Posts tagged ‘group think’

Your Crowd-Pleasing Days are Over

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   For eons, you’ve learned you must work hard to achieve what you want. In 5D, ease is a keyword. A word counterintuitive for most, given the beliefs 3D society that ease translates to lazy, failure, etc. This first test of your recent skills boost is about drawing things to you instead of pushing to achieve.

“Angry, Fearful, Petulant? All is Well” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We are amazed at your tenacity and yes, strength. For throughout your 3D eons of earth lives, you forced yourself to follow society rules instead of daring to be you. So it is that you did physical, emotional, and spiritual harm to your being to be part of the group.

Now that you are of 5D, you are beginning to proclaim your individuality. Something not necessarily easy. Not because it is wrong, but because it is so foreign to the 3D society with which you are familiar.

Even though you continue to remain within that society via your daily activities, your voice is changing from that of passive acquiesce to an almost strident rightness to be. Something that frightens you as much as others.

Words of anger, incorrectness, here I am, seem to flow out of your mouth with little forewarning. For you are discovering yourself and your power much as a teenager does as they evolve into a young adult.

Where you once said, “yes” even though you did not want to deep within your being, you are now loudly proclaiming, “NO.” Surprising both you and those comfortable with the old you.

You are claiming your power, one ‘no’ at a time. Of course, doing so is disturbing to both you and the entities experiencing it for all of you are trained to be nice.

You have even been taught ways to proclaim your rightness with hidden means. Such as talking about someone when they are not there. Or responding to what you label a “catty” answer. Or acquiescing to a request only to neglect to follow through. Or ignoring your needs, so someone else is comfortable. But nowhere in that litany of acceptable behaviors is your ability to quietly and calmly state your needs without some sort of 3D repercussion.

For 3D is group-think and 5D and beyond is the uniqueness of being.

Perhaps the best way to describe this is to think in terms of all being of one body with specific hair cells, nail cells, skin cells, etc. In 3D, everyone decided to be hair cells allowing for a very limited body.

So it is you are discovering that various groups of like mind or action are finding one another and proclaiming their rightness as a heart or kidney cell knowing and accepting that other cells will proclaim their rightness until the body is complete and whole. Something that never happened or was possible when all looked to someone other than themselves to lead and proclaim their rightness of being.

Perhaps you remember that many proclaimed their leadership and rightness of being throughout the 3D ages. Such is so. But a leader is not a leader without followers. So it is that the leaders needed to cater to followers just enough for them to continue to be followers – until that point in 3D history when you all expected someone to be your leader and no longer attempted to fully be yourself within your selected group. Someone was in charge and even though that someone was you at times, you were only in charge as long as you provided enough rewards – either the carrot or the stick – for those who followed you.

This 5D experience is extremely different. Instead of following someone you fear or respect, you are following your path. So it is that even those who seem to be of like-mind are not entirely of your mind – just as it should be. For each of you is a powerful entity who does not require a leader nor anyone to proclaim your rightness.

That last statement has to be extremely frightening. For you do not yet feel strong enough to proclaim your rightness as a unique individual. You wish to hide behind this person or label hoping others will forge the new way.

Instead, it is you and only you. There are so many functions of this New Earth to complete that while you might meet fellow travelers here and there at certain junctions, it is your path, not the path of anyone else.

Your golden threads in this new tapestry are unique and even though you have the freedom to stop or slow your 5D evolution, the earth and therefore the Universes will be less because of your disinterest in continuing.

We must add, so you do again fall into the 3D service trap, that other generations will pick up any missing threads until the tapestry is complete. It is just that you wished to experience the end result more rapidly than viewing it from the ethers or other 5D earth lives.

You can stop, but the earth evolution will not. It will merely be a bit less complete than what you hoped for when you en masse requested to see some final results instead of merely building the bridge to the New Age.

To do so, you must first proclaim your rightness of being to yourself. Which is starting to happen – deepening daily as most often indicated by your unwillingness to be the crowd pleaser you have been in 3D.

