Posts tagged ‘3D’

All Structures – Including Astrology – are Shifting

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 17, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  The next few days, you’ll emphasize loving yourself – perhaps the most difficult lesson of this transition. Even though you’re of 5D, many continue to blame or envy others. Neither of which directs you to self-love. Self-love is what brings you joy – sleeping, painting, reading, dancing, building, learning, cooking, inventing, laughing and on and on. You have unique skills and therefore unique joys. Honor who you are without social or personal concerns.

“Why Skip Phases?” is the title of this week’s Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today we wish to address the fears of those who closely follow astrological predictions. Just as you are shifting, so too are the stars, constellations, planets and the totality of the Universes – including what certain planet movements mean for you personally.

Some astrologers have moved beyond the astrology of yesterday. Others have not. The most telling sign is that those who predict doom and gloom have retained 3D predictions even if they have shifted to 5D.

It is your responsibility to determine if a message – no matter who relays it – is accurate for you. That is not to say that all 5D messages must be sunny and bright, but instead that you will sense which messages are right for you with your new inner senses.

You will likely note that astrological predictions are shifting a bit or expanding on what was once a fear prediction.

That is not to say that all in your life is shifting at the same time, but instead, for you to acknowledge that structures that once were extremely important to you might be no longer – or might shift with the times.

Many of you are familiar with the basics of astrology. It is time to go beyond that for at one point in your history, astrology was one of the few predictors of what is or what might happen to you. Now that you are expanding your repertoire, as are so many others, astrology is one key, one brick in your structure, but only one.

Before your cells shifted, before you added new strands of DNA, you depended on those who seemed to have a closer attachment to home for your messages and future actions. Now that so many of you are beginning to communicate in more intense, in-depth ways, if you will, astrology is less of a go-to place than an explanation of place.

You are starting to communicate differently. And those of you who were astrologers in 3D and now are of 5D are discovering different meanings for the same astrological signs and planets – just as is true for Tarot readers and any other divination source.

Meanings shift as you grow. So it is you no longer need to live in fear if you happen upon an astrologer, Tarot reader or channeler who beats the fear drum. As is true for so many of your previous access points, feeling fear after a reading of any sort is so yesterday.

Today’s messages are much more about your growth, your new being, your New Earth. New structures, new possibilities, new growth.

Some of you swear by this or that reader. That is well and good. But know that if they proclaim fear to be your future, they have not yet shifted their reading skills. And it is unlikely you will receive an AHA that tells you that you have tapped into something that helps you move forward.

If following your reading, you feel bad, hollow or frightened, know that those who provided the reading are accessing materials of yesterday. For indeed, you are emphasizing joy in every aspect of your life – more and more daily – including predictions.

You are thinking that not everything can be sunny – that earthquakes and terrorist attacks continue. Such is true. But they are of yesterday.

Just as you are letting go of your fears, so is the earth rearranging itself – a bit like you changing sitting positions to be more comfortable. And just as the terrorists are trying to stabilize themselves in this shifting world, you are also. The difference is you are stabilizing yourself in joy and terrorists are doing so in fear.

Those fear pieces are coming to an end. Perhaps not this year, but soon – even in earth time. For as more and more of you move into joy, fear will have less room to maneuver, to display itself. A bit like a schoolyard bully who ends that role because he or she is no longer rewarded for being a bully.

Some of you are closely related to or part of these last pieces of fear or the shifting earth. But most likely, your perceptions of those activities are different from what was true even a few years ago.

Most of you have difficulties acknowledging to yourself how different you are from 3D you. So you return to those aspects of 3D you – astrology, Tarot reading or channeling that reinforce your fears instead of helping you understand your new world in your new being.

So it is you are discovering that those who once were important to you in terms of informing you of your future are sometimes not as important as they once were. Not because they cannot predict the future, but that their future is colored with 3D fear instead of 5D joy.

You will find those astrologers, Tarot readers, and channelers who are of 5D. For just as is true for your discovery of new friends and family who support your forward movement, you will find those predictors, who are right for the new 5D you – or you will discover your talents in that area.

Every piece of your being, your life, your Universes is shifting including those pieces that once allowed you to know or better understand what will happen to you in the future. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:




April 18, 2016 at 10:17 am 53 comments

Creating Without Repercussion Fears

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 26, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  For eons, you hid your true being to avoid punishment for being different. It’s time to remove that cloak even though you’re more frightened of doing so than you or we realized. This transition is much like puberty – only you’re creating the transition manual. There’s no one fully guiding you for you are doing something that has never been done before. Future generations will wonder why you hesitated. But for now, allow yourself to move at the pace right for you.

“You’re a Universal Change Artist” is the title of this week’s Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today is the first day of the rest of your life on earth in this lifetime. Even though that statement sounds a bit grandiose, it is merely a reminder of your newly activated skill set.

You have always had the skills you are curtailing (curtailing is the correct word) now, but you did whatever was required of 3D you to disclaim, deny or ignore those skills. And it continues to be easier for you to ignore your new being than to accept and explore it.

