Posts tagged ‘safety net’

You’re Redoing Your Fears With New Outcomes

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 4, 2015, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  Eons ago, you created deeply embedded fears to limit the joy you could experience in any 3D life. Those fears are likely appearing in your life now for you to thank those fears for their service and to be transmuted to joy. In essence, you’re turning lumps of coal into diamonds so the earth dreams you’re now creating are larger than anything you ever dreamed possible. The next Creation Energies (BlogTalkRadio.Com) show will be broadcast Friday, November 20, 2015

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Where’s My Earth Dream?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you have internalized joy and moved beyond 3D, you continue to foster fears of yesterday, to hold on to a seemingly never-ending panic of what will probably happen given your earth history.

Your 3D fears have increased 3D lifetime after 3D lifetime. Providing you with a safety net of sorts – “If this happens, surely this will follow.” A safety-net of fear. To waylay fears of the unknown, you created a framework of fear.

Perhaps that is a bit difficult for you to comprehend for your thoughts are that your safety net of fear is the reality of your being – and joy and love are merely possibilities. For you have had little earth experience with extended joy or love. Granted, you perhaps experienced love within your family or with your friends. But even that love was cautious, ready to be examined through eyes of fear when someone or something did not fulfill your thoughts of what you needed in life.

Your needs were based on someone outside yourself completing you. Whether that was a spouse, child, friend or job. That as long as you had that piece in your corner all was right with your world. But when that piece or those pieces were lost, you returned to your fear based safety-net. One that told you that that was all that there was. That you should not have expected long-term joy or love.

So it is that because of recent global and personal activities, you find yourself returning to 3D beliefs of fear and lack.

Such is to be expected for that is the pattern you diligently created to acclimate to the heaviness of 3D. You have moved beyond that heaviness, but you have not yet created a new safety-net, a new history of love. You will – perhaps not at the level of constant expectation as will be true for future earth generations, but much more than is now true for you.

Many of you have had your fears displayed the past few days or months. It is quite natural to return to feelings of loss and fear – that is, quite natural in a fear-based earth.

But you are shifting earth from fear to love. So you are finding that that which was once a given – loss of love, power, financial security, peace, contentment or whatever feeling – is allowing you to re-evaluate how you experience this loss or fear in your new being. It is a redo of your fear in a new base with new outcomes.

But of course, as you enter this fear based redo, you cannot allow yourself to revamp your outcomes immediately. You likely need to “stew” in fear for a bit before you find your anchor in love and joy.

This is redo time. You are addressing those deeply hidden fears you created in 3D earth to anchor you to that earth. Now that you are a new being in a different place, you are re-addressing those same fears in love and joy.

Perhaps you do not yet comprehend how you will do so, but you will. For that is the piece you are now addressing. And you are discovering that applying your old fear tactics does not move that fear anyplace other than more deeply within you. You are forcing yourself, if you will, to find a new way to clear 3D fears you have likely hidden from yourself.

You cleared the big pieces of your fear months ago. The fears you are addressing now are those that continue to rattle around within you preventing you from experiencing love – mostly self-love.

For if you review the fears you now are enmeshed in, those fears are likely related to how stupid, lazy, not lovable, wrong you were or are. Self-love issues.

For eons, you did the best you could in an almost impossible situation – moving from Universal love and joy to the heaviness of 3D earth. Now that you are of 5D, it is time to remove any fear, any lack of self-love that ties you to an earth that no longer exists.

You are rapidly moving to a different earth with different frequencies. Frequencies not compatible with your fears. And therefore, not compatible with 3D ways of clearing those fears. The only way to move through those fears now that you and earth are of different frequencies is to expect the best outcome and to forgive yourself for being brave enough to live in a 3D environment.

Even though many of you created numerous lives on earth to experience the beauty and emotions of earth, most of you did so to prepare for this earth transition. So you accepted pain and fear, much as a soldier does to help his or her country.

You are Universal beings who sacrificed much to prepare earth for this time. You accepted earth as your pilot project of a never-before attempted total transition of multitudes and a planet. To do so, you needed to be part of earth. This you have done so well you are now almost believing that fear is your being – even though you have sparkles here and there – that fear is your common element, your go-to emotion.

So it is you are addressing those fears that you needed to adapt to a heavy 3D earth so that you could be part of this all-encompassing transition. And so it is you are slowly – in your minds – realizing that fear is not your base of expertise.

You are love incarnate and have been since your inception. Allow yourself to express that love to yourself most of all. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

November 16, 2015 at 11:16 am 38 comments

Letting Go of Your Final 3D Safety Net

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 21, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at In the next few days, many of you will have a major perception shift. Not of your past lives or even your current life history, but of your here and now. Perhaps you’ve been unhappy with your home only to sense it with new delight. Or you’ve accepted life as it is only to discover you can no longer deceive yourself or others.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Relish Your Uniqueness – You’re a Master of the Universes”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.


