You’re the One

November 30, 2015 at 10:12 am 54 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 27, 2015, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  You’ve combined the ingredients for your cake (earth dream) and it’s in the oven. There is nothing more you need to do other than waiting for the timer to ring. You can remain sad, angry or frustrated if you wish, but know that your cake (earth dream) is in the oven and it’s a ‘show stopper’.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Evolving From Success to Security”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Are you frustrated or fearful because your earth dream has not yet materialized?

Most likely, you believe you have to create something in a certain way. “If I do this, this will happen. But if I neglect my  thoughts, actions, fears, joy, heart or love, it will not.”

Many are telling you what you must do to move forward. Such messages are actions that feel right or enjoyable for them.

You are all on separate paths. So no one can ‘should’ you into anything. Perhaps that is difficult for you to comprehend for you continue to believe you cannot be rewarded without effort.

So it is you complete classes, meditations, actions and clearings that are right for others.

If something feels right and joyful to you, most certainly follow through with that thought, clearing or action.

But many of you are rushing from one exercise to another fearing that if you do not complete this or that piece, your earth dream will not materialize. That you have to do something other than just being.

Such is not true. Who you are is most definitely complete enough to create and accept any creation you decide to create.

Yet, you continue to believe you are a sinner or bad person who must WORK to achieve anything – that you do not deserve to receive just because you are.

Exercises are fine and good. Some are glorious. Some are time wasters. But none is right for you if it does not feel right and/or joyful.

Perhaps meditation is a better comparison. Some meditate for hours daily and glory in the results. Others walk in the woods and achieve the same effect. Still others do not have a meditation practice and feel very comfortable. The only right way to access your inner-being, inner messages – is the technique correct for you.

When you read or hear that you ‘must’ do something to achieve something, realize that such a dictate is a 3D belief.

There are no shoulds or musts in New Earth.

Following others because you believe they have answers you do not, is taking you off your path.

And those who dictate what you must think, believe, do or say are taking themselves off their path. For setting up such thoughts or actions, indicates it is more important for them to have followers than for them to progress on their path.

Information that feels right to you – whether it requires financial reimbursement to the creator of that information or not – is different.

When you discover a spiritual teacher, guru or friend who tells you that you MUST do something, know that doing so will not necessarily move you or the person dictating that belief in the direction you would like.

Trust your instincts. Trust your inner-being. Trust your joy. There are thousands of techniques that will move you forward in this wondrous transition – according to the creators of those techniques.

But if you question the joy of following those techniques one iota. Or if you forget to continue or initiate a process that seems perfect for you, know that such a process/technique is not right for you now.

What you forget is you are progressing steadily along your path. And as you do, your needs and concerns shift. That which was once right for you is not necessarily any longer. By the same token, that which seemed wrong two weeks ago might seem very right now.

Allow yourself to expand your needs and creations without feeling sad or bad because you neglected a piece that others told you was a must for your new creation.

You are not like anyone. So your creations will appear at different times and in different ways. Allow that to be acceptable. In truth, glory in that concept. For you have more freedom on earth than you have every allowed yourself before. The freedom to be your personal leader, your personal guru.

If something feels right, it is – at least, for this hour or minute. For you are shifting so rapidly that that which was perfect a minute ago, may not mean anything to you now.

So it is that you must follow your instincts. No matter what others tell you or show you.

Of course, you wish to create your earth dream NOW. You want a fast food fix to a luxurious dining experience.

So you run hither and yon thinking that you must do this before you create your dream. Not because your inner-being cries out for that action, but because someone has indicated they know you better than you know you.

Such is not possible.

So it is time for you to rest. To allow your earth dream to become your reality in the way best for you. Even though someone might have a technique that speeds up your process a bit, most likely, that technique is not right for you UNLESS it feels like cotton candy as you perform the technique or listen to the message.

This transition is about and for you. No one else. It is not your place to fast forward anyone other than yourself – unless it feels right.

Your techniques are created by new you for a purpose. Just as the techniques of others perform the same function. Very seldom will your techniques blend easily with others, for you are all unique entities with unique roles and inner directives.

Play with the techniques of others if you wish. But do not expect those techniques to be the answer to your dreams. You have your answers, techniques and directives within your being. You are a self-contained entity who requires no other information.

