Posts filed under ‘forecasting’

Are You Ready to Flit?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s October 30, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You forerunners experienced micro clearings before the earth’s current macro shifts. Earth beings’ fever has broken. Even though some may experience minor side effects, as is true with any fever, those side effects will be workable. Awakened/awakening earth beings are now on an upward trajectory.

“Adding Not Subtracting” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you believe your life will never improve or change. That the magic abilities you assumed would be part of your being will never display themselves. That you alone are not shifting as prophesized. That you are a transition failure. 

You likely felt the same in puberty when your voice did not change as rapidly as others, or your breasts refused to grow as you hoped.

Just as was true during puberty, neither you nor anyone can expand skills until it is time to do so. Will you travel through time or frequencies? Will you channel or speak in unusual tongues? Will you communicate without words? All aspects that may or may not be part of your new world.

You cannot determine what skills will be at your forefront until they happen – any more than you could easily determine your adult height at age 10. 

During this personal evolutionary period, you will utilize those skills most important to your earth role. There is no need to waste energy wishing to zip to other planets if it is only to help you believe you are skilled. But as is true in 3D, there will be some cross-training or interests. You might be a time traveler reviewing and changing history while quite interested in gardening or bird watching. 

Just because you are a new being does not mean you cannot have a multitude of interests. Even so, the vast majority of those interests, and therefore skills, will relate to your 5D and beyond earth role.

The only way you will discover your true intent, your true direction is to explore any and everything that interests you. It is much like sifting sand to discover a gold nugget.

You will flit here and there as each new interest pops up. Only to realize some topics are not captivating enough to retain your interest.

Discovering your new you interest area will be similar to selecting a college major. Even though there were likely several interesting college courses, one grouping stood out as the most intriguing. So it was you selected your major. But that major did not necessarily mean you devoted the remainder of your life to one skillset. Your college degree was more of a building block than a straight professional trajectory. So it will be for you now.

New you will be interested in this today. That tomorrow and something entirely different the day after. But as you jump from one interest to another, you will return to one or more of those interests until you realize you have formed a complete skillset – likely in something you had no idea existed or that you might find interesting.

You will discover your niche step-by-step. And once you do, you will expand that knowledge to areas not known to others, for you are a specialist, as is everyone awakening. 

As you discover your core interest – and you will – you will find ways to gather the information you need at a record pace.

Those in the 2nd and 3rd waves are finding new earth structural building blocks most interesting.

Unlike the 2nd and 3rd waves, you forerunners have no common denominator for you completed your earth role. You are now part of the earth free form, much as you are in other Universal dimensions and frequencies. So you will flit from place to place, interest to interest. Which might frighten some of you because it will seem so haphazard.

You are merely returning to a Universal being with a central focus while of the earth. And to discover that focus, you will explore many aspects of Universal life. And so you will, and so you are. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:


November 2, 2020 at 9:35 am 28 comments

Giving Away Your Power

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s September 25, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  When you were of 3D, you functioned within society’s rules. Now you’re part of your segment council with the goal of completing your new you role in this lifetime. So you likely find yourself acting and speaking differently than you once did. And you tire easily. For you’re discovering and practicing new skills daily – surprising yourself and those close to you. 

“Pulling Back the Curtain” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel your life is more complicated and unpleasant than ever before despite our promises to the contrary. Such beliefs are so because your world is in complete upheaval. What was, is not, and what was not, is.

So you are returning to yesteryears’ fear that the world is ending. Even though the world you knew is ending, the world is not at an endpoint.

Your fears, as we have stated previously, are fears that have been hidden deep within you for eons. The fear that the world is ending is as much about past fears driven by memories of Atlantis and Lemuria as any current reality.

Your earth reality now is workable. That is not to say that the present earth environment is necessarily pleasant or even comfortable, but instead that there is an end in sight, the earth will survive and thrive.

Think of this very uncomfortable time as spring housecleaning with everything in disarray. Once that spring cleaning is complete, you know your home will be cleaner and more organized. So it is now. It appears as if everything of the earth is out of place. And it is. You and millions of others are providing the energy required to clean those earth items that have been hidden under rocks.

Perhaps you wonder what we mean with the phrase, ‘you and millions of others are spring cleaning earth’ for you think your current role is to merely be. And so it is. For a large part of the earth’s spring cleaning is you clearing the fears that help you believe all is lost. That Atlantis is once again in a destruction mode. That anything you do will not change the course of that destruction. That you are powerless.

So it is we return to that element you try to ignore, deny, refute, and even lie to yourself about.

You are a powerful Universal Angel.

Why do you continue to deny to yourself and others your Universal Angel skills?

Such is so because you have trained for eons to hide, to fit within society, to be who others told you to be. You completed that role so wonderfully it is now difficult to climb out of that box. Your 3D segments are encouraging you to continue your 3D fears. Your beyond 3D segments are amazed you want to remain in that box. You are fighting yourself daily.

To return to our spring cleaning analogy, a part of you is scrubbing the floors, and another part finds the results too clean and uncomfortable.

This is decision time for you, as well as most of the earth. Those fully of 3D are now in the minority in terms of numbers even though they continue to hold sway over the majority. Not because those of 3D have the power to do so, but because you are giving away your power.

