Posts tagged ‘self-contained’

Weaving Your Universal Tapestry Piece

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 28, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You no longer feel comfortable with your former 3D activities, and yet you remain cautious about testing your new skills. You’re in limbo. Such will pass once you realize you can create a new activity or action if you don’t enjoy that which you thought you would.

“I Know Who I Am is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you remain concerned that humanity is in a downward spiral. That destruction, as happened in Atlantis, is happening again.

The opposite is true.

Perhaps it would help you better understand if you could observe from afar, as we of the Universes do, for you are too close to the pattern of the earth’s new tapestry to see the images.

Many of you proclaim that such is merely another carrot encouraging you to continue this seemingly never-ending journey of self-discovery. For your dreams remain in the nebulous state of someday maybe, instead of appearing, as we predicted, easily and effortlessly. Such effortless creation is yet to come.

You are in a rest state, adapting to the energies of the past few weeks and preparing for the upcoming energies that will be more dramatic than most.

For you have transitioned beyond merely adapting energies to creating your new being.

Those following you will use the upcoming energies, as you once did, to create their new beings, to initiate the self-love process you are now deeply enmeshed within. For even though you might be concerned about your need to rest for the next energy burst, you are doing so without fearing you did something wrong or that you will never transition.

Without pinpointing the exact date, you are now likely relaxing into your new being – not by shouting and screaming in joy, but instead, by exploring the need to ignore shoulds and have tos. Which probably does not seem like a huge step, but is one of the largest leaps you have completed to date.

Your first transition efforts were to clear those pieces that held you in 3D despite your best efforts to move beyond 3D. Your second was to learn to love yourself. And your third is to follow your needs instead of those you once believed were more important than you.

Your next, and perhaps most dramatic stage to date, will be to incorporate your self-love into your self-contained being. Knowing without question who you are and where you wish to move next. That is the piece you are preparing for during this resting stage. For indeed, just loving yourself without acting on that knowledge is no different than many of the self-help courses you participated in when you were of 3D. No one can teach you how to be you.

Yet, that self-knowledge remains frightening for many of 5D for you want someone to tell you that you are right – ensuring that others are wrong. A stance you are quite familiar with, but which no longer enthralls you as it once did.

Your wish to be special is a 3D need. Your wish to be different is a 5D push. Yet, you continue a need to be acknowledged by others for your uniqueness. Something you learned in 3D as a pre-requisite to claiming yourself.

This next shift is exactly the opposite of that with which you are familiar, for no one will applaud your uniqueness other than you. You are now a self-contained entity who decides when and where to be. Something that appears easy, but is a task you might find as difficult as learning to love yourself. That is not to frighten you, but instead to inform you why you might require rest the next few days.

For you are about to declare yourself to any and all who attempt to place you in a special niche. You will not be nasty about your declarations, but instead, will find it difficult to understand why anyone needs to push you in any direction. You will become more independent than you have ever been while of the earth in any lifetime. At the same time, you will find it almost annoying that others want to follow you for you will not require obedience from anyone – eventually. During the initial days of this new phase, you will wonder why no one seems interested in the activities you find intriguing. But your need to slough off your “me too” actions will deepen as you delve into this next phase.

Loving yourself and acting on that self-love are two different phases. Even though those two phases are not as clearly defined as they might seem.

For initially, you will declare yourself independent and then feel uncomfortable, lonely, or even angry that you have done so. Just as was true when you took your first baby steps into self-love continuing many of your 3D shoulds even though you did not enjoy doing so.

This next phase will be as if you have closed the door on those 3D shoulds wondering why anyone questions your doing so. As if you are unknowing about your actions – not from your perspective, but from that of others. You will find most others boring, dull, or just not worth your time – even though you will be somewhat lonely doing so. A quandary you are preparing for and will overcome within a few days of declaring your self-knowingness.

