Posts tagged ‘Universal’

Good-bye Hibernation

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s February 26, 2021, channeled “Creation Energies” show at When you initiated your transition, the energy waves were sporadic. Those waves are now much larger and almost continuous. You’re successfully riding those waves, as are those following, for you cleared much of the earth muck before they started their transition. That allowed those following to transition more rapidly and you to clear out deeply hidden pieces. 

“Is Your Self-Isolation Comfortable Yet?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though many of you cannot yet see the sunshine for the clouds or rain, your personal sun is shining brighter daily.

Perhaps you note a new flower in your garden. Or you find a friend smiling at something you said. It does not matter; the sun has never left you; it has merely hidden behind the clouds. Those clouds are beginning to separate, so you are discovering more sun, more light, and joy.

Even though you cannot quite remember the beauty of a warm spring day filled with sunshine and trees awakening from their winter slumber, such is starting to bloom for you now. You are rapidly moving from the quiet, dull, often bleak winter days to an internal spring filled with joy and hope.

That last statement means little now as you look within and sense or feel the gray skies encouraging you to wrap yourself in a warm blanket in front of the fire. You will soon wish to throw off your blankets and peek outside at the possibilities. You will no longer be housebound, frightened, or respond to the words of others of who you should be. You will no longer feel the need to hide out, to be by yourself, to contemplate your navel, so to speak. You are ready to rejoin the world. 

Some of you declare that concerns about your health will shift that vision from activity to ongoing hibernation. We beg to differ. Because you are a new being in a new body, you will discover or create new ways to rejoin the world. Ways that satisfy your need for health safety, as well as new interactions.

These past months of hibernation have come to an end. Not as it once was, but in a new way that satisfies your inner-being. Perhaps you will create something new, interact differently, or find new actions that bring sunshine to your life.

What was is no more. Your hibernation is over. The sun has returned. And the newness of your vision and being are creating anew.

Some of you will return to fear as you have – you think – no new ideas or plans. You feel shades of fear leaving the security of your home. Such will shift shortly. For your year 2020 was about hibernation, about finding yourself. This new year, this new phase, is about projecting the new being you have become in the outer world.

Do not worry about how or when such will happen. It is an automatic activity. Infants sleep many hours until they evolve into young children, teens, and finally adults. So it is for you. You are evolving in a similar pattern. The difference is you are the first to experience that pattern, so you could not know at what point you no longer needed to self-quarantine, rest, regenerate, and all other activities true for 3D infants. 

In the past few days, you have evolved from a new you infant to a child who wishes to explore their world outside of the house.  Of course, many of you will pooh-pooh that last statement for you have moved through that phase before according to our messages and the messages of others. Indeed, you have – but on a different level. 

By accepting your forerunner, new being status, you accepted a multi-dimensional being. So it is you are undergoing multiple evolutionary phases at the same time. Your first growth spurt was from 3D to multidimensionality. Each growth spurt following is your need to focus on particular dimensions. Some of you are in emotional pain now as you clear a piece that might affect your selected dimensionality. While others of you are flowing through these latest energy bursts.

So it will be forevermore as you evolve to ready yourself for your unique path. No two people will feel the same in any following energy burst, for you have moved beyond group thought and action – a 3D mainstay. Something you needed to move through early in your transition before you individualized your being as you are now doing.

Just as was true in puberty or any physical shift that affected all 3D humans, you shifted beyond sameness to unique individuals plying your new being tradecraft in ways best-suited to you. You might wish to be part of a group or not. You might invent something or not. You might shift your personality dramatically or not. But you will find your balance, your center point. For you are beyond 3D sameness or even multi-dimensionality infancy.

You are finding the sun despite any clouds, for you are allowing yourself to evolve without fear or jealousy. Your sunshine discovery is true you. Something you have denied yourself for eons but now cannot negate, deny, or pretend is not there.

You are you because you have a Universal puzzle piece paramount to this new earth/Universal evolution. The only way you can place that puzzle piece in the Universal puzzle is by being you – even if new you is not who you used to be or wanted to be in your 3D persona.

Allow yourself to be, and your puzzle piece will fit perfectly. Try to mold yourself into who you think you should be, and your puzzle piece will not fit. And so it is. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

March 1, 2021 at 9:41 am 22 comments

You’ve Become a Universal Hybrid

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 27, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Your gate to the past has slammed shut. You’re now living in the present and creating the future. Those following may yet be experiencing the chaos of the past, but not for long. For your new beam of light will significantly expedite their shift. The energies of the past few weeks impacted all earth beings.

