Archive for June, 2022

It’s Time to Fly

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

“Why Not Join the Fun?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

The weekly “Brenda’s Blog” channel is available on Spotify Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Breaker Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public. You can find access buttons to the podcast sites at

Dear Ones,

Even though you are likely frightened or angry by recent global events, those events are starting points for your emotional health.

In your outer-directed past, you expected someone to make your life better – the government, your company, friends, or relatives. And if you were among those without similar support systems you often elected to believe that God/the Universes would perform those functions. Relief was expected from someone outside yourself.

That last statement is not to deny those who have tenaciously moved through personal trauma, but instead to point out that such outer-directed beings were in the minority. In the outer-directed world, the concept of being dependent on your own resources seemed impossible.

Now that those of you reading this message are new inner-directed beings, you sometimes find it difficult to understand you are responsible for your earth life. Even though others may save you for various reasons, that will not help you adjust to your new inner-directed world. You are alone – and thankfully so.

When you depended on others, you needed to perform certain activities to assure their support. Those activities might have been as benign as friendship, as unpleasant as a job you despised, or as seemingly neutral as supporting a political party that performed some of your desired actions but never all.

Your outer-directed world was one of bargaining for what you needed. Giving something to receive something. Now that bargaining no longer exists because most beings are inner-directed, you are at a loss. Can you function in this new world?

We, of the Universes, return you to the most basic message of your new world. What does your heart tell you to do? Do you wish to protest, vote, plead, become angry, leave, shout, allow, accept, or ignore? That is your answer and activity. An answer or activity that might change minute by minute.

You are no longer bound to anyone or anything. What makes you feel complete, satisfied, or happy? Those are your answers. Anger, fear, or angst might be a starting point because you could feel helpless now that those you once depended upon to “make it all better” are no longer effective in providing the right actions for you. But after your outer-directed fear and anger subside, what does your new inner-directed message encourage you to do? That is new you.

Your outer-directed dependency on others is who you were.

Allow yourself to calmly listen to your inner voice. A voice that might be difficult to hear at first, for you are not used to following yourself instead of others. Initially, your outer-directed voice of reason will likely drown out your inner voice. But that will create a sense of loss, distrust, and fear because the old ways no longer work. Allow that to be for as you do; your inner voice will become louder.

Your inner voice has always been with you; you merely stopped listening. Why do you suppose you liked wearing certain colors? Or you attended events that gave you great joy even though you surprised yourself with your participation? And so it was throughout each of your earth lives. Tiny elements of your inner voice directing you to a more joyful life whenever you allowed yourself to listen. Your inner voice was not necessarily reasonable or logical, but more like fairy dust scattering bits of joy here and there.

You are the only being who can make your life better or best. Stop waiting for someone of the earth or the Universes to tell you what to do or to do it for you. You are an independent being functioning as is best for you.

Despite your fears when reading that last line, you will not live your life selfishly. For your inner voice is the voice of love. An outer-directed voice bargains and barters, hoping those you bargain with will do as you wish, but never with a guarantee that they care as much for an action, activity, or philosophy as you.

Your inner voice is a trustworthy ally of love. Logic is a bargaining philosophy that may or may not include love, but most definitely includes others. Logic is a + b = c. Your inner voice is love as well as your role in this new world. A role that is not necessarily logical, but a role that only you can complete.

This is where you jump off the cliff into the unknown. Not in fear – even though that is what you will likely feel initially, but in the joy that you can fly. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link:

June 27, 2022 at 11:02 am 7 comments

Why Not Join the Fun?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

“The Next Wave Is on It” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

The weekly “Brenda’s Blog” channel is available on Spotify Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Breaker Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public. You can find access buttons to the podcast sites at

Dear Ones,

Now that you have essentially given up your world-shifting role, how can you be sure that the second wave will create a world you want to live in?

Your concerns are the concerns of many parents as their children reach young adulthood. The next generation almost always feels wrong from the parents’ viewpoint. Not because their young adult children are wrong, but because they are different.

Need we remind you that several outer-directed generations live amongst one another despite somewhat differing patterns – and so it will be now.

The second wave will not create as you might, for your creation instincts are to repeat outer-directed structural designs.

Will you be comfortable in this new rebuild? That is your choice for the rebuild will seem strange at first, just as anything new does.

As the second wave creates new economies, governments, institutions (the only term you can understand now), relationships, etc., you will be amazed and initially horrified. Their creations will not be like anything you can imagine. But then, you arrived on the earth to destroy that which you knew.

