Posts filed under ‘self love’

Fear is Exhausting

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

“How’s Your Tapestry?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

The weekly “Brenda’s Blog” channel is available on Spotify Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Breaker Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public. You can find access buttons to the podcast sites at

Dear Ones,

Even though you craved excitement throughout most of your outer-directed earth time, you are shifting to a lower key of excitement. The wild parties or schemes of yesterday no longer thrill you. Excitement has become interacting with loved ones, nature, and other seemingly mundane activities that you probably once scoffed at.

Such is another indication of your inner shifts. Fear and pain are becoming more irritating because they are no longer your areas of interest or exploration – they are yesterday’s fashions.

You are a different being in a different world. So it is you no longer pine for the excitement of war, negative interactions, or anything that feels arduous.

In your outer-directed world, you explored fear for exhilaration, even pleasure. “I was brave enough to overcome that fear” is no longer something you likely brag about. Not because you cannot conquer that fear, but because you know you can but are no longer interested in doing so.

You are different, and so is your world.

Instead of racing to the latest confrontation, you will first try to avoid it. Until the day you realize you cannot stop others from doing or being as they wish. That your only role is to find your peace, inner joy and allow the same for others.

You might wish to dampen the energies of negative media coverage. Or you might tell others how wrong they are in support of this or that – until you do not. Within the next few days, you will, in essence, cut yourself off from the woes and concerns of others. Not because you are unfeeling or a mean person, but because you no longer wish to add energy to their fears.

You likely respond that because others are dying or suffering, you must engage in eliminating such activities. But you will soon discover you do not feel the need to caretake anyone but yourself. Not because you are an unfeeling person, but because you no longer adhere to the outer-directed need to control or caretake others. You are self-contained, as is everyone who has transitioned beyond their outer-directed being.

At first, you will likely believe that everyone but loved ones, children, or animals can take care of themselves. So you return to your caretaking habits only to discover you no longer mesh with them as you once did – that caretaking has become heavy and burdensome. You are tired. In fact, you are exhausted by the effort.

This exhaustion indicates that you are no longer the outer-directed entity who needs to caretake, experience pain, or be frightened to achieve your fear roles. You have shifted to the freedom to be in peace. Which is quite different from the back and forth comments voiced by those for and against Covid vaccines or political antics.

A peace within yourself that doesn’t require outer declarations of rightness but instead an acceptance of who you are. A new inner peace not dictated by events outside yourself but awakened as part of your being.

Even though there will be times when you return to your outer-directed fears or righteousness, those times will become less and less. Declaring to the world that you no longer need to be right or fearful and that others can feel however they want.

So it is you will lose interest in those fear areas that once seemed wonderfully right and a bit edgy, areas that pushed your fear limits both physically and psychologically. And you will observe others deeply enmeshed in such areas with little interest or even understanding.

This is indeed a new world you have been instrumental in creating. It is time to live in that new world following your inner instincts instead of your previous roles of caretaking and fear.

You are not becoming a boring fuddy-duddy. You are changing the world. Not by anger, fear, righteousness, or even caretaking. You are doing so by being and enjoying your new calm inner world – without fear, angst, pining, or anger. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.

March 28, 2022 at 9:51 am 36 comments

Feeling or Acting Odd?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 13, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  For the next few weeks, you’ll find yourself and others acting oddly for the energies pummeling the earth are shifting everyone. Those following will want you to explain what’s happening despite the information created by you and readily available to all who wish to understand their transition. You, in turn, will be shifting dramatically in preparation for your new 2020 being.

3D Doesn’t Know There’s a Within is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are likely discovering new and somewhat odd reactions to others.  Even though you knew you would function differently than was true in 3D, you no longer understand or are able to predict some of your new actions.  Actions and words that are both exciting and frightening.  Who are you?

Despite internalizing new segments and adapting to the new earth, you believed you would continue to be your 3D self with a few tweaks here and there.

Such, as is becoming apparent to you and others, is definitely not true.  For you are a new being with new directions and needs.  Perhaps that feels like a frightening concept because you wish to retain your 3D life, including relationships, homes, locations, jobs, etc.

You are discovering that despite your best efforts to be the ‘old’ you, you are claiming more ground for yourself.  Something you denied yourself for eons.  As a result, you are saying and doing things you do not necessarily understand.

So it is you find yourself snapping at loved ones with words that do not seem to be part of your being.  Or you refuse to do something you once found deliciously exciting.

You have prepared for this phase for the past nine months.  Even so, the outcomes are not what you expected or want.

Perhaps you remember your teens when you functioned similarly.  The difference is, your objections to your parents or society were to ensure acceptance by those you felt were your teen group.  You are now doing and saying things that seem to have no purpose other than irritating or hurting those you love.

Do not fret.  Those of your inner circle are undergoing similar shifts.  So it is you feel you are missing the mark – whatever the mark is – as are all others.  It is as if you are all trying to hit the baseball, with your back to the pitcher.

