Your 3D Segments May Be Exploring

June 4, 2017 at 11:09 pm 34 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 2, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’re much more powerful than you realize. Even though you’re beginning to believe you can create your personal comforts, you do not necessarily believe you are able to shift earth in most areas including politically. So it is you’re learning that creation doesn’t occur until you’re uncomfortable enough to establish an intention of what would make you comfortable. You’re learning how powerful you are in a micro to macro format.

“Click Your Heels Together” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Most likely you have a need to be of 3D in many aspects of your life as you continue your transition process. Such a system is not always easy and in truth, may be becoming more difficult for you.

When you first initiated your foray in 5D and beyond, you were of 3D and in wonderment about 5D. Now that you have passed the rubicon that is 5D and beyond, you find yourself tolerating 3D pieces you once loved while trying diligently to maintain your focus in 5D and beyond.

We wish to lighten your load for you are approaching these two or more dimensions as a ‘have to’ or ‘should.’ “I should be able to live my 3D life easily and yet focus on 5D and beyond.” Once again, a ‘should’ has popped into your being.

There are no ‘shoulds’  you need to adhere to including your transition. If you are feeling uncomfortable in a situation, shift your perceptions, direction or activities to be more in tune with your frequency of the moment. Perhaps you wish to celebrate a 3D activity. Such is wonderfully fine and good. Perhaps you do not wish to participate in a celebration of a 3D activity – that is also wonderfully fine and good. Or you wish to participate in your own way – something you likely have not yet allowed yourself in 3D.

You are discovering, not denying yourself. The difference is that you now feel as if you should be beyond the ‘petty’ concerns or fears of 3D. Forgetting that a part of you will always be of 3D.

Something you may not wish to know for you feel joyful that you are no longer the 3D of yesterday – an entirely correct assumption. But you are the 3D of today.

When you welcomed new segments into your being, you did not ostracize or negate your 3D being, you accepted it as part of your totality. So there is no need to be ashamed of any action or reaction you feel at this moment or next month.

You are not slipping into a 3D stupor, you are merely discovering who you truly are – including your 3D aspects.

For eons, you followed society’s rules and policies. Now you are discovering a 3D you that is independent of those rules. So at times, you fully wish to be of 3D and at others of 5D or beyond.

You are exploring all aspects of you as does an infant. An infant will pick up an insect and eats it with a grimace. It was not a taste she liked, but she experienced that taste because she wanted to test everything – until she accepted the word, “NO” with all its ramifications.

As an adult in your former 3D world, you did not allow yourself that type of exploration – others told you what was right or wrong. So it is now that at times you will test something that might surprise you or make you feel as if you were stepping back in your 3D world. In truth, you are merely finding yourself in all your totality – including perhaps some aspects of 3D you did not allow yourself to explore previously.

Enjoy the ride of discovering you – whether 3D, 5D or beyond. For all dimensions are part of your totality waiting to be explored and yes, enjoyed. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


Entry filed under: inner being, personal power, self love, self-help. Tags: , , , , , .

Click Your Heels Together Put on Your Big Girl or Boy Pants

34 Comments Add your own

  • 1. dreamweaver333  |  June 5, 2017 at 12:28 am

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.


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  • 5. Ray Of Helios  |  June 5, 2017 at 1:34 pm

    As I get to know other people on this fascinating journey with “New” awareness, I DO find it sorta…daunting to see and hear about the many evolving perspectives and “Perceptions” developing that are so very different than mine; but no less for sure.

    Sometimes I judge others to be far far ahead of me, for they have powers and skills I “Have no.” But funny thing about this new awareness as experienced in the 3D exisitance: It readily does open the field to allowing, simply – what is. It seems this new arwarness takes us fairly away from previously entrenched judgement (not yet withstanding the well developed enchrenched “habit” of judging, but even so the former charge of which is greatly reduced…thankfully). It’s moving out.

    Thanks for this, Brenda. It’s precisely well timed…as usual.

    Love in Spirit,



    • 6. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 5, 2017 at 2:06 pm

      Dear RayofHelios,
      We all do – thinking we can’t do something until we do. Courageous souls all!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and New You Sparkles,


  • 7. Nancy  |  June 5, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    Wow, have I been having a hard time. For many years I have been overlooking things my neighbors do because I don’t want to rock the boat, we all have to live together blah blah blah. Well, no more. I have been objecting to some outrageous things that people are doing. At first I was ignored so then I really started raising hell. And the only outcome so far is everybody is mad at me. It seems it is not at all okay to speak out and object. Or to insist that people do the right thing. We’re just supposed to suck it up I guess but I don’t want to suck it up any more. But I don’t get it. We have these rules we are supposed to live by. People break the rules. I point it out and ask them not to do so and I am the one in trouble because I insist they stop doing what they are doing!

