Archive for October, 2015

The Past is Past

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 23, 2015, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  Before your transition, your life followed a logical path. Now that karma is no more and you’ve accepted your true power, your life is beginning to seem illogical. And so it should for you’re creating your life as a solo act instead of depending on others to fulfill their karma obligations to/with you.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Remember You”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today’s channel is for those experiencing difficulties letting go of 3D aspects, those with difficulties moving beyond that which was familiar in 3D.

Even though you are no longer of 3D, some memories linger that prevent you from fully feeling the joy of new you. Just as is true for those who experienced a major illness or trauma in 3D. The trauma or pain no longer exists, but memories negate the joy of the moment. Many label that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

That is not to say you cannot be cautious if such feels appropriate for the moment – such as not wishing to jump off a cliff in either 3D or New Earth – but you only need caution about happenings of the moment, not your past nor your future.

So it is many of you are remembering how uncomfortable your life was in 3D and use skills and energies to prevent the same occurrence in a world where such will not happen – unless you wish it so. Do you see the quandary of your new creation skills?

Prior to your transition, you could worry about something for a fairly long period before it came to fruition. In New Earth, your creation skills are more concrete so worrying about something that might or might not happen will create that event in your current life much more rapidly.

Such a statement is not to frighten you, but to remind you that you are a new being with new and more rapid creation skills. And with that caveat, do you wish to create that which you frightens you – or that which brings you joy?

It is time for you to focus on joy instead of fear – once again returning to new you basics.

Some of you are tired of the basics for you believe you have internalized those thoughts so completely you no longer need reminders. Please scan your thoughts and actions of the past 24 hours or today. How many thoughts are fearful or precautionary? From, “I must dress warmly or I will catch a cold” to “I feel some aches I’m sure are leading to an illness” to “That person was nasty so I want them to suffer” to “Even though I love walking in the forest, I have to be careful of ticks, snakes and other creatures.

There are still so many pieces of your life that control you needlessly. For you forget you create your life and you always have. But then, your former lives most often branched off from past life experiences you wanted to clear while of earth. So it was that many of your fears were not reality in your life, but memories and fears from previous lives.

Since karma is no more – neither are fears from the past.

But those of you who have been of earth for decades in this earth lifetime not only continue to carry many of those past life fears, you have added those of this 3D life. Even though you wish to live from your heart, many of you are experiencing and acting upon memories that are no longer valid without realizing that such is so.

You are starting new you with a clean slate. And your creation skills have magnified far beyond what you imagined possible mere months ago. So it is that it is time for you to discard fears that are not part of new you.

Anything that happened before your transition will only replicate or return if you create it. Such is not a threat, nor is it something you need to internalize unless you wish to. And you will know such is so when you feel that AHA of “Of course!” For some of you might need to test that statement a bit before you negate it for good.

A bit like those children who insist on touching a hot stove even though their parents warn them that doing so will be extremely painful.

Will you negate your joy forever if you give credence to past fears? No, just for the length of time you need to hold onto those past fears. You create your reality. And joy is your current and ongoing reality if you so choose.

Does that mean you should stop worrying about money or dropping former activities to test your creation skills? Yes, if it feels right to do so. But please do not take this information as a should dictated by those of us outside your being. You create your life. Will doing so reduce your fears? Yes, but at the same time, will doing so negate the lesson you wish to learn at the pace you wish to learn it?

Again, YOU create your reality and so you must do so according to your inner being directives. Perhaps you need to more fully explore a fear. Such is your choice and your creation.

But know that joy is rapidly becoming the dominant emotion of new you and New Earth. If you need to continue some fear pieces, you will now know that you are doing so for a reason. But if you discover that you do not care for that part of you any longer, you will rapidly evolve beyond that.

You merely need to focus once again on your inner being messages and you will know – even as you read these words, you will know. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 26, 2015 at 9:31 am 23 comments

Remember You

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 17, 2015, channeled, nine-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  That which was once accepted and expected in 3D is no more. So it is that your totality is in chaos – as is true for earth and the Universes as New Earth ‘comes alive’. All earth entities are now in chaos so there is no need to wait or slow down for those you love. Their path is different from yours and so is their chaos.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Where Are My Rewards?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you consider yourselves to be above petty inconveniences such as paying bills or interacting with those you do not like or cannot relate to. Not that you believe you are better than others, but that you feel you no longer need to be active in such 3D actions. That you should be floating through the heavens or greeting your new life.

