Posts tagged ‘metaphysics’

The Universes are Showering You with Joy

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 23, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This week’s energies are moving you away from pain and closer to joy. Accept and expect joy at all levels. The more you notice the joys you experience – no matter how small – the more joy will be in your life.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Explore Your Random Sparkle and Fun”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps it seems as if your concerns are floating away. Or that solutions are popping up for the most difficult issues. Or perhaps not. But then, the seemingly easy solutions to difficult dilemmas may just be about how you are starting to perceive difficulties and thus allowing solutions to float into your realm.

Does our first paragraph – think good thoughts and they will happen – feel a bit like “pop” psychology? Such is true and always has been. It is just that in the Old Age good thoughts or feelings were most often negated by fear.

This week and forevermore in this New Age, rays of sunshiny joy are being dispersed throughout earth and the Universes. All you need to do to catch those rays is to think happy, positive or loving thoughts – all one and the same.

Again in the past, those who thought happy thoughts and had good feelings about everyone and everything were thought a bit odd. For your Old Age world was much darker and heavier than is now true.

Are you sensing the fun thoughts associated with, “Let the sunshine in?” We are having a great deal of fun today for we are encouraging you to open your life of joy. You have diligently cleared your pain and other needless clutter in your life. Now it is time to fill those spaces with joy.

A wonderful new beginning for those of you who wish to claim the joy that is available to all.

Some of you believe that because you are the advance Lightworkers, others are far behind in their enlightenment or whatever you wish to label the new you. Such is not true.

You are indeed one of the advance Lightworker team members who discovered the path. But now that the path is available, those who follow do not have to go through all the stages – or even pain – you found necessary to create that path.

Perhaps that last thought upsets some of you. Should not everyone suffer as you did? Similar to physicians who want medical students working as many hours in a hospital without sleep as was true when they were in medical school. Those unpleasant working conditions were not healthy for medical students nor their patients. But that does not stop “old-school” physicians from bemoaning that new physicians do not understand hard work.

Let us use that medical example for those of you in the advance Lightworker brigade. Why would you want anyone in pain one moment longer than necessary? For the more entities who move into love and joy, the more rapidly the wonderment of the New Age will be the lifestyle of all earth entities.

Now that the path is open and lit, do you wish others to suffer as you did? You are a courageous and strong group who volunteered to be first. Such is your nature. But you did not volunteer to be first so others would suffer. You volunteered so others could move into love and joy more easily. And so they are.

You have achieved an almost impossible task. You continued to light the way despite your fears and anger. Like salmon swimming upstream, you refused to deviate despite taunts and jeers – putting earth issues aside while you uncovered the path that is now being traveled by so many.

The path is now easily accessible because of your extremely courageous efforts.

Is your New Age role now complete? Of course not. If that were true, you would transition beyond earth and you have not. Your next role  is even more exciting. Let us give you a brief preview before we close.

The next stage for advance Lightworker members is to greet the pioneers following your path and to teach them how to use their new skills. For now that your road construction responsibilities are complete, you will want to play with your new software and in turn, teach those skills to those starting on the path.

You built the road. Now you get to play with the pieces of joy that seem to be tumbling into your world. Perhaps not as rapidly as you want, but certainly in a string of events that makes your greatest concerns seem minor. It is time for you to play. And one can never fully play or enjoy life with worries or concerns in their being.

Play, laugh – find your bliss. You created the path. The pioneers following you will move more quickly than you anticipated – for your work cleared the thorns and brambles. As they move along the path, those pioneers will want to know how to laugh and play as you are starting to do.

Your new role is to create and accept so much joy in your life that you draw those on the path to you; as well as encourage those questioning their interest in finding the path.

You are indeed special leaders. You completed many tasks that no one was certain were possible.

Your new role is to live in joy. Begin that role by noticing every nuance of joy that comes into your life. For as you notice your joy, more will be available. The stars, moon, sun and Universes are showering you with the light of joy. Accept that joy. Bath in that joy. Live that joy. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.



September 25, 2012 at 3:59 pm 13 comments

Claim the Freedom You Created

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 9, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at New inventions, entities, ideas and technologies will be introduced without long periods of adjustment, as has been true in the past. These new ideas and inventions are to create joy. They are not the work of a devil or similar fear-based thoughts.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”You’ve Cleared Your Fears – Move On”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

Today we will discuss an issue dear to many – how to find joy while experiencing a life of discomfort or pain.

Your life on earth is much more about Christmas is tomorrow, than a raging flood will destroy your home.

Many of you are tired of waiting for Christmas or joy. Perhaps you feel as if you have not completed all that is expected; you are a slow learner or that others have achieved what you desire but are incapable of achieving.

Let us address your current discomfort – for whatever else happens on earth, that which happens to you is of the greatest importance to you.

The New Age has arrived. And you were instrumental in bringing the New Age to earth and therefore, the Universes.

Please remember that the New Age was a process. It did not happen overnight and for many it is as if it never happened. Rest assured – the New Age has arrived.