That last statement is to explain why you have not created that which you wish to create. You are most likely thinking that such words are another delay tactic or carrot to draw you further into this make-believe world created by this and other channels. Such is not true for you ARE the creators of your world – including the world you are sitting or standing in this very moment.

You have received that same message over and over the past few decades. Yet, you have not internalized it for you continue to believe that someone outside of you is punishing you or that you are not capable of creating your reality.

You insist you are merely small you. Not because it is true, but because your layers of 3D denial are so deep you cannot envision your skill possibilities.

Even though you have hidden you extremely well for eons of earth lives,  it is time to come out of your skill set closet. It is time for you to become a spiritual adult while of the earth.

You ponder, worry, fret and are angry that you have not created what you want. You are your magician. There is no magic beanstalk, king or Wizard of Oz creation genie. It is you and always has been you.

You denied yourself to better fit in your 3D world. Now that earth and you are of 5D, there is no need to hide or deny your skills.

Your deeply ingrained fears most likely pertain to 3D lives in which you were punished for activating your skills. Perhaps you were labeled a witch or burned at the stake for denying a particular religion or punished for not believing in what society needed you to believe.

It does not matter. The past has passed. Karma from those lives and any others has been cleared from your slate. There is no need to hide. In truth, you are now being called upon to display the skills you were once forced to hide.

Even though the following concept is a bit complicated using your present language, those lives continue to be lived as you move into your 5D you. The easiest way of understanding this concept is to think of your being as a hologram. A hologram that shifts in and out of being as you view you from different perspectives. A hologram composed of layers instead of a flat 3D photo.

So it is that your hologram as now viewed by you and others – for that image ability is now part of your skill set – is created by you of your past, present and future.

Without that depth of knowing, of understanding, your hologram would merely be a 3D image.

In the past, all you allowed yourself to view was a 3D photo of you. Of course, some of you noted ghost-like images or bright lights or blobs you did not see when you took a photo, but, all in all, you only allowed yourself to see or sense one dimension of your multi-dimension, multi-time, multi-frequency being.

Now that you have gathered your various segments to form new you, you are beginning to create your New Earth, multi-dimension, multi-time, multi-frequency being. A being fully capable of activating any piece of your past, present or future. For all are happening at the same time.

Time is not linear and never has been. But that linear image/thought process helped you better understand your 3D lives. Just as early humans needed to create fables for eclipses and God so they could live comfortably within their thought processes.

Now that you are a young 5D adult, your thought processes are shifting accordingly – including how you view yourself in your totality. A shift that begins to understand the hologram that is now you. Knowing without a doubt that you create your reality and will do so forevermore. And that by creating that reality, you are changing the earth and the Universes.

If you question that last thought, just remember how much smaller the earth was once airplanes became part of your transportation systems. Such is true now. This is an internal paradigm shift many of you are afraid to accept. You are similar to those who once believed automobiles were evil, smelly inventions that should be returned to wherever so they could continue their known world of horse and carriage travel.

Such is not going to happen. You have stepped over the line to new you.

You can rail against this shift. You can dream of how much better it used to be. You can continue to hide your creation skills. Or you can truly claim your new holographic being including skills from any and all segments beneficial to your current life. Segments that easily float in and out of your being whenever you wish.

You are no longer a static, 3D photo. You are a multi-time, multi-dimension, multi-frequency being far different from your 3D being.

And so are all others who have opened their hearts to their new 5D being, all those relishing these words.

Claim yourself without fear, anger or repercussions. You are no longer dependent on horse transportation. You are flying through the Universes with the fastest jet yet imagable, creating without fear. You are new you in a New Earth. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


February 29, 2016 at 8:24 am 42 comments

Why is Receiving a Dirty Word?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 28, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at It’s time to balance your giving and receiving equation. In new earth, you’ll love yourself as much as others. No longer will phrases like, “He’d give you the shirt off his back” be appropriate or even understandable.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Merry NEW Holidays to Us”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We wish to direct your attention to receiving for many of you are not comfortable with that aspect of your being. Perhaps you feel guilty for not giving more during the holiday season to family, friends or charities. As if by spending or giving more all that is not right in your life or someone else’s will be better.

But we venture to guess that few of you feel guilt about not receiving more. The thought of wanting more is what makes you feel guilty.

You have learned to give is divine.

There are few phrases encouraging you to receive. Oh once in awhile, you might read that being thankful for what someone gives you is appropriate. But asking for something is seldom correct in your society – the word selfish is most often used.

Asking for something and truly expecting it to materialize likely ended in childhood when you realized there was no Santa Claus other than yourself.

How many of you spend more than you intend for others during the holidays? Those same thought processes seldom apply to you. Even though you buy items you need or want, most often you do so with thoughts of your budget, if the item is really needed and/or similar filters.

Your media, friends, family and community constantly remind you how “right” giving is – even describing how wonderful you will feel when you do so. And perhaps you do. But receiving does not warrant a similar emphasis in your 3D world.

