Archive for March, 2013

You’re the First Wave – What if No One Follows?

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photocart_header

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 17, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Last week’s equinox opened your color frequencies. You’re no longer coloring your life with a box of eight crayons – now you’re coloring with seventy-two color crayons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are finding that what was interesting is no longer. Those people you found intriguing are now boring. That what you once enjoyed feels lifeless. We predicted such. But it is one thing to read about changes and quite another to experience them. Indeed, many of you find yourself reverting to the fears or patterns of old.

You feel as if you alone have not grasped the Lightworker brass ring. Or that your dream of a loving new age is a myth like King  Arthur and the round table. Such is not true – but you do not necessarily believe that yet.

You and all Lightworkers of whatever degree of activity are creating New Age myths. Even though not all King Arthur stories are based in reality – those myths, stories and dreams have a basis in the reality of the time.

Tales were once relayed by story tellers. Each story-teller – as is true for the party game “Pass the Message” – changed the tale a bit so it was more colorful or appropriate for the listening audience – until the truth was more fiction than reality.

Your tribulations transitioning into the New Age will make a wonderful story for your children and grandchildren as they piece together the courage of those who went before. But as was true in the past, they will color you with more wisdom and courage than what you now feel is reality.

You know you need to wake up when the alarm sounds to prepare for a job you may or may not like so that in your free time – what little there is – you can access the New Age materials that make your heart sing.

Yet, your initial transition history will probably read like: “You knew from the beginning you needed to change the world, so you put aside all that did not help you move in that direction.”

Within a few generations your history will change again to: “You knew the company you worked for required a complete restructuring so, as a clerk in the mail room, you managed to change your corporation and all similar corporations.”

Perhaps you find our thoughts amusing or even frightening, but certainly not reality. So it is for the tales of courage you share. No one who is in the midst of a shift – certainly not of this magnitude – truly understands how complicated the shift is or will be in their personal life.

Many of you marvel at the courage required to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust of World War II. You are in the midst of something similar. That is not to frighten you or to compare those who hid Anne Frank and her family with you, but for you to understand the courage you find within yourselves despite so many indicators that your role will not be a success.

There were many signs that Adolf Hitler’s vision would overtake Europe and all who helped those Hitler found subhuman would be destroyed. Yet, those who accepted the role of savior in cases similar to those who protected the Anne Frank family had the courage to continue whatever the consequences. So it is for you now.

You really do yet understand how courageous you are. Or that there will be days, perhaps weeks, when you wish this transition would go away. Not because it is not a wonderful dream. But because you do not know if you have the strength to continue; or if continuing will produce anything other than more pain.

The New Age/new earth has arrived.

The outcome of this shift is now predictable. Even though there will be a few skirmishes, perhaps even battles of will, the New Age is not going away.

You are no longer alone as was true for those few voices decades ago predicting the New Age was possible. Perhaps your family or friends have not yet jumped on the New Age/new earth band wagon, but they will eventually. For if you feel a loving need to interact with them, they too are part of the Lightworker movement – just perhaps not at the same pace as you.

Those of you reading this blog and others like it, are most likely advance Lightworkerers. But thousands of other waves will follow. You are the first wave. The feelings of the first wave of any concept – loneliness and questioning the validity of beliefs – seldom deviate. As is true of the fears that you have moved too far beyond society’s expectations to return to “normal” if this new earth/New Age is not reality.

Do you suppose the first explorers of earth were so certain of their goal that they had no fears as their food and water dwindled and the expected land mass was not in sight?

The difference is you are exploring inner-worlds, instead of your physical world.

To complete your new earth mission, the outer-world must match your new feelings. You feel more joyful, more love. But is the same true for your brother, mother, friends, neighbors or employer? Where is the love? You may feel it – but few others seem to feel the same. Was your arduous inner journey worth the effort? Will others join you? Or are you now so different you cannot return to Old Age society if others decide not to transition into the New Age?

You are explorers of the inner-world and creators of the new earth/New Age. What if no one follows? What if you are stuck in an environment that feels right only to you?

Rest assured, you are not alone. It is time. You are merely the first, but most certainly not the last. Others will follow more quickly than you now imagine.

Your pining for others to be part of your loving new earth will last for just a bit. Others will sense your light and wish to know more. They will suddenly find new earth materials fascinating and wars unproductive. In truth, they are loading their wagons impatiently waiting for you to give the sign that the new earth is safe.

This you will do with the joy you display when you remember to live through your heart, instead of your mind. When you allow yourself to know you are courageous beyond words. And allow yourself to be in all your glory.

Others will follow. Maybe not today, but certainly tomorrow. For they too are programmed to awaken to the new earth/New Age. Programs just not activated as soon as was true for you.

