Posts tagged ‘new age’

Remove Your Core Fear; Claim Your Super Powers

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 21, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You have the strength to explore and remove your core fear – the fear that allowed you to blend with humanity. Much like a wart you tried to rid yourself of only to have it return until the core or root is removed. 

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”New Job, New Role and Many Fears”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

The next few days might be trying. Not because you are returning to your Old Age being, but because you are moving into your new world.

You will find some issues you thought resolved coming to the forefront yet again. You now have the strength, energy and need to resolve your core fear or fears. We highlighted some exercises to do so during this week’s 15 minute, channeled Creation Energies show on

Now we wish to delve deeper into the emotional aspect of this core removal. You have hidden this fear so deeply that it is difficult for you to acknowledge, even to yourself, that you have such a fear. Yet almost daily now, that fear is exposed by those who lovingly agreed to do so before your entrance to earth in this life time.

The people you most fear or dislike are the people who agreed to help you explore your core issue. Something perhaps difficult for you to comprehend as you shake in fear or anger at their latest exploit – at the unfairness of their treatment of you and others. In truth, they are shaking you into knowingness.

Before your entrance to earth, you knew within every atom of your being that you were a star god or goddess. That you had skills humanity had not dreamed of.

But how could you acclimate to earth’s density with that knowledge? How could you experience fear, pain and anger if you knew it was a game that would end soon? How could you be so duplicitous if you wanted to experience earth as a human and help it transition from the inside? So you agreed to accept at least one core fear – your Achilles heel, if you will – so the true you could remain hidden on earth – even to yourself.

Throughout your life (and all your earth lives) that one – for some two – core issue repeated itself. Even though in the past few months, you have reduced that core fear greatly by peeling many layers, it is again raising its ugly head.

Perhaps you feel a bit like someone in remission from cancer only to have it reappear. You are exhausted. You feel as if you have done all that was asked of you and more. And so you have. But now you have an opportunity we did not know you would have in this lifetime. You now have the strength and the support to clear your core fear – the fear that allows you to be human and negate your star god/goddess capabilities.

Perhaps you wonder why as a star god or goddess you did not use your powers to circumvent that fear.

You objective upon entering earth was to be human. Your job, if you will, was to prove to yourself and others that you could shift the earth without the use of your super powers. And so you have. Now it is time for you to focus on you.

You no longer have to hide your powers or be a human filled with Old Age fears and angst. You have completed that journey in human form with human limitations. It is time for you to soar. Not as a human with extraordinary powers, but as a star god or goddess.

You cannot soar if you maintain the core fear that allowed you to be human.

How will you identify your core fear? Review your life and remember the actions or people who upset you most. Then sift through those moments to find the uniting fear. Perhaps it is freedom, abuse, lack of, security, worthlessness, responsibility or something entirely different. Only you know what your core fear is.

For those of you who have not yet studied your pattern of behavior, take a few moments to write what made you most angry in the past three weeks. That is your core issue.

Granted, your core issue might not be readily apparent to you. But we promise if you have the courage to look, we will provide clues to help you resolve your core issue.

Why do we not expedite the process by telling you what your core issue is? We are your guides, not your saviors. You are your savior – this is the New Age. You required saviors in the Old Age when you dummied down your powers to accept that others could or should control you. And you did so to fully explore the human experience.

The New Age has arrived. It is time for you to claim your true role of star god or goddess. Such is not possible if you continue to believe or accept that you are powerful except when someone taps your core fear. Because this is such an important – and unexpected we might add – development in your transition, you will be hit in your Achilles heel/core fear again and again until you – and only you – break that cycle.

You will do so by ending the contract with the person or persons who lovingly help you discover your core issue.

Many of you ask why this is the first you have heard of this. Why was this issue not discussed months ago?

You did not have the strength to explore your core issue before now. You have cleared so many pieces that your core issue is now ready for a surgically clean removal. And the Universes are sending energies to help you do so.

It is not that you will never again be angry at this person or that action. Merely that you will find less need to do so, or perhaps more to the point, care to do so.

You have so many joyful areas opening that your past core fear will not seem that important, as will be true for the people who brought that fear to the forefront for you. It is over. You are strong enough to remember who you are in all of your shining glory. Allow that to be.

No longer must you look, sound and be like others. You are not like any other entity in the Universes. Allow that to be. And then allow yourself to remove the core that continues to make you feel small or less than the glorious entity you are. It is time for you to say and experience, “Out damned spot!” and claim your god or goddess role. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2012, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: 



October 23, 2012 at 1:15 pm 28 comments

Claim the Freedom You Created

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 9, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at New inventions, entities, ideas and technologies will be introduced without long periods of adjustment, as has been true in the past. These new ideas and inventions are to create joy. They are not the work of a devil or similar fear-based thoughts.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”You’ve Cleared Your Fears – Move On”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

Today we will discuss an issue dear to many – how to find joy while experiencing a life of discomfort or pain.

Your life on earth is much more about Christmas is tomorrow, than a raging flood will destroy your home.

Many of you are tired of waiting for Christmas or joy. Perhaps you feel as if you have not completed all that is expected; you are a slow learner or that others have achieved what you desire but are incapable of achieving.

Let us address your current discomfort – for whatever else happens on earth, that which happens to you is of the greatest importance to you.

The New Age has arrived. And you were instrumental in bringing the New Age to earth and therefore, the Universes.

Please remember that the New Age was a process. It did not happen overnight and for many it is as if it never happened. Rest assured – the New Age has arrived.

But how you fit into the spectrum, that is the expanding New Age on earth, is your unique story. Some of you are reaping the benefits of your new life of joy. Others remain fixated on the quicksand that appears to be your daily life. You are thrown a log to pull yourself out of the quicksand; only to find yourself slipping back with the latest piece of fear in your life or those near and dear to you.

