You’re of the 3D Audience Now

October 3, 2016 at 10:37 am 67 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 30, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’ve heard the phrases now becoming a reality for decades, even eons. Even though the information isn’t necessarily new, you’re finally internalizing it. If 3D you were told that the wisest person ever was available for your questions, you would jump at the chance to find your answers through that person. And now you’ve become the wisest person you know. 

“Self-Kudos and Self-Direction Are Called For” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you felt or sensed little the past few days – or maybe you sensed a great deal. It does not matter for those of you reading these words internalized the multitude of energies floating about earth the past few weeks.

The difference is that some of you cleared pieces related to those energies before these recent energy bursts. Such does not create a more masterful you but instead points to the elements you were most interested in clearing before life on earth in this lifetime.

You are a different person than was true at the beginning of the time you label August. Yet you are unlikely to notice great changes in your being other than perhaps a few different interests and perspectives. You will also likely breathe a sigh of relief that there are fewer Internet posts you feel a need to explore because all seems relatively calm in your world.

So it is that the key phrase for your new being is becoming, “All is relatively calm in your world.” Granted, the media and politicians continue to spew this piece and that, all pointing to a doomsday that is not New Earth reality. And perhaps you continue to be somewhat enmeshed in family or personal struggles, but those struggles, including media news, do not affect you as was true just weeks ago.

You are no longer horrified or particularly frightened. You merely observe and think to yourself, “How interesting. Or, “Why doesn’t that person, country, or entity do this or that to solve their dilemma?” You no longer consider yourself part of the 3D solutions and therefore, are no longer part of the problem.

You have stepped aside within your being to become more of an observer than the participant observer role you played for eons. You are now of the 3D audience.

The new stage you are creating for yourself does not include angst, fear, rage, control, or anger. So it is you are creating a new personal stage filled with joy that beckons anyone who wishes to join. And you will find that you are no longer willing to or even interested in cajoling those who remain enmeshed in fear.

Previous to the recent energies, you were much more likely to encourage, push, or do whatever was required in your mind to force your loved ones, even your political parties to do what you felt was necessary to create a loving world for you.

Now you, as an observer, are accepting that others may not wish to be part of your joy. That there is little you can do other than to be yourself – for those not willing to move into joy at this time, will not. And those who wish to, will. Both without your assistance or more to the point for past behaviors, insistence. You cannot make anyone do anything despite meditations, incantations, cajoling, loving, pushing, or forcing.

You have finally accepted that you are responsible for you and you alone. At the same time, you have moved off the drama stage, for now, your being clamors for joy in whatever form that is for you.

You have read and listened to the need for personal joy. But until now, you have felt that one more attempt to cajole your loved ones into joy, required you to remain of 3D earth muck.

Now, you are discovering that you have little patience with those who continue their fear path. And you will find yourself either leaving their pity-scene or snapping a comment back to them without forethought.

For you are becoming irritated with those who refuse to see the joy possibilities.

Such irritation probably does not fit your current image of love or compassion – an incorrect assumption. For you have shifted from placing everyone before you to honoring and loving yourself.

You are creating a stage of joy. Does anyone want to join you? That is your only intent at this time.

It is not feeling sorry for those who do not seem to ‘get it’ nor does it mean pushing others to your view. It merely means you have become more of you and would like others to be more of who they are. Even though who they are is not that much of a concern to you any longer.

For eons, you learned that the only way to access joy was to control others – financially, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. None of which you are drawn to after the recent energy bursts.

You are finally accepting that you are a beacon not a ship captain of the masses. You can do no more than shine your light. Anything beyond that returns you to the controlling motif that has ruled the earth for eons.

Free will is a constant throughout the Universes. You are claiming such for yourself now. First, you had to accept that you were as important as anyone via the love energies that expanded your being a few months ago. Now you are accepting that self-love means just that. You cannot nor do you wish to control as was your overwhelming need in 3D.

Perhaps you beg to differ thinking that you were extremely compliant to this or that person, employer, government, religion, political movement, even earth – neglecting your needs for the greater good of family, job, etc. Of course, that was control both by the entity you supplicated yourself to and the entity. For your personal goal was to fit in, be comfortable, create what you thought might be a happy situation for you. You supplicated yourself not to follow the rules as much as to control your life, to make your life as pleasant as possible.

Maybe such is not necessarily apparent yet for many of you – but it will be. For you are beginning to realize how much energy and time you wasted trying to make others comply to your needs so your life would be more pleasant.

You are you, and they are they. Others do not require a dictator – which is what you were in 3D even if you played the supplicant role – and neither do you.

You are free, and so are they. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Entry filed under: personal power, self love, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , .

Self-Kudos and Self-Direction are Called For I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore!

67 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Eliza Ayres  |  October 3, 2016 at 11:20 am

    Excellent post, Brenda. Feeling it, too. Much love!


    • 2. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 11:54 am

      Hi Eliza,
      I’m feeling it also. Following you on your Florida explorations!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 3. You’re of the 3D Audience Now - Oracles and Healers  |  October 3, 2016 at 11:21 am

    […] October 3, 2016 at 10:37 am Leave a comment […]


    • 4. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 11:56 am

      Thank you so much, Ron – as always – for posting my channel on Oracles and Healers


  • […] via You’re of the 3D Audience Now — Welcome to Brenda’s Blog […]


    • 6. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 11:57 am

      Hey, Eliza, thank you so much for posting my channel on BlueDragonJournal


  • 7. Delfina Gasoido  |  October 3, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    Oh Dear Brenda, once again you’ve made me surprised by the magical synchronicity of your post today and my recent thoughts.

