How Will NEW YOU React This Holiday Season?

November 24, 2014 at 11:03 am 20 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 21, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’ll probably experience less trauma or sadness this holiday season. Perhaps you have experienced headaches, a lack of joy or energy, the last few days. Such is probably part of your transition, just as was true in adolescence when you welcomed your shift to adulthood, but had some emotional/physical shifts to adjust to before becoming a young adult.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  “You’re a Beacon – Not a Rescue Boat”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you have many memories – both good and bad – of this family holiday season. How will new you react the next few weeks?

Will you wish to be surrounded by those you love? Will you prefer being alone? Will you accept whatever your family or friends wish to create? Or will you create new holiday traditions? All questions pointing to your discomfort with what should or should not happen in your heart during this season. And fears of Christmas or holidays past.

Your society trained you to create feelings you may or may not feel. Love is in the air – love created by society for this season. Even though you are a new being with new beliefs, your societal demanded heart actions are difficult for many of you to ignore.

It is as if the world conspires to insist you open your heart for a few hours of a specific date.

Your heart no longer functions as in the past. You may feel great love for a friend, relative or community based on celebrations. But you could as easily feel little or nothing – and become concerned as a result.

When you review your belief patterns, you most often shift your perceptions to better fit new you. But even new you probably has difficulties switching off expectations or fears when  surrounded by those insisting you experience an activity as dictated.

You are no longer of the norm.

But then, you are not so strongly enmeshed in your new being that you can easily brush aside society’s expectations – including new earth friends. Do not most, no matter what new earth stage they are in, continue to wish you happy holidays, prepare special foods and exchange gifts? Indicating that a day or days of your calendar year – a calendar created by your 3D world – has significance for new you.

Indeed this season might have significance, but somewhat different from the past – including healing or ignoring family wounds, creating new rituals or returning to rituals. You cannot be a new being and observe the same rituals with the same feelings as in the past.

Do not be surprised, confused or angry with yourself if you feel little or nothing. If past rituals seem somewhat boring – or if they have different or more significant meanings. You are a new being with new needs.

Such shifts do not make you a callous or bad person, merely a different person. An entity you are learning to love with your entire being – allowing yourself to be as is right for you this holiday season. Does this mean you might skip a family or friend gathering or be bored with something that once warmed your heart? Yes. You are new you.

Perhaps you will revisit rituals to determine if they are of your new being or pieces you no longer wish to continue.

Allow yourself to experience what your being wishes to experience.

What is right for you? That is what you will experience this holiday season.

Must you share your experiences or feelings with others? Must you tell those ‘not in the know’ how ridiculous celebrating a holiday created by humans, but not necessarily felt by any or all, is? Of course not. This is YOUR new you – not anyone else’s. Perhaps your best friend will find joy in rituals you ignore. Perhaps your heart will open on a specific day given that society is stressing love during this season.

It does not matter what others are or are not feeling. All that matters is you know what you are feel/sense/wish to experience.

Perhaps you will wish to experience something entirely different the next holiday season. Such is well and good. There are no rules in this transition – other than learning to love yourself and to express that love with your beacon of light.

This is an easy transition, if you will. Shoulds are minimal. Love, miss, ignore or deny your earth family if you wish. Ignore, glory in or deny this holiday season.

This season is no longer a societal or religious season, it s a personal season of joy. What gives you joy is your only guidance. Not what the media tells you that you should feel. Or what your culture tells you that you should celebrate. Or how your family dictates your celebrations.

It is your personal holiday season. A season created for you, by you and evolving rapidly as new you becomes dominant in your earth being totality .

How will society react to this rebel in you – if that is how you decide to react this holiday season? It does not matter for all of earth are of new earth. Some shining their beacons of light. Some preparing to shine their beacon. And some refusing or frightened to do so for reasons you may never understand. It does not matter for even though you are one, you have a specific role to play.

Think of yourself as a hair cell and your family a nail cell. Do your toenails fall off when you cut your hair? Or do the two separate cell groupings function as unique entities until your being sends a message to the contrary that affects your entire physical body? So it is that this and all following holiday seasons are unique self-exploration adventuress – no different from selecting a new hairstyle.

Perhaps you are concerned your family or friends will not accept new you. Such might be true – especially during this holiday season. But that is not your concern. For they are not tasked with learning how to love you – you are.

So allow yourself to be in all your totality – most often easier in non-holiday seasons than those days and times of societal expectations. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , .

You’re a Beacon – Not a Rescue Boat Are You Feeling Blah?

20 Comments Add your own

  • 1. unityoness2013  |  November 24, 2014 at 9:52 pm

    Reblogged this on unity2013.


  • 3. createmusic  |  November 24, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    Reblogged this on Higher Density Blog.


    • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 25, 2014 at 10:29 am

      Thank you so much for re-posting my channel on Higher Density


  • 5. Angel Wings and Unicorns  |  November 24, 2014 at 11:41 pm

    Reblogged this on Angel wings and Unicorns.


    • 6. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 25, 2014 at 10:32 am

      Thank you so much for re-posting my channel on Angel Wings and Unicorns


  • 7. elizabethsadhu  |  November 25, 2014 at 3:39 am

    Dearest Brenda—Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. I stopped doing holidays with family long ago. I stopped making turkey years ago. I love making new foods for these holiday times.

    Even at my hubby’s family gathering this year we are not even drawing names we are going to do a white elephant.
    My children and hubby and I don’t do gifts anymore we do events to celebrate.

    Love all the changes! Love different and new!!

    Thank you and so much love!
    Brand spankin’ new me! E


    • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 25, 2014 at 10:36 am

      Hi Sweetie,
      To the NEW of us all!!!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 9. elizabethsadhu  |  November 25, 2014 at 5:56 pm

        Oh my gosh…..this has often been a struggle. Trying to please everyone but me! Not willing to compromise myself any more!!!!

        Thanks for the support and encouragement on this path!!!

        love you tons and tons!!


      • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 25, 2014 at 6:06 pm

        Hi Sweetie,
        Just part of our Old Age caretaker/victim roles – that I played so well. I still catch myself every now and then but so much better – and I know the same is true for you.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 11. elizabethsadhu  |  November 25, 2014 at 3:39 am

    Reblogged this on elizabethsadhu and commented:


    • 12. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 25, 2014 at 10:34 am

      Thank you so much Sweetie for re-posting my channel on


  • […] Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: […]


    • 14. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 25, 2014 at 10:33 am

      Thank you so much Lucas for re-posting my channel on


  • 15. Jan  |  November 25, 2014 at 9:07 am

    Dear Brenda,
    This message that you share with us is indeed awesome, perfect, unique and comforting. Your words are a gift! Thank you! Your message is totally and thoroughly fitting for each one of us because of all the inner work we have been doing and now we have choices to make. Indeed, we are brand new! I printed it all out for the purpose of reading it over and over again. By the way, Brenda, I love all of your messages; they reach me. Thank you.


    • 16. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 25, 2014 at 10:40 am

      Hi Jan,
      Thank you!!! Sharing my channels with others is one of my great joys. And I learn along with all who read my blog or listen to my BlogTalk show. A win/win for sure!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkle,


  • 17. AligningWithTruth  |  November 26, 2014 at 5:23 am

    Reblogged this on Aligning With Truth and commented:
    If Thanksgiving is the holiday of the year for the U.S., it is Christmas for the Philippines, my country of origin.
    Unlike with the Americans, Thanksgiving has no significance to the Filipinos. However, the Philippines has become so Westernized that it has adopted (aka, ‘copied,’ which this country is very good at!) the majority of the American practices and traditions — including Thanksgiving.
    I have not been celebrating the holidays of this country — particularly Christmas — for the longest time. Not the traditional way or what has been customary at least.
    This channelled message from Brenda Hoffman of though is as much applicable to Thanksgiving as it is for Christmas — and any other holidays or traditional festivities and celebrations.
    Brenda’s message couldn’t have been worded more aptly. She talks about how we can choose to celebrate such holidays in the New, empowered way, with us being our New selves and “no longer of the norm.” It serves as a much-needed reminder for me. It is preparing me. It is strengthening me, my choice and my resolve to not be part of the holiday frenzy — especially now that the Philippines is getting much more enslaved by the spell of the Christmas madness and holiday rush. And with less than a month to go!
    Thank you for Brenda — for this and for all your other writings and your generosity in sharing them with us!
    For those who choose to celebrate Thanksgiving — in whatever way you choose — may it be one that gives you the most joy and deepest meaning!
    Blessed be.


  • 20. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 26, 2014 at 7:49 am

    Thank you so much Nadine Marie for re-posting my channel on Aligning With Truth My Truth Sets Me



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November 2014