You are not alone – merely the first wave of courageous and loving human spirits exploring your inner-worlds to create new life and joy throughout the Universes. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 25, 2013 at 12:06 pm 35 comments

This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photocart_header

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 17, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This week’s equinox helps you place a filter over those people, things and places that make you fearful or angry. Additional energy bursts throughout 2013 will add layers to this first filter until those fearful pieces are no longer an important part of your life.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Are Your Teachers Clinging to 3D?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Much will happen in the next several days but few of you will notice. For the happenings are within you. This shift is like a gossamer layer that is difficult to discern.

You have cleared and cleansed for months – perhaps even years. Yet there are people, places and things that upset you. The mention of someone’s name makes you uncomfortable. The thought of a particular place sends you scurrying for emotional cover. And anger or even rage continues when faced with certain concepts such as those of a political party or a heinous crime.

The Universes are addressing those fears this week and throughout the coming year. For there are pieces you cannot release in the time you wish to. It is difficult, as many of you are discovering, to radiate or even feel love when you are experiencing hurt, anger or fear. Feelings generated by people, places and things so deeply embedded within you that you cannot move beyond them – no matter what exercise you try.

You have requested assistance in progressing more rapidly than your physical being seems able. This equinox is our first response in a salvo of many energy bursts. Not to clear you of those feelings – only you can do that. But to place the first filter on those deeply felt fears and angers. As each new filter is added, you will feel less and less about those issues.

After this week, you are likely to still feel anger or fear given the right trigger, but it will be a bit less than was true a week ago. And by the end of 2013, you will not be concerned about those pieces.

Again, we are not removing those pieces from your being – only you can do that. We are providing you with Novocaine or a similar deadening agent in small doses so the pain is less each time you re-visit that fear.

Some are worried that we are turning you into zombies. Such is not the case for you do not need to accept the filters, anymore than you need to accept the new earth/New Age. This is not a forced transition. It is a transition of joy and love. Force is never part of either joy or love.

Now you are concerned that you cannot be separated from your physical, emotional or spiritual pain with mere filters, that the Novocaine will wear off and you will be as you were before. Such is not true. For once you separate your being from the pain, that pain drifts into the ethers.

Think of something you found extremely shameful or fearful in elementary school.Perhaps you did not learn your alphabet as assigned by your teacher or you wet yourself in a classroom. Both shattering incidents then. Now that you are an adult you retain the memories, but fewer feelings are attached. So it will be for you. You will remember that someone or some place made you fearful, but you will no longer feel fear. Instead, you will know you are a spiritual adult who moved beyond those pieces.

Perhaps you are wondering why we are expediting your clearing of fears. A key reason is for you to transition to a life of love and joy. But of greater importance now – for you are moving more rapidly than we thought possible – is your ongoing request for assistance in moving into the new earth/New Age.

You are an impatient lot – which we marvel at – even chuckle about. You long ago negated the phrase we provided just a few years ago: “Baby Boomers will build a bridge to the New Age. Their children will cross that bridge. And their grandchildren will blow it up.”

For us, three generations is a mere blink of an eye. But for those of you on earth at this time, it seems forever. As usual, Baby Boomers want it NOW.

You Baby Boomers have always been a belligerent group. A personality trait necessary for introducing new thoughts and actions.

Why did you Baby Boomers not continue your belligerent pose throughout your lifetime? Why did you feel the need to get married, have children and continue the traditions of your parents and grandparents?

Baby Boomers could have introduced the New Age decades ago. But as a group, you wanted to determine if your parents and grandparents were enjoying their life. For indeed, your memories of other lives on earth were not particularly wonderful. But your parents’ generation and the media convinced you that they had discovered a life you wished to explore.

Your exploration ended abruptly a few years ago when you realized that all was an illusion. That the Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best life did occur – but most likely not for you or most of those you know. That all was a gloss of joy and harmony that did not exist. That even though your media and your relatives touted joy, they had not truly experienced it. That your belligerent activities of the 1960’s and 1970’s were indeed “right on.”

That is when you began searching for your true New Age accompanied by Starseeds, Indigos, Crystal Children and so many other titles you have given to those who have joined forces with you to transition earth into joy.

Do you remember a few months ago when many were channeling that you and others had to decide whether you wished to be part of the New Age? That is when the New Age began. You were indeed willing and quite excited about bringing true joy to earth – rather than the illusion of joy touted by your family, society and media.

So you have. But during your Old Age exploration to discover if former generations had found joy, you picked up many physical and emotional fears. Fears that you are having difficulties ridding yourself of now. Some of those fears are generational – for how could you explore your parents’ fears and joys without exploring generational issues? And some of those fears you created for a variety of reasons including the fears of those who have never before experienced life on dense 3D earth.