    Summarize the “coincidence” in the following sentences of your post:
    1.-“You merely observe and think to yourself, “How interesting. Or, “Why doesn’t that person, country, or entity do this or that to solve their dilemma?” You no longer consider yourself part of the 3D solutions and therefore, are no longer part of the problem.”
    2.-“For you are becoming irritated with those who refuse to see the joy possibilities…… Does anyone want to join you? That is your only intent at this time.”
    3.-“You are finally accepting that you are a beacon not a ship captain of the masses.”

    This sums up my thoughts weekend.
    I feel like an alien when I see / I hear certain behaviors and attitudes.
    I do not judge, do not talk about good / bad attitudes. For example, I was watching tv in a pub a game of soccer and seeing the audience shouting and arguing about something of a goal, I thought: OMG !! these people are very poor, they fight because of 20 men kicking a ball, men who earn millions figures, kick a ball. How to explain to an alien that one of these earns more in a year than a scientist or a surgeon who makes heart transplants, brain … or arms win in their life ?? They’re crazy humans or what happens ??
    And at that moment I realized I thought of this as a spectator of this 3D world, thinking in terms of “these humans are crazy” as if I was not part of it.
    t happened not only soccer. I had that feeling at the supermarket, at the ATM and worse, presiding over a “very important” meeting. They were second or flashes, but my thought was it: They are crazy these humans.
    And my feeling of being a mere spectator, camouflaged in the midst of this madness 3D watching closely the strange customs.
    This left me worried, seriously thinking about the state of my mental health
    I also have “prayed” that appear more like us in our environment, Nancy commented last week, I’d like to sit face to face, coffee or eating with someone like I am here.
    Go to the casino with Brenda 😉 , eating with Nancy … etc
    And finally I promised myself that I will not be anymore captain, guardian, mother (i have not childs) or anyone rescuer. I will do what I have to do and hopefully that will serve to sow the seeds of curiosity (or even envy) and maybe someone dares to follow this path that is both costing us open in this energy and changing forest that is the new reality that we are.

    Love, blesses and sparkles

    PD Brenda excuse my muddled way of expressing myself, today I have not a very clear head

    Liked by 1 person

    • 8. Delfina Gasoido  |  October 3, 2016 at 12:13 pm

      oh!!! and I also thought that life would be much simpler and better if each person to assume their responsibilities, fulfilled their tasks (large or small, is equal) and occupy their lives without interfering in the lives of others for their own benefit.
      … I’m honestly a little tired of these hu-mans (I copied the style of Eire Port) 😉



    • 10. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:05 pm

      Hi Cristina,
      Not to worry about your muddled head – I’ve been feeling similar off and on for the past few weeks.

      And isn’t delightful to fully accept that we’re beacons not ship captains? That we can finally let go of taking care of everyone – most importantly, anyone but ourselves. Not in a selfish way, but in the reality that we can’t change anyone other than ourselves. YES!!!!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 11. elizabethsadhu  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:29 pm

    Reblogged this on elizabethsadhu and commented:
    Oh yes! Synchronicity once again with my beloved Brenda!!! Thank you so much!!!


    • 12. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:40 pm

      As always, Sweetie, thank you so much for posting my channel on ElizabethSadhu AND for your loving comment!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 13. dreamweaver333  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.


    • 14. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:38 pm

      Thank you so much for posting my channel on DreamWeaver333


  • 15. You’re of the 3D Audience Now | Illuminations Now!!  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:34 pm

    […] October 3, 2016 at 10:37 am Leave a comment […]


    • 16. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:41 pm

      Thank you so much for posting my channel on Illuminations Now!!


  • 17. elizabethsadhu  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    Dearest Brenda—I love it! So perfect! So true for me! I have been cajoling others to find their joy and then a few weeks ago on my radio show I found myself still doing that but saying, “perhaps your joy is to wallow in anger or sadness”. heehee!

    A year ago or so my dear friend and mentor Michael told me that I am Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer…..a beacon and lighthouse….heehee I cracked up.

    I adore the synchronicity…….YOUR posts seems to always do that for me. muah

    Awhile ago I stopped thinking that others must do certain things or was even concerned that they must…..and as you put it….observed them and wondered why they did not do xxxx.

    I mostly don’t feel irritated with folks. But I do get a little when they whine and complain and don’t seem to want to do anything about it…….obviously they are just getting juice from their whining and complaining. I would never let my kids whine in the house…..they had to go outside. AND interestingly, they are now 36 and 33 and are NOT whiners. They take care of their lives……I am so blessed. My BF son and BF daughter.

    Anyway, another brilliant blog post. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    love you tons and tons!

    Liked by 1 person

    • 18. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 1:45 pm

      Hi Sweetie,
      YES!! We’re beacons, not ship captains. And I absolutely love your ‘no whining in the house rule.’ Can you imagine how much lighter earth would be if whining were only something we read about historically!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 19. Holly  |  October 3, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    Dear Brenda, You’re the only blog I checkout these days. I started laughing after reading this one because lately they so pertain to me that I went back to the top to see if it began Dear Holly! Thank you for sharing yourself and being a part of my life! Sincerely, Holly

    Liked by 2 people

    • 20. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 3, 2016 at 4:08 pm

      Hi Holly,
      And thank you for being part of my life!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,
      PS Have always loved the name, Holly!