Allow yourself to have a few temper tantrums, a few angry words. You are breaking out of your 3D hiding place to claim you in the new more accepting place that is now 5D earth. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

February 26, 2018 at 9:53 am 33 comments

Relish Differences

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 9, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   Perhaps you feel your life has stagnated. Such will end in a few days once your physical being adjusts internally. Much like puberty, results for individuals occur at somewhat different times, but all will complete this phase. All you need do is flow with your changes knowing the dreams you now have are required for new you.

“When You’re Ready, Select the Easy Button” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are likely questioning yourself and those around you. “Who has the correct answer? Is there a correct answer?”

You have the correct answer for you, as is true for all. For there are as many correct answers as the number of beings involved in the solution.

So it is you are becoming more confused than you thought possible just a few weeks ago. You are starting to identify with those who think differently than you and yet you are maintaining your thought processes. How is such possible?

When you lived in fear, you needed to choose sides, to be on the winning side if possible, but most certainly not the losing side.

As you evolve, you open to flexibility and creative input. So the questioning of your rightness despite the thoughts of others is logical given how such opens you to the possibility of more than one answer to every question, to exploring a variety of thoughts instead of one solution dictated by you or someone you believe more important than you.

As is true of any continuum, when you move to the end of that continuum, you waver a bit before finding the middle. So it is you are beginning to question your judgment as well as that of others. Who is right – you or others?

All of you following your inner guides are correct. For this is the age of inclusion instead of exclusion.

You are discovering there is more than one answer to any question. A frightening concept for many. Before entering 5D, you, for the most part, negated self-responsibility as others informed you who and what you should be. If you moved outside those social parameters, you did so knowing you could return to the “right” actions if you felt like doing so.

A case in point is how radical young adults were in the 60s and 70s only to accept the life presented by their society of job, marriage, and family. Even though initially the Baby Boomers seemed revolutionary, they drifted into the same rightness of society as their parents and grandparents.

Now that you are in different times and a different being, the social parameters are fading away. Something you dreamed of when you were young if you are a Baby Boomer.

But now that your new reality of questioning everything, including yourself, is happening, you are frightened for who will tell you what is right or wrong. So it is you are learning to trust your inner guide and negate the social parameters you have followed for eons.

You can be anyone – who do you want to be? An amazing concept for even in the 60s and 70s, you most often achieved new thoughts through groupthink.

Now there is no group. So if you decide to protest something, there might or might not be a few like-minded entities. For you are doing so not to join a group but to highlight your inner calling. Something you have never before done while of the earth. So you might feel a bit lonely at first waiting for others to join your cause or direction.

That is not to say that you must stand on a box on a street corner proclaiming your new thoughts, but instead that as you progress further into 5D, you will find fewer beings exactly like you.

Even though this first stage of independence is frightening because it feels foreign and lonely, you will quickly adapt. The difference between 3D and 5D is you likely found others who thought and acted very similar to you – or to others of that society if you never felt as if you were part of society.

Differences are now going to be celebrated instead of hidden. Much like a business brainstorming session in which new ideas are generated to solve a problem. Even though most of those ideas will not come to fruition, all enjoy the group participation as each idea is discussed.

So it will be for you once you get over your immediate shock that you can enjoy the company of someone who does think or act as do you. You will even discover that some of their ideas ring true within you.

You are interacting differently than ever before. In 3D, a consensus was required before forward movement was generated. Now consensus will seem stale and uninteresting.

As you watch the news or talk with others, you will begin to allow new thoughts to enter your being. Thoughts that will help you create your new life. For if everyone were the same, there would be no need to transition to 5D independence.

