Posts tagged ‘manifesting’

You’ve Jumped in a Rabbit Hole

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 14, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’re learning there’s no Santa Claus – and that you can trust very few. You’re uncovering more secrets about your 3D institutions/structures that make your world seem untrustworthy – for now. But you’ll soon clear the 3D rubble and build/create your dream structures.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Do I Go or Do I Stay”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You anticipated a future of ongoing joy once you mastered your mountain of general fears. Such has not necessarily been true for the past few weeks. Given all that has happened to and around you, you can only conclude that this transition is not a reality or you have not advanced as rapidly as those who seem to be racing ahead.

This transition is reality and no one is wiser or better than you. Of course, you have been told such in many ways the past few months, but still you wonder – why you are not manifesting what you desire instantly, why have you not found love, a community or other pieces important to you.

It is not logical to you that you have worked diligently on new you for years and yet do not experience or feel anything new – including the great and ongoing joy promised by so many channels.

Perhaps you believe you are much as you always were – maybe a bit more wise, but that wisdom could as easily be the result of age as anything channels promised.

You ARE different and you are expanding your skill set at warp speed. But you are doing so in a graduated manner – much as is true for baking a cake. Before the final product – the cake is a cake – you must combine required ingredients in correct order.

So it is that you, as a group, are adding a pinch of Steve, a dollop of Toni to create a recipe that will produce a new product. Think in terms of the first electric oven. Before the electric oven was invented, bakers guessed by the heat of the wood burning stove or fireplace that a baked good was ready to eat.

New techniques, new inventions create new skills. At the same time, new techniques require test runs – a learning curve.

So it is for you now. You have expedited your inner creative skill development by grasping onto and requesting more energy from the Universes during this energy burst. Those recipes or lesson plans you prepared in early February that seemed more than adequate to produce what you wished, are no longer adequate or appropriate.

Your skills are shifting daily. What was right yesterday no longer applies. That is your angst, that is your fear. It seems as if you are creating in quicksand. All you believe or presume does not apply today even though it was perfect yesterday.

In turn, your physical body is in tremendous upheaval as you ratchet up step upon step, day by day and sometimes even hour by hour. The same is true for your emotional and spiritual beings. It is as if everything is spinning and shifting by the second.

You are tired, disillusioned and angry. Screaming, “STOP IT!” does not end these shifts, nor does crying to the Universes/God. It is all about you – created by you for you.

Do you remember Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – the story of a young girl who falls into a rabbit hole only to discover a dreamlike world filled with unlikely characters and emotions? At first, Alice wished to return home only to realize the fun of exploring new beings and perceptions. So it is for you now.

You are transitioning into and through new lands, experiences and feelings that have little or nothing to do with your 3D world.

Your 3D world is yesterday and you have not yet reached tomorrow. You are floating somewhere between the two trying to grasp this and that. All the while, not understanding that your entire world is shifting so rapidly it does not make sense – logical or illogical – to grasp anything.

Your personal world will slow dramatically by the end of this month. Earth’s transition will continue a bit longer.

By the end of March, you will feel more secure and that will allow you to address global issues in the manner correct for you. For each of you has very important skills to share on/with earth.

You are upgrading those skills magnificently during this energy burst. And you are doing so because you requested it.

Perhaps it will help you better understand if you think in terms of you stopping your growth at any stage. When you first arrived on earth, you were comfortable stopping at a time when cakes were baked from scratch in a large fireplace. You have since decided you are strong enough to bake a box cake in an electric oven requiring fewer decisions on how to do so and resulting in a more consistent product. Both techniques produce eatable cakes – one is just easier and more rapid.

And so it is that this dramatic energy burst is moving you from fireplace to electric oven creations/skill sets in days or even hours instead of generations. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 16, 2015 at 9:11 am 40 comments

Come Alive – Stand Up and Cheer for You!

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 4, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Many of you have experienced AHAs or changes in perception the last few days. Those changes are coming to fruition for you now. You have lanced the boil. The miracles – big and small – of the next few days are your building blocks of self-worth and love.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for“Energy Gifts are of Earth Forever”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

This is a time of manifesting. Perhaps you are tired of reading that you are to manifest – you have had your hopes dashed so many times. You have hoped for the stars only to settle for a little dust. All the while hoping you were a slow learner and others were manifesting easily so that you could do the same some hazy time in the future.