Nothing is as it was.  And so nothing seems to feel like the right formula for you or others.  You are foggy, belligerent, silly, nasty, and confused – as are all others.  This is not the time to take your personal temperature if you will.  Nor is it time to start or end relationships.  For all is askew – including you.

You want us, of the Universes, to tell you that you will soon return to 3D sanity.  We cannot.  For you and all others have become new entities as a result of the recent energies.  It is as if you have been puzzle pieces that fit together once in a while.  Now you are a complete puzzle with an image not yet visible.

Of course, you do not feel complete or even know who you are.  Imagine that you are viewing your completed puzzle from an inch away instead of with an overview.  As you travel throughout the remainder of this year, your view will expand to include a complete image and an understanding of what that image represents for you.

You, en masse, decided that accepting your being in less time would be too frightening for you and those you love.

You are growing into self-understanding and acceptance, much as you did as a young 3D adult.  For then, as is true now, you likely could not imagine who you would become.  So it will be for the next several months as you grow into your new being.

Perhaps some of you are concerned you will end relationships you thought permanent in this lifetime.  And so you might.  But it is more likely you will develop closer ties with those of your inner circle.  For you have cleared your path, your being of those so dissimilar as not to be of interest to you.

Those you no longer interact with are not currently interested in moving beyond their 3D life.  Even though they may change their direction as a result of recent energies, they are so far behind you in their evolutionary process that you will likely not return to those relationships.

You are becoming new you in abrupt stops and starts, just as was true when you were a teenager or young adult.  The difference is there are no road maps, no others who have traveled your path.  So it is this shift seems more frightening for some than was true when they were a teen group member.

No one is shifting the same way as you.  For only you can allow yourself to shift as your inner-being needs to.  Not because you know the rewards that doing so will bring, but because it is time – like salmon swimming upstream.

You are new you with a limited vision of who that is.  A vision expanding daily despite your fears of what you will find.

Allow yourself to fully explore your needs, and you will experience an easier shift than if you deny yourself the freedom to be.

You will not lose those also transitioning.  And those who are not, are already out of your world.  So allow yourself to be in the easiest and most exciting way possible – without guilt, regrets, or self-questioning.  Any more than you did when you were angry at your parents as a teen.

You will evolve rapidly in the next four or so months.  Allow that to be.  There is no need to question your motives.  For your only motive is growth. And so it will be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

September 16, 2019 at 10:25 am 26 comments

Pushing Your Security Rock Aside

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 29, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’re eliminating that last piece of baggage that has haunted you throughout this lifetime. Most likely, you’ve processed that same lesson in your family of origin, relationships, and workplaces. This is your final exam. The new type of love doesn’t mean you won’t feed a hungry person, it means you direct them to their resources once you’ve fed them.

Stop Carrying Others on Your Path is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you were prepared for the worst – and the worst did not happen. Or, you were in fear and discovered that your fear had no basis in your new reality. For who you were, and what you once suffered is no more.

The past few days have been a self-test, much like the United States broadcast warning test for a nuclear attack. When the tests first began decades ago, citizens thought about escape routes and what-ifs. Today, those same tests are merely program intrusions. And so it is now with your greatest fears. You have pondered, worried, and created escape plans only to discover that what was is no more.

Maybe you tried hiding from the expected pain of one of your 3D fears. Only to discover that there was no there there. That which once frightened you has dissipated, lessened, or disappeared. So it is you are daring to come out from under your rock of fear.

First, you peeked out, prepared for a quick scurry back to your hiding place under your rock. But little by little you have pushed your rock of protection away only to discover that you are more powerful in your light than you ever dared be under your rock of fear.

It is over. You are claiming you and declaring to the world that such is so.

Some of you remain under your protective rock waiting for the worst and hoping for the best. Do not fret if such is so. You too will soon have an experience exposing your worst fears as merely “what ifs” instead of “what is.” You will discover that you no longer need to hide under your pretend rock of fear.

For the fear you created throughout eons of earth lives was merely a cover for your inner-power. A power you did not wish to expose before the time was right. Granted, you suffered within your physical being and perhaps still do a bit. But the overall sense for most of you now is that no fear is deep enough or better said, real enough to stop evolving within your new being.

In the past, you needed to hide your power. You also wanted to add fear to your emotional repertoire in preparation for this lifetime. For if you had not enmeshed yourself in fear when fear was part of the earth experience, you would have difficulties understanding those now following you. Just as we often had difficulties understanding how fear impacted you when you were fully of 3D. We observed, but we could not experience the full-body fear that overwhelmed so many of you throughout most of your earth lives.

We could not understand how stating a seemingly wrong phrase to someone you felt more important than you, could be so debilitating. Much less the physical fear you experienced in many social interactions from, “Will he emotionally harm me?” to “She is pointing a gun at me.” Emotions held deep within you lifetime after lifetime in a cumulative fashion. So it is you created a safety hole covered with a huge rock you could hide within physically or emotionally.