Do not be frightened by your new assertions, even though you might shock those around you. You acted somewhat similarly as you moved into self-love. The difference is you will not feel guilty during this next phase. In truth, you will find it difficult to understand why your need to be you disturbs anyone. For you have or are moving beyond pleasing others to pleasing yourself no matter the 3D consequences.

You are evolving more rapidly than you now imagine creating your new you tapestry – a piece of the new Universal love tapestry. A tapestry that is growing exponentially daily as more transition to 5D and beyond.

You helped create the border of that tapestry when you initiated your transition, as is true for those now starting or in the midst of their transition. You are now preparing to fill in the tapestry images that are yours alone. So it is you must allow yourself to rest so that your new colorful images shine brightly for others to see and expand upon. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

July 1, 2019 at 8:23 am 27 comments

Listen to You

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 21, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps your loved ones are at a different place than you – so you caretake them because you were trained to do so. Slowing down to care for someone is no longer appropriate for they are as powerful as you even if they haven’t accepted that they are. Those loved ones will never accept their power if you are their caretaker, nor will your light shine brightly. This is a time of personal power – yours and theirs. 

“You’ve Catapulted Yourself” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,


We, of the ethers, have already informed you how far beyond expectations you have progressed, as well as we no longer fully understand what you will create or are capable of.

That last thought is not to frighten you, but for you to understand how much further you traveled than we or anyone thought possible. You are like a self-made millionaire rising from poverty faintly remembering that you once hungered for food and shelter.

Our assumption before your earth entry in this lifetime was that you would create a comfortable life and your children and grandchildren would shift beyond that. In a sense, that our millionaire analogy would not be created for a few generations.

You have transitioned so far beyond all expectations that you can now literally fly to the moon. Even though that statement makes no sense to you now, it will in the near future.

Such a flight requires yet again a study of all you wish to leave behind. And so it is that many of you are clearing deeply, but with a different approach than was true when you initiated your transition cleansing years or perhaps decades ago.

When you first began cleansing, you did so without knowing why and so those clearings seemed fearful. You are now clearing in joy, asking yourself, “What’s next? Where can I go or what can I create if I do this?”

But some of you do not wish to cleanse one more piece of your being. You are content where you are.

You now have the freedom to stop, ponder, continue, or exit. For none of you expected to be at this place in this lifetime.

You completed your initial role by creating the New Age/New Earth bridge. Nothing else was required of you. But upon completion of that bridge, you en masse decided to transition further.

So it is you now have a decision to make that does not shift this transition, only you. No one is making you transition further – it is your choice. If you wish to take advanced courses, you will clear all necessary baggage. If you are content with who or where you are, there is no need to continue clearing.

Before you en masse created the bridge to the New Age, before you crossed the 5D Rubicon, you were heavily influenced by your cohorts to push a bit further, to remain with the team. Such declarations of right or wrong are over. You are free to do whatever you wish – from ending your transition journey in this lifetime to continuing on with whatever beckons you.

There is no longer a push, nor is there a right or wrong. You are free to be who you wish to be. Perhaps you are too tired to continue. Or you are so excited by the possibilities that you cannot stop. You must make that decision.

Some of you are feeling put upon by mentions of the ongoing clearings. Stop. You need not follow directives from anyone. You are a god/goddess, free to do what you wish.

Perhaps you expect someone ‘out there’ to tell you when to move forward, rest, or stop. Those messages are no longer relevant for you are the commander of your ship. No one is more knowledgeable about you than you. Meaning no one can entice you to move forward if you do not wish. Nor can anyone stop you if you wish to move forward.

You are a self-contained entity. And for you to cry to the heavens or your guru that you have had enough believing they have some sort of control over you is for you to have forgotten all you have achieved.

No one or no entity is more knowledgeable than you about you.

Why do you feel the need to give your power away, after working so diligently to reach this point of personal power? There is not a naughty witch sending you messages to look here and there for pieces you wish to remove. Nor is there a good witch telling you that if you do this, all will be wonderful. There is only you. What are you telling you? That is all that is important now.

