Archive for December, 2013

Why is Receiving a Dirty Word?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 28, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at It’s time to balance your giving and receiving equation. In new earth, you’ll love yourself as much as others. No longer will phrases like, “He’d give you the shirt off his back” be appropriate or even understandable.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Merry NEW Holidays to Us”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We wish to direct your attention to receiving for many of you are not comfortable with that aspect of your being. Perhaps you feel guilty for not giving more during the holiday season to family, friends or charities. As if by spending or giving more all that is not right in your life or someone else’s will be better.

But we venture to guess that few of you feel guilt about not receiving more. The thought of wanting more is what makes you feel guilty.

You have learned to give is divine.

There are few phrases encouraging you to receive. Oh once in awhile, you might read that being thankful for what someone gives you is appropriate. But asking for something is seldom correct in your society – the word selfish is most often used.

Asking for something and truly expecting it to materialize likely ended in childhood when you realized there was no Santa Claus other than yourself.

How many of you spend more than you intend for others during the holidays? Those same thought processes seldom apply to you. Even though you buy items you need or want, most often you do so with thoughts of your budget, if the item is really needed and/or similar filters.

Your media, friends, family and community constantly remind you how “right” giving is – even describing how wonderful you will feel when you do so. And perhaps you do. But receiving does not warrant a similar emphasis in your 3D world.

Giving to others – individuals or organizations – while denying yourself, is the 3D model.

Perhaps such a statement makes you angry for giving does make you joyful. If such is true, this channel is not addressed to you for you have found a source of joy.

But those who give because they should or because of guilt are neither giving nor receiving.

In new earth, all interactions are shared. You receive as well as give. Therefore, learning how to joyfully accept and expect receiving is an extremely important self-contained lesson.

As a child, did you think it was wrong for you to be fed and cared for? At what point in your earth life did receiving become wrong?

AH. Now you are understanding. Giving and not expecting anything in return is a care taker stance.

Did you not care take your children when they were young? But at the same time, did you not expect rewards such as watching your child take their first steps or those little arms wrapped around your neck in love and joy? You and your child experienced a sharing relationship.

But if that same child continues the need to be cared for as an adult despite responding to that care taking with little more than, “Is that all there is?” the relationship is not a sharing relationship. It has become a care taking/victim relationship.

Perhaps you believe you will receive in the future or it is a pay it forward type process. Such is well and good if it is true. But the reality most often is that you are giving or care taking with little expectation of receiving. And at some point, that care taking becomes victimization.

Now you are concerned that we are shifting your thoughts to a selfish mode. So we are.

Selfish is a bad word in your current vocabulary – and giving is a word that is so right. But right for whom? Right for you to give all you have to someone who could create what they need? Right for you to take away their innate powers by constantly showing them you are wiser and better?

Have you asked yourself similar questions before donating your time or money? How do you view the objects of your generosity? As poor them. Or as someone who just needs to be reminded of their powers?

Some of you have adult children or friends living in your home. Is it a sharing relationship or have they reverted to the childlike stance of, “I must be taken care of even if it means you are impoverished for I am the important person in this relationship.”

Please know that, if you have not already experienced it, an emotional shift is occurring.

Perhaps initially it was right for you to care take your adult child or friend. But some how that relationship deteriorated to the point that your life revolves around their needs.

The same has happened with charities and churches. You barely have enough to pay rent, yet you feel guilty when you do not share with those in need.

You are in need now – emotionally and physically.

For you are restructuring your inner-being including learning how to receive. And as you do so, it is likely you will be exposed to feelings of guilt for not giving enough – financial or emotional care taking.

As earth shifts to love, those who wish to remain enmeshed in fear will do whatever it takes to continue a fear-based world. The same is true for care taking. As you remove yourself from a care taking equation, those who were comfortable with or expected your care taking will attempt to return you to that life.

But as you transition to love and joy, you are removing your care taking elements. One of which is, “Giving is divine.”  Your new mantra is, “Sharing is divine.”

