Posts tagged ‘peace’

Fear is Not a Choice

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 27, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Your only role is building your future structure. Those following are likely angry or upset about the chaos. That’s your indication they’re no longer under the spell of the earth bullies. Those who wish to remain of 3D continue to be media darlings. The remainder of earth beings are no longer of 3D or quickly moving out of it. 

You’ve Become a Universal Hybrid is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though the earth is no longer in the throes of fear, the media continues to promote that it is. There will be no war – at least, in the form you now fear. For these final days of the earth’s fear are like the last gasps of a supervillain who can no longer do harm.

Despite that knowledge, that supervillain’s actions will likely radiate fear before relief and joy. For that 3D fear needs to be processed a bit before it expires. So for the first few minutes or even days, you crouch in fear whenever you hear an unusual noise and quiver when the telephone rings. Not because you know that supervillain is outside your door, but because you are so used to functioning in fear. It will take a bit of time for you to know, without an inner fear, that the war between heaviness and joy is over.

The same is not necessarily true for those who wish to continue with their 3D lives. Those of you who have crossed into the light are no longer of that fear grouping. So it is you have shades of fear when you hear the latest destructive view or action fearing the worst despite your inner knowledge that the worst is no longer part of your life, that the boogeyman is not hiding under your bed.

Listen to the media screams of fear and terror if you wish. But know that such information is no longer part of any earthly being who has decided to shift from 3D. It is over. Your life and that of the millions who no longer wish to be of 3D are turning to joy.

Again, we must reiterate that those who wish to be of 3D for whatever reason, will continue to live in fear. That is neither here nor there for you. Your fear days are behind you. Your fear door has slammed shut. Even if you try to revisit those fears, you will never again achieve the level of fear you lived day in and day out throughout your 3D lives.

You will soon begin to see and sense the divide between those opting for fear and you. Even though you will notice the media and political cries of fear and destruction, you will continue with your life, knowing that such destruction will not impact you as was once expected. For you have cleared those 3D fear pieces.

Every one of your earth lives added to your 3D fears until someone merely had to tap into one of your minor fears for you to blossom into 24-hours of fear. “If they do this, then this will happen to me because…” So it is you will note the fear of others. But because you are starting from fear ground zero, your thoughts will be something like, “This is so sad. I hope no one is injured or in fear, but it is no longer within me to feel fear.”

Perhaps such a concept seems cold-hearted. It is not. Before you transitioned into the light, you needed to erase those eons of fearful memories. The memories that encouraged, even forced you to remember how terrible earth life could be even when it did not impact you. Such was so because your past life memories reminded you of similar happenings to you or when you generated fear in others. So even when it happened to others, your memory experienced it over and over again.

Now that your memory bank is cleared, you might note the fear news, but you will not be sucked into your fear memories. Doing so only adds to the earth’s fear until all joy is removed, allowing fear after fear to blossom – either real or remembered.

Your role during this seeming time of crisis is not to worry or fear, but instead to imagine your world as one of peace, love, and joy. The earth does not need more fear thoughts. Thoughts that have innundated earth for eons. The earth shifted, and so have you – from fear to joy. So it is that thoughts of joy will not only radiate peace and love in your personal life, they will radiate throughout the earth.

Your joy road has been paved for an easy ride. How silly of any of you to ignore joy’s paved straight road for the rocky, cliff-hanging, trail of fear you have transversed for eons.

Take the easy road, and you will be in joy. Continue on the rocky road, and your being will stop any forward movement. For no matter how much you might want to consciously fear for the world or others, that is no longer your role. Allow others to find the easy path by following you.

Nothing will be gained by you or others traveling in fear.

In truth, you can no longer even travel in fear. That road, that world is no more for you and all those who no longer wish to be of 3D. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

January 6, 2020 at 11:26 am 12 comments

Are You a World Whack-a-Mole Caretaker?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 20, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’ve been preparing for 2020 since 2012. So it is you’ll discover new skills throughout the next 3 months. Those following won’t experience the same for they’re completing phases you completed earlier. And those of 3D will become more fully enmeshed in fear, anger, illogic, rage, and pain.  For they accepted a challenging earth role – pushing all who wish to be of 5D or beyond out of the 3D nest. 

