Posts tagged ‘prophecy’

The Joy of Recent Earth Events is That You Care

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

This week, Brenda channeled on her free, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show, how the recent disturbing earthquakes are an indication that just as we entities are shifting, so too are the earth and Universes. This is a micro/macro shift of epic proportions.

On Saturday April 2nd at 1 pm, Brenda and her friends/co-channelers, Beverly J. and Rick Thompson will hold a live, open channeling session during the Greenville, SC Festival of Healing and Spiritual Awareness Conference – 119 Beverly Road, Greenville, SC. For more information, e-mail Brenda at; Beverly at or call Jan Posey, the coordinator, at 864-233-3033.

Dear Ones,

Let us return to the recent scene of potential disaster – Japan. Many of you, despite your New Age thoughts about negating victim hood and fear, remain concerned about those who were killed, hurt or injured. That is not terrible or even unacceptable. Many of you cling to Old Age thoughts of right and wrong, despite our discussions that such judgments are not an issue in this New Age. Your only concern, your only issue is how your heart/inner being feels about something.

Do not berate yourself for caring, compassion or even sadness. Even though you are aware that there is no death, merely a transition to a different environment, you can still note the pain of those who remain – in a sense – to be tortured through injuries or loss of loved ones or their community. It is not terrible to care or even to worry. That is part of being human.

You are moving across the New Age bridge to joy. Part of that joy is caring for others. The statement, “We are all one” should not be taken lightly. In truth, give yourself accolades for being concerned, even sad.

If you were to see an injured animal – would you feel joy or sadness? If you were to find a tortured child – would you feel joy or sadness? If you were to find that a beautiful forest were destroyed – would you feel sadness or joy? Do you now understand how wonderful it is that you feel emotions for people, animals and the earth – even though those now in Japan are in a part of the world that you have never or may never visit? Do you see how wonderful your feelings are? Let us give you another example. If you were in a car accident that resulted in the loss of your leg, would your first thoughts be of joy or sadness – perhaps even anger?

So it is for you now. You have lost a part of yourself through the unexpected upheavals of the earth/Gaia. It is as if you have lost a leg through no fault of your own. The joy in all of this is that you care. You feel. And you are feeling for people and places that are not of your immediate community.

Perhaps you will contend that such has always been the case. We beg to differ. In the Old Age, your concern was for your immediate circle – those in your family, community, state/province or country. And though some of you may have sent funds to the various locals injured in a natural disaster – that disaster was “out there” somewhere and did not really affect you internally.

What you have not noted, perhaps even to yourself, is that this disaster, Haiti and even Hurricane Katrina affected you differently. You may or may not have sent money, but your “heart bled” for those in the “eye of the storm.” Many of you will claim that you and others only feel as long as the media points out the pain to you. That is a somewhat accurate description – but it is rapidly changing.

You are feeling the pain of others deeper and longer than has been the case in the past. Your heart is awakening to the pain of others far beyond your field of vision and connection.

Let us give you an example of what most often happened in the Old Age. The horrors of the  Holocaust were displayed and discussed immediately after World War II. Your media continues to explore what happened to the Jewish people and any other group the Nazis found unacceptable. Even so, in the 1950s, many Jewish doctors were not allowed to practice in Christian or even general hospitals. And after many generations of Japanese-Americans integrating into United States society, Japanese-Americans were forced into camps during World War II. German-Americans  and Italian-Americans were not thought to need camps.

The New Age has not arrived for everyone. There are still many people who wish to blame someone or something for their discomfort – whether that be economic, physical, spiritual or emotional. But with each disaster, more people are shifting to “think” with their hearts, rather than their pocketbooks or preconceived ideas of which group of people is right or wrong.

“We are all one” is becoming more and more of an accepted belief pattern. Your beliefs are shifting to African-Americans dating Caucasians, homosexuals marrying and younger men dating older women. The lines of conformity are blurring into a beautiful gray. And disasters such as occurred in Haiti, New Zealand and Japan are instrumental.

It might be difficult for you to understand it now, but your New Age, your joy is about people blending on the basis of feelings, not color or economic status. Which returns us to our original thought. How wondrous, how joyous for those of you in the United States who feel extreme empathy for the very people you wanted to annihilate 70 years ago. Your heart is expanding and therefore, your joy.

