Posts tagged ‘intent’

It’s Perception Time

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 24, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  In 3D you learned to establish a goal and to not deviate until you achieved that goal – a little box of restricted creation. In New Earth, you’re tossing aside all boxes and creating free-flow – much as you’ve done after each of your earth deaths. You, and all earth entities who choose to participate, are beginning to experience the free-flow of 4D and beyond.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for ” Are Your Dreams of 3D?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are adjusting to the almost overwhelming energies you experienced throughout March and early April. Perhaps you feel little or nothing. Perhaps it has been impossible to ignore related physical, spiritual or emotional issues. It does not matter for you processed what you needed to process.

For some, their new you role remains hazy or cloudy. For others, pieces of their role are forming a concise vision of who they are or are becoming. Even though neither sensation is better than the other, this message addresses those becoming comfortable with their role label(s).

The most difficult piece for you now is how to achieve that role. Third dimensional techniques are not adequate to create your new you role. But since you are not yet familiar or comfortable with New Earth techniques, you feel as if you are in a never-never land. You know where you want to be but have no idea how to get there.

Why would you know where you are going without resources to achieve that goal? Ah – your role label is a bit of a carrot. Even though the techniques necessary to fulfill your dreams have been outlined for some time, those techniques were ignored, misunderstood or denied. So the process was revamped a bit to re-address what you need to create a path to your new role.

Your path is self-love. Even though you have heard that phrase often, you need to truly internalize self-love before you move one inch closer to new you. Such is your stopping point.

For some, self-love might be easy, “I do what I want when I want to do it.” But for most, self-love completely shifts your current life. For you might express self-love, you might even seem to practice self-love. But are there not times throughout the day in which you berate your body, finances, relationships, actions, interests?

You are spouting the words, but your inner thoughts and actions do not synch with how you treat/think of yourself.

This phase is not about shoulds projected by others who feel they know what is best for you. Nor is it platitudes and pretend thoughts radiating from your being of how you think you should function. It is you discovering who you are.

You have welcomed many new segments into your being in recent months. Not all of them have been easy to be with. Hence, your needed to cleanse or eradicate those pieces of your being difficult for your new segments – your climb up the mountain.

Now that you are creating new you – continuing to merge new segments while discovering the perfect path for the totality that is new you – you are once again clearing. Such happened for many the past few weeks.

It is time to address the totality of new you. Something you have not yet achieved or perhaps thought of.

When you had the flu in 3D, you only thought of how your head ached and your stomach was in flux. You had little concern about your hair or fingernails – unless they also hurt. That was yesterday. Today is a new approach to you.

It is time for you to address all your elements as one being. A being in which if one piece, segment or cell is uncomfortable, the rest will stop until that piece is comfortable and feels love. Such a thought seems overwhelming for most. For how is it possible for you to check in with every cell or segment of your being throughout your awake time?

So it is you have created a shortcut. A simple key that allows you to know that all cells and segments feel love and are moving your being along your path. That key is joy or happiness. Even though you have read of that thought over and over, you fudge here and there, “This is ok to do because it makes a person I care about happy, so I should be happy also.” Yet when performing that act of self-sacrifice, you find no spark of joy or happiness.

Many think you cannot be happy all the time. Wrong – even that thought negates your happiness.

Your intent, your end goal in this transition is ongoing happiness/joy is it not? Yet, you continue to believe it is not possible. An indicator you have not internalized self-love.

Does that mean you will become a lonely maverick – isolated and anti-social or odd? No. Merely that it is time for you to change your perceptions.

Perhaps someone wishes to spend the day with you so you agree to their outline of boring activities because you feel you should. You can pout and point out the discomfort you are feeling. Or you can approach the day as an adventure. What piece of that person or activity is lovely, fun or a learning experience?

At this point in your transition, you are learning to perceive your world/being in joy instead of pain or fear. Reading those words is easy. Internalizing them remains difficult for most.

The personal intent you created recently is tied to your perceptions of you and your path. Is your path easy and in self-love? Or is it difficult with thoughts of, “I don’t think this is possible, but I’ll try anyway.”

The difference between easy and difficult is how much you love yourself.

New you is not a weak entity waiting for others to step on, over or around. New you is an extremely powerful god/goddess fully capable of creating what you wish when you wish. But such is so only if you love yourself enough to believe it.

You have approached new you with 3D limitations of, “This might be possible if I think the right thoughts and act correctly according to the Universes standards.” New you is, “Of course this is possible because I have the skills and I am fully capable of doing or being what I wish. It does not matter what others think is possible or how they think I should achieve this goal. I am me. They are them. And because I am creating my path without restrictions from others, I am loving myself.”

