Posts tagged ‘beliefs’

You’re Your Fairy Godmother

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 22, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Even though you might have followed your inner-voice/intuition in the past, you most often checked with others and 3D norms to ensure your rightness in doing so. You no longer need to discuss your decisions with others before or after an action. Your personal sunshine is beginning to return.

“Stop Caretaking Your Rebuild Group” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Your life is changing in ways you did not expect, especially after COVID-19 became part of your world.

You no longer feel the need to follow the dictates of others. For others are displaying actions and patterns that fall throughout the spectrum from belief in oneself to conspiracy theories that someone or something is about to take over their life.

Of course, those who believe they are puppets of others will find reasons to justify their stance. Just as those who feel they are the masters of their life will discover such is true. You have all heard the phrase, “Beliefs create your reality.” A statement more accurate than you can imagine.

For thoughts are energy streams that encourage or even force the creation of that which you believe.

So it is many of you have lived through times that dramatized what you believed from love to fear.

You are now deciding that you wish to create what is right for you, whether it is part of mainstream beliefs or not.

Such a statement does not seem that radical unless you break it down. Until now, most of your thoughts and actions were filtered through your 3D shoulds and beliefs. Because you are creating new beliefs, your world is shifting accordingly. Think of having a magic wand that creates what you wish.

So it is, your focus, your stream of thought, creates what you wish.

Your fairytales were examples of what was possible and what was to come.

If you wish to examine an attribute such as fear or abuse, that attribute will be proudly displayed in all areas of your life. And if you wish to explore love or self-creation, such is what you will experience. You have had that magic wand throughout all your earth lives – without believing such is true.

You, a powerful earth angel, were never without the skills to create the life you wished. You once wanted to fully explore fear – and so you did. Fear is an old lesson that is becoming more boring by the day. Just as was prophesied. For once you declare you no longer wish to explore fear – and live as if fear were no longer part of your world – such will be created.

You are a creator. What do you wish to create? The same 3D fear lessons or new love and joy? It is your choice. But the boredom you are likely feeling is much less about self-quarantine than it is about continuing to live your life in fear.

Does that mean you should or should not self-quarantine? That is your choice. Just as is true for living in fear or love and joy. Which of those choices seems the most difficult to achieve and, therefore, the most interesting and exciting?

So it is you are tired of the fear lessons you have explored for eons.

Pull out your magic wand, which has always been part of you. For your wand is merely your beliefs and expectations. If you expect to live in joy, you will. And if you do not, you will not.

Perhaps many of you feel you have covered this subject ad nauseam. And so you have, for eons.

Allow yourself to know that your fear lessons are over. You have passed your fear level of expertise. It is time for a new lesson plan. Just as you explored fear in all it’s many aspects, it is time to explore love and joy. Start with loving yourself enough to know you can create any environment you wish – even in this global time of the virus.

You do not need to explain your choices and actions to anyone. For this is your life. Not your spouse’s, parent’s, friend’s, or your children’s life. There are no explanations required.

In truth, your need to explain your actions to anyone indicates you continue to live in society’s grip. You know what you need and when you need it. You know what kind of life you wish to live – now live it.

Does that mean you will function as you did before COVID-19? Yes. Does that mean you will use this time of self-quarantine to outline within your being how you wish to live for the remainder of this lifetime? Yes. Does that mean you will live in fear if that’s what you want? Yes.

You are the master, the fairy godmother of you. Allow that thought to rumble throughout your being. And then, instead of pretending that others are directing your life as you have for eons, create the life you want now. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

May 25, 2020 at 9:55 am 25 comments

Accept Your Genie

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 17, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  In 3D, you built your beliefs on past karma and shoulds. Just as you outgrew your need to believe in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, you’ve no need to believe in 3D truths. You’re creating a personal world of joy despite old 3D fears that a happy life isn’t possible. The next few days, perhaps months will display fear beliefs that no longer apply.

Your Co-creators Have Arrived is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps the past few days, you noted what you once considered miracles, perhaps not. Such does not matter for miracles are in the air.

No longer do you need to chant, hope, and wish. For your life is rapidly evolving to more like a genie in a bottle than the hopes and desperation of 3D. Maybe this thought is disconcerting because you have not yet tapped into your personal inner genie, or you do not believe such is possible.

So it is you fear what might or might not happen. Perhaps you believe you are not of this transition. Or, if you are, you are the one who cannot do what others do. Such is merely a continuation of 3D beliefs that you are not good enough or wise enough to be at the forefront of anything. Your memories return to the 3D times you were considered odd or to the times you and others believed you could never succeed in 3D. A self-sacrificing belief you picked up from your family, community, or other 3D places.

Perhaps you continue to cower in the corner waiting for someone to tell you that you can. We are and have been doing so for years now. So it is you must address your 3D block. No one can do it for you.

You are wise beyond all 3D knowledge. You are more powerful than any 3D being. But if you wish to continue cowering in the corner, that is your right. You can no longer be in two worlds, so you must choose to be in that corner with no power, no skills, and a limited personality as you likely have done for eons. Or you can accept your power and declare to the world that who you were in 3D, is no longer.

This is not rocket science. It is merely you discovering how talented you are in the Universes and, more importantly, now, of the earth.