You have the power to say, “NO.” You have the power to move, to declare you are a new being with none of your previously accepted 3D roles of acquiescing to the interests and needs of others. You are the power. It is time to use it.

Many worry you will not be liked or held in esteem by others if you follow your inner voice. What you do not realize is that such no longer matters. For the earth is no longer enmeshed in group thought. Instead, unique powers and skills reign. Both of which are to be claimed NOW – not tomorrow, next month, or next year. You sit and tremble at the thought of a presidential election, illness, or someone leaving you. Yet you are more powerful than all or anything of 3D.

Simultaneously, you are part of a cohesive whole designed to shift the earth in ways never before thought possible. You are a unique individual with a unique role that blends with the roles of others, rather than detracts.

This new earth is a bit like a stew of protein and vegetables that does not include cotton. Some 3D stances are similar to adding cotton to a stew. For not accepting other humans or destroying the environment are similar to adding a nonfood item to stew. Does that mean you should believe this or that? No. Listen to your inner-being. That is your direction. That is your message. For that inner message will direct you to the rebuild of an earth of love.

Messages from others continue your 3D role of doing or saying what others tell you, most likely based on their needs instead of yours.

This is not a time for groupthink. It is time for you to claim your power. Such is only possible if you listen to that loving inner voice that directs you to self-love. An inner-voice designed to complete the earth spring cleaning that is now underway. No one or nothing can tell you what to do or who to be – unless you allow them to.

Claim your power, and you will fulfill your new you role. Ignore or deny your power, your inner-messages and you will prolong earth’s spring cleaning far beyond what you thought possible.

Your role, your being is as powerful as any other. The only way it cannot be is if you allow others to direct your being and, therefore, curtail your innate powers. Let yourself be. Ignore naysayers or those trying to frighten you into returning to herd thinking and action.

You are a powerful, unique individual claiming your power by following your inner voice, not the voice of politicians, friends, family, or any groupthink. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

September 28, 2020 at 9:46 am 25 comments

Stop Directing the Second Wave

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s August 21, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’ve likely experienced emotional upheaval the past few days as you evolve into new you. You’re no longer a global caretaker, for you’ve completed your role of helping the earth transition beyond 3D. You’ve become the role model of a loving, peaceful being of light. The second wave is beginning to create new, flexible structures of love. 

“The Second Wave are the Rebuilders” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today we address the angst many of you feel as you let go of your need to control the world. Perhaps you laugh at that last statement for you feel as if your personal world is so out of control, you do not have the energy for global issues.

Your current angst is much deeper than you realize. You are not frightened about your future – or even your present. For you have surmounted more significant obstacles as you transitioned from 3D to your current dimension.

For eons, you focussed on transitioning the earth to dimensions and frequencies beyond 3D. Even though that role is basically complete, you have difficulties letting go of that control, that focus. So it is you want those in the second wave to create what you believe is right – and you want it now. Any deviation from your blueprint of earth correctness creates ongoing angst of “They don’t know what they’re doing. They’ll mess it up. I better get involved, so they do it right.”

In truth, you do not know the correct way to proceed from this point. You respond that you are fully aware New Earth is to be enmeshed in love and joy, so you definitely know how to proceed. What you do not yet understand is that your solutions are based on 3D knowledge. For your focus for eons has been on the entirety of the earth, the overall sensations rather than the specifics required to rebuild a new earth of love and joy.

Perhaps it will help you better understand if you think in terms of an orthopedic surgeon versus a heart specialist. Both are medical doctors, but neither has the expertise to perform one another’s skillsets without additional education. So it is for you now.

You are a globalist in the most significant sense of the word. The second wave or those now awakened honed their expertise in the finite details of rebuilding flexible structures – building walls of love. Those in the third and beyond waves are the decorators – adding touches here and there that provide heart warmth. Each successive wave has areas of expertise that will finalize the project for future generations.

All you need to know is that your magnificent role in helping create this new earth is over. It is time for you to hone your self-love skills – and resting is step one. For even though your global role is over, you have not yet allowed yourself to accept that such is so – a bit like a mother worrying about her child during his or her first days of kindergarten.

You, like all others, are being pummeled with strident energies of love. The sensations you feel as a result of that pummeling seem overwhelming. Not because you cannot internalize those energies, but that you retain the need to use new energies to help earth for that was your focus for so many earth lifetimes.

In a sense, you are retired from your forerunner job. It is time to discover a world that does not include your work-a-day schedule. Of course, you want to poke your nose in here and there to ensure your earth is shifting according to your beliefs. But when you do, those in the second wave ignore your suggestions and concerns. Which, of course, only makes you worried that the second wave does not know what they are doing, that your eons of work are for naught.

Perhaps you need to remember that those waves following you did not interfere or even understand what you were doing. Allow the second and beyond waves to perform their tasks without your interference.

Whether you have yet acknowledged it, your current role is just as intense as shifting the earth. For you are finding that internalizing self-love is not as easy as you once imagined. Self-love is a role/job in itself. The fact that you are trying to find tasks outside your self-love role should indicate how challenging your new role is.