Those fears no longer serve you or help you hide your true being. It is time to claim you in all your glorious, radiant joy. And so you are – with “Just a little help from your friends.” We are sending filters starting with this week’s equinox to expedite your exploration of joy and love.

Know that you are glorious beings – far more glorious and mature than your fears now display. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 19, 2013 at 8:36 am 43 comments

Are Your Teachers Clinging to 3D?

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photocart_header

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 10, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This equinox is your lift-off. You’ve boarded the plane and are storing your bags in overhead compartments. Those of you concerned about relationships know who will remain in your lives – despite other indicators – by feelings of inner-being rightness.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “The Universes are Gifting a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”

Dear Ones,

Many of you are somewhat comfortable with moving to a different community,  loss of a loved one or financial issues. You have dealt with those issues – and probably much more – in the past with the help of your family and friends support system. But what if that support system disappears? What if your entire being shifts – and it is – and there is no one with whom to discuss or share your amazing new being?

Such are the fears of many.

For even your New Age/new earth friends may be interested in different areas than you. Or they may be labeling themselves new earth when in truth they are merely regurgitating Old Age rules and regulations. Whenever you read, hear or sense that there are ‘shoulds’ involved with their brand of New Age/new earth thought, you might feel uncomfortable enough to remove them from your support list.

They are not bad or terrible, merely more stuck in 3D muck than you wish to be.

Many are now awakening to the new energies pummeling earth. Even though they feel a need to move beyond traditional thought, their first movement into new earth/New Age concepts might be with those who produced information before most energy shifts began – the accepted New Age teachers of the Old Age. Of course, there are materials that feel light and bright even though they were created before the full force of this massive transition. But many do not. You will know which are correct for you by the lightness and joy the teachings provide.

Those who continue to preach the evils of organizations, persons or activities have not yet fully released themselves from 3D.

That is not to say you ‘should’ not associate with those teachers or friends, but to remind you to maintain your course no matter what anyone tells you. If they are indicating you are wrong or should follow their regimen to be saved or ascend, they have not yet moved beyond 3D duality.

No one can create your path. They can give you pointers and ideas, perhaps even complete concepts. But all must be processed within you to determine if the information is correct for them or for you.

Those who promote duality – you are good and others are bad – are not the teachers you are looking for at this time.

Perhaps that last sentence appears as if we are forcing you onto a particular path. The opposite is true. You must create your own path. A path that is rapidly becoming less about duality and more about the joys of the new earth. We are merely stating that some of your greatest new earth teachers of the Old Age are no longer valid for they refuse to move on for a variety of reasons including financial gain or fame.

Perhaps remembering those you so admired in high school – the perky cheerleader or star athlete – who continue to relive those glory days in their thoughts and actions instead of creating a new life beyond high school will better help you understand.

We do not wish to create more duality by labeling those New Age teachers/role models stuck in 3D muck as bad, but to forewarn you that labels do not make anyone who they wish to be. United thought and action creates the new being that you are becoming. If you do not feel as if you are learning, loving or in joy when you are with a teacher/role model, it is time for you to move on.

You are extremely comfortable in duality, fear and pain. There is nothing new for you to learn in those areas. Your new learning base is joy and love. Those who help you find or create both are your new role models.

Some of you do not need role models for your messages and actions are complete within you.

The New Age is not like the Old Age in any respect.

In the Old Age, you attached yourself to someone wiser than you – a college professor, professional mentor, parent or guru – to find your path and move along it correctly. Such is no longer the case. You are now a self-contained entity who does not need anyone to help you find your path. But that does not mean it is not more joyous to travel that path with others of similar mind.

Your life has shifted from finding someone to lead the way and tell you how you should meditate or what crystals were necessary, to finding playmates on your path to joy. Playmates who may decide to take another path just for fun or others who join you at various points. Will you have a best friend? Perhaps. Maybe for years. Maybe for days. It does not matter for those you surround yourself with to discover joy and love will always be on your path for the correct amount of time.

That thought returns us to romantic relationships which we discussed briefly during this week’s Creation Energies show on If you feel a need to end or shift your current romantic relationship, it is because he or she no longer wishes to be on your path. Which is neither good nor bad – merely an indicator that many are shifting.

In turn, even though someone you love does not seem to be on the same path, you have no need to leave – a seeming dichotomy, but it is not. Many are shifting more rapidly than you realize so even though they may seem stuck in 3D or not moving as rapidly as you, you have no need to end the relationship. They are shifting internally and your inner-being is merely encouraging you to allow them to catch up to you.

As we stated on so many occasions, the only truth you need to explore is that which is within you.

