Posts tagged ‘exhausted’


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s December 11, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Throughout 2020, you’ve been preparing for 2021. December is similar to a final school exam. You’re changing rapidly in ways you don’t always understand. Unlike 3D, such changes are to be displayed with joy and pride. And the same is true as you build your 2021 structure upon your 2020 foundation. Your personal structure is a required piece of the new earth puzzle.

“Pouring Your Foundation” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are exhausted and perhaps a bit angry. This is not how you anticipated you would feel now or ever again. Even though you are prepared for your new life, you are experiencing a time between.

You are neither of 3D or fully beyond 3D. So your thoughts flow between “I should” to “I don’t want to” to “But if I don’t, will I be alone?” Frightening thoughts for many. Encouraging, even forcing you to make decisions you feel too tired to make.

You have the energy to perform a few tasks around the house or maybe greet a few friends, but not much more. Yet, you push yourself to do more, to be as you once were filled with energy and ideas.

Even though it might feel counter-intuitive, your basic responsibility now is rest. The energies floating about for the next few days will take more of your energy than you thought possible. This last month of your calendar year is a culmination of all that has happened throughout the year. The same has been true in past years – especially since you initiated your transition – but the energies of this December are more forceful and dramatic than any you have experienced while of the earth in any lifetime.

That is not to say you will become ill or leave earth because of these dramatic December energies, but instead that you will not have the energy you expect every year at this time.

Others, not awakening or awake, will pooh-pooh your need for rest. You, the party person, wanting to be home and drinking hot chocolate. You, the giving person, not having the energy to host anyone this year. So, those yet of 3D will try to force you and others into a 3D routine that is comfortable for them – but exhausting for you.

It is time to listen to your heart. Do you have the energy or the need to be the life of the party, the caretaker, the shoulder to cry on, the shopper, the food preparer, the decorator, or money giver as you have in the past? If so, that is wonderful. But if not, honor yourself. Most of all, trust yourself. 

You have transitioned beyond group think UNTIL that group think includes holiday expectations and guilt. For indeed, those used to your holiday preparations and concerns will expect you to comply this year with the added guilt of “We need you to create the bond we are used to because this year has been so uncomfortable.” Many of you will comply. Not because you want to or have the energy to do so, but because those shoulds outweigh your sovereignty, your trust in yourself.

The fear that no one will like you if you do not comply with their needs will reign supreme for many of you. Buying love through the financial or physical draining of your resources will continue until you say, “NO” to yourself and others. You can no longer be partially 3D.

This year, 2020, was your year of discovering you and what you need despite temptations to create what others need as you have done for 3D eons. 

If you continue to fulfill others’ needs before doing so for yourself, you will create emotional and physical barriers for yourself. Catering to others’ needs before yours is now similar to touching a hot stove. You will burn yourself either physically or emotionally. 

Many of you dislike that last paragraph because you believe it means taking away your freedom to be. Instead, it is creating your freedom to be. If it is your role to serve others, you will feel joyous doing so. But if the very thought feels heavy and carrying it out is exhausting or creates some physical ailment, you are, in a sense, touching a hot stove. 

You are different. Allow that thought to be. Then allow that others may also be different. So informing those with expectations of you being the caretaker or party maker may create a divide – or be completely acceptable.

It is your choice. Do you wish to sacrifice your emotional or physical health for others, or do you wish to claim yourself? The last few days of 2020 will clarify that concept for you as 3D expectations clash with your new being. Who are you? Or better yet, who do you wish to be? For this is the dividing line, many thought they would never have to cross.

Some of you are declaring to yourself that you can do holiday preparations a bit at a time and so continue to meet your rest needs and others’ expectations. So you might. But at what cost to you? That is your decision. And this is most definitely decision time. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

December 14, 2020 at 9:54 am 24 comments

Are You Fighting With Yourself?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s August 28, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’ve tested yourself the past few days. Only to discover your need to caretake the earth is no longer comfortable. Your physical being may even have provided indicators of how inappropriate your earth focus has become. Like returning to your home town after decades of happily living elsewhere, earth issues no longer nurture you. In the next few days, you’ll let go of caretaking the earth just as you once let go of those who no longer felt comfortable.