Giving to others – individuals or organizations – while denying yourself, is the 3D model.

Perhaps such a statement makes you angry for giving does make you joyful. If such is true, this channel is not addressed to you for you have found a source of joy.

But those who give because they should or because of guilt are neither giving nor receiving.

In new earth, all interactions are shared. You receive as well as give. Therefore, learning how to joyfully accept and expect receiving is an extremely important self-contained lesson.

As a child, did you think it was wrong for you to be fed and cared for? At what point in your earth life did receiving become wrong?

AH. Now you are understanding. Giving and not expecting anything in return is a care taker stance.

Did you not care take your children when they were young? But at the same time, did you not expect rewards such as watching your child take their first steps or those little arms wrapped around your neck in love and joy? You and your child experienced a sharing relationship.

But if that same child continues the need to be cared for as an adult despite responding to that care taking with little more than, “Is that all there is?” the relationship is not a sharing relationship. It has become a care taking/victim relationship.

Perhaps you believe you will receive in the future or it is a pay it forward type process. Such is well and good if it is true. But the reality most often is that you are giving or care taking with little expectation of receiving. And at some point, that care taking becomes victimization.

Now you are concerned that we are shifting your thoughts to a selfish mode. So we are.

Selfish is a bad word in your current vocabulary – and giving is a word that is so right. But right for whom? Right for you to give all you have to someone who could create what they need? Right for you to take away their innate powers by constantly showing them you are wiser and better?

Have you asked yourself similar questions before donating your time or money? How do you view the objects of your generosity? As poor them. Or as someone who just needs to be reminded of their powers?

Some of you have adult children or friends living in your home. Is it a sharing relationship or have they reverted to the childlike stance of, “I must be taken care of even if it means you are impoverished for I am the important person in this relationship.”

Please know that, if you have not already experienced it, an emotional shift is occurring.

Perhaps initially it was right for you to care take your adult child or friend. But some how that relationship deteriorated to the point that your life revolves around their needs.

The same has happened with charities and churches. You barely have enough to pay rent, yet you feel guilty when you do not share with those in need.

You are in need now – emotionally and physically.

For you are restructuring your inner-being including learning how to receive. And as you do so, it is likely you will be exposed to feelings of guilt for not giving enough – financial or emotional care taking.

As earth shifts to love, those who wish to remain enmeshed in fear will do whatever it takes to continue a fear-based world. The same is true for care taking. As you remove yourself from a care taking equation, those who were comfortable with or expected your care taking will attempt to return you to that life.

But as you transition to love and joy, you are removing your care taking elements. One of which is, “Giving is divine.”  Your new mantra is, “Sharing is divine.”

Sharing is a joyful win/win situation for all.

Yet those used to being taken care of will fight to maintain those 3D care taking beliefs. A bit like your toddler insisting he needs his bottle after he is capable of drinking from a glass. It is time for you to say, “No” to yourself and others.

Only with sharing will you experience the joy of your relationships. This is new earth. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

December 30, 2013 at 11:54 am 30 comments

Grab Your Emotional Star Power

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 8, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re discovering those emotions created by society may be shifting for you. Somewhat like wearing the color red for eons and suddenly discovering that gray looks lovely on you also. You’re melting your box of emotional shoulds and experimenting with new feelings. Feelings society often indicates shouldn’t be in your repertoire.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Deep Within, We Want it All”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you portray that which you think you should in the role of god/goddess/Lightworker/star being – you do not feel that role within you.

You have tested your resolve. You have created your perfect world in your mind. Yet, you feel you are a follower – despite all messages that you are a leader.

And as you throw off the new earth titles many bestow on you, you feel less and less worthy of anything other than your 3D life.

You know others are interacting with something outside their 3D beings. But they are the “golden” ones – the exception to the rule. The rest of you are somewhere in the middle of a Bell Curve of mediocrity.

How is it possible you are a god or goddess and do not have money to pay the rent?

You merely feel a continuation of your 3D life with a few new earth sparkles of joy here and there. You wait for the latest channel or workshop to get that joy upper only to lose that sensation the minute you arrive at work or your child breaks something special to you.

Joy is fleeting. 3D is your reality.

We beg to differ. You are shifting. One of the greatest indicators of your shift is your disillusionment with new earth.You believe enough to strive for something even though it seems to elude you.

You are all Lightworkers. But you have heard that so many times that it means little to you as you count your pennies at the grocery store.

Please know that your shift into Lightworker knowingness is happening in the next few days.

It will start with a few renegade emotions. An “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” moment(s) that will present itself in so many ways from, “No,” to “That’s your responsibility,” to “I’m more valuable than that.”

Those thoughts and feelings will squeeze out of your pores in ways you cannot yet conceive of.

We said that you would feel different emotions this holiday season – as if you are outside looking in. The next few days will produce another emotional element that will move you beyond feelings of new earth inadequacies.

Like the first day of a job when you are certain you cannot perform your assigned task and never will – only to realize a few months later that you are completely at ease with tasks that had you in a tailspin your first day.