When will joy become a larger part of your life than the fear and chaos that seems to permeate everything you touch?

We wish you to stop and process your feelings for a bit. Then we wish for you to take three very large and deep breaths. For if you feel as if your life is chaotic and painful despite so many indicators to the contrary, it is time for you to emotionally distance yourself from those entities and objects that give you pain or fear. It is your choice to remain in fear.

We are not chastising you. We are merely telling you that you no longer need to live in fear. You are free. Your prison bars are gone. Fly away from whatever gives you pain. Allow yourself the freedom you helped create.

Many of you are thinking that you have obligations that cannot be set aside now or maybe forever. Those obligations are prison bars you established in the Old Age. They continue because you need them.

Let us be more explicit. Some of you opted to continue in the Old Age a bit longer than others. That is perfectly acceptable and commendable. If you are one of those entities, you are comfortable in your Old Age life despite the obligations that are part of that life. But if you are fighting the restraints that tie you to a life of pain and anger, you are imprisoning yourself needlessly.

You would not be interested in this blog or any information that discusses the joy of the New Age if you were not part of the advance movement into the New Age. So for you to blame others, to rave about your chaos or to feel as if you are not adequate is of your own doing. You are not helpless.

Others moving into the New Age comfortably are not your care takers, nor are they models of martyrdom. They are merely moving in the direction of joy as provided by their inner voice.

You have decided to travel a different, more painful road and wonder why it is painful.

That is not to say that those on the joy path do not maintain some fears; but that fear and related emotions are in the background and joy in their foreground. Those joyful entities also need to make a living, gather and prepare food, find shelter and move in the direction that feels right for them.

Many of you expect a guardian angel or similar entity to direct you to your joy. There is no guardian angel or entity who will override your autonomy. You are the director and key actor in your life. Your guardian angels are merely bit players who move you this way and that at times, but will never tell you what you need to do.

You are New Age young adults and it is time for you to claim your joy, to move out of the nest. You are responsible for your life. Again, we are not chiding you, merely reminding you that you must claim your New Age life. For no one will give it to you.

Let us be even more direct. If this blog makes you angry, it is because you are afraid or unwilling to claim your New Age role. Nothing more nor less. If you truly wished to remain an actor in the Old Age, you would not have found this blog.

Why are we so adamant about your need to claim your life? There is no time to process and ponder. There is no time to worry and scheme. You are either in or out.

Moving into the New Age is a process. For you, that process is over. There are many more who are still contemplating their decision for a variety of reasons. The difference between you and those who continue to contemplate is that you are unhappy and they are merely curious or oblivious.

You would not have received the calling to move into the New Age if it were not time for you to do so. That calling is your anger and feelings of hopelessness in your current life.

Those who have or are moving into the New Age are comfortably finding new joys and perceptions in their lives.

Those who are comfortable in their Old Age life have no need to change. The only entities living in discomfort are those of you trying to remain in both the New and Old Ages. It can no longer be done.

If you were comfortable in the Old Age, you would accept your lot and chaos gracefully as part of life.

If you were comfortable in the New Age, you would accept and expect a life of joy with limited chaos and much fun and laughter.

To be uncomfortable in both the Old Age and New Age realms means you have selected neither and so you have done the impossible – selected both.

If you are uncomfortable with pain and chaos, you belong in the New Age.

Allow yourself to move through your fears of the New Age. Allow yourself to accept joy. Most of all, allow yourself to be you and you will easily and quickly move into the joy that is the New Age. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.


September 11, 2012 at 4:30 pm 15 comments

No One Can Tell You Who You Are

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 5, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You are or soon will be sensing what people are feeling instead of what they are verbalizing. Your definition of love is also shifting to a more sophisticated model that will better allow you to move through veils and dimensions.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Happy Sparkling New Life to You!”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both may seem to be about a similar topic.

Special Event: Brenda is the Tuesday, August 7 , 8 pm (Eastern) guest on Rick O’Shields’  and Jean Victoria Norloch’s “Everyday Connections -Changemakers” show for


Dear Ones,

Many of you follow astrological predictions. Why is such information important? It is and it is not. As your earth and your being evolve, the astrological indicators of the Old Age have little bearing on what is occurring in your world.

At the same time, some of the astrological indicators hold true. The obvious question becomes, which indicators are right for your new being and which are not? Many of you are answering in unison – those indicators that feel correct – and so it is.

Have you ever read an astrological prediction in a newspaper and then read a somewhat different direction for the same day in another publication? Astrologers, like channelers and others who gather information beyond your current five common senses, are sifting their information through their data base. If that data base is limited, they will offer limited information. Let us explain a bit differently.

Everyone on earth at this time has filters that determine what they believe and who they believe they are. These filters affect the information they relay. For example, someone who is not interested in people, places or things would likely offer more limited information than someone who is the opposite. Those with limited information would not notice the nuances of an activity or action they had not experienced or studied. At the same time, someone more knowledgeable than you might provide information that does not seem correct to you as you might not understand their translation of events.

Such is neither right nor wrong, merely different perspectives of the same issue. Much like your politics. Those of the United States Democratic party are certain that the Republican party does not understand the world. The same is true of the opposite party. Given those extremes, would not a Democrat provide a different reading than a Republican? Neither is right nor wrong, just looking at the same issue – or for this example – the same astrological configuration from different perspectives.

Such is true of Old Age and New Age astrology – with a twist. Someone reading a chart with an Old Age philosophy might see doom and gloom in the current chaos. While someone with a New Age bent would see that same chaos as hopeful and joyful in the belief that structures need to fall before rebuilding can begin.

