Posts tagged ‘karma’

Which Creation Area is Your Bogeyman Under the Bed?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 29, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re starting to discover and befriend pieces of your totality that strengthen the part of your being – physical, spiritual, emotional – that you are least comfortable with and least able to create within.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Stop Wishing – Create Now”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are confused or angry. The past few weeks, numerous channeled sources energized you to create big. You tried – and perhaps failed.

Your capabilities to create in a specific area may be limited because your Old Age perceptions have permeated your physical, emotional or spiritual creation powers.

This deep Old Age fear is likely tied to your self-worth. Your earth self denied your true power for so many eons, you now struggle to acknowledge that you are as valuable and skilled as anyone.

In previous earth lives, you were probably extremely powerful in the physical, spiritual or emotional arena you are deeply fearful of now. You withhold that knowledge from yourself fearing that you will repeat whatever filled you with shame or worthlessness in that power arena.

It is time to introduce the you of now to that shameful piece.

Each of you reading this has a strength or area of expertise you are quite comfortable with. Healing (spiritual) is extremely easy, but physical creation (finances) seems beyond your grasp. Maybe finances are not an issue, but you dream of dimension-hopping and you cannot. Or you are comfortable with all sorts of earth entities, but cannot create your desired loving relationship.

You now wish to expand your expertise – for indeed that is the new earth. All who wish to be comfortable in all three realms will be – physical, spiritual and emotional.

This fearful element(s) has most likely been painful for you for several lifetimes. It is the bogeyman under your bed that you do not dare even think about.

You have cleared for months, so you believe you have nothing to clear or cleanse. Such is not the case. If you tried to create a romantic relationship to no avail in the past few weeks, you need to address the issue or issues blocking that joy. And the same is true for physical or spiritual creation blocks.

You are angry that we did not tell you this before drumming up your creation hopes. If we had, you would not have believed us – some have trouble believing us now. You cannot imagine that you allowed such a large piece of your being to go unnoticed.

It is about perception. Perhaps that piece did not stop your joy in other areas or perhaps it did. It does not matter for until you tested it for yourself, you would have never looked under your fear bed.

And so it is that you easily create in your area(s) of expertise, but not in the area(s) that you have hidden from yourself for perhaps eons.

It is time to forgive yourself and welcome that part of your being into your totality.

Most of you cleansed and cleaned all areas of your being – but you did so gingerly with your greatest fear. Perhaps allowing you to create a bit in that area. Maybe you allowed yourself to channel, but not heal – or to create a job, but not one that introduced financial comfort. You allowed a small piece of that totality in – but not enough for big creations.

The bogeyman under your bed is the area in which you lack self-worth. You would not have exposed that piece without a need to do so.

Limiting your new earth life and actions has finally allowed you to review that – and to fully KNOW that shame/lack of self-worth happened in a different time, with different perceptions, a different knowledge base and in a different Age.

You are no longer of the Old Age. Karma no longer applies. You are wiser and different from who you were when the incident(s) happened.

You did what was right for you – there are no mistakes and never have been. You were not wrong, merely testing something that was important at that time. Perhaps you wished to explore Old Age power in great depth. And so you did. But the very thought of that type of power is abhorrent to you now. Different times, different person.

It is the same as accepting guilt for breaking your mother’s vase as an infant. Hindsight will tell you that your mother should have put the object higher or stored it away. She did not and you, as an infant, broke it. Are you a bad or guilty entity in that example? Or merely an infant exploring everything within reach as infants have always done. And so it is for those actions or thoughts that have you stymied now.

You did what you needed to do – either to fulfill your life explorations or to help someone explore theirs. End of story. You are no more responsible for that piece than is an infant exploring its surroundings.

We have told you that you are responsible for your actions. And so you are and always have been. But the actions or feelings you are now ashamed or fearful of happened in a different Age and in different circumstances. You were an infant exploring as required for growth in that Age – now you are an adult.

Your bogeyman under the bed is no different than an infant grabbing any object within reach without any intent other than exploration. But if you were to purposefully break your mother’s vase today, your intent and the results would be different.

The Old Age and related karma is gone – your slate is clean. Do not allow your Old Age fears to limit your being now. You are not terrible, guilty, bad or any similar word. You merely explored what you wanted to explore in that time.

You are exploring different issues now – and are a great deal more mature. Allow yourself to interact with that fear, to address the fear limiting you in any way.

You will know the area of that fear by what you are unable to create now.