Sharing is a joyful win/win situation for all.

Yet those used to being taken care of will fight to maintain those 3D care taking beliefs. A bit like your toddler insisting he needs his bottle after he is capable of drinking from a glass. It is time for you to say, “No” to yourself and others.

Only with sharing will you experience the joy of your relationships. This is new earth. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

December 30, 2013 at 11:54 am 30 comments

Merry NEW Holidays to Us

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 22, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at As was true in puberty, you’re changing hourly. Those people you might not enjoy today, may feel right tomorrow. All entities throughout the globe are evolving even if they elected not to be part of new earth. As was true for most in puberty, there are no earthly parents encouraging you to be. Your higher self, inner-being, spirit guide, angels, etc. are functioning in that role during this transition. 

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Join the Sparkle Fest”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This is indeed a glorious, loving time of year – not for all, but for many. Your media, religions and society explore love in many ways from charities to media presentations to joyous get-togethers of family and friends. All with expectations of love. Of course, those love sensations are rapidly discarded with thoughts of your New Year’s revelry.

Your Old Age love fests are portioned. Today I feel it – tomorrow love of all is not that significant. Such should tell you that those love celebrations were created by your society. Does that mean you will experience Christmas spirit (whatever that means to you) throughout the year in new earth? No more than all will dye their hair red.

In new earth, you can maintain the Christmas spirit throughout the year – or never. There are no shoulds.

But without shoulds or time set aside for love and companionship, how will you navigate new earth? What if you feel like celebrating in March and your loved ones in December? Will you celebrate once, twice or not at all?

Only you can answer that question. But just as all structures are shifting, so is it true for your society driven celebrations. Many of you are pining for the Christmas or holiday season of your youth. And believing that without a central celebration, life will be mundane – even if love is celebrated throughout the year.

Perhaps you have images of angels floating around sensing the same feelings day after day as they help you or whoever requests assistance. That the life of angels is fairly boring – not something you would apply for. Such is not the case.

Suffice it to say that the angels you believe you understand are beyond your current comprehension levels. And so it is for the new earth you are exploring and creating.

This is indeed a time for celebration for you have moved beyond the half-way point in your Old Age/new earth continuum. You are sensing new pieces and receiving new blessings from one another and the Universes. At the same time, you are of earth – just as you declared you would before your entrance to earth in this lifetime.

Perhaps you thought your holidays would not change. This is not a partial shift.

What will holidays be like in the future? What do you want them to be like? They are your holidays. Can we guarantee that Christmas or this holiday season will withstand the structural shift? No. Not anymore than was true when pagan rituals were incorporated into religious holidays eons ago.

Your holidays are not Universal holidays. If they were, there would be no change. Your holidays were created by your society for a specific reason.

If all entities are inner-directed, how can you join others in a central celebration? How indeed?

Is a central celebration important to you? If so, you will continue to celebrate as will others who feel the same. Is Christmas a day to reflect? If so, you will continue to reflect as will others who feel the same. Is Christmas something to be avoided because of the pain associated with past celebrations? Then you will disassociate more and more with holiday thought processes – or create a different experience.

Perhaps you cannot understand how such diversity allows you to continue your life of expectation and joy. For the Christmas/holiday season has been the highlight of your year. What you are feeling is little different from what was felt by those who left their small town wondering if they would ever find new friends. Only to discover that their new connections were as loving – only different – than was true for those who had known them since birth.

You no longer expect to live your entire life in the same house where you were born.

Your holidays are shifting, just as are you. Who are you? What do you wish to celebrate and when? You will find others who join you in those celebrations. There are many levels to the word ‘community’ in this new age. Levels you have not yet begun to contemplate or create.

Will all happen within the next year? No.

This shifting of your outer world will happen in stages, much as has been true for your inner-being.

Is it likely that Christmas will not be celebrated throughout the globe in your lifetime? Maybe. But it is more likely that phasing out some celebrations and creating new ones will happen more gradually than is true for many structures.