Even though we informed you that you were always safe. You knew deep within that only you could prove to yourself that you were no longer part of the battering ram that became your society. The need to be better or right or stronger or wealthier or the right skin color and on and on. Informing you daily that even though you did not quite measure up, you were acceptable on certain levels, but most certainly, not all. So your place under the rock became your go-to place that grew larger with every earth experience informing you that you were less than perfect.

You are beginning to move that rock aside a bit as you accept that your earth experience is safer than ever before. Some of you have even dared to push your rock aside. You are safe.

There is no longer a need for that rock, but you must discover that for yourself – and so you are. Some of you with a push and exit from your fear hole and others with a slow slide to see the sun.

That pain, that fear is yesterday’s security blanket that you need no more. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

September 2, 2019 at 11:29 am 15 comments

Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 26, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  As is true for infants and toddlers, you’re in an exploration stage. Nothing is yet concrete in your life even though many of you want or expect it to be. Instead of trying to swim against the tide to reach the shore, allow yourself to float with the current. You’ll know when it’s time to build a solid structure.

You’re No Longer on 3D Time is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you continue to be someone you are not.

Even though there is a need for you to live within the confines of 3D rightness, such is so only for a short time. For you are finding it more difficult to do what is expected of you instead of what you wish to do.

Perhaps you believe you must continue a job or action you do not necessarily like, to maintain your home or family. Such is not terrible, merely a 3D fear. For your fear of the possible pain if you do not perform as you think you should is the fear of what used to be.

What you have discovered, or soon will, is that what was is no longer. For when you are true to your inner-being, the fears of yesterday are not valid. A bit like watching the snowfall with fearing you will be uncomfortable once you walk outside only to discover that the snow is fun to play in and explore.

Because you are no longer a 3D being nor is the earth, what was cannot be.

So it is that your 3D fears continue to guide you despite knowing deep within that you are not the person you once were, hiding your beliefs and feelings behind the shoulds and have tos of society.

In 3D, your outer world was of the greatest importance, so you catered to those surrounding you while most often ignoring your needs and wants. Now, you are clamoring to be free.

The result is that many of you are uncomfortable as you attempt to maintain what was, even though doing so provides you with little joy. You respond that you must keep this job or that relationship even though doing so makes you sad, even angry for without that connection, your life would be miserable. If you believe such thoughts, your life is already miserable.

What does your inner-being wish to say or do? That is your new guide.

For even if you once bridged the gap by dancing between 3D and 5D, you can no longer do so. You are of 5D. Even though such a statement is not a new concept, the actuality is probably starting to be uncomfortable. “Who are you?” needs to be one of your first thoughts in the morning, and your last thought before bed. For just as was true in 3D as you evolved from childhood to adulthood, what was is no more.

Many of you are procrastinating, trying to halt your 5D evolution. Not because you wish to remain of 3D, but because you do not yet trust 5D you. So it is you are walking a tightrope between the two worlds and you are exhausted. You feel as if you are neither here nor there, accepting that which makes you uncomfortable and fearful of trusting your heart, your inner voice.

What is your inner voice telling you at this moment? Is it pooh-poohing your leap into new you or is it sparkling in joy at the thought? We venture to guess that your inner-being is exhausted from trying to find joy in your joyless activities. Granted, you can change your perceptions, but even that is no longer enough to satisfy your need to fly into your 5D being.

Many of you are ready to leap into 5D totality – tomorrow, next month, or next year – but not today. What if you ruin a relationship, lose your job, or offend a dignitary by being you? If that is the message floating in your mind before you speak or act, then you are harboring the need to remain of 3D while talking or thinking that 5D sounds glorious, just not now or this week.

Even though you have tried to take the easy route of being of two worlds, such escapism is no longer valid. For not only have you proclaimed yourself of 5D, but your physical being has adjusted. You are not of 3D in either word or action. Allow that to be. Then allow yourself to act on that thought.

Your seemingly evolutionary thoughts will not isolate you for there are now enough followers that your new thoughts and deeds will not be as revolutionary as you now imagine.

You are not the only one thinking or acting as was true in many previous lifetimes when guarding your radical inner thoughts often meant the difference between life and death. This is a different time for a reason.

In previous lifetimes, you tested all sorts of approaches, attitudes, and actions. Even though you were doing so in isolation, your role was to return the results of those efforts to your cohorts, as was true of your creation cohorts in lifetime after lifetime. The information you and your cohorts gathered was then combined to create the 5D approach you and your group have so successfully used to create new you and New Earth.

Those tests also created fearful memories of death or punishment. So it is you dared to create the 5D umbrella for yourself and the earth, but are now hesitant to fold your umbrella and stand in the sunshine without protection. You are stronger than you now imagine, and you are not alone. So it is you no longer need to hide yourself or your inner thoughts.

There is no need for you to stand on the corner proclaiming your rightness. But it is time for you to do so within your being, and as you feel appropriate, in your actions. You will know what is right by the joy you feel during and after your action. At the same time, you will know when you are following 3D dictates by your discomfort via anger, fear, or depression.