Allow yourself to relax into your earth dream. Your inner-being will lead the way. All you have to do is listen. Not to others, but to yourself. For you are wise far beyond anything you can now imagine. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , .

Evolving From Success to Security It’s Your Graduation

54 Comments Add your own

  • 1. AligningWithTruth  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:11 am

    Hmmmm…Interesting what you’re saying here is quite similar to what I said in my most recent post (published just about an hour after this one) ! 🙂 Love those synchronicities! Thanks Brenda! Spot on message as always! Blessed be. 😀 ⭐ ❤ ⭐ 😀 NadineMarie


    • 2. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 12:08 pm

      Hi NadineMarie,
      So we’re all getting similar messages. WONDERFUL!!!!! I absolutely love those synchronicities too!
      Blessings, Love and So Many Fun Sparkles,
      PS Loved that you left Sugar Beach without regret – does it get any better as we shed our 3D beings.

      Liked by 1 person

      • 3. AligningWithTruth  |  December 2, 2015 at 6:02 am

        I know Brenda…It’s fascinating each time that happens — when I come across a post or a comment and I’m like, “Oh, I just said or thought about that, too!” Quite reassuring! 🙂

        As to my episode at Sugar Beach, yes Brenda, what a shift it sure was! I made sure and was adamant that I leave feeling complete, and I did, YAY! 😀

        Much Love, Blessings & Sparkles to you, too! 😀 ⭐ ❤ ⭐ 😀


      • 4. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 2, 2015 at 10:36 am

        Hi NadineMarie,
        Ah, an important creation for you – leaving Sugar Beach feeling complete. What a wonderful ending to that part of your life. And thank you for sharing via your blog. Kudos and more kudos!
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,

        Liked by 1 person

      • 5. AligningWithTruth  |  December 9, 2015 at 4:02 am

        Yes Brenda, it was such an important and powerful phase in my journey! What a shift, whew! 😀 Writing about it and sharing through my blog site gives me the greatest fulfillment and joy — as you very well know.

        Yes, kudos to all of us!

        Much Love, Blessings & Sparkles to you, too! ❤ ❤ ❤


      • 6. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 9, 2015 at 10:33 pm

        Hi Nadinemarie,
        Shifting, evolving and sharing – you’ve done it so wonderfully well. Thank you. And yes, KUDOS to all of us for creating and sharing our transition puzzle piece in our unique way and time!
        Blessings, Love and Those Sparkles,


  • 7. elizabethsadhu  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:26 am

    “Trust your instincts. Trust your inner-being. Trust your joy.” Yes!!!! I have been getting this. Exude joy. Be joy. We are like joy slugs, leaving a trail of joy for others to feel, take on. We can leave anger trails or sad trails……..

    Awesome channel!!! Spot on! Beautiful!!

    I have found that even when I have someone I have been following, that I don’t read or do everything that they say. Only sometimes. If I have any doubt I ask the Beans and they nod their heads yes or shake them no. They are so helpful!!!! They say, “yes, we are!” Heehee…. Now they are rolling around on the floor, giggling, holding their tummies with glee.

    Love love love and big JOY TO US ALL.


    • 8. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 4:59 pm

      Hi Sweetie,
      “Exude joy. Be joy.” works for me. And so does, “leaving anger trails or sad trails behind.” Now you’re spot on!!!!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Sparkles,


  • 9. elizabethsadhu  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:29 am

    Reblogged this on elizabethsadhu and commented:
    Yes yes yes!!


    • 10. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:02 pm

      Thank you so much, Sweetie, for reblogging my channel on ElizabethSadhu and for sharing your channel/Beans info with me!


  • 11. soulspeak2013  |  November 30, 2015 at 12:26 pm

    Thank you dear star sister dear friend for a wonderful empowering reminder for those that continue to struggle with their own abilities…and their own fear of heights. Blessings abundant ♥♥♥


    • 12. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:04 pm

      Hi SoulSpeak/Star Sister/Friend,
      Love your line, “those who continue to struggle with their own abilities…and their own fear of heights.” I think we’ve all tapped into that at one time or another during this amazing transition!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 13. soulspeak2013  |  November 30, 2015 at 12:26 pm

    Reblogged this on At the Table, On my Plate.