If you wish to continue this farce that if you cry long enough, the gods will take pity on you, realize they cannot help, for you are the god you are crying to.

The energies floating about now, as all transition energies, are permanent energies of the earth. If you wish to rest or stop, you are free to do so. And if you wish to continue, you are also free to do so.

There is no need to complain to others that you are tired of clearing – just stop, rest, or continue, for their dictates have NO meaning to or for you. You are a now self-contained entity following the messages from your inner-being. A voice no one but you can hear.

You must take responsibility for who you are or who you wish to become. For you to expect others to feel sorry for you because of your clearing, informs you that you have not yet internalized your power.

In truth, expecting someone to tell you what to do next now that you are of 5D or beyond, is tantamount to a college graduate expecting a kindergarten student to give them direction.

You have the power to stop clearing at any time and to create a life of joy. Or to create a life of joy as you now understand it and then continue on. Or any framework that is best for you. You are a god/goddess. You do not require anyone’s approval or direction.

It is time for you to take control of your life.

Listen to you. That is all that is required. You can create joy here and now. Or you can create a different kind of joy wherever or whenever. That is your choice and your role. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

July 23, 2017 at 10:57 pm 39 comments

Put on Your Big Girl or Boy Pants

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 8, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Perhaps you’re concerned you’ll never be of 5D or beyond for you continue to address 3D issues. You just need a bit of practice before you feel fully comfortable in 5D or beyond. Just as was true for learning to play an instrument or drive a car. Some of you even feel as if you’re ill, and will never recover. The next few days allow you to understand that you’re now a bird flying high in the sky instead of a fish in a small pond.

“Your 3D Segments May Be Exploring” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you expected to become a Superwoman or Superman overnight. While such might be true internally, externally, most of you require a bit of practice.

Your internal being does sometimes fold into your external being, but not yet to the extent you dream of. Even though eventually you will dimension hop and frequency/time travel with ease, you must practice a bit before such is so.

Do you remember the first time (for those of you introduced to computers as adults) you tried to operate a computer? Perhaps you felt you needed a space bar – like those on typewriters – or could not remember how to save items. Actions you now do automatically. So it is for your physical shift.

Throughout these transition years, you shifted spiritually, then emotionally, and finally, physically. From inner to outer if you will.

So it is you are beginning to practice your physical skills regarding actions and receiving. For even though many of you eventually wish to time/frequency travel and dimension hop, it is likely you are now dreaming of something in your physical world that you have not yet created.

You are a bit like an infant trying to grasp something but not able to until your finger muscles are more developed. So you are frustrated, angry, and stating to others that you are giving up. Hoping that such dramatic phrases and thoughts will encourage an entity in the ethers to produce what you want.

Again, like an infant expecting someone to change their diaper when soiled, feed them when hungry and hold them when human contact is needed.

The problem now, if you will, is that you are mature enough spiritually and emotionally to care for yourself. So it is you must begin thinking of yourself as a self-contained entity.

Such a thought makes some of you angry for you are certain you cannot be as fruitful or caring as the gods you once worshiped as parental figures. But then, such a thought is little different from wanting your parents to protect and care for you as a young adult the first time you make a mistake.

Even though your parents might commiserate with you, it is likely they will encourage you to determine your own fate without a rescuing or caretaking. For young adults not taking responsibility for their actions, merely prolong learning self-care – the ultimate adult role.

So it is you are now on your own. It is time for you to put on your big boy and big girl pants, to take responsibility for your life – and your creations.

You have begun to create small items and will soon flex your creation muscles to the big items you dream of.

Even though we suggested you flex your creation muscles a year or so ago, the majority of you did not wish to become true Universal adults that rapidly. You wanted to remain of 3D instead of forcing yourself too rapidly into 5D or beyond.

Even though such a delay is not that dramatic for your months are but milliseconds in Universal time, you can no longer pretend you are not skilled enough nor Universal enough to be of 5D or beyond. You have crossed the 5D Rubicon.

