Posts filed under ‘self-help’

You’re No Longer on 3D Time

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 19, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Perhaps you remember how you felt the day you knew you loved another human. So it will be when you discover your focus, that which you’ve prepared for eons. Such will likely happen within days or weeks, for you’re percolating via rest and self-care. Those you now feel lack humanity might have a sudden awakening.

You’re in Dream Limbo is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are probably feeling the need to advance your 5D self before your physical body is ready to do so.

For you are tired of drifting from one cocoon stage to the next without much intent or joy. You want to do this or that as predicted by our information or that of other channels. So it is you are attempting to push yourself into actions not yet available or fully developed, just as is true for most young teens.

You have passed the 5D Rubicon. There is no need or advantage to pushing yourself in any direction for you have reached your mellow plateau. Even so, many of you are functioning as if you need to do something to proclaim your new being in ways other than breathing. That you should create something big to dramatize your new being, to shine your light more radiantly.

In truth, just being is shining your light more brightly than in any earth lifetime.

Yet you pine for a physical expression that will convince you and those following that you have completed your transition preparation. Such is likely not to be for a few days or weeks. This is a resting stage. Something 3D you is not necessarily comfortable with. For in 3D, resting meant stagnation, rather than preparation. ThreeD was displayed outside yourself.

If you rested in 3D to gather information or prepare your physical being before moving forward, you and others wondered if you should see a specialist to determine why you were listless or uninterested in that which you were once interested. Instead of congratulations for daring to review your 3D needs in private, you often accepted social labels such as depression, anti-social behavior, anxiety, etc.

So it is you now wonder what is wrong with you instead of congratulating yourself for achieving the ability to follow your inner directives.

There is nothing wrong with you. In truth, everything is right. For you are allowing yourself to grow from within, despite your concerns that it might be wrong for you to do so. Believing such is a 3D extension, not a 5D reality. Because you are changing by the minute, you might find yourself sad, joyful, angry, and filled with remorse within minutes, just as was true in your early teen years. You are no longer a child (3D), yet not quite fully a 5D adult. So you pine for skills you likely are now discovering but are not yet able to fully actualize.

You feel as if your 5D interest or skill is floating somewhere out there where you can sense it, but not touch it – just as was true when you were a teen. Even though you could see the freedoms you would have as a young adult, your parents or society likely stopped you from claiming those freedoms prematurely.

So it is now. You might be able to sense your new skills and interests, but you are not yet physically prepared to fully claim them. Allow your physical body to catch-up to your new totality. If you remember, your physical being has been the last to adjust throughout your transition phases.

Many of you wonder when this rest period will be over for you are restless. Not that you know what you wish to do, only that you want to do something to spark your interest in life. For it seems like years since something was of interest you. In a sense, such is true. For your transition even though short-lived in Universal time has consumed much of your adult you earth time. You are like a racehorse at the starting gate fully prepared to give your all waiting impatiently until the gates open, and you can run free.

You spiritual and emotional beings are ready, you are merely allowing your physicality to catch up. But that explanation probably does not make your wait any easier. For those of you at the forefront are Olympic champions created to run, create, to be in joy and love.

So it is you are becoming more impatient by the day. The gates will open when you are fully capable of running instead of walking as is true for most of you now. Rest. Anything else will be counterproductive.

You are not a slow learner nor less developed than your 5D cohorts. You are in exactly the right place at the right time. Now allow yourself to rest or function as your inner-being directs for you are no longer on 3D time. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:


July 22, 2019 at 11:23 am 23 comments

Enough With Martyrdom

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 31, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The past few days, you likely transitioned from the terrible twos to a young teen confusing you as well as those you love. Soon you’ll be a mature 5D adult, and loved ones will forget your actions of the past few weeks. Those entities you continue to interact with are observing you for they too wish to be of 5D. And because of you, they will transition quickly.

“Terrible Twos Anyone? is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are used to predicting the future based on past events. But because so much is now shifting, you have no baseline for what is going to happen. Causing you to be frightened or more worried than necessary.

An infant learning a new skill has little angst about whether achieving that milestone will lead to another skill.

So it can be for you. For what was is no more. There are no measuring tools allowing you to know what is going to happen. Indeed, it is a waste of your time and for now, limited energy, to be concerned about what this skill or that action will lead to.

You are in uncharted territory, so you cannot predict your future direction or needs any more than was true for the European explorers who roamed the globe hoping to find one thing only to discover something entirely different.

Even though we, of the Universes, know you are destined to live in joy and peace, we have no idea what journey you require to get there. Such words may be frightening for someone has to have the ultimate plan, someone or something has to know where you are going and why. You are that someone.

Your true north, if you will, is to live in joy. A feeling that cannot be replicated or copied by anyone. Your joy is yours. And your journey is to find the most joyful path to joy.

The word journey indicates all will take years or decades for it does not seem possible that the current earth chaos or even your life can shift as rapidly as you would like.

Ah, what you have forgotten is you are on a joy discovery path. So it is you will never reach complete nirvana for each step is to be in joy. And as you complete one joy step, the next will light up, and the next and the next.