  • 21. Nancy  |  October 3, 2016 at 7:12 pm

    Yes, the synchronicity is amazing. This one, ““You are finally accepting that you are a beacon not a ship captain of the masses.” really got me because I have a picture of myself taken about 25 years ago on a beach with a lighthouse just behind me. Several years ago I put this picture on my bathroom mirror to remind myself that I am a beacon of light; not a leader, not a follower, only a beacon. And I am finally GETTING it. Experiencing vs. intellectual knowing.

    Another thing is my daughter. My relationship with her has been fraught with angst and whatnot. Finally, several months ago, I decided to just let her be. I no longer try to tell her anything or even ask her anything (if I so much as asked her a question she assumed it was some sort of criticism). I understood that she was doing a lot of clearing and I just needed to get out of her firing range and just observe. Last week, she said, “Mom, you know several months ago when you said things are changing? I said, “yes…” She said, “Well, why am I so muddle-headed? Does it include losing my memory?” I just started laughing and we had the best conversation that we’ve had in probably years!

    But I have always felt like a stranger in a strange land and that hu-mans are insane.
    ❤ ❤ ❤ to all!

    Liked by 2 people

    • 22. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 4, 2016 at 10:35 am

      Hi Nancy,
      Yes, internalizing is amazing, isn’t it? Even though we’ve read the words for years, finally getting it is such a big AHA – at least it was for me. And that your daughter is muddle-headed makes me laugh. My husband, the scientist, is shifting differently than has been true for me but he’s right there with unexpected muddle-headedness, odd dreams and a much sunnier disposition than has been true for a couple of years despite family issues. Go ALL!!!!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 23. Christie  |  October 4, 2016 at 5:30 am

    Feeling it a great deal lately.. not the worldly upheaval as im way more interested in joy at this point, exactly* as this channel pointed out 🙂 but it really must be my personal stuff coming up in a huge way. Guys, i am NOT having fun. Since friday. I know we’ve had many energy shifts lately and very strong ones at that. I also read an energy report today that said the underworld (collective subconscious i suppose) went through a huge sweep-out this weekend to allow more authenticity and expression of our true self. Fears have not hit me this hard in a very long time but it has gotten really extreme for me. Crazy unnerving dreams, from clearing in my sleep… but also dark attacks which i tend to get on strong-energy days.. of negative entities pressing on me and/ or trying to choke me. Ive had this for a long time but not too much lately then to have it three nights in a row. NOT pleasant. In one of my clearing dreams i pulled out of my throat a huge pretty gross looking tube of mucus wrapped in yucky energy.. a voice said it would allow me to communicate with my family what is necessary to assert myself with them. And wouldn’t you know, i have had so much phlegm the last two days. This is definitely not usual for me. My autism symptoms are worse bc of the energy-intensity ive been experiencing, which tends to make me dissociate bc i cant remain attached to my body in extreme energy or in extreme environments/ situations. Not a good feeling. And the money fears and family fears i am feeling strongly right now. Like ive just entered hell all of a sudden. Of course to come out freer. But I am just surprised that all of a sudden since Friday i feel this way when clearing has been much easier for a long time now. Just a lil flabbergasted and just venting. It helps to talk it out. And reading today’s channel made me feel good as it affirms where i am. With such accuracy 🙂 wishing all the best.


    • 24. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 4, 2016 at 10:41 am

      Hi Christie,
      I’m so sorry Christie that you’re going through all that at one time. Please remember, if it’s too much for you, you can slow the process by just stating that you need a break or slow down. But knowing me, I would say, “bring it on so I’m done with all this.

      You have the freedom to choose and be.

      And know that you’re part of a loving community here on WordPress.
      Blessings and Lots of Love,

      Liked by 1 person

      • 25. Christie  |  October 4, 2016 at 9:42 pm

        Dear Brenda,

        Your kind words are so helpful… i love that i have a place where i am understood….

        Lots of love to you too,


      • 26. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 11:58 am

        And loved Christie.


      • 27. Christie  |  October 6, 2016 at 5:26 pm

        ❤ You are loved by us all Brenda and we are here for you too ❤


      • 28. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 6, 2016 at 5:37 pm

        And so we are a wonderfully loving community!!!!! Thank you all for being you.
        Love Brenda


    • 29. elizabethsadhu  |  October 4, 2016 at 11:32 am

      Sending big love! Just when I think that I have cleared it all, more comes up!
      I feel you! I have decided that I am one huge onion, peeling peeling peeling those layers.😀😀 We are ONE!

      Surrounding us all with Angel’s love and speedy healing. 😇😇😇😇💟💟💟🌌🌌🌌💙💙💙👼👼👼👼💟💟🌌🌌🌌👼



      • 30. Nancy  |  October 4, 2016 at 8:40 pm

        Hi Christie, I AM sending you love and positive energy. For me, the energies in August and September nearly killed me. At least it felt that way. I did some serious physical clearing, manifesting in skin rashes, boils, psoriasis, aches and pains and intestinal upset. My body is flat refusing all grains and meat (except fish). I thought it would never end, but it is now easing up. If I hadn’t understood what was going on I would have freaked out and been sure I was dying or something. So, my message is: hang in there; know that it is temporary.
        The upside is that I’ve lost a bunch of weight that has been bugging me for a long time and I feel ever so much better and lighter (Elizabeth, you reading???). Also, I look much younger, not so many wrinkles and “lighter” aspect to my appearance. Very interesting. Painful but all of the clearing (physical, emotional, mental), while quite overwhelming at times, has been worth it in the end. Sending love,

        Liked by 1 person

      • 31. elizabethsadhu  |  October 4, 2016 at 10:00 pm

        Nancy–are you talking to me? I hope so! I have had to much skin crap……….going on for about 8 years now. clearing clearing clearing…..oy!