You have had months and years of your first day new earth emotions. The emotions you explore the next few days are about knowing what you are capable of.

Perhaps you take care of someone emotionally to the extent that you ignore your needs – whether 3D or new earth. You might wake up and say, “You’re capable of taking care of yourself.”

Or you might allow yourself to know your capabilities in both your 3D world and new earth.

For you must feel confident in your 3D world before you discover your true new earth being.

If you feel ‘less than’ in your 3D world, even though you explore other dimensions, you will maintain that inadequacy in your new earth life. Much as someone abused at six years of age needs to review those feelings so powerlessness does not dominate his 3D world.

Feelings of inadequacy – in whatever dimension – reduce your new earth power.

Perhaps you are throwing up your hands in disgust for most Lightworkers have experienced 3D lives – especially this lifetime – that are horrendous in the remembrance. Things you almost do not dare tell others for who would believe you experienced that and now hope for new earth joy.

Please do not panic. You have cleared almost all those memories. It is just that in the next few days you will display related emotions you did not realize were deep within you.

Such is part of this year’s holiday shift – removing the shoulds of society AND knowing the reality of your being.

Your memories of being less than have prevented you from knowing your true being. A bit like Marilyn Monroe, the Hollywood movie star, who never accepted her stardom because of her unresolved childhood pain.

The energies of the next few days give you the freedom to dissolve all that keeps you in 3D even though you have moved beyond 3D in terms of your Lightworker role.

Allow those energies to do their work. Allow unusual or frightening night dreams. Allow yourself to explore relationships knowing that everyone is powerful enough to move in directions correct for them – most specifically, you. Cut the ties of those dependent on you.

Move forward as a bright star, instead of the heavy dust you have tried to be.

The next few days, you will feel emotions you did not know were part of you. And you will relay those feelings to others as you clear your emotional slate. Care taking and victimization will be the first to go.

Allow yourself to be in the next few days and you will sparkle as does a star.

Now you are worried you will offend or lose someone dear to you. If that someone or something is part of your feeling less than a shining star, it is time to let go – emotionally, even physically if that is appropriate.

Does that mean you will leave your job, spouse or community?  Perhaps. But this is an emotional shift, so it is more likely you will speak your truth – and if those you address do not wish to honor that truth, your relationship will change.

You will begin acting like a star even in your 3D world. For you will know deep within you that you have finally kissed the Prince, you, and your new role is beckoning – that of a new earth star. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

December 10, 2013 at 3:16 pm 59 comments

Your Earth You is the Commander of Your Totality

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 13, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re the space aliens and inner-earth beings you’ve been waiting for. You’re finally strong enough physically, emotionally and spiritually to accept as many segments of you as you wish – when you wish. The more segments you welcome into your being, the stronger your creation skills are.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Why is She/He Still in My Life?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.



Dear Ones,

Perhaps your concern is that space aliens will overtake your being and you will become a zombie. Such is not the case. In truth, you will be you with added sparkle once you allow yourself to add new segments.

When you were your 3D being, your skills, attitudes, perceptions and beliefs were limited to your 3D world. Perhaps you ventured out a bit as was true for Baby Boomers in the 1960’s and 1970’s. But even Baby Boomers continued their 3D lives with just a few adventuresome thoughts.

You Baby Boomers knew deep within you that love was extremely important. But before you fully explored that avenue, you decided to open your emotions. Hence your interest in psychology, psychotherapy, mood altering drugs, self-help books and other avenues that helped you discover more about your inner workings. Once you satiated yourself, you felt ready to fully initiate this transition beyond your 3D.

You opened yourself to thoughts of space aliens via books, movies and various avenues to discover what – most of the time – evil they were up to. Even though some movies project a loving side of space aliens, for the most part, you are wary of any contacts with beings not of earth. Perhaps that is expected given that many remain afraid of humans of different skin color or culture.

You will continue to put space aliens or inner-earth entities through a filtering process that ends with thoughts that they are bad and all humans are good – no matter what color or culture. That is, unless you understand and accept that space aliens and inner-earth beings are you.

You are starting that acceptance process – for how can you distrust parts of you? Now you laugh for you know that there are parts of you that you still distrust. Such thoughts should help you understand how far you have come, but yet how deeply enmeshed you remain in your 3D world.

This transition is not about you and them. It is about you and you. The sooner you accept that concept the more rapidly you transition or ascend into your true being.

This transition is the completion of many parts of your being – your 3D you, your us and them philosophies, your fears of love and of your inner-power.

But then, those of you accepting your space alien and inner-earth segments without question are little different from those who will not even entertain the thought that those segments are part of themselves. Even though your space alien or inner-earth segments are not bad or terrible, they do have facets of being that might not be appropriate for you now.

You have many facets of Universal totality in many venues, but not all are what you wish to explore or expand in this lifetime. Allow yourself to understand the value of adding facets or segments just as you would if you had three job candidates with excellent skills, but not all with skills appropriate for the job you wish to fill.

