You’re a New Earth 5D Toe Dipper

November 11, 2019 at 10:53 am 31 comments

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 9, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’re likely experiencing emotional ups and downs. Such is so because your nonvital cells are shifting from 3D to 5D. Your cells are doing so with the help of the potent energies of 11/11, 12/12, and 12/21. This shift is another indication of the en masse request to transition beyond your primary role of building a bridge to the new age.

Your Followers are NOT Infants is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You probably lack energy and enthusiasm for the activities that once felt as if they were the cornerstone of your life. Your disinterest in all but a limited amount of activity is far beyond what you expected when we announced that new energies were shifting your interior.

You are even frightened you might have something medically wrong. Something 3D society enhances by creating new fear ailments almost daily.

So it is you are entering the most active time of your calendar year with a lack of enthusiasm or interest. Simple and easy are your current inner directives.

You wonder who you are. For those pieces that created enthusiasm, no longer matter. And the few pieces interesting enough to get you off the couch are only so for short bursts of time.

The internal shifts you are now experiencing are similar to the maturity differences between a toddler and a teenager.

Your difficulty is existing in a 3D world surrounded by those beginning to shift, or somewhere between your achievements and those starting to shift. So it is you have friends and family questioning your lack of enthusiasm. While others no longer wish to be with you because you are so different.

Perhaps you were a giggler in 3D, but are now more serious or the opposite. It does not matter how your being is adapting. Just know you are not who you were yesterday and will be more estranged from October 2019, you, tomorrow. Minute by minute, you are sloughing off the 3D cells that held you on the tightrope between 3D and 5D.

Until recently, it was fairly common for you to adjust to either 3D or 5D as the need arose. You could work in an office filled with 3D beings and yet absorb 5D information at home.

You are discovering such dimensional shifts are no longer possible. Something quite frightening on many levels. For even though you are becoming a new entity, you continue to exist in a 3D world.

So it is you are displaying the new, the different, the unknown. All of which will become known in 2020.

You are the first complete 5D toe dippers in the New Earth waters of change.

Your new world feels uncomfortable, perhaps frightening, and so you might lash out (you think) at someone you like or love. Only to discover they did not realize you were doing so. Almost as if you have a cloak of secrecy surrounding you. What you believe to be your worst actions or words are not noticed by others – they continue to sense you of yesterday.

You are in the midst of a shift only possible, you thought, in science fiction materials. But then, many science-fiction concepts have become a reality. Such is so because when it is time for something to become a reality, those thoughts are communicated en masse. So some elect to write about or design those items, and others invent them. In the 1400s, Leonardo Da Vinci designed many imaginary pieces, including helicopters. For he could float in and out of thought clouds at will, as have others that society ignored or laughed at.

You are now living the science fiction you once read about. Becoming a new being in a new world. It is just that you, like Leonardo Da Vinci, are moving into place more rapidly than those following. And by so doing, you are finding that the 3D interests that once held your attention not that interesting. And 5D interests that will hold your attention, not yet available.

Perhaps you will better understand this time if you imagine this as an early teen stage in which you dream of dating but are not yet allowed to do so. Oh, the angst of that early teen stage! So it is now. You are no longer a 3D toddler, nor are you a full-fledged teenager. Such will occur in 2020.

Your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies are merely preparing for that shift. Allow yourself to float in and out of exhaustion, interest, and activity. For others, not yet at this stage, will not notice the difference – any more than a toddler notices the shifts of their teenage sibling.

Suffice it for you to know you are in the midst of a significant transition that will reach fruition after the 12/21 energy burst. Shifting you from a 5D wannabe to a full-fledged 5D being.

Of course, we have long told you that you were of 5D. And so you were and are. The difference is that you are honing your 5D being from a rough cut diamond to a glittering stone with multi-faceted sparkles.

Each phase you complete allows you to sparkle more as has been true since you first entered your new 5D being. But this phase is the difference between night and day. Even though both are earth expressions, day time is so much brighter. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

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Your Followers are NOT Infants You’re Now Learning to Expect Joy

31 Comments Add your own

  • 1. senlinsays  |  November 11, 2019 at 11:30 am

    Oh, Brenda! Thank you so very much for this. Lately I have felt utterly alone in the process, but your channeling tells me that all of us are going through the same thing. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 11, 2019 at 6:41 pm

      Dear Senlin,
      We’re in this together. You’re not alone. And we’ve achieved so much in such a short time. Kudos to us all!!!!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,


  • 3. janis´¯`·.¸ʚįɞ  |  November 11, 2019 at 1:43 pm

    Thank you, Brenda…thank you so much…
    I feel like the same ol’ me that I’ve been for a lot of years but on more of an emotional rollercoaster these last months…
    Since I see hardly many changes, I hope I’m part of this significant shift…I hope, I hope, I hope…
    I am so thankful for your presence here, Brenda…it so helps me… ♥️♥️♥️


    • 4. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 11, 2019 at 6:43 pm

      Dear Janis,
      You are. You are. You are!!!!! I’ve been on the same emotional rollercoaster as have so many. We’re doing this!!!!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 7. Eliza Ayres  |  November 11, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.


