Why Do You Need Fear-Based Contingency Plans?

June 24, 2014 at 9:15 am 42 comments


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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s June 21, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/brenda-hoffman: Those of you exiting your cocoon will feel a bit chaotic as you enter a new life and discover skills you’ve had for some time, but didn’t yet need to use. Within days, you will just know you are able to do whatever your inner-being calls you to do. Even though your cocoon time might have felt as if nothing was shifting, you were removing your personal core of fear that you have held within for eons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com is: “Earth’s Shifts are as Unique as Yours”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are not part of the chaos that seems to be rampant throughout the globe – wars, fear of war, starvation, earth upheavals – but then, you do probably wonder how long it will be until you are part of it.

Maybe your country will enter a war. Maybe an earthquake will destroy parts of your country. Maybe monsoon-like rains will alter your life in other ways. All fears that you hold deep within you. For has not your life on earth for eons been one catastrophe after another that you addressed or ignored, but maintained the resulting fear deep within your being?

Such are your fears now. Somehow, some where you believe you will have to face whatever it is you are dreading – like your phrase, “waiting for the other shoe to drop.” You feel sympathy or empathy for those most directly affected. At the same time,  you feel a sense of relief that it has not affected you or those you love.

That feeling is quite natural given all you have willingly experienced on Old Age earth. But such is no longer true. This hidden global fear belief is perhaps the biggest transition of the next few days – from expecting to react to an unpleasant something to knowing it does not matter.

If Old Age earth was merely a drama/play of sorts and you have left that drama/play – as those exiting their cocoon in the next few days have – you will not be traumatized. Perhaps your house burns – an Old Age trauma and fear. In new earth, that house will be replaced with a home more suited to the new you.

You will not continue to experience drama for you are now part of a comedy/loving phase of earth. That which was once devastating will be an obvious opening to a better, more joyful life.

You do not yet understand – but you will. Just as you once did not understand how you could feel more personal joy than fear.

Fear is of the past. Including the fear of what could or should happen given certain circumstances and Old Age historical perspectives.

This time is somewhat similar to the shift in thought processes required once a castle with protective walls no longer ensured safety – cannons and other technical inventions made such thoughts obsolete.

Fear – and a resulting “game plan” for fearful contingencies – has been an expected part of your life thought/feeling processes. “What would I do if an earthquake destroyed my community?” “What should I do if someone opens fire at a shopping mall?” fear plan after fear plan tucked away within your being – taking up valuable joy space.

Fear is truly no longer part of your repertoire. Do you remember how difficult it was – and maybe still is – to love yourself as you are?

Hidden fears that you could be next in whatever negative drama you envision, are as outdated as your dislike of you.

Why would you require fear-based contingency plans if your life is of or moving to joy?

Instead of creating a no-longer-valid fear drama, your new creations are now how an adventure, experience can be even more joyful – what creates a smile or laughter? Instead of,  “I am laughing now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?”

Perhaps you wish to dwell on negative possibilities. That is your right. But know that such is as outdated as spittoons of the 1800’s. You can continue your chewing tobacco habit, but few will support you in doing so.

Unlike the past when fear dominated – the exact opposite is happening more rapidly than you realize.

Fewer find the media news of one fear image after another that interesting or entertaining. There will be a time in the not-so-distant future when news shows will shift – not because they want to, but because so few will care about the ongoing fears the media elect to report.

Now you are feeling that thinking nice thoughts and laughing does not negate the reality of starvation or war. Such is true. But when such images, such factors are no longer interesting, when entities on earth ignore fears, fears will disappear. A bit like a reaction to many bullies. Bullies love to be engaged, to create fear. If such does not happen, they have little power and a great deal less interest for those following them.

You have released your personal fears. Now release your global fears.

This is not a promise that earth will be a lovely playground tomorrow, but a plea for you to shift your attention from a global fear-based mode to joy and other earth entities will do the same.

This transition is not for a limited few – but a global, Universal shift from a world permeated with fear to a new earth of joy. Your overall role is to introduce that joy to your life so your beacon shines for all.

A light shining in any area of darkness negates the darkness. As you leave your cocoon and your deepest fears, radiate your light – and thereby, radiate your disbelief in the fears of what might happen. Those fears are of yesterday. Today is a new dawn. So be it. Amen.

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , .

Earth’s Shift is as Unique as Yours Use Your New Skills to Clear Old Wounds

42 Comments Add your own

  • […] June 24, 2014 at 9:15 am Leave a comment […]


  • 3. lauramultidimensionalocean  |  June 24, 2014 at 9:44 am

    Thank you Brenda! love your worked and shared !


    • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 9:48 am

      Hi Laura,
      Thank you so much for sharing. You have so much going on in your life right now – I’m honored that you took the time to read and share!!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 7. soulspeak2013  |  June 24, 2014 at 12:41 pm

    Thank You Brenda for this beautiful message. Such truth I am seeing and experiencing in my world, as I no longer look through the energy of fear, that which I manifest in my life is with ease and joy and unconditional knowing and acceptance and the flow has become much smoother AND IT IS WITH EASE MY LIFE IS SHIFTING with the chaos. I have been exercising acceptance of the chaos with an open heart, filling the experiences with love and light literally and the energy is accepting of its validation, and quietly retreats into the light. I know this sounds a bit airy fairy, but seems I am actually floating through this shift with a grace I did not realize I had..much love and blessings for your journey this day dear friend ♥


    • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 5:33 pm

      Hi Soulspeak,
      What a wonderful light you are for all of us. It does work doesn’t it? Joy and love instead of fear? Who would have guessed we could have moved so far, so fast. YAY!!!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 9. soulspeak2013  |  June 24, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    Reblogged this on At the Table, On my Plate and commented:
    such a beautiful truth and great lesson in this message..Namaste’


    • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 5:36 pm

      Thank you so much for reblogging on SoulSpeak2013.wordpress.com and your loving message.


  • […] Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com /link to original article […]


    • 12. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 5:37 pm

      Thank you so much Lucas for reblogging my channel on Lucas2012Infos.WordPress.com


  • 13. Angel Wings and Unicorns  |  June 24, 2014 at 1:42 pm

    Reblogged this on Angel wings and Unicorns.


    • 14. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 5:39 pm

      Thank you so much Valerie for reblogging my channel on Angel Wings and Unicorns ValerieLenton.WordPress.com


  • 15. Sirian Heaven  |  June 24, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    Reblogged this on Sirian Heaven.


    • 16. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 5:41 pm

      Thank you so much Isabel for reblogging my channel on SirianHeaven.WordPress.com


  • 17. Sirian Heaven  |  June 24, 2014 at 3:19 pm

    Wonderful! Hopefully people will let go their fears more and more and I think the energies support this. Thank you my dear Brenda, love you ❤


    • 18. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 5:48 pm

      Hi Isabel,
      I really believe it’s already happening – we’ve kind of reached the end-of-the-line in fears. We have so many global fears – as highlighted by the nightly news and other media. You can even watch the waves of attention – from one terrible crisis to another – day after day after day. Syria, Russia, Iraq plus natural disasters. If someone were to review our society based on media markers and some websites, he or she would be certain our lives were at risk daily.

      To a new earth based on love instead of fear – that we’re creating!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • […] Why Do You Need Fear-Based Contingency Plans?. […]


    • 20. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 24, 2014 at 8:36 pm

      Thank you Sweetie so much for reblogging my channel on ElizabethSadhu.WordPress.com


  • 21. elizabethsadhu  |  June 24, 2014 at 6:39 pm

    “A light shining in any area of darkness negates the darkness. As you leave your cocoon and your deepest fears, radiate your light – and thereby, radiate your disbelief in the fears of what might happen. Those fears are of yesterday. Today is a new dawn. So be it. Amen”

    . I love it! I kept hearing that I AM fearless and then I read your blog today. Beautiful! I AM the light. We are the light. Together we make it shine shine shine. Because we are ONE. What I do, affects you. And what you do, affects me. I love you dear Brenda. muah

    Interesting also, I dreamed last night that I got a Master’s degree. And I was so happy. Please know this is something that I never cared about. And then I read this from Lauren Gorgo. “Six super difficult and encompassing months into 2014 and we are finally ready…after more than a decade of being schooled in polarity consciousness…to receive our ‘masters degree’.”

    Anyway, love to us all and we shine with a brilliance unknown before and never before seen.



    • 22. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 25, 2014 at 12:52 pm

      Hi Sweetie,
      YES! And thank you for clarifying a dream I’ve had off and on for several years – I’m in college and haven’t studied for the classes I’m enrolled in. Just in the past month or so I dreamed that I graduated. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To us all.
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 23. Kate Street  |  June 25, 2014 at 2:33 pm

        I have to chime in with my dream last week as all ~ Brenda, I have also had that recurring nightmare where I’m about to graduate and haven’t been attending classes all semester. Usually, in my dream I’m trying to figure out how to trick them and graduate anyway. In my dream last week, I said “I don’t need your stinking diploma, I already have my Master’s Degree!” That was a fun and unexpected twist. LOVE that so many of us have had such graduation/Master’s Degree dreams! Very telling! (And Brenda, I really enjoyed this message. Thank you, Dear Sister.)