But how you fit into the spectrum, that is the expanding New Age on earth, is your unique story. Some of you are reaping the benefits of your new life of joy. Others remain fixated on the quicksand that appears to be your daily life. You are thrown a log to pull yourself out of the quicksand; only to find yourself slipping back with the latest piece of fear in your life or those near and dear to you.

When will joy become a larger part of your life than the fear and chaos that seems to permeate everything you touch?

We wish you to stop and process your feelings for a bit. Then we wish for you to take three very large and deep breaths. For if you feel as if your life is chaotic and painful despite so many indicators to the contrary, it is time for you to emotionally distance yourself from those entities and objects that give you pain or fear. It is your choice to remain in fear.

We are not chastising you. We are merely telling you that you no longer need to live in fear. You are free. Your prison bars are gone. Fly away from whatever gives you pain. Allow yourself the freedom you helped create.

Many of you are thinking that you have obligations that cannot be set aside now or maybe forever. Those obligations are prison bars you established in the Old Age. They continue because you need them.

Let us be more explicit. Some of you opted to continue in the Old Age a bit longer than others. That is perfectly acceptable and commendable. If you are one of those entities, you are comfortable in your Old Age life despite the obligations that are part of that life. But if you are fighting the restraints that tie you to a life of pain and anger, you are imprisoning yourself needlessly.

You would not be interested in this blog or any information that discusses the joy of the New Age if you were not part of the advance movement into the New Age. So for you to blame others, to rave about your chaos or to feel as if you are not adequate is of your own doing. You are not helpless.

Others moving into the New Age comfortably are not your care takers, nor are they models of martyrdom. They are merely moving in the direction of joy as provided by their inner voice.

You have decided to travel a different, more painful road and wonder why it is painful.

That is not to say that those on the joy path do not maintain some fears; but that fear and related emotions are in the background and joy in their foreground. Those joyful entities also need to make a living, gather and prepare food, find shelter and move in the direction that feels right for them.

Many of you expect a guardian angel or similar entity to direct you to your joy. There is no guardian angel or entity who will override your autonomy. You are the director and key actor in your life. Your guardian angels are merely bit players who move you this way and that at times, but will never tell you what you need to do.

You are New Age young adults and it is time for you to claim your joy, to move out of the nest. You are responsible for your life. Again, we are not chiding you, merely reminding you that you must claim your New Age life. For no one will give it to you.

Let us be even more direct. If this blog makes you angry, it is because you are afraid or unwilling to claim your New Age role. Nothing more nor less. If you truly wished to remain an actor in the Old Age, you would not have found this blog.

Why are we so adamant about your need to claim your life? There is no time to process and ponder. There is no time to worry and scheme. You are either in or out.

Moving into the New Age is a process. For you, that process is over. There are many more who are still contemplating their decision for a variety of reasons. The difference between you and those who continue to contemplate is that you are unhappy and they are merely curious or oblivious.

You would not have received the calling to move into the New Age if it were not time for you to do so. That calling is your anger and feelings of hopelessness in your current life.

Those who have or are moving into the New Age are comfortably finding new joys and perceptions in their lives.

Those who are comfortable in their Old Age life have no need to change. The only entities living in discomfort are those of you trying to remain in both the New and Old Ages. It can no longer be done.

If you were comfortable in the Old Age, you would accept your lot and chaos gracefully as part of life.

If you were comfortable in the New Age, you would accept and expect a life of joy with limited chaos and much fun and laughter.

To be uncomfortable in both the Old Age and New Age realms means you have selected neither and so you have done the impossible – selected both.

If you are uncomfortable with pain and chaos, you belong in the New Age.

Allow yourself to move through your fears of the New Age. Allow yourself to accept joy. Most of all, allow yourself to be you and you will easily and quickly move into the joy that is the New Age. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.


September 11, 2012 at 4:30 pm 15 comments

No One Can Tell You Who You Are

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 5, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You are or soon will be sensing what people are feeling instead of what they are verbalizing. Your definition of love is also shifting to a more sophisticated model that will better allow you to move through veils and dimensions.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Happy Sparkling New Life to You!”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both may seem to be about a similar topic.

Special Event: Brenda is the Tuesday, August 7 , 8 pm (Eastern) guest on Rick O’Shields’  and Jean Victoria Norloch’s “Everyday Connections -Changemakers” show for


Dear Ones,

Many of you follow astrological predictions. Why is such information important? It is and it is not. As your earth and your being evolve, the astrological indicators of the Old Age have little bearing on what is occurring in your world.

At the same time, some of the astrological indicators hold true. The obvious question becomes, which indicators are right for your new being and which are not? Many of you are answering in unison – those indicators that feel correct – and so it is.

Have you ever read an astrological prediction in a newspaper and then read a somewhat different direction for the same day in another publication? Astrologers, like channelers and others who gather information beyond your current five common senses, are sifting their information through their data base. If that data base is limited, they will offer limited information. Let us explain a bit differently.

