Archive for January, 2020

You Have No Competitors

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 24, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Before the December/January energies, you were of the earth with Universal segment additions. Now you’re a Universal being with minimal earth attachments. So both negative and positive earth memories are fading. You’ve created a Universal superwoman/man entity because your personal earth structure crumbled just as is true for all earth structures. The difference is you’ve rebuilt yourself the past few days. Other structures will do so soon.

Accept Your Genie is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You have read the words that all is well, that the world is now filled with joy, and that the light is dominant in your life and the world. But you have likely not yet experienced that light to the depth you thought probable a few days ago. For your life seems as it always has. You work. You eat. You sleep.

What you have not yet addressed within your belief system is that you function and think differently than before.

Perhaps you noted little indicators such as not worrying as much, perhaps not. But know without a doubt that you are different than a few weeks ago. But then, such a statement means little to you if you do not recognize your different approach to life and the resulting interactions.

You are comfortable with milestones that include celebrations from others – a birthday, wedding, graduation, new baby, new community, etc. But you do not yet understand that such celebrations are outer-directed indicators of your role in society instead of personal markers.

Your parents told you when you were born and how best to mark that occasion. And so it is for all other personal celebrations or changes. Society tells you when and how to celebrate. Pieces that are not a celebration – perhaps an earth death or trauma – are also be noted year after year. Not necessarily because you need to do so, but because others feel you should. Decorating gravestones or memorializing an event such as an earthquake or war.

You have essentially depended on society to determine when and how to mark events.

Such is no longer true. You are not the puppet of society you once were. So it is you completed the largest earth event ever conceived without trumpets or congratulations.

Even though you feel different, you do not trust those feelings, for no one is celebrating new you. So you wonder what you did wrong or did not do.

So we, of the Universes, will provide that celebration now. Hallelujah, Sparkles, Laughter, Joy, Fun!

Perhaps some of you are laughing. How silly. How can we, of the Universes, provide you with a celebration to prove you graduated from 3D, 4D, and are now mastering 5D? Ah, that is the rub, is it not? For only you can determine your level of completion. And if our words ring hollow, perhaps you might ask yourself why. Is it because you are waiting for society to tell you that you are right within yourself? Or is it because you do not trust yourself?

There is nothing more for you to chant or ask. You graduated far above your expectations. In truth, the past few days have been a rigorous final exam you created for yourself. You are done. You can move out of your dorm. That is, the dorm in your head as you say to yourself, “I can’t be ready for the world yet because I don’t know this or that.” And we respond, clean out your dorm room and apply for the Universal job that fills you with joy just thinking about it. Know that you are the only one applying for that job, and you are more than qualified.

You are no longer competing for a job, a community, or anything. You have shifted yourself from an earth social being to a unique Universal creator within the earth ethers. Even the sky is no longer your limit. Who are you? What gives you joy? That is your new and only path.

If you continue to believe that such a path is only possible in 3D terms of being SOMETHING or SOMEBODY, you have forgotten rule one of this new life – you are unique and, therefore, uniquely qualified for any role you fancy. You prepared for this role for eons.

You are no longer a social follower, you are a Universal leader. A leader the world now requires to rebuild broken structures and to shine brightly for those who wish to follow.

As we stated time after time, even though most of you have yet to fully believe that such is true – someone tending their small garden in joy is as valuable as anyone creating an environmental piece that shifts the thoughts or actions of millions.

This new tapestry of joy is not made up of gigantic gold and silver threads. Instead, it is a multi-colored piece that brings joy to all who view it or participate in its creation. The threads are not the same, even though each thread is of the same weight.

Please remember that Henry David Thoreau lived in isolation with a need to write his personal philosophy. Even though he was pitied and scorned because of his self-induced isolation, he did more to change the world than would have been probable had he devoted his life to his families’ prosperous pencil factory.

So it will be for you. What gives you joy? It does not matter what it is now that you are no longer of 3D or 4D. Your new joys have been honed to produce that which is necessary for you and therefore, the earth and the Universes. You have selected those segments from your past, present, and future to best create that skill, interest, or playtime. And you have done so within the confines of what you want to do and what the earth and the Universes need.

