Posts tagged ‘practice’

Practicing Your Global Creation Skills

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s July 17, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at In 3D, you had linear expectations of right behavior at certain ages. Your new being is circular, with joy and peace being the key components. Such doesn’t mean you’ll never be angry, but instead, you’ll react similarly to a two-year-old whose anger disappears once they’re rested or fed. And you’ll interact with others at the level most comfortable for both of you without regard to age or status. 

“The Rebuild Begins” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Your frustration is your need to see or sense more. So it is you are beginning to accept, even demand that your new you skills come to the forefront.

That last statement probably makes you angry. Why do you have to do anything to use your skills? Such is so as was true for many actions throughout your 3D life. In 3D, you developed an interest in something like riding a bicycle. Then you practiced until you mastered that skill. Your body and mind needed to adjust to new movements and thoughts.

Such is so now. Even though you are at the wanting stage, you have not developed the skills necessary to fulfill that want. So it is you are frustrated and a bit angry. You know you want a certain kind of life, but such is not possible until you practice your new you creation skills. You want those skills to happen automatically. They will not. For your physical being and emotional dreams need to work together to create that which you want.

Perhaps you believe you have created or completed other projects without practice. We beg to differ. If you review your actions in this life, you will realize nothing occurred without practice from reading to driving a car.

So it is you are now practicing whether you acknowledge that or not. It likely seems that your wishes and dreams are just beyond your reach – much as was true for your infant rattle. You will get there. And you will create. This is merely your practice stage. Just as you once wished, you could ride a bike like your older siblings.

There are creation bits and pieces that seem to be putting themselves front and center. You look for a specific outfit, and you see it in a store window. Or you need a quote for a major speech, and you discover it by accident – little bits and pieces that allow you to practice your new skills.

Many are wondering why you need to practice for most of you reading our channels have created items in previous times. Ah, the difference is that of learning to walk as an infant compared to interacting with others as a manager. You are shifting from inner-directed creating to outer-directed sharing.

So it is you feel like a small child or new learner again. Before your transition, you likely created for yourself after much effort. Then you learned to quietly create small items of joy through your new inner-being. You are now moving into yet another creation territory. That of creating something visible to others for it is time to rebuild the earth. Such is not possible if everyone uses their skills to create within their being.

You are expanding your creation skills from personal to global. Such is not to say you must be a world caretaker, but instead that you are confident enough in your being to shift from individual to more global interests. Similar to what happened as you aged in 3D. Your 3D world was initially limited to where your caretakers placed you – in the crib or on a blanket. Your world then evolved into your yard, your neighborhood, your school, and finally, the world.

So it is now. You no longer need to be placed anywhere by the Universes or your internal shoulds. You have moved into the world. As you did, you acknowledged within yourself what skills were required for your next step and the next and the next. You are practicing those steps now. And as you do so, you feel uncoordinated, frustrated, and somewhat angry. For should it not be instant? Should you not be able to wave your hand, and it is so?

It will be. Just not immediately.

Perhaps it will help you understand if you realize how far you have evolved from creating in 3D with much effort and energy. You are no longer of 3D. Nor are you creating just for yourself. Granted, your new creations will provide you with joy, but for that to happen, you need to practice a bit. And so you are.

Step one is acknowledging your move away from 3D concerns – political, financial, or any other area. Step two is recognizing the frustration that did not seem to have a focus until you realized you were evolving yet again. You are not who you were in 3D or even two weeks ago.

You may be at a somewhat different place than what we describe for you are on your unique path. But if you have not already, you will be moving into global creation soon. That is not to say you will create something that will visibly change the world. Your path may be more like Henry David Thoreau, creating words that impact future generations. Or designing a product visible throughout the globe. Or interacting with someone who will visibly impact the world.

For those of you concerned that you have not yet created your personal joy, realize that such is the first step to global creation. For you cannot learn to read – a skill that opens the world to you – until you learn your letters. So it is you will evolve from personal creation and acceptance to global creation and acceptance. Not as you did in 3D with shoulds and have tos, but based on interest just as was true for young 3D you.

As an infant, your home seemed exciting. Then you discovered your neighborhood, which became too small, as did your school, your community, and on and on. You evolved into a global 3D being. You are doing the same now. The difference is you are doing so with heart, with new thoughts, beliefs, and needs.

You are not who you were, and neither is earth. Allow yourself to follow your joy, and you will move into new global you. Contain yourself to your personal world, and you will feel stilted.

Allow yourself to flow when you are ready to do so. We are merely informing you that new interests and activities are to be expected. When they happen, know that you are following your personal directives. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

July 20, 2020 at 8:57 am 26 comments

You’ve Crossed the Creations Rubicon

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 18, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Last year, you processed inwardly. This year is more about looking outside yourself for many are awakening – especially this weekend – and are frightened by doing so. Your role is not to preach about the shoulds of New Earth, but to stand tall in your joy and love.

“The Angst of the Unknown” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today (January 20, 2019) is your day – for many of the changes you yearn for will now come to fruition.

Perhaps you expect a magic wand of sorts that will provide the magic and joy you have longed for. Such is not the case for you must actively participate in this creation process.