Do not fret if you have accepted segments into your earth being without determining if those skills were right for you. The early segments you brought into your being were exactly suited to your needs. Now you are perfecting your earth being.

Take the time and energy to interview the segments that wish to join you now. Perhaps some wish to live in great wealth and your intent is to live off the land. Your wealth segments would never be comfortable with that life style – thus your totality would question it also.

What is your most important desire or desires in this instant? Those are the segments of your totality you want to add to your current earth being.

Perhaps you are thinking that you are evolving so you do not know if you will wish to live in Asia ten years from now – even though that is your current dream. Do not worry. As you move through your dreams, you will add more or different segments as those already part of you become satiated.

You are changing daily, as will your segments. But they will change differently than is true for a child who wants a horse today and a shiny bicycle tomorrow. Your wishes have more depth for they are now the adult part of you. Those segments you welcome into your being are more like you just graduating from college satisfied with an entry-level job in your field – but who is not satisfied with the same job in twenty years.

Many of you think this channel is silly for there are no space aliens or inner-earth beings.

You will not truly understand how many parts of the Universes your 3D life did not allow you to explore until you allow yourself to do so. There are many dimensions within the Universes that are now beyond your comprehension and words. Again, much like the native Americans who could not see the first boats landing on American shores for they had no words or thoughts to conceptualize what they were.

Your various segments – wherever you find them in your totality of being search – are a wonderful part of you.

Is it not true that many of you have yearned to channel or dimension-hop because those skills now seem “normal and acceptable,” but your space alien or inner-earth being segments do not?

Your space alien or inner-earth segments are not going to overtake you. Nor are they secret spies planning to destroy earth. They are merely parts of you helping you expand your creation skills. Segments of you that your totality has dispersed throughout the Universes in many forms and locations. Call those segments home for you are finally strong enough to do so.

The you reading this blog are the leader/commander/CEO of your totality. You do not need to fear those segments. They are not planning to mutiny or bombard earth or you. They merely wish to be part of this wondrous transition by joining their being family – you.

But not all segments are appropriate for you. Interview each segment knocking on your door knowing that if that segment is excited about your current dreams, it is right for you. If that segment questions your direction, it is not right for you and may never be in this lifetime.

You are the commander. Allow yourself that power and joy. Not to fight a war, but to expand yourself into the totality you wish to be on earth now. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 15, 2013 at 11:35 am 48 comments

All Means All

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 31, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps you believe you haven’t created anything in the past few days. Review your perceptions. All received the creation piece. As a child you believed anything was possible. But in your 3D maturity you deleted belief in your creation skills. It’s time to return to a more child-like belief in creation.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Dare to Create NOW!”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Maybe a couple of unexpected pieces have occurred for you the past few months. But for the most part, you continue to put one foot in front of the other with little difference in your life. Many around you are touting the glories of the new earth/New Age. You wish to believe, but your life is not at all as various channels and seers excitedly proclaim is the new reality.

You feel as if they are making up stories to get you through the day. We beg to differ.

All who wish to be part of this transition and resulting new earth will be. That statement does not mean everyone but you. All means all.

There are some who will not join you in the child-like joy you are experiencing or about to experience. They may have 3D issues they wish to sift through before they transition – or die in your terms. Others may wish to transition to return to earth shortly with a clean new earth slate. Why they are not as fascinated by the possibilities of the new earth as you is not important for anyone but them. This is an individual transition to a common goal.

We are addressing those of you who want to believe, who want to be part of the new earth, who are excited by the possibilities but are afraid the truth is something others can hope for, but is not a possibility for you – or maybe anyone.

If any transition materials spark your interest, you are indeed part of this transition. You just need to shift your belief patterns.

Maybe you feel you have addressed your belief patterns over and over. Or that your beliefs have little to do with your inability to shift into joy. We beg to differ.

You solidified your 3D earth belief patterns in ways you did not imagine possible when you volunteered to assist with this transition. It is a bit like that Chemistry class you thought too difficult – only to discover you could learn the necessary concepts once that class became a requirement to graduate.

Maybe you have forgotten so many of your spiritual/transition skills that you are not creating as rapidly or in the way you would like. That is to be expected. It is indeed difficult to live eons within the heavy 3D earth environment and immediately become someone of the 5th or beyond dimensions.

But then, many channels are moving quite rapidly to and through the dimensions for they are the heralds of the new earth. Channeling, sensing, seeing and believing is not that unusual for them. Perhaps they entered earth in this lifetime with less density to move through or into a family who helped them remember their skills. It does not matter why – merely that they are flexible enough to accept and relay the messages they access. They are not different from you in any aspect other than they believe they can receive or access.

It is time to change your perceptions. You are no longer of 3D no matter how diligently you try to believe you are. You are a Lightworker. Accept that title and all that entails. It is time for you to stop fooling yourself into believing you are not worthy, capable or wise enough to be a Lightworker. That all the riches – spiritual, emotional and physical – outlined the past few years are not available to you.

That last thought is directly related to your self-worth. If you believe you cannot do something – you cannot. It is as simple as that – and as complicated.