Honor yourself for feeling empathy. Send love to those in need much as you would have 70 years ago to those of your race fighting in WWII. Know that your feelings are an instrumental part of your movement into the New Age.

And honor those who agreed to play roles many of you did not opt to play – those in Haiti, New Zealand and Japan. Honor your humanity, earth and the Universes. All are joining together to ensure that you are enmeshed in love and joy. So be it. Amen.

We will one more piece for Brenda. Even though those who are suffering in Japan, Haiti and New Zealand seem to be in a hopeless situation, the earth is shifting just as you are. And just as a natural forest fire seems overwhelming at first, it is necessary to introduce new growth and animals to that area. The people of Haiti, Japan and New Zealand will rebuild more rapidly than now appears probable. That rebuilding will become a model for new communities throughout the Universes. Will it happen tomorrow? No. Will it happen in your lifetime – most probably. Just as you felt different and stronger after you allowed yourself to “pass through the eye of the storm” as you cleansed yourself for the New Age, so to will it be true for those parts of earth who agreed to move through their traumas en masse. So be it. Amen

Life Tapestry   If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E- mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the confirmation e-mail.

March 15, 2011 at 5:04 pm 6 comments

Create What is Right for You NOW – Not Next Month or Next Year

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

Brenda also channels a weekly, 15-minute radio show “Creation Energies” available on her website or at Her blog and radio show contain different channeled messages.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps some of you are wondering when “your ship is coming in.” That phrase has many elements of your Old Age beliefs including you must wait for someone or something to create what you want.

Or you may be concerned that your dreams might shift before or shortly after you create your dream. A bit of, “Do not rush into anything because I might be a different person with different desires tomorrow.” You will be. But that has little or nothing to do with who you are today.

We are tapping into a belief pattern that has followed your creative efforts for eons – wait for someone or something better. For those of you who beg to differ, let us remind you of the times you found a dress, car or home that felt perfect the first time you saw it, yet you forced yourself to take time to think about it before making any emotional or financial committment. Let us also remind you of the times you found the perfect date or mate for the day – perhaps your high school prom – and delayed action just in case someone better appeared.

Maybe you are laughing at yourself – and well you should. For indeed, if the object, item or person is perfect why would you wait until the object, item or person is no longer perfect?

That last thought may seem negative. That is fine. We are merely pointing out your eons of training that taught you to wait for the joy that was certain to be short-lived as some trauma or misstep ruined your joy. Your Old Age belief patterns were designed to curtail joy and increase pain.

Let us return to the example of the perfect dress. Suppose you decided to continue your shopping excursion despite knowing you would return for that dress. And suppose you eventually return for that dress – but only after you have ruined a perfectly beautiful summer day racing from store to store to ensure that your first glimmer of joy was a reality?

We are not telling you to stop price or comparison shopping, we are merely reminding you that your inner voice can do that for you. This is yet another element in your new tool kit. In the Old Age, you expected to race from here to there for the perfect item – including spouses and significant others.

This New Age calls for different methods. If it feels right and bright – do it. Your action, whatever it is, is correct for today – maybe even tomorrow. But you no longer need to base your decisions on, “If I make a mistake, my life is ruined.”

You are shifting so rapidly in all aspects of your being that you can no longer expect that any choice will be right for you tomorrow, much less next month. A terrifying thought is it not? For in the past, your decisions have been based on long-term solutions. “She is my soul mate for life.” “This car will be perfect for the next ten years.” “This suit will help me be noticed within the corporate world.” All logical thoughts last year. All inappropriate thoughts now.

What if the New Age changes mean that no one wears suits anymore? Or that your car will be technically outdated before you drive it off the lot? Or that your mate of today will not necessarily be your mate of tomorrow?

The New Age is about creating what is right for you now – today, this moment. Not what might be correct in a few months or weeks. That is how rapidly you and your Universes are evolving.

Now is your moment. If it feels good in your heart – do it NOW. If it does not feel good in your heart, if it does not make your heart sing – walk on by. It may make your heart sing tomorrow, but tomorrow is not yet here.