Some of you reading this message are retired from the 3D work-a-day world and understand what we are alluding to. ThreeD retirement requires new life directions. So it is you are in the process of discovering new life directions through self-love directed interests.

As is true in 3D, your forerunner retirement can be joyful with new insights and activities or painful with nostalgic thoughts of what was. It is your choice.

If you decide to explore self-love in more detail, you will not have time or energy to worry about what the second wave is doing. The second wave is as skilled in their area as you were/are in yours. The difference is they will complete their task in less time than was true for you as you were a forerunner while fully enmeshed in 3D.

Your need to intervene in the rebuild tasks of the second wave will only slow them down and shift you from your new role of fully discovering how to love yourself.

Please know that all is moving according to the plan you helped develop, including the flexible rebuilds of the second wave. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:



August 24, 2020 at 10:06 am 24 comments

The Second Wave are the Re-builders

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s August 14, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’ve likely experienced many emotions the past few days. Such is so because you’re growing into your new being. Even though your cells are always evolving, never before have they done so at this warp speed. Most of you are entering your environmental exploration phase. You’ll evolve from new you infant to adult in days instead of years. (I received this after recording: As infants, we expect to be cared for, but current politics and ideologies force us to create our safe place producing stress and fear.) 

“Practice Time is Over” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

The current erratic energies likely make you feel emotions you have not felt or needed to feel for some time.

The energies are a one-size-fits-all type impacting those of you at the forefront, as well as those deeply enmeshed in 3D. The same has mostly been true throughout this transition. The difference is you have become so finely tuned to the energies you cannot slough off those that touch places you have no need to go. So it is you are likely teary-eyed, sad, mad, irritated, and not necessarily a pleasant person to be around.

Have you discovered that crowded places make you feel uncomfortable – that you are overwhelmed sensing the emotions of others? So it is now. The difference is you are sensing the same through frequencies instead of physical contact. You are picking up the angst, anger, and fear just as is likely true for you in crowded venues.

You find yourself emoting words and actions that seem counter-productive to your growth and frightening to others. For most are used to your former display of a different demeanor – most likely, more gentle and forgiving than is true now. These interactions are as frightening to you as they are to others, for you do not necessarily understand why you are so upset.

You are evolving – you are a new being in a new land. But that thought does not lessen your anger or your unusual reactions.

Some of you believe that your reactions are because you are more advanced in your transition capabilities than those with whom you live or interact. Even though that is likely true, such is not the cause.

You are frightened for you have nothing to latch onto. Your political/geographic world does not feel right. And your concerns for or with others do not appear to have solutions. You want a new world desperately.

Even though you know deep within that the new world of love is the end result of this transition story, wanting that happy ending now does not seem to change anything. For daily, you learn of more difficulties and few solutions.

You have been told over and over you are going to initiate the creation of those solutions – new political, academic, penal, medical, geographic, racial, sexual, environmental, human solutions. Such is so. Just not today or tomorrow. For you are exiting your new you infant stage. And as you do so, you will have less need for patriarchal sources to create new structures for you.

For eons, earthlings, depended on the dominant or male species to create structures that were appropriate for the 3D world of fear. This is a new world. So it is that the males of the earth cannot be depended on to create that which you want. And we are speaking broadly in terms of both males and females exuding a masculine response. For you and all others transitioning have or will balance your male/female energies, so the new creations are neutral.

It is no longer a masculine energy dominated world. And so – as has or is happening – the male-dominated 3D structures are failing. The new builds will be neutral – neither masculine nor feminine-dominated. And those new builds will retain their usefulness for eons as you and the world shift from fear to joy.

You intuitively know the future. But you want that future now even though there are not enough builders of the new yet awakened. Perhaps it will help you to better understand if you imagine a six-year-old crying because he or she cannot drive the family automobile. Even though that six-year-old knows intuitively, there will be a time when he or she can do so, they want to do it now.

So it is you are pining for something that is to be in the near future. For you must mature a bit in your new you being – and a few more structural creators need to awaken.

You helped create the new earth and remained of that new earth to clear your being of 3D fears and actions. It is those following who will create the structures that emphasize joy and love. Such is not necessarily your role. As the forerunners, you will have input into the design of those new structures, but your role now is more personal than global. You are learning to shine your light brightly despite fear and anger as 3D security pieces are destroyed one-by-one.

You are a new earth creator, not a structural creator. Those following will create the new structures. Those in the third and beyond waves will enhance those new structures so generation after generation will feel comfortable living in love and joy instead of fear.

You will begin experiencing the new structures in the near future once those in the second wave get their ‘sea legs.’

You did not create new earth overnight. Most likely, you were involved with doing so for years, if not decades. Those in the second wave will create new structures much more rapidly. And those in the third and beyond waves will complete their tasks in the blink of the eye. For each successive wave draws upon the energy of the previous waves.

All is happening according to plan – the plan you helped develop. Your new being will mature and enjoy life in ways you cannot now imagine. Just as trying to describe romantic love to a six-year-old is impossible, so it is for us to describe how delightfully you will experience succeeding phases of this transition.