      • 24. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 25, 2014 at 4:04 pm

        Hi Kate,
        Just had another thought – if three of us had a similar dream, not doing well in school or on a job might just be one of those global fears we’ve carried with us – especially given that none of us in school or have been for some time. We just keep peeling away more and more unnecessary layers of ou 3D onion don’t we?
        Blessing, Love and Sparkles,


      • 25. elizabethsadhu  |  June 25, 2014 at 7:45 pm

        Isn’t that fun??!! I was so surprised. I don’t always remember my dreams and this one was so clear…….And I was so satisfied and happy with my Master’s degree…..heehee…..I love it that we are doing this TOGETHER! WE are one……wooohoooooo

        much love to you Kate and to our dear dear most amazing Brenda! I love you


      • 26. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 25, 2014 at 11:00 pm

        Hi Sweetie,
        I haven’t had many memorable dreams since I returned from my vacation – but during vacation whoa! Lots of drama/clearing via the dreamworld.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 27. Cristina  |  June 30, 2014 at 4:45 pm

        Oh my god! I’ve also had a similar dream (or nightmare)
        I’m lawyer, (in real life). I finished in the University in 1997.
        well, in the last four years I have repeatedly dreamed I receive a notice from the law school was an error saying that the year of my graduation and I do a test to validate my degree.
        I present the review, we are many who have to repeat, though curiously not see any of my classmates and me and that is suspicious.
        but panicked and there was the dream becomes a nightmare when I read the questions, sometimes written in a language of signs (type runic writing) I do not understand, others, most of the time are advanced math problems, complex derivatives, integrals, formulas of quantum physics is beginning …… there the anguish because I feel impotence.
        Professor protest and complain, saying that this has nothing to do with the law, but insists that if I do not pass that test does not validate the title.
        usually the time when I wake up, with much anguish and I say that is roughly from fall 2010
        as a miraculously and wonderfully synchronous with what you’re telling way, last night I decided to sleep.
        last night when I put the test that was very very complicated mathematical equations and when he was about to protest to the teaches I understood, i had to know physics and mathematics because that is the language of the Universe!!!
        I woke up crying, of pure emotion!
        and now I return to mourn excited to read your testimonies. certainly are wonderful times, despite how hard that can be sometimes….
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles


      • 28. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 30, 2014 at 4:59 pm

        Hi Cristina,
        And my husband, a retired Periodontist, just reported a similar “nightmare” this morning. I’ve never told him about my school issues or those of anyone else. Guess it’s part of our dream state trying to decipher this transition in 3D terms. This transition we created is amazing isn’t it?
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 29. Cristina  |  June 30, 2014 at 5:04 pm

        Certainly, Brenda.
        This transition is really amazing… And exciting!


      • 30. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 30, 2014 at 5:48 pm

        :), :)!!!!!!


  • 31. Jp  |  June 24, 2014 at 6:43 pm

    I love, Love, LOVE your blog, Brenda. Thank You!


    • 32. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 25, 2014 at 12:53 pm

      Hi JP,
      YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 33. AligningWithTruth  |  June 24, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    I so needed to hear this reminder Brenda, thank you!!! 🙂 As always, it came at the most appropriate time, as I am just coming out of the phase of thinking of, exactly your blog title, “fear-based contingency plans”! And it is, without passing on any blame or any responsibility, from the energies I’ve picked up from others. Love it and Much Love to you Brenda! ❤ ❤ ❤ NadineMarie


    • 34. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 25, 2014 at 12:56 pm

      Hi Nadine Marie,
      I know. I know. Those old fear-based plans are so entwined with our belief processes. Every time I go to that fear now, I’m reminded of this message also. We’re getting there – just think how far we’ve come in 5 years!
      Blessings, Joy and Sparkles,


  • […] Why Do You Need Fear-Based Contingency Plans? […]


    • 36. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 25, 2014 at 12:57 pm

      Thank you so much emboldenedheart for reblogging my channel on EmboldenedHears.WordPress.com


  • 37. Pragti  |  June 25, 2014 at 10:49 am

    Just beautiful Brenda !! And what a new and a subtle point is covered here 🙂 Thank u so much!!


  • […] This message was originally posted here […]


    • 40. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 28, 2014 at 12:59 am

      Thank you so much for reblogging my channel on ForeverUnlimited.WordPress.com



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June 2014