Everyone on earth at this time has filters that determine what they believe and who they believe they are. These filters affect the information they relay. For example, someone who is not interested in people, places or things would likely offer more limited information than someone who is the opposite. Those with limited information would not notice the nuances of an activity or action they had not experienced or studied. At the same time, someone more knowledgeable than you might provide information that does not seem correct to you as you might not understand their translation of events.

Such is neither right nor wrong, merely different perspectives of the same issue. Much like your politics. Those of the United States Democratic party are certain that the Republican party does not understand the world. The same is true of the opposite party. Given those extremes, would not a Democrat provide a different reading than a Republican? Neither is right nor wrong, just looking at the same issue – or for this example – the same astrological configuration from different perspectives.

Such is true of Old Age and New Age astrology – with a twist. Someone reading a chart with an Old Age philosophy might see doom and gloom in the current chaos. While someone with a New Age bent would see that same chaos as hopeful and joyful in the belief that structures need to fall before rebuilding can begin.

Does that last thought frighten you? If so, you are viewing the near future with an Old Age perspective. Such thoughts indicate you do not yet believe you are in control of your life. If you truly believed you create your world and life, you would know that the chaos will only touch those parts of your being you wish to study. Nothing more or less.

A great deal is happening astrologically, but such is necessary to create your new world. Think of the changes a woman undergoes to birth a child. With the number of physical and mental shifts required,  many women amaze themselves with their ability to withstand those changes and yet absolutely adore the result, their newborn. And so it is now. You are birthing a new world. And your physical, emotional and spiritual shifts will create something even more wondrous than a baby.

Again, how do you know which messages are correct for you? How do you know if you believe in the New Age – or more to the point for this example – that you are pregnant and producing a glorious newborn? Even though you have no historical perspective, you have an absolutely flawless compass – your inner-being.

Astrologers are only as accurate as their being, their knowledge-base. The same is true for channelers.

But you know what is right for you. You know if the information feels bright or makes you feel heavy and burdened. You are the decider of what information, beliefs and joy you wish to bring to your life. No one but you can define who you are. No one has more information about you than you.

Instead of thinking of astrologers, channelers, seers or anyone outside yourself as the controller of your being, listen to their information and use that which feels right and ignore that which does not.

But also know that the information that brings you joy may shift as you do. Information from a channeler may feel joyful today and boring tomorrow. That is how it should be. For indeed, as you shift so does the information your inner-being deems important for the next step in your transition.

One last note. If you are concerned about the chaos in your world, know that such is a necessary process. But chaos is not who you are. You are a wondrous creator who creates events and activities that best allow you to learn what you wish to learn. As you move into the New Age, you will create those events and activities on a conscious level. For now though, most remain subconscious creations.

Allow yourself to grow and mature. And as you do, so will your knowledge and skills. You truly are your own guru.  So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

August 7, 2012 at 1:36 pm 2 comments

Happy Sparkling New Life to You!

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 29, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Because your perceptions are changing and expanding, you may see or sense a green sky. Or you may feel different sensations when you are with others.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”When Did You Begin to Fear Change?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might seem to be about the same topic.

Special Event: Brenda will be the Tuesday, August 7 , 8 pm (Eastern) guest on Rick O’Shields’ “Everyday Connections” show for

Dear Ones,

We wish to discuss some of your new fears. Even though you have evolved beyond many fears you once held dear, you remain concerned about your physical changes.

Perhaps you wish to keep your current physical appearance or hope that these shifts will create a being that your culture finds beautiful or handsome. We wish to remind you that your cultural view of attractiveness shifts with the decades. Less than one hundred years ago, wealthy people in the United States proudly displayed a certain weight to show that they had the resources to eat what and when they pleased. Thirty years ago, a deep tan was considered beautiful. Today, neither a ‘hefty’ body nor a deep tan are necessarily indicators of societal beauty.

Those of you of a certain weight may bemoan your size; or perhaps it is your skin tones. You are you for reasons you selected – including racial make-up and physical size. But your reasons for being who you are physically are shifting and that is your fear.

In our Internet radio show earlier this week, we indicated that you were similar to a cell evolving into a newborn – throughout these shifts you are adding dimensions, skills and new physical features. Such changes are altering your being beyond anything you conceived of just six months ago – much as is true for that cell that evolved into the newborn you years ago.

Your fear is that you will not like the new you. That the physical changes will so alter your totality that you will not recognize yourself, nor will anyone else. That is correct – you will not be recognizable to yourself or others. But not in the negative way you are imagining.

As you change physically, spiritually and emotionally, so are others. Lightworkers are going through this puberty or birth together.

The new you, that will soon make a physical appearance, is correct for your environment and role. Which is no different from your birth or entrance on earth. Perhaps you now have black hair and dark eyes or blonde hair and blue eyes. Not because one is a greater indicator of beauty – both are beautiful in your society – but to better fit with your family and community.