The piece you have missed is redirecting your energies/focus to that which gives you happiness – creating the path right for you. Perhaps that last thought seems nebulous. It is all about perception. Perception is how you shift from 3D to new you. See the beauty and your are on your path. See the drudgery in even one piece and you remain stationary.

You are you. Allow that to be in love. And each entity you connect with is also a unique being. If you project anger and displeasure, others will attach to that frequency, not because they have to, but because that is the 3D they are comfortable with. If you project love, joy and yes, fun, that is the frequency they will experience with you – perhaps not at first, but eventually. For all are moving to that place.

Be yourself in self-love and you will be the beacon of light you wish to be, in the role correct for you. Be 3D you in even one segment of your being and that is what others will attach to – because it is easier and more comfortable than changing their thoughts and actions to love. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

April 27, 2015 at 2:47 pm 41 comments

Are Your Dreams of 3D?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 17, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  The discomfort you’ve experienced the past few days/weeks is directly related to your new you role. We’ve discovered that until you slow down enough to truly start loving yourself, your role doesn’t make sense. Your discomfort will continue if you place other things, people, events, jobs, school before your being.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for ” Are You in a Void?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You have transitioned far beyond Old Age you. Yet, you remain within the confines of many 3D actions and reactions. You work, pay bills and so many other pieces that have little to do with new you. At least how you now define new you.

Many of you expect to travel through dimensions, frequencies and time with little regard for daily 3D necessities such as jobs or paying bills. And that, earth and you will transition so rapidly your unpleasant activities will disappear overnight. While such is possible, your reality is that you are not of the heavens, you are of earth.

For some, that last statement seems harsh. You are tired of your day-to-day routine. You want some excitement, some extreme joy in your life. Such does not seem possible if you need to shop for groceries or interact with those who make you uncomfortable.

How do you combine heaven and earth as you desired before entering earth in this lifetime? Have you not proclaimed for eons that heaven on earth is your goal? Yet your daily tasks do not feel as if they are part of your heaven on earth. Where is your joy?

So it is you are beginning to define what YOU mean by heaven on earth. Perhaps you have laughed at the heaven image in which all are wearing white gowns and playing harps. Yet for some that image is joyous.

You create your reality – including your new you and new you environments.

Your current transition stage is processing what is possible for you. For each of you has a unique life on or of earth in mind. Perhaps such a thought seems chaotic, but it is right and true. For you cannot create the life of your dreams from what you have experienced on earth to date. Nor can you create that life from what you experienced in the ethers/heavens or whatever term you wish to use.

New you is your creation. New you is your dream.

You understand that some wish to live in a little beach hut, while others wish to live in a mansion. But you cannot yet comprehend that you are capable of creating something on or of earth that has not yet been defined or created.

Your current images of heaven on earth are no more logical than your biblical images of angels or the heavens. It is all conjecture. “If I do or feel this or gain that, then I will create the perfect environment for me.” Such may be true. The caveat is that you are trying to create a life of what you know – another 3D life.

It is time to free fall. And that is why not all of your segments are yet enamoured of new you. They are taking a wait and see attitude for they know that your current assumptions and creations – while greater than just days ago – remain limited to what you have experienced in 3D. Perhaps you are dreaming of a better job, a vacation or a new car. All wonderful, but limiting ideas.

Instead of trying to create a specific item that seems to match your current needs, create results based on your intent. Such will draw your hesitant segments to new you.

Again, your hesitant segments are waiting until you dream bigger than 3D – which for many will be frightening.

What is beyond a new home? What if you do not create something that seems of value now? What if that dream means you need to zoom to new dimensions when you wish to experience that home?

We cannot tell you what your dream intent will mean for you. Merely that replicating your life dreams in 3D terms will not create your heaven on earth.

To truly create a new you life, you must dare move beyond your 3D visions of what is possible or what will bring you joy. Such is new territory – exploratory territory. For you do not yet know what options you have available once you shift your dreams from what you know to what is possible. Will you be more joyful doing so? Of course. Will you be frightened doing so? Probably – because your new intent does not have a logical conclusion. You do not know what you are going to create for yourself, any more than we do. For we are of the heavens – as you term it – and you are of earth.

Creating dreams of 3D earth does not move your life or earth forward. Creating that which you do not yet understand, pushes you forward in ways that are not yet definable.

Perhaps it will help you understand if you think of your computer. Would you have believed your current dependence on your computer was possible 40 years ago? Yet someone who dared dream outside the expected did. So it is that once you allow yourself to move your dreams from a specific 3D comfort to the intent of “Even though anything is possible, this is what I wish to feel,” you will merge all your segments into new you.

Granted, there are 3D, 4D, 5D earth segments of you who will retain the bridge to new you, but mostly, your segments are no longer of earth in totality. Let us explain.