Allow your new being the freedom it deserves for you have worked for eons to uncover it while of the earth. It is time for you to display your new being in all your beauty. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

July 29, 2019 at 9:06 am 26 comments

I Know Who I Am

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 21, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’re at the buffet table of new you choosing who you wish to be and what you wish to experience, initiating the end of social norms. Only those wishing to remain of 3D will encase themselves in the rigidity that was once 3D life.

“You’re Creating a Flexible Foundation is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Are you ready? Have you opened your hearts and minds to the possibilities? Have you negated shoulds and have tos – at least in your mind?

So it is that today is the start of your new you adventures – not as a toddler or a young teen, but as an adult activist.

Many of you from the 1960s and 1970s claim you are tired of fighting the same fight for equality, peace, and love. That you no longer have the energy or the need to picket this or that. We remind you that the revolt we are speaking of starts within you.

Your new you revolt is starting to take shape. Before the recent energies, you likely did not have concrete thoughts of what you desired. Of course, you maintained your 3D hopes of companionship, financial security, and love from others, but you had not yet formulated what new you needed to move forward.

You dipped your toes in the 5D and beyond waters only to discover that it was not the temperature you expected. So you tried another place and another and another until you discovered where you fit within the 5D tapestry.

That is not to say you negated the possibility of redefining yourself at a later date, but instead that you have discovered your base camp. Just as young adult 3D you knew that as you matured, so would your interests.

Perhaps you might better understand by remembering how you selected your community after leaving your 3D home of origin. You did so because of work, family, schooling, or interests. All of which likely shifted as you aged.

So it is now. You have declared your home base for now – based on your needs and interests, instead of those of others. This home base encourages you to function differently than was your norm as a new you toddler. Even though your temper tantrums might continue for a while, they will be different than was true just days ago.

As a new you toddler, you needed to declare your freedom to be. Now that you have claimed your freedom to be, you might want others to follow your lead. Which is little different from what you projected as a young 3D adult. “You should experience the joy of children like I have.” Or, “I’m so excited I’m engaged, you should fall in love too.” Or, “This town is perfect, why don’t you move here?”

Even though the questions seem different, your ‘should’ intent is the same. You will wonder why others do not dare ‘be’ as you now do. Why do they need to follow anyone? You claimed your freedom, why do they not wish to do the same? But of course, convincing others to follow your lead is no different than 3D shoulds.

You are in the phase of wanting others to be more like you. Which is counter to everything that is of the freedom to be.

Even so, this phase indicates you have made choices you find delightful.

You must now allow others that same freedom. For you are the first of the first. Even though those following are not far behind, their clarity is different from yours. Allow that to be. And allow them to complete the phases you needed to before knowing you were in the right environment.

Some of you reading this message will wonder what we are speaking of for you feel as if you are in the wrong community, home, relationship, or job. You have yet to discover what it is that gives you joy. Such is not to chide you, but instead to inform you that the phase of knowing you selected well is yet to come. For as you make your way in joy, you will know your direction and who is right for you. There will be no need to ask others or the Universes for you will just know.

That rightness does not happen with blaring trumpets or a choir of angels, but instead a knowing deep within you that you are no longer searching for whatever you were searching for. Similar to finding a 3D mate and not needing to meet others.

Again, such does not mean your new you discovery will last forever. This phase will be complete when you know without a doubt that you have selected based on your needs and joy instead of those of others.

A joy that is not necessarily flashy or even what you expected. It just is. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

June 24, 2019 at 12:01 pm 19 comments

Your Turn

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 7, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at As a young 5D adult, you’re likely fearful of selecting the wrong path. Such isn’t possible because you’re living in joy. All paths are correct until they’re not. And your current need to be alone or to not be ‘the life of the party’ will pass as you discover who you are in this new vehicle that is you.

“Enough With Martyrdom is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are concerned about your future direction – or not. It does not matter for as you evolve your direction is changing daily.

Some of you have difficulties believing that anything in your life or understanding is shifting. Yet, you catch yourself laughing at a silly object or becoming unusually angry at something that has happened many times before.

Both your internal being and your outer world are evolving more rapidly than you comprehend. Perhaps some of you experienced past global upheavals as your 3D personal life was changing. In all likelihood, your life was of greater importance to you at that time than world events. So it is now.

You question your judgment, actions, and friends, allowing little interest in global events. Even though you likely know a smattering of what is being reported, your main interest is your immediate world. Do those world events affect your life or your worldview? If so, you are interested. If not, you merely add the information to the unimportant knowledge collection.

Your world, your being is shifting from macro to micro. So it is, you are now more interested in your life than that of others. LIkely, you contend such is not true and never has been. We beg to differ. Your world was once more global than is now true. Not because you are an uncaring being, but because you are learning to love yourself.