But for now, you are a new being infant evolving to a toddler with a need to discover yourself without worrying about what successive waves are or are not doing according to your timetable. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

August 17, 2020 at 10:33 am 18 comments

Practice Time is Over

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s August 7, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Throughout the eons, you trained yourself to split your being as you believed necessary to be accepted by others. You’re no longer able to play those games with yourself or others. Like a two-year-old, you’re declaring your freedom to be without concerns about what others may think or do. You’re clearing your last secret-self dust bunnies with both trepidation and joy.

“Refilling Your Vessel” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel as if you are not functioning or behaving correctly. For some of your new emotions and reactions are so different that you find yourself wondering who you are.

You might be expressing anger, sadness, or fear more than you anticipated. Or functioning counter to who you thought you were. Such is to be expected. Your physical being looks similar, but your reactions are so different as if to seem that a new being resides in your physical earth body.

ThreeD behavior formulas no longer apply. And you are tired. Tired of trying and of not trying. You are just tired.

Nothing feels right. But then, nothing feels that wrong either. So you function day-to-day by creating a routine that is much more simplistic than was true for your 3D being. As if you are in limbo or even unconscious. Everything and nothing seems like too much effort. When you do come alive emotionally, your reactions to simple interactions seem over-the-top even to you. Everything feels like an effort. And little things make you angry.

Such is so because you are shedding much of 3D that is no longer required. Of course, you counter with you have been doing so for years. Such is true. But what is happening now is your need to learn, to experience all you wish to experience.

A toddler touches and tries to taste everything. He or she moves with the speed of light – exploring here, there, and everywhere. But without rest time, that toddler becomes petulant and angry. Please try to imagine yourself as a new you toddler. Your anger is that your world is somewhat limited now. You want to taste this and try that even though doing so exhausts you. As does being around others not at the same transition phase as you.

You do not have the energy to help others through their shift. In truth, you are discovering you barely have the energy to do so for yourself.

Please know that the energies you are now experiencing are profoundly affecting you in ways you have not yet experienced. For your inner physical being is changing as rapidly, if not more so, than is true for a human infant. You are relearning how to walk, talk, and function as a new being. All that was rational and right in 3D no longer matters. You are seeing with new eyes and moving with new limbs and interests.

Wiping your 3D slate clean is similar to entering earth as a newborn from another dimension or frequency. You are truly new.

In the past few weeks, you have been adjusting – similar to what you might have done in the womb prior to an earth birth. At your recent birth, you opened your eyes, waved your arms and legs, adjusted to a new pattern of interactions, and realized that all that was is no longer.

You are learning new ways and pining for what was. Only to be reminded of what was by those not as advanced in their transition as you. They want to move this way, and you cannot understand why. They want to move that way, and it makes you angry.

You are a new being in the new world you are creating.

So it is you feel overwhelmed by the slightest interaction and yet, feel lonely without interactions. Even though you are learning so much, you feel as if you are stagnant. Where is your life? Where is your joy? Where is your new world?

Perhaps it will help you better understand your current identity crisis if you imagine moving to a new country because of war or natural disaster.  You miss your friends, your former ways of interacting – even the foods you were once so comfortable with. This new land does not have the right look or feel and trying to make it so is exhausting. You cannot return to where you came from, and you are not comfortable with where you are. So every day, you attempt to use some newly learned words of the country’s language only to discover most cannot understand you. You feel isolated and alone.

So it is you are starting to explore your new world. But doing so is exhausting. For there is much to remember – a new language, new physical movements, new creations, new interactions. All of which are happening at the same time.

Practice time is over. You are new you in a new land.

For all that was once comfortable is no more. If you question that statement, please review your past few days. Unpleasant thoughts, interactions, with a few sparkles of joy only to return to a seemingly new, but familiar stance of how? Why? Where?

Nothing seems right, and yet, not much seems wrong – other than your inner-turmoil that pops to the surface surprising you and others when you least expect it.

So you are having minor spats, temper tantrums, and a grand sense of unknowingness. Where am I? Who am I? Why am I here?

Even though this fog of unknowingness or disinterest will not last long, you cannot ignore it. You are a new being in a new land.

The birth of new you is complete. The acceptance of new you is ongoing – not ongoing forever, but for now. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

August 10, 2020 at 9:50 am 19 comments

Refilling Your Vessel

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s July 31, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  As you allow your new you to emerge, you’ll discover your life stresses floating away. Such will likely be disconcerting for you’re so comfortable with stress, you don’t even realize you’re experiencing it. This process is similar to decompressing the first few days of vacation as you shift from the stress of your work-a-day world to relaxing without concerns or schedules.

“Others Will Evolve Without Your Interference” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

It seems as if all are sad, mad, or depressed – perhaps including you. You are a beam of sunshine for many, yet you feel as if your beam of light is not possible or even warranted. As if you should match the mood of the populace.

There are days you know all is right in your being and world. Only to discover that what you hoped for does not appear or that another inhumane activity has become part of your world.

It is as if you have given everything, including accepting disdain from those who never believed in new you to the loss of friends and family. You are lonely, a bit bitter, and immersed in the anger of the world.