Instead of being frightened of your new thoughts or actions, savor them as they help you move into new you with new thoughts and actions. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

February 12, 2018 at 9:11 am 11 comments

It’s Time to Negate Group Think

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 19, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Even though you new earth scout masters may feel somewhat comfortable with pain because that is what you know, you don’t need to experience much pain for you’re more than half-way along the pain/joy continuum. Those newly awakened are requesting aid from angels, beings from other dimensions and/or anyone they can tap for help – just as you did. You’re now a co-creator with those beings you once needed to lead you to your new life/begged for help.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Force is How NOT to Experience Creation”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Do not become enmeshed in what might happen during the energy bursts of the next two weeks. You are finding materials relaying what will happen to you – raising your expectations or fears. Or that all are affected – which is correct – but not necessarily as you expect.

You are a unique individual, as is every entity on earth. So beliefs that all will be affected in a similar fashion are illogical. The stars and you are shifting so you can claim your uniqueness. Such is not possible if you prepare yourself for a group event. April astrological events are not group activities.

Granted, more earth entities will open their hearts – even if just a bit. But how that sensation changes their life remains to be noted. Some may react in fear, anger, joy or hundreds of other emotions that are not necessarily what you experienced or are experiencing.

All of you have roles to play in this transition – and all have unique paths. So you will claim and process these new energies uniquely.You have been in group think for eons. It is time to negate group think.

There are no guidelines – especially those developed in the Old Age. We cannot tell you how you are going to change, if at all – anymore than you know. You fully accept that something may be happening to others, as well as yourself. But how you address that something is yet unknown.

Perhaps this thought is frightening for you were excited that hearts were opening – relying on your 3D model of what heart opening meant. A definition no longer valid.

This is not to frighten you, but instead for you to develop and grow as you wish.

Whenever you feel guilt of any level, know that such is part of your Old Age/3D world. For how can you feel guilt if you are creating your new path? That is similar to making an infant feel guilty for not walking when they do not yet understand what walking means.

For you to establish expectations of what you should feel during these April astrological events based on 3D astrological models is for you to feel emotions that have little to do with your path – and much to do with shoulds and have tos.

Perhaps you beg to differ – knowing that you and your friend are experiencing similar sensations during this time. Even though such may be true, it is unlikely. Think in terms of the number of experiences you have had on earth and other places forever. Then compare those experiences to those of your friend. Some will mesh, most will not. You are approaching new earth with your individuality so you can best fulfill the role you created before entering earth in this lifetime. And even that role shifted as you moved deeper into new earth.

Baby Boomers were to build a bridge to the New Age. Their children were to walk across that bridge. And their grandchildren were to destroy that bridge and live the new life. But the ever belligerent, derring-do of Baby Boomers circumvented their own predicted role. They not only helped create the bridge, but are now expecting to live in new earth during this lifetime.

No one knows how much further you will expand your creation skills in this lifetime. Perhaps these April astrological events will propel you far beyond what you anticipate. Perhaps you are in a rest period and will ignore these events for now – or forever.

Granted, hearts will be opening. But as is the case with your new unique being, no one, least of all someone outside of your being, can predict how you will shift in the next couple of weeks – much less the next few months. The energies are there and are beaming at stronger levels daily. But you do not have to jump on those beams if you chose not to, nor do you need to accept the full level beam.

Freedom to be means exactly that. Not freedom to be after an astrological or energy event, nor during. Perhaps the most appropriate way for you to approach any event from now on is to note that something is happening that may or may not affect you and to note to yourself the results. No one else really needs to know.

That last thought may appear a bit harsh. What is meant by that is anyone can predict that something is happening, but no one – including you – can predict how it will affect you. And for you to feel guilt or shame or less than because you do not feel anything or something quite different from general predictions is little different from the past when you applied newspaper astrological predictions when they fit what you already were feeling – or wanted to feel.

This is not a cookie-cutter new earth. But instead a dynamic earth that is shifting more rapidly and uniquely every day. There are no rules. There are no shoulds. There is only glorious you discovering yourself in all your brilliant beingness. Allow yourself to create the new you without parameters established by others – the parameters so important  in your 3D fear-based world If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2014, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


April 22, 2014 at 11:25 am 57 comments



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