Perhaps you once marveled at that special person who gave his or her life to save another. And while you might still do the same given your 3D training, you will not do so without questioning the wisdom of that action. For your new being is learning and accepting the importance of you.

Past measures were to save women, children, and infirm – anyone defined by society as weak. Your safety was not part of the equation – especially if you were a male. Now that loving yourself is becoming the new ‘law of the land’ more are questioning saving others before themselves.

Such statements make you cringe for you were taught for eons that others were more important than you. That you should deny yourself before you deny others. That you can always take care of yourself, but those poor others do not have the capacity to do so.

Is that true? Such are your new frightening thoughts. Not because you are a terrible person, but because the logic of loving yourself informs you that you are as capable as anyone and the same is true for those who were once considered weak.

Likely, you continue to believe the model that you are stronger than anyone, that others can never care for themselves as well as you do, that you are superior to others. At the same time, you worry that you are not enough, not as good as others. Do you see how you have tortured yourself for eons? Knowing internally that you were an earth savior and yet, believing you were not acceptable as you were. A dichotomy that created such pain within you that you no longer valued yourself.

You and your neighbor are equally valuable. This transition that you initiated cannot be completed without your global friends and neighbors. You are an earth angel in the correct earth place.

Others who follow will soon begin to feel more compatible with you for they, too, will learn to love themselves.

But until then, do not pressure yourself by attempting to determine who is more valuable or weaker or whatever sets you apart from others. Your only role now is to learn to love yourself. And you will do so by finding and following your joy. As will those who follow.

Those who follow are not weaker or less than you, they are merely playing a different role in this transition drama. Even though their stage entrance is after yours, without their input the drama would fall flat – your entrance would end the play for there would be no middle or end.

So it is you need to remember that you are not more or less important than those who follow. Just as you need to remember that you are strong, and so are they. Different roles in an extremely dramatic play that require the full attention and input from all actors, no matter how small their role appears to be.

It is also time to realize that your infant or the infant down the street is entering earth in this lifetime to add a role to this amazing play. There are no bit players. For without the entirety of the actors, this transition could not be.

Your inner voice is telling you how important this new stage of learning and accepting self-love is. There is no we as you do so for you have given your life and many others to that concept. The 3D we is no longer the stronger entity – that which made you feel wrong for you believed those who created the 3D we were more important than you.

Even though your heart perhaps continues to go out to children and the elderly, please remember that they too have an essential role to enact. For if you feel you must control them because you are so much wiser or more important, you lose your sense of self-love.

You and others of the earth are equals. Something you have never felt before while of the earth. For your personal history is of others being better and you being odd or somehow not quite complete. That thought process is now fading, which concerns you. For you feel you ‘should’ be more loving, more of a caretaker, more of the giver you have been for eons.

This is a new world and a new time. You are a new being in a new play. Allow yourself to learn how to love yourself before you feel the need to care for others. In this new world, there are no entities more or less important than you. Something you, even now, find difficult to understand.

The love you share is now equal, whereas you once gave hoping for something in return.

You have a right to say, “No” or “Yes.” Something you have denied yourself for eons as you filtered the needs of others and your need to be loved through both actions.

You are finally allowing yourself to be. As you do, your actions might not be as you expect, but all are to help you understand that you are not more or less important than others. And others are learning the same. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

June 10, 2019 at 10:13 am 22 comments

Enough With Martyrdom

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 31, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The past few days, you likely transitioned from the terrible twos to a young teen confusing you as well as those you love. Soon you’ll be a mature 5D adult, and loved ones will forget your actions of the past few weeks. Those entities you continue to interact with are observing you for they too wish to be of 5D. And because of you, they will transition quickly.

“Terrible Twos Anyone? is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are used to predicting the future based on past events. But because so much is now shifting, you have no baseline for what is going to happen. Causing you to be frightened or more worried than necessary.

An infant learning a new skill has little angst about whether achieving that milestone will lead to another skill.

So it can be for you. For what was is no more. There are no measuring tools allowing you to know what is going to happen. Indeed, it is a waste of your time and for now, limited energy, to be concerned about what this skill or that action will lead to.

You are in uncharted territory, so you cannot predict your future direction or needs any more than was true for the European explorers who roamed the globe hoping to find one thing only to discover something entirely different.

Even though we, of the Universes, know you are destined to live in joy and peace, we have no idea what journey you require to get there. Such words may be frightening for someone has to have the ultimate plan, someone or something has to know where you are going and why. You are that someone.

Your true north, if you will, is to live in joy. A feeling that cannot be replicated or copied by anyone. Your joy is yours. And your journey is to find the most joyful path to joy.

The word journey indicates all will take years or decades for it does not seem possible that the current earth chaos or even your life can shift as rapidly as you would like.

Ah, what you have forgotten is you are on a joy discovery path. So it is you will never reach complete nirvana for each step is to be in joy. And as you complete one joy step, the next will light up, and the next and the next.