So Universal beings can whisper suggestions in your ear, as would be true of a phone call to your parents when you are unable to determine your next move as a young adult, but Universal beings can no longer live your life for you pushing you here and there.

You are a fully contained adult with all the skills required.

You no longer need babysitters, nor do you need overprotective parents. You are a young 5D adult – and it is time for you to act like one.

It does not matter how loudly you scream to the heavens about your terrible life, any more than it would have helped you to have your parents take care of your every move once you became an adult.

So it is you are being forced, if you will, to become an adult even though most feel as if you are not ready.

All is as it should be regarding your acceptance that you are a 5D or beyond adult.

Of course, you will make a few mistakes – but in your mind only. Of course, you will wish that the Universes or someone would rescue you as is true of almost every young adult. But the only way you will fully claim new you is if you test your physical skills – as you are now doing.

Allow yourself to flex your new you physical skills, just as you allowed yourself to flex your spiritual skills by running hither and yon from one guru to another – until you were satisfied that you had absorbed all you needed from others.

So it is now. You are beginning to flex your 5D physical muscles – discovering you are more selective with human interactions, that you create items just by wishing for them, and that you are slipping between dimensions and frequencies without yet understanding how to move and speak as you wish, but knowing how you want to shift.

You are a physically young 5D or beyond adult just beginning to explore your options. Allow that to be without berating yourself for not being perfect. And instead, being in joy with your self-hood experiments. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

June 12, 2017 at 10:51 am 40 comments

Isn’t it Time to Stop Sacrificing?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 25, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  Your structural chaos has ended for the most part. You’re now addressing your new 5D software which requires patience, a new knowledge base and the freedom to be. Even though – as is true for almost any software update – frustration and anger might be part of your software adjustment program, the end result will be far beyond what you are capable of now. 

“Good-bye Fear Friend” is the title of this week’s Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you have full capabilities to create, to be what you desire, you continue to wait for someone to tell you that such is so – including us. You are of the 5th dimension (5D). You can now achieve that which was once a dream in your 3rd dimension (3D) life.

Some of you question that statement for you know deep within you that there are many more levels to beingness than that which you dream of. Such is so – but you cannot conceive of those levels in your current physical being. So there is nothing in your dreams, imagination, visions, or thoughts you cannot create.

If that last statement is true – and it is – why are you not creating your dreams? Because even though you now have the capabilities you once dreamed of, you do not accept that such is so.

So it is that you continue to wait for space ship landings, for the Wizard of OZ to help you with your new skills. No rescue missions are arriving in any form. For it is time for you to claim yourself. And such can only happen once you truly believe that you are a self-contained miracle.

You are just beginning to realize that such is so.

Recently, we discussed how many of you for various reasons – not the least of which you are overly adventuresome at times – postponed your earth dream so you could prove to yourself how courageous you are. A silly concept that is not required, not needed and certainly not productive.

Your unwillingness to create your earth dream in the timeframe encouraged by us and others has merely created a greater hesitancy in you to accept your power, your skillset that is now “chomping at the bit” if you will, to be unleashed.

So it is you feel confused, angry, intolerant of others and just plain mad at everyone and everything. “Where is my dream?” is your ever-growing scream. Just as was true for Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ. “If the Wizard will not help me, how will I ever return home to Kansas?” Only for Dorothy to discover she had the ability to return all along just by clicking her heels together. Simple. And so it is for you. Just know and truly believe that you are a self-contained god/goddess/creator.

Some of you take offense at our words for you feel we are blaming/shaming you – and by doing so, we are prolonging your agony. Quite the contrary. You can wait for your dreams as long as you wish. For you have moved both yourself and earth into 5D. Now we wish for you to reward yourself by understanding how truly powerful you are.

You achieved more than you expected when you arrived on earth in this lifetime. Honor that courage, that fulfillment with the creation of your dreams. For if you achieve nothing more than what you already have, you have more than fulfilled your Universal contract prior to your earth entrance in this lifetime.