    • 14. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:05 pm

      Thank you so much SoulSpeak/Star Sister/Friend for reblogging my channel on At the Table, On my Plate

      Liked by 1 person

  • 15. Oracles and Healers  |  November 30, 2015 at 1:30 pm

    Thank you. Shared on


    • 16. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:07 pm

      Hi, Ron! Good to see your face after your web redesign! Thank you so much for reblogging my channel on

      Liked by 1 person

      • 17. Oracles and Healers  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:33 pm

        You’re welcome. There’s an ‘a’ in there, Oraclesandhealers.wordpress doesn’t really exist. I paid to have all its traffic forwarded. That’s why I can’t just hit the re-blog button anymore.


      • 18. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 8:08 pm

        Thank you for catching that Ron. Correction made. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by OraclesandHealers doesn’t really exist, but I’m so glad you understand. The channels you create for us, plus all the information you reblog are important pieces for us during this transition.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,

        Liked by 1 person

      • 19. Oracles and Healers  |  November 30, 2015 at 10:17 pm

        Just that it was a free site on and now it is a paid site on Love and light.


      • 20. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 1, 2015 at 9:55 am

        Thank you so much, Ron, for continuing your site – despite your added expense to do so.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,

        Liked by 1 person

  • 21. Barb  |  November 30, 2015 at 3:06 pm

    Thank you for this reminder, Brenda. I love the “unless it feels like cotton candy” part! Just recently, it *has* started to feel like relaxing into the dream is possible for me to do (your latest Blogtalk message helped there too). Some small things have been popping up with even greater ease, which makes me feel more confident to turn and open to (rather than struggle and work for) the big dream package. I appreciate the continued focus and support for this big step we’re taking. If this is so important, what’s next must be spectacular! So much energy is shifting and opening already.


    • 22. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:10 pm

      Hi Barb,
      Can you believe how many WordPress and BlogTalk channels have been devoted to creating our earth dream by or near the end of the year? And I’m very much wondering/thinking the same – “If this (earth dream) is so important, what’s next must be spectacular!”
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 23. Barb  |  December 1, 2015 at 1:31 pm

        Yes, it’s amazing how many channels there have been on the subject! I am so grateful (and I’m sure many others are too). It’s been enormously helpful. And now here we are in December at last! Woo Hoo!


      • 24. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 1, 2015 at 5:24 pm

        Hi Barb,
        I know. I’m feeling the same. What exciting piece of new us is just around the corner. Woo Hoo indeed!!!!
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 25. CRISTINA  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    “UNLESS it feels like cotton candy”
    I love this comparison!
    Perhaps because it drives me crazy cotton candy and especially because it is perfect summary of the message: if not sweet, fluffy, color and above all fun (I think when it hits you in the nose, hands, hair, like when you were 5 years) , It is that it is not, 😉
    Love , Blesses and sparkles


    • 26. CRISTINA  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:11 pm

      Sorry, I want to say to fix or to stick, no to hint.
      it is a slip, because in Spanish the word for to fix (like glue) and to hint (to harm) is spelled the same: pegar 😉


      • 27. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 8:10 pm

        Not to worry Cristina. Your words made perfect sense to me.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


    • 28. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 6:49 pm

      Hi Cristina,
      Your words bring back cotton candy to a five-year-old so wonderfully well. Thank you. I wondered why cotton candy was the phrase that I kept hearing in my head – thinking that not everyone has experienced cotton candy like you and I did as five-year-olds. But you described it to us all perfectly – “sweet, fluffy, color and above all fun.”
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 29. GAF  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:05 pm

    Hallelujah Brenda. Always good for folks to be reminded of this.


    • 30. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 6:41 pm

      Hallelujah for us all indeed GAF!!!! GO Earth TEAM!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 31. GAF  |  December 1, 2015 at 3:25 am

        Yes, it’s interesting too that you come out with this message “You’re the ONE”, reminding people that their inner guidance far outweighs any outer information (although we’re all Divine messengers to each other) at a time when so many others are talking Unity.