Does that last thought frighten you? If so, you are viewing the near future with an Old Age perspective. Such thoughts indicate you do not yet believe you are in control of your life. If you truly believed you create your world and life, you would know that the chaos will only touch those parts of your being you wish to study. Nothing more or less.

A great deal is happening astrologically, but such is necessary to create your new world. Think of the changes a woman undergoes to birth a child. With the number of physical and mental shifts required,  many women amaze themselves with their ability to withstand those changes and yet absolutely adore the result, their newborn. And so it is now. You are birthing a new world. And your physical, emotional and spiritual shifts will create something even more wondrous than a baby.

Again, how do you know which messages are correct for you? How do you know if you believe in the New Age – or more to the point for this example – that you are pregnant and producing a glorious newborn? Even though you have no historical perspective, you have an absolutely flawless compass – your inner-being.

Astrologers are only as accurate as their being, their knowledge-base. The same is true for channelers.

But you know what is right for you. You know if the information feels bright or makes you feel heavy and burdened. You are the decider of what information, beliefs and joy you wish to bring to your life. No one but you can define who you are. No one has more information about you than you.

Instead of thinking of astrologers, channelers, seers or anyone outside yourself as the controller of your being, listen to their information and use that which feels right and ignore that which does not.

But also know that the information that brings you joy may shift as you do. Information from a channeler may feel joyful today and boring tomorrow. That is how it should be. For indeed, as you shift so does the information your inner-being deems important for the next step in your transition.

One last note. If you are concerned about the chaos in your world, know that such is a necessary process. But chaos is not who you are. You are a wondrous creator who creates events and activities that best allow you to learn what you wish to learn. As you move into the New Age, you will create those events and activities on a conscious level. For now though, most remain subconscious creations.

Allow yourself to grow and mature. And as you do, so will your knowledge and skills. You truly are your own guru.  So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

August 7, 2012 at 1:36 pm 2 comments

You’re Ready for Joy College – The Eclipses are Over

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 8, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Your dimension selection (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or beyond) is your choice. Third dimension beings can travel to other dimensions – and always have been able to do so – it is just more difficult for third dimension beings. The earth is not splitting apart so you’re not loosing your loved ones. You’ll just have less in common with them.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Don’t Waste Your Daydreams”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about the same topic.

Dear Ones,

This is a difficult time for many because of your determination to do ‘it’ right.

You have devoted many lifetimes preparing for this transition. Now that it is here you want to be absolutely certain you are doing all you can to ensure its success.

This transition is already a success beyond anything you or we envisioned.

But many of you have morphed into the Old Age motif of work, work and more work. Even though such is no longer necessary.

Perhaps you believe work is required because others cannot see what you want them see. We beg to differ. No matter how you clean, dress, interact with your loved ones or diligently work on a project, everyone’s vision is changing. Those you wish to impress will see what they need to see.

Let us explain. Perhaps you are selling a house and feel the need to clean every corner. Your buyers do not see the corners, they are awestruck with the beauty of your home. You believe they care about minutia, while they are looking at the ‘big’ picture.

Those who want the environment you are ready to leave will sense that it is emotionally, spiritually and physically correct for them. Just as is true for you. For you to believe that they will not feel – merely see – your home, is for you to believe you have more skills than do they. That is not true. Granted, many have not yet acknowledged their new skill sets, but they are accessing them knowingly or unknowingly.

How does this concept apply to work, family, school and other segments of your daily physical life?

In the past, you needed to push or work to find a job whether your needs were the correct salary, environment or required skill set. To maintain that job, you often worked in fear not  joy. In your Old Age beliefs (and perhaps reality), one wrong step could end or negatively impact your job. You were on edge or in the flight mode of the fight or flight model.

If you have not yet experienced the shift, we will predict your future work world. You will accept employment in companies that feel right to perform a job that delights your being.

Those of you now feeling ‘stuck’ in an unpleasant situation, must decide how, if at all, you can create a pleasant experience; or if you need to find another environment that nurtures you emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Many believe such is not possible in this job market. We beg to differ. You have new skill sets and it is time to use them. Do you believe that there are no jobs available that would bring you joy? Or are you afraid to believe that such is possible?

Everyone is shifting. Perhaps your employer continues the punitive methods that terrify you. What encourages you to stay with such an employer? Money? Fear of lack of qualifications? No other jobs? Complacency?

All Old Age beliefs. Beliefs that no matter how difficult your life – it is better than nothing, or all jobs are the same, or you have to pay the bills no matter what the cost to your being.

Old Age beliefs you cling to despite hopes to the contrary. Anything or anyone who makes you feel less than you are  – “My house is not good enough.” “I am not a good employee.”  ” No other employer will ever want me.” “My spouse is the best I can find.” – are not New Age beliefs.

None of those fears are joyful – or even neutral. All make you feel less than the god you are. All are Old Age patterns that keep you swirling in pain and fear. Let them go. Let them be.

Now you wish to know how to let go of those fears for they seem real to you – and so they are.

Merely expect joy. Maybe that joy will happen within your corporate division. Or a new product line. Or a buyer will walk into your home and know it is perfect for him. Allow those joyful thoughts to flow.

Relax. Return to joy. Forget your fears. All will work out exactly as it is meant to for you. Does that mean you will remain at a company you  dislike for months or years? Only if you find joy in that company. Otherwise you will find another source of income that is joyful.

Many of you have time lines – this must happen by this day.

Remember you are powerful gods – your inner-being will direct activities in time frames that  are most correct for you.

Perhaps you need to stay at a company a bit longer to meet that someone who is going to change your life for the better. Or there is a new opening within the company. Or it is time for you to search for another job  KNOWING that you will find employment in a more loving environment.