While such is true to a certain extent – you are creating that which makes you most comfortable in your New Earth – you are part of that New Earth. You will not skip from 3D to floating through the heavens – as you phrase it – until you transition from earth in this lifetime. So it is you are alert to earth needs because you are of earth.

Perhaps that thought frightens you for you believe that the unpleasant aspects of your earth life would disappear as you created new you in New Earth. Such is not an accurate portrayal of your earth reality.

Even though you are combining heaven and earth, you are of earth until you transition. So the petty aspects of your life need to be addressed – not as a punishment, but as a creation of your earth life.

You created the life you are now living or are in the process of creating. There is no vicious god punishing you for past ills. Nor are you less talented than others creating the life of their dreams.

The life you have now was created by you for a reason – whether joyful, frightening or painful. Your logical action would be to understand why you created this life. But then, logic no longer applies with your New You being. Logic is of the mind. Love of self and others is of the heart.

You are evolving from logic to heart at warp speed.

And your heart being needs to love you as much as anyone. You are valuable. Most likely, more valuable than you realize. For you are the scout masters / pioneers / wayshowers of New Earth.

You learned that love is the key for new you and New Earth. Now you are learning to apply that love – starting with yourself. A piece that is fairly difficult – not to understand, but to act upon. You wonder if self-love is wrong or selfish. Because acting on self-love often feels wrong, even though the result is you accepting yourself for who you are.

You believe you can love yourself a bit, but if someone requests this or that and acquiescing takes away from something you want or need, you still feel uncomfortable negating their request. Such is not loving someone, that is valuing them more than yourself. Perhaps you believe that entity is more important or less powerful than you or too young or too old to take care of themselves. Are they bringing light to earth? Does that mean you play God or accept a world parent role?

All are control issues. But unlike what you perhaps believe, control of yourself. Insisting that you are stronger, better or more powerful than others so you must deny yourself anything of joy, contentment or peace UNTIL others less wonderful than you are taken care of.

Again, a caretaker role – one you were certain you put aside. And so you have at more visible levels, but your need to caretake others at your expense continues in so many little ways throughout your day.

You are not responsible for those of earth or for being a good girl or boy for the Universes. You are a young Universal being learning to maneuver in New Earth with a new physical being. You do not have the energy to caretake others. Nor is such even close to your new you role.

How can you project self-love to others if that self-love is merely another caretaking role?

The obvious question is how can an infant, disabled or very elderly person care for themselves? How indeed? Is it not time for you to note their strengths and to be beside them as they evolve into their new being, instead of forcing them into the box you feel is right for them? For when you decide what they need and try to fulfill those needs, you are moving from a love role to that of caretaker.

No one of earth requires a caretaker even though such a servant – and that is the correct term – appears as a wonderfully loving role. That is not to say infants need to be self-sufficient, but instead for you to act with love and dignity for yourself as well as others.

Loving yourself, as much as others, is a gift given to earth. Putting others before yourself is a repetition of all you learned for eons. If you are not living in joy, you cannot impart that sensation to anyone including your children.

Children have not yet learned how to mask their emotions or the emotions of others. They know when you are sad, mad or frustrated even if they cannot yet label such emotions. To pretend otherwise only confuses and teaches them that masking emotions is correct for earth life. You are their role model. The same is true for the very elderly, the disabled, the disenfranchised.

As more earth entities allow themselves to feel and express their emotions, those who remain disingenuous, 3D beings will be more and more uncomfortable for others will know their words and actions do not synch.

It is becoming more difficult to pretend to be someone you are not for you are beginning to truly love yourself.  And as you do, you are discovering that caretaking others – pretending to be who they wish you to be or who you think you should be – is neither right nor comfortable for you or them.

So it is you are learning how to be honest with yourself and others. Even though your honesty does not necessarily meet society’s 3D expectations, you cannot do less and continue to grow in loving yourself. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 19, 2015 at 9:51 am 34 comments

Where Are My Rewards?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 9, 2015, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  Many are concerned about the seemingly never-ending earth chaos. Perhaps your role is to be part of that chaos – or to transition from earth as a result of that chaos. Only you know for you create your reality. But if you have a need to experience joy, you’re an earth entity others will follow. You’ll know by listening to your inner-being. Something you’re just starting to understand and believe.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “From Love to Creation Lessons”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This channel is for those who feel stalled – as if nothing is happening within or without. Allow yourself time to move into your new being. You have shifted within. You are now shifting outside yourself.