You cannot make a mistake. Nor can you take a wrong path. Follow your joy and all will be as you wished before you entered earth in this lifetime. Continue to wait for confirmation from society or anyone that you are the right person in the right place and you will remain frightened, bored, listless, angry, or any emotion that does not include the joy you pine for. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:


January 27, 2020 at 10:56 am 11 comments

Accept Your Genie

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 17, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  In 3D, you built your beliefs on past karma and shoulds. Just as you outgrew your need to believe in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, you’ve no need to believe in 3D truths. You’re creating a personal world of joy despite old 3D fears that a happy life isn’t possible. The next few days, perhaps months will display fear beliefs that no longer apply.

Your Co-creators Have Arrived is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps the past few days, you noted what you once considered miracles, perhaps not. Such does not matter for miracles are in the air.

No longer do you need to chant, hope, and wish. For your life is rapidly evolving to more like a genie in a bottle than the hopes and desperation of 3D. Maybe this thought is disconcerting because you have not yet tapped into your personal inner genie, or you do not believe such is possible.

So it is you fear what might or might not happen. Perhaps you believe you are not of this transition. Or, if you are, you are the one who cannot do what others do. Such is merely a continuation of 3D beliefs that you are not good enough or wise enough to be at the forefront of anything. Your memories return to the 3D times you were considered odd or to the times you and others believed you could never succeed in 3D. A self-sacrificing belief you picked up from your family, community, or other 3D places.

Perhaps you continue to cower in the corner waiting for someone to tell you that you can. We are and have been doing so for years now. So it is you must address your 3D block. No one can do it for you.

You are wise beyond all 3D knowledge. You are more powerful than any 3D being. But if you wish to continue cowering in the corner, that is your right. You can no longer be in two worlds, so you must choose to be in that corner with no power, no skills, and a limited personality as you likely have done for eons. Or you can accept your power and declare to the world that who you were in 3D, is no longer.

This is not rocket science. It is merely you discovering how talented you are in the Universes and, more importantly, now, of the earth.

You are no longer a student, a ‘patsy,’ a cowering human. You are a glorious god/goddess of the Universes.

So stop your whining. Stop waiting for someone to give you the right to be that god/goddess. Stop pretending you are less than you are to fit within a 3D earth group. It is time for you to be.

We have urged something similar in the past. The difference is, in the past, you would have been declared different. Such is not true now. Others will merely wonder why you do not have the courage to be.

Some of you might whine – and whine is the correct term – that you have too much to lose, that others will not like you, that you might do something in your new being that will destroy your career, relationship, or whatever else you wish to hold onto despite your discomfort.

Enough. You no longer need to cower whenever someone wealthier or seemingly stronger addresses you in a subservient manner. That is not to say you must respond, but instead that such pettiness is no longer that important. For it is similar to you worrying about spending a dollar when you have ten billion dollars. Silly. And so is your need to pretend that you are not as powerful and creative as you are.

The energies now pummeling the earth are building your confidence, skills, and self-love. Such energies are not accidental. For it is time to become your true being. Of course, not everyone will accept or understand you. Would 3D you not have felt the same discovering your maid was a powerful Universal entity?

Such is who you are now. You are not the cowering 3D human you have come to accept and expect. Nor are you a narcissistic coward who must prove they are better than others. You are merely you with new thoughts and actions. Both of which no longer need to be hidden or forced.

Accept yourself for who you are. And expect that those you wish to interact with will also. Throw away the 3D disguises that have served you well for eons. Accept that you are no longer that person and will never be again. And then accept that you are indeed your own genie in a bottle capable of creating first a  joyful personal life and then, a world of joy. Such is what you have been pining for eons. That time is now. Throw away your disguises. Allow who you are to come out in full force. It is beyond time for you to do so.

Many of you believed if you allowed your true power to be displayed while of the earth, you would not fit in, that you would be isolated, mistreated, and alone. Such was true before. Even though you now have full Universal capabilities while of the earth, many of you pretend that you do not.