This transition is not like that of past human shifts, which required decades or centuries. This transition, created by you, is to take place within your current earth lifetime. For if you had designed a transition requiring hundreds of years, such would be little different from various religions proclaiming that heaven or nirvana can only be achieved in the earth afterlife.

Of course, you have faith in the outcome, as has been proven over and over throughout this transition. But you are also exhausted and need to see, feel, and experience rewards to continue your journey. For you have given your all to this transition, including ignoring friends and relatives, physically shifting, and letting go of beliefs because doing so felt right.

You now need to experience something other than sacrifice.

So it is you are beginning to truly claim your joy. For until now, most of you felt you needed to do or be more. Not because such was necessary, but because you were following 3D patterns of “If I give enough, maybe I’ll be rewarded.”

You have given, sacrificed, believed, projected, and worked beyond time for you to reward yourself.

This current phase is for you to determine what will give you joy. Not just a bit of joy, but what is it you require daily? Some will contend you merely need to see a flower or a friend. And of course, both can be joyful experiences. But what will make you feel as if your sacrifices have been worth your arduous efforts? That is the phase you are now in.

You are letting go of your belief that you have not done enough or been enough to be rewarded – one of your first steps into true joy.

For even though you might have rewarded yourself with a few minutes of daily relaxation or something similar, such rewards are not enough for you to continue your journey.

Many of you will beg to differ, believing you will continue just because. Such thoughts mean you have not yet let go of 3D martyrdom.

Reward yourself. Allow yourself to rest. Allow yourself to play. Most of all, allow yourself to be.

Because of your efforts and recent Universal energy flows, you are about to begin your joy journey. Not a 3D journey of a few minutes of relaxation, but your new 5D journey of joy and self-reward.

Allow that to be without concerns that your rewards limit the possibilities for others’ joy or that you have overreached your current station in life.

Ignore everyone and everything except that which gives you joy. One step at a time – ignoring social mores, the needs of others, and your fears of being TOO much.

Start your joy journey. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

June 3, 2019 at 7:59 am 42 comments

Why Not a Kingdom?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 10, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at past few days seemed to last forever for you were incorporating many of your internal April changes. Your inner engine was barely moving so projects and actions were at a standstill. Now that you’ve completed that phase, your being and projects are rapidly moving forward for you’re expressing outwardly what you internalized in April.

“You’re Rewriting Earth History is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

There are undercurrents within your societies different from outward appearances. So it is you become upset when someone does this or that even though their actions – unknown to you – are fulfilling your dreams.

You are in the midst of crumbling world structures as you wait for some knight to make everything right – in your mind. That knight is not going to appear for you are the creator of your life.

The phrase, ‘you are the creator of your life,’ does not mean what you once thought it did. For you believed someone would appear to make your life easier so you would have time and energy to create. In truth, you are the knight in shining armor saving the world.

What gives you joy? That emotion is now the center of your world and of all who wish to move beyond 3D.

You likely believe all will flourish together, despite being informed over and over that you are unique individuals. You are waiting for sameness, even though sameness is filled with the shoulds and have tos you abandoned once you crossed into 5D.

Your new world is about the uniqueness you and all of 5D and beyond are creating. Allowing all to be free in their decisions and actions.

Such might seem frightening now for you cannot yet conceive of individuality despite your disdain for any groups attempting to create a whole while ignoring the uniqueness of its members.

How is it possible for you to be free if you need to follow the guidelines of a specific government or religion? It is time for you to find your joy, your life – and to stop waiting for someone to create your perfect world.

Of course, you respond that some will create a world of racialism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, corruption, or whatever you disagree with.

You are using 3D terms to describe your new world. For you still believe it is possible for you to ignore some pieces important to you, as you have for eons, in order to create a more perfect society. “I can accept that if you give me this,” type system that only returns you to a 3D world.

Bartering your rightness, your knowingness is no longer part of your new creations. Who are you? Not who are you within society, but who are you as a unique individual?

You are so comfortable accepting crumbs of comfort that you cannot even envision a world in which you experience joy – not acceptance – joy.

No one but you can create your new world. What gives you joy, is the only governmental, personal, group, committee rule to which you need adhere.

Such freedom seems unwieldy for you do not trust others to be as accepting and loving as you hope you are. So you wish to cage others within your framework of what is right for you.

Such is not how your new world will evolve. For in the 3D past, societies were created from the top (dictator, king/queen, president, chieftain) down. You are now creating from the bottom up.

A concept so radical you cannot yet conceive such is possible. Does not someone need to tell you how and when to function? Does there not need to be a consensus held by the majority, followed by the minority?

So it is you forgot a concept you learned years ago that the new world will be in harmony as is true for birds who sing different melodies only to create a beautiful sound not possible if all birds chirped the same sound.

Allow yourself to grow in this new concept of a unique world ruled by unique individuals who do not expect anyone to think or act as they do.

This radical concept likely does not seem possible for you now. Not because it is not possible, but because it is such a new concept – just as democracy, socialism, a monotheistic religion, or any governmental form seemed initially. Who and why were kingdoms thought to be the best form of government? So it went one societal structure after another proclaiming itself right for the time. And those structures were right for those times.

