Eclipses, Solstices, Full Moons – Oh My!

June 21, 2011 at 4:57 pm 6 comments

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Overview of this week’s “Creation Energies” 15-minute, free, channeled radio show on We’re now able to “flit” between dimensions – which is no different from selecting an AM radio station instead of FM.

Dear Ones,

So much has happened to you in the last few hours that it is somewhat difficult for us to know where to begin. You are ripping and roaring through these transitions in a fashion far beyond anything we envisioned for you or with you.

Many of you are sensing, seeing or feeling sensations and entities you did not think possible a few weeks ago. Each of you reading these materials has shifted dramatically. But that shift happened in such a way that you have not necessarily noted the changes – similar to the temperature extremes many of you experience every year. Is it not true that a 40 degree Fahrenheit day in North Dakota in July is very cold? Yet, a 40 degree F day in North Dakota in January is a heat wave? Do you not acclimate every year to both heat and cold in gradual increments?

Which is what has happened to you in the last few days. You have more capabilities, more sensory perceptions and perhaps even somewhat different behavior patterns. But because those changes happened at a pace correct for you, you have not necessarily noticed that they occurred.

You were born into the third dimension of reality (Words such as the third dimension are not necessarily correct, but because they help you sift through the information we offer, we will continue to use them for a bit). Those of you reading these materials have since shifted into the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions. But because you have so gradually, you are not aware of the shift.

This is not a race to determine who can stay in the sixth dimension the longest. But an explanation to help you understand your new skills and interests. Each dimension you move through will shift your perceptions, actions and thought processes. That which was once fun, may now seem tedious. That which was boring, might now seem exciting. We cannot tell you how the shifts have affected you – but you have changed.

To decide what dimensional level you are most comfortable at or on, you merely need to ask your inner being and you will know.

Even though you may be most comfortable in the sixth or the fourth dimension, you will hop around a bit so some hours you will be in the third dimension and others in the sixth dimension. There is nothing that stops you from moving from one dimension to another.

The easiest way of describing your dimension hopping skills is to transport you to Europe. Countries in Europe are clearly delineated by language and culture. Yet nothing technically separates the countries. Those of you who have visited or lived in Europe probably have a favorite country. So it is for you now. You can easily move between the dimensions – that is the gift the Universes have given you in the last few months – but you will find your favorite dimension, the one most correct for you.

Because the boundaries between the dimensions are fluid, you may start your day in the fourth dimension, jump to the sixth and then complete your day in the third. Have you grown or shifted if you do so? Most definitely.

Prior to the last few years of energy shifts, you allowed yourself glimpses of the sixth dimension, but believed that the fourth dimension was as far as you could travel in the heavy earth atmosphere. You did not allow yourself to dimension hop because you wished to fully experience the third dimension. You have completed that task. If you had allowed yourself to dimension jump, do you think you would have felt as much pain lifetime after lifetime? Remaining solidly in the third dimension was an ingenious game plan you helped create. That game is over.

Now you need to dimension jump to get access to different pieces of your being and to function in the New Age. To find your place in this new world/New Age, you need to discover your “home” dimension. Will you live in France or Italy – knowing that you can travel to the countries/dimensions you did not select at any time.

Your task this week is to discover your home dimension. Are you most comfortable in the fourth dimension? That is fine. You can visit the other dimensions when you wish, but your decisions, behaviors and thoughts will be fourth dimension based.

All we can tell you is that the third dimension is no longer your home base. You need to determine where you belong, what skills/languages are part of that home base and to start learning those skills/languages. But such skill/language development is for another blog.

Suffice it to know that you no longer live in the third dimension. You can visit the third dimension when you wish, but as you become more acclimated to your home base, you will have less interest in doing so. Such a visit will be like trying to solve a problem with an old, extremely large computer that requires punch cards in the correct sequence to solve that problem. Are  you not much more comfortable pulling out your laptop at a coffee shop and solving dilemmas as you sip a cup of coffee? And so it will be for you as you discover your dimensional home base.