You must shift your thoughts from hiding yourself to expansion. To fully display your skills – both old and new. For you are not growing a tail or turning blue, you are remaining in your 3D body with a new life approach while of earth. Allow that thought to ramble throughout your being. And then encourage your cells and belief systems to adapt to new you. It is as if some of you are living in the 1800s, refusing to acknowledge any invention created after1900. You could do so, of course, but why would you want to?

It is time for you to fully accept yourself while of the earth, including creating the life of joy you have experienced in many other locations. You are no longer of 3D, and there is no need for you to pretend that you are. Enjoy your new world, your new life, as you meant to before entering earth in this lifetime. “Why deny yourself?” is your new mantra and life.

Some of you will comment that not everyone can be this or that. Of course not. But then, such is a 3D concept that has nothing to do with your unique skills and interests. You are not like anyone. And thinking you might be indicates you are holding onto 3D fears and beliefs that have nothing to do with your new being.

Dare to be you by following your joy and all will fall into place perfectly and easily. Try to retain your 3D fears, and your road will be bumpy and limited to your 3D capabilities. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

January 20, 2020 at 11:03 am 22 comments

Your Co-creators Have Arrived!

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 10, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  The energies this week are propelling you forward. You’ll know what you wish to create in the next few days. Perhaps writing, music, painting, inventing something, creating a soup kitchen, or a garden. It doesn’t matter as long as you feel joy. It’s time to create a new world order from the bottom up. Your leaders were never in touch with the masses and will be less so from now on. Even though something similar was tested in the 60s, that test shifted to groupthink by the 80s. 

Fear is Not a Choice is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

January 12, 2020, is a watershed date in your lives and that of all inhabiting earth at this time. For it is as if something clicked inside your hearts, your beings that shifted you from fear to love.

This shift will not be displayed immediately because many, perhaps including you, have to adjust to the new sensations this shift created. Even though you might have been prepared for something before January 12, this something has never been experienced by you or any earth being. It is as if a shaft of light pierced your tough earth shell.

Perhaps you think that such comments are a fairytale for how is it possible that one day can create such upheaval?

This shift will cause many to feel that what was up is now down, and what was down is now up. Because these new sensations will feel unnatural, frightening, it is likely something most will not discuss them. For they will believe that doing so makes them seem odd.

Those of you in the know will merely adjust as you have to every other burst of energy throughout your earth life. Others, feeling as if their life has been turned upside down, will be the most frightened.

Even though humans are familiar with the fear of change, this energy event is a tsunami of change. It will be as if someone woke up one night with a new emotional body and must do everything in the dark without understanding how to do so. There will be fear and anger. Not because this shift is bad or damaging, but because it will seem so foreign. So it is many will test these new feelings by doing the exact opposite of their intuitive directives. A confusing time for most.

You, the forerunners, will slip into your new being easily and effortlessly for you have prepared to do so since you began this transition.

Those not as open to transitioning beyond 3D as you will be confused and attempt to return to their former feelings only to discover they can not.

This is a mass transition of proportions you can not begin to envision. For anyone who has dreamt of moving beyond fear and angst will shift rapidly. Such does not mean that in two days all of the earth will be like you, but instead that everyone who wishes to will have their heart opened.

January 12, 2020, is not a day to take lightly. Allow yourself to move as you wish. And allow the same for all others. For their fear will be displayed long before their heart actions. Just as was true for you when you initiated your transition. The difference is, you have likely been in transition for decades or years. Those now at the beginning stages will shift within days or months.

You are their beacon – allowing those frightened to know that all is well.

You will also shift. But your shift will be polishing more facets of your diamond being. Those beginning their transition are discovering their diamond self in the rough.

Your role and only role is to continue a joy focus. For if you allow yourself to be in fear with those just beginning to transition, they will become more frightened, perhaps not even able to function.

You are the beacons of the world. Allow yourself to know and accept that.

All who wish are transitioning or beginning their transition as of January 12th, 2020. You have little to do other than to inform those who wish to know that all is well.

Those not wishing to transition will discover their lives become much more difficult. For you are the future, and those who do not want to transition are the past. Much like what happened when automobiles were introduced. At first, the majority of the earth’s population refused to accept automobile technology. Automobiles then became a status symbol. Now, automobiles are such an accepted part of earth life that only those living in total isolation do not know of or accept automobiles.