Feeling or Acting Odd? is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We wish to address the uneasiness you feel about your future and the future of the earth.  For even though you have been informed that all is well, it is becoming more difficult to believe that such is so.  You can ignore the media and similar factors, but it is your inner feelings you cannot understand.

For you are concerned about areas, you believe you and others addressed decades ago.  It is as if you have worked months to complete a report only to have your one copy destroyed.

You are tired of fighting, of carrying the world and your family and friends on your shoulders.  You feel as if you are on caretaker overload for the same issues keep popping up with seemingly no resolution.

Should you protect the environment?  What about people being held without their consent?  Then there is gun violence as a result of the racial, religious, gender, economic, political, and homophobic hatred displayed daily.  When and where will the next war be?  And if that is not enough, you are discovering those you love are filled with fear because they do not understand their transition, nor do they listen to the explanations you offer.  It is as if you are playing Whack-a-Mole with the world and your emotions.

You assumed that by now, you would be living in your dream world with little or no stress.  Yet, your stress seems to multiply daily.  For just as one issue seems calmer, another arrives that requires immediate attention.

Where is your peace? Where is your rest?

The truth is you have not yet let go of your need to caretake the world.  Even though you supposedly turned that concern over to your followers, you continue that role in addition to your new assignments.

You are trying to be everything to everyone.  In your work-a-day world, you would be labeled as someone who cannot delegate.  For indeed, 90% of your worries are not your role.  You are no longer a caretaker of the earth or its inhabitants.  You have other, more compelling tasks to complete.

Your caretaking days are over.  But because you have not yet allowed that to be your truth, you are anxious and angry.  You are trying to do too much, for you do not believe those following are skilled enough to pick up where you left off.

It is no longer your place to worry about atomic bombs, sheltering others, or the concerns of your friends and family.  All are caretaking modes you have outgrown.

Of course, you do not believe our statement for you are quite proud of no longer caretaking those family members or friends who seem to be in the same predicament year after year.  What you have not yet addressed is your feelings of a similar nature.

You were likely concerned about the environment and humanity decades ago.  For such was your key to this life.  But you remain so deeply entrenched in those concerns that it is difficult to turn those issues over to your followers, or if you will, the next generation of light-bearers.

Your one and only responsibility, no matter how much others beg you to return to your previous roles, is to find and follow your joy.  Worrying about the earth, the environment, or humanity is no longer joyful for you.

We, of the Universes, have told you the same month-after-month.  Yet, our information has not resulted in your knowing that worry is not joyful.  That your followers are capable of picking up where you left off.  Granted, they might not approach issues as you would, but then, you have known for years that all paths are unique.

Your world solutions are based in 3D.  Your followers’ solutions will be much different.  For their lens is of the future and yours is of the past.  Not in terms of your joy, but instead how to solve issues that continue to be troublesome for you.

Your role in this life was to shift yourself and the earth from 3D to beyond.  You completed that difficult task.  Even so, you now wonder what you did wrong and how to fix those wrongs.

You did everything wonderfully right.  Those who follow have the puzzle pieces for those areas that worry you.  You are creator beings.  So it is you created the new earth.  Now it is time for you to create something that is yours alone.  And you will know what that something is by the joy it gives you.

No longer is it necessary for you to hide your joy from those who might not understand.  For those actions were of 3D.  You are no longer of 3D, nor are your followers.  Allow them to complete the roles they assumed for this life, as we did you.

Will your followers try to obtain your help with the issues they need to solve?  Of course.  Just as you continue to request solutions from us.  Yet as is true for you, those following must claim their place without your interference or coaching.  They are skilled enough to carry on.  Such is so to allow you to create, to shift to the next step.

Of course, you wish for us to tell you what your next step is.  This we cannot do.  For it is your creation step on your unique path.  No one, least of all we, of the Universes, know where that path will lead.  The only definite we can relay is that it is not caretaking anyone or anything.  Continuing to do so will only result in exhaustion.

You are no longer responsible for the earth or any earth beings.