This transition is not like that of past human shifts, which required decades or centuries. This transition, created by you, is to take place within your current earth lifetime. For if you had designed a transition requiring hundreds of years, such would be little different from various religions proclaiming that heaven or nirvana can only be achieved in the earth afterlife.

Of course, you have faith in the outcome, as has been proven over and over throughout this transition. But you are also exhausted and need to see, feel, and experience rewards to continue your journey. For you have given your all to this transition, including ignoring friends and relatives, physically shifting, and letting go of beliefs because doing so felt right.

You now need to experience something other than sacrifice.

So it is you are beginning to truly claim your joy. For until now, most of you felt you needed to do or be more. Not because such was necessary, but because you were following 3D patterns of “If I give enough, maybe I’ll be rewarded.”

You have given, sacrificed, believed, projected, and worked beyond time for you to reward yourself.

This current phase is for you to determine what will give you joy. Not just a bit of joy, but what is it you require daily? Some will contend you merely need to see a flower or a friend. And of course, both can be joyful experiences. But what will make you feel as if your sacrifices have been worth your arduous efforts? That is the phase you are now in.

You are letting go of your belief that you have not done enough or been enough to be rewarded – one of your first steps into true joy.

For even though you might have rewarded yourself with a few minutes of daily relaxation or something similar, such rewards are not enough for you to continue your journey.

Many of you will beg to differ, believing you will continue just because. Such thoughts mean you have not yet let go of 3D martyrdom.

Reward yourself. Allow yourself to rest. Allow yourself to play. Most of all, allow yourself to be.

Because of your efforts and recent Universal energy flows, you are about to begin your joy journey. Not a 3D journey of a few minutes of relaxation, but your new 5D journey of joy and self-reward.

Allow that to be without concerns that your rewards limit the possibilities for others’ joy or that you have overreached your current station in life.

Ignore everyone and everything except that which gives you joy. One step at a time – ignoring social mores, the needs of others, and your fears of being TOO much.

Start your joy journey. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

June 3, 2019 at 7:59 am 42 comments

Terrible Twos Anyone?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 25, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’ll feel less fearful the next few days as you disengage from the chaos. Feeding chaos will or has started feeling inappropriate. As you remove your light from the turmoil and display a more peaceful demeanor, others will follow your lead until those creating fear and chaos have little to attach to. So it will be that earth shifts from fear to love.

“Push or Flow? is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

How you start your day is most likely how your day will end. Words of wisdom, perhaps or perhaps not. For such words indicate that there is little to be salvaged once you become angry, frightened, or any emotion other than joy.

So it is you are in a belief pattern that has little to do with your reality. For you have been taught that you MUST feel, express, and therefore, experience ‘niceness.’

Is it not true that once you declare that you are or will be a nice person, you feel guilty when a snarky remark escapes? Not because you are a terrible person, but because you negated your niceness creed. Are such snarky statements, not your truth? And are your inner urgings now not about honesty?

At first, your honesty might go beyond what you expect. You might find yourself blurting something you are ashamed of or surprised about. Such is not terrible, but instead a clearing process to end your 3D need to sift your words through social shoulds and have tos.

Do you not expect some calibrations when you change the ink in your printer? Perhaps you find the color is too light or dark on your first attempt to print after the new cartridge is inserted. Do you not then adjust until the color or ink meets your needs? So it is for your new inner honesty.

You are not used to being honest while of the earth – even with yourself. For you have honed your words and actions to your social role.

Your anger, depression, fears, and emotional suppressions are the result of trying to fit in – verbally and physically. You have 3D roles as spouse, parent, child, community member, supervisor, leader, etc. And in the past, you performed as expected even though you did not always agree or find doing so easy.

So you often needed to buoy your spirits with self-talk like, “He’s my friend, so I will travel with him to places I don’t want to go.” Or, “She’s my child, so I should care for her no matter how she treats me.”

And if you do not perform as expected in any social category, 3D society claims the right to negate your worth. “She’s not a good friend. He’s not a good father.” Strongly encouraging you to fall into the social pattern of rightness.

You are likely starting to experience mini temper tantrums within those social interactions from “I don’t want to talk to her now, so I’m not going to call even though she told me to.” Or “I’m not going to use my one free day to take care of your needs.” And though your words might not express that temper tantrum, your tone might. For you are tired beyond tired of transitioning, as well as maintaining social mores.

You want to do what you want to do.

You are at the 5D adult evolutionary phase of returning to your ‘terrible twos,’ of stamping your foot and saying, “NO!” And not in a gentle tone.

You are exhausted trying to please the Universes, your society, your loved ones, and yourself.

You can no longer be all things to all people or beings. You are you. And you likely do not have the energy to carry anyone, no matter how much you love them or owe them. You are exhausted.

You shifted earth – for which you prepared for eons. So you could complete that task while remaining, for the most part, within the 3D world.