Perhaps you wish to ask on paper, “What fear is hidden under my bed and why?” Or visualize. Or do whatever feels most comfortable to bring that fearful piece into a dialogue. Ask that piece what it learned – and then forgive it. Send the results/feelings/fears back to the Universes in love – for that piece was extremely helpful when it was first introduced. And then, ask your higher self/inner-being/heart how best to incorporate that segment or segments of your being into your current totality.

You are not bad. That piece(s) is not bad. You are now merely expanding your inner community – and creation skills – in love and open communications. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 1, 2013 at 10:23 am 39 comments

You’ve Cleared Your Fears – Move On

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 2, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You cleared fear and pain the first eight months of 2012. In the next four months, many of you will be testing your personal New Age skills/software – those skills specifically designed for your New Age role.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Pass the Joy”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.


Dear Ones,

The phrase “Today is the first day of your life.” has an altogether different meaning than when it was first penned years ago. You are you and will remain so as long as you are of earth. But the you of today is different from the you of tomorrow, next month or next year. Not that your center core will change, but you will have different interests and skills.

Perhaps you wonder what new skills will become part of your everyday repertoire. This we cannot tell you. You are the entity who created your skill set in conjunction with the many other entities who felt the need to explore the New Age on earth at this time.

No other entity can complete your role. That thought is not to frighten you, but to inform you of your importance in this wondrous event. Of course, there are substitutes for your role – perhaps even a different path for all if you decide not to use your new skill set. But the path, the map, the grand plan created by you and others eons ago will not move forward as planned without your input.

It is a bit like your spy movies in which all the pieces have to come together for the ultimate glory of the characters you feel are the ‘good guys’. Does your heart not seem to skip a beat when a key character is caught or nearly caught?

And so it is with this New Age transition plan. The plan is succeeding, but it will be much more successful – and yes, easy if your complete your role as you promised before entering earth at this time.

Some of you feel as if you still need to clear issues that have haunted you for eons. Some of you are losing interest in the entire venture. And others are afraid to move forward. All were expected and planned for. But contingencies for such impediments to this transition only slow the process – a process that can no longer be stopped.

So let us answer your concerns.

Many of you  feel you have not cleared enough of your fear belief patterns to be a role model for others. Such is not the case. You have been clearing for years – and that activity most definitely increased in the past eight months. Now you are clearing beyond what is necessary to complete your role. Such clearing, such activities delay your role and serve no function for you or the Universes. It is time to stop emphasizing clearing.

A few months ago, we stated it was no longer necessary to solve past life karma – your karma slate was wiped clean. The same is now true for your clearing fear beliefs. Your clearing slate is empty. There is no need to check the corners or dust one more room. You have cleaned all the fear and pain you need to clear to move forward. In truth, some of you have even returned to the Old Age martyr role you were trying to rid yourself of with this extra credit cleaning.

As for your fears of moving forward. There is nothing to fear for you have faced your deepest fears during your cleaning/clearing processes. You will not be isolated, shamed or punished for activating your role. The New Age has arrived.

Perhaps you feel as if you do not have the strength for one more New Age action. Please know that you are most definitely ready to move forward. You are equating the New Age with work of the Old Age. Any movement from this point is about skipping down the street – not picking up and disposing of trash.

It is time. You have cleared, cleaned and processed. Now it is time to play – the games you created before your current entry to earth.

Play with your new skill set.

Maybe a skill you thought would be tremendous fun on earth during this time is somewhat boring. Move on.

Maybe a skill you thought would be helpful is cumbersome. Edit that skill much as you would a letter composed on your computer.

Maybe a skill you thought would be inspiriting is boring to even you. Adapt. Change. Create. Shift. You are a god/goddess. You are no longer a follower of the dictates of others. You are a creator of the glorious New Age of joy and love.

Which returns us to our initial thoughts of your ongoing need to clear the fear parts of your being. Those costumes/ illusions are no longer part of your repertoire. Your physical, emotional and spiritual beings have joined together to form the totality of the new god/goddess entity that is you.

Do not hid behind your fears. Do no hid behind society. Do not hid behind anything. You are a god/goddess of the Universes.

You have completed the first two phases of this New Age transition. You brought in the New Age. You cleared your being of fears and by doing so allowed your physical being to shift in a multitude of ways including sparking dormant DNA and adding those splinters of your totality that would best help you in your New Age role.

You are ready for the next stage – testing and refining your personal skill set.

Do not feel the need to ask others how or what to do. Just allow your inner-being to direct you to fun activities and you will automatically test your skill set. Do you suppose that the God you created in past lifetimes felt the need to check his actions with others? Why do you suppose you have to?

It is time to change your thought processes from follower to leader. To accept that you know what is best for you and therefore, the Universes. And you will discover that by following your joy. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.


September 4, 2012 at 12:56 pm 8 comments

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