drawn into it that he could not plug himself out of it. I don’t think he would last till the end of the year. Sometimes you just have to let go. This was the second attempt to help him but to no avail. Come to think of it, I don’t feel guilty. I discontinued our acquaintance just like that. Like my family, if they wish to live as such, there’s nothing I can do but I would just do my best, as their kid. Longing for my time to come. If we can just break free like that, break all ties, and manifest at will instantly, wouldn’t it be great.


    • 52. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 14, 2013 at 10:56 am

      Hi YL Chin,
      It is great and you’re already doing it.

      It takes a great deal of strength to walk away from someone in as much emotional pain as you describe your male friend. We’ve been taught for eons to sacrifice ourselves for others. The new earth is about sharing. An exchange of love instead of dependence and co-dependence.

      Just think how strong and brave you were to pull yourself out of your negativity. Others are doing so now as they move further and further into new earth vibes. Freedom is so important including allowing others freedom to find themselves – when they’re ready. You did it as did so many others. And those who feel they need others to take care of them emotionally will also.

      Kudos for daring to be you despite indicators that you could have continued your painful existence for a very long time or even this entire lifetime. Kudos, kudos and more kudos.
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 53. mirinthia  |  December 14, 2013 at 4:07 pm

        Hi Dear CS Brenda,
        It’s been 5 days and I have not heard from my emotionally needy friend. The thought crossed my mind earlier today to call him and see if he was ok…yet it didn’t FEEL right so I did NOT call him.

        Several hours later, I read your post to YL Chin and suddenly I realize it was merely a withdrawal symptom from the co-dependent, self-sacrifice reality I formerly participated in.

        And to you dear YL Chin….I also say Kudos, kudos and more kudos!

        We are the change we have been looking for.
        Love, Mirinthia


      • 54. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 14, 2013 at 4:11 pm

        Hi Mirinthia/CS,
        Indeed. Right on and whatever phrase you want to use to say, “YES”
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 55. mirinthia  |  December 14, 2013 at 5:31 pm

        Groovy…lol lol lol


  • 56. YL Chin  |  December 14, 2013 at 9:14 pm

    You guys praise me too much. LOL. I still have problems with my family you know. Perhaps playing the role of a lightworker has helped me pull through it. Because this role is in my contract in this life, therefore something must be done to fulfil my role. If I were caught in a web of depression and self-servitude, I wouldn’t be able to awaken to the role of being a lightworker.


    • 57. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 14, 2013 at 11:04 pm

      Hi YL Chin,
      You’ve got it! Accept the praise. Accept your worth. And know that many of us are still working through some 3D issues. This creating the new us is a process. Cut yourself some slack!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 58. Transition Time? | Not Just Sassy on the Inside  |  December 17, 2013 at 5:37 pm

    […] post on Brenda’s Blog last week talked about a spell of transition arriving during the week and although her piece talked […]


    • 59. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 17, 2013 at 5:40 pm

      Dear Leigh,
      Thank you so much for re-blogging on BlueGrassNotes.Wordpress.Com. And thank you again for your wonderful blog about Nelson Mandela and your part in the South African transition.
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,



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December 2013