As you expand your skills, your Old Age method of shopping for the future in whatever form that takes is no longer appropriate. If it feels right – do it now. Or wait until it feels right. This is an issue of trust that you have long neglected or denied. Trust your inner being. Your inner being has so many more skills than you are aware of including knowing which dress is correct for you at the right price – that is, if you need the dress today. If you are shopping for something to wear next year, we suggest you postpone your decision. Each day you are evolving into the new and lovely being that is the New Age you.

Everything, absolutely everything in your being is shifting. You ccept that computer technology shifts constantly. The IPad you purchased a mere few months ago is already outdated with the new IPad II.

Like computers, you are constantly  being updated as you move further and further into the New Age. Your tool kit is wondrous, just as you are wondrous.

You are changing even more rapidly than any computer technology. On that basis, do not force yourself into objects, relationships or ideas that are forever. For just as you are shifting so are all others in the Universes.

Should you sit around your house afraid to try anything new or different? Quite the contrary. Paint today – in a color that makes you feel joyful. Buy a dress today – which is not necessarily practical, but is oh so cute! And ask that person, who makes you giggle inside, for a date. Maybe the relationship will be forever or just for one day – it does not matter. Your inner being, your unique computer GPS system will continue to direct you to the correct objects, people and activities.

Allow yourself to move beyond the structures established by your society of right and wrong. Most importantly, know that you – and you alone – know what is best for you. And all you have to do is to turn on your inner being and let its light shine on those people, places and things that are right for you now – not tomorrow, not next year – but now. So be it. Amen.

If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

March 3, 2011 at 3:32 pm 2 comments

The You of This Morning is Evolving at an Amazing Pace

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

“Creation Energies” is my free, weekly 15-minute channel on The radio message is not the same message as found in this free, weekly channeled blog.

Dear Ones,

Last week we discussed that it was time to bring all of your beings into one central entity or soul. It does not matter what term you use – merely that the pieces of you, floating throughout the Universe in whatever environment you were and are exploring, are now contained in one entity. This process was designed by those of you who wish to take part in this wondrous New Age transition at a more rapid pace than originally thought possible.

Let us explain. Even though many of you are complete enough to master the elementary “tricks” of your tool kit without a whole being, many are not. That is neither here nor there – merely how you decided to fulfill your role before birth on earth at this time. Some of you opted to bring more of your being to this plane. Others of you decided to leave more in the spirit world or in various places throughout the Universe. For you, as well as those of us observing, were not sure how completely you wished to enter into the New Age at this point in your history.

Some of you only wished to help bring the New Age into being – you have completed that task. But as you envisioned the joy and harmony that will be the New Age of future generations, you opted to merge more of your being, your creation energies into the transition. A bit like buying a cake not realizing how you would hunger for a bite once the cake was in front of you.

We started these weekly sessions with the thought that most of you would wish to dip your toes into the New Age waters and then opt for more lives on earth to more fully experience the New Age. Of course, the past, future and present are all happening at one time, but that is a topic for another day. Most of you reading Brenda’s materials have recently decided to move forward at a much more rapid pace than you first envisioned. Such a pace requires shifts within your body to accommodate the additional energies streaming through and around you. That is what is now happening to most of you – including Brenda.

Instead of playing with elementary creation energies, you have decided as a group to move through and beyond those pieces. For those of you who have not yet created what you initially thought you wanted, we ask you to search your creation bank and ask yourself if you would now be satisfied with your first thoughts? If so, do not be concerned. Those creations will occur. But if you have since realized that your initial creations were not big enough or grand enough – join our new creation lesson plan.

Some of you are now crying foul. We promised that the tool kit exercises would produce what you wanted – and so they will. But we are telling you is that your dreams are most likely shifting more rapidly than even you know. Perhaps you initially wished for a lovely English cottage in a small community. Reviewing your creation desires, you find that not only do you still like the thought of the English cottage, but now you also wish for a beautiful home in the city and a jet to take you from place to place. Your dreams have expanded from a rhinestone to a fine-cut diamond.