      • 32. Christie  |  October 4, 2016 at 9:43 pm

        Thank you Elizabeth, yes it’s true we are layering off.. angels surround us… love to you too..!

        Liked by 1 person

      • 33. Christie  |  October 4, 2016 at 10:01 pm

        Thank you Nancy for sending me positive energy… back atcha 😉 yes august and september have been lots of clearing, tho i mostly could stay afloat with ease.. i hope it soon lifts. Maybe i just need to take action on the “theme” im clearing.. but it’s SO unpleasant to deal with people who are in the old energy. I can let them be them, and not worry about their personal unfolding. But I really don’t like discussing necessary matters with them because they don’t understand where im coming from. But it looks like i will have to. Ugh.

        This week, or ever since the “controversial” channeling of Brenda’s a little while ago where i guess it confused some people of the when/ how of manifesting… i keep thinking about some of the things her Beings have said to us in past channelings regarding manifesting our earth dreams… like we can manifest whenever we want.. and about accepting our full Being.. and we are in the drivers seat.. it’s not about waiting but just saying we want to manifest what we want… i feel like i understand these on a deeper level especially this year.. but perhaps i need to accept my full Being more.. i wonder what others take this to mean. Just thinking out loud here. But thank you for taking the time to send me love and congrats on the weight loss…!

        Liked by 1 person

      • 34. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 11:56 am

        Hi Sweetie,
        To the onion peeling in us all!

        I think of it as when we shift our perspectives, we shift ourselves meaning we peel another layer.

        The great news is that we’re doing this in one earth lifetime after eons of adding layers. Go Team!
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

        Liked by 1 person

      • 35. Nancy  |  October 6, 2016 at 3:02 pm

        Yes, Elizabeth Sadhu, I AM talking to you and sending You love ❤
        Dear Christie,
        It seems like you have some serious issues with your family. If these issues affect your daily life then it seems you must deal or you will be at the mercy of the situation. Otherwise, it is entirely your choice. I had many issues with my parents who are no longer here on Earth. When I was going through some emotional clearing, I called them up in my meditation and I just laid it all out: what I was upset about and why. And I wasn't gentle either, rather brutally honest. I cried much. I think it would work to write it all down also (then probably burn it). I think it's important to acknowledge the emotions so that one can finally let them go. I had so much going on about my father for so many years it was more pain than I could release all at once. Now I can barely remember what all I was so upset about. As Brenda says, it's all perspective. But then there is that darn onion. Probably there is another layer or three.


        Liked by 1 person

      • 36. elizabethsadhu  |  October 6, 2016 at 3:03 pm

        Thanks Nancy! shifting shifting shifting, a whole lotta shifting going on!


      • 37. elizabethsadhu  |  October 6, 2016 at 3:05 pm

        And a whole lotta love coming at you!


      • 38. Christie  |  October 6, 2016 at 9:00 pm

        Hi again Nancy,

        Thanks for your input. I have gone through the feelings about my family a lot before. But as you mentioned this is another layer. There is just a lot of factors interwoven together.. and then put my autism in the mix and it does not make them comfortable. They are “supposed” to come to 5d with this situation instead of trying to go to 3d methods to try to “fix” my autism. Like going to doctors or denial of my situation. When what my situation calls for is acknowledgment of my situation. Basically i live with my family bc i dont have enough finances to move out. Given that my autism and the extreme sensitivities make me non-functional. I know i can manifest the money, the home, etc. And i am ready to leave. Allow them their path. But with the recent energy waves it has brought up things that to them are hard to solve. I know in general what we could do, but they dont want to acknowledge things in a different way. There is information saying autism is about changing the consciousness of the planet.. my dream told me its about “rebellion” in that all these ppl with autism aka old souls cause change in a dramatically “fast” (slow to us but fast at the soul level) way. Now i dont want to stay stuck on that either. Id just like to have my manifestations now so that i can be on a comfortable environment. I instinctively know that once i give myself what i need my symptoms will abate bc any discomfort is all about the need to cone back to alignment with our true self. However my family wont give me that opportunity and want to have the perspective that its “their” house so what they say goes. We incarnated together for a reason, just as much for their learning as mine. But they wont acknowledge it in a big enough way yet for me to have the adjustments i need. You hear about all these autistic households that when the family members tune in to the autistic and allow them to be them, things really start to change for the better. Id like to think i don’t need anyone to change in order for me to have the life i want. I am in full control. But perhaps this is part of getting there, that i ask for what i need with them first. And of course this is not all about their need to change but also about my inner changes too. Its just a lot of factors involved besides this and it gets me confused. I thought about how this is the first time in our line of ancestry that we are having to create a brand new situation, and its bc of me. And i guess that’s where it gets funny for me despite all the layers ive worked at, is that i dont like asking others to change. It for some reason makes me feel “out of control.” Each person in my family is extremely independent and has their own vision of life and is passionate and self-directed. So asking them to do/ acknowledge something they dont want to feels like a long-shot. Yet i need them to. And maybe they need themselves to, for their own expansion. I think i see that im clearing the feeling of impossibility when i ask for what my Being needs- an old and deep one for many of us as we entered the game of limiting ourselves. I feel like all these interrelated themes are working themselves back into alignment within myself. Its just confusing for now. I did have an inner voice tell me that things are being worked out behind the scenes in ways i cant imagine, and that we are all working out our feelings. I do think they will end up allowing me to have what i need. And i do very much see myself as having a much easier time with my “autism” (aka multidimensional awareness ;)). And i did have a dream showing me that my family in the future will acknowledge what im about and even consider me to be someone with wisdom. For the time being i am having confused feelings which is ok, and im sure others are in the same boat. I did read today a channeling that said this is not the time to push or try to make things happen, that we are going through deep adjusting from all this very intense energy. Its a time to rest. And i agree, so needing rest the last few days. I hope Nancy that you are taking care through any adjustments and feelings coming up. And that you feel supported here as well. Sending you positive energy and love.. and sending everyone ease and the knowing that everything we are experiencing is exactly as is to be. We are doing so great. And ill be listening to Brenda’s blog talk tomorrow as it’s (already) Friday. Take care…. 🙂