Even though your new physical being will meet your new needs, your physical being will not necessarily evolve to what is now considered beautiful – for beauty indicators shift as does  a society. Please remember when Black people were not considered beautiful. Yet today, “Black is beautiful” is a factual statement in your world. Many of your celebrities, models and role models perhaps have darker or different skin tones than you and yet rank (Who ranks them?) as some of the most beautiful people on earth. So it will be for you.

Your physical features are transforming into whatever you need to fulfill your New Age role.

Not everyone will note your new physical appearance. Think of a magic cloak. Those who have opted out of this New Age/new earth/ascension process, or whatever you wish to label this transition, will see you as they have always seen you. They will not sense the new you – you will just be Brenda or whoever to them – looking, feeling and being as always. Only those who are part of the New Age will see or sense the difference.

The new earth is not necessarily a new physical place, but instead a new sensual place.

You will tire of those who do not relish your new skills, senses and physical appearance. A bit like your Cinderella fairy tale. Those of the New Age/new earth will see your beauty beyond the cinders (fears) and tattered clothing (‘shoulds’) encouraging you to morph into the beautiful princess that Cinderella becomes. Those who remain solidly in the Old Age will only see or sense the Cinderella of fears and shoulds. And that is how they will relate to you.

You will, however, KNOW that you are a prince or princess and so you will have difficulties understanding why those once so close to you cannot see your new beauty, your new being.

Life on earth is much more fun as a prince or princess than a scullery maid. Why would others not wish to join you in the fun? And so you will fade from their lives for you will not understand their need to live in fear and to keep you in that place also.

You will sparkle and shine in the eyes and senses of those who have accepted the New Age/new earth/ascension. And you will seem dull and lifeless to those who have not. Not because you are dull and lifeless, overweight, underweight, too tall, too short, blue-colored, cream-colored or any other change – but because your vibration will be so different from theirs that they will not have any emotional way of interacting to you.

You will see and sense them, but the same will not be true in reverse. They will not allow themselves to move beyond the mundane and you will no longer be mundane. You will be a sparkler filled with joy and fun.

For those of you who remain frightened of the new physical you, know that you will be precious and beautiful to those also evolving. Those not evolving will not notice that much difference. You are you to them and always will be.

For those evolving, you are a sparkling prince or princess they can hardly wait to interact with. The old you will only be seen and sensed by those wishing to stay in the Old Age.

The new you is evolving at an amazing rate. Within a few days – yes, days – the sparkler you will begin to be noticed by others. Happy sparking and joyful new life to you! So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

July 31, 2012 at 3:30 pm 4 comments

Most of Your New Sensory Skills Have Yet to be Discovered

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Special Event – April 1, 2012:

  • Sunday, April 1 – Brenda is the “Sunday Circle” speaker/channeler. Her presentation is 11 am at A Class Act in Greenville, SC. Call Jan Posey at 864-233-3033 for details. 

Summary of Brenda’s March 26, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Even though nature has accepted the extremely important role of exchanging energy with you, you and earth are directing this transition.  

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog at “Manifesting is no Longer Work”


Dear Ones,

Many of you are in awe of those who channel, heal, see or sense information that seems to elude you. Rather than being jealous, please give yourself accolades for helping create the New Age/new earth despite the difficulties.

Let us address your jealousy for not performing as you would like with the spiritual realms.

Perhaps your seeming inability to channel or use other senses is more about timing than deficiencies in your spiritual skills. And of course when you berate yourself for not sensing or doing more, you return to the Old Age.

What if your skills have not yet awakened within yourself or on earth? Can you imagine explaining the Internet to someone living in the early 1800’s?

Even though more and more of you Lightworkers will awaken skills such as channeling or sensing information not gathered by most 3D people, within a few years those skills will be out-dated.

Do not fret if you channel, heal or otherwise gather information not “normally” expected of 3D people. Just as you probably accessed your current spiritual skills in stages – as you allowed yourself to accept what was possible – such will occur with skills you wish to access that we cannot yet describe for you would not comprehend.

You are exactly where you need to be physically, emotionally and spiritually. You are a Lightworker whose light shines brightly in whatever avenue you access.

Will you channelers, healers and other sensing people of today complete your work as new skills are discovered? Not necessarily. Some of you will opt not to claim those new skills. Others of you Lightworkers will jump into the new skills and by-pass channeling and similar current access points. Still others of you will add new skills to your current sensory abilities.

None of those avenues is more spiritual than others – merely different. Do you berate a loved one who uses a telephone to connect with you, but not the Internet? And so it will be for your skills.

Some of you will move through various phases of connection with the Universes  because it is your role. Others will plant yourself solidly in the 3D/4D matrix as a guide. Such is fine and good. There are no rules – only the joy that radiates from your inner-being.

Jealousy of others is futile if such skills are not in your arena/role. You will know your skill arena by following your messages of joy.

Perhaps you wish to time travel, see the various layers of other individual entities or communicate with nature. You might do all and more. Or maybe not. It does not matter. No activity make you a more aware or spiritual person.

Maybe functioning as a loving neighbor is your role. Is a loving neighbor less important than channeling? Not at all. Please remember that pioneers could not have crossed the United States in wagon trains if supplies or wagons were not available. Each part of the pioneer movement was beautifully executed. And so it is now.