Do such shifts indicate selfishness when so many are hungry every day? No. As you refine and expand your desires, you increase the light throughout the Universe. You are finally realizing that you are all creation gods – that you are all part of God and that God is in all of you – including far more creation power than you can imagine. How simple can a house be in comparison to creating a Universe? We have told you that creating a pencil is no more difficult than creating a house. Now we are telling you that creating a house is no more difficult than creating a world. That is where you are now. You no longer wish to wait for future lives on earth and other planets to experience the New Age of creation, joy and harmony – you have decided to experience it before you exit in this lifetime.

You are shifting your being to experience the New Age in this lifetime. In the last few days, you incorporated the parts scattered throughout the Universe to unite your being as one. The next stage we discussed briefly in our radio message this week – expanding your DNA to increase creation capabilities in your current human body.

Throughout the next few months, we will highlight other changes in your physical being. Some of you will be frightened by the changes. Others of you will wish to know more about the changes so that you can start utilizing your new skills. And still others will not wish to participate.

All of your skills and body transitions are your choice. You have already completed the only task you baby boomers agreed upon – creating the New Age. Now you are working with a clean slate that is starting fill up with a new skill here and a new task there.

Why would you merge all of your beings into one whole so that you can create even more rapidly and dynamically, only to let those pieces remain idle? You have brought your pieces together and added or perhaps a better word ignited new DNA stands for a reason. That reason is to live in this New Age in all of your glory.

We said that you baby boomers would build the bridge to the New Age. That your children would easily walk across it. And that your grandchildren would blow it up. It now appears as if not only do you want to easily walk across that bridge, some of you baby boomers are feeling the need to blow it up!

Such action calls for a strong cohesive physical being. And setting aside many of the tool kit lessons we have already provided so that you can create on a more rapid and grand scale.

We of the spirit world are in wonderment at what you have completed to date. We do not know how far you are going to take this New Age model, you have already taken it far beyond what we thought possible. You baby boomers are amazing.

We will have new and advanced creation tool kit lessons for you in the future. Please feel free to use the ones we have already provided. But know that the you of yesterday – or even this morning – is evolving at an amazing rate both physically and spiritually. Our role is also shifting. More to the point, we are now merely telling you what is happening and why – and then getting out of your way so that you can create the life you want in this lifetime with all the joy and fun that entails.

What are the ramifications for the Universe if you happen to advance more rapidly than anyone, including you, anticipated? Nothing other than what was to take years will happen in months. And what was to take decades will happen in years.

For the time being, your society is going to undergo a great deal of upheaval which has little to do with you for you now can ride above the upheaval in any fashion you choose. Will you elect to participate in the demonstrations? Maybe. But most likely, you will wonder what the fuss is all about. For as you become more whole physically and spiritually, you will have less interest in dissension and more in creating a life of joy.

You will feel a bit like an adult watching two children fight over a toy in the sandbox. You know it is not very serious and that you can stop the fight at any time. So it is with your society. Some will wish to fight for the toy in the sandbox, not understanding that structures are crumbling so the New Age and new earth can become reality. The fights, the anger and the rantings you see on television are merely the actions of those who wish participate in  the destruction process.

Most of you reading these materials will be more interested in the building/creation process. You are beginning to think and act like a New Age adult – and that is so amazing. We thought such would not occur for a few decades. So be it. Amen.


My classic, channeled book, “A Glimpse of Your Future,” is available from or Life Tapestry

If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of my subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the confirmation request.

February 23, 2011 at 4:16 pm 4 comments

Lesson Four of Your Creation Tool Kit – New Communication Systems

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations. com  Her channeled classic, “A Glimpse of Your Future,” is available at or Life Tapestry

Listen to Brenda’s free, 15-minute channeled “Creation Energies” on Her radio shows do not contain the same message as her free blogs.

Dear Ones,

It is time to move to lesson 4 of your new tool kit. Some of you have practiced lessons 1, 2 and 3 with little or no problem. Others of you cannot  “get it” and are extremely frustrated with yourselves. Please stop fretting.

You are a unique individual. Have we not told you on several occasions that your educational system will undergo dramatic shifts as is true for all other institutions with which you are familiar? A key reason your current educational system must be revamped is that not all learn in the same fashion.