The same will happen to earth beings as those of the earth shift from fear to love. The difference is that such will occur within days or months instead of years. You initiated this amazing transition. And those following are rapidly becoming your co-creators of this new earth of love. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

January 13, 2020 at 11:09 am 29 comments

Fear is Not a Choice

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 27, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Your only role is building your future structure. Those following are likely angry or upset about the chaos. That’s your indication they’re no longer under the spell of the earth bullies. Those who wish to remain of 3D continue to be media darlings. The remainder of earth beings are no longer of 3D or quickly moving out of it. 

You’ve Become a Universal Hybrid is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though the earth is no longer in the throes of fear, the media continues to promote that it is. There will be no war – at least, in the form you now fear. For these final days of the earth’s fear are like the last gasps of a supervillain who can no longer do harm.

Despite that knowledge, that supervillain’s actions will likely radiate fear before relief and joy. For that 3D fear needs to be processed a bit before it expires. So for the first few minutes or even days, you crouch in fear whenever you hear an unusual noise and quiver when the telephone rings. Not because you know that supervillain is outside your door, but because you are so used to functioning in fear. It will take a bit of time for you to know, without an inner fear, that the war between heaviness and joy is over.

The same is not necessarily true for those who wish to continue with their 3D lives. Those of you who have crossed into the light are no longer of that fear grouping. So it is you have shades of fear when you hear the latest destructive view or action fearing the worst despite your inner knowledge that the worst is no longer part of your life, that the boogeyman is not hiding under your bed.

Listen to the media screams of fear and terror if you wish. But know that such information is no longer part of any earthly being who has decided to shift from 3D. It is over. Your life and that of the millions who no longer wish to be of 3D are turning to joy.

Again, we must reiterate that those who wish to be of 3D for whatever reason, will continue to live in fear. That is neither here nor there for you. Your fear days are behind you. Your fear door has slammed shut. Even if you try to revisit those fears, you will never again achieve the level of fear you lived day in and day out throughout your 3D lives.

You will soon begin to see and sense the divide between those opting for fear and you. Even though you will notice the media and political cries of fear and destruction, you will continue with your life, knowing that such destruction will not impact you as was once expected. For you have cleared those 3D fear pieces.

Every one of your earth lives added to your 3D fears until someone merely had to tap into one of your minor fears for you to blossom into 24-hours of fear. “If they do this, then this will happen to me because…” So it is you will note the fear of others. But because you are starting from fear ground zero, your thoughts will be something like, “This is so sad. I hope no one is injured or in fear, but it is no longer within me to feel fear.”

Perhaps such a concept seems cold-hearted. It is not. Before you transitioned into the light, you needed to erase those eons of fearful memories. The memories that encouraged, even forced you to remember how terrible earth life could be even when it did not impact you. Such was so because your past life memories reminded you of similar happenings to you or when you generated fear in others. So even when it happened to others, your memory experienced it over and over again.

Now that your memory bank is cleared, you might note the fear news, but you will not be sucked into your fear memories. Doing so only adds to the earth’s fear until all joy is removed, allowing fear after fear to blossom – either real or remembered.

Your role during this seeming time of crisis is not to worry or fear, but instead to imagine your world as one of peace, love, and joy. The earth does not need more fear thoughts. Thoughts that have innundated earth for eons. The earth shifted, and so have you – from fear to joy. So it is that thoughts of joy will not only radiate peace and love in your personal life, they will radiate throughout the earth.

Your joy road has been paved for an easy ride. How silly of any of you to ignore joy’s paved straight road for the rocky, cliff-hanging, trail of fear you have transversed for eons.

Take the easy road, and you will be in joy. Continue on the rocky road, and your being will stop any forward movement. For no matter how much you might want to consciously fear for the world or others, that is no longer your role. Allow others to find the easy path by following you.

Nothing will be gained by you or others traveling in fear.

In truth, you can no longer even travel in fear. That road, that world is no more for you and all those who no longer wish to be of 3D. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

January 6, 2020 at 11:26 am 12 comments



January 2020