This is a new world calling for new dynamics – most important of which is living in joy, not for some but for all. Your joy is not necessarily your best friend’s joy. Even though you accepted that friendship truth without much thought, allowing everyone to be free seems impossible now.

It will not seem so once you truly allow yourself to move in joy. Joy is the structure of your new world. Such does not mean you will live in joy but not your neighbor, as has been true in the past, but that all are living in joy.

You cannot yet sense how such is possible given how divided countries are now politically and ideologically. In the not-to-distant future, countries will accept they have different needs. So instead of large physical areas monitored and controlled by a small group of people, small groups will form communities that feel right for them.

This new format will be initiated by groups who no longer wish to be part of the larger whole. So it will go until humanity follows their inner-voice to find the correct locations and actions for them. And all will start with individuals like you following your joy.

Follow your joy and you will be part of the new world. Try to create a body to govern others and you will feel thwarted at every juncture. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

May 13, 2019 at 9:07 am 23 comments

You’re Rewriting Earth History

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 4, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Stop worrying about what might happen – you’re a Master Creator. Even though you’ve been in a 3D sickbed of fear for earth eons, your illness is over. You’re now of 5D reclaiming your Master Creator status. So create your life of joy instead of trying to worry your fears away. Worrying only enhances fears and moves you further from your 5D Master Creator role.

Exposing Your Inner Thoughts” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you might feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders the next few days, such is not true.

The world – including your world – is brightening rapidly for you are now testing truth. A word you have bantered about for eons, but seldom achieved or even wished to achieve.

You are deciding which parts of your being will remain in 3D and which are of your new 5D being.

Energy is never dissolved. It merely transitions to a new form or format. So it is your 3D segments, thoughts, wishes, and ideas will not transfer to your 5D being, but will instead shift to a different time and place. Because life is circular, not linear, those 3D pieces that do not align with your new 5D being will shift in ways you cannot now imagine.

No longer will your 3D pieces hold the fears and angst of former 3D lives. It will be as if you held a magic wand to those 3D pieces giving them hope and a new life. Your energy will shift your history, as well as the world’s history. Not in words, but actions. So it is the history with which you are now familiar will dissipate only to be replaced with memories of love and joy.

Perhaps you wonder how history shifting is possible and why such is necessary.

Your world history will be rewritten page by page as you evolve from fear to love. For future earth generations will not understand why fear was a necessary part of your lives. So it is your current earth history may become fairy tales or disappear. Much as many of your fairy tales are now becoming a reality.

You of 5D cannot allow the fears of yesteryear to overtake the joys of now. So those fears must disappear. Not because others in the future may claim those fears, as much as others might revisit those memories taking away from the earth joy it is time to experience.

Many of your fables, Bible stories, etc. were similar history pieces at one time. Now information about human longevity, space ships, aliens, etc. is most often thought of as fables, not true history. So to your earth eons of fear will become Interesting stories that have little to do with future earthlings.

Those of you who love learning history are doing so to prepare the Akashic history books. Even though nothing ever achieved, attempted, or completed on the earth will be lost, those unloving pieces will never again be part of your everyday earth knowledge or interest.

You are shifting to love as is the earth. Resulting in the need to shift history from what was expected to what is now. So it is your 3D being might be part of a fairytale, but never again of your daily or classroom history. For how could any instructor justify the fear and pain of 3D after the new world of joy is created?

Many believe that your fear history will help future generations better understand your trauma and dedication to shifting earth to love. Such is true. At the same time, just as love was an unattainable goal throughout your earth fear period, so too will be fear of the future. And just as love is an objective that must be worked at in 3D, so fear will be in 5D and beyond.

ThreeD history books are closed. You are now opening new books of 5D love. Even though love will be the theme throughout the remainder of earth time, this transition between fear and love is what you are now concerned about.

As you move further into 5D, you will have difficulties remembering your 3D anger and fear. It might even seem as if you are losing your memory. Instead, you are shifting your memory. Those pieces that once produced outrage and anger will slip from your mind only to be replaced with memories of joy and laughter.

Most of you forerunners have experienced heavy angst throughout your 3D life – and perhaps continue to experience through those not yet of 5D. You cannot move forward in love with that fear and anger. So it is you are being encouraged to dissolve those heavy pieces in ways most appropriate for you.

Eventually, when siblings or friends mention an unpleasant time, you will see so much sunshine in that incident that you will no longer remember it. So it is you will erase your fear history, as will all of those who transition beyond their 3D beings. Until only those now of the earth who wish to remain in fear will remember the discomfort and pain of fear during this lifetime. Future generations will not have any fear history to review for those pieces are being erased by those now of earth.

Perhaps such seem unlikely or unnecessary. But again, you must ignore, erase, or disperse your fear before you can move fully into love. And so you are doing. Those who refuse to do so will continue to live in pain.

You have ignited your flame of truth and love. Something that can no longer be dampened or destroyed. You are free to discover new you in love. A love that does not contain yesterday’s fear and pain or of any earth’s fear history. You are free.

Perhaps you worry that you carry your ancestral baggage. Ah, such is why your fear slate is being wiped clean. For you no longer wish to spend hours, days, or even minutes clearing that which is not of you except perhaps of your old genetic being.