For indeed, if the academic system were correct for each person, students would flock to school. Let us point out that at a wonderful party you are engaged in the activities. Why is school seldom thought of in similar terms? Even those of you who are excellent students can count the number of instructors and texts you felt inspired you.

But we digress. Suffice it for you to know that not everyone learns in the same fashion.

Lesson 4 is different from our previous lessons for it includes others. You are going out into the world to explore how working with others is yet another learning experience in your new tool kit. Think of it as a study group!

Find one person that you typically see daily. You do not need to know this person, but you do need easy access. At least once a day, look this person in the eyes and say something like, “Hello, how are you?” Or “What a beautiful day” or “What a lovely activity.” Your words are not as important as the feeling you will share. For as you are looking into that person’s eyes, open your heart.

For those of you having difficulties determining how to open your heart, merely visualize doing so, or sense doing so or think that you are doing so. It does not matter. Just concentrate on opening your heart and loving that person.

What will be the result of connecting with another human being in a loving fashion? That is something we will leave to your imagination for each connection will be as loving and unique as you are. Perhaps that person will respond with love. Perhaps that person will attempt to retreat from your loving gaze. Or perhaps that person will start a lifelong relationship with you. It does not matter. You are merely practicing how to interact with others in a loving fashion. For indeed, the result will be communications with others without words or with fewer words.

Ah. Many of you are now asking if communications is yet another system that will shift dramatically in this New Age transition. Most certainly. You and others will communicate with thoughts and feelings, rather than thousands of words not consistent with your inner being. Let us explain.

For the last few eons, you have communicated via words that may or may not relay what is in your heart and mind. Most have taken you at “your word” and accepted what you have said even though they have sometimes noted that your eyes or your voice are not consistent with your message. Have you ever been in a working situation in which your boss tells you that you are doing a good job, but you have shivers running up and down your spine because you “feel” that he or she does not really mean it? Or have you had a spouse or significant other tell you that they love you and yet you doubt their sincerity? Communications in the future will not contain such inconsistencies.

You will know what people are feeling even before they express what they think they are feeling. And if those two means of communication (yes, indeed feelings are as much a communication tool, if not more so than the spoken word), are not consistent, you will either delve deeper or remove yourself from that person.

The new communication system is about truth – both in words and your inner realms. This thought may be frightening to many. Some of you will feel as if you are nude at first, as if you have no place to hide. In the New Age, there will be no reason to hide. Once you place fear and pain on the “back burner,” you will find a means of communication that speaks from your heart to another’s heart – with or without words.

Let us return to our lesson for just a moment and then we will close. The words you use to engage your new “communication buddy” in lesson 4 need to be positive. It will be much more difficult to learn to speak from your heart if you feel the need to tell someone, “I hate you!”  Other than that, the most important piece is to open your heart.

Your communication buddy may or may not open their heart – this is a new lesson for everyone. But we will venture to guess that if you practice this lesson with the same person for at least a week, they will do something that indicates they are opening their heart – even if just a bit.

This inner work is amazing. And much more powerful than you can now imagine. So start practicing. Open your heart to another and note any results you feel or receive.

Some of you may find that your partner is so frightened of the concept that they will start avoiding you. That is fine. Either select another partner or know that not everyone is yet ready for this means of communication. Others of you will find that relationships you thought broken will heal. Or relationships you never thought possible will occur. We will add that this is not about capturing your current “love object” in a mystic snare, it is about you learning how powerful opening your heart to others is.

Have fun with this lesson. Perhaps even write down the results for future reference. It is time to start your new communication skills with this lesson. Open your heart to yourself and the world – and note the results with an open mind and a playful demeanor. It is time to play with your new communication skills. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe page and then click the  – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

February 9, 2011 at 9:10 am Leave a comment

Lesson 3 – Gather Your Soul Group

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

Don’t miss Brenda’s free, 15 minute channeled “Creation Energies” on Brenda’s “Creation Energies” shows are different from her free, weekly channeled blogs.

Dear Ones,

Let us look at lesson three of your new tool kit.

Some of you may have created your heart’s desire using the skills described in lessons 1 and 2 (former blogs). Some of you may not have. Do not fret. This material is not dated, nor is it necessarily sequential. Some of you may gravitate quickly to one lesson, yet feel unable to use another.