Follow your joy and you will discover those skills that are important for this transition. You are a Lightworker. Your role may shift or even  seem ordinary. Do not worry. This transition is not about becoming a Hollywood star, it is about introducing the greatest transition ever conceived to earth and thereby, the Universes.

Stop wishing for something others have – whether it be financial worth or sensory skills.

Those with sensory skills might be similar to your elementary school instructors – building blocks that allow you to expand your skills. Or maybe today’s sensory building blocks are necessary to help you become a peaceful and loving example to others.

Your inner-being knows your role and will direct you accordingly. This transition is a glorious and wondrous time in which each of you will be in the spotlight. You have a role to play, a thread in the tapestry of creation that only you can fulfill. Just as the earth of today could not successfully function if all were lawyers or doctors, the new earth needs plumbers, teachers, technicians, parents and sensory experts. All of which will shower the earth with joy and contentment. All of which are Lightworker leaders and wagon train masters.

Do not be jealous of others. They are the building blocks that allow you to move into your role – whether that be as a famous new earth author or a loving neighbor. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

March 27, 2012 at 1:29 pm 16 comments

Manifesting is no Longer “Work”

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Special Event – Sunday March 25:

  • Brenda is channeling about the topic “Are You Feeling it Yet?” 3 pm Sunday March 25 – a break-out session of the three-day Greenville Festival of Healing and Spiritual Awareness. A Festival pass – which includes break-out sessions – is $15. For more information, call 864-233-3033.

Summary of Brenda’s March 18, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on Because of this week’s earth shift, fearful issues will feel of the Old Age allowing you to create a more joyful life. 

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at ”You Won’t Understand the New Earth Using Yesterday’s Spirituality”

Dear Ones,

Does life not seem a bit lazy and easy? So it is that this week’s energy shift is encouraging you to transition from outer-directed to inner-directed manifestation or creation.

It is as if a peaceful, gentle, easy-going net has dropped over the earth. That which seemed difficult and fearful just a few hours ago no longer seems that important. You are beginning to allow yourself to feel as if all will be easily completed when appropriate.

You are not lazy or irrational. The earth shift this week is encouraging you to be more in tune with the earth and yourself.

Some of you have memories of vacations in which nothing other than catching a nap or reading a good book seemed important. Such is what is happening on earth this week.

For eons, you have created time frames, goals and agendas. All appropriate behavior in an outer-directed society. For indeed, you had to produce some sort of measuring tool to describe to those who anticipated the end-product or participated in the project. You would have not informed other participants that you were building a cathedral somewhere, some time soon, but were not that concerned about how, when, why or where.

Even thought the flexibility to manifest without others has always been available, inner-directed manifestation not appropriate in the Old Age / outer-directed age. You needed to buy land, discuss the project with government officials, find funding and create a blueprint. Without those actions, it was highly unlikely others would have participated in your cathedral dream.

Such is no longer the case. Of course, many of you are reading these words in disbelief. How is it possible to conjure up a cathedral without the help of others?

This difficult outer-directed creation process has been used for eons. Very little could be achieved or even anticipated without the support – financial, physical or emotional – of others.

This week’s energy shifts your perspective from requiring others to participate in your dream, to manifesting within yourself.

As of this week, others are not necessary in your creation process. Even though you may continue to feel for some time that others should be included, you are now creating with those who wish to participate with you.

You no longer need to require or cajole others to help you with your vision. Those who wish to join your creative visions will find you. You can relax in your hammock and create what you wish.

You are of the New Age. You are now creating communities of like-minded people and entities. Not everyone will agree with your philosophies in your new communities, but all will agree to disagree in a similar and loving fashion. Some of you enjoy feisty back and forth negotiations. Others prefer peace and quiet. There is no right nor wrong – merely what is correct for you.

As of this week, your Old Age creation methods no longer apply.

Most of you have had some success using the Old Age manifestation system. Perhaps you generated a thought, then created an artistic piece, visualized, chanted mantras or cleansed yourself. All of which were important elements when you needed to bring others into your creation process.

New Age creation – greatly reinforced with this week’s energy shift – is drawing those people to you who harmonize or vibrate to your creation. You are not pulling or pushing other entities, you are accepting them.

You no longer need to “work” at creation, you merely need to be.

Perhaps this thought is difficult for you to accept for you have trained yourself for eons to generate action plans for your creations.

Think of it as a day in which you are feeling stressed and dreaming of a vacation you cannot afford. Someone walks into your office and offers you a free ticket to the very place you were dreaming of. Think of it as the difference between relaxing in a hammock thinking lovely thoughts, versus setting up action plans and trying to find other interested enough to help you create your dreams.

The New Age is about less not more. Less forcing and more enjoyment of the process and results. Some of you may feel that creating in such a fashion removes the joy of the journey. Your journey has shifted – not been deleted. You continue to move from dream to reality – just in an easier way.