You are no longer a student, a ‘patsy,’ a cowering human. You are a glorious god/goddess of the Universes.

So stop your whining. Stop waiting for someone to give you the right to be that god/goddess. Stop pretending you are less than you are to fit within a 3D earth group. It is time for you to be.

We have urged something similar in the past. The difference is, in the past, you would have been declared different. Such is not true now. Others will merely wonder why you do not have the courage to be.

Some of you might whine – and whine is the correct term – that you have too much to lose, that others will not like you, that you might do something in your new being that will destroy your career, relationship, or whatever else you wish to hold onto despite your discomfort.

Enough. You no longer need to cower whenever someone wealthier or seemingly stronger addresses you in a subservient manner. That is not to say you must respond, but instead that such pettiness is no longer that important. For it is similar to you worrying about spending a dollar when you have ten billion dollars. Silly. And so is your need to pretend that you are not as powerful and creative as you are.

The energies now pummeling the earth are building your confidence, skills, and self-love. Such energies are not accidental. For it is time to become your true being. Of course, not everyone will accept or understand you. Would 3D you not have felt the same discovering your maid was a powerful Universal entity?

Such is who you are now. You are not the cowering 3D human you have come to accept and expect. Nor are you a narcissistic coward who must prove they are better than others. You are merely you with new thoughts and actions. Both of which no longer need to be hidden or forced.

Accept yourself for who you are. And expect that those you wish to interact with will also. Throw away the 3D disguises that have served you well for eons. Accept that you are no longer that person and will never be again. And then accept that you are indeed your own genie in a bottle capable of creating first a  joyful personal life and then, a world of joy. Such is what you have been pining for eons. That time is now. Throw away your disguises. Allow who you are to come out in full force. It is beyond time for you to do so.

Many of you believed if you allowed your true power to be displayed while of the earth, you would not fit in, that you would be isolated, mistreated, and alone. Such was true before. Even though you now have full Universal capabilities while of the earth, many of you pretend that you do not.

You must shift your thoughts from hiding yourself to expansion. To fully display your skills – both old and new. For you are not growing a tail or turning blue, you are remaining in your 3D body with a new life approach while of earth. Allow that thought to ramble throughout your being. And then encourage your cells and belief systems to adapt to new you. It is as if some of you are living in the 1800s, refusing to acknowledge any invention created after1900. You could do so, of course, but why would you want to?

It is time for you to fully accept yourself while of the earth, including creating the life of joy you have experienced in many other locations. You are no longer of 3D, and there is no need for you to pretend that you are. Enjoy your new world, your new life, as you meant to before entering earth in this lifetime. “Why deny yourself?” is your new mantra and life.

Some of you will comment that not everyone can be this or that. Of course not. But then, such is a 3D concept that has nothing to do with your unique skills and interests. You are not like anyone. And thinking you might be indicates you are holding onto 3D fears and beliefs that have nothing to do with your new being.

Dare to be you by following your joy and all will fall into place perfectly and easily. Try to retain your 3D fears, and your road will be bumpy and limited to your 3D capabilities. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

January 20, 2020 at 11:03 am 22 comments

Why Hoard it or Give it Away?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 25, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   It’s time to trust humans as well as the Universes for as you do, more will accept love and their powers. In past and current lives, you were likely disappointed when asking for human help, so you distrust humans with the exception of those you believe have Universal connections. So it is you’re beginning the” We are all one” shift.

“No More Grandparent Cells” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Likely, you cannot sense any global connection with the phrase, “we’re one.” Even though the phrase is something you contemplate, your news and personal experiences do not reinforce your need to actualize it.

You hear the phrase, we’re one and agree with the concept; yet, you believe such will never come to fruition in your lifetime. For those pieces that seem to reinforce accepting all without concerns for gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or creed are being removed – you believe – one by one.

The “we’re one” earth structure needs to be rebuilt and reconfigured solidly instead of precariously as was true for the first build.

If that belief had been created on a solid foundation, the current nonacceptance and anger would not exist. But then, many of your structures are wobbly regarding action instead of token words.

You believe those who do not enforce or encourage love for all are very different from you. In truth, they are antagonists created by you, en masse, to ensure that you understand the need for solid structures.

“Follow the money” motivates your world much more than we’re one.  Your interest in following the money is an offshoot of your societal concerns.

Perhaps you discuss your interest in helping other countries, races, religions, etc. but if given a choice between millions of dollars or helping others to live a life similar to yours, or next door to you, which would you choose? If you had to think about your response, realize how deeply ingrained your need is to validate success with money.

Such a statement is not to chide you nor to inform you that money is evil, but instead for you to understand how you en masse have directed your efforts for some time. Human love waned, as monetary success overtook the need for closeness to one another.

Now you are angry because love for all is your mantra. But if you were without food or shelter, your monetary needs would likely outweigh your love of others. And if you were monetarily very successful, would you be willing to give those resources away if someone promised that all would be loved if you did?

Most likely, you will respond that you would equalize monetary rewards if everyone on earth with financial resources would also. So it is you cannot understand how we’re one will ever come to fruition.

What you forgot in those thoughts is that love does not have a monetary value. That being penniless is not any more loving than being extremely wealthy. Individuals create wealth and resources appropriate for themselves.