Perhaps you are screaming that you believe. That you have attended conferences, read books, tried to channel or joined new earth groups to no avail. Hogwash. You would not have searched for new earth information if you were not a Lightworker.

You are a Lightworker. You have the same creation capabilities as any channeler/seer/new earth teacher. This is not an Age in which some have abilities and others do not as was true in 3D earth. This is an event of huge proportions in which everyone starts with the same skill set including channeling, creating and transporting.  But then, not everyone is interested in the same skill set.

Some of you wish to channel and transport. Others to create. Still others will emphasize different aspects of the new earth skill set. You are individuals with unique interests and roles to play in this wondrous transition. But you will do so with the same skill set. Similar to everyone receiving an iPad with all possible applications (apps). Some of you will use a few apps over and over. Others will experiment with them all.

You are not less skilled than anyone. You merely believe you are.

It is time to stop playing new earth victim and claim your right to be in all your glory. You have the skills. You have the intelligence. You have the abilities.

It is up to you to turn on your iPad and decide which, if any, of the apps you wish to use. It is as simple and complicated as that. Some of you will pine for your old computer. Others will note the fun and excitement of discovering new iPad capabilities. Others will put their new iPad in the closet and allow it to collect dust as they contemplate if they will ever have the courage to power it up.

Which one are you? So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

September 3, 2013 at 10:05 am 41 comments

Relish Your Uniqueness – You’re a Master of the Universes

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 13, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Less than or better than are not correct transition descriptors. The correct phrase is different from. Males are not less important or spiritual than females as you transition from masculine to more feminine energies. Even though each of you may be on a different path, all paths lead to the same destination. You have an important role to play and you are doing so in the way and time that is correct for you.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Think Big and Then BIGGER”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.


Dear Ones,

Are you worried that your loved ones are not progressing in this new earth transition as rapidly as you?

You do not want to leave them behind. Yet, you do not wish to slow down to help them better understand what you know. Maybe they helped you through many dark nights of your soul. Or maybe they just hold a very special place in your heart. They are of you and you do not wish them to leave – whether in an earth transition or a philosophical difference of opinion.

Should you slow down to maintain that bond? Should you ignore them and take care of yourself? Should you do neither? Or should you wait patiently in a part of your being for them knowing they will eventually be beside you? All and none.

There is no answer for how best to interact with those at different stages than you in this transition. Perhaps they will never transition. Perhaps they are transitioning as rapidly as you only you cannot sense that. Or perhaps they are transitioning in a different direction – a bit as if you are a staunch Roman Catholic and your spouse feels a strong pull to the Lutheran faith. Will that religious difference be enough to end your relationship? Only you know.

Maybe those thoughts make you fearful of separating from those loved ones not on the same new earth page as you. Do not fret, you will know if it is time to end a relationship.

This is not an either/or transition. This encompassing transition allows and encourages unique individuals with unique roles.

All entities on and of earth will find their path to the same place you are now hungery for. It is just that some will take a different route than you believe is right – or will delay their journey for another earth lifetime. All will be reunited –  but not necessarily today or tomorrow.

Let us return to your concern that your loved one is falling behind or is not interested. Have you experienced classmates who “fooled around” in class only to receive the highest scores? Or have you known someone who asks silly questions only to discover they are extremely intelligent – or their phenomenal skills are in another area?

So is it for you now. You cannot know how much or how little anyone – other than you – accepts and understands this transition. This transition is not a classroom. No grades are given or displayed. No one is on an honor role and no one is of the slow learner class.

All now of earth are masters of the Universes. Despite the seeming disparity between you and others, each one of you and all entities are of a master/god/goddess class.

Maybe this concept is difficult for you. Even though you are beginning – truly just beginning – to accept your importance in this transition, you have difficulties accepting that concept for those you believe are less than you. The street beggar. Those of a different culture. Those of a different gender. Those who cause you to quake with fear when you are in their vicinity despite your seeming acceptance of your new role.

Each of you is an extremely important piece of this transition and all are of a master class. There are no shirkers. There are no entities subconsciously negating or circumventing their role in this transition play

Some now of earth wish to retain their 3D life despite the hardships that life will present in the not-to-distant future. Do you understand their extreme courage in accepting that role? They selected the most difficult role possible. Even though they are likely of the ruling elite now – such will not be for long. But then, that is not the group we are addressing today.

We wish to address the group for whom you feel affinity even though they have given few indicators that they wish to be part of new earth. Perhaps they make fun of your efforts, yet you wish to be around them. Or they ignore anything of the new earth, yet their hearts are so loving you do not need them to address new earth philosophies.

Some of you will discover and relay specific new earth philosophies or actions. Others will merely operate from their heart with no labels, doctrines or shoulds. Those who operate purely from their heart may be as good or better at integrating new earth philosophies than those who show, tell or display the “correct” way to transition.

We are not berating those of you providing information. We are merely pointing out that those whom you continue to interact with comfortably despite their lack of interest in new earth philosophies are on a different path, but are moving in the same direction.

