Posts tagged ‘cowering’

Accept Your Genie

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 17, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  In 3D, you built your beliefs on past karma and shoulds. Just as you outgrew your need to believe in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, you’ve no need to believe in 3D truths. You’re creating a personal world of joy despite old 3D fears that a happy life isn’t possible. The next few days, perhaps months will display fear beliefs that no longer apply.

Your Co-creators Have Arrived is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps the past few days, you noted what you once considered miracles, perhaps not. Such does not matter for miracles are in the air.

No longer do you need to chant, hope, and wish. For your life is rapidly evolving to more like a genie in a bottle than the hopes and desperation of 3D. Maybe this thought is disconcerting because you have not yet tapped into your personal inner genie, or you do not believe such is possible.

So it is you fear what might or might not happen. Perhaps you believe you are not of this transition. Or, if you are, you are the one who cannot do what others do. Such is merely a continuation of 3D beliefs that you are not good enough or wise enough to be at the forefront of anything. Your memories return to the 3D times you were considered odd or to the times you and others believed you could never succeed in 3D. A self-sacrificing belief you picked up from your family, community, or other 3D places.

Perhaps you continue to cower in the corner waiting for someone to tell you that you can. We are and have been doing so for years now. So it is you must address your 3D block. No one can do it for you.

You are wise beyond all 3D knowledge. You are more powerful than any 3D being. But if you wish to continue cowering in the corner, that is your right. You can no longer be in two worlds, so you must choose to be in that corner with no power, no skills, and a limited personality as you likely have done for eons. Or you can accept your power and declare to the world that who you were in 3D, is no longer.

This is not rocket science. It is merely you discovering how talented you are in the Universes and, more importantly, now, of the earth.

You are no longer a student, a ‘patsy,’ a cowering human. You are a glorious god/goddess of the Universes.

So stop your whining. Stop waiting for someone to give you the right to be that god/goddess. Stop pretending you are less than you are to fit within a 3D earth group. It is time for you to be.

We have urged something similar in the past. The difference is, in the past, you would have been declared different. Such is not true now. Others will merely wonder why you do not have the courage to be.

Some of you might whine – and whine is the correct term – that you have too much to lose, that others will not like you, that you might do something in your new being that will destroy your career, relationship, or whatever else you wish to hold onto despite your discomfort.

Enough. You no longer need to cower whenever someone wealthier or seemingly stronger addresses you in a subservient manner. That is not to say you must respond, but instead that such pettiness is no longer that important. For it is similar to you worrying about spending a dollar when you have ten billion dollars. Silly. And so is your need to pretend that you are not as powerful and creative as you are.

The energies now pummeling the earth are building your confidence, skills, and self-love. Such energies are not accidental. For it is time to become your true being. Of course, not everyone will accept or understand you. Would 3D you not have felt the same discovering your maid was a powerful Universal entity?

Such is who you are now. You are not the cowering 3D human you have come to accept and expect. Nor are you a narcissistic coward who must prove they are better than others. You are merely you with new thoughts and actions. Both of which no longer need to be hidden or forced.

Accept yourself for who you are. And expect that those you wish to interact with will also. Throw away the 3D disguises that have served you well for eons. Accept that you are no longer that person and will never be again. And then accept that you are indeed your own genie in a bottle capable of creating first a  joyful personal life and then, a world of joy. Such is what you have been pining for eons. That time is now. Throw away your disguises. Allow who you are to come out in full force. It is beyond time for you to do so.

Many of you believed if you allowed your true power to be displayed while of the earth, you would not fit in, that you would be isolated, mistreated, and alone. Such was true before. Even though you now have full Universal capabilities while of the earth, many of you pretend that you do not.

You must shift your thoughts from hiding yourself to expansion. To fully display your skills – both old and new. For you are not growing a tail or turning blue, you are remaining in your 3D body with a new life approach while of earth. Allow that thought to ramble throughout your being. And then encourage your cells and belief systems to adapt to new you. It is as if some of you are living in the 1800s, refusing to acknowledge any invention created after1900. You could do so, of course, but why would you want to?

It is time for you to fully accept yourself while of the earth, including creating the life of joy you have experienced in many other locations. You are no longer of 3D, and there is no need for you to pretend that you are. Enjoy your new world, your new life, as you meant to before entering earth in this lifetime. “Why deny yourself?” is your new mantra and life.

Some of you will comment that not everyone can be this or that. Of course not. But then, such is a 3D concept that has nothing to do with your unique skills and interests. You are not like anyone. And thinking you might be indicates you are holding onto 3D fears and beliefs that have nothing to do with your new being.