“Stop Directing the Second Wave” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Your experiences of the past few weeks were likely filled with anger and despair. Such is changing by the moment. Not because you are accessing different materials or people, but because you are no longer vested in 3D drama.

This step away from 3D drama has occurred in several stages, for this is not the first time we have relayed a similar message. The difference is that most of the previous messages pertained to your intimate relationships with family and friends. This message is about letting go of global angst.

Many of you question your ability to do so for you continue to note global missteps. Your focus of anger has been the environment, politics, inhumane actions, education, economics, or other areas. It does not matter for the gist of your angst has been about happenings beyond your family and community – the big picture as you might say. But doing so prevents you from acknowledging how tired, how exhausted you are.

That last statement is not to be taken lightly for indeed, you have pushed yourself throughout this lifetime and many others so that you would have the expertise and energy to help shift the earth. You completed that major Universal piece majestically, all the while enmeshed in the 3D clearing of fears and angst.

You cleared and cleared and, at the same time, helped shift the earth only to discover a sense of loss, of purpose. So instead of focussing within, you continued your earth focus. For you have cleared so much within that your new you vessel is empty. And true to your 3D knowledge base, you attempted to fill your empty vessel with global concerns.

The difficulty is your physical body informed you that such a direction is no longer appropriate, causing rashes, stomach pains, and similar physical ailments. As if you were attacking yourself. And so you were for you are now so finely tuned that whenever you take an incorrect fork in your transition path, your body creates a warning light that says, “No, not this way.”

So it is many of you have been fighting yourself. You try to refocus on global issues, and your body says no. You attempt to rest so that you can refocus on global issues, and your body remains exhausted. And your resulting anger displays itself in many parts of your life.

You are feeling lost, exhausted, and angry – but not for long.

Learning to drive an automobile, required you to focus on the road and ascertain your car was in the correct gear, all the while watching for road signs and other indicators directing you to your destination.

Your minor physical ailments have become your personal road signs. Your correct gear is looking within. For your road is designed to be much smoother than has been true the past few weeks of self-testing. You have attempted this or that course creating physical side effects that were designed to help you understand you had negated your easy path.

To continue this automobile analogy, your windshield provides information about what is in front of you, not what is on the other side of the world. Because your focus has been too vast, you missed stop signs and other directional signs. Return to a smaller focus, and your road will be easy to maneuver. Continue to look for life and solutions beyond what you see through your windshield, and you will feel lost, alone, and angry – just as would be true if you lost your way driving to an important appointment.

You are exhausted because you focussed somewhere out there instead of within.

Allow yourself to create a smaller focus, an easier path. You no longer need to focus on global issues.

Your new focus is much smaller. It is addressing your exhaustion. It is allowing yourself to, yes, push the easy button.

Your life no longer consists of long-range projects to save others. There is just discovering the joys, skills, and interests of new you. It is time for you to get to know you.

Even though world happenings might continue to be of interest, global affairs are no longer your career or your job. Allow yourself to refocus on you just as you might moving to a new community or job.

What is it you wish to do or be? Not, how will that interest help the world, but how will that interest help you enjoy your life? Is it fun? Do it. Is it helping the world at the cost of yourself? Stop. If it feels delicious, move towards it. If it feels overwhelming, cumbersome, difficult, painful, fearful, or too much – stop for that is not your roadmap. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:


August 31, 2020 at 10:37 am 27 comments

Do You Believe You’re 3D or 5D?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 16, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Shift beyond your light warrior role for those following are now assuming that role. Even though you’ve been promoted to the light of joy, likely you’ll feel the need to return to your warrior mode because those following aren’t acting the same as you did in that role. Just as is true in a 3D job, you need to let those assuming the light warrior position perform as is right for them.