You are also exhausted from clearing your pain only to discover that others want you to help them to do the same. You are tired of being of the earth, for it seems as if one pain, one fear, follows another. So it is you wish to close your mind and your physical being to all. Yet, you are lonely – a combination you have likely never before experienced to this degree in this lifetime. For you know the future – you think. But your rewards seem to be moving further away, instead of being accessible now.

Perhaps you dream of a vacation, certain interactions, performing on stage, parties, or furthering your education – all of which are hampered by COVID-19. Even though you have the resources to do something, it’s often not possible for you to do so.

Your freedom to move about has been hampered. Even those who prefer to be alone are finding their freedom of movement altered. Nothing is as it was.

You have moved through your personal hell for this. Why? For what purpose?

We, of the Universes, continue to inform you that all is wonderful and progressing according to the plan you helped design. Such information matters little. For even though you may not be directly affected, your loss of 3D freedom without a reward in another arena has you questioning everything you experienced throughout this transition.

You will, if you have not already, become less and less emotional about 3D actions and activities. But as you do so, you are also losing your 3D sense of joy. So instead of shifting to another joy, it feels as if you have no joy.

Where is your reward? It is difficult to interact freely with your friends and family. And if you do, their excitement, their concerns are not that interesting. So, where is your joy?

You are angry and likely bored. You have emptied your 3D vessel so you no longer experience 3D joy.

So it is you have started searching for your new life. Which is probably not that pleasant. For you have trained for eons to know what gives you 3D pleasure and joy. A new toy. A new community. A new job. Family interactions. Perhaps a wedding, graduation, or a party. Yet, none of those actions feel as they once did. That makes you angry. For you achieved what you set out to do when you initiated this transition – letting go of your 3D life. You just did not expect that loss to be as profound as it now feels.

You thought you would gracefully shift from 3D to the joy of 5D or beyond quickly. You did not expect this void of time or space, which is compounded by COVID.

So it is your vessel is ready to be filled with new thoughts and actions. Such will happen within the next few weeks. Think of your earth being as an empty water glass that once contained a sticky, smelly substance. Now that you are an empty vessel with seemingly no role, you wish to have another liquid in your container. That new liquid is being created by you minute-by-minute.

What was it about that 3D sticky, smelly substance in your container you did not like? How can you create something airy, sparkly, and fun? That is what you are contemplating or, at least, contemplating once you allow yourself to detach from your anger.

Have you ever been in an argument only to realize the argument is too unpleasant to continue or not worth your time? That is the phase you are in now. For you are angry but beginning to realize that anger is not who you are or wish to be. Once you do so, you will begin filling your glass with sparkly fun. Fun that is not curtailed by anything outside of you, including COVID-19. For the anger you are experiencing is not about you or for you. It is merely your need to more fully understand your newly emptied vessel.

Nothing from 3D will be part of your new vessel even though you will likely try to stuff 3D into your vessel – only to discover it continues to be sticky and smelly.

You are an empty vessel – and frightened that such is so. You feel the need to refill it as quickly as possible. But each 3D action and object you attempt to fill your vessel with feels wrong, lifeless, and boring. Which frightens you even more for that means your earth being has no meaning, no purpose.

COVID is forcing you to go within. For that which is outside of you is now tainted. It is no longer as it once was even if you try to make it so.

You are a new being trying to discover yourself outside yourself. Nothing outside of you will fill you up. It is time for you to project your needs within. What is it you are missing? How can you fill that need from within?

Because this transition is a process, you might be living with others at different stages than you – which complicates your interactions even more.

What do you need? How can you create that from within? That is your mission now.

Even though it might be difficult for you to understand, this time of isolation is a blessing.

Your new joys, your new sparkles are to be generated from within. Starting with the knowledge that you wish to fill your empty vessel with sparkles and joy indicative of new you, instead of who you used to be. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

August 3, 2020 at 12:10 am 17 comments

Practicing Your Global Creation Skills

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s July 17, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at In 3D, you had linear expectations of right behavior at certain ages. Your new being is circular, with joy and peace being the key components. Such doesn’t mean you’ll never be angry, but instead, you’ll react similarly to a two-year-old whose anger disappears once they’re rested or fed. And you’ll interact with others at the level most comfortable for both of you without regard to age or status. 

“The Rebuild Begins” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Your frustration is your need to see or sense more. So it is you are beginning to accept, even demand that your new you skills come to the forefront.

That last statement probably makes you angry. Why do you have to do anything to use your skills? Such is so as was true for many actions throughout your 3D life. In 3D, you developed an interest in something like riding a bicycle. Then you practiced until you mastered that skill. Your body and mind needed to adjust to new movements and thoughts.

Such is so now. Even though you are at the wanting stage, you have not developed the skills necessary to fulfill that want. So it is you are frustrated and a bit angry. You know you want a certain kind of life, but such is not possible until you practice your new you creation skills. You want those skills to happen automatically. They will not. For your physical being and emotional dreams need to work together to create that which you want.

Perhaps you believe you have created or completed other projects without practice. We beg to differ. If you review your actions in this life, you will realize nothing occurred without practice from reading to driving a car.

