Posts tagged ‘inhumane’

Find Your Safe Place Within

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 9, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  The energies of the past few weeks opened the hearts of most humans. But the change is so frightening that many will test their new feelings by reverting to familiar fears and anger. It’s unlikely that your political leaders are experiencing heart openings now for this transition is from the bottom up. Your role is to follow your joy as others explore their new heart openings.

Your 3D Graduation Gift to You is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We wish to address the pain you feel when you learn of the inhumane actions of those wishing to hold onto their outer-directed power. Even though you know those in pain volunteered, such does not make those actions any less painful for you.

The earth bullies are exposing themselves in ways you ignored lifetime after lifetime. For you also experienced pain, as well as the “joy” of bullying or harming others preparing for this lifetime. But in previous lives, you were more focused on your role in preparation for this life than you were about the treatment of others or yourself.

Such a thought seems inconceivable to most of you for you believed you did what you could to protect others, and that you never tortured or harmed others. We beg to differ. You have willingly played both roles adding karmic debt earth life after earth life. But now, you are alarmed by the pain you see exposed in your media and via the words of others. For even though you willingly harmed others in previous lives, you did so in preparation for this life. In essence, forgiving yourself in small doses for the “greater good.” This life is different.

So it is that the pain of others is affecting you differently than was true in other lifetimes. For this is a lifetime of love and healing. Even though you wish to help everyone now, you realize others must work through their issues. For if they do not, they will remain on the karmic wheel of, “if I do this to you in this life, you will retaliate in the next.”

You are confused. You are searching for the joy that seems wonderfully possible until you see a media report about the latest inhumane action or retaliation.

A logical response would be to ignore information not filled with joy. But given the number of media sources and your interactions, such is nearly impossible. So it is time for you to create an inner area to protect yourself from this 3D barrage of pain and fear. Such is so for many reasons, not the least of which is the intensifying of 3D negativity for the next few months.

Like a candle burning until it finally extinguishes itself, the pain of inhumanity is shining brightly for the next couple of months, eating up the last of the pain as the candle burns out.

So it is you will be confused the next couple months knowing you wish to share your loving joy, only to discover others in extreme pain because the bullies, the perpetrators are out in full force.

What is your role? Despite the seeming discomfort in doing so, your role is to shine your light brightly, allowing others to know there is an option for pain.

You are perhaps wondering why your light will not burn out as we predicted for the bullies. Your light is more like an electric current that never burns out and can be easily switched off and on. We are requesting you allow your light to be left on despite the experiences of others.

If you need more time in nature or within yourself to do so, please know how important such is now.

Many of you have wholly or somewhat separated yourself from social interactions. But doing so has created a quandary for you wonder if you will ever feel like rejoining society. Even though during the next couple of months, you will find more joy in your seeming isolation than as part of society. You will rejoin society with joy once this phase is complete.

Perhaps you interact daily with co-workers or family members who are in fear or are bullies. There is no easy answer for those of you exposed to that pain every day, other than creating a place within to retreat to when you are feeling uncomfortable. For the divide becoming more apparent between those who believe they are the 3D chosen ones to those who suffer might encourage you to join the fray. But you will lose yourself if you do so.

Just as you experienced your dark night of the soul, so now are millions of others. The difference is your dark night was most likely related to a smaller grouping such as your earth family, a job, or relationship. Those now experiencing their dark night of the soul are doing so on a much larger stage – as a group rather than individually.

Such is so because their phase needs to be completed more rapidly than was true for you. You had years, perhaps decades to push through your pain. This transition has been expedited by you en masse so you could experience joy in this lifetime. So it is those now following are more likely to experience their dark night of the soul en masse rather than individually. And your media is part of this mass dark night of the soul.

Individually processing the pain would require an individual to note the pain, express that pain, and finally clear it as was true for you. Such does not mean that the perpetrator would be exposed as will be happening in this transition round. So it is you will learn secrets you might not wish to know as others clear their palates of pain so that they too can use their bright colors of joy.

You have little to do with this phase of en masse clearing/healing other than shining your light brightly. Your role is to discover that place within you that shines despite the pain of others.