You are a new being in a new world with a clean slate. Your past life karma is no more. Your ancestral history is no more. And your world history has little to do with you for those responsible for placing those memories in Akashic records are doing so without your help or angst.

You are free. Free to laugh, play, and create much as you did as a child knowing that you will meet your needs. You are free. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

May 6, 2019 at 8:26 am 20 comments

Exposing Your Inner Thoughts

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 12, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Some of you continue to search for your role in this new world. You believe you must write, lecture, or create something to shift others. Such is a continuation of your outer-directed 3D world. Your new being in this new world merely needs to be, and you’ll disseminate love frequencies throughout the globe. Anyone, including media, creating outer-directed fear in your new inner-directed world will or has lost the power to do so. The next Creation Energies channel will be Friday, May 3, 2019.

“Our New Universal Reports” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are no longer as you were.

Even though you have heard that phrase over and over, we wish to highlight an area you might not yet understand. For new actions and thoughts are bombarding you, as well as all those open to their new beings.

You are likely discovering you can “hear” what others are not telling you. Or you know something without words. Neither of which is any more exceptional to 5D than learning to read.

But you are discovering these skills without understanding why you are doing so or if the information is accurate. For your 3D world was a fact-based world that did not allow for in-depth feelings, sensations, or as many of you label it “woo woo” messages.

Some of you are concerned that by accessing hidden thoughts and feelings you are invading the privacy of others. We will remind you that once you or anyone crossed the 5D Rubicon, open communication became the operative interaction. So it is those you can “read” or “know” without words have either given you unspoken permission to better understand them or have accepted openness as part of their new world.

For some of you, such openness is personally frightening for you do not always know what others know about you. Throughout your 3D earth lives, you hid your inner-most thoughts and feelings from even those you loved dearly. As a result, only a small portion of who you were was available to those with whom you interacted.

So it is this openness, this honestly is a bit unsettling for you. Not because you are a terrible person, but because your inner-most thoughts have been hidden for so long. You are concerned that as a result of exposing those thoughts you will be friendless, alone, punished, sad, or any other feeling you attached to exposing your true self earth lifetime after lifetime.

You have an inner fear that true you is not acceptable, that you will be isolated even more than many of you have been the past few months.

You do not believe your emotions are pure enough, loving enough, or kind enough to be exposed to the world. So it is you are now feeling uncomfortable in many settings. Not because you are acting or speaking incorrectly, but instead that others may be able to “read” you beyond words. And no matter how diligently you try to explore your world and others in love, your 3D habits often override your 5D intentions.

Please know that all of you are learning together. And just as you “catch” yourself being more 3D than 5D in your thoughts, so are others.

Perhaps you remember how derogatory terms for races, genders, or others unlike you were often the common language for you and your friends until such became socially unacceptable. Did you not initially stop using derogatory labels because it was socially unacceptable to do so? Even though at first you believed such social reactions silly, you eventually became uncomfortable with derogatory terms because you no longer thought or acted in those terms.

Something similar is happening to you now. Initially, knowing that others can “read between the lines” in your statements will be uncomfortable – maybe even anger producing. But in time, such skills, such interactions will seem right and normal.

All of you are novices learning how to interact without words. So it is at times, others will note unloving thoughts radiating from your being, as you will note the same of them. For none of you are yet versed well enough in this skillset to interact without some discomfort and a few apologies.

You are remembering how to be free. Even though your 3D thoughts were free, that freedom cost you in terms of hiding who you truly were – for the need to fit in was more important than the need to be. Such is no longer true and will never be again. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

April 29, 2019 at 8:39 am 22 comments

Whine or Create?

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 12, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Some of you continue to search for your role in this new world. You believe you must write, lecture, or create something to shift others. Such is a continuation of your outer-directed 3D world. Your new being in this new world merely needs to be and you’ll disseminate love frequencies throughout the globe. Anyone, including media, creating outer-directed fear in your new inner-directed world will or has lost the power to do soThe next Creation Energies channel will be Friday, May 3, 2019.

“The Springtime of Your Soul” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you complain to the Universes that the 5D or beyond skills we promised you are not coming to fruition, that we or you made a mistake.

Even though such is not so, that is what you wish to believe. For without that belief, you will need to expose yourself to the masses. Something you have avoided for numerous 3D lives.

For when you were still enmeshed in other frequencies and dimensions and yet of the earth, you attempted to expose your inner-powers with unpleasant results. The physical punishments you endured are rattling throughout your earth memories encouraging you to not try again.

So despite having skills that could alter your current life in minutes, you elect to utilize your 3D skills.

Those who care for infants or others who cannot care for themselves will shift in time as those caretaking responsibilities change or you move to another phase. You are in a brief holding pattern.

Today, we address those afraid to move beyond their 3D world despite 5D or beyond skills. You fall within this grouping if you feel guilty, sad, or angry reading that last statement. For you remain fearful of exposure even though you have adjusted your being for eons to do so during this earth life.

You are the 5D beings complaining about how difficult your life is and that if only this or that happened, you could fulfill your role. Much as you did lifetime after lifetime in 3D. Blaming anyone but yourself for your seeming failures or anger.