You followed the rules of others in your 3D life. Now that you have cleared within, you are moving outside yourself with clear knowledge of who you are and what your boundaries have to be. Such is probably frightening for even though you are quite comfortable following others, you find it difficult to be yourself.

Know that you are one of the millions of unique entities breaking out of your subservient outer shell. You are becoming your own person in every sense of the word.

But when you act on your outer impulses, you find yourself in the minority. You even obtain “those” looks or “those” comments informing you that you must retreat to the 3D being you were supposed to be.

This radical new you is not receiving the accolades you hoped for when you first initiated your new being. Some of you even expected that others would bow at your feet proclaiming your rightness in this bright new world. Instead, you find new you is not yet fully accepted in the outside world.

Perhaps your friends confirm your thoughts, actions and beliefs. But those who have not shifted to actions generated by their inner-being proclaim you a bit odd.

Is your new being a hope or reality?

You are not noting many shifts throughout earth or in your world and such is frightening. What if New Earth is a sham? What if you never experience New Earth because it will happen eons after you transition from earth in this lifetime? Most of all, where are your rewards for your diligent transition work?

You are beginning to believe New Earth is not reality. Even though you labeled your earth dream, you have not yet created it, and those not of New Earth look at you with disdain when you voice that dream.

So it is you are doubting yourself, your dream and New Earth. You know you feel a bit different within your being. And you know you experienced different reactions throughout the years or months you processed the new you information. But are you merely dreaming of a New Earth or is it real?

Such thoughts are to be expected for you are at the forefront of this transition. You would not be interested in these channels if you were not. But because you have not yet noted a shift happening throughout the globe, you doubt yourself and others.

You are creating your earth dream to reaffirm New Earth reality to yourself as much as for those wishing to follow you.

You have worked – and that is the correct word in this instance – for a very long time with few rewards other than those you feel within your being. You have climbed mountains, swam upstream and negated friends, co-workers and relatives only to note minimum change in your outer world.

“Where are my rewards?” is the refrain that keeps rolling around your being.

Just as was true for your inner joy, creating your earth dream is a process. The first step was the September energies – far beyond what you were accustomed to – sent to earth from the Universes. The only piece you need to be concerned about now is clarifying your dream. For most of you have several dreams – one large and seemingly impossible dream countered by several smaller and seemingly more obtainable dreams. Please review what has transpired in your life the past few days or weeks that indicate some of your minor dreams have come to pass.

That is not to say that some dreams are more easily attained than others, but that you think they are more easily attained. So it is you are creating your earth dream(s) as a process instead of instantaneously. And so it is you will create you major dream by or near the end of this year.

Do not assume that all is a mirage. That you must somehow become a “good” member of society again – as if you can do so. For if you try to return or “fit” into 3D society, you will discover that such is not possible. You know too much. A bit like the naivety of someone before they discover 3D love or sex. Once love or sex has been experienced, you cannot return to a life of wondering what those pieces feel like.

Even though you can pretend to return to 3D, you would no longer be content in that arena for you are among the millions shifting yourself and earth.

Finalize your earth dream if you have not done so. Do not fret about how and when that dream will materialize. Such will happen just as we predicted you would successfully climb your mountain and roll down your hill.

You have completed every task asked of you by you and the Universes in a few short years. And you will do the same with your dream. The difference is you are learning to be and not do. This first major earth dream creation (in your mind) is a testament to being instead of doing.

Your current frustration is that there is nothing you seem to be able to do to create that dream. This frustration and resulting fear are merely part of your former 3D life.

There is nothing you need do other than clarify your dream and listen to your inner-being. The rest will fall into place easily. For such is the lesson of your dream creation process. You no longer create through doing – being in joy is more than enough.

Trying to do something to create your earth dream will slow your process. Enjoy your life. Shift your perceptions from fear, frustration and anger to joy and all will fall into place easily and effortlessly. For indeed, this piece is a notable step into your beacon of light for others role. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 12, 2015 at 9:49 am 71 comments

From Love to Creation Lessons

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 2, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  Those following you during this transition don’t necessarily have a “chip” within to awaken to New Earth as was true for you. They will likely need a display of rewards. So you will create your earth security blanket dream by or near the end of 2015 as a new you/New Earth advertisement of sorts for those wishing to follow.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Bubbles of Joy”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Creation is a process. Do you remember the first day of school and your fears of never being able to master a subject only to do so a few months later? So it is for you now.