Perhaps you are one of those people who wishes to travel the earth’s oceans in a canoe. Such a journey is possible – with much support from others we might add – but no longer necessary. For you have other forms of transportation that allow you to cross the oceans in hours. Did the airplane change your journey? Yes. But not the joy you have viewing the works of art created hundreds of years ago or visiting the beaches of the world.

Your dreams remain. How you achieve those dreams is shifting this week.

Continue to “work” at you dreams if you want. That is your choice. We merely wish you to know that the word “work” is no longer required in your creation/manifestation process.

Some of you are concerned that the “hammock” method of creation will create chaos in your world. Such a thought is no more true than crossing oceans in airplanes created chaos. Accept this new manifestation process as a joy that allows you to create what you want when you wish on earth.

Sailors on the boats of early explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, did not have the freedom to change their destination once they set sail. Today, you have the freedom to fly to countless destinations and to change those destinations when you wish. Chaos or freedom?

And so it will be for your creations/manifestations. So be it. Amen.

Special Event – April 1, 2012:

  • April 1, Brenda is the A Class Act Sunday Circle speaker/channeler. Sunday Circle presentations are at 11 am at A Class Act in Greenville, SC. Call Jan Posey at 864-233-3033 for more information.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

March 21, 2012 at 3:54 pm 8 comments

You ARE a Lightworker God/Goddess

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 16, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on     Evil spirits are Old Age fears. You’re creating a new play. How do you want to change your script to joy?

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at http://www.Life Tapestry “Your Lightworker Job is to Lead”

Dear Ones,

You are shifting daily now – more rapidly than you know. But because those shifts are not necessarily apparent yet, you may feel as if you are in the Lightworkers slow group. Such thoughts merely cloud your vision of what is happening to you and earth.

Can your progress be slowed by worries of not transitioning as rapidly as you would like? Not at all. You have moved beyond the point of slowing your progress. You are all now in free fall in terms of your transition. Which is no different from being pregnant and deciding you do not wish to be a mother. Too late.

Of course, free will continues to be an important part of your being. But you, consciously or subconsciously,  have decided to transition into the New Age. A key indicator that you have done so is your continued interest in accessing information such as that provided by channels and other spiritual workers. There is nothing you can do to shift into a different place or pace UNLESS you decide to return to the 3rd dimension.

Some of you worry that your fears will return you to the 3rd dimension – despite your intention to move into the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or beyond dimensions. That is not at all true, anymore than those days you wish you were not pregnant makes it so.

You are no longer learning about or thinking about becoming part of the New Age/new earth, you are part of the New Age/new earth. Only a direct physical shift on your part – such as denying your interest, directing your energies into pain without an interest in finding joy, or otherwise purposely harming yourself or others physically, spiritually or emotionally – will return you fully to the 3rd dimension.

No one but you is deciding which track/dimension you accept.

Being a Lightworker is both a privilege and responsibility. You must shift your beliefs from pain and fear into love and  joy – not an easy task. Similar to those parents who very much want a child only to discover that the responsibilities of caring for that child are wonderful even though burdensome at times. Do those parents wish they did not have a child – some days perhaps – but most days they think of their  child with wonderment and joy. So it will be for you as you continue your transition.

Some days you will feel almost overwhelmed by the energy bursts, only to discover a new skill or feeling the next – a feeling far beyond your most precious dreams. Will there be some Lightworkers who will not wish to continue? Yes. That is why we are transmitting this information today.

We wish you to know that you are not alone. That you will soon feel joy. That your physical being can easily adjust to the changes if you allow the changes to flow within your being, instead of fighting them or clinging to fear.

As we noted in our radio address yesterday, thoughts of evil spirits overtaking you or earth are Old Age fears overtaking your sense of self. You are safe. You are a complete entity. No one or nothing wishes to or can overtake you.

Thoughts of evil spirits are little different from many ‘old wives tales’ such as if you sleep on your left side, you will have a boy – or if you throw salt over your right shoulder, your child will have a successful life. Such beliefs now seem archaic even though earlier generations insisted they were true.

So it is with your evil spirit beliefs. Future generations will study evil spirits with amusement. For evil spirits were created to control through fear. A fear that has been successfully maintained for eons including beliefs about witchcraft, science advancements and most new thoughts or directions. Evil spirits only exist if you create them for yourself. There is no place for evil spirits in the New Age/new earth.

Allow yourself to know you are a Lightworker with all the responsibilities and joy that role entails. Know that you cannot return to the 3rd dimension unless you want to.  And know that your physical being is adapting and adjusting perfectly to the new you.