Allow others the freedom to express their pain – both those being bullied or physically harmed and those harming others. For this is a huge dark night of the soul.

The end result will amaze you and those involved. For many, if not most, of the bullies will decide to change direction from fear to love, as will be true for those being harmed. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

August 12, 2019 at 11:19 am 27 comments

This is Our Earth Now!

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’re the candle of love and joy in heavy environments – a concept you’re starting to accept. You no longer need to hide yourself or your power. Nor do you need to be concerned about the outer-directed power of others. For when you hold your light high, those fears, those outer-directed beings will dissolve or claim the light.

“Opening Your Pressure Cooker” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are much different from yesterday – the day before the solar eclipse – or even the day before. Perhaps you are not noting a great deal of change for you awoke in the same bed and are in the same environment as was true yesterday. But this energy burst of the solar eclipse has shifted your being in ways you cannot yet understand. Just know that you have a more positive outlook/perspective than was true yesterday – that many of your recent fears have dissipated or disappeared for you are no longer enmeshed in the 3D fears of yesterday.

Many of you will read this message with disdain for you have read something similar time after time only to discover yet another carrot or piece you need to complete BEFORE your life becomes joyful.

Nothing has changed in your outer world, so how can we proclaim that you have entered a life of joy the past few hours? We are doing so on the basis of who you have become. If you remember, you were informed a few days ago that all would shift easily and rapidly – so it has.

That is not to say that your politics are that different today, but instead that you have a new perspective sensing the end of pain, the end of the horror of inhumanity.

Recently, your politics pointed to the nth degree how governments can be cruel. You, en masse, have since declared the need for an all-encompassing end to cruelty, and so it will be.

But before that new philosophy could become a reality, you, en masse, had to declare it so. And so you have with the assistance of recent energies from the Universes.

It is as if you have remembered something that has always been important to you, but until yesterday, you were unable to voice or truly understand. Such is not to negate all you have learned, but instead to remind you how far you have come in a few years or months.

When you first initiated this transition in this lifetime, you were comfortable allowing others harm physically, emotionally or spiritually as long as it did not affect you or yours. As of today, every inhumane concept will be like a knife at your throat. Not that you will be physically harmed, but that you will feel as if you were.

So it is you have become part of the whole – you are one with all. Something you have discussed, contemplated and pondered for many months or years, but now understand.

As of yesterday, this is a new world for you and all.

What does this mean for those who harm earth, humans, animals, plants or any part of your world?

Your cellular structure will feel that pain and declare that particular treatment is off-limits. It means you will not take a wait and see approach. It means you are truly you in all your power.

Also, that those who continue to harm are your loving cohorts in this transition.

If those who take your society to the very end of acceptable behavior had not completed their role in such a wonderfully “evil” manner, you would have been content to live your life thinking that someone out there would protect you and yours.

Now that you have a different perspective, you know that harming a tree, a dog, or another human is harming you. You no longer carry divisions of them and me. It is, “all of us.”

With that strength, with that innate inner-power, inequities you helped foster for eons through inaction or action have ended.

Not that all you consider evil or wrong for this new world of love will disappear or be prosecuted, but instead that the groundswell of “not on or in my earth” has started.

Today it is a new concept. Tomorrow the action will be initiated. No longer will you be a willing observer when others are harmed. No longer will you accept dishonesty or untruths in your world.

For not only have you declared en masse that a new earth has been born, but that you will do whatever is required to ensure that such is so.

You will not harm others. Instead, you will use legal and other such means to stop tirades of hate and fear. You have come out of your self-imposed prison. You walked out the door and discovered not only that you escaped, but so has everyone who opts to live in love and peace in this lifetime.

Those who selected the role of control and hate may continue their roles for a bit of time. Honor them for all they have done to awaken you. But honoring them does not mean following them. You are free, and they are free.

Those who selected roles of control and outer-directed power may eventually join you or leave earth. For the earth is no longer a welcome place for them or any who wish to follow them.

This is your earth of love now. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

February 27, 2017 at 10:55 am 53 comments



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