You believe loving others means giving your lifestyle and personal rewards away.

That concern shifts you from we’re one to “I better take care of myself before I share my love (personal lifestyle) with others.”

Such is a 3D belief that has little to do with 5D and beyond. For you do not give away your fish, as it were, you teach others how to fish. That is what we’re one truly means. For you to give your creations away because others are not capable of creating the same is much more about a master/servant type relationship than allowing others to be themselves.

Now you are thinking that accepting someone who is a different religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, etc. has very little to do with monetary rewards. We beg to differ. For those with financial resources are not held to the same standards as those without. You can likely name a number of financially successful people of different races, religions, creed, countries, sexual orientation, etc. who are not concerned about crossing any barriers held by those with less financial success.

Still, you argue that it does not matter to you if someone of the opposite sex, a different religion, sexual orientation, different race, etc. lives next door. Which is possibly true. But overall, you question the wisdom of welcoming those different from you believing that somehow they will take your financial resources, lower the value of your property, or expect too much from you emotionally.

Your 5D parts clamor for we’re one. Your 3D belief is that those of lesser status will take away from your being.

You are starting to shift – slowly, but still shifting. For love does not carry a price. Nor does teaching someone how to fish. You are no longer part of the master/servant lifestyle. Even though that model continues to be displayed in the media and perhaps your personal lives, such is not who you truly are.

We strongly suggest you review your beliefs allowing yourself to acknowledge your 3D biases.

You are the builders of the new structures in whatever way feels most joyful. For some, it is knowing anything is possible. For others, teaching someone to fish, and for still others, it is to protest or destroy those structures they wish to re-create.

You will know your role by what gives you joy. Nothing more and nothing less.

But before you can recreate any structures, review your beliefs to determine how closely those structures are tied to monetary rewards. Monetary creations are neither better nor worse than any other creation. So there is no need to hoard your money nor is there any need to give it away.

It is your choice based on your new 5D or beyond being. Allow yourself to decide without reverting to 3D beliefs. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

May 28, 2018 at 9:46 am 30 comments

Don’t Let the Boogeyman Get You

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 23, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’re evolving beyond the need to caretake earth politically or physically for you’re focussing on your new 5D or beyond being. Those following you will take up the mantle of earth caretaking. In a sense, you’re the grandparent of earth now and no longer have day-to-day responsibilities for your earth grandchild. Brenda’s next channel will be July 7, 2017. 

“Let it Be” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

It is a time of joy. Perhaps you are not yet feeling such – but you will. For you have completed more phases of this transition than you are yet aware.

Even though that thought appeals to some of you and seems far-fetched to yet others, realize that you merely need to shift your perceptions to KNOW without a doubt that you are no longer of yesterday.

Maybe you believe that your earth life in this lifetime is lacking – but such is no longer true. For you are no longer of 3D or of the perceptions of 3D. Such is the piece you are beginning to experience at this time. For even though you are quite comfortable feeling uncomfortable, you are noting little by little that your life is much better than you previously thought.

Some of you have not shifted a great deal, so your belief continues that you lack major pieces in your life. Others of you are beginning to sense – not necessarily how different your life is – but how different your perceptions are. That you awake with a smile and go to bed with a similar thought process.

Even so, you wonder how long you can maintain such a delightful life perception – certain that something terrible will probably happen even though nothing does. A bit like floating down the river on a beautiful boat, waiting for the log that will destroy your boat, even though there are no trees in sight.

Perhaps you think that you have not created any dreams – yet you feel happy. If you remember, feelings of contentment and joy were part of your greatest dreams. So it is you are beginning to shift your perspective to your new reality hoping against what you feel is hope, that this new perspective will last. In a sense, fully expecting the log that never comes.

Do you not understand that you no longer have to fear that log? That such a fear is merely your 3D version of a boogeyman under your bed. There is no longer a boogeyman – but then, there never was.

You are maturing in the sense that you realize your bed, home, life, and being are safe. Just as has always been true – even though for eons you have placed barriers in front of your ability to know that.

So it is you are maturing both in your manifestation skills and your 5D and beyond knowingness. For even though you placed the knowingness that you were comfortable and safe out of your mind for lifetime after lifetime, you are slowly beginning to realize that your fears were that of a child fearing a boogeyman under your bed.

Many of you are upset for you believe we have told you an untruth – your life is not yet that comfortable, you are angry, sad, or fearful. Such is so because you wish it to be. For you are at a different place in a different time.

You are no longer a child of 3D but instead a maturing young adult of 5D and beyond. It is time for you to put your childish fears behind you knowing full well that you create your life and your joy.

And an important part of that joy is for you to realize without question that you have created your fears for reasons that have nothing to do with your current or future lives.

Allow that thought to resonate within you, and you will know without question that only you can imagine the boogeyman and only you can remove that boogeyman from your dreams and your life.

Such a statement is not to chide you for past or present beliefs, but instead to point out that you can be joyful and expect the best from yourself and your current earth life.