Trust. Believe. Expect. That is your New Age life.

Trusting yourself to move into joy and away from fear in the way that is correct for you.

Those of you who enmeshed yourself in physical, emotional or spiritual fear during the recent eclipse cycle, have cleaned those corners. It is time to release, to accept and, most of all, to EXPECT that you are ready to move into joy.

Sometimes students are amazed they graduated given all they thought they did not know. Such is the case for you now. The corners are clean and your being is ready physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Allow yourself to accept and expect joy in all areas of your life – including your children, your employer, your significant others and any areas that have moved you to pain or fear in the past few weeks. It is over. You have graduated. You can do no more. You are ready to move to joy college.

Your only concerns now are what part or parts of your joy being  you wish to emphasize. Your Old Age fears are cleared and cleansed. You have graduated with honors. There are no more papers to write or fears to face.

Those of you who requested extra fear work during this eclipse phase have completed it. It is done. Now expect to live in joy and shift your belief patterns accordingly. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

July 9, 2012 at 4:14 pm 19 comments

Ease Dropped into Your Creation Lap

Channeled for by Brenda Hoffman

Summary of Brenda’s April 2, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This week’s energy will urge you to dream BIG – to raise your creation expectations.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for“Most of Your Sensory Skills Have Yet to be Discovered”

Dear Ones,

It is time to live in joy and peace. Such feelings are only possible when you accept your creation powers. Until you do, you will continue to accept that others are responsible for your joy.

You have graduated to more advanced creation skills. The energy bursts of this week – designed by your higher self and other interested beings – move you beyond your Old Age creation skills.

Many of you created in the Old Age with elementary skills. A bit like the first automobiles compared to those of today. Both vehicle designs transport you from place to place – the difference is the ease and comfort between then and now. So it is for you.

In 1910, automobiles were a miracle. Today, only those with the most ‘bells and whistles’ are.

The energies of this week consciously and subconsciously impart information into your being that allows and encourages you to create at a pace and level you have not yet experienced on earth.

Will you move from the automobiles of 1910 to today’s miracle models overnight in terms of creation? No. That would be too much for your physical being.  You will start your creation transition by easily moving from 1910 auto designs to those of the late 1930’s.

Perhaps such a promise does not seem that exciting – you wish to move more rapidly. Your physical being must adapt to the new energies at a pace that is right for you.

In truth, you cannot yet even conceptualize your new creation skills.

But then, you will not have to wait 80 years to realize your new creation skills – such will happen within months or weeks.

Some of you are crying not fair. How is this wait any different from the past? The key difference is the level of your creation skills. Think of creating 1910 automobiles over and over or jumping to an auto design of the late 1930’s. So it will be for you.

You are no longer repeating the creation skill level you accepted and expected in the Old Age.

We wish to briefly discuss your need for another human to complete you. That is not possible. In the New Age, you will want to feel complete within yourself. Once you are complete within yourself, you become a magnet for others of like-mind and interest. You will no longer want to meet your needs through anger, coercion, fear or manipulation.

Let us return to your creation of objects. Many of you have tried to create your dreams with 1910, if you will, blueprints. Such is no longer possible. For 1910 blueprints merely repeat 1910 designs. It is time to use new skills to create your New Age dreams.

Mantras, meditations, visualizations and other similar activities were part of your Old Age creation repertoire. Even though those activities continue to be delightful, they are no longer that helpful.

So what are you to do to create your dreams? Ah – that is the problem. You expect that you must ‘do’ something. Is not ‘doing’ an Old Age male characteristic? The New Age projects the female – whether you are male or female.

Female energy is allowing not forcing.

Perhaps you feel that this discussion is a male bashing exercise. It is not. It does not matter if you are a male or female human – you will be drawn to those characteristics considered more female than male such as peace, negotiating and open communications.

Neither human male nor female characteristics are good nor bad. Rather, you have completed the male characteristic course. You are starting a new course.

What do you need to do to create in the New Age? Nothing other than dreaming big and placing those dreams in your heart. Female dominated creativity is ease of movement.

You can continue with your mantras, visualizations and whatever other techniques feel comfortable. But such activities will have as much validity as an Old Age male becoming pregnant.

As of this week, you are a more advanced creator. Allow yourself to accept that. Allow your belief patterns to shift.

Creation is an extremely large piece of the New Age – you can not experience joy if you believe your joy is contingent on the actions of others. You are a unique person with unique interests and needs. Allow that thought to process a bit before you address your creation belief patterns.

How is it possible to create peace and joy using your tedious Old Age creation skills? How can we predict that your New Age society will be obvious in your current life if the requirements include patiently creating one object at a time with mantras and similar out-directed activities?

The New Age and ease are synonymous. This week’s energy is dropping that ease into your creation laps. Allow that to be. Allow yourself to explore your new creation skills and to discard the creation models you have used for eons.

Joy, peace, ease and fun – the only belief you need. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

April 3, 2012 at 5:27 pm 9 comments

Select Your Dimension Whenever You Wish

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 27, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on It is likely that your recent inability to concentrate, your “fogginess” is the lifting of your dimensional veils. This “Creation Energies” show teaches you how to tune to the dimension that best meets your needs. 

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at http://www.Life Tapestry ”We’re Amazed at Your Daring Do”


Dear Ones,

The shift now occurring is moving you from group to individual actions. Even though we discussed this during our radio show yesterday (www.BlogTalkRadio – Creation Energies), we wish better help you understand your direction.

Previous to the last few days, most of the energy bursts helped your Lightworker group move through many of your Old Age beliefs and actions. You have completed that piece of your dimensional shift.