At first, this new world will seem foreign and likely, frightening. Not because it is wrong, but because it is so different. In truth, these new structures will be the difference between living in caves, as the earth’s inhabitants once did, to living in a mansion with modern conveniences. Would a cave-dwelling person know immediately that their life had changed? Of course. But would they be happy? Most likely not – especially at first. The language and operational skill sets would be so dramatically different that the cave-dwellers would not know how to cook their food or operate conveniences like automobiles or computers.

The difference between your learning curve and that of cave-dwellers is you expect change. Not a minor change like your child going off to college. But a significant shift more incredible than the shift of an upper-class matriarch born in the late 1880s with a myriad of antiquated social rules trying to accept a jazz-age granddaughter with her short skirts, flapper attitude, and free love. The grandmother’s love for her granddaughter exists, but neither would necessarily understand why or how.

You will be in wonderment as the second wave creates a world that makes you concerned for the future, only to accept the new as interesting and exciting. If you remember, we, of the Universes, highlighted your new being need to flit from activity to activity. After first being horrified by the second wave structural changes, you will discover the fun and joy of their creations.

New structural creations different than anything you can imagine, for your new world creation imagination is limited to your previous 3D worlds. These second-wave ideas might seem counter-intuitive until you recognize the joy and fun in the unknown. Like the 1880s matriarch forced to maintain the right words and actions for her social position – observing her flapper granddaughter having a delightful time drinking illegal gin, smoking, and dancing the night away with a feverish pitch. As the matriarch observes the joy and freedom of her granddaughter, she might begin to question the rules she lives by. And so it will be for you.

Are you expecting the new world to be a somewhat cleansed version of your current world? Or do you recognize the need for a truly new world?

The second-wave creations will not be wrong, just beyond anything you can now conceive. You will soon discover the fun of creating totally anew as you begin to ignore your horror at the dramatic changes and realize the freedoms those changes create.

You have repeatedly demonstrated that you no longer wish to live by social rules. That you want the freedom to be. The next wave will create that freedom in fun and joy. Which you will likely join once your initial shock has diminished and thoughts of “You can’t.” “It’s not possible.” “It’s too frightening.” shift to the fun of doing the very acts you were once frightened of.

This new dawn is not colored the same as the 3D watered-down dawns you have come to expect. Join in the fun – the sooner, the better. The second wave does not particularly care if you adapt to the new world – but you will. Not because it is a should, but because it will be freedom and joy you cannot now imagine. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

June 19, 2022 at 10:38 pm 11 comments

The Next Wave Is on It

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

“Your Bartered Heart” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

The weekly “Brenda’s Blog” channel is available on Spotify Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Breaker Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public. You can find access buttons to the podcast sites at

Dear Ones,

Many of you are exhausted, stressed, or concerned about minutia. Your underlying concern continues to be earth’s future. But because that concern is so well hidden you react with minor ailments and details you can do little about.

You are returning to outer-directed personal matters because your earth concerns seem too overwhelming to address. Throughout the past decades, years, or months, you diligently followed every road to world peace and love, In doing so, you lost friends, family, jobs, and other important 3D items. Never stopping, never letting go of the need to complete your role of moving you and the earth to peace and love.

Despite our ongoing statements that your role is complete, that both you and the earth have shifted dramatically, you beg to differ. The hatred, wars, emotional disconnect, and world fears continue, so you feel you have not done enough. And even though more and more are awakening, their efforts of shifting earth from fear to love seem so pitiful you can no longer imagine the earth becoming a physical or emotional heaven in your lifetime.

So it is you return to yesterday. You want others punished for their misdeeds, for your fears, and for the clamoring of many – you believe – for you to make it better. You are exhausted, angry, and almost beyond the point of caring about what you once believed you could change.

You adapted to your current disconnect by addressing little pieces that seem important at the moment but do not change your belief in the future.

Earth issues feel heavy and unsolvable to you because you no longer have the key to world peace and love. You have completed your role in those areas. You are now outside looking in at world issues.

Those following you will physically change the world by rebuilding it.

So it is the earth will no longer shift because you are demanding, wishing, hoping, or praying for that change. The earth will change because those following are as dedicated to their earth roles as you were to yours.

Do you remember how many questioned your odd New Earth interests before it was obvious to you why you needed to do what you did? Because you are now looking from the outside in, you can no longer determine what actions are necessary to more fully shift the earth from fear to love. Your role in that arena is complete. Those immediately following you will physically shift the earth in the direction you initiated.

Perhaps this message feels as if all you worked for is disappearing, and you cannot do anything about it.

Let us, of the Universes, help you observe the earth differently. You destroyed the structures holding up fear and angst. Those following you are rebuilding the world with processes that seem as hidden as yours were when you initiated your transition.

You want everyone to feel as you do. Yet those following you are not forerunners; they are not you. In essence, those following are of a different generation, so they do not and cannot function as you did.