There is no need to expect the worst for you have already lived many lives through the worst – and succeeded delightfully so with fear. Now it is time to do the same with joy. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

July 2, 2017 at 10:41 pm 23 comments

Creating a New Global Society

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 11, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at    Even though the US election disturbed many, it will result in a social healing much as you completed personally in preparation for your entrance to 5D. You may be feeling fearful because of the election, but you’ll soon distance yourself from those fears for you’re no longer of 3D and the society shadow healing that is occurring. Your role is to hold your light of joy and love high so those who wish to be of 5D can easily find their way.  

“Have You Discovered Your Happy Pill?” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You learned that 3D structures will fall only to be rebuilt in love and so it is you are now noting the crumbling. Let us address how structures may be rebuilt in love.

Perhaps you feel as if you are in quicksand for you want the structures you are comfortable with to stabilize instead of creating new ones.

Creating something new seems overwhelming for you believe those who created the structures now falling or failing – depending on your perspective – were geniuses or touched by the stars.

You fail to remember that past civilizations contained bits and pieces you might wish to incorporate into your current life.

Honoring nature and living as equal humans seem impossible to implement now. Such concepts were only possible when communities and nations were much smaller. Or, those who created such nations are no longer alive, and there is no one to pick up that love banner.

Beliefs you will soon discard for you will feel the need for a world based on love instead of competition, rancor, and fear.

Such does not mean you will become a statesperson, but instead that a new model is rising within each of you as you continue your personal search for love. And as each new philosophy arises, you of 5D will think en masse, “No.” Then, “No, not quite right.” And finally, “YES,” just as was true for the United States forefathers.

For the divisions now occurring throughout the globe, whether political or personal, are about feeling less than others. The new global model – and it will be a global model – is about equalizing all. Not just a few. Nor discounting large numbers of humans, animals and nature overall as is true for your current societies.

Some beg to differ – that the approach of your political candidate or you is all-encompassing. If such were true, the discomfort you now feel about others would not be possible.

You accept all if they fit within your acceptance model. Would you have invited Adolf Hitler to dinner following World War II? Or do you invite the dirty street beggar who smells of alcohol to dinner with your children?”

Even though you might not acknowledge to yourself that such is true, you have biases.

Such biases are shifting within you now. Not that you have to invite certain people to your house, but that you are comfortable with all being part of the world. For some of you would invite a street beggar to dinner but not the president of a GMO. And so it is that global events are pointing out how limited your acceptance of others and nature is.

Many in the United States believe the creators of the United States Constitution and related documents were geniuses. Yet, nearly 300 years following the creation of those documents, the US continues to be racially, sexually, religiously and financially divided. The founders may have written an outline of what was possible, but they did not believe in true equality any more than you do. In a sense, the Constitution and all written pieces surrounding it were a promise that is yet to be fulfilled.

You have lied to yourselves that you are an accepting nation. And so it has happened throughout the globe. Of course, there have always been some humans who accepted other cultures but they most often did so to nature’s disadvantage. And so it continued with each succeeding generation believing they were the “good” people and all who did not fit within their beliefs – including nature – were to be conquered and controlled.

You, of the United States, are focussed on global industry to produce financial rewards. So it is you elected the person who emulates that particular piece in your minds. And so it is those who believe they think differently are upset. Donald Trump merely represents your society’s focus for the past few generations.

It is time for you to focus on your beliefs about governance. Does that mean you wish to be of the elite? Or inclusive? Or that some should be included and others excluded?

Such is what you are grappling with internally. For hidden agendas are being exposed. And you have been as much a part of those hidden agendas as is every one of your culture, your society.

Political movements are not possible without followers. Even though you declare you are not part of a particular following, such is not possible. For the human you has subconsciously added to the mystery of governance for eons. You are you now – but you have not always been the same being. Adolf Hitler was not possible without society as a whole creating him.

This thought, horrible as it is to many of you, is what you are wrestling with within you now. For indeed, society for eons before Adolf Hitler came to power believed the Jewish race inferior – based on the hanging of Jesus Christ. So the scapegoating continues. Muslims, homosexuals, women, nature and on and on all to be controlled by a superior.

Scapegoating shifts with the times meaning scapegoating is a reality within human society, not a Universal reality.

Political happenings throughout the world are a mirror to you of what you as a society have created. Do you wish to continue the current model or create a new one?

If you wish to create a new model, you must first search within you to discover how you continue to support the current industrial/military model. How do you wish it to be different? Do you wish it to be different?

If you do not wish the model to be different, it is time for you to embrace what you have created over the eons. If you wish it to be different, you have as much input as anyone how the current model needs to shift.

Even though you are unique, you are part of the society in which you live. Take control of that power. Knowing that no one can lead you better than you can lead yourself. Stop giving your power away by telling yourself that you must accept things as they are. For by doing so, you neglect your being and your society.

What are you going to do with your power?

Many of you think you have little voice in governmental or even personal structures. You go to work every day for an employer you have little confidence in to earn a few dollars to pay the rent for a home you only mildly enjoy. Giving your power away minute by minute, day by day.

If you are a powerful creator, and you are, why do you feel you have less power than a president, chancellor, neighbor, terrorist, or cleric? They are all humans like yourself.

What kind of world do you wish to live in? That is now your focus, for once you love yourself, that love shines throughout the globe. Your light is going to change the world.

And you are going to change the world in ways that feel right within your new 5D heart.

Do not be frightened of that power, for you will likely shift your beliefs as you move further into 5D. But you must start somewhere creating the world in which you wish to live.