Your 3D Graduation Gift to You is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You no longer have the ability to pander to the needs of others. This is something you have discovered over many months of trying to do so without the results you hoped for. For those people you attempt to help may not do as you command or demand, and yet, they continue to ask for help. Which results in your exhaustion and little or no change in their lives. So it is you dropped into the 3D caretaking zone.

You were once able to brush off such interactions for you were fully enmeshed in your 3D “helper” mode. Now that you are no longer of 3D, such interactions merely exhaust you. You are attempting to be in two worlds at the same time, and such is no longer possible.

Your caretaking role has become painful.

But of course, those yet of 3D cannot understand your reluctance to tell them what to do or to listen to the same story for the 100th time with little evidence they want to change.

So it is you are discovering your new path, sometimes inch by inch. For listening to the woes of others used to be delightful.

You continue to contend that you have not changed, that you are who you always were. We beg to differ.

Your direction, your joys, even your food preferences are changing daily. But until you note something evident to all concerned, you will continue to believe you are just as you always have been.

What difference does it make if you believe you are of 3D or 5D? Your thoughts and beliefs create your reality. So if you believe something is not possible, it is not. But, if you believe you are different with new directions, powers, and needs, so it will be.

It is time for you to claim your inner-power, which merely means shifting your beliefs from “I can’t” to “I easily can.” A simple form of self-hypnosis if you will, but such a dramatic belief change that your life will never again be as it was.

For most of you are trying to dance between 3D fear and 5D belief in yourself. The two are not at all similar or even possible at the same time. You need to acknowledge you are no longer of 3D no matter how frequently someone tries to pull you back into what was for you but is no longer.

Most often, when 3D humans attempt to claw their way out of their pain through treatment, a move, or ending a relationship, those yet of 3D want that person to return to what was. For if their friend or relative changes, so must their expectations or actions.

ThreeD is not a change format. For even though change is the dominant growth pattern in all dimensions, 3D does not encourage such if someone else must change also. Sameness is honored. Change is not.

So it is you remain deeply enmeshed in hoping for the sameness of your 3D earth lives. FiveD and beyond is filled with change. In truth, change is the keyword in all dimensions beyond 3D. So as you change, those within your circle will likely attempt to stop you from doing so.

By the same token, those you love, who are also changing, might frighten you. For even though you are expecting some personal changes, you are not expecting changes in others.

You are in a quandary. You feel and act differently. But as you do so, you want those around you to remain as they were. For you do not have the energy to watch them change and grow – and do the same yourself.

You are exhausted both by your changes and those of others dear to you.

And as you attempt to return to some “normalcy” by coaching those deeply entrenched in 3D who do not wish to change, you become even more exhausted.

You do not necessarily know who you are now, and you most certainly do not have the social skills you were once proud of as either an introvert or extrovert.  So everyone and everything feels awkward, uncomfortable, or wrong despite your best attempts to fit in.

You are not who you used to be, and you are rapidly discovering that those following are not either. The only humans acting as they always have are those of 3D, and even they are shifting from slightly irritating to completely uncomfortable for you. What is happening to you and your world?

You are shifting, and so are millions of others. No one and nothing is as it was. Everything is new within you. And you are discovering that the same is true for your outer world. What was is no more. What will be is just forming. You feel as if you are in “No man’s (persons) land.”

This pain, this uncertainly will force you to create that which you did not know was possible in 3D. And so it is that your inner-power will come to the forefront even if such a thought is uncomfortable now. Within days, you will start forming ideas that are not like anything you have thought of or believed in before. For you are shifting from the fear of change to the knowingness of your next phase – that of using your inner-directed power.

