Posts tagged ‘dimensions’

Who Should be “Saved” on 12/12/12 or 12/21/12?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 9, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Before entering earth, you determined the New Age role you wished to play. Whether a media star or a loving neighbor, you will move into that niche with ease. Ignoring that role or trying to jump into another role will prove difficult and lacking in joy.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”You’re Becoming 3D Ghosts”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show contains different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

What do you believe is going to happen on 12/12/12 or 12/21/12?

Your beliefs create your reality.

Those who die or transition from earth create the environment they believe is true before their earth transition. Some believe they belong in a hell-like setting – so they create that. Others that they will be floating on clouds playing harps (But never snare drums or acoustical guitars!). So it will be.

But this state between earth and reality does not last long for most. The newly transitioned soon realize the joy of exploring new areas.

The same is true of what you believe is going to happen on 12/12/12/ or 12/21/12. Perhaps you believe you will ascend to a different plane. Or that those who remain in the third dimension will disappear from earth.

Such beliefs are as limiting as the beliefs of those who expect a boring eternity playing harps.

Maybe you fear you will create your earth transition or death with your current ascension beliefs. Such is not the case. Your higher self will not allow you to transition because of your 3D beliefs. Anymore than the Universes allow you to spend much time floating in the clouds before tapping you for your next exciting adventure.

Or perhaps you disappointed that a parallel earth will not be created, that you will not ascend or that rockets and fireworks will not occur. For many, 12/12/12 and 12/21/12 will not be much different from any other day.

Of course, those of you interested in opening your being to other dimensions, might have indicators that such is happening. Perhaps a buzzing in your head, a headache or similar non-emergency sensations that indicate something is shifting.

Can you imagine the global emotional pain of cutting the earth in two in terms of those who now wish to be part of different dimensions and those who do not? Who determines which entities have enough interest to exist on a different earth? Should such happen the first day of questioning a 3D life? Or the first day one believes in life after death? Or once the entity begins dimension skipping?

Do you see the difficulty in determining who should be “saved” or placed on a new earth and when? Do you understand how such a division would actually delay the development of all that you hope for and believe in? Those with a more scientific bent might be less likely to jump on the New Age/new earth band wagon leaving gaps in your global shift process. Or if only those of like thought were included, no one would question the validity of the experience – or more to the point, add spark to the development process.

Many are somewhat sanctimonious about what is going to happen to believers.

But then, there are divisions even within the so-called believers. Some believe the only path to a new dimension is meditation or a specific diet. Others believe that neither is important. Yet both groups are certain they are the ones who will be saved. Are such thoughts not similar to a 3D religious revival?

The new earth/New Age is freedom. The freedom to progress at a pace and into the life that feels most correct for you. But then, neither is probable for most on earth at this time for you are still forming and shifting your new beings. Granted, you Lightworkers might be a bit advanced in those areas, but what good would your processing and clearing be if you left those not at your stage of development behind?

All are equal.

You advanced Lightworkers merely accepted a different role than those not yet starting to awake. This transition is for all, not just a for the few who believe they know the truth.

Your role is not to move to another earth so you can congratulate yourselves on your abilities and early interest in this transition. But instead, to glory in your new skills and interests so that those who wish to awake to their new earth/New Age roles will have many loving role models to choose from. An extremely important statement for you all.

It does not matter that your inner-being declares meat inappropriate and another does not. It only matters that you are following your inner messages. Not media messages or your friends’ messages. But yours.

Your inner-being is the only guide you need to move into your life of joy. You are not wiser, nor less wise than anyone.

All of you are moving to the same endpoint – love. Most importantly, love for yourself. That is not possible if you believe you are better or not as good as someone else. Merely Old Age thinking.

A wondrous transition is occurring. Your role in this transition is provided to you by your inner-being. A role that is part of a larger tapestry than just those of you who are now interested or part of the New Age/new earth. You are role models, not gurus.

You are wondrous, but so is everyone courageous enough to be on earth at this time or to assist from other dimensions as earth and it’s entities transitions into a new spiritual awakening.

You are loved and talented, as is everyone. There are no class distinctions in this transition. To believe that only some will be part of a new physical earth, is to recreate the class distinctions that made living on earth so uncomfortable.