Your current self-love piece is more trying for you have never before attempted to fully claim yourself and so many new segments in dense 3D energies. So it is you feel, at times, as if you are in quicksand. Your loved ones are demanding this, your employer wants something different, and your society expects more. Pulling and pushing you this way and that until you finally declare, “I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Of course, the pushing and prodding is not an accident. You, en masse, created such so you would shift beyond your 3D ropes, beyond the limitations established by your past and present 3D lives. Forcing you (often kicking and screaming) to declare yourself a sovereign being following inner directives instead of societal shoulds and have tos.

Such willfulness is expected of two-year-olds, but most certainly not of the 3D socialized adult, you believe yourself to be.

But before you can fully claim yourself, you need to discover those actions and pieces that are 3D requirements. Such is what is now happening.

So it is you will find yourself saying, “NO” more often and more loudly in the most unexpected places and times. Of course, you might offend those of 3D. Not because what you are saying or doing is wrong, but because you are eradicating social mores without replacing them with others that are socially acceptable.

You are a new person in a new world. And you are claiming that new person, slowly at first, for your seeming tirades or words will frighten you as well as others.

“What if I cross the line, and no one likes me?” is a constant threat to your newness. Not because that is something you need to be concerned about, but that you are so socialized to shoulds and have tos you cannot always remember who you are.

Suffice it for you to know that you are a new being. So it is you may blurt something that surprises you as well as others, or you might refuse to do something that others expect of you. Neither of those actions is terrible for you are a new being adjusting within a 3D world.

As a new you terrible two, you only need to be concerned about how you feel at the moment. Did your two-year-old son decide to protest changing his clothes based on your needs or his?

So it is you might say something that hurts others’ feelings, not because your statement is wrong, but because you are not following the 3D should of the moment. Allow that to be as you evolve.

And allow yourself to rest for you have forced yourself to comply with both 3D and 5D demands beyond what your physical being is capable of.


Allow yourself to be – temper tantrums, shifts in actions and interests, and maybe a return to some of your 3D activities. No one knows, including you, what this terrible-two phase will shift. Just know that such is an accepted and expected need allowing you to negate deeply ingrained 3D shoulds and have tos.

It is time to be as nice to yourself as others expect you to be to them. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your

May 27, 2019 at 8:17 am 37 comments

Push or Flow?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 17, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  The media has always reported the happenings of the ruling elite. As you become less interested in fearful media news, the ruling elite will shift their actions to recapture the spotlight. So it is less fear-mongering will be part your day, as your leaders’ actions become less important. Inner-power of the people is the earth’s new direction.

“Why Not a Kingdom? is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you are a powerful creator, the earth is seeming to regress and your personal world appears as it has always been. Because you cannot see or sense your progress, you feel as if you are a failure, as if you will never do enough to complete your transition.

The glorious happenings reported by others do not feel possible for you. For you still worry about your rent, food costs, relationships, familial love, car payments and on and on. While others, seemingly not of the light, easily create the life of which you dream.

As a result of that pain, you are starting to function as a failure, as you have most of your earth lives. “Others are producing what I can’t.”

So it goes day after day with a few blips of hope created by reading or finding those who buoy your spirits for an hour or so followed by a return to your seemingly bleak reality.

You have prayed, meditated, contemplated, and most of all hoped that your life would be as you wish instead of what it seems to be.

We cannot tell you that all is well in your life, for in many instances it is not. Not because you are not capable of more, but because you are practicing your skills. You are an infant in the personal creation skills that your big brothers and sisters of the Universes take for granted.

In the past, we pushed you beyond your capabilities. Much as an older sibling misjudges the skills of their toddler brother or sister. For years, we informed you that you were fully capable of doing this or that. Even though such was true within you, you had not yet broken through your fear barriers and earth heaviness. Something you are now doing.

So it is that we of the Universes misjudged how deeply enmeshed you were in earth heaviness. We also misjudged how eons of functioning as a follower instead of a leader would delay your new you skill development. For this, we apologize.

In truth, we wish for you to start over with new expectations and actions. What is it you dream of? What is a small action step in that direction, and the next and the next and the next?

So it will go for you just as was true when you were an earth toddler. First, you learned to stand, then walk, and finally run with confidence. You did not start your leg activity with running, but built up to that glorious moment in stages that sometimes seemed unusual to others, but produced what your inner-being informed you was the next required stage.

It is time for you to return to your inner-being directives instead of trying to follow those of the Universes. For even though you have achieved much the past few years, you are in the infant stages of personal creation. We encouraged you to fly through human being requirements – even though you could not. So it is you feel as if you are a creation failure instead of the magnificent creator success you truly are.

Your globe is changing in ways you cannot imagine. But that thought holds little interest for you if your personal world continues to feel heavy and oppressed. Allow yourself to know that you are creating your new personal world in small pieces, instead of the major elements we led you to believe were possible before we truly assessed human capabilities.

Once again, we accept responsibility for functioning as an older sibling excited that we could play with you as equals without fully understanding how many levels you needed to move through before reaching that stage.