It is time for you to start imagining that world. It does not have to be consistent with anyone – it is your world. So it is that you are becoming the lights of the world – one beacon after another. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

November 14, 2016 at 7:14 am 50 comments

Believe in Yourself

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 28, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’ve transitioned from needing someone telling you why you shouldn’t do something – such as your mother cautioning you to not touch a hot stove – to knowing why you don’t want or need to. You’ll be clearing many pieces the next few days from a more all-encompassing perspective – combining your new Universal being with your earth being to create a larger view of you and your world.

“Finding New You!” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Are you discovering the joy and fun of expressing yourself in ways you could not imagine just weeks ago? Are you discovering new joys or readdressing former ones? It does not matter for much of your day is now focussed on joy even if you have not yet recognized that such is so.

Let us explain. Perhaps you worry about something even though the worst has not happened. Or you are focussing on how terrible your life is at this moment because you refuse to see or sense the fun of it all.

Of course, our words are producing anger, even rage within you for you do not sense any fun in your life.

So it is that it is time for you to fully claim your life.

Until now, most of you have allowed fears created by others to produce fear within you. Perhaps you beg to differ for you need to pay your rent or have family, work issues raging throughout your being whenever you try to relax.

What you have not yet addressed within your being is that you are a creator. That you arrived on earth in this lifetime – and every earth lifetime – with the skills to create a life of angst or joy. And that you purposively created the life you lived whether of angst or joy for specific reasons that no longer apply.

You continue to address your current life with the burdens of past lives, of family, community or country memories appropriate for your 3D lives, but no longer applicable or appropriate.

Even though you can cry to the Universes all you wish for a more abundant life in any manner that is your dream, those cries are falling on deaf ears because ‘they’ are not creating your life, you are.

You learned some time ago that you are your guru, that you create your life – and so you do, and so you have. Now it is time to take that thought one step further and acknowledge to yourself that such is so. That you no longer need apply 3D karmic lessons. That you no longer need to have someone telling you what to do and when to do it. That you are the creator of this life of joy – and it is time for you to start creating it.

Who do you wish to be? A 3D functioning entity who relies on others telling you who you should be – whether of this life or past earth lives. Or a new being with a focus that does not include past memories of pain, angst, and anger.

You are a clean slate. There is nothing from your past that needs disturb your current life or your future – unless you wish that it be so.

You are a strong human/spiritual creator who created a wonderful world of fear that no longer applies to you. Will you accept that reality or do you wish to remain in the 3D muck you have survived (and survival is the correct word) for earth eons?

You did not enter earth in this lifetime to repeat what you already experienced. Your goal that you worked so diligently to achieve – a life of joy – has been created by you and for you. Now accept that reality for yourself.

You are fully ready to accept that it is possible to live in a world without war, given the right circumstances. That bullying might be a fear of the past, given the right circumstances. That no one is worth less or more than anyone, given the right circumstances. That earth is beautiful, given the right circumstances. Those circumstances are here NOW. Not tomorrow. Not next year, but now.

Your role in all of this is to accept joy, just as you once accepted fear – completely. You are the forerunners. You are the beacons of light. And if you cannot sense or note the beauty and joy in your life, how can anyone open to 5D do so?

For some of you, that request, that command, is beyond your belief patterns and expectations.

Stop it. Stop right now, right here and acknowledge your true worth and your true being. If you fully accept new you, there is nothing stopping you from creating the life of your dreams while of earth.

You do not need any rituals, any more clearing, anything other than truly accepting your new being knowing with every fiber of your being that you no longer need to address fear, that you need to live in joy. And that time is now. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 31, 2016 at 11:01 am 37 comments

You’re Your Own Report

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 22, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  In 3D, you followed societal rules including clothing, speech, and housing. In 5D, you’re following your unique inner needs/interests. And your brilliance will entice others to follow your 5D lead/beacon whether you live in a tin hut or mansion. 

“You’re Angry – How Wonderful!” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you have read much about gratitude – as well you should, there is another element to creating your new being that has been dismissed or ignored.

You are grateful for being. But just as is true following an illness and subsequent return to health, you do not constantly think about your illness or health. Instead, you move on with your life – acknowledging to yourself that you are better, but no longer focussing on the illness.

This is perhaps a convoluted concept for many who have repeatedly learned that being grateful is your gateway to a new life. Gratitude is a part of, but most definitely not your entire gateway to new you.

Perhaps you have gratitude for this flower, that piece of clothing or whatever you find delicious in your life – as well you should. But then, move on.

Some of you stop at gratitude instead of living beyond gratitude. If you receive a delightful gift from your friend, do you spend the remainder of your life thanking that friend for that gift? Or do you thank your friend profusely and then move on to various stages of interaction with that friend?

So it is with Universal gratitude. It is a stage or point in your development; it is not your development. For there are other pieces to address and expand beyond gratitude.

Again, this is a difficult concept for many have tied gratitude to your 3D God. The God, who requires you to supplicate before him, – and it is most often a HIM. Gratitude has been an important piece because it felt right within your concept of who or what God was.

If you shift your beliefs from God is your master, parent, savior – to IT (God) is part of you, and you are part of IT, your approach to gratitude will shift also.