You’re a New Senior Infant is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you expect to grow wings or something similar to physically indicate you are a chosen one. You are, but so is every one of the earth. For this is a group project that has been in process for more years than you or any human can count.

Earth is an experiment that has matured to becoming a member of the Universes. An experiment that was initiated before the earth was formed. The hypothesis was that if a beautiful and lush environment were created, those who populated that environment would live in peace and harmony.

Even though there are other populated environments throughout the Universes, none include the multi-colored beauty of the earth. Other Universal environments emphasize learning or experiences with various emotional or physical attributes, but none combine all as was the earth concept.

Format after format was tested and refuted as various Universal entities populated the earth focussing on this or that attribute. It was not until fear entered the earth domain that the experiment finally took root. For fear was a coalescing attribute that best suited the variety of earth species.

So it was that those enmeshed in fear whether of the earth or formerly of the planet decided the next format would be shifting from fear to love. And if that experiment was successful, the earth would become part of the Universal family. So it was.

This brief history is important because many of you doubt you are transitioning from fear to joy and love. If such were not true, the earth and its inhabitants would not be Universal beings. But of course, such a statement means little to you, for you have no physical evidence that the earth’s experiment was successful. For your media seems to report the opposite – that the earth is being destroyed and humanity is entering an extremely heavy period.

Such was true months ago but is no longer. For what you cannot sense is that those not in front of a camera are shifting or have shifted from fear to love. That those who are silent physically are not silent within their beings. They, just as is true for you, are hungry for love in all its facets.

You and others are changing from within. Something you have known for some time. The difference is that the need for love is expanding far beyond your expectations or knowledge. Granted, those with the loudest voices are angry, fearful, and mean. But those with the soft voices are now the majority heralding the earth’s entrance into the Universal family.

Perhaps such does not seem that important to you as you observe fear seemingly spreading throughout the earth. But that soft voice of love is much stronger than any fear. The earth experiment was successful.

So it was that the earth was designed and redesigned with different species and humanoids only to be destroyed and started once again. Almost as if the earth were a piece of clay that was not fired until recently. You are the final piece in this extremely sensitive and long-lived experiment in beauty and love.

Your earth will be saved. Granted not necessarily with the same creatures or topography, but one that expresses love and joy. And humanoids are no longer humanoids but instead a hybrid of a Universal being with many human attributes.

Until this time, you denied your Universal attributes so you could have a complete human experience. Such is no longer necessary or even appropriate. So it is you will begin experiencing new skills and interests if you have not already. And you will welcome those skills instead of denying or fearing them as was true before you were of the Universes while of the earth.

For just as it was inappropriate for you to start your earth sexual life at ten years of age, so it was until now inappropriate for you to display or acknowledge your Universal being.

You are a new being of the earth, but not of the Universes. For indeed, your courage to be has allowed you to meld your Universal being with your limited earth being. And by so doing, shifting the earth and the Universes. A successful experiment that is heralded throughout the Universes. For you are now a complete being on a Universal plane, much as has been true throughout your Universal experience in most other environments.

You will not grow wings, nor will you cage those who do not express love as you experience it. Instead, you are merely the first to acknowledge your true Universal being while of the earth, the experimental planet of beauty that has morphed – because of you – into a Universal entity.

You are an earth angel. But you will not display any paraphernalia that the earth of fear created to limit those who were moving in love. For in 3D, if someone did not have wings, was not perfect (as defined by other humans), and did not glow, they were merely human. A degrading term for those who wished to experience fear.

As you evolve further, you will understand that there is no one physical display or action that defines an earth angel. Merely being in all your joy is your display. No wings, no white gowns, no halos, only the joy of knowing you helped shift an experiment from fear to love through your courage and tenacity.

You are finally free to be you in totality in this place of beauty and love. Not because you are different than any other human, but because you dared to be first. So it is this earth fairytale has an extremely happy ending created by you and all who dared to be despite others’ attempts to return you to fear. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

December 30, 2019 at 11:29 am 25 comments

Have You Discovered Your Happy Pill?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 28, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at    All parts of the earth seem and are chaotic now. To move you and all beyond that chaos, center yourself by asking yourself how best to do so. Even though you’re part of the whole, you’re a unique individual you must honor and love knowing that doing so will create the earth harmony for which you pine. Loving yourself is the only way to reduce the earth chaos for you and all.

“Believe in Yourself” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This is a week of wonderment. For that which you once knew, you will know no more. Even though that phrase might seem ominous, the exact opposite is true.