Dear Ones,

Perhaps you think the perception shift we are addressing will be little different from what you experienced or discovered when cleansing your inner-being. For have you not already sifted through your personal and historical debris to open yourself to a new you?

The clearing stage we are speaking of is more personal.

You distanced yourself from some friends and relatives. Maybe you changed jobs or fields of interest. You are a different person than was true just a few months ago.

You shifted, cleansed and changed. At the same time, you allowed the piece in front of you – your personal life to go on as before. That  piece was or is your safety net. You just did not have the energy or bravado to cut away that last piece of security.

You might have been unhappy at times with that piece – but not enough to challenge yourself to let it go.

Many of you are concerned that we are addressing negatives – in your terms. Perhaps we are. But then, perhaps we are not.

Maybe you needed to maintain angry feelings towards another being or entity. Maybe you needed to see your home as less than it was with the dream of upgrading in the not-too-distant future. Maybe you needed to stay in the security of a relationship even though it was not feeding your joy.

It does not matter what piece you held onto for stability. You are now strong enough spiritually, emotionally and physically to let go in whatever fashion to allow yourself to breathe in your beingness.

Perhaps you find a need to leave your job. Or end a relationship – romantic or otherwise. Perhaps you better sense the love or joy that surrounds you. You will look about today, tomorrow or sometime soon and know that something is not as you wish it to be –  that you lied to yourself about it.

So what have you lied to yourself about to maintain that last piece of security?

Maybe you are now frightened for you think you need to give up everything you hold dear. Such is not true.

What has or soon will happen is that you understand in a flash that you have been lying to yourself.

You already understand that some might not be who you wish to surround yourself with as you delve deeper into this new earth transition. But there is something else you held onto as a safety net – whether negative or positive in your thought processes.

As you drop your last safety net, you will experience a big AHA.

How can this process be positive? You already know that removing this safety net will move you further into the new earth transition. That is not your question. Your question is, “How is it possible you did not sense a positive?” For indeed, you are used to spotting negatives, but positives are something you are not that familiar with. Let us explain.

You have established or labeled your shifts as good or bad. Those labeled good shifts moved you into joy. Those labeled bad shifts encouraged you to clean an area of your being you had not thought to process before this new earth shift. Anything that feels or seems to feel painful is labeled negative. And anything that feels joyful is labeled positive.

Labels no longer apply. It is time to change your perception of positive and negative. In puberty, did you not find your voice change negative during the process – yet quite positive once you starting growing facial hair? And so it is now. None of your changes are negative or positive – merely another step into your new world. But we digress. Let us return to today’s discussion.

The difference between this perception shift and others is that it will be as if a light bulb is switched on. How could you not have perceived this before – it is so obvious. In truth, you could not sense this piece until you had built up your new earth strength.

What does it mean to let go of your safety net? Nothing. Now you are surprised for you thought this clearing would be the one that pushed you into nirvana. This is a major step along the way, but it is not a completion step.

Let us explain in different terms. A voice change in puberty is big but not the entire shift. And so it is for you now. Your big AHA that occurred or will in the next few days or weeks is merely your understanding deep within you that nothing or no one is stopping you from shifting into new earth.

Prior to this AHA shift, you perhaps thought that all is well even though this one piece was nibbling at your joy. That you could cope with this one piece and still move into your totality of being. You have discovered or soon will that such is not the case.

This is not an either / or transition. It is all or nothing. You cannot be a bit pregnant. Nor can you tiptoe into puberty and then decide you are no longer interested.

We assure those of you frightened about this AHA that you will voice or act on this sensation with complete knowledge that all is well. Even though this piece has been your safety net, you will know with every fiber of your being that you no longer require a safety net once it is time for your AHA.

Those of you frightened even reading this channel do not fear. You will not remove your safety net until you are ready. That might be today, tomorrow or several weeks from now. You will know by the feelings and words that spew from your being – that unless you vocalize/ indicate your new enlightened being, you will burst with feelings and sensations.

Much like romantic love, you will know when the time is right. Until then, know that you no longer need any safety net that negates your being / your true power in whatever fashion. You have grown enough to be a spiritual, emotional and physical adult of the Universes. You are ready to remove your safety net and so you shall. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

July 23, 2013 at 10:04 am 43 comments

Are You Surprising Yourself With Your Actions?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Overview of Brenda’s 15-minute, free, channeled show Creation Energies on’s channeled radio show returned to the theme of  last week’s Brenda’s Blog available at  titled Letting Go of a Piece of Your Heart. Relationship sharing means asking yourself what you want or need in a relationship. You’ve been trained to give without expectations for eons. It’s time to review that pattern along with your beliefs about your self-worth.