  • 9. Joanna C  |  November 11, 2019 at 4:25 pm

    So true! I feel uninterested in so many things, not to mention the boredom and restlessness. It’s like a huge part of me knows something is shifting and coming but not sure when, how or what:)


    • 10. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 11, 2019 at 6:46 pm

      Dear Joanna,
      Join the club! Wouldn’t we just love to know the when, how, or what? Unfortunately or fortunately, we’re the forerunners writing the manual so that those following won’t have as many questions or fears.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Energies,


  • 11.  |  November 11, 2019 at 6:20 pm

    Thank you!


    • 12. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 11, 2019 at 6:47 pm

      Hi Claire,
      You’re so welcome. Time for many of us to get out that red blanky, a cup of hot chocolate and a good book!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,


  • 13. elizabethsadhu  |  November 11, 2019 at 6:46 pm

    Thanks Dearest Brenda! Sparkle. Sparkle. Sparkle.

    I am in a state of just allowing it all to unfold. It feels pretty darn peaceful. I like to call it “profound allowing”. At least that is today. As soon as I get a little placid, I go down. Then I go up again. Practicing BEING.

    The messages I get are that we are sublime perfection now and that we don’t need to do anything. Just see/feel/know it. Which I feel your post helps us understand.

    The owl that came to me really helped me a lot. I was driving the other night and an owl just swooped at my windshield, looked in at me and then swooped away. It was a huge WOW moment. Of course I had to look it up and here were 3 site’s messages that spoke to me. AS part of our collective connection, I feel that this is for us all. I feel most connected here and on Maria Chambers’ site. (soulsoothinsounds in case anyone wants to check her out.)

    “Owls have great wisdom and insight, and can see beyond the illusions in life. They encourage you to look at all situations with a keen eye, and not to take everything as it appears. … The owl spirit animal usually symbolizes death, but it can also mean a great change will come into your life.”

    “When an owl comes to your life, it should be a warning for you to be prepared for all the changes that are going to come soon. When an owl crosses your path, it is also a sign that it is time to use your talents the best you can.”

    “If you’ve been seeing owls frequently in your daily life, this means you’ve tapped into deeper knowledge and your intuitive wisdom. … The owl symbolizes ancient wisdom, maturity, and strength of character, and can guide us into exploring the unknowns about life.”

    love to you and love to us all!

    Liked by 1 person

  • 14. Tuikku  |  November 12, 2019 at 4:58 am

    So Happy to read this. I finally understand what I ‘m going thru. I have had many symptoms (physical, emotional, spiritual) ovet 2 years. Thank you Brenda 🌹This poem and encaustic painting I did yesterday when feeling tired, pain and lazy. Really hoping the better future to come 😊
    “Holding arms, peaceful to be. Guarding angels and animals around me. The golden gate will show the way for better future to wait. A huge power spread by the Light” ✨💖

    Wish all the best, Tuija


    • 15. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 12, 2019 at 3:17 pm

      Dear Tuija,
      Even though I couldn’t view your artwork for some technical reason, your title/description is beautiful. May your future be as bright and loving as your artwork – even on your lazy days!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,


  • 16. nickmaddockshotmailcom  |  November 12, 2019 at 6:35 am

    Hi Brenda,

    Thanks for your blog postings. Out of all the channellings (I read this via Sananda) your blog describes my current state of being to a T! Some days the ‘boredom’ with everything is positively excruciating, just dragging myself along! I’m so glad to know it’s coming to an end shortly.

    Thank you.