    It seems I have always had this belief that if I object, make waves, etc. there will be retribution. And so there is. Sure enough.

    And I am kinda beating myself up for it, as in: boy this sure ain’t enlightenment. So I just hafta keep telling myself: no matter what this looks like right now, I AM.

    Talk about feeling like I am zapped back into 3D. Beam me up, Scotty!!!!!


    Liked by 1 person

    • 8. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 7, 2017 at 5:30 pm

      Hi Nancy,
      Being ourselves isn’t always easy or even productive as you’ve recently discovered. Sometimes a different approach may work or not, but daring to be yourself is your big lesson now. Kudos, kudos, and more kudos. I keep returning to your line, “I have always had this belief that if I object, make waves, etc. , there will be retribution. And so there is. Sure enough.”

      Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to display anger, so I was kind and gentle with all even though that often meant I was more of a doormat than an individual. I fell in love with someone, and for obvious reasons, I was always angry at him and saying good-bye. He would just smile and ignore my anger and good-byes. Even though he didn’t become a permanent relationship, he was an exceptional teacher for me at the time.

      Looking back, I can’t even remember not allowing myself to be angry. I don’t know if your neighbors are direct teachers as he was for me, but they’re most certainly pointing out pieces for you. And you’re daring to recognize those pieces. Way to go!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Self-love Sparkles,


      • 9. Nancy  |  June 8, 2017 at 11:36 am

        Thank you Brenda. I feel really bruised right now. And I have found that I can’t stand to be ignored. I also was not allowed to display anger or much of anything actually. It was considered insubordination and for that I got a beating. So I have a real fear of standing up and speaking out. So when I do get up the courage to speak out, I do so very angrily and people respond to that and not to what I am saying. Yet I don’t know how to do it any other way.

        It seems my only other option is being a doormat and I can’t find my way. I want to be kind and gentle and loving and it upsets me that I am so hurt and angry and not-loving right now.


      • 10. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 8, 2017 at 3:03 pm

        Dear Nancy,
        You’re addressing a learning process. Please don’t be so hard on yourself. My background was similar to what you described. Learning to speak my truth was most definitely a process. Maybe the ray of sunshine in this is that you’ve selected neighbors to practice with who are most likely less frightening than the love of your life or someone else very close to your heart. Allow yourself to discover new you – one step at a time.
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Self-love Sparkles,


    • 11. Chrysalis  |  June 10, 2017 at 10:04 pm

      Greetings Nancy,

      Brenda is definitely sharing the truth of how this process works. I have gone through this too. I used to have the patience of a saint… really. I would listen and be quiet and be patient. My voice was quiet and I wasn’t really heard. I went to the extreme of being mute for months after exiting an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship. She was a opportunity though for me to really begin the process of finding my voice. From being mute, to learning to feel comfortable speaking again, and vacillating between thinking I was speaking too harshly and then too softly. The process is really important I have found. If you can look at it from knowing that all that you felt (or just weren’t allowed because the repercussions were severe) from speaking/not speaking your Truth or using your Voice needs to be let out of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, in that light you can see that the process is important. All the cobwebs and old broken pieces of furniture in the attic need to be cleaned and cleared out before you can let the Light in and create a place of beauty and peace. Once you allow all the extremes to come out of you (as ugly as it may look to you if you see it through the eyes of judgement… no judgement about that on my part either), you will naturally find your center and balance with expressing yourself. This is not to say you won’t explode in future situations, because sometimes that’s what the situation will call for in order to shake up those around you out of their out dated habits.

      So if you can do your best to look at it in a similar light to this, it will be easier not to judge yourself in the process. Which in turn will allow you to move through it that much quicker. This is what I have experienced. If I can be gentle with myself, or even laugh at myself that I feel down the 3D steps again, it makes getting back to my center that much easier.

      By the way, it seems I have completely lost my patience of sainthood. Sometimes I wonder if I come across as mean to others. I have to “bottom line” things as I describe my need and this inner push for me to use my Voice and speak the Truth. It is not out of wanting to harm other; I guess because I’ve worked so hard at a lot of my inner landscape for over 2 decades, that I want to help those around me skipping a lot of the steps. Instead of letting them figure it out (I still allow them space to do so) I just skip to the end and say “This is what I see is causing you to feel like this and causing you to act out with this behavior. There’s a better and easier way to do this that’s more loving for you.” Like a truly loving parent though, sometimes I need to step aside and let them walk barefoot and stub their toes on the rocks before they realize all on their own that it would probably be a good idea to put on some shoes! 😀

      Hang in there and know it will be ok. You are doing and being you and that’s the best you are and can be.