Blaming others is a 3D response that is playing out dramatically now. For just as outer-directed power is failing, so is the ability to blame others. As one of your 60s and 70s earth comedians proclaimed over and over in jest, “The devil made me do it.”

If you crossed the 5D Rubicon – and you did – to create what you want when you want it – and you can – how can you blame anyone for your life? Yet, throughout 3D earth society, blame is attached to everything from the stars, to neighbors, political leaders, the times, the media, and on and on.

You perhaps think that others not yet of 5D or beyond continue to be enmeshed in 3D beliefs, actions, and blame. Such is true. But you are not among that group. So there is no reason for you to fall into the blame game – even of yourself. For your new standard, your new direction is of acceptance and love.

Such does not mean you must commiserate with those who remain of 3D or even attempt to understand their need for blame and shame. For you are no longer of 3D in any form including blaming others for your life. You are free.  A freedom that carries responsibility for yourself and your feelings.

You cannot believe life is acting upon you and yet be of 5D. If you have responsibilities you feel are cumbersome, how are you changing your approach to those responsibilities or the responsibilities? You have the skills to do what you need to shift your life from fear and blame to selfhood.

But to do so, you must claim your being in all its glory. No more do you need to complain or whine that your life is not as wonderful as you would like. No more can you blame others for your discomfort without some sort of uncomfortable result attached to that blame. And no more can you expect someone to rescue you for you do not need rescuing.

Such is why we of the Universes no longer whisper in your ear to do this or that to fulfill your dreams for you are more skilled than are we because you are of the earth during this transition – something we have not experienced.

Of course, we follow you and provide you with comfort, but we no longer have the ability to direct you as we did when you were of 3D.

Think of us as your earth great-grandparents and you as a middle-aged adult with adult children. There is little we, as earth great-grandparents, can offer you other than love and ongoing support. For your world is very different from what we experienced decades earlier.

You are the ones forging ahead in a new world with a new being.

You are creating a new earth with new directions and new beings. Something many of you forget in your attempts to marry 3D, 5D and beyond.

The one piece that cannot be shifted or even negotiated is that you are responsible for you – not any guru, family member, community leader, politician, or governmental body.

Who are you? Not who you should be or who others think you are, but who are you? The you responsible for your actions and reactions. The you responsible for your growth and evolution.

Do you wish to remain of 3D fear? If so, continue to blame others and whine about your life. Do you wish to claim your 5D and beyond being? If so, proclaim yourself free of others’ actions, reactions, shoulds, and have tos.

If something in your life is not right, change your actions, perceptions, needs, or direction. This is your time of finding joy.

Joy cannot be found through or by others for it is your joy.

Some of you whine (and whine is the correct word) that you are so enmeshed in a group, family, or other activity that you cannot release yourself. Ah, and so it is you refuse your creation skillset.

You are a creator of the first degree. Not only of multiple frequencies and dimensions but of new earth in a new being. You have prepared for eons. It is time for you to fully accept your power despite your fears, angst, and your 3D need to blame anyone but yourself for your life.

You are a magnificent creator being. It is time to accept and explore that part of your being – something you cannot do until you accept yourself and your power. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

April 13, 2019 at 5:32 pm 19 comments

The Springtime of Your Soul

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 5, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’ve blossomed into a gorgeous being who no longer needs to fight through the soil to survive. Your newly visible being/plant is just the beginning of the vibrant, strong, beautiful being you’ve become. And when your first flowers fade, they will be replaced with more and stronger flowers – year after year, season after season.

“Cartoon Characters” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

It is the springtime of your soul and you do not wish to “have to” do anything other than watch flowers and trees bloom.

So it is you find yourself irritated with those who attempt to have you conform to their idea of what is right for you.

Those of you reading this message in the southern hemisphere are even more confused with your need to play, to be, despite many activities requiring your services.

Playing in the dirt planting flowers is likely labeled fun now. While working in a stuffy office feels uncalled for or unpleasant. You feel as you did as a child when you were ill watching your friends play in the sunshine as you lay on your bed pining for your release.

Playtime is now your focus Even when you vacation, you will discover you have different interests than was true just months ago. You will likely not have a need for deep conversations or indoor activities. Instead, you will pine for the outdoors, for the freedom to run in the green grass and sunshine.

Of course, you laugh at our comments for you are a dedicated, self-motivated earth adult who always attends to your responsibilities despite any longings to run or play.

Such was who you were, but you will soon discover, if you have not already, that responsibilities do not seem fun or achieve the attention they once did.

Those of you responsible for young children or surrounded by adults not yet enamored of the freedom to play that you are now feeling will question your actions and words.

And do not be surprised if you find yourself pouting if your outside or fun activities are curtailed.

You no longer feel like the mature adult you forced yourself to be despite your misgivings along the way. Who wishes to earn a certain livelihood so others and you can be cared for, housed, and fed? Why is it your responsibility to care for others? When and why did those tight parameters of shoulds and have tos become you?

So it is you question your daily routines. Not because they are terrible, but because they are no longer you. You have become more childlike, more ready to laugh and play. And less interested in required tasks that are no longer fun.

What will happen to you and your family? What will happen to your society if you and others drop out? What indeed, for doing so will require you, and others like you, to create new worlds, directions, and playtimes.