For you are your god, you are your savior; you are the parent of your life.

Being in gratitude is a lovely interchange, but not your life and not your action expectation forevermore.

That is not to say you should not be in gratitude for any piece of your life that seems beautiful or miraculous, merely that gratitude will not move you forward in your new being other than it is a lovely feeling.

If your friend gives you a delightful gift, you (at least in 5D) do not expect to enhance that friendship by ongoing gratitude to that friend. You merely smile within your being and know that you have a special friend. The friendship does not start or stop with that gift; it continues in the manner that is most appropriate for you. So it is now.

Thank the Universes for anything that enhances your life, but do not expect that such a thank you will enhance your relationship with the Universes. For all are equal whether or not gratitude is expressed.

That last thought is likely contrary to your beliefs. For you are used to ongoing supplication to those who supposedly control your life. Your belief is that if you are good, your life will be enhanced. And if you are bad, someone will punish you eventually. A belief that indicates that the Universes, the Godhead is a parent instead of a part of or equal to you.

Even though your beliefs are shifting rapidly, this piece of holding the Universes or Godhead in leadership, parental role is one that seems stuck within your being. It is as if you are accepting that you are a god/goddess who reports to the Godhead, instead of you are a god/goddess with no one to report to other than yourself.

Gratitude is fully appropriate and loving – as long as it is within the context of new you rather than reporting and endearing yourself to someone or something larger than you.

The difference is that in 5D is that you are grateful for the skills that enable you to be more fully new you. In 3D, you were grateful for anything, any crumb; the parental/guardian God was willing to give you. In that 3D belief system, God was willing to give you something because you were good in whatever way you decided was good. Resulting in teams, religions, countries, and individuals knowing they were God’s chosen – often at the same time with opposing philosophies. A goodness decided by someone outside yourself. And a goodness that could be taken away by someone outside yourself.

How can you be a creator and yet beholden to someone outside yourself? Would that not mean you are a false god/goddess?

Do you believe your skin cells are more important than your hair cells? Perhaps you do until you start losing your hair and then your hair becomes your focus. So it is now. You are not more or less important than any being. You are a god/goddess of the highest degree. You have no other gods before you.

You have flown out of the nest. You are a unique god/goddess who has many exciting roads to explore. Roads that will be greatly diminished if you continue to believe you must run your activities by more important beings than you.

Allow yourself to know without question you are the leader of you and no one else. Which in itself is a wondrous concept given that for eons someone or something has been a report requirement from your parents to society to friends to God. No more. You report to you and you alone. The remainder will fall into place accordingly.

Perhaps you are afraid you will go astray with the ability, the knowledge that no one is to be reported to other than yourself. Such is yet another 3D belief that has no credence now that you are of 5D.

You are a totality within yourself with a very special vocation that only you can fulfill. That fulfillment is reduced if you continue to believe that someone needs to tell you how to act or function. You are your guru, god and being.

Some of you find such thoughts blasphemy. Allow that to be knowing that at some point you will understand that you are your god, that you report to you, and that you have diligently practiced and yes, suffered for this time, for the puzzle piece you alone can bring to this transition.

You do not have the time nor the energy to float your ideas, innovations, and creations by some male figure you have created within your belief systems for eons. You are God, and God is you. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:





July 25, 2016 at 10:15 am 31 comments

Are You a Secret Dictator?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 27, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Many are beginning to sense what others are feeling even if their words don’t match those feelings. Just as many secrets are being exposed within the political, industrial and societal segments of your 3D world, so too are you becoming more open. Such is safe for you’ve cleared so many pieces hidden deep within that your greatest secrets no longer have much meaning for you. So it is you’re learning to listen without words. 

“NO” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you envision a world of joy and peace, daily you are reminded of the angst felt and displayed by so many. Where is the joy? Where is the peace?

So it is, you are upset enough with the public displays of rage that you shift pieces of your life and being. Of course, you wish the same for all those in your world. But that is not how this shift is happening. For indeed, if a god-like figure appeared now in the sky throughout the globe, arguments would start as to who the god represents and the meaning of that god.

The world, as a whole, is not yet ready for a cohesive movement to peace and joy.

Such a statement makes you angry for you are tired of thinking that all is well when it does not seem at all well. Your neighbors and friends have different concepts of what joy means to them. Your teachers and employers press you into service in ways that do not feel right for you now even if similar actions felt right just days or months ago.

You are changing – your thoughts, philosophies, actions, and beliefs. And you want everyone to do the same. For indeed, you are right, and they are wrong. Which is little different from what has been declared for earth eons.

You are right within you. But that rightness does not expand beyond you.

Such is the difficult point for you at this moment. Who would not want to live in peace and joy? Even though the vast majority of humans do, their beliefs how to arrive at that peace and joy do not necessarily coincide with yours.

Feeling that someone is wrong, in whatever form, indicates you maintain some of the 3D belief patterns held by all for eons.

Now you are thinking we do not have the right to tell you how to feel or act. That you are right and so many others are wrong. That their direction is about fear and yours is joy and freedom.

No one is trying to create a terrible life for themselves. All are doing the best they can with the resources they have. So it is that even though you are approaching this all-encompassing transition with love in your heart, your speech, feelings and actions are dictatorial.