That is not to say you will be floundering for years or even months. But instead, that you will progress at the pace and time that is right for you. Allow yourself to relax into personal creation instead of believing you are not evolving rapidly enough.

Even though you are striving to create, little is happening because you neglected a couple of steps. Steps that are your steps – not your brother’s, your friend’s, or the guru’s down the street.

You are a specialist in the Universal shifts team. So it is you are fully comfortable changing the dynamics of or creating planets and other bodies, but you are just learning how to focus that energy to the singular being of you. Something that we of the Universes find relatively easy, but then, we have never developed the planetary creation skills you take for granted.

You are creating from a macro to microformat which most of us of the Universes have never attempted.

It is time to return to flowing.

Allow yourself to flow and you will create what you dream of when it is right for you to do so. Force yourself to create and you will merely frustrate yourself and others. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

May 20, 2019 at 11:12 am 37 comments

Why Not a Kingdom?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 10, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at past few days seemed to last forever for you were incorporating many of your internal April changes. Your inner engine was barely moving so projects and actions were at a standstill. Now that you’ve completed that phase, your being and projects are rapidly moving forward for you’re expressing outwardly what you internalized in April.

“You’re Rewriting Earth History is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

There are undercurrents within your societies different from outward appearances. So it is you become upset when someone does this or that even though their actions – unknown to you – are fulfilling your dreams.

You are in the midst of crumbling world structures as you wait for some knight to make everything right – in your mind. That knight is not going to appear for you are the creator of your life.

The phrase, ‘you are the creator of your life,’ does not mean what you once thought it did. For you believed someone would appear to make your life easier so you would have time and energy to create. In truth, you are the knight in shining armor saving the world.

What gives you joy? That emotion is now the center of your world and of all who wish to move beyond 3D.

You likely believe all will flourish together, despite being informed over and over that you are unique individuals. You are waiting for sameness, even though sameness is filled with the shoulds and have tos you abandoned once you crossed into 5D.

Your new world is about the uniqueness you and all of 5D and beyond are creating. Allowing all to be free in their decisions and actions.

Such might seem frightening now for you cannot yet conceive of individuality despite your disdain for any groups attempting to create a whole while ignoring the uniqueness of its members.

How is it possible for you to be free if you need to follow the guidelines of a specific government or religion? It is time for you to find your joy, your life – and to stop waiting for someone to create your perfect world.

Of course, you respond that some will create a world of racialism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, corruption, or whatever you disagree with.

You are using 3D terms to describe your new world. For you still believe it is possible for you to ignore some pieces important to you, as you have for eons, in order to create a more perfect society. “I can accept that if you give me this,” type system that only returns you to a 3D world.

Bartering your rightness, your knowingness is no longer part of your new creations. Who are you? Not who are you within society, but who are you as a unique individual?

You are so comfortable accepting crumbs of comfort that you cannot even envision a world in which you experience joy – not acceptance – joy.

No one but you can create your new world. What gives you joy, is the only governmental, personal, group, committee rule to which you need adhere.

Such freedom seems unwieldy for you do not trust others to be as accepting and loving as you hope you are. So you wish to cage others within your framework of what is right for you.

Such is not how your new world will evolve. For in the 3D past, societies were created from the top (dictator, king/queen, president, chieftain) down. You are now creating from the bottom up.

A concept so radical you cannot yet conceive such is possible. Does not someone need to tell you how and when to function? Does there not need to be a consensus held by the majority, followed by the minority?

So it is you forgot a concept you learned years ago that the new world will be in harmony as is true for birds who sing different melodies only to create a beautiful sound not possible if all birds chirped the same sound.

Allow yourself to grow in this new concept of a unique world ruled by unique individuals who do not expect anyone to think or act as they do.

This radical concept likely does not seem possible for you now. Not because it is not possible, but because it is such a new concept – just as democracy, socialism, a monotheistic religion, or any governmental form seemed initially. Who and why were kingdoms thought to be the best form of government? So it went one societal structure after another proclaiming itself right for the time. And those structures were right for those times.

This is a new world calling for new dynamics – most important of which is living in joy, not for some but for all. Your joy is not necessarily your best friend’s joy. Even though you accepted that friendship truth without much thought, allowing everyone to be free seems impossible now.

It will not seem so once you truly allow yourself to move in joy. Joy is the structure of your new world. Such does not mean you will live in joy but not your neighbor, as has been true in the past, but that all are living in joy.

You cannot yet sense how such is possible given how divided countries are now politically and ideologically. In the not-to-distant future, countries will accept they have different needs. So instead of large physical areas monitored and controlled by a small group of people, small groups will form communities that feel right for them.

This new format will be initiated by groups who no longer wish to be part of the larger whole. So it will go until humanity follows their inner-voice to find the correct locations and actions for them. And all will start with individuals like you following your joy.

Follow your joy and you will be part of the new world. Try to create a body to govern others and you will feel thwarted at every juncture. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

May 13, 2019 at 9:07 am 23 comments

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