Archive for August, 2015

Ascension and Fear

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 27, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  Previously, many of earth remained in pain/fear to enable pioneers and scout masters to move through Old Age fears. The pioneers/scout masters have done so and now all earth entities are accepting self-love. Creating a chaos of clearing – including many uncomfortable activities. Love is now spreading throughout earth to all – starting with personal self-clearing as was true for you.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Where Do You Rank?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many speak of ascension. Does that mean you will die an early earth death? Or that you will become a new person? So many concepts about a simple shift. You are merely returning to the being you were prior to your first earth entry.

When you entered 3D earth, you added layers of physical, spiritual and emotional protection. Such protection separates you from yourself, all earth entities and now earth itself. Protection that has become a barrier to your future.

You have been quite adept at change throughout your earth life and beyond – even though one of your core beliefs is that you have not changed. Oh you look in the mirror and note physical changes, but you continue to believe that you adapt to your current world with the same skills you have used since you entered earth’s environment in this lifetime.

In truth, you have altered your beliefs and actions continuously since your earth birth. If you question that thought remember something as simple as your clothing or language. You easily changed with the times. Even your voice is different from when you were three or 20 years old. You have shifted and evolved continuously and will do so forever.

It is just that much of your 3D change was enmeshed in fear – for earthlings were addressing fear. Resulting in at least a touch of fear once you accept that your entire being is shifting during this new you transition.

“What will I look like? What does that mean for my earth longevity in this lifetime? What’s going to happen to my loved ones?” And on and on. All questions tinged in fear. For the word ‘change’ often makes you contemplate how best to move through that change to avoid fear.

Such is one of the reasons you need to process new you at your personal pace of acceptance and joy. So you are. All the while wondering how your ascension – however you define ascension – will impact your life.

Few of you envision the process of ascension as a joyful experience. Not because you are enmeshed in pain, but because your 3D beliefs are that you likely will be.

In essence, setting yourself up for failure. Not that failure is a possibility, but that you believe it might be. Yet another deeply hidden fear you are coming to terms with as you evolve in this transition.

There are several reasons why fear continues to be closely related to this transition in your mind.

Three D earth changes were expected and discussed. Even though you shifted your thoughts and actions as you spent time on earth, such was completed in a social framework that allowed you to believe only your physical being was changing. How many of you have commented to one another that even though you are a certain age, you feel as you did when you were in your 20s? Such is not true, but you believe it is. A piece that is uncomfortable for you now.

For no one is providing an overview of how you will react, shift or how long you will remain of earth in this lifetime. Even though there are many resources for this wondrous shift, there is no overall guide about to what to expect.

Puberty, middle-age, marriage, pregnancy, menopause, retirement years, All expected 3D actions and reactions. Even though there is a wide range of actions within those broad categories, you knew you might be uncomfortable but you would not implode or disappear.

This new you transition continuously reminds you that you are your guide. For what? When? How? Where? All frightening pieces you try to ignore as you swim upstream – against the social tide. You are moving/transitioning/evolving on faith. Which often wears a bit.

You have been told that your physical being is shifting – yet no one can verify that. You have been told your friendship circle will expand or finances are easy to obtain – yet you have not necessarily experienced either.

Even though you are hoping the future is as prophesied, you have little evidence that such is so. A bit like when you wanted to date and your parents made you wait until they felt you were mature enough to do so. All worked out eventually even though you did not believe you could waylay your gratification when your need to be romantically involved first appeared.

So it is now. You are not children. But since you are merely beginning to experience the joy we have long prophesied with not a lot to show for it, you question the information you receive. Even though you are rapidly evolving day by day, you have not yet realized such is so. We are observing you – as did your parents – and know you are now a more mature new you than you realize.

Does such a thought matter if you are not experiencing what you wish to experience? We can only direct you. You must complete that process by allowing yourself to move at the pace correct for you. Which perhaps seems like yet another carrot. But, in truth, is affirming that you are now a young Universal adult. So all pieces right and comfortable will fall in place when the time is right for you.

You are no longer a Universal infant, child or teen-ager. You are a Universal young adult creating the life right for you one step at a time. First you had to clear those pieces tied to former lives – your climb up the mountain. Then you cleared those pieces that hindered your evolution in this lifetime – rolling down the hill. Now, yet again, you are moving forward more rapidly than anyone thought possible.