You are creating heaven on earth in this lifetime. Not a new 3D earth with a few more items. To do so, you must realize your unlimited potential – dreams beyond dreams – so your 3D/4D/5D earth segments eventually fall away as is true for the first phase of space rockets. The end product is you zooming here and there returning to earth with new thoughts, beliefs and intent.

Earth is recreating itself – with your help. And you are recreating yourself – with earth’s help. What is no longer appropriate is for either you or earth to merely coat your old life with a bit more glitter or expected activities. You are truly new and so is earth. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

April 20, 2015 at 10:15 am 83 comments

Let’s Remove Global Inner-Power Fear

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 27, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Because you trained for eons to forget your true power, you’re frightened to process from your heart. It’s time to remove that fear so you sense yourself and other entities differently. Set your intent to be of your heart.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Throw Away Your Creation Training Wheels”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Most of you have cleared those individual fears and perceptions that encouraged you to be of a 3D mindset.

The fear we are speaking of today is related to your oneness or portion of the totality. Even if five of you clear this Universal fear, the oneness that is the totality of all will notice – perhaps not in their daily lives, but more certainly within their inner-being/cellular structure.

Humanity has a deep-seated fear of inner-power. You have trained for eons to follow someone or something outside of yourself – from patriotism, to employers, parents, religions, communities, society and governments. That fear of inner-power is reducing your ascension speed and direction. It is as if you have blinders on – you will allow yourself to see or sense that, but not this.

We are not chiding you for maintaining your social norms. Instead, we are pointing out that those social norms are reducing the flow of energy into your being and all entities on, in or through earth. The most rapid means of shifting that blinder mentality is to encourage you to remove your blinders. Your resulting rapid new earth growth will affect all entities.

How do you remove your inner-power blinders, how do you access that fear? You merely need to tell yourself that you are no longer willing to maintain the stability of your society, country, friends, co-workers, religious community, family or spouses.

That was a surprise comment, was it not? You did not realize you were care-taking the world by retaining your fear.

Perhaps you feel you will be opening a Pandora’s Box if you release your inner-power global fear. Such is not true – merely your deep-seated fear created by eons of societal rules that makes you feel you are doing something wrong by removing your blinders, that doing so is intrusive to others, that you are stepping beyond your bounds of propriety.

Many of you have learned that you cannot move into another’s aura or inner-being without their permission. That thought escalates your concerns that by removing world blinders, you are doing something to harm others. Such is not the case. There is a difference between reading, sensing, exploring or shifting another’s inner world without their permission, and doing so within a global framework.

Going within someone’s entity without their permission is the same as entering their house through an open window. It may be possible, but illegal or inappropriate in almost every society. Yet, locking your windows and doors to prevent someone entering illegally is not a societal requirement.

And so it is that this group think of removing inner-power fear is not invasive. Those who wish to participate in the removal of their inner-power fear may do so, but it is not a requirement. The removal of group fear merely makes it easier for individuals to remove their fear if they choose to do so.

Any society that removes or greatly reduces inner-power fear will feel and sense differently.

Could the same be achieved if group fear was removed through individual clearing? Yes and no. While it is true individual clearing impacts all, to clear inner-power fear one by one would take a longer in earth years than you now want it to.

When you created this transition before your earth entrance in this lifetime, you envisioned a transition with individual pieces – until those pieces formed a whole. Such is no longer appropriate. The process was expedited recently so those of you who initiated it on earth decades ago will live within it during your current earth life.

For that group dream to become reality, the process needs to be more rapid and so it shall be if only a few of you allow yourselves to find and remove your inner-power fear.

You merely need to set your intent for the removal of inner-power fear from yourself and any other entity on, in and through earth who would like to join you.

Essentially, you are setting the intention that you have discovered a new fun and freeing technique and those who would like to participate in doing the same merely need to open their hearts and such will happen.

It is little different from how your key electronic pieces – radio, television and computers – were introduced throughout the 20th century. No one was forced to obtain those electronic pieces that are now staples throughout the globe, The difference is that you will be relaying your joy at the removal of your inner-power fear through nonverbal communications, instead of words or the media.

Can  you sense the fun of this? Not only will you help remove a global block, you will do so using your new communication skills.

Do not feel as if you need to meditate for hours or remove yourself from society to complete this task. You merely have to set the intent within your being that you no longer wish to maintain your inner-power fear and that you send energy to all in, on or through earth who wish to remove their inner-power fear also. Then watch and listen what happens.

Some very intense energies are bombarding earth in the next few days – perfect energies to pass along a message to all who wish to listen and change. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 29, 2013 at 9:46 am 45 comments



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