Perhaps your beloved new earth teacher is making you feel uncomfortable. You avoid interactions with them for you feel less worthy as they tell you how terrible the world is or how you must do this to even begin to understand how powerful they are. Your inner-being tells you it is time to move on.

Perhaps your mate seems confused or too slow to grasp new concepts. You are impatient and frustrated.  But your inner-being gives no sign to move on. So it is not and may never be.

Listen to your inner-being and you will know. Observe and act from your outer-being and you remain stuck in 3D muck. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 12, 2013 at 9:21 am 25 comments

The Universes are Gifting a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re becoming comfortable with your emotional and spiritual beings. It’s now time to do the same with your physical being. Many wish to shift to dimensions that do not include a physical body. Your physical body is a gift you have ignored or even disliked for eons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Feeling Ill? There’s a Reason”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”

Dear Ones,

This week many things are happening to remind you that you are of 3D as well as other dimensions. Even though you have hoped, prayed and meditated to remove yourself from all aspects of 3D, you are discovering this week that such is not possible. Of course, you continue to interact with 3D activities and people. That is expected. But what you are discovering this week is that you are uncovering 3D issues you thought you had left in the past.

Such thoughts are disconcerting to you. Not because you do not believe that such is true, but that you are so exhausted by your efforts to clear your 3D spiritual, physical and emotional issues. You are not a slow learner or a bad person. You are merely cleansing yourself of pieces that remain stuck.

You are clearing issues that have been deeply hidden for eons.

Many of you are proclaiming that you have diligently cleared those issues – that we have even told you that you have done so. And so you have. But as you grow, expand and shift to higher and higher dimensions more issues hidden deep within you are uncovered.

You have cleared much to feel comfortable within the fourth or even fifth dimensions. What you are clearing now is beyond anything we thought you were capable of in this lifetime on earth. You are going beyond extra credit – you are flying through your issues. Of course, you are not feeling at ease about this week’s cleansing, but we are. For we know how capable you are. If you decide to move far beyond what was thought possible in this lifetime – you will. And so you are.

We must tell you why this week is a cleansing of all parts of your being. You have completed the initial clearing of your spiritual and emotional beings. You have started the deep cleaning of your physical being. This week is almost like a “Get Out of Jail Free” Monopoly game card in that the astrological aspects are encouraging you to dig deeper, to clear what continues to be a 3D fear that does not allow you to fully enjoy your new being.

Just as there are different dimensions – you do not yet have words to describe the levels correctly by the way – in descending order from the infinite dimension to 1D, there are also different levels of clearing. Your psychological studies of the past century cleared many fears from this lifetime, as did more nontraditional modalities such as past life regression or visualizations. Once the New Age was introduced, you cleared issues that allowed you to feel comfortable in dimensions beyond 3D. This week, you are able to further clear issues that create a ‘glass ceiling’ for your dimension hopping and studies.

You do not need to use this energy if you do not wish to. You merely need to tell your inner-being that you are tired and wish to remain where you are for the time being or forever. For this week’s clearing may include several very uncomfortable physical elements from deep headaches to diarrhea or similar clearing/cleansing symptoms.

At the same time, the 3D elements that have directed your life on earth for eons will be exposed in a number of different ways. For example, if you have experienced abuse in various lifetimes, this week may see that piece come to the forefront for your review and final clearing. The same with care taking, victimization, financial fears, etc.

Your buttons will be pushed if you are willing to have them pushed. If not, this is the time to tell your inner-being that you have cleared enough for now. You will have opportunities to clear those issues at future dates.

Some of you wish to expedite your transition and that is the gift the Universes are giving you these next few days.

Of course, you can shift the level and speed of your transition at any time. You are in control of your life and the direction of your transition. If you feel too uncomfortable, you merely need to go within and ask if this is what is best for you at this time.

Your outer need to expedite your transition might not be appropriate for your physical being or you may be too exhausted emotionally, spiritually or physically to continue. That is fine. You can stop or change direction at any time.

The only piece no longer possible is a comfortable return to 3D life. Even though you have passed that entrance never to return, you have many other choices and entrances to select. One of which is this week’s clearing of deeply held fears. Fears that do not stop you from transitioning, but do hinder your feelings of bliss – and are probably doing so at this time.

Listen to your inner-being. Travel and clear at the speed that is correct for you knowing that you are of the New Age – an age that allows and encourages you to step beyond your expected boundaries. Just as the Old Age encouraged you to remain within the boundaries established by your others.

You are indeed free. Free to travel at the pace that is correct for you and to select any entrance that feels right at this time. This week’s unusual energies are merely one entrance among thousands that the Universes are gifting you as you move further and further into the New Age. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 5, 2013 at 10:54 am 18 comments



March 2013