Those with whom you feel uncomfortable are more likely to be those brave souls who volunteered to play the devil’s advocate as you accept your master/god/goddess role. They are merely displaying the choice every earth entity has to remain in 3D – with a subconscious understanding that they are also on a path to new earth. They are delaying their movement into joy so you can better understand how far you traveled on your path.

Let us return to those who are of your heart but do not seem to understand or need to move through this transition at this time. Perhaps they are doing more within themselves than you realize. If they “feel” right and you can communicate with them about other topics, they too are of your new earth. They are just on a bit different route. You will know similar to knowing you are romantically in love. Romantic love feelings cannot be put into words – you just know. And so you will know now. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

July 15, 2013 at 11:02 pm 23 comments

The Universes are Gifting a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re becoming comfortable with your emotional and spiritual beings. It’s now time to do the same with your physical being. Many wish to shift to dimensions that do not include a physical body. Your physical body is a gift you have ignored or even disliked for eons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Feeling Ill? There’s a Reason”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”

Dear Ones,

This week many things are happening to remind you that you are of 3D as well as other dimensions. Even though you have hoped, prayed and meditated to remove yourself from all aspects of 3D, you are discovering this week that such is not possible. Of course, you continue to interact with 3D activities and people. That is expected. But what you are discovering this week is that you are uncovering 3D issues you thought you had left in the past.

Such thoughts are disconcerting to you. Not because you do not believe that such is true, but that you are so exhausted by your efforts to clear your 3D spiritual, physical and emotional issues. You are not a slow learner or a bad person. You are merely cleansing yourself of pieces that remain stuck.

You are clearing issues that have been deeply hidden for eons.

Many of you are proclaiming that you have diligently cleared those issues – that we have even told you that you have done so. And so you have. But as you grow, expand and shift to higher and higher dimensions more issues hidden deep within you are uncovered.

You have cleared much to feel comfortable within the fourth or even fifth dimensions. What you are clearing now is beyond anything we thought you were capable of in this lifetime on earth. You are going beyond extra credit – you are flying through your issues. Of course, you are not feeling at ease about this week’s cleansing, but we are. For we know how capable you are. If you decide to move far beyond what was thought possible in this lifetime – you will. And so you are.

We must tell you why this week is a cleansing of all parts of your being. You have completed the initial clearing of your spiritual and emotional beings. You have started the deep cleaning of your physical being. This week is almost like a “Get Out of Jail Free” Monopoly game card in that the astrological aspects are encouraging you to dig deeper, to clear what continues to be a 3D fear that does not allow you to fully enjoy your new being.

Just as there are different dimensions – you do not yet have words to describe the levels correctly by the way – in descending order from the infinite dimension to 1D, there are also different levels of clearing. Your psychological studies of the past century cleared many fears from this lifetime, as did more nontraditional modalities such as past life regression or visualizations. Once the New Age was introduced, you cleared issues that allowed you to feel comfortable in dimensions beyond 3D. This week, you are able to further clear issues that create a ‘glass ceiling’ for your dimension hopping and studies.

You do not need to use this energy if you do not wish to. You merely need to tell your inner-being that you are tired and wish to remain where you are for the time being or forever. For this week’s clearing may include several very uncomfortable physical elements from deep headaches to diarrhea or similar clearing/cleansing symptoms.

At the same time, the 3D elements that have directed your life on earth for eons will be exposed in a number of different ways. For example, if you have experienced abuse in various lifetimes, this week may see that piece come to the forefront for your review and final clearing. The same with care taking, victimization, financial fears, etc.

Your buttons will be pushed if you are willing to have them pushed. If not, this is the time to tell your inner-being that you have cleared enough for now. You will have opportunities to clear those issues at future dates.

Some of you wish to expedite your transition and that is the gift the Universes are giving you these next few days.

Of course, you can shift the level and speed of your transition at any time. You are in control of your life and the direction of your transition. If you feel too uncomfortable, you merely need to go within and ask if this is what is best for you at this time.

Your outer need to expedite your transition might not be appropriate for your physical being or you may be too exhausted emotionally, spiritually or physically to continue. That is fine. You can stop or change direction at any time.

The only piece no longer possible is a comfortable return to 3D life. Even though you have passed that entrance never to return, you have many other choices and entrances to select. One of which is this week’s clearing of deeply held fears. Fears that do not stop you from transitioning, but do hinder your feelings of bliss – and are probably doing so at this time.

Listen to your inner-being. Travel and clear at the speed that is correct for you knowing that you are of the New Age – an age that allows and encourages you to step beyond your expected boundaries. Just as the Old Age encouraged you to remain within the boundaries established by your others.