      • 39. Nancy  |  October 7, 2016 at 1:01 pm

        Oh Christie, my heart truly goes out to you. The reason it feels “out of control” to you to try to get other people to change is because whether or not other people change truly is out of your control. When you believe that you “need” them to change, you are setting yourself up for not getting what you think you need. I was once in a similar (though not as intense) situation with a friend. What I finally did was to say to her that I was moving on. I was going in such and such direction and she could either come with me or be left behind. She actually chose to be left behind. But only for a few years. We are now back in touch and very good friends. The point being that you have to take care of yourself first. Simply by doing that and being yourself as fully as you can, you are a beacon for others to follow. Try to see yourself as a beacon for your family. But don’t get too attached to whether or not they follow your lead.
        Very much love,
        PS I am taking care of myself and thank you for caring. Walks in the woods are extremely helpful. I feel clean and renewed afterward. Also, epsom salts baths help my physical symptoms a lot.


      • 40. Christie  |  October 8, 2016 at 9:15 am

        Dear Nancy,

        The point of what i shared is that sometimes it is necessary to ask people to change. Sayings such as “you don’t need anyone to change for you”, just as many other helpful self-growth sayings, are meant as a pointer and not always applicable. If someone is being hurtful, and you feel you “can’t” or “shouldn’t” ask them to change, based on old inner patterns accumulated of lack of self-importance, then it indicates a need for alignment in that area. It all depends on what energetic the situation is about. In my case it is a necessary step and likely it is an empowering step for them, to allow me my environmental needs. I am here at the house for now and acknowledging my needs as an autistic is very likely what is in alignment for them as well. Like i mentioned autism is for the whole family to grow. Making some adjustments does not need to be seen as “lack” or deprivation as some see it. On the contrary it can be opening and rewarding and just what the Self ordered. If there is something you deeply need, for health reasons or other pressing issues, from those around you, and your first immediate internal reaction is that “i don’t have a right to ask for that” then i feel it generally indicates a place where one needs more alignment to their Soul’s perspective. Not saying that a dependency pattern is in alignment but that asking for our basic needs in situations such as mine is in alignment. Not only for me but for my family as well. We are all coming into more alignment.