We wish to add one last thought. It is possible – even probable – that today you will feel most comfortable in the fourth dimension, but within weeks, months or years, you will evolve to higher dimensions.

In this lifetime and this New Age all dimensions are available, but the likelihood of any of you moving beyond the sixth dimension does not have a high probability. But then, we never thought you would open yourselves to the sixth dimension.

You are indeed beautiful soaring eagles discovering your direction and your life. This is the Age you have waited for. So grasp a piece here and there knowing that your goal is not reaching the highest dimension, but finding your greatest joy. So be it. Amen.


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Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Not Everyone Wants You to be Joyful You Will Likely Experience an AHA in the Next Few Days

6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Karen Mead  |  June 21, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    what a gift of information – this post explains so many things, especially the wild ride I feel I am on. Dimension jumping – a brand new skill! Thanks Brenda for allowing this to come through.


    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 21, 2011 at 10:03 pm

      Dear Karen,
      I found this week’s radio show and channel fascinating too. Changes so many thoughts and perspectives for me – and I hope for others as well.


  • 3. Jay  |  June 21, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    This dimension shifting makes so much sense. I wonder if that’s what’s been going on with an issue I’ve been dealing with since the astrological Grand Cross last August – panic attacks, anxiety and very high blood pressure. Panic attacks and most of anxiety are gone. I thought the fear, etc. was 3rd dimension stuff. I’ve done a lot of inner work. Still high BP. I’ve gone to an MD. All tests are fine. I’m taking meds, – helped a little(3rd dimension?) I’ve done countless energy medicine modalities -and worked with many healers/practitioners. They all helped a little (4th dimension?) then I’ve gotten caught in fear and disappointment(3rd dimension?). then I align with well-being (4th or 5th dimension?)The BP numbers went down a bit now they’re spiking again with the eclipses and the solstice. It’s like 2 steps forward and one back.

    I’m somewhat befuddled. Am I jumping dimensions until I anchor in a higher dimension long enough to eliminate the 3rd dimension condition? I’m trying to buy time to get anchored in well-being, so at my next doctor’s visit, she doesn’t add more meds, which I’m wanting to get off of- cause they make me loopy. Then I ask: Is my “issue” related to energy centers in the brain opening up and our bodies changing and getting acclimated to the dimension shifts?

    I’ve asked these questions of myself and others countless times. . Is anyone else having these kinds of symptoms? Haven’t really gotten a clear answer.


  • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 21, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    Dear Jay,
    I really don’t have the medical background to answer your questions about your blood pressure. I just know that I’ve been jumping between dimensions for some time and was not aware that I was doing so until this week’s channel. I guess most of us thought you were in one dimension or another – the old 3rd dimension linear thinking. Dimension jumping is an entirely new thought process.


  • 5. April  |  June 22, 2011 at 11:51 pm

    Brenda, I really loved reading your blog. I know that after I lost my husband 6 years ago, I experienced something quite beautiful at the most difficult time of my life. I felt I was vibrating very high and experienced a lot of stuff. Just recently I have actually FELT different vibrations/dimensions. The more free I feel the higher I rise. The more I dream, the higher I rise. But like you said, I wake up feeling “Wow” Then by the end of that day, I am back down, wishing I was back up. lol. I thought I was going nuts, but I kinda knew what was happening, but had a hard time putting it into words. When I read your blog, I was like, “that’s it” Thank you. 😉


  • 6. lifetapestrycreations  |  June 23, 2011 at 10:36 am

    Dear April,
    I’m so happy that my blog is helping you. I always ask/pray before I channel both my radio show and blog that I receive information that will be the most loving and helpful for all who read/listen including me.

    I am sorry about your husband – my first husband died in 1981…and at times I still miss him. But like you, I felt something wonderful about his death. I knew somehow that he had accomplished all that he wanted to on earth in that lifetime and it was time for me to explore life on my own.

    You have to be very proud of yourself for knowing and feeling that the death of your husband was a “growth” experience. Isn’t it amazing how sadness and joy can be so intermingled at times?



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June 2011