So it is you now wish to zoom around the Universes, as well as maintain your earth life in this lifetime. So you will – one step at a time. For many of your physical changes are to increase your skill set and longevity.

Does that mean you will live to be 150 years old in this lifetime? Only you know. You are writing the transition book. For your 3D information about puberty, menopause and so many other physical/emotional/intellectual shifts was created by millions of people experiencing somewhat the same shift.

Do you suppose the first cave people understood puberty? Probably as little as they understood eclipses. For early earth beings were certain the world was ending when an eclipse covered their mid day sun.

So it is you are compiling the many shifts that will eventually be labelled ascension by future earth generations. But then, those born in the future will not undergo the depth and number of shifts you are now. For how to live and prosper in New Earth will be part of their wiring from birth. All because of you. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

August 31, 2015 at 10:31 am 35 comments

Where Do You Rank?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 14, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You have a complete skill set and you’re new you on New Earth. Start creating your dreams in joy. It’s no longer appropriate to blame the gods, Universes or earth beings for your discomfort and pain.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Stepping Out of Your Prison”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are most likely having difficulties shedding the need to outshine, out sparkle others.

When you were of the Old Age, you needed to prop yourself up. Not because you were not as capable as anyone, but because your society purposely pitted you against others. There was always an ‘in’ group and those considered beneath or less worthy than the in group.

Even though the in group shifted with the times, the intent remained the same. Someone was wise enough, strong enough, rich enough or charismatic enough to outshine others, until they were not.

If your school valued athletics, those in sport teams were the in crowd. If your school valued intellectual ability, those who displayed such were valued. On and on including musical talent or appearance. Within those groups was the subset of most popular within the group. Until they were not for various reasons from a shift in the key to popularity to the wrong moves or statements within the group.

There did not necessarily need to be a reason for someone’s popularity, but all knew that such was so because in and out groups were necessary so some could feel better than others.

Even though you are in a different place in a different world, it remains somewhat difficult for you to ignore your former need to be the best.

Since many are gravitating to their unique path, you are finding it more difficult to separate the in and out groups.  Something more difficult for you to comprehend than you thought when you first grasped the phrase, “we are all one.” For if you are all one but on separate paths, it is not possible to feel better or worse than someone else .

“How can I know I’ve succeeded if I have no one to compare myself to?” So it is that you continue to encourage both yourself and others to compare and contrast with hopes that you will be the best in whatever arena is important to you at the moment.

Will others like you more if you have the right house, job, intent, skills or income? Perhaps. But they will like you more by comparison than individual skills and achievements. For when you compare yourself to others, you are belittling both yourself and others. There are no longer the distinctions, separations or right and wrong you experienced in 3D – and remain fairly comfortable with.

Most of you are perhaps more politically correct in your speech than was true of previous generations, but you retain the ability, almost the need, to feel greater than someone else.

The playing field you once understood has been leveled. If age, race, gender, income, educational level and sexual orientation no longer apply, how can someone be better or worse? This is a new world with new markers – none of which apply to better or worse.

Better or worse only apply when fear is a large part of the equation. When fear is no longer the dominant expression within any emotion, those markers disappear. For if all are equal and have the same software of skills that can be applied if the interest arises, there is no need or possibility of better or worse.

You hope for new you in New Earth while applying the markers of yesterday and then wonder why you do not feel the joy many seem to be experiencing. When you apply the old rules of better or worse, your joy is lessened. For you are applying old thoughts to new skills – the two are not compatible.

When your thoughts are of better or worse, you diminish yourself and no one else. For those you are comparing yourself to are in a different place whether 3D or New Earth. No one of New Earth can continue such limited thoughts and retain their new you being.

A place to observe this less than or fear piece is within the political arena – particularly the United States now. The presidential candidates, for the most part, are jumping on this and that piece to show everyone how much better they are than the other candidates – 3D thinking and actions.

Those candidates will lose their sparkle for most citizens following the September 2015 energy bursts. Not because they are not be the best candidate, but because they are campaigning on the basis of fear.

Which candidate is having fun? Who is campaigning in joy instead of fear? That is the candidate you will eventually gravitate to.

