Posts tagged ‘instant gratification’

Followers Want Instant Gratification

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 1, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Just as was true when you were an infant adjusting to 3D, you might find the need to rest the next few days. Such is so because you’re jumping between dimensions to uncover the skills and information you secreted away in preparation for this life’s transition.

“Rest” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This channel is dedicated to those of you who have completed your transition beyond 3D.

Perhaps you wonder if you are among those we salute. You are if you are reading this piece for not everyone will peak or display their light in the same way. Even though you might believe you have not done enough or jumped through enough hoops, as it were, you are beyond 3D.

Such will become more and more evident as the year continues for you will discover how little interest you have in the 3D trials and tribulations. Much as you felt when your younger siblings or friends could not grasp a concept with which you were quite comfortable.

So it is you will not be as upset with the news of the day because you will know that such are displays of those not as mature as you, even though they will be soon. Just as you once counseled your younger siblings that they would eventually do many of the activities of which you were capable.

Of course, those following you want instant gratification just as you have throughout this transition. Such is part of being human in these rapid gratification times. Those following, just as was true for you, want their transition beyond 3D to be complete almost before they start.

Many will look to you for a quick answer wanting you to fix them instead of fixing themselves.

Such will seem almost overwhelming at times for you cannot change them – only they can do so. Something many followers will not be interested in at first. So it is they will put you on a pedestal of an all-knowing, all-wonderful guru much as you once did to those of us of the Universes.

And just as we informed you during your initial transition phases, you will eventually direct them to look within. An activity that seems counter-intuitive in 3D, but is a beyond 3D learned behavior.

You will likely feel elated initially that others think of you as special, as a wonderful teacher only to discover that such adoration becomes tiresome when they are unwilling to look beyond you.

So it is you will discover such adoration stifling and unproductive for them and for you. You cannot help them other than repeating to look within, just as you were taught to do by the Universes.

This new you is not about looking outside of yourself as you have learned throughout these many months or years of shifting. All of your answers are within. And the same is true for those now awakening.

Their whining or fear antics might initially pressure you into playing big brother or sister guiding them through the rough spots just as you wanted us to do for you. But as you learned through trial and error, we were wise enough to allow you to find your way.

Such is so for you now, and for those, you wish to help. You can only provide broad guidelines of, “if you do this, this will happen” just as we did for you. This transition is from the inside out, instead of the outside in as has been true of the earth lessons for eons.

There are no leaders. There are no followers. There are only unique individuals focussed on their role and by so focusing on creating the greater whole that many label as one.

For even though you seemed to function as one in 3D favoring a country, political party, community, or family, you were doing so because of information gathered outside yourself.

Through your wondrous efforts the past few months or years, your actions now are based on your inner voice, not because you have to but because doing such has created your new you freedom. Those following you have not yet achieved that freedom and so will be frightened to make that leap.

Your role is not to walk with them to the other side or beyond 3D, but instead to inform them that they have the skills to do so on their own.

So it is you have shifted your role from a big brother or sister to a wise woman or man allowing those following you to create their path – which has nothing to do with your path. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

February 4, 2019 at 10:30 am 33 comments

Trust Yourself – We Do

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 15, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Rejoice, relax, re-commit to you are the key points the next few days. Perhaps you participated with one or more segments recently – most likely 3D segments – and discovered you no longer wish to live in fear. Maybe your excursion as CEO/president of your totality was more interesting or pleasant. You’re discovering you’re the pinnacle of the umbrella under which are all your segments. You’re learning to function as you once imagined your higher self functioning. Remembering that all segments of your totality are fully capable  – as are you. Rejoice, relax, re-commit to your new CEO/president role.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for ”You’ve Grasped the Brass Ring of You”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This message is for those who believe they have fallen behind; that this transition is not an actuality or are too tired to care. You have shifted through so much the past few weeks – energies you could not have even comprehended just months ago. Now you are resting.

You will better understand what has happened to you if you think in terms of giving birth or running a very long marathon. You have no immediate energy to celebrate following either experience. You require down time before you can begin to comprehend that you birthed a child or completed your marathon. So it is for you now.

You feel as if nothing is important or noteworthy. Perhaps you continue following blogs and messages on your computer or are taking a New Earth class – but all seem dull and lifeless. Such is true because that is how you feel about and within yourself.

You are sloughing off 3D cells and do not yet have the energy to replace those spaces with new you cells. So you feel weak and listless. Nothing much matters other than you are tired physically, emotionally and spiritually.

As usual, there are some who are a bit ahead of most – they are the ones of earth who are starting to perk up, to once again take interest in life and their transition. But for the majority – most likely including you – this listlessness is merely part of your expedited transition.

Perhaps you cannot yet believe that such is so, but you soon will. Now let us address what many of you will experience the next few days or weeks.

You will move through your exhaustion. You will note the difference within your being. Not with physical indicators – although a few of you might note some of your shifts in that manner – but with a difference in your life approach. That which once made you angry will produce a different reaction – and the same will be true of most of your emotions including love.

The energies of March and April were requested by you to expedite your transition. So they have and so they will.

Your baby is birthed. You have completed your arduous marathon. You are merely resting for a bit before allowing your cells to shift dramatically.

Some of you of the McDonald’s generation require instant gratification. Such is not possible. Anymore than you dancing a wild jig immediately after giving birth or a marathon. You will do both once you have rested, but neither is possible when your body is completely depleted as is true for you now.

Some of you wonder if your body is hollow since your 3D cells were removed and have not yet been replaced (This is a figure of speech for your cells will transition much as you are within the being that you are.) with new you cells. This is a stationary phase. You are neither here nor there. But once you have rested, as you are doing now, your new you cells will awaken with more energy than you can now envision.

For your new cells are not only hardy enough to carry your 3D segments – as has been true for your cells up to this point – but to enlighten (that is the correct word) the totality of you. To provide you with the means and the knowledge to float between dimensions, frequencies and time.

Once you have completed this very important rest stage, you will better understand what has happened. Now this information is probably of little interest to you, maybe not even believable. For all you wish to do is rest and shove away all instances of “You can do it! You’re expanding. You’re new you.” Just as most new mothers find the thought of caring for an infant and themselves immediately after birth too much to contemplate.

Do not push yourself into action. Such is what you have done for eons in 3D. Allow yourself to float into new you. There is no time quota you must meet. There is no employer, parent, friend, co-worker or guru cracking the whip and insisting you do something NOW.

Rest, relax and if you feel an urge to access some of your new cells or to venture beyond your rest stage that is fine and good. But know deep within your being that you probably need rest now and you will know when it is time to move out of your rest phase. Allow your inner-being to direct you. There is no Universal right time – only that which is right for you. Something you have long heard, but are only now slowly beginning to acknowledge.

Some of you are frightened enough by your lack of motivation, interest and/or apparent skill set in comparison to others, that you will try to force yourself into the place you feel you SHOULD be. Such an action would be for naught. For you are in a new land with new customs and new joys. Allow yourself to accept that. Then allow yourself to flow and move as is correct for you – and no one else.

Trust yourself. We do. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

May 18, 2015 at 10:18 am 60 comments



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