Posts tagged ‘joy path’

Welcome Newly Awakened

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 26, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Those at the forefront are shifting faster and deeper daily. An apt analogy is a pre-cell evolving into a tooth or hair cell – part of the body, but with a unique role. What gives you joy is now your only path. As you evolve in new earth, your joy path may evolve also – just as was true as you became an adult. Each of you, including those newly awakened and those yet to awaken, is an important member of the Universal choir with the perfect voice/vibration for that choir. I’m away from my office until early June and so probably won’t channel additional “Creation Energies” shows until I return.

New “Brenda’s Blog” channels WILL CONTINUE to be posted weekly even though I’m out-of-town.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “It’s Time to Negate Group Think”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This week’s channel is for the newly awakened who have not yet established who you are or what is happening to you and those around you. Perhaps you are feeling frightened, tired or are reviewing issues you have never reviewed before. All part of your new earth transition.

There are those among you who passed this place months or years ago. Such a statement is not for you to believe they are wiser than you – they are merely different with different roles. The role of these scout masters was to create the path you are now discovering. At some future time, you will deviate from that path, just as those ahead of you are now deviating from the path they created for you.

You are not alone in your fears or your awakening. Those who have gone before can attest that you will find your path to joy and love. But for now –  just as would be true if you were attending a special event – you will wish to cleanse yourself of those pieces that encourage or force you to remain in 3D thought and action, that do not allow you to sparkle.

Eventually, your perceptions will shift. Your inner circle of friends and family will likely change. And your being will experience less pain and much more joy. But that is yet in your future. We are merely holding the carrot out to you much as we did those who already traveled this path.

Many of the scout masters, who discovered and cleared the general path so your experience would be easier and more rapid, are concerned because you do not yet have their wisdom. What they have not thought about is that those of other dimensions will provide those of you newly awakened with information and support, just as was true for them months or years ago.

No one is ever alone.

You who are newly awakened also have easy access to the wealth of information created by scout masters via the Internet, books and other materials.

It is not appropriate for you to expect a teacher from the scout master level. For your first inclination will be to turn to those in your circle who have gone before. And while and though scout masters are familiar with the feelings and experiences you are now having, most likely their path does not include slowing down or stopping to help you.

Perhaps that thought seems a bit cold – and very much unlike your 3D world. For in your 3D world, all SHOULD be willing to help. Shoulds no longer apply. If you encourage those at the forefront to slow down or stop to help you, pieces of this amazing new earth tapestry will not be completed.

You are fully capable of moving through all you wish to move through, as those who went before can attest. They have left vital information not only for you to survive, but to thrive – as they are now starting to do.

Demanding they abandon their new unique path to help you is to move both of you off your paths. For you are starting yours – the general cleansing path all travel before discovering their unique path. They cannot cleanse for you. In truth, they cannot do much for you other than commiserate how uncomfortable you might be. And that memory is fading as they move further into their unique joy path.

You are an important part of new earth, of the Universal tapestry. But before you become a full-fledged Universal being, you must cleanse yourself of your 3D beliefs and pain – just as those who went before you did. They are not your keepers – they are merely path creators. They have completed the role they accepted before birth on earth at this time. Now they are creating the new world that you will inhabit and refine once you complete your cleansing.

Cleansing is not something many enjoy. Think of how uncomfortable your loved dog feels as you attempt to bathe him. 3D cleansing is no more life threatening to you than is true for your dog.

You cannot move into new earth with 3D thoughts and beliefs. So it is that it is time to cleanse yourself – even if you do not want to, even if you are frightened.

You will survive and sparkle more with each personal cleansing knowing – as those who went before knew – you can stop or slow the process at any time.

Perhaps you do not wish to inhabit new earth – then stop the process. Or you feel overwhelmed – slow it down. As was true for those who went before, the process adapts to your being.

This is not a Universal shift you must participate in. But instead a Universal shift that you are welcome to participate in.

Your end-product is a sparkling being of love and joy with fear greatly diminished. And because of the scout masters’ diligence, you will complete your cleansing more quickly and easily than was true for those who went before.

You and those who went before created this New Age. Now you have the same choices they did. For you all completed your major role in this lifetime by creating the New Age.