You have received your creation syllabus. Now you are learning/creating/playing within that syllabus until you no longer need direction or encouragement.

How many messages of love did you read or learn about the past few months only to ‘know’ one day what those messages meant for you? So it is for your creation skills.

You probably believe you cannot master the art of creation. That you cannot be a role model for those following because you cannot create anything of value to you. So a large part of your learning is that creation is your right and skill – just as is true for love.

Many worry there are some you cannot fully love or accept, that you failed the love test.

Such is not true for you could not have progressed to this creation stage without internalizing your love lessons. But then, where is your anger, rage and non-acceptance of others generated from if you have opened your heart?

Such is little different from learning to read. Your first grade teacher does not stand over you for the remainder of your life to ensure you are utilizing the skills he or she taught you. They accept, as do you, that once you learn the basics, your reading skills will continue to flourish.

Once you learn to read, you cannot unlearn that skill. So it is for your open heart.

There might be some you are not necessarily enamored of – and you wonder why you do not love or accept them. You are in a different place emotionally with a different knowledge base than was true a few months ago – even if you feel you do not always apply love.

Some of you devoured books once you learned to read. Others read only that which was required in classrooms. Yet both groups progressed despite the differences. So it is for you now.

You have opened your hearts. Some of you wish to greatly expand your heart skills. Others of you will accept that your heart is open and move to something of greater interest – even though an open heart is required to move to that new venue.

Each of you is unique, but you ALL have the base skill of an open heart.

That open heart now needs to be applied to/for you personally. Forget about loving all or forgiving this or that person for now. For you are in creation class. You have completed your open heart prerequisite – now you need to move on to creation.

To do so, you must love yourself enough to know you are worthy of any dream. That you are not taking from someone with your dream. That you are in the right place at the right time.

Many of you are expanding your love, your heart to include those who make you uncomfortable – and have put aside your creation skills until you fully open your heart to everyone. While such is a delightful concept, you HAVE opened your heart so you no longer need to wonder why this or that person does not fit within your love scope. They will – just as you could not read the novel War and Peace immediately after learning your alphabet.

Your first grade instructor expected you to learn how to read, add numbers and so many other concepts that built upon one another, but were not necessarily isolated.

It is time to move to creation. So you will – even though it seems to many of you that such is impossible. Just as you might have believed when your first grade instructor told you that by copying letters, you would eventually learn to put those letters together to read books in your school library.

Allow yourself to float and play in your creation class. Perhaps you have created your earth dream, perhaps not. But you will – just as it was a given that you would learn to read once you started school.

You are all very attentive students in New Earth school who might grasp a concept at the same time as others – or not. But you will.

Perhaps you believe you are only capable of creating a small object because you are of the slow group, while all others will create their earth dreams. Such is merely a carry-over from 3D where competition and the need to be best often over-ruled your instincts.

Allow yourself to grow and expand at your own pace – as has been stated so many times. All you need to remember during this earth creation class is to love yourself enough to know that you are worthy of your dreams. This is Creation 101. You have completed the subject of Heart Opening 101.

There are many dictates of how best to create throughout the Internet. You must think this, do that or you will never create what you want. And if you do not, it is your fault for not being spiritual, loving or knowing enough. All poppycock. Just as is true for someone telling a first grade student on the first day of school that they will never learn to read.

You WILL create in your way and time.

Even though your creation class ends near the beginning of 2016, you will apply the skills you learn for the remainder of this earth lifetime. Once you transition from earth, you will automatically pick up your creation skills where you left off before entering earth in this lifetime.

This creation class is merely for you of New Earth. So it is that you are all learning the basics of creation. And so it is that you will create what you want. And you will do so, not because that concept was dictated to you, but because you competed your heart course with flying colors and it is time to learn creation with your new open heart skills.

To create what you want, focus on your heart skills – loving yourself in all your Universal glory. The rest will fall into place. For as you learn that you are your creation genie in a bottle, you will have much less need to compete with, denigrate or dislike others.

You will discover you are complete within yourself – just as will be true for all who follow. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 5, 2015 at 9:54 am 43 comments



October 2015