Now reward yourself. You are not bad or shameful or less capable than others if you do not. You are just not allowing yourself to reward you for an experience, shift, transition extremely well done.

Reward yourself. Allow yourself to transition from your 3D dictate of giving of yourself to others without expectations or rewards. This is a New Earth with new demands if you will. Paramount of which is loving yourself as much as you love others.

Many of you have little difficulty giving to others of time, energy, or money. Yet, rewarding yourself for doing so, and so much more, feels wrong. Not because it is, but because you have not yet fully learned to love yourself as you love others.

You do not have a selfish bone in your body. If you did, you would not have sacrificed yourself as you have to return to earth to complete this transition.

Even though you may feel selfish, such is a 3D earth layer that is not your reality. As you fully accept this, you will understand why it is important for you to reward yourself now and throughout the remainder of your time on earth.

Is it not true that if there were an earth disaster, you would feel heart tugs to help those in need? And if you discovered that one human ignored their needs, their physical safety to help millions of others in that disaster, would you not feel a need to reward that individual in some way?

You are that individual. Your sacrifice of returning to earth – whether it seemed exciting prior to doing so or not – resulted in physical and emotional damage to your being in so many ways.

Granted, many of you are clamoring that by doing so you cleared much or all of your so-called karma. The truth is that karma would have been erased whether or not you returned to earth. For this transition was to implement a new earth era without the heaviness, the pain of the former earth era.

You are the saviors of today. Not one of you, but all of you. The numbers were important so this new era would be experienced throughout the globe and therefore, the Universes in one or two generations instead of the hundreds of years required for the various religious bodies to take hold within your society.

You were given and accepted an extremely dangerous mission that you succeeded in achieving far beyond your dreams or ours. Now allow yourself to reward you for a job well done. For indeed, the ability to do so is why you accepted this dangerous mission to transition earth at this time.

Many of you wonder at the courage of Buddha, Mohammed and Jesus – yet, you are all of those and more.

You do not need to transition from earth to receive your rewards. For you have completed the mission allowing you and all others to create heaven and therefore, your rewards on earth NOW. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 28, 2016 at 9:55 am 61 comments

Are Your Teachers Clinging to 3D?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 10, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This equinox is your lift-off. You’ve boarded the plane and are storing your bags in overhead compartments. Those of you concerned about relationships know who will remain in your lives – despite other indicators – by feelings of inner-being rightness.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “The Universes are Gifting a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”

Dear Ones,

Many of you are somewhat comfortable with moving to a different community,  loss of a loved one or financial issues. You have dealt with those issues – and probably much more – in the past with the help of your family and friends support system. But what if that support system disappears? What if your entire being shifts – and it is – and there is no one with whom to discuss or share your amazing new being?

Such are the fears of many.

For even your New Age/new earth friends may be interested in different areas than you. Or they may be labeling themselves new earth when in truth they are merely regurgitating Old Age rules and regulations. Whenever you read, hear or sense that there are ‘shoulds’ involved with their brand of New Age/new earth thought, you might feel uncomfortable enough to remove them from your support list.

They are not bad or terrible, merely more stuck in 3D muck than you wish to be.

Many are now awakening to the new energies pummeling earth. Even though they feel a need to move beyond traditional thought, their first movement into new earth/New Age concepts might be with those who produced information before most energy shifts began – the accepted New Age teachers of the Old Age. Of course, there are materials that feel light and bright even though they were created before the full force of this massive transition. But many do not. You will know which are correct for you by the lightness and joy the teachings provide.

Those who continue to preach the evils of organizations, persons or activities have not yet fully released themselves from 3D.

That is not to say you ‘should’ not associate with those teachers or friends, but to remind you to maintain your course no matter what anyone tells you. If they are indicating you are wrong or should follow their regimen to be saved or ascend, they have not yet moved beyond 3D duality.