So it is you are now practicing whether you acknowledge that or not. It likely seems that your wishes and dreams are just beyond your reach – much as was true for your infant rattle. You will get there. And you will create. This is merely your practice stage. Just as you once wished, you could ride a bike like your older siblings.

There are creation bits and pieces that seem to be putting themselves front and center. You look for a specific outfit, and you see it in a store window. Or you need a quote for a major speech, and you discover it by accident – little bits and pieces that allow you to practice your new skills.

Many are wondering why you need to practice for most of you reading our channels have created items in previous times. Ah, the difference is that of learning to walk as an infant compared to interacting with others as a manager. You are shifting from inner-directed creating to outer-directed sharing.

So it is you feel like a small child or new learner again. Before your transition, you likely created for yourself after much effort. Then you learned to quietly create small items of joy through your new inner-being. You are now moving into yet another creation territory. That of creating something visible to others for it is time to rebuild the earth. Such is not possible if everyone uses their skills to create within their being.

You are expanding your creation skills from personal to global. Such is not to say you must be a world caretaker, but instead that you are confident enough in your being to shift from individual to more global interests. Similar to what happened as you aged in 3D. Your 3D world was initially limited to where your caretakers placed you – in the crib or on a blanket. Your world then evolved into your yard, your neighborhood, your school, and finally, the world.

So it is now. You no longer need to be placed anywhere by the Universes or your internal shoulds. You have moved into the world. As you did, you acknowledged within yourself what skills were required for your next step and the next and the next. You are practicing those steps now. And as you do so, you feel uncoordinated, frustrated, and somewhat angry. For should it not be instant? Should you not be able to wave your hand, and it is so?

It will be. Just not immediately.

Perhaps it will help you understand if you realize how far you have evolved from creating in 3D with much effort and energy. You are no longer of 3D. Nor are you creating just for yourself. Granted, your new creations will provide you with joy, but for that to happen, you need to practice a bit. And so you are.

Step one is acknowledging your move away from 3D concerns – political, financial, or any other area. Step two is recognizing the frustration that did not seem to have a focus until you realized you were evolving yet again. You are not who you were in 3D or even two weeks ago.

You may be at a somewhat different place than what we describe for you are on your unique path. But if you have not already, you will be moving into global creation soon. That is not to say you will create something that will visibly change the world. Your path may be more like Henry David Thoreau, creating words that impact future generations. Or designing a product visible throughout the globe. Or interacting with someone who will visibly impact the world.

For those of you concerned that you have not yet created your personal joy, realize that such is the first step to global creation. For you cannot learn to read – a skill that opens the world to you – until you learn your letters. So it is you will evolve from personal creation and acceptance to global creation and acceptance. Not as you did in 3D with shoulds and have tos, but based on interest just as was true for young 3D you.

As an infant, your home seemed exciting. Then you discovered your neighborhood, which became too small, as did your school, your community, and on and on. You evolved into a global 3D being. You are doing the same now. The difference is you are doing so with heart, with new thoughts, beliefs, and needs.

You are not who you were, and neither is earth. Allow yourself to follow your joy, and you will move into new global you. Contain yourself to your personal world, and you will feel stilted.

Allow yourself to flow when you are ready to do so. We are merely informing you that new interests and activities are to be expected. When they happen, know that you are following your personal directives. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

July 20, 2020 at 8:57 am 26 comments

The Rebuild Begins

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s July 10, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Your intuition is allowing you to be at peace while the 2nd and 3rd waves uncover what’s under the rocks. Those of 3D are pretending COVID, and the isms don’t exist by hiding them under those rocks. Once the majority of the earth’s population acknowledges the reality of the virus and isms, your earth garden will genuinely express the beauty and joy of the new earth. You’re sensing such is happening – more rapidly than you thought possible.

“Confused About Expressing Your Joy?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

As of today, what was is no more.

Perhaps you fret about issues that do not seem to have solutions – COVID-19, politics, finances, isms, etc. Today is the shift point.

Even though you have likely felt some of the shifts now creating your new earth, you were fearful that the destruction you experienced just by being of the earth would never end. That the worry and chaos would last forever despite messages from the Universes to the contrary.

Such is to be expected given that your experience in this and past earth lives have trained you to expect the worst – even in the best of times. And this destruction phase has not been the best of times. In truth, fear and anger reigned. Brother against brother. Mother against her child. With few displays of love or joy.

So it is you are pleasantly surprised to sense or note new earth indicators here and there. Perhaps it is a golden sunset—a kind word from a co-worker. Or maybe a reward you have long hoped for but thought impossible. You are beginning to sense a world of crystal glasses half full instead of half empty.

Your hope is that this state of bliss – compared to your seemingly ongoing 3D despair – is not a fluke, but instead a never-ending life of joy for you and all who wish to experience it.

Such is your new reality. Those small perks of joy and bliss will expand. For you have crossed yet another Rubicon. Your past Rubicon crossings have been more inner-directed. It is time to expand that knowingness, that joy to the outer world. And so you have just by being you.

Of course, you will note destruction for a bit for in a rebuild, the final product appears unfinished until the interior walls are complete and the yard is more than a muddy trail. So it is that the earth’s destruction is complete, and the rebuild is just beginning to display possibilities.