It did not matter if you learned to read the word, “cat” before you understood the word “dog”. Both are words you needed to read your first grade primer. And so it is with these lessons. Some will be easy. Others a bit more difficult. But, all in all, you will learn to use your new tool kit at a pace that is correct for you.

There is no need for special classes. There is no need for you to feel as if you are a slow learner. Each of you is a unique individual with unique learning skills – an area we might add that your current education system does not take into account, hence the number of children daydreaming throughout the school day.  But that is an issue some of you will soon address.

We will digress a bit for you to understand how marvelous and almost unbelievable this New Age shift truly is. Some of you will use your new and enhanced tool kit skills to alter the academic world. Others, political systems. Others, the world of religion. Others, the monetary system. And still others, familial/cultural systems.

The world as you now know it is shifting rapidly – much more rapidly than was true in the 1960’s and 1970’s. That shift is speeding up with every burst of energy you feel. Think of a time machine you enter in 1950 and exit in 2050.

So let us turn to lesson 3 of your new and enhanced tool kit skills. For those of you who think these lessons are extremely elementary, remember you learned what letters sounded like before you could create a word sound. And you needed to use that word sound to haltingly read your first sentence. So it is true for your tool kit. You are learning the elementary pieces that will very soon create the novels of your heart. So let us begin.

Find a relaxing and quiet place to complete this exercise – not that such will be necessary in the future, but most certainly is in your early learning stages. Close your eyes and visualize or sense your dream in whatever way is most right for you. Today, we will just select one dream. Now ask that your spirit/ spirit guide join you in whatever fashion feels most right. Join hands with your spirit/spirit guide either visually or again, in whatever fashion feels right. Then request that all parts of your being from past, future and present lives in whatever environment they exit join you. Note that these parts of your being surround you and your spirit/spirit guide. Again visualize your dream. If you sense or see a bright light streaming from your group, your wish will be fulfilled in the very near future.

If you feel, see or sense that very little light is radiating from your dream, ask your group for their guidance in helping you create a dream that is more right for you at this time. Thank them for their assistance. Then take some time to interact with all parts of your being. In all likelihood, it will feel like a wonderful family reunion. If not, take the time to interact with those who do not feel or seem light and airy. Ask them what they need from you or the totality that is you. Take the time to heal that fear and pain by merely asking your group to help you heal those parts in the easiest and most rapid fashion possible. For until that pain is healed, you will remain in your elementary tool kit stage.

Let us give you an example. Suppose you have entered the first grade knowing it is unlikely that you will ever be fed breakfast before school. Instead of concentrating on the words “cat” and “dog,” you will be thinking about how long until the free school lunch is served.  Or if you are from an abusive household, how long before you are beaten again. Of course, many children in those situations manage to block those issues and become star pupils. But those issues fester until they are addressed at some point in their lives – whether that be at age 6 or sixty.

So it is for you. Take particular note of any heavy or dull spots in your grouping and request the services of all of those in your group – including your spirit/spirit guide to help you heal that part of your being in the easiest and most rapid method possible. Perhaps the healing will occur in your dreams. Perhaps you will “accidentally run into” someone who has bothered you for some time and the two of you will heal your relationship. Perhaps that person or organization will merely no longer be part of your life. All you have to do is ask.

But ask you must – for indeed, anything that is shadowy will detract from your marvelous new skills. And as we have stated on several occasions, your new skills are to be activated as soon as possible. You no longer have twenty or thirty years to whine about the injustices you have suffered. That is not your role on earth at this time. Even though such a role was necessary during the Old Age, it is futile and infantile now.

So gather your group at your earliest convenience – remember to join hands with your spirit/spirit guide. Visualize or sense your dream. Tell your group that it is time to be in all your/their glory – for you are all one. And note any gray or heavy areas in your group. Immediately move to that/those areas and ask for healing assistance from your group. Do it today, tonight or tomorrow. It is time.

After you have asked for help – and perhaps allowed a day or two to pass – repeat the exercise. For indeed, it is time for you to reach your dreams so that those who follow can understand and most importantly, believe that joy is now possible. So be it. Amen.

If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation you receive.

February 2, 2011 at 12:58 pm 2 comments

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