So it is you are just beginning to release your need to compare yourself to others – to make yourself bigger and better in others’ eyes. Those of New Earth do not care who or what you are for they are finding themselves.

One more piece of this amazing transition as you become new you in all your unique glory – not dictated by society, friends or family. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

August 24, 2015 at 10:32 am 32 comments

Stepping Out of Your Prison

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 14, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You have a complete skill set and you’re new you on New Earth. Start creating your dreams in joy. It’s no longer appropriate to blame the gods, Universes or earth beings for your discomfort and pain.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Applying Your New Skill Set”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you believe others are leaders and you are a follower. Such can be noted in the political arena, your job and your daily life. No one is your leader. Even though you may choose to obtain or note expertise from another, they are an information source – not your leader.

That thought leaves many in a quandary. If you have no leaders and you feel as you did in 3D, who are your earth parents? Are you wise and/or strong enough to set out on your own?

You are your leader. But how can that be? You are not a president, prime minister, chancellor or king.

What you have not yet grasped is you no longer require a leader for leaders were created to herd you into one thought, one action. And as those thoughts shift, so will the attributes of the leaders you once required.

How is it possible to manage a country or earth with billions of leaders? Such is not your issue. For if becoming a politician gives you joy, that is your role. But if the political world makes you angry or upset, your joy, you being belongs elsewhere.

That is not to say that all politicians or leaders will fall by the wayside. But that those of you finding joy in those arenas will fill those slots – at a different level. Instead of being selected by what your constituency wishes to hear and then shifting your policies to that which most ensures your continued election, politicians/leaders of tomorrow will speak their truth both before and after being selected. For it will not be possible to voice untruthful words.

If everyone has the ability to communicate without words – and you do for that is part of your new skill set – you will know without being told if someone is selecting a position in joy or fear.

The politicians of today are in constant fear, “If I say this, will I be re-elected or ruin my party’s chances? Why not accept graft? Why not wield seemingly unlimited power?” All fear-based thoughts that consume today’s leaders in so many layers of your society – including your work, religious and personal worlds.

But then, so much of what you take for granted is based in fear – which you are removing piece by piece.

For those of you in the work world – which is more personal than most of your political or religious realms – such thoughts put fear in every part of your being. Does that mean you should tell your manager or CEO what a hollow concept their latest damaging idea is? Or that you should start your own company? Or that you should leave a good paying job to flounder in petty jobs or no job until you again speak company speak?

Those avenues and so many more are open to you. Follow your bliss. Knowing that others are also feeling similar shifts – including your manager or CEO. You have had inklings of what is to come – companies shifting to a more inclusive or rewarding work place. Parental leave, matching salaries, open communication concepts and new office layouts. Your first peek inside the new work-a-day world.

But if your work place does not grasp that new world – or most definitely, new you, what are you to do? Yes, what ARE you to do?

You are your leader. You must speak your truth in whatever form that takes. From continuing to work at that company to starting your own.

You do not need to question your motives as you once did when you sorted your thoughts through the societal lens that colored your opinions, actions and life. You are free. The cell door of your societal prison is open.

If you cannot yet take big steps to freedom, allow yourself to rest in your cell doorway by finding the beauty or joy in the place that feels like prison. There will be a day when the ugliness of untruth is less inviting than your joy, your truth. But for now, allow yourself to move when it is right for you.

There is no need to picket earth society. Merely allow yourself to know that your shifting feelings are part of your new being. And that many others – many, many more than you realize – are quietly joining you as you chafe at the rules that no longer apply personally, politically or religiously. That the structures of the Old Age are crumbling rapidly and you are at the beginning of such happenings.

So do not fret if tomorrow your work, church or community feels distasteful. Such is to be expected with this type of societal earthquake. Your politicians are already beginning to feel such is so. For they are not noting the number of nodding heads they have come to expect as they apply their personal fears on the populace. The church (spirituality) has found such is so for a longer period – and have started adapting accordingly.

The first stages of any institutional/structural change will be trying to maintain the status quo with enough perks or changes to satisfy the naysayers, but not enough to destroy the institution. Such will not be enough. But then, institutions are taking the same baby steps outside their prison as is true for many of you.

