Pass the Joy

August 28, 2012 at 4:13 pm 12 comments

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 19, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Competition is no longer an important element between golden indigos, indigos or any other generation. In the next few days and months, you will test your personal New Age software through your heart center. (Brenda will channel this week’s show Wednesday, August 29)

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Love is Evolving From Drama to Comedy”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.


Dear Ones,

Many of you are starting to feel the prophesied sparkle of joy. A sparkle displayed in so many ways. Not necessarily winning the lottery, but perhaps meeting someone at the right time or finding just the right whatever. You comment on your “luck” not understanding that such right times, places and things are preliminary indicators of your future.

In turn, your role is shifting from one of hoping for the good things in life, as you understand them, to telling others of the wonderful things that have happened to you. You are a trailblazer. Even though you might yet discover some difficult trails through bogs, overall the beauty of the new land/New Age takes your breath away. And so it is that you must tell those who are interested of your results as you moved through your fears so they also will live in the beauty of the new world you all create.

Perhaps it appears as if one of your new roles is motivator…and so it is. For indeed, many are waiting to see if your journey, your process was worth the effort. Some of you reading these materials may be questioning the results of your efforts. Perhaps you continue to work at a job you dislike or are having difficulties with family or friends and so cannot state with any conviction that the route you selected to the New Age is as joyous as you would like it to be.

We have told you that you would move into the New Age gradually – not necessarily in terms of your spiritual or emotional understanding – but your physical activities including manifesting. For your spiritual and emotional beings are stronger than is true for your physical being. Moving into your physical skill set too rapidly might have “burned out” your physical circuits.

You are now starting to magnetize those pieces to you that create the life of joy you have long dreamed of but seemed incapable of creating.

Do you realize how many are waiting in the background for your reports, your displays of joy? Why would anyone wish to clear issues, change their life and research new resources if the results were not positive? You can most certainly fool some people with words of joy or claims to riches, but most are not willing to give up their uncomfortable, but secure (in their mind) life for the unknown if the unknown is a dream that can never be their reality.

As your reality shifts, it is your role to tell others that such is so. Some of you are noting the seemingly small but wonderful changes in your life. Others of you are not as observant or maintain that such activities and pieces of joy are mere blips in your screen of pain. We beg to differ. Tell others of your new-found joy. At the same time, realize that the more you note your joy, the more joy will be part of your life.

Telling others of your joyful experiences encourages them to move into their New Age role or to initiate their internal clearing process. Doing so also  reminds you of how far you have come. Perhaps most importantly, the more you acknowledge your joy, the more joy you will create for yourself.

We are speaking of the Law of Attraction, perception shifts, New Age joy or whatever you wish to label it. If you look for and acknowledge pain, that is what your world is. If you look for and acknowledge joy, that is your world.

Until now, earth joy has been painted in such limited colors that it seemed as if all joyful events were a miracle instead of an expectation. Now that you trailblazers/advance Lightworkers have moved through your pain to your new joy skill set, it is time for you to paint your life in broad joyful strokes.

Do not fear that you will be labeled a braggart or a liar when you report that your life is going well and getting better. You are a beacon. Beacons shine so others can find their way.

Perhaps you are shy and have no interest in talking about your new-found joy. That is wonderfully appropriate. But if a neighbor notes the beauty of the flowers in your garden, do not feel as if you are a braggart by stating something to the effect that despite a lack of rain this year your flowers seem happy and perhaps that is so because you are happy. A simple statement similar to our example does not make you odd, merely a gentle, happy soul who lives down the street.

Of course, some of you will write books, give presentations or have no difficulties telling others of the new-found – and stable – joy in your life. Do not feel as if you are selling a product that is not reality. For indeed, the joy you are experiencing is for yourself and others. ‘Pass the joy’ will become as common a phrase as ‘pass the bread’ is now at many dinner tables.

It does not matter what your role is in this wondrous transition. As trailblazers/advance Lightworkers you are committed to telling others of the joy in your life.

What should you do with those people who ignore, make fun of or ostracize you? Nothing. You know what you know. There is no need for you to stand on a soapbox and insist that others believe and act as you do. You are merely a beacon for those who wish to find the shore. Nothing more.

Perhaps after you have commented to your neighbor about your beautiful flowers, they leave in a huff. You have been the beacon and they have opted not to see or heed it. A lighthouse beacon does not reach down to grab those lost in the ocean. It merely stands proudly shining its glorious light for all who wish to navigate by it.

And so it is for you. You merely have to be you and tell others, who wish to know, why your life is more joyous everyday as you become more proficient in using your New Age joy skills.

As unique individuals, each of you has different joy skills, as well as methods of accessing joy. So it is not your role to tell others how to find their joy – such is Old Age care taking – just that it is possible. You are a beacon. Start shining your light and it will get brighter. In turn, your beacon will encourage others to light theirs.

This New Age transition is a wonderful and glorious plan that is proceeding at a more rapid rate than you anticipated before entering earth. And as the rate increases, so does the amount of joy you and others now on earth experience.