Such will not necessarily be observable tomorrow, for many continue to mourn the destruction phase. But you will know within your being that all is in an upward direction for globally the bottom-most of fear has been completed.

Many will ask how that last statement can be true with COVID-19 raging, isms blatantly displayed, and political tap dances evident daily. Ah, that is the wonder and joy of your new inner-world. You will just know such is so despite indications to the contrary.

In your new world, new thoughts, and rebuilds do not require decades but instead mere moments of insight.

Your power, and for those following, is instant creation.

So it is that this day is about you finally accepting your ability. Much as Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ merely needed to click her heels together to return home. The Wizard of OZ, as is true for other fairy tales, was an indicator of your creation potentials once you dared believe in yourself. Now you do.

Perhaps you believe you are powerful but wonder about the creation skills of others. Such is the fear you are letting go of today. Finally, allowing yourself to know what you are capable of and trusting that others will discover or uncover the same.

You are a powerful creator being of the Universes. Now it is time for you to realize that you are not alone. That you are no longer living in a world of fear. Rise up. Knowing that others will follow. Not in fear, but in the joy that it is time to create a new world of peace and love. And so you shall.

Step one in creating that world is remembering your power to create. Step two is acknowledging the same in others.

Allow yourself to click your heels together to create what you want. Knowing deep within you that you are not alone on the earth or in the Universes. That it is time for you to fully display what you entered earth in this lifetime to create. And to do so without concerns that you are odd or alone. For others soon will or have crossed the very some Rubicon to creating an earth of peace and joy.

Allow yourself to be fully you without concerns about punishment or isolation. You are now you in your full glory. The earth structures have been destroyed. You are not alone as you have been in other earth lives. Nor will you add to the destruction or pain.

Today is the day that the earth rebuild begins. A day you have waited for eons – as have all of those of the earth. Let the joy of design and rebuild begin. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

July 13, 2020 at 9:58 am 38 comments

Confused About Expressing Your Joy?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s July 3, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The remorse of those in the 2nd and 3rd waves reflects what you’ve already processed. Even though you can mourn with them, it’s not your role to do so. You, forerunners, helped shift the earth and will be of the earth long enough to experience the results. The role of those following is to destroy 3D structures. If you find yourself deeply enmeshed in political, economical, racial inequalities, or other structural areas, assume it’s a mirror of something you haven’t addressed in a past or the present life. 

“Your Power Can’t Transfer” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Please know that codifying your need to be right with symbols and words is not assisting you or others. This is a time for you to focus on joy instead of division.

Of course, ignoring division is not necessarily an easy choice for most. For we have drummed into your thought processes that all will find love and joy. So it is many of you have turned those concepts outward. Believing that until the outer world expresses love and joy, you cannot or should not. That it is wrong for you to be happy in your environment. For so many are suffering you have no right to live in joy.

Such is the result of your 3D lives and your current understanding of Universal principles. Even though we have continuously stated ‘you are one,’ that Universal concept is likely different than your current understanding. You have accepted the belief that you are as important as others, that self-love is not bad, but you remain confused about expressing or sharing your joy.

Should you not be fearful, angry, or sad, as is much of society now? And what if you do not feel joy? How can you conjure up joy? Issues that have more to do with your 3D training than your current reality.

In truth, you are afraid to be different. To smile when others are crying or frowning. If you feel joyful, you believe you are betraying your friends, relatives, and society. How can you be joyful when others are not? So it is many of you cling to social sadness, not because you need to, but because you feel you should.

Is your life terrible or difficult? If so, how are you shifting that reality? If not, why are you sad or angry? You continue to believe that issues outside you are the culprits when in truth, you create your reality.

That ‘you create your reality’ phrase was one of your first introductions to transition concepts. So it is ‘you create your reality’ is alive and well in your life and the life of anyone who believes such is so. You do not need to worry about your outer world unless it is so unpleasant as to make you feel hopeless. For your feelings, shift your world, not others in external situations.

You are pining for yesterday when life seemed right and comfortable. Yesterday never was.

Yesterday was an earth filled with rage hidden by some platitudes and a few actions that spoke to your 3D heart. Rocks covered the unseemly pieces you refused to acknowledge, as was true for most of your society. Those rocks are now being overturned. Such does not mean the garden is no longer lovely, merely that it is time to address what is under the rock. Your society is doing so.

Your role does not include patronizing those discovering what is under the rock. Your role is to shift into joy and express that joy. For even that which is under the rock is beautiful, just different than the remainder of the garden.

Those in the second and third waves of awakening are expressing the totality of the beautiful garden, including that under the rock. Their joy in doing so is what you are beginning to sense.

Such is also true with COVID-19. Even though this virus is shifting your life dramatically, it is also allowing you to express yourself more freely. For social rules are falling one by one. You may feel lonely or restless. But at the same time, you are experiencing freedom from the outside forces that encouraged you to act, dress, and behave in specific ways. New-found freedom that is beginning to feel delicious. Acknowledge that. And acknowledge that your need to state who you are instead of who others think you should be is also delicious. Even though this virus is shifting your life in ways you do not always like, it is opening up your freedoms to be.