Dear Ones,

Even though you may understand intellectually what is happening to those relationships that no longer feel loving or valuable – whether human, animal or other entity – emotionally, you are exhausted and devastated. That person or entity might have been your touchstones of security for decades or eons. Please know that they are not bad or evil, they just do not fit within your being in a comfortable and loving fashion.

Perhaps it would be easier to understand if you think of yourself as  a round puzzle with round puzzle pieces and the other person or entity as a square puzzle with square puzzle pieces. One shape is not better than the other, merely different and not interchangeable. So it is for you now.

You do not hate the people or objects you are moving away from, you just do not feel comfortable with them any longer. You cannot understand them and they cannot understand you.

What are you to do about the void left in your heart now that they are no longer part of you – at least at the level they were before the shift? What indeed? Who or what do you want in your life and why?

You see we have returned to the basics again. Who are you? Do you wish to be with someone who makes you uncomfortable? Why? And if not, why not? What is different about you…or them? Create the relationships that fit the new you much as you did when you left home or starting dating. You are not alone. You merely have to set your personal radar to a station that matches like-minded people or entities.

The key phrase is self-worth. For eons, you have accepted without question the phrase, “To give is better than to receive.” Do you realize how many belief patterns are attached to that phrase – including gender, race, religion, age, government and economics?

Historically, women were protected by their male relatives or spouses to the extent that they were not able to vote, hold office or own property. Such beliefs seem ludicrous now given that women are voting, serving in the military, owning property and serving in office. But many belief patterns needed to shift before such dramatic societal changes occurred. Such changes required decades of dedicated work by those who believed men and women were equal intellectually and physically.

Your recent shift feels so dramatic – and exhausting – because it occurred within days instead of decades. It was not something you planned for or protested for to obtain. The shift happened without your conscious awareness. And that is how shifts will continue to occur throughout this transition process – easily and naturally, but surprising to you in terms of your reactions and actions.

There is no historical perspective for this shift. Nor are there texts or professors to help you wade through the materials. Merely you acting and reacting according to your inner-being.

Now you ask what else will be expected of you in this transition? You have already given up a great deal in the last few days by moving beyond the people or objects you once held dear. In the not-to-distant future, you will review what you gave up recently and realize the person, entity or object did not expect or accept an equal relationship. For if it were equal, you would not have given it up.

Have you dated someone wonderful until you started noting discrepancies in their words and actions and you needed to let them go? So it was for you in the last few days. But again, there were no self-help books to tell you what to do. You acted from your inner-being not societal dictates – how frightening that is to many. No rules, no guidance – just you knowing who you are and what you need.

In the past, you were inundated with correct moves and actions provided your psychologists, self-help gurus, parents and religious leaders. Even though they may have had somewhat different viewpoints, they all provided a “correct” framework for who you were and how you acted. Those few people who dared to move beyond those rules laid down by others found themselves justifying their actions by pointing out a philosophy or text that indicated a similar activity. Such safety nets no longer apply.

How can a societal safety net apply when you have transferred your power to your inner-being? And how can your moves be correct for anyone else?

Allow yourself to know that you are a powerful, self-governing entity – as is everyone else. Then allow yourself to know that what occurred in the past few days was you allowing your self-governing being to move in a direction that was and is correct for you.

Your self-governing being is not mean, vicious or self-aggrandizing. It merely wishes to help your physical being move into the place that will encompass the joy, love and peace you have long hoped for. Your self-governing being is slowly but surely waking up to the New Age.

Much of what has transpired pertaining to the New Age/new energy/new earth in the past forty years has been an intellectual discussion of the possibilities. In the last few years, your physical being began shifting – but not to the extent that you felt or acted much differently. Perhaps you visualized, had your favorite mantras or associated with others who felt similarly – but your life continued much as was before you found the materials.

Your physical being is shifting to meet the intellectual thoughts you have processed for a few decades. You are becoming the person you wanted to be, and hoped to be, in the New Age/new earth. To do that you must move away from those people and entities that force or urge you to physically act as you always have. The New Age you is physically coming into being with all the twists of your personality such changes require.

Can you remain happily involved in what you term “dysfunctional relationships?” Not if you are moving into the New Age. You cannot be an alcoholic, spouse beater, thief, murderer or any similar activity and comfortably move into the New Age/new earth. Not that any of those labels are terrible in themselves, but rather do not include love, joy and peace. New actions for the new you. Paramount of which is self-worth. And self-worth is not synonymous with a dysfunctional relationship, rage, hate and anger.

You took a major physical step into the new earth/New Age in the past few days by acting on feelings that you no longer wish to be part of a dysfunctional anything. You brave souls in a matter of months moved into a place that would normally take hundreds of years.

No wonder you are starting to surprise yourself with your actions – you continually surprise us. So be it. Amen.     If you would like to receive my free blogs as I post them, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of my subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the confirmation.

August 31, 2011 at 5:39 pm 2 comments



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