You feel as if you have been cheated and lied to. You are exhausted hoping for something that never comes. Yet, despite all, you have not given up on the possibility, the hope of a new earth that relates to you.

Your time has come. We will not relay what you will manifest for you have a unique path with unique needs. But you shifted in the past few days, as have all on earth. You declared your freedom to be in whatever form from buying a dress to telling others how you feel.

But of course, you do not need to tell others of your feelings if you do not wish for this is an internal transition. All you need to do is claim those pieces of yourself in your current life that you have given away.

Perhaps you are afraid that if you tell your daughter you do not have the energy or interest in caring for your grandchild, she will no longer love you. Yet, you had the courage to say – or think, “I can’t. I’m exhausted. You need to find someone else.” Or perhaps you are uncomfortable in your home because it was not designed to fit your needs. You accepted that because it was right for someone else whether a design guru or your roommate. Finally, you acknowledged to yourself that you need some home changes for you.

Your thoughts and actions in the past few days have been about self-worth and self-love. For eons, you have been inundated with thoughts, actions and beliefs that make you small. So many areas of your life scream at you, “Look at me. Is this the life of a God/Goddess?”

Did that last statement make you cringe? Perhaps you have not yet placed the discomforts thwarting your growth in words or thoughts. Perhaps you believe that such discomforts are part of your New Age lessons, “I created and deserve this and someday I will discover the reason.” You are practicing ongoing apathy and acceptance – embracing a life of small discomforts that distract you from your internal growth.

You cannot focus on love and joy if your relationships are painful or your lifestyle limited.

Maybe you fear we are again building up your hopes and if you do not manifest what you dream of you will be pulled into a deep despair. That we are setting you up for failure. Does that thought not help you understand how you are limiting your life? You expect to fail. And you do so by accepting small and large discomforts – and label those discomforts New Age lessons.

The lessons are over. They are no more. And to continue to use those thoughts is to remain in 3D.

Perhaps you believe we are chiding you for something that is not your fault. That you are not responsible for the actions of others, the economy or the number of paying clients you have. But are you not balancing those thoughts with the phrase “You create your reality”?

Indeed you do create your reality. Every nuance, every thought, every deed. You are powerful creators. You have just not yet accepted that role in totality.

You wish for us to tell you that you will create ten million dollars next week. Maybe you will. But then, listen to the words and sensations in your body when you even think of ten million dollars. Most likely, it feels as if it is impossible or a joke. Neither of which is true. That is why in the past few days, your inner-being directed you to better understand the pieces of your being that create your feelings of worthlessness.

Many of you believe that rearranging your kitchen drawers is not a life changing event. We beg to differ. If you love to cook and your kitchen is arranged for others, you are thwarting your joy. And so it is for every piece of your being that cried out to be heard these past few days. Large or small – those cries are the beginning of claiming your self-worth.

You have gloried in the thought that you are an advance Lightworker. That title holds a future magnificence. It was not about now, but some future date. Even if you are channeling or providing others with new earth information/skills, you are doing so for the glorious future. That someday all will live in love and joy. That you are part of a grand movement that will materialize someday soon.

What you have now is all that will materialize if you do not accept your self-worth – at whatever level and in whatever fashion. But then, most of you addressed such issues in the past few days.

Now it is time to manifest. You are not selfish. You are not mean. You are a magnificent god/goddess NOW.

Start manifesting at whatever level is comfortable. Stop waiting for future glories, others to catch up or to continue a care taker/victim role.

Come alive. Be yourself. Stand up and cheer for YOU. And then do it again and again and again. You will create the future you have dreamed of. But if you wait to live that future until the future arrives, it will never happen.

Start manifesting knowing that you can – and that it is your role to do so NOW. Not tomorrow or next year, but now. How? Value yourself as much as you do others.

Create big. Create anything and everything from allowing yourself to walk in the woods to finding a new community to expecting reimbursements for your efforts.

You are not a cog in the wheel. You are the wheel. Accept that and you create your new earth. Accept whatever keeps you small and the New Age/new earth will never arrive for you. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

August 6, 2013 at 10:30 am 43 comments



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