  • 41. Catharina  |  October 4, 2016 at 10:45 am

    Miss Brenda,You are always so ‘affirming’ of energies at play. Even if those energies play out in mundane people drama’s. It does not have to be family or a significant other to get the ‘message’ or the push one needs to take the next step towards their own personal path goal which is self love more importantly.
    I had just come to a conclusion before I read your blog post, after a 2 year experience of some folks living next door. (They are young enough to be my children and are in their thirties. ) all the dramas they continue to have as a dysfunctional family and individually… came to me for my ‘wisdom’ of a 68 yr old woman..I am guessing that is why they stated it was helpful.
    It was a regular event ..their anger and disrespect with each other things they told me were not love and things they showed in their actions and words..such as fighting outside where all could hear. These ongoing situations were their ‘truths’ they were living.
    I had my own experience and observations thru them ,but..I also saw that is what they are doing with their egos and personalities..their ‘soul dance’ was the same as anyone’s..we are all alike there…so, I listened and slowly withdrew as I saw it was always a bout them..they did not really care of my life or anything..selfish youth ,but rather disgusting in 30 something year olds.
    It is a rental property and a new round of renters coming in one of the houses, I decided to express MY EXPERIENCE to the landlord who lived there at one time as I am a homeowner and have to deal with whatever energies she rents to. The landlord took it upon herself to tell these people next door of what my experiences were,but some how operated on making them her experience..such as she did not want negative energy coming from her rental as she knew everyone in the neighborhood..
    The thing is I had still had a ‘friendly’ vibe going and was very honest to the renters how I felt about their energies. I was not judging I was accepting and accepting my role in getting involved. I WANTED TO FEEL NEEDED> I was getting something out of the dysfunction by being the source of ‘help’ for them during their latest ‘crisis’..
    In the last week since the landlord said I am getting a total opposite reaction. NO acknowledgement when I am in my yard and they are in theirs..actually they turn away now..It would be kind of funny ..if it were not so pathetic. (I am looking at that turning away as the universe saying to me…this energy is NOT for you 🙂
    If they had gotten to know me in the last couple of years they would know that in no way would I ask some one to speak for me or fight my ‘battles’..I did not ask the landlord to speak with them ..I handled it in my way by ..just retreating.
    So, now..I just get to be light..and finding joy….and more importantly since I saw how I was having a need filled by these I don’t really know anyone in my town..and we all want to feel needed at some point I guess…I set myself free.
    It takes some courage to really get to see why situations that are not ‘feeling’ so energetically good..have a repetitive theme…I was getting something out of it.
    A new renter came in..and one of the original families at ‘dysfunction junction’ remain and have latched on to the newbie. I am staying in ‘my lane’. There is no doubt the newbie will be filled with their version of the ‘old’ woman next be it.
    I have no more heartbeats for these kinds of energetic dances…or people dramas..none. I am very clear on what my intentions were . It is my nature to want to be of help. I take things at face value ,but then as time goes by and you feel energetically drained..well, its time to look again. I think the worst part of these situations is that all the players do not put themselves in the mix..and still blame others and they are the constant victims.
    I am not in victim mode. I am fully engaged in creating with my own power and thought the life I want. If it means being alone so be it..there is so much contentment in the life that do not involve human interactions and if anything sometimes it is more of a distraction from my true reason for being here..just holding the light..and trying to hold on to some innocence ..just smile and let ‘them’ wonder what you are so happy about..its very empowering.
    Thank you for reading if you got this far. I am not even sure If I got the significance of my situation across,but I guess sometimes its just a personal dance this ongoing soul growth we do. It is kind of exhausting to always trying to find the ‘meaning’..the ‘message’..the ‘lesson’ always looking at myself and what energies are at play in my is never out..not even holidays ..time off..good grief..even in dream work work..
    I just want to play again…be a kid again..not have so much information in my head and heart..innocent..I want to be innocent.
    Catching the light…


    • 42. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 11:53 am

      Hi Catharina,
      Your last sentence, “Catching the light..” says it all. Isn’t it amazing when you transition from victim and caretaker to realizing doing so helps no one – most obviously yourself. I can’t be around “poor me” people anymore, nor can I tolerate others who tell me how to live my life. Free at last – and so we are!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


      • 43. Catharina  |  October 5, 2016 at 2:35 pm

        Yes,’ catching the light’ is what I do on a daily. I first came up with the phrase when I am doing my photography..or my seems to be the theme..and even in the photography it is that one moment that the light is just right..and I capture it..and wallow in it and await the next is always ready and I can’t resist to ”’catch the light” in that makes being in the present so easily attained.

        Liked by 1 person

      • 44. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 4:43 pm

        YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect comparison, Catharina!


  • 45. Gabriel  |  October 5, 2016 at 1:51 am

    Thanks so much for this timely message Brenda. 🙂

    The first part of this message feels written in the future tense for me. So some things still require integration before I get there.
    But what’s definitely been occurring is that I’ve been getting ever-faster feedback from my actions and intentions.
    What this means in my case is that I’ve also been trying to cajole/stimulate/educate loved ones and others in some way or form, but every time I do that now, I get shut down in different ways. The main message being: it’s not working.
    Every time I come out of such interactions very disappointed and thinking “what am I doing??”.
    Also in turn triggering long-held feelings of alienation, not-being-heard, etc.
    But it’s also the increase in impatience and irritation that’s been playing a role. “Don’t you see??” I’m saying in many ways lately.

    What I’m currently asking myself is: how do I want to be? Because obviously the old ways of doing things aren’t working and it’s not benefiting anyone. I just have this pervasive worry (fear) that if I stop doing all of that, if I don’t open my mouth to correct erroneous ideas/beliefs/assumptions or don’t give the right impetus at certain times, then they’ll go off the deep end and then it’ll be on me for not having said anything.
    I need to let that go and just let everyone be. It’s also extremely fatiguing, so I’m forced to eventually go down that route anyway.

    But what’s becoming more obvious as time passes is just how much energy and effort I’d put into forming words/sharing thoughts with the intention to guide/steer/change the other.
    So it’s indeed that controller-motif becoming ever more clear and obvious.

    I choose to let it all go and to trust and have faith. Is that what it’s about or must i even transcend that? Because it’s not about being indifferent either, right? So yeah, still figuring all of this out.

    Where I find myself struggling a lot is with speech: what can I say when all else falls away? I’m second-guessing everything I say these days, worrying that it might be too controlling still.

    Anyone else dealing with these same queries?


    Liked by 1 person

    • 46. Cathy  |  October 5, 2016 at 4:57 am

      Gabriel, if I may… Do you or do you not talk to others about things? First of all, follow your Divine guidance on the specifics – do you say something right this minute to this person or not? Do you let it go completely or just for now?

      What you may be struggling with is you are investing in the outcome, you are attaching to what the other may or may not do with the light you bring them. That’s not up to you. But that doesn’t mean you don’t shine your light (aka share information).