No one can create your path. They can give you pointers and ideas, perhaps even complete concepts. But all must be processed within you to determine if the information is correct for them or for you.

Those who promote duality – you are good and others are bad – are not the teachers you are looking for at this time.

Perhaps that last sentence appears as if we are forcing you onto a particular path. The opposite is true. You must create your own path. A path that is rapidly becoming less about duality and more about the joys of the new earth. We are merely stating that some of your greatest new earth teachers of the Old Age are no longer valid for they refuse to move on for a variety of reasons including financial gain or fame.

Perhaps remembering those you so admired in high school – the perky cheerleader or star athlete – who continue to relive those glory days in their thoughts and actions instead of creating a new life beyond high school will better help you understand.

We do not wish to create more duality by labeling those New Age teachers/role models stuck in 3D muck as bad, but to forewarn you that labels do not make anyone who they wish to be. United thought and action creates the new being that you are becoming. If you do not feel as if you are learning, loving or in joy when you are with a teacher/role model, it is time for you to move on.

You are extremely comfortable in duality, fear and pain. There is nothing new for you to learn in those areas. Your new learning base is joy and love. Those who help you find or create both are your new role models.

Some of you do not need role models for your messages and actions are complete within you.

The New Age is not like the Old Age in any respect.

In the Old Age, you attached yourself to someone wiser than you – a college professor, professional mentor, parent or guru – to find your path and move along it correctly. Such is no longer the case. You are now a self-contained entity who does not need anyone to help you find your path. But that does not mean it is not more joyous to travel that path with others of similar mind.

Your life has shifted from finding someone to lead the way and tell you how you should meditate or what crystals were necessary, to finding playmates on your path to joy. Playmates who may decide to take another path just for fun or others who join you at various points. Will you have a best friend? Perhaps. Maybe for years. Maybe for days. It does not matter for those you surround yourself with to discover joy and love will always be on your path for the correct amount of time.

That thought returns us to romantic relationships which we discussed briefly during this week’s Creation Energies show on If you feel a need to end or shift your current romantic relationship, it is because he or she no longer wishes to be on your path. Which is neither good nor bad – merely an indicator that many are shifting.

In turn, even though someone you love does not seem to be on the same path, you have no need to leave – a seeming dichotomy, but it is not. Many are shifting more rapidly than you realize so even though they may seem stuck in 3D or not moving as rapidly as you, you have no need to end the relationship. They are shifting internally and your inner-being is merely encouraging you to allow them to catch up to you.

As we stated on so many occasions, the only truth you need to explore is that which is within you.

Perhaps your beloved new earth teacher is making you feel uncomfortable. You avoid interactions with them for you feel less worthy as they tell you how terrible the world is or how you must do this to even begin to understand how powerful they are. Your inner-being tells you it is time to move on.

Perhaps your mate seems confused or too slow to grasp new concepts. You are impatient and frustrated.  But your inner-being gives no sign to move on. So it is not and may never be.

Listen to your inner-being and you will know. Observe and act from your outer-being and you remain stuck in 3D muck. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 12, 2013 at 9:21 am 25 comments

Your Lightworker Job is to Lead

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 9, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on     You have a natural financial comfort zone: multi-millions, a comfortable living or living on the edge. Look within to determine the correct financial life for you.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at http://www.Life Tapestry ”2012 is Your Year of Physical Transformation”

Dear Ones,

We wish to discuss an issue that bothers many of you. You still feel the need to be someone you are not to please others who are also not living their dream.

We have told you on several occasions that it is time for you to look within and follow the path brilliantly lite for you – a bit like the “yellow brick road.” You continue to question the wisdom of those words. Not because it feel right to do so, but because those you hold in high esteem tell you in so many ways that if you follow your heart there will be unpleasant consequences.

There is no longer time for you to waver or to wonder what the correct action for you is. That time is past. NOW – this very instant – you need to start listening to your inner-being. We do not wish to frighten you, but instead to point out that the crossroads, the decision point has passed.