You are increasing your energy intake and splinters of the totality of you daily. So even though some days you may feel uncomfortable, your end-product is more glorious than you can imagine. You ARE a Lightworker god/goddess. So be it. Amen.     If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe to blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Brenda’s classic, channeled book, A Glimpse of Your Future, provides an overview of why you and your current economic and political worlds are transitioning, as well as what the earth will be like in the year 4000.  A Glimpse of Your Future is available at or http://www.Barnes &

January 17, 2012 at 4:50 pm 13 comments

Which Dimension is Your Comfort Zone?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 5, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on Even though you may comfortably move through several dimensions daily, you have a “home” dimension. You selected that dimension for a reason, as did those most comfortable or “at home” in a different dimension. Everyone, including you, explores all the dimensions eventually.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” her free, channeled blog at http://www.Life Tapestry “What is Expected of You is Not Who You Are”

Dear Ones,

Many of you are curious about the dimensions. Our words are not as descriptive as we would like because our vocabulary and yours are not yet the same. Before we try to outline the differences using your words, we wish to remind you that there is neither a good nor bad dimension – including the third dimension – merely dimensions with different skill set needs.

Dimensions are no more unusual than someone with a doctorate in engineering using different skills than would be true for a doctorate in psychology. Both fields require specific skills, but neither is more valuable.

Let us begin with the third dimension. The third dimension has received a “bad rap” of late. So many of you are wishing to move forward that you believe those who do not are somehow less skilled than you. In truth, they wish to use different skills.

We have told you that as you move beyond the third dimension, you will move into peace and joy. So you will. But know that those who remain in the third dimension are extremely courageous. A bit like those soldiers in a military venture who stay behind to “cover” their buddies as their buddies run to safety. Those in the third dimension are willing to continue with duality, pain and trauma – not an easy lesson plan.

Those who opt to move to the fourth dimension have it a bit easier. In our military analogy, they would be the soldiers resting in comfortable lodgings as their buddies hold up the rear. That does not mean that pain, fear and chaos do not touch those in the fourth dimension, but rather that they are more removed from those areas; their fear, pain and trauma are dulled. They feel for their buddies who are protecting them, but they do not have the need to replace them or return to the third dimension. Their skill set allows them to remove themselves from the “fray” while still noting that it is going on and feeling bad for those who volunteered to be part of the rear guard.

The fifth dimension does not understand the need for any military action or pain, fear and trauma. While they observe the trauma, they are so removed that they see the futility of third dimension actions. Those in the fifth dimension are removed from the “fray” by their skill set of a closer attachment to their spiritual elements than the heaviness of the third dimension.

The third dimension is extremely heavy – like quicksand or the muck that forms on dirt roads during a spring thaw. Fifth dimension individuals seem to float above the chaos – like the good fairy in the book  The Wizard of OZ. The good fairy could have helped Dorothy return to Kansas at any time by having her click her heels together. But Dorothy needed to explore various elements including the love of her companions and her fears about becoming a complete and independent individual. Do you suppose Dorothy would have dared to pull back the curtain of the wizard of Oz the first day she found herself in her nightmare?

So it is for those who wish to remain in the third dimension. They feel the need to continue their journey. While those in the fifth dimension watch over them with love and kindness knowing that those in the third dimension will move to a different dimension as soon as they learn all they wish to learn.

The sixth dimension is not at all associated with the third dimension. The skill set necessary to be comfortable in the sixth dimension includes a much closer connection to the spirit world – as you now define it – than the current third dimension earth. Similar to a college student having little interest in the tribulations of a small child learning to read. The college student knows that the child will complete his or her reading lessons eventually. You do not find college students spending hours worrying about the reading skills of  first graders. College students have adulthood and their next exam to think about.

The seventh dimension could best be described as a college professor who is not concerned with the reading skills of first graders or college freshmen academics. These are the professors more concerned with creating or discovering new knowledge than what college freshmen choose to absorb.

Exploring the specific skill sets of the various dimensions, you would find that those of the third dimension are unlikely to encourage or allow communication beyond the five senses.

The fourth dimension adds skills such as  inter-dimensional communications, more complete interpersonal communications and interactions with others in different dimensions.

The fifth dimension is the first to accept the reality of other dimensions as a part of life on earth or wherever they place themselves. It is not a question of life beyond earth, but a knowingness. The fifth dimension also enables those comfortable in that arena to zip between dimensions and time. There is no need for history books for those in the fifth dimension can easily travel to the past, future or wherever they want in the present. The fifth dimension encompasses a vast expanse of the Universe.

The sixth dimension does not require form or function, but creates whatever format is necessary for a particular expedition or for fun. There are no limitations to travel or knowingness – except for the Council knowledge base.

The Council directs the activities of the Universes and is comprised of entities of the seventh and beyond dimensions. Those dimensions, in various groups, determine which planets, Universes and entities will be expanded or shifted to best meet the needs of the godhead or whatever you wish to call the supreme being of which all dimensions are an extension of.

The dimension you select is a combination of what your being wishes to experience and the needs of the totality that is life. The Council is a bit like occupants of a war room moving volunteer entities, planets and Universes around one or more areas in the totality.

Before an entity can apply to be part of the Council, that entity becomes proficient in the preceding dimensions – a rating the entity assigns itself.

Whichever dimension you feel most comfortable in is the correct dimension for you. Forcing yourself into a different dimension will only delay your growth process. You, in conjunction with your higher self and totality of being, decided what you wanted to learn in this lifetime. Your inner being provides the messages that help you complete those lessons.