Perhaps such a thought is horrifying for you were trained throughout your life to persevere, to be responsible.

Some of you attempted a playtime life in the 60s and 70s only to redirect your energies to what and who others thought you should be. Others of you never allowed yourself to play, even as a child. For you dedicated your efforts to who you were supposed to be, instead of who you are.

So it is your child-centered life has returned with the added elements of understanding your world differently and likely, better.

As a child, most of you assumed you would be fed and cared for in a timely fashion. As you matured, you realized that your mantle, your role was to feed and care for those younger than you. So it went earth generation after generation.

Those few adults who allowed themselves to play, dream, and imagine instead of working as they were expected to, were labeled an oddity. Of course, there were actors and other beings who allowed themselves to play roles in a child-like fashion, but even they adhered to the need to be better or wealthier than others. Establishing competitions within fields of study and work, neighborhoods, families, and relationships. Unlike children too young to do anything but play until they no longer wish to play.

Granted, competition may be the result of who has the sand pail, but all in all, most young children do not care about much more than having fun until something is no longer fun.

So it is for you now.

Competition is valid when you believe there is a limitation of anything. But if you can create whatever you wish, and you can, there is no need for competition, just the need to play with your skills to learn new ways to interact with new playmates.

Many of those you once interacted with, are not yet be able to play without competition or needs. So it is you are beginning to define new you in new ways.

The obvious question is whether those you elect to play with will honor new you or will you seem so “odd” that most will refuse to interact with you? A question that cannot be answered until you allow yourself to be. For this thought of fully becoming you in play and fun, is so radical that those of you reading this message are likely frightened.

Do you not understand how far you have shifted from your original intent prior to entering the earth in this lifetime and other lifetimes? For accepting the earth assignment you are excited about, means you might be ostracized by those you love. Not because you are cruel or acting abnormal, but because you dare to claim your being in the sunshine and play.

Actions many of you started but were afraid to follow-through decades ago. So you turned to drugs to understand your feelings and then to the dictates of previous generations. Fun was no longer about laughing in the sunshine, but instead making the most money or having the right kind of friends or the best job, etc. All outer-directed activities that have little to do with your inner sunshine.

Which returns us to the question of how do you live in fun and laughter when most are competitively focussed?

Allow yourself to be and you will discover how – for your laughter and joy will create what you need when you need it. Not because you have to eat, but because you have to live. And the only way you can now live is in joy. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

April 8, 2019 at 10:19 am 29 comments

You’re Not a Friend Control

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 22, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Your loved ones are likely in their dark night of the soul. You can’t carry them through any more than they could carry you. Even though you wish to play, they’re stuck in fear. But such will be so for less time than was true for you because you cleared lifetimes, dimensions, and frequencies. Those you love are likely merely clearing aspects affecting this life.

“Your Creations: Macro to Micro” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps it seems as if you have no true friends for those you once thought of as friends are in different transition stages. So it is you cannot understand them and them, you.

Such is so because you have completed many of the phases they are just starting to address. Which is neither good nor bad, merely different. A difference that is displayed in ways you did not anticipate.

You believed you would become more like a parent gently leading those you love to a particular arena of spirituality and belief. Instead, you are discovering that compatibility has become almost a friendship liability.

Should you continue the friendship hoping they will finally embrace your point of view or end the friendship as you have done with others?

Most of you want us to tell you to continue the friendship for you already feel lonely in your new world.

But we cannot tell you what to do or when because we do not have the knowledge you have. Perhaps your current interactions are based in difficulties you had with them in previous lifetimes, or indicate you are no longer on the same frequency and may never be again. Only you know. What does your heart tell you to do?

Some of you in long-term relationships have fallen in love with your partner several times within decades of togetherness, just as you might have fallen out of love. Your heart guided you then and your heart will guide you now.

Some of your friends are ending their evolutional development out of fear. Others are doing so because they need to review their current status, and still others because they are tired of climbing their mountain of clearings. All are appropriate actions for them. Your decision is whether they have moved so far beyond you or your frequency that you no longer have an interest in maintaining the friendship.

That decision is your fear. For your current friendship pool is smaller than you would like and yet, you feel you need to make painful friendship decisions when you wish to be in joy.

This is not a time for final decisions for so many are evolving in so many different directions that what was true for them yesterday may not be tomorrow.

At the same time, you do not have the energy to wait until they blend perfectly with you as they once did.

Your decision is to be true to yourself whatever that means to you.

Perhaps you will wish to prolong the time between connections. Or eliminate connections. Or choose different connections. All are possible – the deciding factor is you.

As a forerunner, your thoughts and beliefs are no longer of 3D fear. Even though thoughts of losing a friend might produce fear, you no longer base your decisions in fear. So it is if interacting with someone makes you upset or fearful, you know deep within you that such interactions are not what you wish.

But then, are those interactions permanent or temporary? Only your inner being can inform you of the advantages of either delaying your decision or ending the relationship.

The decisions you make now are your decisions. Not ours of the Universes nor any one of the earth. Just as we cannot force you to do anything, you cannot force yourself. And continuing the same close relationship despite great discomfort forces you into a box of denial which is no longer appropriate.