Many of you feel as if you have Old Age areas that still need clearing. We did not expect you – nor did you before entering earth during this transition – to review and complete every aspect of your 3rd dimensional Old Age being. You do not time to do so during this rapid shift. Suffice it for you to know, now that you understand how you wish to transition, your being is shifting accordingly.

It is like taking a final exam in a difficult course and not feeling you fully understand the concepts of that course. Even though you receive an A or B, you think you do not know enough to apply that knowledge. That is, until you are in the work world and grasp how that course is a natural part of your life.

So it is for this transition. You have earned an A or B+ in your understanding of the concepts you are beginning to use in your everyday life. That is all you need to move forward. You understand more than you realize and you will easily adapt that understanding to your New Age life.

We also discussed yesterday that it is time for you to assume responsibility for selecting the correct dimension. You are fully capable of doing so. You merely have to tune in to that station, that dimension.

We wish to move a few steps further into that process. Many of you have concerns that you will not select the correct dimension or that the correct dimension will allude your tuning abilities. It is time to trust your being. For indeed, we have primed you in the past months to assume responsibility for your being.

It is no longer appropriate to pray to others or to expect messages of caring and concern from those outside yourself. Perhaps that thought makes you angry. Not because you are not capable of creating your own life, but because your belief patterns are that someone – parents, teachers, politicians, God, angels, those from other planets and dimensions – is taking care of you.

That is not to say that those outside yourself have forsaken you – you are all one – but that you are now a young adult who must move away from home. Even though those words may appear disharmonious, those words are much more harmonious than Old Age messages. Let us explain.

You are one part, one cell of the whole. But you are not the whole. So it is not appropriate for you to believe that eye cells know what is best for you if you are a fingernail cell. You and your compatible cells are the entities that best understand your needs and direction. To further expand that thought, if some of your compatible fingernail cells have been overtaken with a fungus, they would not function as you do – so again, they would not fully understand your needs and direction.

Until now, you have requested assistance from the entire body even though not all parts of the body understood your needs. But then, you were not moving in the smaller arenas you have now transitioned to. It is if someone decreed that all Caucasian men born in California in 1989 will like something. Many will, but others in that demographic will think quite differently.

When we first helped you move into your New Age role, we started with broad strokes similar to trying to understand the needs of all Caucasian men born in California in 1989. We have now adjusted our message to all Caucasian men born in Lodi, California in 1989. We will refine that information until it is similar to one Caucasian male born in a specific house, on a specific street in Lodi, California in 1989.

It is time for you to take responsibility for yourself. There is no longer someone out there responsible for your transition or role. Even though your role is an important piece of the whole – as a fingernail is to the body. You are not a skin cell. You are a unique body cell with unique needs and directions. It is time for you to claim yourself.

Another apt analogy is that most elementary school children find a variety of subjects interesting. By the time those same children enter the work world, they will have refined those interests to a job in a particular field.

You are no longer in elementary school. You have graduated from college and are ready to enter the work world. Take responsibility for your decisions and direction. No one understands your needs better than you. You are a New Age adult. Accept and glory in that. And move forward in anticipation of the wonderful directions you are about to pursue. So be it. Amen.      If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button in the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

February 28, 2012 at 12:05 pm 7 comments

You Are More Unique Everyday

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Special Event: Brenda will be the featured guest on Michael Quinsey’s (Michael channels SaLuSa) “Connecting the Light” Friday, December 2nd show at 5 pm Eastern Standard Time and 2 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Summary of Brenda’s November 14, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on Not all of you are shifting at the same pace. Some of you are shifting in your sleep, others in your wake state. Don’t be surprised if rage or other unusual emotions appear – you remain human despite the transition.

Dear Ones,

Much was channeled about the after effects of 11/11/11. Yes, the energies shifted and those of you, who grabbed the transition energies, changed. But you are still you.

Think how you felt before personal computers were introduced in the 1980’s; and how each upgrade changed your interactions with others.

You are now more likely to access information via the internet than visiting libraries. You also probably send fewer letters. Minor changes in your mind, but major in terms of how your society shares information.

The same is true now for the earth and you personally. The new earth and ascension are merely terms to help you understand the magnitude of the shift you are undergoing. Neither term is correct in a physical sense.

You continue with your life. Granted, the veils of uncertainly about other dimensions in the Universes are lifting. But that does not mean you will turn blue, become a glowing ball of light or any vision that indicates you will be other than who you are.

Your role is to combine your physical and spiritual beings. That is not possible if you become a light body before your “death” in this lifetime or if the earth divides into the new earth and old earth.

Your emotions are shifting, as are your physical needs. But that does not mean you will become something or someone else. As you add more slivers to your being – pieces of yourself that were not part of your former lives on earth because attention to detail was not required – you will merely be more present on earth allowing you to sense and see more.

You cannot change from a human to a cow or a ball of light in this lifetime for your role is to anchor the earth.

How does this information relate to discussions of a new earth or ascension? Your world is the new earth and becoming more so everyday. But that new earth is more about your perceptions, than the “terrible” parts of earth will be somewhere else. Or that millions will ascend to somewhere in the sky.

How can you be a wayshower on earth for those who have not yet awakened, if you are floating in another environment?

The earth is shifting – as you are. But the two are shifting as one entity, and not splitting off so that those now not on the same “wave length” are forced to suffer the pain of earth. For leaving those who are not of like mind behind, is much like the image of hell created by your religious groups. Or that certain groups of humans and other entities are not eligible for this transition – again, much like your religious beliefs that there is only one true religion.

This transition is about inclusion not exclusion. Everyone on earth at this time is able to move into this New Age.

Some will opt not to take part. That is fine. You will just have less interest in interacting with them as they moan and groan about how terrible their life is. The separation will be of emotional and philosophical difference, not a physical divide.