You will change those structures that are painful before those that no longer ring true for you.

If you are mourning the thought of the Christmas/holiday season evolving into something you are not comfortable with, remember that some of you celebrate Christmas on the 24th, some the 25th and some a few days before or after – depending on your interests, family history and travel needs.

You have already shifted your holiday – you just do not perceive that such is true. For indeed, before your society became one of rapid travel, the thought of celebrating before or after the holiday was not a consideration. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day were the days.

As you life shifts, so will your holidays and the sensations attached to those holidays. You are creating the world that is right for you. Do not mourn that which was created for everyone. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

December 23, 2013 at 12:14 pm 18 comments

Join the Sparkle Fest

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 15, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at We’re shifting from a water-based physical being to crystalline, so we’re no longer directed by full moons and other events created outside our beings. Astrology remains a valid field and will adapt – as are all structures/segments of our former lives – from a water-based/outer-directed modality to a crystalline/inner-directed frequency.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Grab Your Emotional Star Power”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You have moved through many energies in the past few days – including the energies generated by the loving, sometimes sad, holiday spirit. Even though there is a solstice and full moon on the calendar, the energies emitted by those forces are less dramatic than what you are accustomed to. That is not to say you will not shift parts of your being during those events, but that it will feel more like a sparkle fest than a traumatic event.

Many question the phrase ‘sparkle fest’ for you continue to display the changes those transition waves create via physical or emotional symptoms. You find yourself experiencing emotional highs and lows, sleep pattern changes, digestive issues or other symptoms. All pieces you have experienced before. The difference is that the symptoms will be less evident and the results more precise.

Think of yourself as a diamond in the rough when you first began your new earth transition. You knew what you wanted, but not necessarily how to get there. The first cutting of your facets was painful and extremely frightening for most. Each shift produced another polish or trimming of facets. You now are a brilliant stone requesting a bit more polish.

Please note the difference. When you first experienced your uncut, unpolished diamond status, you asked for assistance from whomever seemed likely to reduce your fears. Now that you are a polished gem, you decide how much you wish your facets to sparkle.

Just days ago, you were concerned about your direction and relationships. You were cautious about the holiday effects on your seemingly precarious spot in new earth.

Is it possible for you to shift that dramatically in a few days?

Have not so many channels relayed that all would happen in the blink of an eye? And so it is for you – even though you probably thought that phrase related to global/structural shifts not your personal shift.

All are the same. Changing one cell of your totality changes the Universes.

Your physicality has transitioned from a water to a crystalline base. How that effects your reactions to full moons and other water-based events will be noted by many this week.

You and all entities on earth are shifting from a water to crystalline based cellular structure so your Old Age astrological indicators will change also. Astrology, like all parts of your being and structural life, is shifting.

But that thought is not as important as it is for you to know that you have reached a point of clarity beyond anything you conceived of even one year ago. It is the knowingness of your worth that is so different. You experience and express life differently. You sense new feelings and beliefs. You know without a doubt that you are a sparkler.

Many disagree. You state to yourself and others that you feel nothing different. That you are worthless and unworthy. Life is as gray as it has been most of your life – perhaps even a bit more gray as you discard family and friends who no longer blend with your new being.

We beg to differ. Those of you who are feeling less than on the outside merely need to review your inner workings.

Even though you may miss some of those who were part of your life, you do not have a need to return to that life because you have accepted your role internally. Whether that is yet displayed externally is not of great concern for it will be shortly. There will be a sense of joy and sparkle about your new being – just as is true when you purchase a new outfit that makes head turn at your beauty.

You have accepted your new outfit/being internally. So despite your need to feel less than, you will start to sparkle with your multi-faceted radiance in a few days.

For those who already sparkle on the outside, you know you have an absolutely wonderful life. You are gleaming and highly polished, but have decided to add a bit more polish and sparkle to your radiance – which you will receive this week with the full moon and solstice.