      Your uneasiness indicates what you yourself need to work on. That indicates an inner thing not an outer. What I mean is this – two different people could say the exact same thing to others, but one attaches to what the other does with it while the second person does not. It’s about the energy and intention BEHIND the words or action, not the speaking or doing in and of itself.

      Yes, you are here to shine your light. What you have to offer others is your consciousness. And it is indeed what you are to do / be at this point. It is. But what the other person does with it you have neither the Power nor the Responsibility for. You say your piece, then let it go, knowing you’ve done your part and the rest is up to them. If you can manage to hone this and release any fears or unease about it, then you may find that your intuition works even better. Then you allow the Divine to work THROUGH you and help you develop just the right words, words that in some cases may not be how YOU understand things or like to express in that way, but the right words that the Divine knows will most resonate with the other person. When you get really good at allowing the Divine to speak and act THROUGH you, then you may not even know why the specific choice of words, but you also won’t be overly concerned with knowing such details, you’re just being a good Divine messenger… effortlessly.

      It’s called Compassionate NonAttachment. You do indeed offer up the wisdom (when guided to) but you don’t attach to what they do with it. Outwardly, there is seemingly no difference, but inwardly, ENERGETICALLY you will know the difference.

      And the other person will also pick up on your energy, even if just unconsciously. If they see you struggling with finding ways to express, then their programming may make them want to go round with you. But when you are coming from your Center, with no fear and no attachment and allow the Divine to Speak Through you, then the other person will pick up on that and not tap into old energy that makes them want to fight what you are bringing to them. And the words will be so perfect, will resonate so strongly with them, they may very well be so moved in that moment to be speechless.

      Liked by 1 person

      • 47. Gabriel  |  October 5, 2016 at 12:23 pm

        Beautiful. *_* Thanks Cathy for the words of wisdom. I understand what you’re saying and I feel like I know what to focus on now.
        And really, it’s nigh-time to live up to my namesake. 😉


      • 48. Cathy  |  October 14, 2016 at 8:43 pm

        Yes Gabriel… to the name meaning. I absolutely LOVE looking up name meanings.


      • 49. Cathy  |  October 14, 2016 at 9:05 pm

        Gabriel (and Nancy and whoever), for your consideration:

        From “The Angels Within Us” by John Randolph Price:

        The next coded instruction is to stand still. In the ancient schools “stand still” meant to enter into a state of serenity and trust through complete surrender to the Presence within and to have faith in the activity of the Spirit. For a greater understanding of what this means, imagine yourself as a musical instrument, a clarinet for example. See the instrument as you would on a Saturday-morning children’s cartoon – alive and animated. It has free will, which means that it thinks it can play itself, so it functions in the world by striking its own keys, blowing its own squealing notes. And all the time the Master Musician is waiting to play the most harmonious melody the world has ever heard.

        As time passes, the little clarinet discovers metaphysics and begins to tell the Master Musician within what notes to play for it: “Oh Mighty Spirit, play the note for a new car for me, for money in the bank and a new job.” At first this new way of playing brings results, but they are not lasting. Then the little clarinet seeks to make his demonstrations more “spiritual” and begins to listen for instructions from the Master within as to what notes to play: “Lord, give me the note for health and happiness and I will surely play it in your name.” And again some fruit falls from the tree, but the taste is not satisfying. Finally the clarinet’s consciousness evolves to the point where it declares, “I surrender to the great I AM THAT I AM. Master, play your notes through me!” (end quote)

        Being an “audience of 3D” may mean you are no longer in that paradigm, but the people who ARE still there are the reason for your existence right now. Nope, ya don’t have to get caught up in 3D drama or put up with 3D b.s., out of anyone. You’re allowed to set boundaries, etc. You yourself will quit responding to live from old 3D paradigm programs.

        But make no mistake that you are here, doing / being what you are doing / being for this collective human ascension.

        (mundane-level you) Just get out of the way and allow the Divine to work through you. If you truly commit to this you will find everything flows along in Divine and Perfect Timing and your words (and actions and beingness) will come with Divine and Perfect Precision.


    • 50. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 12:06 pm

      Hi Gabriel,
      Yes, you’ll probably make some mistakes – like an infant learning to walk and falling a great deal. You’re learning a new way of living.

      Just allow yourself to be. Don’t worry about your language so much, just be. Which sounds wrong, because it’s exactly opposite of how we’ve been trained to take care of everyone – but ourselves.

      So let yourself make mistakes knowing that you no longer need to control their life – and neither can they control your life by cutting off your speech. We’re free – but not always an easy piece to understand for sure.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


      • 51. Gabriel  |  October 5, 2016 at 12:35 pm

        Thanks Brenda, you’re quite right. I’m going to work on that allowance. We’re learning as we go along, tis true.

        Heheh creation sparkles, I love that. Same to you~


      • 52. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 12:49 pm

        Yup, Gabriel, we’re learning so give us a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Creation Sparkles with Love back at ya!


    • 53. Delfina Gasoido  |  October 6, 2016 at 11:03 am

      ” I just have this pervasive worry (fear) that if I stop doing all of that, if I don’t open my mouth to correct erroneous ideas/beliefs/assumptions or don’t give the right impetus at certain times, then they’ll go off the deep end and then it’ll be on me for not having said anything.”
      “I choose to let it all go and to trust and have faith. Is that what it’s about or must i even transcend that? Because it’s not about being indifferent either, right? ”
      Dear Gabriel,
      these two paragraphs could have written the self.
      I’m trying to be a spectator of a family situation, (including my parents) in which I “feel” that I have to go. But I see chaos looming, the bomb will explode in the coming days. And I feel that I have to stay out and not give my opinion or indeed take sides.
      I see so clearly the solution to the problem (it would divorce after 48 years of dysfunctional marriage), but they resist. I should not enter. I guess it will be a karmic relationship. I always say that one should not comment on relationship issues (unless it is a marriage counselor) … and even less if you’re the son of that couple.
      Much encouragement, apparently are many in the same.