Such is so because all that created your 3D life is no longer valid. It is time to create from the new. Something that has seemed too frightening to contemplate. That is until that which is known is too uncomfortable to live in or with. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

August 19, 2019 at 11:12 am 20 comments

Enough With Martyrdom

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 31, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The past few days, you likely transitioned from the terrible twos to a young teen confusing you as well as those you love. Soon you’ll be a mature 5D adult, and loved ones will forget your actions of the past few weeks. Those entities you continue to interact with are observing you for they too wish to be of 5D. And because of you, they will transition quickly.

“Terrible Twos Anyone? is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are used to predicting the future based on past events. But because so much is now shifting, you have no baseline for what is going to happen. Causing you to be frightened or more worried than necessary.

An infant learning a new skill has little angst about whether achieving that milestone will lead to another skill.

So it can be for you. For what was is no more. There are no measuring tools allowing you to know what is going to happen. Indeed, it is a waste of your time and for now, limited energy, to be concerned about what this skill or that action will lead to.

You are in uncharted territory, so you cannot predict your future direction or needs any more than was true for the European explorers who roamed the globe hoping to find one thing only to discover something entirely different.

Even though we, of the Universes, know you are destined to live in joy and peace, we have no idea what journey you require to get there. Such words may be frightening for someone has to have the ultimate plan, someone or something has to know where you are going and why. You are that someone.

Your true north, if you will, is to live in joy. A feeling that cannot be replicated or copied by anyone. Your joy is yours. And your journey is to find the most joyful path to joy.

The word journey indicates all will take years or decades for it does not seem possible that the current earth chaos or even your life can shift as rapidly as you would like.

Ah, what you have forgotten is you are on a joy discovery path. So it is you will never reach complete nirvana for each step is to be in joy. And as you complete one joy step, the next will light up, and the next and the next.

This transition is not like that of past human shifts, which required decades or centuries. This transition, created by you, is to take place within your current earth lifetime. For if you had designed a transition requiring hundreds of years, such would be little different from various religions proclaiming that heaven or nirvana can only be achieved in the earth afterlife.

Of course, you have faith in the outcome, as has been proven over and over throughout this transition. But you are also exhausted and need to see, feel, and experience rewards to continue your journey. For you have given your all to this transition, including ignoring friends and relatives, physically shifting, and letting go of beliefs because doing so felt right.

You now need to experience something other than sacrifice.

So it is you are beginning to truly claim your joy. For until now, most of you felt you needed to do or be more. Not because such was necessary, but because you were following 3D patterns of “If I give enough, maybe I’ll be rewarded.”

You have given, sacrificed, believed, projected, and worked beyond time for you to reward yourself.

This current phase is for you to determine what will give you joy. Not just a bit of joy, but what is it you require daily? Some will contend you merely need to see a flower or a friend. And of course, both can be joyful experiences. But what will make you feel as if your sacrifices have been worth your arduous efforts? That is the phase you are now in.

You are letting go of your belief that you have not done enough or been enough to be rewarded – one of your first steps into true joy.

For even though you might have rewarded yourself with a few minutes of daily relaxation or something similar, such rewards are not enough for you to continue your journey.

Many of you will beg to differ, believing you will continue just because. Such thoughts mean you have not yet let go of 3D martyrdom.

Reward yourself. Allow yourself to rest. Allow yourself to play. Most of all, allow yourself to be.

Because of your efforts and recent Universal energy flows, you are about to begin your joy journey. Not a 3D journey of a few minutes of relaxation, but your new 5D journey of joy and self-reward.

Allow that to be without concerns that your rewards limit the possibilities for others’ joy or that you have overreached your current station in life.

Ignore everyone and everything except that which gives you joy. One step at a time – ignoring social mores, the needs of others, and your fears of being TOO much.