      • 12. Chrysalis  |  June 10, 2017 at 11:18 pm

        PS: This is an example of how we all create our own reality (from our past experiences and expectations). I believed I would never overcome ptsd and stress, but come to a place of managing it for the rest of this life. I still worked at it though, felt this drive that I Had to. Because I was still working on my triggers and fears, even while believing that I would never overcome my ptsd, I naturally arrived at a tipping point where I broke through. I couldn’t believe it for the longest time. My physical body still responded the same (broke out in a sweat, voice shook), even though there was an absence of fear within me. I pushed myself, tested and poked at those situations that held fear for me before to see if I had truly broken through. I had, in effect, changed my reality. Doing the inner landscape work, diligently and patiently (and sometimes sloppy and unkindly), naturally brings us to a new timeline and reality for ourselves. I never believed I would live this life without fear. Now I Am with out fear. I’m not stupid, such as I don’t put myself in dangerous situations. I challenge myself to use my Voice, to speak truth to total strangers, and it is almost always well received by them. And even when it isn’t, most of the time I don’t take offense or get angry, I just shrug and go about my day. Those are things I never did or dreamed I could do before. I know I lived a life of fear for most of my life, and yet it’s like a dream. I just cannot remember the feeling of it anymore. And anyway, I would much rather live in this space of balanced, centered neutrality with wisdom. I still cry and experience and feel, yet it doesn’t rule me any longer (except when my cat yells at me in the morning when I’m barely back in my body yet 😀 ).


      • 13. Nancy  |  June 12, 2017 at 8:08 pm

        Dear Chrysalis, Thank you for this reply. I think I come across as mean though I really don’t intend to be. Forceful is misinterpreted as mean. But I just came back from a board meeting where I was allowed to speak, mostly uninterrupted, for about 30 minutes. I laid out my case with very little anger and I think I was actually heard. I guess that remains to be seen, but I wasn’t very afraid, just a little nervous. I just felt like I had to say what I had to say and what they did or said was beside the point.

        I also have been repeating to myself: I accept that this situation with my neighbours is an accurate reflection of my beliefs.

        At the bottom of a whole pile of beliefs I found this: I am powerless.

        There you have it folks. Now, how to let that one go?

        Many thanks and love to all of you.


      • 14. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 13, 2017 at 11:56 am

        You will, Nancy, you will.


    • 15. Chrysalis  |  June 14, 2017 at 5:55 pm

      Greetings Nancy,

      You’re quite welcome. You ARE doing it. That feeling of needing to speak up and use your Voice of Truth regardless of anyone else, that is where your power is. How to let the belief of “powerlessness” go? Just like that. Acknowledging that it is there. Recognizing how it colors your present, how it intrudes from your past (the core of where it originated from, or maybe there’s a theme of that recurring from another life as well). Once you acknowledge it, it begins to lose power, because you can then Be a healthy parent to yourself and say, “Actually, I can choose to believe that or not. I’m going to choose not to believe that for the next hour (or day, etc.)”.

      As far as your neighbors, another way you can look at it is to thank them (not to their faces) for providing you the opportunity to learn how to speak up by them being who they are right now. I’ve done that for myself, and continue it to this day. I recognize my neighbor isn’t capable of common sense and is traumatized and lashes out, and that the things they do (or don’t do) only help me to realize a future more clearly of what I do want. Quiet, free from other’s cooking (and other) smells, respect for ones personal space (physically, emotionally, mentally). Neighbors can feel like a heavy burden when they act out like big children, however they can also be your most valuable chance to make big changes within yourself. They can teach you patience, letting go of your ego more (what others think of you), and they can help you to find your voice by speaking up/standing up to them regardless if the situation resolves or not.

      You are on the path, Nancy. Well done!


  • 16. Adam Theo Sun  |  June 6, 2017 at 2:48 am

    Liked by 1 person

    • 17. Atian  |  June 6, 2017 at 3:04 am

      Funny, I’ve had that similar picture in mind for a few weeks now. Back at the 1984 Olympics, the opening ceremony had a guy with a jetpack. Fascinated me as a kid.
      Compare phones, cars, tv’s,… from 2017 with 1984 and it’s the Jetsons versus the Flinstones. Jetpacks however… never heard of ’em since. At the same speed of phone technology upgrade, by now jetpacks should be available to all. Guess some won’t let humans freely roam the earth and beyond.