If you wish to live in that New Age in your current physical body, you will complete your 3D cleansing. If not, we thank you for your participation in the creation of this glorious Age and encourage you not to request assistance from those who have new roles to play. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


April 28, 2014 at 8:28 am 23 comments

Force is How NOT to Experience Creation

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 12, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re of the stars – including the sun and moon. When the stars shifts, you do also. The stars are now moving to new positions. So astrological events impact you – but differently from what was true in the past. And April’s astrological events will affect those at the forefront of this transition differently from those newly awakened.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Joyfully Follow Your Path, But Only Your Path”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are concerned that you must leave all you love behind to fully embrace new earth. Such is not true. But you have not yet discovered such for you remain enmeshed in the 3D belief that to give up something is to lose it, not to add to it.

You are now thinking that when someone you love dies, you indeed lose them for they are no longer of earth. And even though you have been promised you will easily communicate with them at some point, such is not true now. You feel as if you have been duped. Even though you might sense or see them once in a great while, they are no longer of your life.

You believe all might happen someday, but certainly not now and even more certainly not to you.

We beg to differ. You have the same skill set as those you feel the most accomplished among you. You merely have decided not to apply certain skills for specific reasons. Like an Olympic athlete who focuses on figure skating. Most of you have legs, but opt not to expand your skills in the figure skating arena. Just as all of you have brains, but opt not to focus on computer development.

Your inability to believe that loved ones continue to exist is more about your interest areas, you joy path than reality. There are those who easily connect with other dimensions.

How does such knowledge serve you? It helps you understand that you are not a slow learner – that other dimensions do and always have existed, but you are not interested enough in those areas to pursue them at this time. Instead of acknowledging that other new earth areas give you more joy, you insist that such does not exist or that you are not capable of those skills.

Do you understand the difference? It is not that you do not have the skills – merely that you have no interest in pursuing them at this time.

Those who pine for someone no longer of earth, know that you can connect with them once you acknowledge that you can and focus on that area. Perhaps you will start chanting or whatever you deem necessary to connect with loved ones who have transitioned beyond earth – forcing the issue, instead of just allowing it to be.

Are you beginning to realize that forcing anything is the very best way to not experience that particular aspect?

When fear was the key part of your life – force, especially dipped in fear, was the basic element of creating. You decided to become a figure skater and practiced until your feet were bloody and you could barely move your fingers from the cold.

That same learning component will be achieved in this new earth with joy and ease. Perhaps you receive a pair of figure skates for your birthday and you decide to play on the ice. You glide and spin to your amazement. And doing so gives you so much joy you wish to play again tomorrow and the next day. All with ease and joy.

But if you are fearful that you cannot be the best, you are no longer are moving in joy.

This concept of forcing yourself to move in an arena you feel you should, instead of one that gives you joy merely reinforces your belief that you are not skilled in one or more areas.

You are fully capable of performing, functioning, acting in any arena that gives you joy. It is a bit like becoming angry at your iPad because it does not print your messages when it was never designed to do so without additional components.

And so it goes in terms of your specific skills. They will be much more like play than you have ever experienced in your adult life. All will come together easily and effortlessly.

Rather than connecting with loved ones who have transitioned, you have decided to focus on other skills for the moment. Once you are comfortable, joyfully so, in those skills you will play with other skills that are intriguing, but not necessarily at the top of your interest list.

No one is more skilled than anyone else. You each determined what your initial roles in this transition would be before entering earth in this life time. No one selected all.

Initially, cleansing was enough for many. And so it is that you are moving into your skill sets one joyful piece at a time. Some are channeling, some are creating new energy, some are creating new art works and some are just chilling.

All are right for you if – and only if – it gives you joy. You will add to your skills in the future as you become more experienced in your new dimensional lives. But for now, you will most likely focus on one area of joy until you get your footing – and then you will be like a balloon floating through the air in joy, play and love. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


April 15, 2014 at 12:16 pm 52 comments

Should You Ignore the Fears of Others?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 30, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at We have entered a Scorpio period – a time of endings/death or rebirth in traditional astrology. In this transition, Scorpio represents birth – the ending of the old and birth of new and different joys.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Accelerate Your New Joy Cells”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

Others are now starting their journey on the road you have traveled for months, years or even decades. Fear fills their lives.