Inclusion not exclusion will bring peace and love to your world. Let us define that thought a bit. Include those in your life who feel comfortable. Review the thoughts of those who do not. If you see some merit in their thoughts – adopt those thoughts. If not, merely interact with others.

Even thought appears simple, the reality during this transition period is more difficult. There are those you find so irritating you cannot  listen to their thoughts. Which is little different from you wondering why they do not grasp the philosophies that are so right for you.

There will be some who offer no insight for you – as has always been the case. That is not wrong, merely following your interests. For example, some of you love camping and others dislike doing so. That does not make the campers bad and the non-campers good – merely different. And if you are a non-camper, it is highly unlikely that you will interact a great deal with avid campers.

Let us be more philosophical. If you are a liberal surrounded by conservatives, does that make you good or different? Would it not be somewhat interesting to learn why someone is such an avid camper or conservative? Ignore the media hype – what makes that person interested in that arena? Can you learn anything? Do you respect that person for their thoughts? Or are their interests so different you find them boring?

That is the key. Not that someone is good nor bad, but do their interests bore you? Which is no different from knowing if chemistry or social services is of interest you. And so it is for the new earth.

Divisions of people on the new earth is not about those who believe in love and joy and those who do not – everyone on earth is programmed to move to love and joy. Some just opt not to do so at this time. Such does not make them terrible – just on a different learning track.

Those of you who opt to move into the joy and love of the new earth/New Age will access more and different information than is true for those who do not. Which is no different from those who refuse to use a computer and those who find great joy in doing so.

That is the new earth. Moving in the direction that defines love and joy for you. Opening yourself to new ideas; selecting those that give you joy and ignoring those that do not.

That philosophical division is becoming easier for those of you who have elected to be part of the New Age. For indeed, that is the direction in which your world and Universes are moving. You are of the forward trend group. Which is no different from noting that horses were an extremely important part of your society only 150 years ago.

Those of you waiting for the bells and whistles to proclaim the New Age has arrived and you are part of it, merely need to track how your love is evolving. Even though your physical being cannot shift overnight, it is shifting – and at times, such as 11/11/11, shifting exponentially. Your inner physical being is changing – more DNA strands are awakening, more slivers of your totality are being added and your structure is becoming more crystalline.

But you are still you and will be until you exit the earth in this lifetime. You merely are adding more exploration and comprehension tools – similar to what happened once you discovered the joys of the internet. The internet was your test run for your new beings. Even though you do not wish to explore every item on the internet, you will find that new people and activities interest you.

You are a new you – and becoming more unique everyday. But that does not mean you will float into space. You will merely find new joys – just as was true when you left home. Did the computer age change you? Yes and no. So it will be for you now.

You will be more flexible, joyful and loving – as you move more deeply into the New Age. And by doing so, you will become a role model, trail blazer and wayshower for others who wish to enjoy their life on earth in this lifetime. So be it. Amen.   If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe to blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.


November 16, 2011 at 3:00 pm 7 comments

Communications are Now Internal Contracts With Others

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Overview of 8/8/11 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show: We are shifting internally this week to help with the unveiling of our 12-strand DNA. Those who choose not to transition in this lifetime will notice a glow about us. Those transitioning will not necessarily see the glow, but will sense it.

Special Event: Saturday August 20, 2011 at 3 pm to 4 pm Eastern time; noon to 1 pm Pacific time, Brenda and Dee Wallace (actress in 125 movies including the role of mother in the movie, “ET”) will be the guests of radio show host Carl Helvie, Ph.D., on “The Holistic Health Show”. Please join us.


Dear Ones,

Communication sharing is the piece you are opening this week. Will you be able to communicate with others without words? Yes and no. Even though you will continue to rely on your words for the present, you now have a method of communications that is more reliable than has been true in the past.

All interactions are an exchange – whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

In the past, fear blocked most of your need for an equal or any type of exchange. Perhaps you have attended functions in which you initiated conversations that ended as soon as you stopped asking questions or as soon as your companion felt the need to find the buffet.

Such interactions will take on more meaning. You will no longer be that interested in interacting with others who do not wish to complete an internal contract with you. If you no longer have the need to be a victim or a caretaker, why would you feel the need to spend time with another human who does not feel the need to give you anything in return?

Perhaps you are confused for your society has encouraged such interactions by creating terms such as “small talk”, “little white lies” and “chit chat”. If such conversations feel complete, a sharing has occurred. But if you are bored – one of the best words to describe an non-interaction – you will know your communication partner is not internally involved.

If you were speaking to someone who was not engaged, you most likely felt that there was something wrong with your conversation (victim), instead of that your inner-being was informing you that your partner was not engaged.

Perhaps your conversation partner said all the correct words, but their words did not match their body expressions or you did not know how to “bounce off” them in conversation. You said something and they did not respond. Or you said  something and their response was flat leaving you with nothing to attach to. Communication is more than words.

After this week, many of you will begin to notice that you no longer feel the need to communicate with those who do not share their heart/being with you. Are those who do not share your interests bad? Not at all. Merely that communicating because you should, not because it feels right is no longer something you will necessarily care to do.

Societal niceties are falling by the wayside as you move into your true being. Why would you wish to spend time talking with someone because you feel you should, even though they are not reciprocating with feelings or are draining your emotional/physical/spiritual being?

Perhaps they wish to remain in the third dimension. Or perhaps they are pre-occupied with an issue that has nothing to do with you. It does not matter. You will no longer wish to “carry them” just because you should.

Does that mean you will interact with fewer people? No. Merely that you will demand internally to communicate with those who wish to share feelings – to truly communicate with you. Even if that communication is a smile and a nod, you will feel an inner interaction. Small talk for the sake of small talk is no longer part of you easy repertoire. You will demand substance and therefore, will receive it.