These astrological events are now tweaking, sparkling and shifting your inner crystalline structure.

Many believe that such is not possible for your medical doctors are not noting the change. But then, they are not looking. Much as native Americans did not see the first European explorer boats because they were not part of their understanding.

Your crystalline structure is cellular. Your medical world understand cells, but has little need to look at the composition of cells. Their equipment is designed for larger objects. Eventually, the medical world will catch up with your new physical beings – just not today or tomorrow.

Those of you who doubt your worth, look within for reassurance – and then accept the sparkling messages that follow. Do you not feel lighter and more energetic when you read or view a piece about how far you have evolved? Those moments are reassurances to yourself that all is well and getting better.

For those of you who KNOW your worth, grab the additional polishing available in the next few days. Look around. Others are indeed starting to sparkle, laugh and play more – and know that all is wonderfully well in their world.

You have all moved beyond 3D even though you continue to be part of it. Which is exactly what you wished to accomplish prior to your earth entrance in this lifetime – the almost impossible feat of living in two worlds, yet allowing one to dominate your thinking and processing despite continued activity in another.

New earth energies now dominate your being. Your inner-world is crystalline. Whether you believe it or not, your diamond in the rough being has been cut and polished to a brilliance you could only dream of a few months ago.

All that is required is for you to allow that brilliance to radiate from your being, to believe in yourself and to know you have expanded beyond your previous 3D existence.

You are indeed the new being you wished to be when you took your first earth breathe. Celebrate that. Radiate that. You have passed your transition to new earth with flying colors. Now accept your radiance and allow it to shine. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

December 17, 2013 at 10:50 am 72 comments

Grab Your Emotional Star Power

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 8, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re discovering those emotions created by society may be shifting for you. Somewhat like wearing the color red for eons and suddenly discovering that gray looks lovely on you also. You’re melting your box of emotional shoulds and experimenting with new feelings. Feelings society often indicates shouldn’t be in your repertoire.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Deep Within, We Want it All”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though you portray that which you think you should in the role of god/goddess/Lightworker/star being – you do not feel that role within you.

You have tested your resolve. You have created your perfect world in your mind. Yet, you feel you are a follower – despite all messages that you are a leader.

And as you throw off the new earth titles many bestow on you, you feel less and less worthy of anything other than your 3D life.

You know others are interacting with something outside their 3D beings. But they are the “golden” ones – the exception to the rule. The rest of you are somewhere in the middle of a Bell Curve of mediocrity.

How is it possible you are a god or goddess and do not have money to pay the rent?

You merely feel a continuation of your 3D life with a few new earth sparkles of joy here and there. You wait for the latest channel or workshop to get that joy upper only to lose that sensation the minute you arrive at work or your child breaks something special to you.

Joy is fleeting. 3D is your reality.

We beg to differ. You are shifting. One of the greatest indicators of your shift is your disillusionment with new earth.You believe enough to strive for something even though it seems to elude you.

You are all Lightworkers. But you have heard that so many times that it means little to you as you count your pennies at the grocery store.

Please know that your shift into Lightworker knowingness is happening in the next few days.

It will start with a few renegade emotions. An “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” moment(s) that will present itself in so many ways from, “No,” to “That’s your responsibility,” to “I’m more valuable than that.”

Those thoughts and feelings will squeeze out of your pores in ways you cannot yet conceive of.

We said that you would feel different emotions this holiday season – as if you are outside looking in. The next few days will produce another emotional element that will move you beyond feelings of new earth inadequacies.

Like the first day of a job when you are certain you cannot perform your assigned task and never will – only to realize a few months later that you are completely at ease with tasks that had you in a tailspin your first day.

You have had months and years of your first day new earth emotions. The emotions you explore the next few days are about knowing what you are capable of.

Perhaps you take care of someone emotionally to the extent that you ignore your needs – whether 3D or new earth. You might wake up and say, “You’re capable of taking care of yourself.”