Now you are moaning and groaning thinking that we are merely offering another carrot. Instead, just as you needed to learn how to drive a car before you were allowed to drive, so it is now with your creation skills.

This is a time when many small creations you have dreamed of will become reality, similar to learning how to balance on a bicycle with training wheels.

Even though you traveled more rapidly on your bicycle with training wheels than you did walking, most likely you were within view of your parents or in a small neighborhood when you did so. But once you remove those training wheels, the larger world became your playground.

Many of you initiated your small creation skills in preparation for this time. You might declare such is not true for you cannot remember the times you found the perfect parking spot or an item you desired for less money than you anticipated or the gift of something you had forgotten you wanted. And likely, you also forgot the times you created gifts you labeled as luck or timing instead of creation.

So it is we are addressing two levels of creators today. Those who have practiced and those who have yet to do so. You are all creation giants, it is merely your decision which stage you are in. Just as some neighborhood children remove their bicycle training wheels more rapidly than others.

Part of your creation timing is your belief in yourself. Again, like those children brave enough to remove training wheels and depending on balance to project their bicycle forward.

So it is you have crossed the creation Rubicon as of this eclipse energy burst. It is now your decision when you wish to remove your creation training wheels.

Do not worry. You will not fall and you will not fail for you are finally accepting those hidden parts of you as your totality.

You, en masse, created this shift and now you are taking off the en masse training wheels and projecting your skills into the ethers to create what you desire.

Many wish to create financial freedom and so you may. But once that security is created, you will discover other aspects of your current earth life that you denied yourself out of fear or disbelief that you could create it without assistance from someone wiser than you.

You negated your true being to be of the 3D earth. Now, you are reclaiming yourself in all your glory.

Fear not. You will not fall short, make a mistake, or harm someone. You are the creator gods who waited to project those personal creations onto the earth until the time was right.

That time is now.

Allow yourself to believe that the recent comforts you discovered are not miracles, but merely you creating a better life for yourself as you were always capable of doing. A bit like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ discovering her magic slippers could take her home whenever she wished.

You are no longer believers in miracles. Instead, you are transferring that belief to your own capabilities. Something you always were capable of but afraid to do in a 3D world.

This is no longer a 3D world.

It is time for you to remove your blinders to your skills and claim your being in its totality regardless of the assumed consequences. Consequences that you created within yourself after eons of hiding those creative elements that could change the world.

Your hiding days are over. You are free to remove your bicycle training wheels whenever you feel the need. And when you do so, you will fly into new spaces and new creations as you zoom through your life in joy instead of the fears of discovery and the unknown. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

January 21, 2019 at 11:37 am 30 comments

Creating a New Star Path

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 15, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   In 3D, you hid your true self. Now that you’ve captured much of your internal glory, you’re receiving energies to move beyond your being. Others will note your sparkle, your inner beauty. Items you focus on will also sparkle. You’re changing the world through love and the freedom to be.

“Do You Dare?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are experiencing fogginess, of not quite being here nor there. Such is to be expected given the tremendous number of energies pummeling you.

You truly are between here and there as you adjust to the new energies and new you.

Even though you continue your daily routines of work, grocery shopping, child care, school, etc., there seems to be a difference in your ability to connect with those common 3D activities.

You are between dimensions and frequencies. Not in the way you anticipated when you first learned that such was a possibility. But instead almost as if you are grasping anything solid. Yet that 3D solid beingness seems nebulous, odd, foggy – different somehow – as if you are living a dream.

So it is you are adapting physically to your new being in various dimensions.

Even though many of you are excited by the thought of time, dimension, and frequency hopping, you did not factor in practicing.

You likely already travel through time, frequencies, and dimensions with your heart and mind. Now your physical being is catching up.

Your physical being is always the last to complete phases for your physicality is the densest portion of your earth being. So it is you are taking your physical being for various test runs the next few days.

Some of you will time hop, others dimension or frequency hop and still others will do all three. For it is the role you created for this life that determines how your physical being will function.

Perhaps some of you feel little or nothing. Such does not mean you are not of 5D or beyond. Merely that you do not require practice because you are already fully qualified. Or your role is less about different times and places than the here and now.

Your inner-being knows where to direct you. So do not try to become something you are not. Which, of course, is the standard operating procedure in 3D.

In a sense, you are now on automatic pilot, unlike your former 3D life. No one can tell you who you are for you are learning who you are day by day. In the same vein, you cannot create interest or skills in an area not directly related to your new being role.

Some of you are concerned that such means you have no choice, that your freedom is curtailed by your inner-being. Such is not true. For you will discover that if your role does not include the need to learn certain elements, practicing those elements will be work instead of joy.

You are now programmed for joy. A program that will direct you more rapidly than any messages you read or any envy you might feel.

You are directing yourself from within. A direction that will lead you to joyful times and actions.

Some of you worry because your dreams do not seem to come true in a timely fashion or in the way you would like. Do not fret. Please remember that the next few days are about physical practice, about floating in and out of your new reality.