      • 18. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 7, 2017 at 5:36 pm

        Hi Atian,
        But we will! Jetpacks, dimension hopping, frequency and time travels. I don’t think we need to wait for inventions, we just need to know that we can. Very esoteric for now, but I bet common expectations in the future. Who would have guessed, even a few years ago, that infants would know how to operate a computer and in some cases, talk with grandparents thousands of miles away. And so we go and grow!
        Blessings, Lots of Love and New Energy Sparkles,


    • 19. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 7, 2017 at 5:31 pm

      Thank you as always, Adam Theo Sun, for posting my channel on your Facebook page.


  • 20. Atian  |  June 6, 2017 at 4:07 am

    Roaming the world and the internet for years in search of spiritual knowledge it seems that I have reached a culmination point. The vast number of channelers, guru’s, teachers,mystics,… all seem to have 1 thing in common: wait for something better to come, keep digging because you are not fully expressing love yet. Once you have reached that, everything will come in abundance. Until then, keep believing.
    Maybe I misunderstand the concept of abundance. It seems to me, as souls in a human body, we would get the tools needed by humans in casu money.
    All I’ve ever heard so far is that the Elite has an abundance of money, thereby keeping 99,9% of other humans in slavery. I simply don’t understand why the Force, the so called Supreme Being cannot come up with a simple yet effective way to give the Forerunners an unlimited supply of money to change this planet for the better. All we are receiving to get by is waves of energy we have to conquer, synchronicites in the form of animals, numbers and people and blurry messages given by a growing number of channelers.
    This isn’t right.
    Put us on this planet? Ok
    Go through all the hardships and trauma? Ok
    Endure severe transformation? Ok
    Hanging on for 40+ years? Ok
    Feeling like a stranger in a strange land? Ok
    Having no reward in the form of money? Not Ok.

    Where is the abundance? Let me guess, I have to hold on and dig deeper…
    There’s something wrong in this whole ascension story and I feel a lot of us are thinking the same. I didn’t come to this planet to be the poor odd one out. We have done enough.
    All I want is a quiet life, far away from people, listening to music, supporting/investing in good causes and having fun with my daughter. Show me the money, Jerry. Show me the money. I was supposed to get 1.3M two years ago, but the Supreme Being decided otherwise. They say when something doesn’t happen it’s because better things are coming. When is the question… How about Now-ish. I shall live happily ever after with my 3D-fortune in 5D-land. Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 21. Nancy  |  June 6, 2017 at 2:05 pm

      Ditto. Really tired of feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Really tired of change is just around the corner. Just really tired I guess. All I want is peace but the insane humans around me are busy spraying poison all over the place (Roundup and other things), cutting down the beautiful trees so they can have a view etc. I was doing pretty well at just withdrawing and trying to find my joy in spite of it all. But I think I blew a cork. Hopefully just part of the process and tomorrow I will wake up and everything will be okay. Hopefully.


    • 22. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 7, 2017 at 5:47 pm

      Hi Atian,
      Amen for so many. I so agree. If we’re to create our own wealth, provide the energies necessary for us to remember or memories to change the system or ourselves.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 23. New Earth Paradigm  |  June 7, 2017 at 2:59 am

    Hi Brenda — We’re hosting an event camp for 44 youth here at our community this week and it’s all hands on deck — especially to FEED them! I’m feeling my 3D body and also noticing that through all the physical tiredness, my disposition is holding up pretty well. That’s the 5D part in evidence. We’re all playing flat out to do what it takes to provide the classes, housing and meals. Our beautiful property provides the venue: wildflowers in full glory; a swimming hole; fragrant forest trails to walk and a fire pit in a large meadow to gather in and connect. We’ve been getting ready for this for two weeks, now we’re DOING it and next week, we’ll be cleaning up, washing bedding and getting ready for another group of teens coming in for five days toward the end of June. Before my 3D mind knew that that was happening, my 5D Self had planned a trip to see my family in California, so I’ll miss all that fun. Oh darn! However, we are now in the summer event season and this is one of the ways our Community keeps ourselves going financially, so it’s all good. Thanks for helping us acknowledge the progress we are making, even when it doesn’t seem like we are making much, Alia


    • 24. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 7, 2017 at 5:51 pm

      Hi Alia,
      And so we continue sharing, caring and creating communities of love via the Internet or physically!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Blissful Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

  • 25. London Girls  |  June 8, 2017 at 3:51 am

    Hey there! You are so observant and so clever and I love you article. Keep posting 🙂


    • 26. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 8, 2017 at 10:57 am

      Hi London Girls,
      I’m not stopping my channeling blogs anytime soon as sharing my channels with others is one of my great joys!!!!!!! To fun, joy, and lots of sparkles!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 27. Atian  |  June 8, 2017 at 9:40 am

    When is the next radio show Brenda? I’m in desperate need of some of your good stuff!