Which comes first, ‘the chicken or the egg’? Only you can determine that. You will do so in your time and in the way correct for you. Many of you will wish to wait until your company, church or politician shifts to become part of that wave. Others will need to step outside their personal prison cell sooner. It is your choice. Know that your choice is right for earth and the Universes.

It is not possible for everyone to exit a company, community or political view at once. For new structures are created by you as you evolve. We are merely giving you a broad stroke of knowledge of why you are perhaps starting to feel uncomfortable in your structures – and why nothing is seems to be replacing those structures with something comfortable for you.

Maybe you are a creator of one or more of those new structures. Or you will use those new structures as a stepping stone to something bigger or greater. Only you know deep within your being – information that is or soon will bubble to the surface.

What brings you joy? That is your guidance. And if you cannot find joy in your current life, look in the corners to create joy until you feel the need to leave your societal prison cell. So be it. Amen If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

August 16, 2015 at 10:50 am 31 comments

Applying Your New Skill Set

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 7, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  August 8 is a day to move further from 3D to your personal joy. That joy might be what you envisioned last year or something new. It doesn’t matter. For those of you in environments that don’t seem joyful, change perceptions to find joy in the hidden corners of your being. Joy is your key word for this 8/8/8 energy burst and beyond.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Why You’re Feeling Lonely”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are concerned that you are not zipping through various dimensions or frequencies. That your life appears much as it has always been. Even though such is not true, you cannot discern how different your being is from you of six months ago.

The first day of kindergarten or first grade, you most likely could not read or compute numbers. Such was not so by the end of that school year. You evolved physically, intellectually and emotionally, yet felt as if you were the same you.

So it is now. You are evolving rapidly. You merely do not have common markers, such as learning to read, that such is so.

Slowly – in your mind – but surely, you are practicing how to communicate without words. Words that so often confuse your being. Perhaps such indicators are minimal such as someone telling you that they like your new suit and you knowing – without fully understanding how – that they do not. So it is that you are tuning into new you and New Earth.

But many, if not most of you, expected to be zooming through various frequencies, dimensions and times, as well as shifting your being physically, spiritually and emotionally. Such happened for/with some. Even though most of you now believe such is possible, you have not yet claimed those pieces. Much as is true for those youngsters just learning to read who cannot yet understand various words or books with paragraphs.

You are practicing and testing without understanding that you are for there is no one to tell you that such is so. Perhaps you are skeptical. Thinking that such statements are a cover for something that is never going to happen. That is not a truth.

For even though each of you will develop skills within the full array of possibilities with your new you software, all of you has a similar skill set. Much as you all learned to read, but your reading interests vary widely from science fiction to mysteries, science, medicine, histories and biographies. For once you mastered the skill of reading, your unique interests took over. So it is now.

Some of you are most interested in learning communication without words. Others flying through and to other dimensions and frequencies. And still others using your new skill set to review current and past lives.

You have the abilities to review and command any time, distance or place. It is merely your interests that determine the areas in which you focus. There will be a time when your focus shifts and you use different skills. But for now, note what is interesting or joyful and you will know the skills you are mastering.

Maybe such is difficult to comprehend. For you were delighted to learn that you could do whatever you wanted – fly through dimensions, create different frequencies, time travel, live in joy, close a fear or create something in 3D and on and on. And so you are. But your joy selects those skills most important for you at this time.

You have a full skill set, just as is true for all at the forefront of this transition. You are merely selecting those pieces of your skill set that best meet your needs and interests now. Even though such will shift in the future, it is not necessary for you ever to use all your skills. Just as was true in your school days.

You studied mathematics, reading, history, science, communications, socializing, etc, but you only used those skills required at any one time. So it is now. You were introduced to your full skill set so you could freely select those skills most interesting.

You needed to open your vision and perceptions. Without a broad overview of your new skill set/new you software, you might have believed such was not possible or something was wrong with your being.

Finding your joy has been emphasized throughout this transition – while opening your perceptions to possibilities. A bit like taking you to a store filled with beautiful items – clothing, home ornaments, cars and on and on – and encouraging you to select the item that gives you the most joy – not the most practical item or what you might need in the future – but the item that gives you the most joy now.

So it is you have access to whatever new skill you wish to select – yet you are narrowing your selection process to that which is most joyful for you.