Why force yourself to be a pianist if you prefer building homes? Dimension selection is no different. Ask yourself what your home dimension is knowing that you are most comfortable in that dimension for a reason YOU selected. Allow yourself to be. So be it. Amen.


Brenda’s classic, channeled book A Glimpse of Your Future provides an overview of how and why your current economic and political worlds will transition in the New Age/new earth.  A Glimpse of Your Future is available for purchase at or http://www.Barnes &   If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe to blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

December 6, 2011 at 4:20 pm 3 comments

When the Spotlight Hits You, You Will Know What to do

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Special Event: Brenda will be the featured guest on Michael Quinsey’s (Michael channels SaLuSa) “Connecting the Light” show Friday, December 2nd at 5 pm Eastern Standard Time / 2 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Summary of Brenda’s November 21, 15-minute, free, channeled show “Creation Energies” on You have an important role to play in the coordination of this wondrous transition. Your unique skills will be called to action at the right time – just as is true for those coordinating a special event like a new product announcement.


Dear Ones,

The last few weeks were the beginning of energy shifts that will now occur frequently. October, 28 and 11/11/11 opened your channels of communication to those in the Universes who wished to help expedite you becoming an enlightened member of the New Age.

Not everyone is interested in this New Age/new earth transition. That is how it should be. For in every lifetime you have experienced on earth – or in the Universes – there are some who prefer being at the forefront and others who observe until the change is complete.

Those of you attuned to Brenda’s messages have probably realized that you are of the former type. She is a trail blazer of the first magnitude. And if her channeled materials interest you, so are you.

Let us turn to what will be happening to you in the near future – if it has not already started. You will be more aware of the vibrations of others interested in New Age concepts. You will find others requesting spiritual, emotional and physical insights from you – even if you do not wish to provide those insights.

Some of you just want to explore and talk or write about those explorations. Others wish to help those interested on a more personal basis. Neither action is right nor wrong, merely an indicator of your interests and overall plan during this transition.

This transition might seem chaotic, but the reality is more like a finely choreographed modern dance. You have inner action plans that light up at the appropriate time. Think in terms of a dance program in which many dancers are on stage, but only those in the spotlight are dancing or moving. So it is for you and anyone who is at the forefront of this transition.

Perhaps you are feeling as if you have nothing to contribute – much like the dancer who is standing in the dark thinking, “Can I perform as I want to when the spotlight is on me?” Do not fear. If you are intrigued by Brenda’s messages or other channeled materials that discuss being at the forefront of the action, you are merely waiting in the shadows for the spotlight to find you.

You have practiced your dance, your actions for eons. This is not a chaotic transition. It is one of beauty, grace and timing.

Many of you are feeling a need to do something, but have no idea what that “something” is. Be patient. Your individual dance is going to happen at the right time and place. This is a lush modern dance.

We highlight modern dance for a specific reason. Often, more traditional dances have a pattern that cannot be altered and is clearly discernible by any who note the steps. A modern dance is free-flowing – yet disciplined in that the dancers know their place and most of their movements – but have the freedom to improvise within that format.

So it is for you. As you grow in beingness – by adding more splinters to your being and accepting more energy from the Universes, you become more creative and skilled.

Perhaps when you first entered the earth plane in this lifetime, you practiced a fairly routine dance step that placed you on center stage in a lovely fashion, but that dance would not make others gasp at your skills. As you increase your beingness physically, spiritually and emotionally, you increase your ability to astound and amaze your audience.  Granted you are a member of the dance team, but one who sparkles, radiates and charms. You are a star.

We previously stated that you are the star of your own production. Such is true. But we are now speaking of a group production – the production to introduce the New Age/new earth to the masses.  Even though your lovely smile might be enough to light up the life of your next door neighbor, you are also part of a Universal dance troop that is ongoing and absolutely exceptional.

You have two roles in this transition. One is to expand your being physically, emotionally and spiritually. This expansion was expedited by your requests during the October and November dates we have already highlighted. By so expanding your being, you have increased your personal role and your role within the dance troop. You have shifted from good to great. And any ensuing shifts you wish to take part in will move you from great to spectacular.

You are not content with merely bringing the New Age/new earth to fruition. You wish to fully participate. That is your dance. That is your joy. And that is your sparkle.

Will your dance troop become envious of your new dance steps? Not at all. For you are now know how far you wish to push your physical and spiritual being in this lifetime.

It is now just a matter of how much you wish to practice – how much you wish to expand your being. You are already part of an exceptionally talented dance troop. There is no need for jealousy or favor. Merely a personal choice of the dance you wish to perform once the spotlight is on you.

Which returns us to our original thought. Do not fret if you do not “feel the light.” You will and you will be marvelous when it occurs. You are at the forefront of this wondrous transition and you will know exactly what to do and how to do it when the spotlight finds you. So be it. Amen.   If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe to blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

November 22, 2011 at 4:03 pm 11 comments



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