Your role is creating.  And your unique joy will lead to those creations.  We know what you are not.  But not who you will become. Something only you can discover through your joy.  So be it.  Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

September 23, 2019 at 9:14 am 30 comments

Ease Dropped into Your Creation Lap

Channeled for by Brenda Hoffman

Summary of Brenda’s April 2, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This week’s energy will urge you to dream BIG – to raise your creation expectations.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for“Most of Your Sensory Skills Have Yet to be Discovered”

Dear Ones,

It is time to live in joy and peace. Such feelings are only possible when you accept your creation powers. Until you do, you will continue to accept that others are responsible for your joy.

You have graduated to more advanced creation skills. The energy bursts of this week – designed by your higher self and other interested beings – move you beyond your Old Age creation skills.

Many of you created in the Old Age with elementary skills. A bit like the first automobiles compared to those of today. Both vehicle designs transport you from place to place – the difference is the ease and comfort between then and now. So it is for you.

In 1910, automobiles were a miracle. Today, only those with the most ‘bells and whistles’ are.

The energies of this week consciously and subconsciously impart information into your being that allows and encourages you to create at a pace and level you have not yet experienced on earth.

Will you move from the automobiles of 1910 to today’s miracle models overnight in terms of creation? No. That would be too much for your physical being.  You will start your creation transition by easily moving from 1910 auto designs to those of the late 1930’s.

Perhaps such a promise does not seem that exciting – you wish to move more rapidly. Your physical being must adapt to the new energies at a pace that is right for you.

In truth, you cannot yet even conceptualize your new creation skills.

But then, you will not have to wait 80 years to realize your new creation skills – such will happen within months or weeks.

Some of you are crying not fair. How is this wait any different from the past? The key difference is the level of your creation skills. Think of creating 1910 automobiles over and over or jumping to an auto design of the late 1930’s. So it will be for you.

You are no longer repeating the creation skill level you accepted and expected in the Old Age.

We wish to briefly discuss your need for another human to complete you. That is not possible. In the New Age, you will want to feel complete within yourself. Once you are complete within yourself, you become a magnet for others of like-mind and interest. You will no longer want to meet your needs through anger, coercion, fear or manipulation.

Let us return to your creation of objects. Many of you have tried to create your dreams with 1910, if you will, blueprints. Such is no longer possible. For 1910 blueprints merely repeat 1910 designs. It is time to use new skills to create your New Age dreams.

Mantras, meditations, visualizations and other similar activities were part of your Old Age creation repertoire. Even though those activities continue to be delightful, they are no longer that helpful.

So what are you to do to create your dreams? Ah – that is the problem. You expect that you must ‘do’ something. Is not ‘doing’ an Old Age male characteristic? The New Age projects the female – whether you are male or female.

Female energy is allowing not forcing.

Perhaps you feel that this discussion is a male bashing exercise. It is not. It does not matter if you are a male or female human – you will be drawn to those characteristics considered more female than male such as peace, negotiating and open communications.

Neither human male nor female characteristics are good nor bad. Rather, you have completed the male characteristic course. You are starting a new course.

What do you need to do to create in the New Age? Nothing other than dreaming big and placing those dreams in your heart. Female dominated creativity is ease of movement.

You can continue with your mantras, visualizations and whatever other techniques feel comfortable. But such activities will have as much validity as an Old Age male becoming pregnant.

As of this week, you are a more advanced creator. Allow yourself to accept that. Allow your belief patterns to shift.

Creation is an extremely large piece of the New Age – you can not experience joy if you believe your joy is contingent on the actions of others. You are a unique person with unique interests and needs. Allow that thought to process a bit before you address your creation belief patterns.

How is it possible to create peace and joy using your tedious Old Age creation skills? How can we predict that your New Age society will be obvious in your current life if the requirements include patiently creating one object at a time with mantras and similar out-directed activities?

The New Age and ease are synonymous. This week’s energy is dropping that ease into your creation laps. Allow that to be. Allow yourself to explore your new creation skills and to discard the creation models you have used for eons.

Joy, peace, ease and fun – the only belief you need. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

April 3, 2012 at 5:27 pm 9 comments



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