If you no longer wish to be a Lightworker/wayshower/scout master, please ignore the rest of this message. Under those circumstance, it is quite correct to follow society until you have a need to transition.

Those of you who wish to continue on the Lightworker path, can no longer follow the rules of society. What happens if you continue to do so? Nothing other than you will immediately move off your Lightworker path. You can return in the future, but you will not be part of the first wave of Lightworkers. For the time has come (We use the term time very lightly!) to start your mission.

You have prepared for your Lightworker mission for months, if not years. You have meditated, taken classes and discussed issues ad nauseam to prepare yourself for this moment. The time is NOW.

You do not need another class, book or teacher. You are a self-contained unit who knows what needs to be done and how to do it.  It is implementation time.

Many of you are thinking that you are not ready, that you could not possibly be expected to complete such an important assignment without assistance or more learning. A thought familiar to those of you who remember your feelings about your first job – whether as a babysitter or marketing executive. The thrill of obtaining the job often turned into, “I’m not ready. I really don’t know how to do this job, I just sound great in an interview.”

Have any of you not started on the first day of a new job because you thought you could not do the job? Or did you think – with a great deal of fear – that maybe it would take a few weeks before they discovered you were not qualified? The same is happening to you now. You are fully prepared. You may make some mistakes – but then, this is the first time any entity in the Universes has been part of a transition this large.

As long as you follow your inner-being/heart, you will achieve all that is expected of you.

We must reiterate, your new Lightworker job starts NOW. Not tomorrow or at the end of 2012, but now. Such is the case for a reason. Many entities will be joining the Lightworker parade in the next few months. You are a leader of that parade.

Think in terms of being a pioneer in the United States of the 1800’s and wishing to live in an area not yet explored. If you had family and ties to a paticular community, would you not want some assurances that you would not fall off the edge of the earth before you ventured out? And so it is with those who will opt to follow you into the new earth/New Age. They are willing to follow, but they are not programmed to lead. To lead is your mission – if you are willing to accept it.

Much needs to happen in the next few months.You have interviewed and accepted the position offered. You start your new Lightworker job TODAY.

Some of you are wondering about your Lightworker duties. Listen to your heart and you will know.

Some of you will merely need to be yourself – a neighbor may be curious why you are so cheerful and their curiosity  will lead them to the light. Perhaps you are to write, paint, sing, coordinate, develop, explore or create. Your inner being/ heart will tell you how and when.

But know, just as you knew when you accepted a job in the Old Age, you are expected to fulfill the requirements of your job. And just as perhaps the first few days or weeks of an Old Age job might have been more about waiting for an assignment, than actually implementing tasks. So it may be for you now.

Open your heart. Allow your inner-being to know that you fully accept your Lightworker role – and your inner-being will direct you as needed. You do not need to create work or assignments for yourself. You merely need to listen to your inner-being and you will perform your assigned Lightworker responsibilities to perfection.

Your new Lightworker job has started and you are fully capable of performing your role.

Of course, you can continue studying and learning. Is that not something you have done in any job you loved? But you have the core capabilities – allow that thought to enter your being. You are starting your Lightworker tasks today. Not tomorrow, next week or at the end of December. Today.

We, of the spirit/non-physical world, are your mentors and will continue in that role as long as you wish. But we opted not to live on earth at this time. You are the phenomenal beings who did. Allow yourself to know that you have more knowledge about this transition than those of us of the spirit/non-physical world.

We are your mentors, not your co-workers. Your co-workers are the Lightworkers you are now or soon will be connecting with. All with the inner-knowledge that each has a role – just as is true in any Old Age company. A role is wonderfully filled by you. So be it. Amen.     If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe to blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Brenda’s classic, channeled book, A Glimpse of Your Future, provides an overview of how and why you and your current economic and political worlds are transitioning, as well as what the earth will be like in the year 4000.  A Glimpse of Your Future is available at or http://www.Barnes &

January 10, 2012 at 4:06 pm 12 comments



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