You are indeed free. Free to travel at the pace that is correct for you and to select any entrance that feels right at this time. This week’s unusual energies are merely one entrance among thousands that the Universes are gifting you as you move further and further into the New Age. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 5, 2013 at 10:54 am 18 comments

Your New Earth Game Plan Starts 12/22/12


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 9, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The violence displayed throughout the world is similar to steam rising from soup. The steam evaporates into the air leaving a delicious soup. A great deal of steam is now being created. Some of you are concerned that you are not shifting as rapidly as others. Know that your individual transitions are occurring in stages – just as in puberty.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Who Should be “Saved on 12/12/12 or 12/21/12?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show contains different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Special Event: On Friday evening – 9 to 11 pm Eastern Standard Time – December 21, Brenda will be one of the rainbow messengers for the free Miracles by Design show hosted by Hal Price. This special show with multiple Lightworkers will recap 2012 and look forward to 2013 and beyond. Click either link to call in or listen:  Align & Shine        or

Dear Ones,

This week is frightening for some and exciting for others. Neither of those feelings are absolutely correct. For some will access new skills and perceptions. Others will ponder violence and hunger in the world and claim that earth is less inviting than ever. Still others will not note anything for they are comfortable shutting out most new sensations.

So let us gloss over 12/21/12 somewhat and address your overall development.

Is the earth ascending? Are you ascending? Is everyone ascending? Yes, yes and yes – as well as no, no and no.

Eventually you will all ascend to the 4th and beyond dimensions – whether via earth death or within your current physical being. It is a given that with earth death you ascend beyond the 3rd dimension.

But what you really want to know is if you will ascend in your physical form while living on the current earth. Many of you will – and are in the process of doing so. Others will do so in the near future or in the next year. And some will never ascend in this lifetime.

Perhaps you are now wondering if earth is going to ascend or duplicate many of its aspects so that those who have ascended in their physical bodies have a place to grow and advance without bothersome 3 D personalities.

You and the Universes initially assumed a duplicate earth was the only way possible to allow the ascension of large numbers within a short time frame – that it would not be possible to ascend while physically in a 3D environment with all that entails. Such is no longer true.

You have received mixed-messages – from a very few are going to ascend to a new earth to all are going to experience an earth death. Both of which have frightening repercussions. If you were to die or ascend this week, most of you would mourn that which you left behind.

Lightworkers, in conjunction with the Universes, have altered this experiment somewhat. Ascending/death is still a viable possibility for those who no longer wish to live on earth. It is not that those who die lack courage – merely that they feel they can better assist in another dimension.

But most of you wish to help earth ascend from within the 3D environment.

We have stated on many occasions how brave you are. Do you suppose that your personality would be interested in anything less than a complete transition in the most difficult environment possible? Your personalities are similar to explorers of the Arctic and Antarctic – pushing your way through almost impossible odds. If this last statement gives you even the slightest thrill to think about that level of courage, you are of the group that is remaining on earth.

We have also stated that you have a role to play in this transition. If you opt to transition from earth at this time, will you be letting your Lightworker community down? Not at all. For this transition is multi-faceted. Those of you who remained in the 3D environment while transitioning your physical being have completed your role. An entirely new  drama or game plan starts on 12/22/12.

This wondrous ascension has been planned to the smallest detail and 12/21/12 is somewhat of a “get out class free” day. You have introduced the New Age. You have individually completed your bridge to the New Age. And as of 12/22/12, it is your choice whether you wish to continue to play a major role in your physical body as earth ascends.

This thought is not to frighten you, but to cut your ties to shoulds and have tos. If you feel a need to exit earth and complete your role from another dimension, you are free to go. If you are excited about participating in the shifts that are occurring on earth as it transitions/gives birth to a new age, know that your slate will be wiped clean on 12/21/12 and you will find new roles, new joys and a new being.

We have also stated that you may not feel anything. Both statements are correct. For indeed, you will know if you wish to leave earth by the tingling such thoughts give you. And if leaving earth at this time feels wrong – you will know that you are part of the Lightworker group who wishes to remain on earth during this ascension transition.

Some of you reading this may not feel anything and so will be in a quandary – “Should I go or should I stay?” Do not worry. Listen to your inner-being and you will find the answer. Those who have left in the past year or so have made that decision.

How can you be certain that 12/21/12 is the day that all slates, all roles will be wiped clean only to start anew on 12/22/12? You have long discussed the Mayan calendar and the end of earth. And so it will be as you know it for several reasons.

There is a Universal calendar, if you will, that was established as an anticipated major earth transition time. Those of earth and those assisting earth could have destroyed earth and started over. That was the initial plan. But as advances occurred within the Universes and those advances were transmitted to you before and after birth or entrance to earth – a new plan was created. One that allowed earth to ascend to a higher dimension as those on earth elected to either shift with the earth, leave the earth or try to wade through 3D muck while the rest of those of earth were of a different dimension.

Those who choose to remain on a transcended earth in a 3D format will have as difficult time as was true for past ascended masters who tried to fit somewhere within the earth body and society while being of a different vibration.

The tide has turned. This is indeed a New Age. And as of 12/22/12, you have completed your initial role. Your slate is clean. You are free to accept and explore the new you on an earth with new vibrational frequencies. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2012, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 


December 18, 2012 at 11:53 am 17 comments



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