Some will argue with that last statement. Believing that society is telling you how to behave. Such is true to a certain extent. But then, you are also discovering new ways to address your new life.

This time is about finding out who you are and what you need to be free. Some relationships will not survive. Other relationships will formulate new interactions. And others will be instrumental in creating new relationships.

You are no longer bound by the dress, food, verbal, or action codes of 3D. So it is you are discovering your new inner codes. A joy you might not understand or relish until later.

At the same time, you are discovering new interests and directions. Key among them is not caretaking those uncovering what is under the rock. You do not need to review fear and pain for you have already done so.  What is joyful in your life? Nature, activities, conversations, laughter, renewing relationships, new beliefs and actions, and on and on.

You are becoming a new person. This in itself is joyful. You do not yet understand the powerful position you are in. Instead, you are a bit like a teenager who wants to be popular but cannot get the popular kids to acknowledge you.

What you will soon discover, if you have not already, is that the popular kids are not who you are, nor who you wish to be. You are a new being with new directions – most importantly, new joys. Not how terrible society is, but how wonderful your new freedoms are.

Who are you? And how are you expressing the new being you are becoming? That is your joy and your power. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

July 6, 2020 at 10:06 am 19 comments

Your Power Can’t Transfer

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s June 26, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The next few days will destroy the substructure – or uncover all that is under the rock. It won’t necessarily be pleasant for those in the second and third waves. You’ve completed those phases and more. So your role is observer, not a participant. Those following don’t require your assistance even though they will likely call out to you in distress.

“Of Course!” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are angry, sad, and mad. Why does your life have any restrictions? Are you not a new being with new freedoms? It likely seems as if you were released from prison only to be placed on house arrest.

For indeed, your 3D life was a prison of sorts. In 3D, you were not allowed to be fully you. So you often questioned your actions or thoughts. Not because they were wrong. But because social norms forced you into boxes of right behavior. Even though you wanted to master that behavior to please others, you discovered that doing so ofter created feelings of discontent.

Even now, you wonder if you are right because most of those surrounding you are not at the same place as you. As if you are turning this way, and others are not. You question yourself, as you likely have your entire life. You are even wondering if you are again guilty of the wrong actions. For should your life now not be one of sunshine instead of the hazy gray of “do this, but not that?”

And those in the second and third waves of awakening are crying out for you to clarify their pain, their clearings. For you, forerunners, are the only ones with the dark night of the soul experience that now permeates every segment of their lives. All are running amuck. Even your skies are filled with elements from other parts of the world. Causing you to wonder about the sun you so desperately need now.

For you can no longer exist in the grayness that has been the earth for the eons of your earth lives. What you probably do not yet comprehend is you are now part of a different earth than is true for other human beings. Your new world is filled with sunshine, while those awakening remain in the grayness of 3D earth. They cannot comprehend or experience what you are beginning to experience. It is almost as if they are color blind, so your reds and greens appear brown to them.

Those now awakening have a spark of light they cannot yet see. They feel as if you have left them in the dark. And they believe they need you to rescue them. While in truth, those awakening merely need to shine their light brighter – when they are ready to do so.

Those in the second and third waves have not yet discovered their power, their energy. You, on the other hand, are fully enmeshed in your light – unless you stop to brighten theirs. So it is paramount that you move in the direction joyful for you. For you can stop or slow down, but such will not make one iota of difference to anyone but you.

Those following are not blind – they merely have to open their eyes. It is not your role or business to pry their eyes open. Do they wish to live in fear? That is their choice. You have made yours.

Your decision to move forward has catapulted you to a new place that has little to do with the angst of those following. Allow them to move through their fears. Which even though not a new concept, is definitely essential in the next few days.

Secrets that have been held within the earth’s social network are going to be exposed in ways you cannot yet imagine. You will want to declare the wrongness, the meanness, the unloving bits of information as something all should address. Only to discover that some care, but most do not. For those following are more enmeshed in their personal clearings than global issues at the moment. Such will change in days or weeks as those following more fully awaken.

The pieces being uncovered are not that important to those following, for they are focussed on their inner work. Their social injustice antennae will come to the forefront in a few weeks. But for now, do not expect that your anger, your horror of what is exposed will touch those following as deeply as it does you.

Your role and only role is to act upon your joy. The rest will take care of itself. This Universal plan has been percolating for eons. So it is you prepared for this time, as did those following. And despite your beliefs to the contrary, so did those fully enmeshed in 3D. Not one human now of the earth is of the earth by accident. All preordained their roles so that all would create the tapestry that is this new earth.

No one is of the earth by accident in this amazing time. So it is all are performing their roles perfectly, including you. But your need now is to believe that such is so. Let go of caretaking the earth or loved ones. Know they are as wise as you for indeed, their preparations for this moment were no less rigorous than yours. Rest.

Allow others to find their way when they are ready. Ignore your sometimes overwhelming need to nudge others along or to curtail their actions. You are only all-powerful in your life. As they are in theirs. Allow them to discover that power. Your interference will do the opposite. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

June 29, 2020 at 9:45 am 23 comments

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