Or you might allow yourself to know your capabilities in both your 3D world and new earth.

For you must feel confident in your 3D world before you discover your true new earth being.

If you feel ‘less than’ in your 3D world, even though you explore other dimensions, you will maintain that inadequacy in your new earth life. Much as someone abused at six years of age needs to review those feelings so powerlessness does not dominate his 3D world.

Feelings of inadequacy – in whatever dimension – reduce your new earth power.

Perhaps you are throwing up your hands in disgust for most Lightworkers have experienced 3D lives – especially this lifetime – that are horrendous in the remembrance. Things you almost do not dare tell others for who would believe you experienced that and now hope for new earth joy.

Please do not panic. You have cleared almost all those memories. It is just that in the next few days you will display related emotions you did not realize were deep within you.

Such is part of this year’s holiday shift – removing the shoulds of society AND knowing the reality of your being.

Your memories of being less than have prevented you from knowing your true being. A bit like Marilyn Monroe, the Hollywood movie star, who never accepted her stardom because of her unresolved childhood pain.

The energies of the next few days give you the freedom to dissolve all that keeps you in 3D even though you have moved beyond 3D in terms of your Lightworker role.

Allow those energies to do their work. Allow unusual or frightening night dreams. Allow yourself to explore relationships knowing that everyone is powerful enough to move in directions correct for them – most specifically, you. Cut the ties of those dependent on you.

Move forward as a bright star, instead of the heavy dust you have tried to be.

The next few days, you will feel emotions you did not know were part of you. And you will relay those feelings to others as you clear your emotional slate. Care taking and victimization will be the first to go.

Allow yourself to be in the next few days and you will sparkle as does a star.

Now you are worried you will offend or lose someone dear to you. If that someone or something is part of your feeling less than a shining star, it is time to let go – emotionally, even physically if that is appropriate.

Does that mean you will leave your job, spouse or community?  Perhaps. But this is an emotional shift, so it is more likely you will speak your truth – and if those you address do not wish to honor that truth, your relationship will change.

You will begin acting like a star even in your 3D world. For you will know deep within you that you have finally kissed the Prince, you, and your new role is beckoning – that of a new earth star. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

December 10, 2013 at 3:16 pm 59 comments

Deep Within, We Want it All

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 31, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at In addition to ISON, the comet now streaking through the sky, there will be other indicators reminding you of your inner-joy, all sprinkled with the fairy dust of joy. Many of you will experience a different type of holiday this year. You will sense the joy of the season without fear, sadness or other emotions that have marked past holiday seasons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  “Holidays – Another Should”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.


Dear Ones,

Are you feeling somewhat hollow – fluctuating between slivers of joy and a deadening nothingness?

Perhaps such is so because you are transitioning between worlds. For many there is an additional more personal piece.

You wish to recreate some of the glories of past lifetimes.

All of you have experienced both depravity, because of religious teachings, and lives with extreme levels of fame and wealth.

You are now more interested in your past glories than the religious penitence that marked at least one of your lifetimes. Yet, you will not allow yourself access to the glories and riches you hold dear in this time and place because you are not certain you can achieve your goal – or that you want to.

Many of you claim that you are not interested in the fame and corresponding riches you accumulated easily in past lives. We beg to differ. You did not select this particular time on earth to create a New Age that forced you to sleep on a bed of nails or  to deprive yourself of your electrical gadgets. You wish to have it all.

A life of joy does not include poverty, hunger, or the fear of doing something wrong as was true of your religious life experiences. Perhaps you did not feel deprived in your religious lives – but you were. You had so many rules you forgot who you were. You prayed, genuflected, sang and interacted when the rules said you could. Even though you did so in love for that life and historical period, that truth is not valid in this lifetime.

New earth is freedom and creating your rules – if you must. Perhaps meditating daily makes you feel wonderful. Perhaps not. There are no rules. More importantly, you have decided to transition in a time in which things and inner-power reign.