All who wish to be part of the new earth in this lifetime will be – whether it is before or after 12/21/12. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2012, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 


December 11, 2012 at 11:51 am 34 comments

Join the Holiday Reality Club

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 19, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on     Your holiday feelings may have shifted from previous years. Just as the Occupy Movement and the recent toppled governments display the unwillingness of many to follow dictates established in the Old Age, your need to follow the rules – including holiday roles – have changed.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” her free, channeled blog at http://www.Life Tapestry “Create Your New Paradigm of Financial Resources”


Dear Ones,

Are you so exhausted that you just want the holiday season to be over? Or do you find yourself angry at the people you are preparing to entertain or please during the holidays? Do you find that your holiday gatherings are filled with more anger than love? Join the holiday reality club.

Perhaps you have the time, financial resources, joy and energy to fully prepare for this holiday season – most notably Christmas. We are not directing this particular blog to you. You have found your place, and by doing so, you are nurturing yourself as well as those you love.

The wayshowers / lightworkers / trail blazers we wish to address are those of you who feel as if you must perform according to expectations despite a limited budget, exhaustion, over extension of services and all of those other uncomfortable feelings you have pushed aside for decades to meet the Christmas needs of others.

Some of you love the holiday season. Again, that is perfect for you. But not everyone has the support system so glowingly portrayed in your media.

Yet, you must pretend that you care and that others care about you. Or that being alone on the most loving, family holiday  of the year is preferable to experiencing the joy of a family gathering. Or that you wish to spend time and money providing joy for those who do not care or do not reciprocate.

This year, allow yourself to explore your feelings. Stop pretending to yourself and others that you wish to be part of their holiday celebrations. Stop pretending that your gift will make someone’s life different or better. Acknowledge who you are and what you need.

It is time for you to be you in all aspects of your life – including your thoughts, feelings and actions during this holiday season. It is no longer appropriate to pretend in any aspect of your life. Acknowledge your feelings and then change your direction accordingly.

Just because someone, somewhere declared December 25 a day of love and peace does not mean that it is the correct day for you.

You have accepted that you are a unique person with unique needs. Yet, you continue to do act on “shoulds” – not your wants or needs.  Perhaps this Christmas you would feel more loving if you were home reading a book, than if you attended a family gathering. Perhaps you would be more comfortable if you did what you wanted this Christmas instead of what your friends expected you to do.

All holidays have been created by humankind. What if you feel like celebrating Christmas in July? Would that be inappropriate, silly or just eccentric? Yet, if Christmas is about love – why is one day designated as the day that such love should be shared? Why must everyone get a gift on Christmas? What if your friend or relative has a greater need in July than Christmas Day? Does that call for two gifts or no gifts? Only you can decide.

Perhaps you feel we are trying to remove the joys of Christmas. Not at all. We are merely pointing out that Christmas was established to create harmony and has evolved into shoulds and have tos.  So many that you, as usual during this season, are exhausted.

And as you are attempting to remain within third dimensional mainstream society, you are incorporating energy bursts internally that are shifting you into a fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh dimensional being.

You are no longer who you were last year or even three months ago. Yet, you continue to force yourself to do the “right” thing.  Christmas is not for the faint of heart. You are expected to give of your time, money and energy and to do so with an open heart and a smile. Yet, you are a different person. Those in your immediate circle may not even have noticed the difference –  for it is an internal shift that is rapidly moving your away from shoulds into nurturing yourself and others who reciprocate your love.

It is time to be you. If that means you thoroughly enjoy the activities of the season, so be it. And if that means you no longer wish to play the role assigned to you by your society, family or friends, so be it.

You are no longer part of a herd. You are a unique individual with unique needs and interests. Start acting on your unique interests and you will have given yourself and the Universes the most wonderful and loving gift of all – you. That is all we ask. Discover yourself  and act on that discovery. So be it. Amen.


Brenda’s classic, channeled book A Glimpse of Your Future provides an overview of how and why your current economic and political worlds will transition.  A Glimpse of Your Future is available for purchase at or http://www.Barnes &   If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe to blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

December 20, 2011 at 4:21 pm 1 comment

Are You a Tree or A Butterfly?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of this week’s free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” on You are moving away from the box that contained your being for eons and creating a more liquid / gaseous form. 

Dear Ones,

This has been an extremely chaotic week for many of you. Perhaps your life felt as if it was torn apart.

You hoped this transition would be easy. Such is not reality for a number of reasons – you are transitioning physically, spiritually and emotionally, while maintaining your daily life in a third dimensional world.