Substance is sharing. Chit chat with no meaning is no longer worth your effort no matter how well you have perfected the art. Let us describe what will happen after this week. Your communication partner may say, “I am so happy.” You will sense through your inner-being that their statement is false. It is then your responsibility to either respond with, “Are you happy?”-  or to exit the conversation. For those who wish to remain in the third dimension will not appreciate you sensing their being. Another example is that someone continues to pursue a relationship with you via conversations that leave you drained. That is not a sharing or loving conversation – it is a caretaker interaction.

You might respond that you must continue to interact with certain people because you work for or with them or they are relatives. Continuing to interact with those people despite your feelings of discomfort is as much a victim stance as any other you can envision.

Allow yourself to be in all of your inner honesty. Protect your being from those who wish to continue in the victim/caretaker roles they are so comfortable with. All you have to do is to question the validity of their statement, end the conversation or exit situations that force you to be someone you are not.

Many of you are feeling pressured by this information. You thought this shift would be mean moving into a joyous new life with few, if any, changes. That is not a shift, it is merely a look at the new earth/New Age and jumping back to your old life of fear.

For those of you who have already established a community of joy and love – whether or not that community verbalizes new earth concepts – this transition into open communication will not be that noticeable. But those of you who have continued to hope that your life will not change as you move into the New Age, may be surprised at how difficult your communications will be after this week.

Allow yourself to be and you will move into the joy you have long hoped for. Allow yourself to remain in the Old Age, in whatever format that takes,  and you will remain in the Old Age despite your hopes to the contrary. So be it. Amen.        If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of my subscription page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

August 9, 2011 at 12:25 pm 4 comments

Political and Global Upheavals are All About You!

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Overview of July 24 “Creation Energies”, 15-minute, channeled show: It is time to release the belief that life is linear – it is circular and never-ending. Falling off is not possible. This new energy allows us to create without special prayers or meditations.

Special Event: Monday August 1 at 11 pm Eastern Time (8 pm Pacific), Brenda will be a guest on the BBS “Angels Are Near Us” show hosted by Linda F. Torres. Please feel free to tune in.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are watching in amazement as United States politicians fight for the right to spend the money of their citizens. Others remain horrified by the recent shooting spree in Norway. Others are excited about the political possibilities in the Far East and Africa. And still others are collecting their thoughts and lives after the latest natural disaster. 2011 is not a calm year.

Most of you reading these materials have concerns and issues, but not at the depth expected given the negativity and fear reported daily in the media. You have a subconscious – maybe even conscious – feeling that all is well. Despite indicators to the contrary – floods, volcanoes, political upheaval, financial crises – you feel that your life will not only continue, but will be better in the future than was true in the past. How are such feelings be possible?

Do you remember when you were clearing your emotional fears how joy did not seem possible? Both the earth and society are now at that place – but you no longer are. Your willingness to move through your personal pain, anger and fear has allowed both society and the earth to now do so.

When you were in your darkest place, would you have ever believed that you could survive a similar process in society and on earth at the same time? Yet, do you not now have glimmers of sunshine throughout your being?

Oh, some of you continue to be angry at politicians or other outer-directed power holders – but not to the extent you would have been even six months ago. You have evolved. And so will your society and the earth.

What makes today or even this week noteworthy? Do you remember when you were at your lowest ebb? Perhaps you contemplated suicide. Or maybe you did not even care enough to think of ending your life – you just existed. Your society is at that point and will be for the rest of this week. Your politicians just want to survive the day – they do not care what others are feeling or thinking.

A similar stance will also soon be noted in the church, the medical and corporate worlds and any other outer-directed institution. For the shifts your politicians are undergoing – whether in the United States or the Far East – will affect all aspects of your society. Is not much, if not all the dissension including murder, about the worth of humanity? Ah – now you are beginning to understand.

During your deepest days of fear, you reviewed your value to yourself and the world. “Why does anyone care if I am alive? Why do I care if I am alive?” Your politicians are answering that question globally – who is important and who is not.

Perhaps you feel that allowing your politicians to answer such questions is terrifying. Let us reassure you that just as you came out of that deep hole of despair into the joy of life, so will your society via the movements of your politicians. We are not telling you that a particular vote will occur this week or that new governments will be created. Rather, that the politicians will begin to shift their thinking from personal ideology and need to a global consciousness. Just as was true for you after you determined your value.

Throughout the world, the people are beginning to direct the focus of their governments, churches and corporations. You might feel as if little or nothing is shifting. But in truth a tsunami of love and inner-power is washing away the corrupt and personal agendas of those who believe they are in power. It is impossible for anyone, including you, to be in a personal prison if you do not wish to be there. Note the number of political leaders who supposedly hold your dreams captive. Which group has the larger number – those in power and control or those who put them there?

As politicians throughout the world start fearing that they will lose power unless they agree to the needs of the people, their power base, direction and inner thoughts will change.

Such change will not happen overnight – maybe not even within the next few weeks, but it has started in waves of discontent that will topple the structures of government, churches, the corporate world and any other institution designed to hold power for a few to the detriment of the majority.

Are we discussing a revolution? No. Rather an awakening of an individual’s worth. Those who value their being will no longer give their power and their life to someone who does not believe in love, joy, peace and harmony.

Let us explain. We have promised you love, peace, joy and harmony. Such feelings are beginning to bubble within you. That, in turn, has forced you to look at those institutions that do not display similar beliefs or patterns. How can you be part of an ideology of fear when you are moving into love? And so it is that you – the people – will change your government, your churches and the beliefs of society.

Of course, those few institutions that do not wish to move into the New Age/new earth will continue. They will be populated by those people who are not interested in the New Age/new earth. But such institutions will not affect you – you have different interests and directions.