        The unity that many look for is a rather outward unity with others, but what matters and yet what is a challenge for so many is Unity Unto Oneself. Being whole unto yourself. Acknowledgment of, acceptance of and cooperation of all parts of Self. And enough self-love and self-respect to allow yourself to evolve.

        And when one has that, the Unity with others is a given.


      • 32. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 1, 2015 at 9:51 am

        Thank you GAF for your wonderful words of wisdom.

        Yes, without inner unity, without self-love, we continue with the 3D world of competition, jealousy, lack of self-worth and overall fear of someone or something being better than or needing to control us.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 33. Alw  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:10 pm

    Hi Brenda, I loved reading the “show stopper” part. Smiling ear to ear! One month to go. So excited for 2016. Thanks as always Brenda. Amanda


    • 34. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 6:40 pm

      Hi Amanda,
      I was a bit surprised by that “showstopper” phrase too!!!!!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 35. Alw  |  November 30, 2015 at 8:42 pm

        The synchronicity is making me chuckle. Just a few minutes after reading your response, i was watching a show and a girl trying on clothes said something along the lines of “it’s gotta be a showstopper”. Haha


      • 36. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:19 pm

        Oh, that is a fun synchronicity, Amanda! Thank you for making me laugh too.
        Blessings, Love and Lots of Fun Sparkles,


  • 37. janis´¯`·.¸ʚįɞ  |  November 30, 2015 at 5:11 pm

    Wow, Brenda! I’m so glad to read this…even tho I feel it’s true I still find myself questioning myself when I hear what someone I respect says that weighs a bit heavy with me. Thank you for this re-affirmation. I’ve been listening to your last two blogtalks many times…they, too, as usual, are so helpful to me…bless you, Brenda Hoffman!!! 😀 Many thanks!!! ❤ ❤ ❤


    • 38. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 6:38 pm

      Hi Janis,
      We’re so used to thinking that someone has to be wiser than we are. After all, that concept has been promoted by, for and to us for eons. The amazing piece is that we’ve started recognizing that such is not true in just one part of one lifetime. Kudos to us all!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 40. Lily  |  November 30, 2015 at 10:00 pm

    Thank you so much Brenda, for this lovely and important reminder. It is exactly what I needed to hear today


    • 41. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:20 pm

      I’m so pleased Lily. Thank you! Sharing my channels with others is one of my great joys.
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 42. TheSunnyDay2013  |  December 1, 2015 at 10:08 am

    I just heard someone say about the spiritual community that it’s time to stop waiting for the Universe to bail us out. And I wondered, if creating our earth dream, finally, is actually that. Asking for God to bail us out… Law attraction to sort us out while we feel frustration and victimhood…


    • 43. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 1, 2015 at 5:22 pm

      Dear SunnyDay,
      You’re bailing yourself out – finally! No Universes, parents, friends or jobs can do more for you than you. WAHOO!! for us all as we claim our freedom to be – and to create!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 45. franheal  |  December 1, 2015 at 11:39 pm

    Reblogged this on franheal.


    • 46. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 2, 2015 at 10:31 am

      Thank you so much, Fran, for reblogging my channel on FranHeal


      • 47. franheal  |  December 2, 2015 at 1:33 pm

        My pleasure Brenda! Lots of Love to you 💖💖💖


  • 48. Catharina  |  December 2, 2015 at 10:59 am

    I made this comment to someone on Nov.24,2015 ..I found it similar to what you said my granddaughter would say..:awwsum sause”..may be a little wordy..but its how my mind works:)..just love your insights Brenda!!!!!!!****