You, of course, are wondering where is the joy in loneliness?

Your forefront role created a foregone conclusion that you will be lonely at times, especially at the beginning. As you become stronger in yourself, you will discover others who better understand you or better blend with your frequency.

You cannot force someone to blend frequencies with you, nor can you allow yourself to make decisions on small tidbits as you once did. It is time to review the whole – including you. Are you more or less sensitive than you used to be? Are you accepting that those just beginning their new you transition might be a bit rough around the edges? Or are you tired of being around others who do not understand why they are shifting?

You have the power to decide how if at all, you wish to continue relationships. There is no right answer other than the one you find within you. An answer that might change from day-to-day, which will confuse you more. For you are used to having someone tell you that such a person is wrong for you or to drop a friendship based on some words of wrongness in your mind.

We will remind you that it is likely 99% of the earth’s inhabitants do not yet think or act as you do. And that the 99 % are stunned daily as they evolve, just as was true for you.  Do you remember how quickly your needs and tastes changed during your dark night of the soul? So it is now for many – including those closest to you.

Your shift encouraged those closest to you to shift also. The difference is you were almost forced to change by your pre-earth entry decisions. Those shifting now are doing so because of you.

As you radiate more, those following are picking up your light, so to speak, causing them to want to shift also. But their shift is more of the moment than was true for you so they will flounder a bit more than you did. You did so because you had to. Those following are doing so because they want to.

As your loved ones shift their beliefs and thought processes they will continuously return to 3D fears, not because they have to but because it is more comfortable for them to do so. Allow that to be. They are deciding what is best for them in this lifetime. You must honor their decisions even though you wish to jump in and carry them through, so your friend connections are as delightful as before.

You forerunners are the only ones now of the earth who had to evolve to new you. Allow others the freedom to choose just as we allowed you that freedom eons ago.

If your friends decide not to evolve to a frequency similar to yours, honor that or end the relationship. And if they decide to continue the frequency relationship that holds them dear in your heart, allow them time to do so. You are not in control of them, just as they are no longer in control of you. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

February 25, 2019 at 10:31 am 24 comments

Your Creations: Macro to Micro

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 15, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Even though you transitioned beyond 3D, your beliefs about creation have not likely changed. If you have dreams – even the same dreams you had when of 3D – those dreams are necessary to fulfill your new role. You’re not taking away from anyone when you create those dreams for others are equally capable of creating their dreams. No longer are your dreams tied to society or Universal needs or actions.

“So, What is Your Role?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You wish others would tell you how to live your life.

Ah, such a statement makes you angry for you are seemingly uninterested in anyone informing you who you should be.

Yet, in your dream creations, you run hither and yon accepting this and that advice. You do so because you do not believe creation can be as easy as having fun. So it is you have not yet fully claimed your being.

No one can help you find or create your dreams. For those dreams are yours.

It is not wrong to learn the creation techniques of others, merely not productive. For you are then working at something only possible through joy and play.

No matter how closely you follow the creation dictates of others, you will not produce what you wish for you are not them.

Many of you pray or ask us of the Universes for help creating your dreams. We no longer have that power. In your 3D past, we could nudge you to areas necessary to create your dreams as you worked diligently to produce them. A bit like, “Take this bus, instead of this train, and all will be as you wish.”

Now that you are as skilled as most of us of the Universes, we no longer know how or when to nudge you in the direction you wish to go.

Only you know who you are and what will give you the most joy. We are not your wise parents or teachers. We are merely Universal co-creators observing your new skills and actions.

There is no one or nothing stopping you from fulfilling your dreams other than the need to have someone tell you how to do so.

Even though You created the momentum to shift earth and yourselves, you look upon others of either heaven or earth as your creation gurus. Not because you have to, but because you were so indoctrinated in 3D with your seeming lack of skills that you cannot imagine creating what you wish.

If by chance, you follow someone’s techniques for creation, the creations you produce will be tinged with their interests and needs, not yours. A bit like giving a contractor unlimited funds to build your dream house without any directives from you. Such a home would fulfill the contractor’s dream of what is perfect, not yours.

It is time for you to fully claim your creative skills – or phrasing it a bit differently, fully claim your joys.

You are likely bored to read once again that claiming your joy is all that is required for you have been in joy and yet your dreams have not arrived.

You are probably ignoring the little pieces of your life that have become easier as you practice claiming your joy. Perhaps a household project that seemed daunting is easier than expected. Or you have created a more fulfilling relationship with a relative. Or you have won something that produces laughter within you. All practice sessions before you allow yourself to fully jump into the creation game n this lifetime.

Most of you wish for more rapid evolution. By doing so, you are declaring your smaller creations are merely luck and that someone ‘out there’ has the key to expedite your creation process.

Such is not to be for just as was true about learning to love yourself and/or including your new segments into your totality, your creation skills are a learning process.

Many of you feel you have practiced for some time and therefore are fully qualified to be a creator of your greatest dreams. A bit like a 12-year-old not understanding why they cannot drive a car.

You are not a 12-year-old in terms of your creation skills, you are now more like a 16-year-old with a driving permit. Even though you know how to operate the automobile, daily obstacles still produce fear. At 16, you were not ready to drive through heavy traffic with the radio on and friends in the car talking to you. But you were with practice, just as is true for any driver.