    Liked by 1 person

    • 17. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 12, 2019 at 3:20 pm

      Dear Nick,
      So do I!!!! Thank you for letting me know that my channel resonated for/with you.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 18. cnymicaa  |  November 12, 2019 at 6:49 am

    Your blogs never cease to amaze me, they are just so spot on sometimes. This one in particular. I have felt like this off and on, and noticed lately it is more on. Not depressed. Just….bored or done. Thanks for putting these things into words, I have never been great at self expression.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 19. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 12, 2019 at 3:24 pm

      Dear Micaa,
      Just bored or done resonates with me too! Yet another interesting, but not exciting, phase of this amazing transition.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,


  • 20. You’re a New Earth 5D Toe Dipper - Ascension Energies  |  November 13, 2019 at 1:01 am

    […] Brenda Hoffman – Dear Ones, […]


    • 21. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 13, 2019 at 6:59 pm

      Thank you so much for reblogging my channel on Ascension Energies


  • 22. Amon-Ra  |  November 13, 2019 at 5:10 am

    Thank you Brenda for your inspiring text. I have been going through some of the best years of my life since my ascending and awakening process started five – six years ago, but the closer the Light I get, more frightened I am. Not every day (thank God!) but those feelings keep coming like a wave…

    What if the future I almost am able to see and touch never actually happens! What if the promise I believe in is just a cosmic joke?! I know it’s not true, I have heard the voice of God, angels and all my friends from Heaven so many times telling me everything is Ok {plus all the miracles in my life during these years…) , but the fear just keeps coming back…

    It is just an emotion, and only a few weeks or months from now and I’m sure we have had The Answer to our greates prayers ever …

    God bless you ❤


    • 23. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 13, 2019 at 7:08 pm

      Dear Amon-Ra,
      Even if it’s a cosmic joke, which it isn’t, just remember how wonderfully you’ve evolved in the past few years.

      As for your fears, many of us are concerned about leaving our secure 3D nest under a rock. We’ve used eons of time (literally) to hide our Universal power. What if we expose our skills or differences and are treated as poorly as we’ve been treated in the past? Fear of failure. Fear of exposure. Fear of being wrong. All areas we’ve worked so diligently to hide to ensure our safety and now we’re being pushed to expose all. You’re not alone. You’re a Universal powerhouse finding the courage to start those turbines!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,


      • 24. Amon-Ra  |  November 14, 2019 at 1:40 pm

        Dear Brenda, it is so true that sometimes when I get a vision of the power hidden inside us it makes me sometimes very scared (fortunately thrilled more often than that…).

        How nice would it be just a simple human, not a god-like person carrying all that magic just to be revealed AGAIN. I really do understand people who just wish to live a single, easy life without a need to experience this search for Light and EVER expanding conciousness, because all that is unknown can be frightening, too… Still more exiting than ever, and so promising! We are going back Home!

        And as I do remember from my previous incarnations (or perhaps one should say “other incarnations” as time is not linear?) I have heavily misused my powers and paid a high price for those actions… And that makes me feel so quilty even now even if it all happend thousands of years ago! So. I betrayed my Divine Father (in a days of Luciferian rebellion) and I still cry when I remember how I let Him down. .. And while I know I will never ever rebel against my Father’s and Mother’s wishes again, something still keeps reminding me that I have not always been the nicest guy in the Universe and so I do not deserve my gifts back…

        I still am so shamed of my criminal deeds…

        I have seen the face of God but was later banished from Paradise due to my actions. But I know Father and Mother love me more than ever so there is nothing to worry about. They still love me, and they always will, and it is just a short time from now and I’ll meet my Divine Parents again! Soon will be reality for all of us God loving people ❤

        With Light & Love,


      • 25. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 15, 2019 at 3:59 pm

        Dear Amon-Ra,
        My beliefs are that we are of the God force/Universes similar to knowing that our hair cells are of us. We’re not the child of the god/parent, but of God. And even though you may have done what you consider horrible things – so have most of us in previous or even this lifetime. Karma is no more. We’re starting with a clean slate.
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,


  • 26. Amon-Ra  |  November 13, 2019 at 5:35 am

    …and not to mention that I lost all of my “friends” and family. Everyone turned out to serve the Dark Forces, and they all betrayed me just like in a horror movie, or would it be better to say in a prophesy of the Bible:

    (Luke 21:16: “You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.”)

    Be prepared to be deceived, my dear frieds, by those next to you when the Time comes… but that is also something not be worried about, as it was already written in the stars…


    • 27. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 13, 2019 at 7:11 pm

      Dear Amon-Ra,
      I have a somewhat different take on your betrayal thoughts. I’ve changed so much that those who were once on a similar frequency are no more. Which to me is similar to leaving your very small home town and realizing you have little in common with those who haven’t ventured beyond that home town.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Ongoing Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 28. dreamweaver333  |  November 13, 2019 at 9:12 pm

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.


    • 29. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 14, 2019 at 10:47 am

      Thank you so much for reblogging my channel on Dreamweaver333


    • 31. LifeTapestryCreations  |  November 14, 2019 at 10:41 am

      Thank you so much for reblogging my channel on



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November 2019