Maybe even the thought that you might prefer things to living in a mountain cave isolated from society seems wrong and selfish. Yet, why else would you create new earth during this time of consumerism?

Perhaps you feel such is true but your challenge is to ignore all that and live a solitary life in the country with few, if any, conveniences. Even though that might be true for you as an individual, it is not true of this new earth transition. It is not about deprivation, it is about celebrating all you have discovered on earth that gives you joy and creating even more to do so.

You are not a spiritual being. You are a physical/spiritual being. And for you to ignore your physical being is no more glorious or correct than for you to ignore your spirituality – and uniqueness.

Allow yourself to move in the direction correct for you without the shoulds of,  “If I do this I will be more spiritual.” Perhaps you will – but at the expense of your physical being. Allow yourself to glory in the capabilities of your Internet, computers, iPads, cell phones and any gadgets that catch your imagination.

Some of you feel you need to deny the creations now readily available on earth. Yet those creations allow you to expedite this transition. You could isolate yourself in a mountain cave, but that would negate all you and your advance Lightworkers created to ensure this transition was a global event.

Many of you will counter that most religious faiths spread globally before modern innovations. Such is true. But those religions were created over hundreds of years.

You, as a group, decided you did not wish this transition requiring hundreds of earth years. You wanted this transition to happen in two or three generations. You have since decided to expedite the process to a few decades. Neither of which could have happened without the communication/transportation systems you created in the past century. Those systems are not your enemy. You created them so you could exchange and share information rapidly. And by so doing, create a global freedom of wealth and comfort earth has never experienced.

Is it not true that most have access, in one form or another, to television, automobiles, radios, computers and cell phones? You continue to declare that all are to be equal. You are starting with your devices. Your dream of equality is becoming reality despite your inability to understand that such is happening.

At the same time, those innovations are creating a lust, if you will, in the hearts of many for a better or different life. That living in a tin hut somewhere in the world is not enough. Such has almost always been the case. But now the lust for things and a different life is no longer a dream, it is a necessity.

You are creating a new earth of joy in so many ways you have not yet acknowledged. Decide not to watch the news if you wish. Decide not to read newspapers or check your cell phone for updates. Even so, you will learn of the large earth events. You can no longer bury your head in the sand and scream to the heavens that the world must not change. You and earth are changing – not because of isolated spiritual meditations, but because those meditations, emotions and thoughts are part of your computer world.

At the same time, the images you see daily of cruises, elegant homes, education opportunities and inventions are tickling the fancy of your physical being – just as they were meant to when you first encouraged/allowed/created them in this life or another.

You marvel at how rapidly this transition is happening. Yet you ignore the basis of that process – your ability to create and purchase. We have come full circle. This is not the lifetime to hide in a cave of spiritual longing or meditations. This is the lifetime to glory in your physicality and to use that to blend your physical and spiritual life.

If that means living by yourself in a house in the country – so be it. But likely, that house will have some sort of computer or television access. And well it should as this new earth is created in days and months instead of lifetimes.

Do not belittle yourself or others if you desire something that seems inappropriate for a spiritual being – a house, car, iPad or diamond ring. You are not a spiritual being. You are now a human – no matter your origin. It is time to fully experience that humanness.

There are no rules. You can be or do whatever you want. Including accumulating wealth, sharing wealth, living in a mansion or tin hut. But do so because you want to not because you believe you should. Follow your joy wherever that joy takes you and you will be a Lightworker. Dummy down in whatever manner and you will be of 3D or stagnant in your Lightworker quest.

Allow yourself to be – including wealth, creativity, physicality or any other format you wish. But your wish, not the dictates of others. And once you allow that thought to be in every fiber of your being, you will zoom into joy. There are no shoulds other than enjoying your physicality and life. Deprivation was of other lifetimes. This is the life of fun. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

December 3, 2013 at 11:07 am 60 comments



December 2013