Shine your joy beacon to those who wish to see it. And as you do so, your beacon will shine more brightly than you can even now imagine. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.


Entry filed under: inner being, personal power, self love, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , , .

Love’s Evolving From Drama to Comedy You’ve Cleared Your Fears – Move On

12 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Risa1  |  August 28, 2012 at 9:16 pm

    This is exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you. I am still blown away by events that have transpired over the past couple of weeks transitioning from such deep pain and despair (fear based 3rd dimention) – literally rock bottom right on over to love based 5th dimention for the first time in my life, through mind blowing divine intervention. I am still getting my head around. I want to shout it out loud but even to those closest to me, its’ as though I know intuitively I must tread lightly or be considered ‘loopy’. The thing is, as written/channeled, it’s okay!! I’m so grateful for this understanding of what to do, how to go about it and the ‘knowing’ that it IS the right path 🙂 HUGS and blessings!!!!


    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  August 28, 2012 at 10:06 pm

      Dear Risa,
      YEAH to all of us for daring to move from fear to love even though we so often couldn’t see the path…or any path.
      Blessings, hugs and even more joy,


  • 3. Michele  |  August 28, 2012 at 9:34 pm

    AbSOULutely Perfect, Brenda! I especially resonate with the how and what my life ‘should look like’…if I’m “sooo advanced” and done all this work. I had heavy discussions this past week with my 2 eldest children about this exact theme. I feel their fear of doing their own growing, because they’ve seen it all (my path), and it scares them, because in their eyes, I’m not living the life they believe I “deserve” or should be, already. Regardless, I’m keeping my knowing centered and allowing my life to unfold without force or external coercion, to ease others’ perceptions. This whole message is such a marked confirmation for me right now. Thank you so very much, Brenda!

    Infinite blessings and love… 😀


  • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  August 28, 2012 at 10:11 pm

    Dear Michele,
    Kudos for daring to be you despite family pressures and societal dictates. We Lightworkers are pretty darn brave. Shine your light brightly so your children have the courage to follow you if or when they’re ready.
    Blessings, Kudos and Sunshine,


  • 5. Bev Crane  |  August 29, 2012 at 9:14 am

    Great blog post, Brenda. We all need to be reminded to be who we are despite the skeptics around us. I love the lighthouse analogy.


  • 6. lifetapestrycreations  |  August 29, 2012 at 9:50 am

    Dear Bev,
    It’s so good to hear from you! You’ve been a beacon for so many years.
    Blessings and Joy,


  • 7. nadinemarie33  |  August 29, 2012 at 11:52 pm

    Awesome post Brenda, thank you! 🙂

    I especially like “As unique individuals, each of you has different joy skills, as well as methods of accessing joy. So it is not your role to tell others how to find their joy – such is Old Age care taking – just that it is possible. You are a beacon. Start shining your light and it will get brighter. In turn, your beacon will encourage others to light theirs.” So true, and yet I’ve seen a lot of this Old Age behavior from lightworkers themselves. But then again, yes, it’s part of their process.

    Skeptics abound. It comes with the territory. And again, the critical ones I’ve encountered are lightworkers themselves! 🙂 Yes, it is much a part of my journey as it is theirs. Dealing with them is a skill that I’m mastering and is currently at the top of my list. So, thank you for the reminder, validation and reassurance.

    Please continue spreading your joy and beaming your light Brenda! 🙂

    Much blessings, Love & Light, Peace & Joy,
    Nadine Marie


  • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  August 30, 2012 at 9:21 am

    Hi Nadine!
    Titles meant very little to me in the Old Age and even less now. Heart actions speak so much louder!
    Blessings and Joy,


  • 9. Kate Street  |  August 30, 2012 at 3:29 pm

    Brenda, your blog posts are like a favorite melody that I get to hear every week! I especially liked the “notice JOY to create more JOY” as that what we’ve been doing on “My Everyday Magic” for three years now! I gave you a shout-out today to share the awesomeness (and to pass the joy!) ♥


    • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  August 30, 2012 at 6:02 pm

      Dear Kate,
      Your “My Everyday Magic” is such a wonderful sparkler for so many. I especially love your fairy wing photos as I’m guessing most others do also. Kudos for passing the joy everyday!
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 11. Angela  |  August 31, 2012 at 9:14 pm

    Hi Brenda, I was just thinking that I haven’t really experienced more joy, but as soon as I thought this I read that we have to notice more joy no matter how small in order to attract more. I had to laugh because I know that is true. I need to stop noticing what hasn’t manifested and then I’ll notice more that has. Thank you for this blog. I’ll start noticing and looking for more joy in my life now! 🙂


  • 12. lifetapestrycreations  |  August 31, 2012 at 9:48 pm

    Dear Angela,
    Your comment made me laugh because I thought the same right after I channeled this blog. So many lovely surprises that I’ve ignore. We’re so trained to expect and notice fear and pain. Bring on the joy and more joy and even more joy!
    Blessings and Sunshine,



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August 2012