We venture to guess that your dreams are shifting a bit as a result. Perhaps, some parts of your dreams are coming to fruition indicating you are practicing dream retrieval. Perhaps you are discovering that your physical being requires more rest than usual in preparation for your dream retrieval. Or perhaps, you feel stuck.

Your stuckness will not last much longer for the energies pummeling you now will not allow such to be true. Your dreams may evolve a bit as you fully claim your being, but they will come to fruition for that is your self-reward for a job well done.

What you must understand is that you are in control of your life and your dreams. There is no one outside of you including us, of the ethers, who will give you what you are unwilling to give yourself.

Perhaps the thought that you are on your own regarding your ongoing earth creations makes you angry. Even though we, of the ethers, can give you tips, as we told you many months ago, you are forging new paths in new territory. We do not have the rules nor the skills to further your journey.

Your roadmap was not created by us, we were merely observers throughout your 3D struggles. Given that most of us, of the ethers, have experienced an earth life or lives, we were able to understand and nudge you in the directions you wanted to go. Here and there we saved you from harm or falling too far from your path.

But once you created New Earth and new you, you moved beyond our expertise.

We view the overall plan or tapestry knowing that you have as much expertise as do we in creating and exploring. So do not expect us to inform you of your next step or creation. You are your creator.

Not only are you as skilled as we are despite your 3D physicality, but you also have a different type of expertise than do we. We know the earth outcome is joy. But it is your unique contribution to that joy we cannot create for you, nor direct you to.

For you have been taken off automatic pilot as you fully claimed your inner skills. You are free of the earth and Universal shoulds and requirements.

What does your heart, your inner-being tell you to do? That is your unique roadmap. No one can follow or create that path. It is yours and yours alone.

You do not need us to light that path, for your beams of joy are much brighter than any we could give you. And you do not need us to tell you, “Do not move there, move here.” as we did so often in the past, for your inner GPS is much more sophisticated than any we have.

You are free and wise and fruitful. Allow that to be your message forevermore as you create your life of joy you during this phenomenal transition. You are creating a new heaven on earth, and by doing so, you are creating a new star path to and for the heavens. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


June 18, 2018 at 8:58 am 30 comments

Yes, You Can

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 21, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Create your 3D dreams for you’re the marketing arm of this transition. Even though we indicated something similar last year, you, en masse, requested another earth year of clearing – and of creating such fear that you would be forced to remember your creation skills. We, of the Universes, are sending energies and representatives to reinforce your marketing efforts. Self-actualization pieces will follow once the masses realize they’re capable of creating bountiful food and shelter – as you’re about to display.

“Go With the Flow” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This recent void phase is nearly complete. So it is you are preparing for the next stage which is the creation of your 3D dreams.

Most who wish to follow you into 5D or beyond are not interested in spiritual elements at the moment for they feel their inner and outer worlds have been turned inside out. So it is they require some sort of framework of how and why to move forward. The framework you are now ready to display.

Even though you likely believe you have not done enough – that you must have more pieces to clear or others to interact with before you create your 3D dreams, nothing could be further from the truth.

The only piece stopping you from moving forward is you.

In your mind, you have not graduated causing you to believe you must do more, work harder, forgive others or love yourself more – anything you can think of to remove yourself from the creation seat.

What if your attempts to create fail yet again? What if you have not completed all you need to before attempting this creation phase?

Even though you, en masse, requested an additional earth year to prepare for this phase, much like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ, you always had the ability to create what you wished – a skill that is now easier than ever.

Most of you are terrified of failure for what if your creation skills are not what we claim? What if you are making all of this up?

What you fail to understand is that you are fully prepared to be a 3D master. The recent energy bursts were not about adding to your skill set as much as helping you remember how to create easily and effortlessly – as you have for eons in other environments.

Granted, creating while of the earth has been more difficult than other environments. But now that the earth has entered 5D such 3D heaviness no longer exists.

Part of you wishes to remain in fear and 3D creation difficulties so you do not stand out or so you cannot be blamed if others do not create as do you.

You are unnecessarily generating fear around your natural creation skills. A bit like a toddler refusing to walk because he or she might fall.

Perhaps a bit of practice is necessary for you to understand that you are a natural creator. Perhaps not. But know with every cell of your being that you can no longer procrastinate, or be fearful of the outcome or the process. You have taken an additional earth year to sort through those fears. It is now time to act.

Of course, you are frightened, just as you were when you were required to read out loud in class. “What if I don’t read the words correctly and my classmates laugh at me?” Can now be shifted to your current fears, “What if the Universes and my cohorts expect me to do something I can’t do?”

Stop stalling. Stop worrying. And start playing with your creation skills. Even though you do not need to for you are fully capable of creating what you want. Start small if you wish. You merely need to believe you can.

Love your totality and your skills for they are altering earth and the Universes. Stop playing head games with yourself hoping against hope that you can hide from yourself and others as you have done earth lifetime after earth lifetime. Pull away the covers of your creation skills and start creating. That is your role and the amazing skill set you honed for eons.

Allow yourself to believe in yourself, and all will be as you dream. Allow yourself to frighten you, and you will continue to receive messages such as this with a definite push to the forefront – for you are ready and it is time. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


December 24, 2017 at 11:13 pm 27 comments



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