You have long pined for a sense of joy – not only within yourself but throughout the earth. So it is that the next few days will provide an opening, if you will, to that joy.

Some of you refuse to believe that such is possible. That wars will not disappear overnight, nor will opposing views be resolved with so little effort. But that belief is only true in the heavy 3D you lived within for eons.

In the United States, people seem to be at opposite ends of agreement. And many are concerned that this week’s presidential election will dramatize that opposition. Such will be so for those who continue to hold onto 3D drama and fear.

For those of you beyond 3D, the election will have little effect on your life or your livelihood. And so it is also for those in other parts of the globe where opposition, or more to the point, fear continues to reign.

How many of you have been directly impacted by the perils and fears promoted via your media and other means of communication? If you were impacted, was your life threatened or the lives of those you love?

The greatest fear of earth humans for eons has been personal death or death of a loved one. As an example, does not the coverage following a horrendous natural or human event always include the survivors exclaiming how lucky they were not to have been killed?

Many of you beg to differ countering with you do not have money to pay your bills, you do not like your job, or your relationship is dissolving, and there is nothing you can do about it.

There is always something you can do about anything. You have choices. Your greatest fear is not the loss of money or a relationship; your greatest fear is that you will lose your life – whether emotionally or physically in the process.

This is a somewhat difficult piece for many of you to absorb now for you have so deeply hidden the fear of death that you cannot yet quite grasp that such is your deepest earth fear. And you have not yet internalized the knowingness that you do not die, but merely transition into another form.

But then, for some of you, transitioning is as fearful as earth death. For you are enjoying this life or at least pieces of this life and you do not wish to jump into a new form without knowledge of what that form will take and what it will mean.

Will you become a sparkle in someone’s eye? Will you become a nebulous ether form? Will you hover around your loved ones? Will you even care about your earth loved ones?

In essence, you are fearful of earth death, the last unknown. For you know within you that you always have choices while of earth. You have the support of others and your inner-being to leave or adjust to those pieces that are uncomfortable – or unbearable. But there is no knowingness, nor seeming choice if you purposively remove yourself from earth.

We will repeat, purposively remove yourself from earth. For whether you are killed or kill yourself, it is a purposeful action. You cannot remove yourself from the earth without doing so knowingly. Of course, such is extremely difficult for those of the earth to accept for why would your loved ones leave you?

So it is that you rage at those – and that is the correct word – who have left you and you remain too frightened of the unknown to consciously leave earth.

Such is not to chide you, but to remind you that there is nothing to fear about death and if it were the right time for you to remove yourself from earth, you would do so easily and with little regret.

Some of you have been with loved ones as they struggled to remain of earth. And so you contest our concept that everyone leaves earth willingly and with forethought. Whether consciously or subconsciously, earth death is never an accident.

But then, you have not yet truly internalized that concept, or you would not be fearful that such will happen to you or your loved ones.

Perhaps you wish to counter with thoughts that once your loved ones leave earth, you can no longer communicate with them physically. Of course, some of you have received messages that you are certain are from loved ones that have transitioned from earth. Such is so.

But what we wish for you to accept and understand is that your earth loved ones may or may not be part of your Universal family. And just as you have become attached to your earth loved ones, so do you experience the joy and love of your Universal family.

The difference is that you are now beginning to access the thoughts, actions, and love of your Universal family – as is everyone who has transitioned beyond 4D. Your Universal loved ones are starting to envelop you in Universal love – providing you with a new experience that shouts love and joy from every fiber of your being.

A love and joy you do not yet understand. So it is that despite your candidate of choice not being elected or a war in your country, somehow you feel lighter and more loving than circumstances seem to warrant. All is fine, but you do not necessarily know why.

Such is so because you are reuniting with your Universal loved ones. Many forerunners had a difficult childhood in this lifetime. Even though you might continue to miss your earth loved ones, you are feeling lighter and airier than past or present circumstances seem to warrant – as if you have taken a happy pill.

You will likely have difficulties understanding or internalizing this concept until you experience it. So we will add no more other than observe yourself as you evolve into new you with new perceptions, new concepts and MANY fewer fears.

The Universes, including your Universal family, guides, angels, and special spirits are sending their love at this time, so you accept your Universal being of love. Such does not mean that there is not dissension, but instead that you no longer understand that dissension or wish to participate.

And as you forerunners, one by one, dislodge from the fear of death, and the fear of others harming you emotionally or physically, you will, as they say, “See the light.” But more importantly, you will spread the light. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

November 7, 2016 at 11:06 am 69 comments



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