Like any person drowning – in this case emotionally – many feel the need to share their fears or to be saved by someone – most notably by you who are calm. Others starting on their path are using the Old Age need to blame someone for their misery – and again, those of you who are calm are likely targets.

Such thoughts are not to frighten you, but to help you understand how your world is evolving. That the chaos, fear and anger are not about you, but the fears of those who have started on their path.

Please remember how you could not grasp the magnitude of your personal shift, much less the Universal shift of this New Age when you started your journey months or years ago. You devoted your energies to discovering why this terrible whatever was happening to you. You felt little joy and much fear.

Now your sense of joy and calm is both a salve and an irritation to those who are beginning their journey.

Why do you not understand their pain? Why are you not that interested when they wish to unburden their fears? How can you be so cheerful when their life is so dismal?

This is not an easy period for you advance Lightworkers / Wayshowers. You cannot comprehend why others are upset about what you find glorious. And those you love are likely to be the people frazzled by this shift.

You wish for their pain to disappear overnight. Yet you know they must uncover their deepest fears before they discover their joy.

What should you to do to help others on their road to joy? Nothing – other than being yourself. We have strongly encouraged you to expand your joy cells, your life of joy. Any other activity is similar to saving a drowning person who, in fear, tries to pull you under water.

You were strong enough to move through your fears. So is every entity in the Universes.

Should you allow them to drown – ignore their fears? Yes and no. By continuing to expand your life of joy, you are a beacon of light and hope for those starting on the path. You can also relay, if they ask,  some or all of your struggles to help them better understand how you reached your point of joy. But do not presume to be a guru who solves all. For indeed, not all of you learn from the same materials.

Some of you swear that meditation is the only path to joy. Others, specific reading materials. And still others, that joy is discovered when you sit beside trees listening to birds.

There is not one path to the road of joy – each of you has different skills and interests. Unique paths that have brought you to joy. So it shall be for those now starting to wake.

Your role as a Wayshower / Lightworker is to tell those who are interested that joy is at the end of their fear path and they are capable of moving into joy – just as you and thousands of others have. That even though you did not enjoy moving through your deepest fears, the joy on the other side of doing so is so fulfilling you have no need to return to the Old Age.

What your loved ones wish to do with that information is not your business. You are a resource – not THE resource. It is not your role to save them from themselves. Even so, you will receive many requests to do so.

When you were in your most fearful place, would you not have paid almost any price to remove yourself from that fear? And so it is for your loved ones now. They will grasp on to anyone or anything that seems to make their process easier.

But as you have learned, clearing can only be as rapid as one’s physical being allows.

Your joy is that you helped pave the road your loved ones are now moving towards. You have lived through your deepest pain. You know that joy is not only possible – it is the goal of all who are part of the New Age.

Your loved ones will find their way with or without your help – they are also of the New Age;  just not advance team members as are you. You cannot help them do so by rolling in the mud with them. It is their journey. You are the beacon. You have created and smoothed the road, but you are not the road. Allow them to find their way, just as you did with less information.

Not that they must suffer as much as you perhaps did. Your role was to create a smooth road for them to follow. You have fulfilled that role. Not it is time to shift into your beacon role by lighting their path with joy.

You cannot return to Old Age pain.

But because you have passed the halfway mark on the pain/joy spectrum, you also cannot fully comprehend your love one’s pain. You are beyond the deep pain they continue to feel. Granted, you feel pain and fear, but not at the level that was true just a few months ago.

You are their beacon of joy, their light on the road of joy you created.

How are you to relate to your loved ones’ pain? Just as your inner-being directs you to. Some of you may cry with loved ones as they experience their pain. Others will not wish to be bothered. And still others will feel sad for a few moments and then move on to a joyful thought or action.

Your inner-being is your emotional GPS system. Your emotions are no longer guided by loved ones, society rules or past behavior patterns.

Allow yourself to know that your inner-being will direct you to how best help others if they ask for help. Other than that, your only role is to be a beacon of light on their path to joy. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.


October 9, 2012 at 2:45 pm 7 comments



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