    • 28. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 8, 2017 at 11:00 am

      Ah, Atian, you must be why I decided to channel my radio show this afternoon (Thursday) instead of my usual Friday morning. I’m planning to channel about five pm Eastern US time.


      • 29. Atian  |  June 8, 2017 at 11:26 am

        Perfect timing building up to the life transformative full moon in Ophiuchus tomorrow! Thanks so much & love you too. 😉X


      • 30. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 8, 2017 at 4:00 pm

        Hi Atian,
        I just posted my BlogTalkRadio show for this week. Enjoy.

        What does a full moon in Ophiuchus mean? My astrology knowledge is VERY basic.
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Healing Sparkles,


  • 31. Atian  |  June 8, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    Yes, I just listened to it! Thank you so much Brenda. The recording was 12:22 long, angel number 222. 🙂
    Funny that you ask me to explain about the full moon as I was wondering how I could return the favor of broadcasting a day earlier.

    My knowledge of astrology isn’t vast either but I’ll tell you what I know. Between Scorpio and Sagittarius, the Sun travels through Ophiuchus for a number of days. This means there are 13 signs in the zodiac instead of 12.
    13 is a special number because is it is associated with the Divine feminine. Male supremacy could not handle women giving life (child birth) and having more ‘power’ than men. So they had to shame women for that. That’s how the story of Eve was altered, how Magdalene became a prostitute (instead of Jesus’s designated apostle, wife and mother of his children) and how powerful women through the ages were burned and killed. That’s also how women became the ‘weaker’ sex, it was basically a Roman plot built on fear of the unknown.
    13 also refers to the moon, as there are 13 full moons a year, hence the 13 moon calendar (for crops etc.).
    It all makes sense in the bigger picture of the Age of Aquarius in which we are now living. I could go on for a day, but you get my drift.

    Back to Ophiuchus or the Serpent Bearer. It’s depicted as a man holding a snake. Not killing it but embracing the snake. Embracing it and using its power. You know the sign that doctors use: the snake that crawls on a rod? It’s the Asclepius sign, named after the Greek god. Ophiuchus is Asclepius, son of Apollo.
    However, if you dig deeper, he was not a man but the Godess Isis. More convenient to the Greeks and Romans to make it a man you see.
    So the Goddess Isis, the Great One, from ancient Egypt is Ophiuchus. Isis is the magician and healer who could make the dead alive again. Uncomfortable for men (and male based religion) that a woman would have these powers, so they changed it.

    Ophiuchus is actually located right at the Centre of our Galaxy and is a black hole that absorbs energy and transforms it. Exactly what a healer does: transforming energy.

    Now with the full moon in Ophiuchus tomorrow (which does not happen often actually due to the few days that the Sun travels through this sign) in these unprecedented times of rising consciousness, it is a very transformative one. The moon is all about emotions, so we can expect a huge transformation there. My intuition says that it will end my feeling of not belonging here on Earth, which is huge. My sun sign is in Ophiuchus so I’m very much looking forward to see what tomorrow brings.
    How it will affect you brenda, will depend on where the Moon is placed in your birth chart. If I can make a suggestion, check out Athen Chimenti’s video on tomorrow’s full moon, he’s the expert and you will be able to see which is your actual zodiac sign as sidereal astrology is different from Western. Check out:

    Have a nice evening and I wish you a beautiful Full Moon experience


    • 32. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 8, 2017 at 6:40 pm

      Thank you so much, Atian, for your enlightening explanation. We were out of town for the past four days so both Dave and I are tired – probably full moon energies are also part of the tired.

      The sense I had when channeling my radio show today was that energy or emotions related to energies were going to lighten up the next few days.

      I’m sending loving thoughts your way as you pass through your Ophiuchus indicators tomorrow – and great interest how this new piece of astrology will affect many of us.
      Blessings, Lots of Love, Thank yous and Sparkling Self-knowledge,


  • 33. Annika Nordlander  |  June 10, 2017 at 2:20 am

    “A miracle is just a shift in perception from fear to love”.

    Marianne Williamson.

    Thank you Brenda for you being you.

    Much love to all ❤


    • 34. LifeTapestryCreations  |  June 10, 2017 at 11:52 am

      Thank you, Annika. And thank all of us for daring to continue this awesome adventure despite our fears.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Joy Sparkles,



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June 2017