Your current angst, fear, anger, or whatever unpleasant emotion you are experiencing is for naught. You have not given up or lost anything. You are instead gaining a new world. Allow those immediately following to rebuild the world you patiently destroyed.

Your only role is to deepen your self-love. Those in the third wave need your self-love structures to rebuild themselves. Even though this explanation likely seems convoluted, you are the beginning link of a chain of events that would not have been possible without your decades, years, or months of effort.

Let the second wave take over. Your role is to enhance your self-love, which is not possible if you continue to monitor the efforts of those following you. Allow those following to complete their role without your interference. They are as dedicated and experienced in their earth role as you were in yours.

Relax into yourself. That is your only role. The next generation of change artists, those following you, are diligently doing what they have been trained to do and are doing so as artfully as you did.

Those following you, the second wave, will not fail. Even so, it is likely they will approach the rebuilding of the earth much differently than you would. That is your angst. Trust the next generation of earth shifters as they once trusted you to prepare the rebuild site. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter,. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link:

June 13, 2022 at 11:26 am 21 comments

Your Bartered Heart

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

“You’ve Always Had Heart” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

The weekly “Brenda’s Blog” channel is available on Spotify Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Breaker Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public. You can find access buttons to the podcast sites at

Dear Ones,

Even though you have always had heart, you have hidden your heart for earth eons because it seemed others would not or could not return the love you had to give.

Over the eons, you hardened your heart and the corresponding responses. Many of you became the consummate caretaker. But you did so to ensure someone would interact with you instead of a natural process.

You were not cold-hearted, instead you traded love for love – much as merchants trade for financial gain.

Perhaps you are upset for you believe you give with a complete and loving heart. And so you did when you were of 3D.

ThreeD love almost always has a purpose from “If I do this, God will love me” to “If I do this, my community or family will see what a wonderful person I am.” If that love was not reciprocated (rewarded), you left or harmed the individual or institution emotionally, physically, or spiritually with thoughts of “You’re not up to my love standards.”

ThreeD love was bartered just as is true for any earth merchandise.

The love you are evolving into is broader and more profound. Because you are rewarding yourself with self-love, outer-rewards are no longer required.

ThreeD love was about filling your empty love cup. A cup that was empty because you did not love yourself.

Once you allow yourself to fully love yourself, the antics of others will shift within you from “They hurt my feelings” or “Broke my heart” to “They must function like that for a reason.” Your choices then become encourage those actions, shift your interactions, or ignore the supposed slight and move on.

You no longer need to placate anyone. Instead, ask yourself if those interactions feed or reduce your self-love.

The new earth is not about interaction quantity but interaction quality

Self-love reigns.

You might question how self-love applies to children, relatives, or life-long friends. Do you ignore them, drop them, confront them, or create something new? That decision is your new being freedom. Should no longer applies.

Many of you question that freedom with thoughts of employers, relatives, friends, and others you gathered to fulfill your 3D needs.

Many of you respond that you can release friends, but you need the job, or you have to take care of family members. If such is so, it behooves you to readdress your needs and, therefore, your interactions with them.

Are you using the 3D love/friendship/employee applications you have for eons? Or do you believe you are important enough to declare freedom from those people and things that hold you captive?

ThreeD love was a barter or financial exchange. You felt your heart was filled – not from the inside out, but the outside in. As you fill your heart with self-love, that 3D exchange no longer exits. You do not feel the need or have the energy to appease others because so much is happening within you. So it is you can no longer act the supplicant nor function as the almighty king/queen.

New you does not have time or energy to make the lives of others better just so they will return the favor. As you fill with self-love, you will find yourself exploring relationships you once believed were lifelong, only to discover those relationships are no longer that interesting.

Do you wish to be with those people for something other than what they once gave you, or are you ready to flit to another interaction?

Perhaps you believe you need certain beings in your life for if you let them go, there will be no one to replace them. We, of the Universes, can only respond that your 3D emotional safety net no longer exists. Not because it was bad or wrong, but because you are a new being in a new age.

The most essential part of your new being is self-love. A love that does not require you to negotiate with anyone. Nor does it require you to retain a certain number of people or items in your world to feel complete.

Outer-directed indicates you cannot rule yourself without the aid of others. Inner-directed is the opposite.

Perhaps you are concerned you will be isolated.

Loving yourself sometimes is lonely – especially at the beginning. Not because of the final rewards, but because you realize how little you had in common with many you held close to your heart. Even though they never filled your heart, what they bartered with you allowed you to feel as if your heart MIGHT be whole.

You have required a whole heart since your inception light years ago – just as you now need oxygen to live on the earth. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

June 6, 2022 at 10:12 am 18 comments



June 2022