If that last statement made you angry or the least bit uncomfortable, you are indeed claiming the freedom of others to be your holy right.

Now you are clamoring that if all progress at their rate, this transition will not happen in your lifetime. Meaning all you have achieved to date is for naught – that you will not live to see this transition through.

But then, taking away the freedom of others to explore their interests, their needs is no different from what has happened for 3D earth eons. It is duality hidden with the ‘rightness’ of your thoughts – more importantly, your need to sense that all are part of this transition as quickly as possible.

You want a fast-food result for a long-term process.

We are not telling you that you will not be part of this New Earth in this lifetime. Merely that your rapid movement does not equate to the movement of others just awakening or those not wishing to awaken at this time.

Just as you cannot tell someone who to marry or how to vote, you cannot tell others how they must behave or function just because you feel you know better or are wiser.

Perhaps you are wiser. But you are at a different place than they are so they can no more see your directive than you can understand why they cannot see it or wish to experience it.

Even though this transition is happening much more rapidly than you or we anticipated, it is still draped in the freedom to be. Just because you wish to have a fast-food transition experience does not mean others wish the same.

You role, and only role, at this moment, is to love yourself enough to create your unique path. All other actions will fall into place accordingly – without pushing or stressing.

You hear the fear and anger displayed by your media and friends. And are concerned that unless you push your candidate or philosophy all will be lost in the angst or temper tantrums of others.

Do not be concerned about others. You are not a savior in any sense of the word. You are a beacon, a leader and a scout master for those who wish to follow. But it is not your role to push others into place. Nor is it your role to force others to think, believe or function as you do.

You believe that if you give someone you care about the right push, they will light up with the sudden knowingness of the rightness of this transition – or more to the point – the rightness of your approach to this transition.

You are you. They are themselves. The only bisector of those two entities, if you will, is your beacon of light. Nothing more. Or nothing less than just be you and allow the same for others. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


May 30, 2016 at 11:05 am 26 comments

The Sky is NOT the Limit

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 20, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  March has been difficult for those of you who’ve been clearing debris from your personal path. Today’s (March 20) energy bursts helped clear most, if not all, of the garbage accepted by you for eons via 3D earth. Some will ask for extra credit by continuing their clearing the next few days. Others will not. Whatever your decision, you’ve moved “ahead” an almost impossible amount – internally and externally.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “You’ve Jumped in a Rabbit Hole”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Some of you felt the energies of the past few days deeply and directly. Others noted the angst of many, but felt little. All shifted according to their needs.

Those of you in great pain are upset because you thought you would not experience much pain once you climbed your mountain of general cleansing. Your clearing/cleansing is now of your individual paths. Some of those paths have many brambles and others are relatively clear. It is not your role or our role to specify why each entity was or was not in pain. And those who suffer(ed) are not more spiritual, merely on a different path.

You have reached a place in your transition in which you are the only one who can provide explanations and directions for you. Such a thought is difficult for many. It is like removing training wheels from your bicycle. Most of you who learned to ride a bicycle that way were certain you would fall and hurt yourself once your training wheels were removed. Only to discover that your new bicycle skills provided you with more speed and adventure than before. And so it is for your latest foray into your new world.

Expediting your personal role – as happened the past few days – intensified any brambles or pieces on your path that you could not jump over, tunnel under or run around. Those brambles are your messages to yourself that this bramble, this piece is something you need to address before you move forward.

Even though the 3D earth you most often had several lives to fully experience one issue, such is not true in this lifetime.

You agreed to build New Earth bridge – so you did. Now you are demanding that you be allowed to experience the fruits of that labor – so you are.

By moving far beyond what was expected of you by you and the Universes before entering earth in this lifetime, you have greatly expedited your clearing processes. Even though your mountain climb was sufficient to begin movement on New Earth bridge – to accept the new reality of joy and love for others and yourself, you requested a rapid roll down your green hills to ensure you would fully experience New Earth in this lifetime.

The rocks and brambles you recently noted on your path are not the result of some god or universe punishing you. It is that you are expediting your New Earth journey and process so you requested more energy for that cleansing.

Not only do you wish to cross New Earth bridge, you are planning to live in it before exiting earth in this lifetime.

For most, that last statement means that all you desire will change within a few years for you believe that this life is limited to 75 to 100 years. So you must race through all you wish to do – that your time on earth in this life has boundaries.

Allow those beliefs to float in your mind for a bit. Then realize, perhaps with great joy, that as you shift your DNA, cells, vibrations and frequencies – as you did the past few days and will continue for perhaps as long as you are of this life – there are no guidelines for what is happening.

Please note in the very depth of your being that you have moved beyond, far beyond expectations. For just when the Universes believe you have decided to rest a bit, to move at the pace predicted prior to your entrance to earth in this life, you greatly increase yours skills and speed.

We cannot provide a definite vision of where or when you will stop this unrelenting growth to 5D and beyond. Indeed, you were programmed, if you will, to halt most of your efforts once you reached 4D. Such is already in your past. You and earth are rapidly transitioning to 5D and beyond.

Where will you stop? When will you stop? No one, most likely even you, knows that answer.