You are in exactly the right place testing exactly the right part of your new skill set – until that skill is no longer interesting and you move to your next joy. Fully aware of your new capabilities and skills. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

August 10, 2015 at 12:36 pm 24 comments

Why You’re Feeling Lonely

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 31, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’ve evolved spiritually and emotionally for months, years, maybe decades. Now it’s time for your physical being to do so. This phase may continue for days or a few months, but certainly not years for it is time to claim new you in totality – including your physical body. And so you are.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “Moving into a Radical Shift”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though connecting with others via the Internet is wonderful, such is not like touching one another physically. So it is you are lonely for physical connections – whether of a romantic nature or not.

Your nerves seem to cry out for physical contact. Yet, you do not feel like making the effort to expand your network of friends.

Almost everything seems as if it is too much effort. You once relished the thought of interacting with others. Now it feels like work to move outside your comfort zone.

You left family and friends behind – those you once depended upon to open your heart, your mind or your physical being.

Now you want it all – not in segments or divisions of heart, body, mind – but all in those with whom you interact. And you want it now.

You do not wish to attend parties or other events where you used to connect, for such gatherings now seem hollow. Yet, you do not feel that there are enough others in your corner – as you once did. Even though you are lonely, you cannot conjure up the energy to satisfy that feeling.

How is it possible for you to increase your physical friendship base if you have difficulties leaving your comfort zone? Should you push yourself to do so? Are you doing something wrong? Are you the only one who is lonely? No, no and no.

For indeed, all aspects of new you are designed to be easy and effortless. Work of any kind is no longer part of your daily routine. The difference is you have no framework for meeting others of like-mind and like-action. So how and what are you to do?

Your sense of loneliness has expanded because you wish to have someone – anyone – confirm that you are on the right path, that this transition is not a fairy tale. You never will discover that someone. For indeed, societal dictates of all doing the same thing in a similar time no longer apply.

Even though you can share your experiences with others, no two entities will ever again have the same experiences. This is where your creativity and self-love come into play.

It is as if while searching for a cure of a major disease, all are using different techniques. So discussing findings is more likely to result in dissention than forward thinking. That is not to say you can not share what you have learned, but that not everyone will be that interested for all are on a different paths leading to the same place.

All paths are valid and will not deviate with historical perspective or personal disdain. Your path is your path – and absolutely correct. But no one will ever create the very same path as you for all are combining different segments with different knowledge bases.

You no longer are depending on the histories of earth. Instead, you are all combining the histories of many planets and experiences within those planets.

Of course, there are what you label the Akashic records. But your Akashic records only record your history. You are not privy to everyone’s history for the very reason that you do not yet have the capacity to maintain or even scan the number of records that contain all the histories of all entities of all earth and beyond. You only have the capacity to know you. Which you are discovering one loving experience at a time.

This is your time to make friends with you. But because that thought is so foreign to you of earth, you feel lonely. You will eventually meet those who fulfill some of your physical needs, but not yet, not now. Now it is time to fall in love with you.

Such a thought makes many of you angry. For you do not believe you are that exciting or wise. You are lonely for someone, anyone to share your experiences with. That someone is now you.

For indeed, part of falling in love with yourself is the ability to trust that all you do is correct. Including not wishing to be among large groups or perhaps even one other person. Interacting with multitudes is what you knew in 3D but has little validity for new you now.

First you accepted your new you CEO role. Then you visited your various segments to clear any pieces that might negate your forward movement to new you. Now you are exploring your various segments, including your physical body, to fully know you in all your glory – to fall in love with you.

Then and only then, will new friends fall into place easily and effortlessly. For your beacon of self-loving light will be so bright that it will be impossible for ‘ships to pass in the night.’ And the same will be true for those with whom you connect. For both of you will be fully comfortable with and accepting of yourselves.

Loving enough for the two of you to create a new whole or third connection stronger than either of you individually, yet does not detract from either. Something you do not quite understand, but you will. Just as you did not quite understand how to love yourself when you started doing so.

You are not lonely, you are merely learning how fun and exciting you are. A new thought process, experience indeed. Allow yourself to grow into the totality that is the light of you. And allow the same for others. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

August 3, 2015 at 10:36 am 62 comments



August 2015