    Welp, to tell ya the truth I AM quite bored with the descriptions. period.,”light worker”..”ascension”..3.4.5 D..even those numbers cease to have any meaning for me. I almost feel like I feel when folks ask when they meet..”so WHAT DO YOU DO<<?" now response to the question.."about what?" like we have to be doing something all the time..Some of the most amazing "light workers" if you will are infants, newbies, just arrived to this planet folks..they should be the example instead of something to "shape" into conformity to be the "same"..they are the teachers. I think this whole "ascension' concept is just another disguise of some form.. I think it is almost becoming some kind of gimmick to make folks feel like they 'belong' to something…or belong here on earth at all..( I personally have never felt like I belong here or am even from here) Let's face it we are all on a solo journey. There are only a few emotions we feel as humans and billions upon billions of experiences that take you there. I was raised in the Catholic church so, I know dogma and rules of engagement for that concept of is brutal what they tell you in that religious were born a 'sinner' is meant to keep you down and fearful of your own power..such a shame and misuse of 'guidance' for being on the planet.So, I am what I am..I don't need someone telling me or do i need to pass some kind of 'test' to 'see' if I am in 3,4 or 5 D..or if I am ascending or not. I have survived is all I can say..I am 67 years old..have had some brutal human experiences that would and could have taken me down..depleted me..shamed me..and mantra is to "do no harm" to myself and others..thoughts and actions..trying at times when there are nasty mean people every where,but I have to believe there is 'good' in all of us..or it just wouldn't be worth being here. I have no great expectations to be a 'light worker"..lets face it even without the title..we are all just dealing with energy..light..its very shape shifty in its rises it shoots to the left ..then the right..and we are just right smack dab in the middle..ahhhhh the middle path..just being what you be as you be how you be in this goal to rise to make it to 4 or 5 D…even that is a limitation if that is the goal…geez..why does there even have to be a friggin' "goal"..I just want to be a kid again..laugh when I am happy..scream when I am pissed..I want to feel safe being here on the planet..and that is knowing my powers of creation and making that 'safety' happen..its diff for everyone.After being on the planet this thing i know is that we waste so many precious heart beats on trying "TO DO" …to get somewhere in the future..all we have is this NOW..have dreams,but don't give them a 'title"..or describe them as ..oooooh lookey I am ascending..I just had a warm and fuzzy thought about my ass hole neighbor..its all good I am rising above the muck. I just want to simplify my life..its not so contrived as all of the different paths I have been on..definitely am not a Catholic anymore..and oh, what a relief it is..I hope there is a new "movement' in the future that encourages folks in this earth walk…not make them feel like they have to Be in a particular dimension..oh, maybe the one of love..but ya know even that is diff for everyone..our concept..we just need to feel encouraged is all I can say..hey thanks for helping me to get clear in my mind..and heart thru your take on this..the internet is so saturated with this ascension is just kinda gettin boring to me..hey maybe that's the sign..doesn't matter..I still need to figure how I am even going to find the resources for anew roof and fix my 26 year old that's going to take some pretttttty amazing creation abilities..but ya know..I am fine..just all of it…gawd it feels sooooo damn good to finally love myself in all of one taught me that..I just allowed it..and now..I am allowing some of the monetary funds to come my way..lets face it..there is sure plenty of money on planet..and love to..and health..and on and on…ALLOW's pretty simple….whatever it is you want to allow to come in…off into the wild blue..happy trails to one and all."C


    • 49. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 2, 2015 at 11:25 am

      Hi Catharina,
      AWSOME for sure. Go Catharina!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 50. Danielle  |  December 2, 2015 at 6:01 pm

    Dear Brenda,

    I don’t have a blog but your message resonates with me … When I read it, I had just received the same/similar message (from my Higher Self or Inner Guidance) shortly before reading yours…
    Lately, it happened with other messages from other sources…
    I love these synchronicities!!!
    We are One!
    Loving Blessings and loads of Divine Sparkles .. 😉


    • 51. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 2, 2015 at 6:20 pm

      Hi Danielle,
      YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love synchronistic messages too.

      What a fascinating transition. We receive messages that are similar and yet, we’re on unique paths. We are such powerful and amazing creators.
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 52. Danielle  |  December 3, 2015 at 5:02 pm

        Hi Brenda!

        Exactly!!! I totally agree with you!!!
        There is such an infinite intelligence behind all this!!
        And… WE are IT!

        Loving Blessings to you…


      • 53. LifeTapestryCreations  |  December 3, 2015 at 6:49 pm

        Hi Danielle,
        Doesn’t “WE ARE IT!” Sound and feel delightful?
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 54. Danielle  |  December 4, 2015 at 12:25 pm

        YES !!! YES!!! and….YES!!!
        It sounds and FEELS WONDERFUL!!!
        Many many many Loving and Sparkling Blessings to…. us ALL


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November 2015