An analogy might be that there are several majors areas of study at your University, but you are not concerned about how difficult the mechanical engineering final exams are because you are an English major. You might even study next to a mechanical engineering major – but her exam does not alter your life or add to your stress. You are in different fields (or dimensions) and thus have different directions.

Allow your outer-directed power holders and the earth to find their balance – their harmony. Just as you allowed yourself to do so. This transition is not all about you – yet, it is all about you! So be it. Amen    If you would like to receive my free, channeled blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of my subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

July 27, 2011 at 12:10 pm 4 comments

You Aren’t the Standard 10% Human

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Overview of Brenda’s July 18 “Creation Energies” 15-minute, channeled, show: Our personal transitions shift created the earth’s shift – which in turn radiates into the cosmos. Humans used to operate at about 10% of their total being. This transition is increasing that percentage.

Dear Ones,

Let us begin by addressing an issue that is difficult to describe given the language limitations we sometimes feel.

Your personal transition started when a few cells of your being determined that their internal clocks were ready. In turn, those cells woke up or transitioned other cells until the being you were on earth began the process that would eventually welcome the New Age to earth and thereby, the cosmos.

This process was completed by you with little personal knowledge of your part in the transition. You continued to breathe,  work and care for your children. All the while, your being was transitioning the earth to the New Age through the subconscious thoughts of you and millions of others on earth. Such was true because you programmed yourself to do so at a specific time before your birth.

In turn, your transition shifted the earth into the birthing process you see and feel daily – volcanoes, droughts, mudslides, fires, unusual rain patterns – all indicators that the earth is undergoing an upheaval and birth similar to what many of you have experienced or are experiencing. Such upheavals are often not pleasant,  but are a clearing process that allows both you and the earth to transition into higher dimensions and greater joy.

We, including your being before birth on earth and before this transition, thought your role would be to introduce the New Age subconsciously – a tremendous achievement – and thus help the earth shift. We are as amazed as you that you continue to shift – and that your shift has become conscious.  As a result, more parts or slivers of your being are joining your earth body daily.

In the past, we noted that you expanded your total being to allow you to negate many personal beliefs including victim and care taker roles. In truth, your being has increased dramatically from the 10% standard that has described earth beings for eons. Even though a few managed to unite a larger percentage of their being prior to this New Age, they so astounded other humans that they were labeled gods or super beings. Most of you reading this have surpassed the level of those formerly labeled super beings by uniting your various parts scattered throughout the Universes.

Perhaps you are thinking that such beings walked on water, saved civilizations, created technological miracles and performed other “unworldly” activities – none of which you expected to do on earth in this lifetime. Then your cells started activating, creating and doing whatever other activities necessary to push you beyond the limits we (including you) thought possible. As was true of the baby boomers in the 1960’s and 1970’s, you continue to push the envelope of possibilities.

You have done so to the extent that you are now as capable as some of the first recorded gods or space visitors on earth. Yes, the special beings pictured in caves and tombs. Those gods for which myths were created. Those gods that arrived from the sky and had feelings and acted upon those feelings.

Ah. Now you are beginning to understand. What if those gods were merely enhanced humans as you have become or are rapidly becoming? Do you get angry sometimes? Do you like to play? Did the gods of yesterday also have feelings? How would a caveman describe you versus how your neighbor or friend might do so? If you jumped out of an airplane in front of a cave with your silver suit, oxygen mask, laptop, and cell phone, what would a caveman or woman think? “Ah, here’s a new neighbor.” or “This is a god.”

You no longer are shifting subconsciously. Somewhere in the last few months, you have decided to shift as much as you can in this lifetime and still keep your physical being. You have done so by continuing to bring in the splinters of you floating and living throughout the Universes. We now project that you may reach 50% on earth in this lifetime. But given your interest in expanding and your intriguing ability to more and more rapidly create a new being, we do not know if 50% is your end point.

You have moved at an extremely rapid pace. What we find amazing is that you assume this is only the beginning. You seem to have reached the point where you innately gather more pieces of you as soon as you feel energized enough to do so. We initially stated that baby boomers would build the bridge to the New Age; their children would walk across it and their grandchildren would blow it up.

As rapidly as you are crossing the bridge, we wonder how long that structure will remain standing. For indeed, your grandchildren have no need for a bridge. Each generation passes much of their knowledge through their genetic structure. So even though your grandchildren may have been born several years before you consciously engaged in the New Age, your genetic structure of New Age acceptance and excitement was passed to your grandchildren at birth.

We expected your grandchildren to glory in the New Age. Your ongoing acceptance and expansion is the joy and excitement we – who are observing in amazement – are feeling as you wake each day fully expecting to be greater than you were yesterday. And so you are.

There is one piece we must yet address. Many of you, including Brenda, are wondering why the skills attached to your expanding New Age being are not readily available by anyone interested. Your expansion is much like a newborn who is unable to put the physical, emotional and intellectual pieces together to walk. As you expand your being, you increase your skills. At the same time, you must adjust your physical being to the possibilities.

Some of you have already mastered the skill of time travel. Others of you can see things others cannot. All standard package items of the New Age you. But as you continue to expand your being, you also need to allow time for your physical body to adjust – just as a newborn cannot walk for a few months. And just as some infants crawl before others. So it will be for your new skills.

Do not fret. The skills will be accessible by you when it is right for your physical being. Do not compare yourself to others as is true for some mothers who glow if their infant is the first to walk in the neighborhood. Does a mother’s pride matter to the infant? Not at all. All of the neighborhood infants will walk eventually. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of my Subscribe Page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

July 20, 2011 at 3:39 pm 8 comments

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