Start your joy journey. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

June 3, 2019 at 7:59 am 42 comments

Trust Yourself – We Do

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s May 15, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Rejoice, relax, re-commit to you are the key points the next few days. Perhaps you participated with one or more segments recently – most likely 3D segments – and discovered you no longer wish to live in fear. Maybe your excursion as CEO/president of your totality was more interesting or pleasant. You’re discovering you’re the pinnacle of the umbrella under which are all your segments. You’re learning to function as you once imagined your higher self functioning. Remembering that all segments of your totality are fully capable  – as are you. Rejoice, relax, re-commit to your new CEO/president role.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for ”You’ve Grasped the Brass Ring of You”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

This message is for those who believe they have fallen behind; that this transition is not an actuality or are too tired to care. You have shifted through so much the past few weeks – energies you could not have even comprehended just months ago. Now you are resting.

You will better understand what has happened to you if you think in terms of giving birth or running a very long marathon. You have no immediate energy to celebrate following either experience. You require down time before you can begin to comprehend that you birthed a child or completed your marathon. So it is for you now.

You feel as if nothing is important or noteworthy. Perhaps you continue following blogs and messages on your computer or are taking a New Earth class – but all seem dull and lifeless. Such is true because that is how you feel about and within yourself.

You are sloughing off 3D cells and do not yet have the energy to replace those spaces with new you cells. So you feel weak and listless. Nothing much matters other than you are tired physically, emotionally and spiritually.

As usual, there are some who are a bit ahead of most – they are the ones of earth who are starting to perk up, to once again take interest in life and their transition. But for the majority – most likely including you – this listlessness is merely part of your expedited transition.

Perhaps you cannot yet believe that such is so, but you soon will. Now let us address what many of you will experience the next few days or weeks.

You will move through your exhaustion. You will note the difference within your being. Not with physical indicators – although a few of you might note some of your shifts in that manner – but with a difference in your life approach. That which once made you angry will produce a different reaction – and the same will be true of most of your emotions including love.

The energies of March and April were requested by you to expedite your transition. So they have and so they will.

Your baby is birthed. You have completed your arduous marathon. You are merely resting for a bit before allowing your cells to shift dramatically.

Some of you of the McDonald’s generation require instant gratification. Such is not possible. Anymore than you dancing a wild jig immediately after giving birth or a marathon. You will do both once you have rested, but neither is possible when your body is completely depleted as is true for you now.

Some of you wonder if your body is hollow since your 3D cells were removed and have not yet been replaced (This is a figure of speech for your cells will transition much as you are within the being that you are.) with new you cells. This is a stationary phase. You are neither here nor there. But once you have rested, as you are doing now, your new you cells will awaken with more energy than you can now envision.

For your new cells are not only hardy enough to carry your 3D segments – as has been true for your cells up to this point – but to enlighten (that is the correct word) the totality of you. To provide you with the means and the knowledge to float between dimensions, frequencies and time.

Once you have completed this very important rest stage, you will better understand what has happened. Now this information is probably of little interest to you, maybe not even believable. For all you wish to do is rest and shove away all instances of “You can do it! You’re expanding. You’re new you.” Just as most new mothers find the thought of caring for an infant and themselves immediately after birth too much to contemplate.

Do not push yourself into action. Such is what you have done for eons in 3D. Allow yourself to float into new you. There is no time quota you must meet. There is no employer, parent, friend, co-worker or guru cracking the whip and insisting you do something NOW.

Rest, relax and if you feel an urge to access some of your new cells or to venture beyond your rest stage that is fine and good. But know deep within your being that you probably need rest now and you will know when it is time to move out of your rest phase. Allow your inner-being to direct you. There is no Universal right time – only that which is right for you. Something you have long heard, but are only now slowly beginning to acknowledge.

Some of you are frightened enough by your lack of motivation, interest and/or apparent skill set in comparison to others, that you will try to force yourself into the place you feel you SHOULD be. Such an action would be for naught. For you are in a new land with new customs and new joys. Allow yourself to accept that. Then allow yourself to flow and move as is correct for you – and no one else.