Dare to be you by following your joy and all will fall into place perfectly and easily. Try to retain your 3D fears, and your road will be bumpy and limited to your 3D capabilities. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

January 20, 2020 at 11:03 am 22 comments

Surface Wounds Clear Easily

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 18, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   The past few days were likely emotional roller coasters. Even though some of you remain enmeshed in the resulting fear and pain, many have distanced yourselves because you no longer wish to feel the depth of those emotions. You’re free to discover your path – whether creating new communities or laying in a hammock. You’ll know by your interest level – not shoulds or have tos. 

“Creating a New Global Society” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many continue to reel emotionally following the chaos of the past few days. Do not worry for such is no longer your natural state. It might take a few days to balance yourself, but you will. For you are no longer of 3D and your step back is merely a step back not a leap. You are healing parts of yourself you did not know were wounded.

This healing phase is quite different from the clearing phase you experienced for months, years or even decades. Of course, you beg to differ for you feel uncomfortable despite the ongoing promises and prophecies of joy.

Think of this phase as a slight skin wound that never quite healed until you discovered a healing salve.

For eons, you and all members of 3D society covered up, hid and feared to address those insults, anger, slights and fears that stopped you from being yourself. Perhaps it was no more than a neighbor ignoring you, or as fearful as you wondering if you and your family would survive an earth or human holocaust.

Even though you did survive, the ongoing wound of “When will it be my turn?” lingered throughout your being. Those hidden fears you treated with band-aids are now exposed for your final healing.

Your skin wounds are surface level only. Perhaps that does not seem like much of a distinction now, but it will. As you apply your loving salve, you will be on your way.

Those who have not cleared their internal beings are in the dark night of their soul. A phase you successfully completed.

An ingrown toenail is unpleasant and most often, painful. And before that toenail is healed, it is your focus. But once you apply the correct medication, you forget the incident.

The internal fears you collected before you expunged them in this lifetime lasted for eons and affected you externally and internally. You are quite able to attend a loving party with an ingrown toenail, but unlikely to do so if you mistrust the love of those at that party.

That is the difference between a surface wound you will soon clear and a deeply held wound that impacts your being for eons.

Perhaps you cannot yet distinguish between the two for you are suffering.

Your current suffering is at a surface level and will not be something you need to address for weeks or months as was true for your eons of internally held fears.

Maybe you are fearful that the earth is slipping backward regarding diversity and ecology. Such is not true. For if you are reading this material, you have clarified within yourself what is acceptable to you. You have focussed and cleared your fears to the point where you can express your fears knowing deep within you that all is well despite messages to the contrary.

For what is happening now is not compliance, but instead, “This is not acceptable in my world.” So it is you, en masse, are focussing on what you want, instead of what you believe is.

Your current fears and anger are that all will continue as it has regarding your leaders and the earth as a whole – instead of understanding that such fear is no longer valid.

It is time for you to adjust to a new world where your past fears are no longer your reality. That is not to say that you will float above it all, as much as it is that you will discover within yourself your new being of love that will crush (Yes, crush is the correct word.) the fear that is now expressed.

You no longer need to cower in the corner telling others that he or she did this or that to me. You are different beings than you were mere months ago. And so it is even though you will sense and feel the hate, you know deep within you that is not your world for you are creating a new world.

Before this transition, the current anger and hate would have survived for decades, even eons for that is WAS your world. It is no longer. So it is that you can shine a light in those dark spaces instead of cowering in the corner.

This is a new world with new light. A light that will shine on all. And all you have to do to be part of this new revolution is to know deep within you that no one and nothing is more powerful than you.

Perhaps you feel isolated. As if you are the only one shining your light. Or as if you have no like-minded friends. Or as if you are in a country or location so filled with hate that your puny light will not make a difference. Or that you do not wish to be part of a social/cultural revolution. Or that you are tired and cannot fight any longer.

Fighting is not your role, love is. Shining your light so those out in the cold, as it were, know something else is available. Your light will touch your so-called ‘leaders’ (for you no longer need leaders) as much as the common person. Your light of love will radiate throughout the globe even helping earth move through its pain and anger.

This is a win-win time, instead of the lose-lose times you have experienced for eons. The eons of fear that placed you on an ongoing wheel of hate, fear, retaliation and then more hate.

This is a time of love despite your fears, healing those who wish to heal and allowing those who do not to continue to experience their karmic wheel of hate and anger.

We told you that your karmic slate is clean. And so it is despite your ongoing fears to the contrary. With that clean slate – once you acknowledge and heal your current surface fears – you will once again feel the freshness and joy you have already tapped into for brief periods.

This time in your society is to allow those who have not yet started their transition journey to do so if they wish. For the factors, you en masse created to ‘be in your face hatred,’ as it were, gives all a chance to determine if they will continue their life of fear and hate or emulate the love and joy that will soon return to you for much longer periods than has been true in the past.

You will discover, that the rage and fears of others does not impact you as it once did. That, in fact, it feels a bit silly. For you know who you are without anyone needing to tell you who you should be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

November 21, 2016 at 11:33 am 48 comments



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