      And the counsel of Cathy think it’s wonderful, thanks!!
      Love, blesses and sparkles


    • 54. Nancy  |  October 6, 2016 at 3:09 pm

      Gabriel, what a beautiful name!!!! Cathy is right on. I just want to add that I usually don’t say anything unless I am asked. Unsolicited comments/advice are almost always rejected and can even be taken as interference. I guess I have just decided to let people be and they will come to it on their own eventually. I give them as much love as I can.


      • 55. Cathy  |  October 14, 2016 at 8:41 pm

        Nancy, I follow Divine guidance on what to say to whom when. I don’t allow my lower mind / mundane-level self to get in the way of the Divine or determine who is “ready” to hear something.

        I also don’t let “rules” like “don’t say anything unless I am asked” get in the way of the Divine working through me. How could Gabriel ask me when not knowing I am even out here reading?

        People can and do indirectly ask by communicating something.

        What happens if someone doesn’t know to ask something? Doesn’t even know enough to ask an intelligent question if they wanted to? When we see the opportunity to spread light do we ignore it and leave people in the dark?

        I am here to spread light. I do that. And do it with Compassionate Non-Attachment. What one does with it is up to them. I don’t attach to what they do with it.

        Nancy, I’ve heard this kind of mentality out of others, as if to say that volunteering light / information is somehow violating someone’s free will. It is not. You CAN’T violate anyone’s free will. And when I say CAN’T I don’t mean “shouldn’t”, I mean “are not able to”.

        You offer it up, then it’s up to them as to what to do with it. I CAN’T (and wouldn’t want to if I could) force it on them, but absolutely OFFER IT UP TO THEM. It’s what you’re here for.

        No need to take my word for any of this. Take it inward. I’m just bringing things to your awareness for your consideration.

        …and… you asked for that! 😉


      • 56. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 14, 2016 at 11:06 pm

        Hi Cathy,
        Even though I’ve pretty much refrained from commenting when my blog readers comment to one another, I need to add that each of us responds differently and uniquely to situations. Your calling, your personality is obviously different from Nancy’s. Not better, not worse, just different. Learning to love ourselves means allowing ourselves to be.
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

        Liked by 1 person

      • 57. Cathy  |  October 14, 2016 at 11:45 pm

        Brenda, you have spun my words, backed by my intention, 180% from where they really are. When you’re not reacting, then go inward for more on this. Blessings.


      • 58. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 14, 2016 at 11:52 pm

        Dear Cathy,
        I’m sorry you felt I misunderstood. It appears as if you didn’t intend for your message to sound like a should – but that’s what I read and just wanted to clarify for those who thought they had to approach communicating about spirituality in the same way as you.
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


      • 59. Cathy  |  October 14, 2016 at 11:54 pm




  • 60. Kari  |  October 5, 2016 at 6:04 am

    Hi Brenda, thank you again. Yes I agree that all is relatively calm in my world, too. I have so many reasons to be grateful, and I am, but real joy is lacking in my life. I take pleasure in for example reading books, watching movies and admiring flowers etc. But something seems to be missing.


    • 61. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 12:11 pm

      Hi Kari,
      I’m in the same place. But somehow I know this is a void place, if you will, that will shift at some point. It seems that I’m learning to nurture myself and others just seem to tire me out. Which is totally opposite of me of just a few months ago. But it will change – nothing is ever stationary.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 62. Barb  |  October 5, 2016 at 1:29 pm

    Hi Brenda–

    Hoping you remain safe through the coming hurricane!



    • 63. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 4:42 pm

      Dear Barb,
      Thank you so much, Barb, for checking in. We live 3 hours from the coast at the base of the mountains, so we’re not even certain we’ll get any rain. I’m sending good thoughts that Matthew heads out to the Atlantic before it’s projected to hit land in the US. Haiti and Cuba have already experienced this earth cleansing – I just wish it could have cleansed out at sea – but then, we wouldn’t be talking or sending love to those in the storm. Sigh.
      Lots of Love, Creation Energies and Blessings,


      • 64. Barb  |  October 5, 2016 at 9:05 pm

        I’m glad you’re in a safe place. Yes, for some reason, this one is tugging at my heart more than some others have. Just sending lots of love and blessings to all.



      • 65. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 5, 2016 at 9:08 pm

        Hi Barb,
        I’m doing the same. I still wish I had a magic wand so no one would suffer or be in fear again and that we could just assimilate all of this information without having to experience it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that….yet.
        Blessings and Love to You and All,


  • 66. Elisa Rose  |  October 8, 2016 at 12:42 am

    This perfectly puts into words what I’ve been trying to put into words the last few days.
    Awesome! Thanks!


    • 67. LifeTapestryCreations  |  October 8, 2016 at 11:25 am

      Hi Elisa Rose,
      I’m so pleased that my channel helped you find words to your feelings!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,



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October 2016