Trust yourself. We do. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

May 18, 2015 at 10:18 am 60 comments

Join the Holiday Reality Club

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s December 19, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on     Your holiday feelings may have shifted from previous years. Just as the Occupy Movement and the recent toppled governments display the unwillingness of many to follow dictates established in the Old Age, your need to follow the rules – including holiday roles – have changed.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” her free, channeled blog at http://www.Life Tapestry “Create Your New Paradigm of Financial Resources”


Dear Ones,

Are you so exhausted that you just want the holiday season to be over? Or do you find yourself angry at the people you are preparing to entertain or please during the holidays? Do you find that your holiday gatherings are filled with more anger than love? Join the holiday reality club.

Perhaps you have the time, financial resources, joy and energy to fully prepare for this holiday season – most notably Christmas. We are not directing this particular blog to you. You have found your place, and by doing so, you are nurturing yourself as well as those you love.

The wayshowers / lightworkers / trail blazers we wish to address are those of you who feel as if you must perform according to expectations despite a limited budget, exhaustion, over extension of services and all of those other uncomfortable feelings you have pushed aside for decades to meet the Christmas needs of others.

Some of you love the holiday season. Again, that is perfect for you. But not everyone has the support system so glowingly portrayed in your media.

Yet, you must pretend that you care and that others care about you. Or that being alone on the most loving, family holiday  of the year is preferable to experiencing the joy of a family gathering. Or that you wish to spend time and money providing joy for those who do not care or do not reciprocate.

This year, allow yourself to explore your feelings. Stop pretending to yourself and others that you wish to be part of their holiday celebrations. Stop pretending that your gift will make someone’s life different or better. Acknowledge who you are and what you need.

It is time for you to be you in all aspects of your life – including your thoughts, feelings and actions during this holiday season. It is no longer appropriate to pretend in any aspect of your life. Acknowledge your feelings and then change your direction accordingly.

Just because someone, somewhere declared December 25 a day of love and peace does not mean that it is the correct day for you.

You have accepted that you are a unique person with unique needs. Yet, you continue to do act on “shoulds” – not your wants or needs.  Perhaps this Christmas you would feel more loving if you were home reading a book, than if you attended a family gathering. Perhaps you would be more comfortable if you did what you wanted this Christmas instead of what your friends expected you to do.

All holidays have been created by humankind. What if you feel like celebrating Christmas in July? Would that be inappropriate, silly or just eccentric? Yet, if Christmas is about love – why is one day designated as the day that such love should be shared? Why must everyone get a gift on Christmas? What if your friend or relative has a greater need in July than Christmas Day? Does that call for two gifts or no gifts? Only you can decide.

Perhaps you feel we are trying to remove the joys of Christmas. Not at all. We are merely pointing out that Christmas was established to create harmony and has evolved into shoulds and have tos.  So many that you, as usual during this season, are exhausted.

And as you are attempting to remain within third dimensional mainstream society, you are incorporating energy bursts internally that are shifting you into a fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh dimensional being.

You are no longer who you were last year or even three months ago. Yet, you continue to force yourself to do the “right” thing.  Christmas is not for the faint of heart. You are expected to give of your time, money and energy and to do so with an open heart and a smile. Yet, you are a different person. Those in your immediate circle may not even have noticed the difference –  for it is an internal shift that is rapidly moving your away from shoulds into nurturing yourself and others who reciprocate your love.

It is time to be you. If that means you thoroughly enjoy the activities of the season, so be it. And if that means you no longer wish to play the role assigned to you by your society, family or friends, so be it.

You are no longer part of a herd. You are a unique individual with unique needs and interests. Start acting on your unique interests and you will have given yourself and the Universes the most wonderful and loving gift of all – you. That is all we ask. Discover yourself  and act on that discovery. So be it. Amen.


Brenda’s classic, channeled book A Glimpse of Your Future provides an overview of how and why your current economic and political worlds will transition.  A Glimpse of Your Future is available for purchase at or http://www.Barnes &   If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe to blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

December 20, 2011 at 4:21 pm 1 comment



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