You do not need to follow someone’s creation dictates, nor are you an incompetent creator. You are merely in a practice stage feeling your way through your abilities.

You are a creator exceptional – something you are slowly beginning to accept. Not because you shifted earth within one lifetime, but because you are beginning to accept that you did so.

When you accept that piece throughout your being, you will know you can create whatever you wish.

You will also know you no longer wish to be in fear of doing so. For following the dictates of others or believing you must beg the Universes to help you are merely fear maneuvers.

You are a creator exceptional practicing your personal creation skills. Shifting from the macro of transitioning earth to the micro of creating your joy while of the new earth you helped create. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

February 18, 2019 at 10:22 am 34 comments

So, What is Your Role?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 8, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’re talented in many areas – talents you developed throughout the ages. Your role is that which gives you the most joy within those many talents. No one but you can define or give you your role. You cannot fail.

“Followers Want Instant Gratification” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you believe that all is not well in your world. That the fear boogeyman continues to hold the earth in its hands. That you are not in control of your life or your livelihood. That someone outside of you continues to pull strings making you dance to fear.

Even though the Universes have informed you over and over that such is no longer true, you see or sense little information to the contrary. So it is you wait for the earth to change from fear to love so you can understand your role.

What you have neglected to notice is that you are different from before initiating your transition in this lifetime. Likely, you are more self-confident or comfortable with your being than was true previously.

Most of you have attributed those differences to age or your freedoms from certain social interactions such as work, school, or parenting. Your changes are not about a natural relaxing once you no longer need to generate money through paid employment, completing school coursework or relief that your children are now self-sustaining adults.

This channel is about you accepting you without concerns about outside forces. A difficult concept for you to understand because you believe a different job, more money, etc. is all that is required for you to display your full strength.

What you have forgotten is you are evolving from the inside out. Your true being is not attached to your job, financial security, relationships, or parenting skills. You are evolving despite those outside elements.

Hense, you believe little is changing in your world.

Yes, there are many promoting and acting upon 3D fear. But there are more tired of that game but do not yet understand how to unravel the ball of fear they depend upon to tie them to others and more importantly, themselves.

They sense 3D fear is no longer fun or even acceptable, but they do not have the wherewithal to understand what they can do about their new feelings.

It is your role to display your joy of life in whatever form that takes. For that display more than counteracts the fear that is old and tired for the majority of earth beings.

Eons ago at the beginning of this fear phase, finding and displaying fear was fun with thoughts of, “I am a powerful Universal being playing with fear.” Much as many of you watch a scary movie or ski down a steep slope – creating fear playtime if you will.

The difference for most is that fear no longer brings a sense of accomplishment, but instead dread of a continuing soap opera with no end. Even though horror movies continue to be produced and mountains are available for the most adventuresome skier, what most earthlings are starting to crave is a sense of peace and goodwill.

This sense is dormant within most of those with whom you interact waiting to flower given the right soil (allowing them to be) and sunshine (your joy). Your encouragement for all is your ongoing need to be yourself.

So it is you are clamoring for your unique being both in thought and deed.

You are the light beacon of joy as a result of claiming your new being. No matter how diligently you try to hide your power, your being, it squeezes out of every pore of your being. It is that joyful power that others are starting to notice and wish to know more about.

You are not changing earth one person at a time. Instead, you are changing earth by knowing you are powerful and creative.

Accept your power and then allow yourself to display that power. You will not be harmed or scorned as was likely true in past earth lives. For your time has come to be yourself in all your truth – a far more powerful reason to be than any fear of discovery you can imagine or remember.

Come out of your shell for the world is waiting. More importantly, you are waiting for you to become as one in your power and glory.

You are changing the earth and thereby the Universes. You are not a weak entity waiting for the next fear to disturb your being. You are a powerful Universal being who accepted this responsibility to be in all your glory.

Stop pretending you are weak or that you must answer to others. Stop pretending that the rules of past lives or even this life have anything to do with new you. You are a destroyer and creator in one. Destroying the earth of fear and creating a new joyful earth.

Your need to have someone define you is a waste of your time and our time. You define you.

When you discover your joy, you will discover your role. And when others observe that display of joy whether it is a smile or new creation, they too will dare to become. Your role and only role is to follow your joy, and everything else will fall into place.

Most of you believe you must have some grandiose plan of creation to be a viable new you. Which is little different from the old dictate that you are important if you have the right income, job, skin color, sex, etc. All 3D fear control factors that have nothing to do with you.

You are as powerful smiling at a small child as someone who creates a new social environment. The size and weight of your joy has nothing to do with your role or your activities. Such measurements are merely a throwback to 3D better than. Follow your joy, and you will change the world.

If you follow the dictates of fear such as “I’m not good enough or someone might laugh at me,” you are following 3D guidelines in a beyond 3D world. And you are denying the creative skills you have worked eons to hone.

You are not like what you used to be, and neither is the earth. Claim yourself in all your glory through your joys, and you claim your role. Wait for someone to tell you who you are or should be and you return with a thud to 3D being. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

February 11, 2019 at 11:31 am 18 comments

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