You are not lemmings – following one another to an edge of a cliff to your demise as portrayed in one of your famous television commercials. You are eagles flying high above earth determining when and how you wish to land. Daring anyone to stop or control you – for you are no longer controllable.

You have likely visited hidden pain the past few days. Such is not a curse or indicator that you are a bad person. Instead, you gathered your courage and decided to fly out of the nest to your new life, new being – whether 5D, 6D or beyond.

You have no limits. And you are the one who decided such is so. For the limits you established for yourself before entering earth in this lifetime have long been forgotten. You are on your path – and you are courageous enough to crush any barriers on that path. Even though such might have been physically, emotionally or spiritually difficult, you did so or have done so the past few days – and will likely continue to do so.

Instead of being frightened, believing you are somehow cursed or thinking the gods have forsaken you, glory in the vision of you as an eagle flying majestically through the skies with your current goal in mind and future objectives fully part of your being – but only YOUR being.

You no longer are of earth as is true of a worm, you are flying high seeing earth with new eyes and skills.

Only to shift in a chameleon like fashion to a new you when your eagle being is no longer enough – just as you did the past few days. You are not a worm or a moth, you are an eagle contemplating your next frequency and/or dimensional experience. When and if you decide to explore new patterns is entirely up to you.

All that was required of you prior to entrance to earth in this life was introducing New Earth. You achieved that goal years ago. So it is that even the sky is no longer your limit. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 23, 2015 at 9:43 am 43 comments

Why Ascension Beliefs Differ

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 31, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’re rapidly shifting from painting fear in brilliant colors to doing the same with joy and love. You’re also discovering that you care very little about what others think of you. The importance of your earth life will fade as you move to love/joy. Some will find this transition a bit bumpy as you discard pieces of your 3D life, but most will sail through this piece.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “You’re Too Large for a 3D World”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Some of you believe ascension means the movement to another dimension, planet or location. Others of you firmly believe that ascension is merely a perspective or emotional approach. Both are correct assumptions.

Perhaps you believe there is one right answer to the ascension question – meaning there is also a wrong answer. If you are on a unique path would not that indicate several variations of the word ascension? And so there are.

Perhaps such a thought is frightening. How do you know you define ascension correctly? Should not some one somewhere defines it for you? Now we have returned to your 3D beliefs.

Ascension is a very personal experience not limited to one phrase or definition. You create your life – including your ascension piece.

Have not many of you accessed materials about 3D earth death? Some talk of bright lights. Others discuss how you become as angels once you leave earth. Others that family members who have transitioned before you will lovingly greet you at the pearly gates. Those definitions are all correct, just as is true for your ascension descriptors. You create your experiences and always have – in all dimensions and all locations.

Is it not interesting that you have no difficulty understanding you create your earth reality, but cannot envision that those creation abilities apply to all of you in all locations? Those who expect a specific environment during and after their earth transition will find it. Just as they found pain and joy in 3D. You are the creator of you on all levels and in all locations.

Did you expect that some sort of council would examine and create your new life after what you term earth death? That someone somewhere would inform you whether you had been a good or bad person on earth? That such judgments would determine how your being experienced your next environment, life or whatever term you wish to use?

Where is the godhead or council that will nudge/direct you to your next big adventure after your earth death transition? How can you be wise enough to do so yourself?

Once again, you return to your self-doubts and lack of self-worth. The truth is you create your reality at all times and on all levels of being – and always have. It is just that most of you have lived for so many eons on earth, you no longer believe in your abilities.

It is time to return to knowledge you have always had – you create your reality.

How is it possible for you to create your earth life and then lose that ability until you return to earth? As if only those of earth are wise enough to create their reality.

Did you believe that someone somewhere would be your guru once you exited earth? Such is a fairy tale.

You do not reduce your wisdom once you exit earth. Nor do you increase your wisdom for a short time – in whatever way you calculate time – only to revert to following the directives of someone wiser than you. Such is merely your logic given how long you believed following others was the only method of existing on the earth plane.

God, the Source, the Universes or whatever phrase you use is probably much different from what you now envision.

If you think of all there is as one entity, and that you are part of that entity with a different role than all other entities, you would have a more concrete concept of all there is.

For many retain the belief that the godhead, the Universes are wiser or somehow better than you. Perhaps such is true in their particular area of expertise, but not in totality. For you are creating your life to be part of all that there is, but a unique part. There is not one entity anywhere within all there is that knows as much about you as you. No one can give you directives within all there is, any more than someone now of earth can direct your life. You are your creator. And you create your being according to your interests and needs.

Just as a hair follicle is not that interested in learning how a tooth cell functions. Both hair and teeth cells work together to create the being that is you – but have different roles and functions. So it is that you are your own guru. Now and forever and always have been.

You are attracted to those places and entities that help you develop as you wish to develop.

While it is true you might bring in advisers – much as you might hire someone to help you tone your physical body – you are responsible for your body, not the trainer you hire to best to meet your physical body needs. And so it is that you are responsible for you – now and forever.

Perhaps you believe you do not yet know all you wish to know about you – so how can you be responsible for you?

You are an ongoing, dynamic self-contained creation and creator. So it is that you are all that you are now and forever. And you are creating the ascension experience you wish to create – and always have and always will. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


November 3, 2014 at 10:26 am 27 comments

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