But perhaps these past few days were beyond the depth of any transition you have felt for some time. As your world gets closer to the final transition/new earth/ascension state, you are finding corners that were hidden from your dust mop. Some of you decided to move at a more leisurely pace and are cleaning the corners in bits and pieces. Others have decided to do so all at once. Those of you traumatized in the last few days or weeks are of the “all at once group.”

You cannot  ascend or shift to the fifth dimension with dusty corners. You have already cleared your rooms or you would not be interested in reading these materials. But in the past few days, you have found the need to return to those rooms to either start or completely clean the corners.

Do you have more corners/ more pain to process in this lifetime? Those of you who cleaned all your corners, have very little left to clean. If you are of this group, you felt as if your life was tossed upside down. Those of you mildly disturbed in the last few days or weeks, probably have more corners to clean – but you will do so at a leisurely pace and with minimal disruption.

If you cleaned your corners all at once, you have done so to expedite your ascension to the new earth. There are several ascension layers. First, scout masters/wayshowers/explorers will move into action. Followed by the wagon masters who create the wagon train of pioneers traveling along the path created by the scout masters. The land – your fifth dimensional being – will be settled. But not all of you have the same role. If you are a pioneer, your corners will be cleaned a bit more slowly than is true for the wayshowers/scout masters.

What is ascension? It certainly is not a group of young people dressed in white robes floating in space as is most often portrayed in your religious pictures. Ascension merely means that you will be moving into a different dimension – perhaps even next to, but not interacting with someone of the third dimension. Even though ascension is not a literal word, it best describes movement from the third to the fifth dimension given that your current measurement system holds the “truth” that five is greater than three.

We do not wish to discuss the physics of your new dimension. But we will point out that ascension is a movement into a different dimension, not a different height or level.

The new earth is where you will live as you ascend into the fifth dimension. Will it be a physically different earth than you now experience? That is yet to be determined. Perhaps you will decide to remain of the earth you now know despite the physical changes that are and will continue to occur. Others of you will create a new earth. So the correct answer to your question is yes and yes. There will be a new earth and the current earth will continue.

How is this possible? Let us first direct your attention to the current earth. Have you ever walked by a certain area many times and not noticed a feature that is obvious once you see it? So it will be for those of you who choose to stay of the current earth. You will be surrounded by third and fourth dimensional entities, but you will not necessarily see them. A bit like cells. You know that your body is composed of cells, but those cells are not visible without a microscope.

Others of you will opt to move to the new earth. No third or fourth dimensional entities will be living on that body.

Why would anyone decide to stay on the current earth? There are many reasons why you might select one earth instead of the other. Perhaps you wish to further explore your current earth’s transition. Perhaps you wish to remove yourself from all distractions including the energies of third and fourth dimensional entities. There is no one correct answer – other than for you to transition as directed by your inner-being.

But you certainly will not remain on the current earth to care take others.  For care taking requires that you are of the third or fourth dimension.

We wish to briefly discuss an issue we touched upon in yesterday’s radio show (Creation Energies on Your physical form is becoming lighter. Even though words cannot describe what is happening as you move closer to the fifth dimension, your body is becoming less structured  and more gaseous or liquid. As you remove the fears that encase you, as you move through your structured box of pain, you will find yourself lighter in so many ways. Physically you will weigh less even if you keep the same body shape. Spiritually you will be lighter as you move to the light. Emotionally you will be lighter because you cleaned any areas that forced you to stay in your physical box of fear and pain.

Imagine a tree firmly rooted to the earth and a butterfly flitting from here to there. Both inhabit the earth. Both have form. But one is quite solid and the other is lighter and more free. So it will be for you.

You will know if you are to remain of your current earth or transition to the new earth when you wish to know that. It really does not matter for you will be of the fifth dimension in both environments. Allow the wisdom of your inner-being to direct you during this magnificent and almost impossible transition.

Just know that if you felt traumatized in the last few days or weeks, you are a wayshower / scout master. If you were mildly distressed, you are most likely a pioneer or wagon master. All are needed to explore and settle the new world – whether that be your current earth or the new earth.

You will not float in air during the ascension process. You will merely wake up one day and notice that the colors are brighter and your being is sunnier.

Just as was true when you shifted from youth to middle age, there was not one clear indicator of that shift but instead an over-all feeling. So it will be for you whether you remain of this earth or transition to the new earth. Both are perfect for your fifth dimensional being. You merely have to decide which is more perfect. So be it. Amen.      If you would like to receive Brenda’s free, channeled blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscriber Button on the upper part of the subscribe page at Then click the  – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

October 17, 2011 at 5:10 pm 18 comments



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