Are You a Tree or A Butterfly?

October 17, 2011 at 5:10 pm 18 comments

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of this week’s free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” on You are moving away from the box that contained your being for eons and creating a more liquid / gaseous form. 

Dear Ones,

This has been an extremely chaotic week for many of you. Perhaps your life felt as if it was torn apart.

You hoped this transition would be easy. Such is not reality for a number of reasons – you are transitioning physically, spiritually and emotionally, while maintaining your daily life in a third dimensional world.

But perhaps these past few days were beyond the depth of any transition you have felt for some time. As your world gets closer to the final transition/new earth/ascension state, you are finding corners that were hidden from your dust mop. Some of you decided to move at a more leisurely pace and are cleaning the corners in bits and pieces. Others have decided to do so all at once. Those of you traumatized in the last few days or weeks are of the “all at once group.”

You cannot  ascend or shift to the fifth dimension with dusty corners. You have already cleared your rooms or you would not be interested in reading these materials. But in the past few days, you have found the need to return to those rooms to either start or completely clean the corners.

Do you have more corners/ more pain to process in this lifetime? Those of you who cleaned all your corners, have very little left to clean. If you are of this group, you felt as if your life was tossed upside down. Those of you mildly disturbed in the last few days or weeks, probably have more corners to clean – but you will do so at a leisurely pace and with minimal disruption.

If you cleaned your corners all at once, you have done so to expedite your ascension to the new earth. There are several ascension layers. First, scout masters/wayshowers/explorers will move into action. Followed by the wagon masters who create the wagon train of pioneers traveling along the path created by the scout masters. The land – your fifth dimensional being – will be settled. But not all of you have the same role. If you are a pioneer, your corners will be cleaned a bit more slowly than is true for the wayshowers/scout masters.

What is ascension? It certainly is not a group of young people dressed in white robes floating in space as is most often portrayed in your religious pictures. Ascension merely means that you will be moving into a different dimension – perhaps even next to, but not interacting with someone of the third dimension. Even though ascension is not a literal word, it best describes movement from the third to the fifth dimension given that your current measurement system holds the “truth” that five is greater than three.

We do not wish to discuss the physics of your new dimension. But we will point out that ascension is a movement into a different dimension, not a different height or level.

The new earth is where you will live as you ascend into the fifth dimension. Will it be a physically different earth than you now experience? That is yet to be determined. Perhaps you will decide to remain of the earth you now know despite the physical changes that are and will continue to occur. Others of you will create a new earth. So the correct answer to your question is yes and yes. There will be a new earth and the current earth will continue.

How is this possible? Let us first direct your attention to the current earth. Have you ever walked by a certain area many times and not noticed a feature that is obvious once you see it? So it will be for those of you who choose to stay of the current earth. You will be surrounded by third and fourth dimensional entities, but you will not necessarily see them. A bit like cells. You know that your body is composed of cells, but those cells are not visible without a microscope.

Others of you will opt to move to the new earth. No third or fourth dimensional entities will be living on that body.

Why would anyone decide to stay on the current earth? There are many reasons why you might select one earth instead of the other. Perhaps you wish to further explore your current earth’s transition. Perhaps you wish to remove yourself from all distractions including the energies of third and fourth dimensional entities. There is no one correct answer – other than for you to transition as directed by your inner-being.

But you certainly will not remain on the current earth to care take others.  For care taking requires that you are of the third or fourth dimension.

We wish to briefly discuss an issue we touched upon in yesterday’s radio show (Creation Energies on Your physical form is becoming lighter. Even though words cannot describe what is happening as you move closer to the fifth dimension, your body is becoming less structured  and more gaseous or liquid. As you remove the fears that encase you, as you move through your structured box of pain, you will find yourself lighter in so many ways. Physically you will weigh less even if you keep the same body shape. Spiritually you will be lighter as you move to the light. Emotionally you will be lighter because you cleaned any areas that forced you to stay in your physical box of fear and pain.

Imagine a tree firmly rooted to the earth and a butterfly flitting from here to there. Both inhabit the earth. Both have form. But one is quite solid and the other is lighter and more free. So it will be for you.

You will know if you are to remain of your current earth or transition to the new earth when you wish to know that. It really does not matter for you will be of the fifth dimension in both environments. Allow the wisdom of your inner-being to direct you during this magnificent and almost impossible transition.

Just know that if you felt traumatized in the last few days or weeks, you are a wayshower / scout master. If you were mildly distressed, you are most likely a pioneer or wagon master. All are needed to explore and settle the new world – whether that be your current earth or the new earth.

You will not float in air during the ascension process. You will merely wake up one day and notice that the colors are brighter and your being is sunnier.

Just as was true when you shifted from youth to middle age, there was not one clear indicator of that shift but instead an over-all feeling. So it will be for you whether you remain of this earth or transition to the new earth. Both are perfect for your fifth dimensional being. You merely have to decide which is more perfect. So be it. Amen.      If you would like to receive Brenda’s free, channeled blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscriber Button on the upper part of the subscribe page at Then click the  – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , .

Accept Your Inner-Power – or Not The New Earth is Coming Ashore Peacefully and Lovingly

18 Comments Add your own

  • 1. passionfortruths  |  October 20, 2011 at 9:56 am

    Aaaaah…. The ascension process. It is gaining momentum is it not?

    Blessed are those who are aware. The shift in human consciousness is spreading all over the world.



    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 21, 2011 at 10:36 pm

      I think/feel the ascension process is gaining momentum too. YEAH!


  • 3. james  |  October 20, 2011 at 5:19 pm

    What’s the difference between a wayshower and a scout master?


    • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 21, 2011 at 10:40 pm

      I use/channel the terms – wayshower and scoutmaster – interchangeably…meaning those people who find the route or direction and share that knowledge with those who want to follow.


      • 5. james  |  October 22, 2011 at 1:21 am

        Thanks Brenda. I look forward to you next post as this one truy resonated with me.


  • 6. DC  |  October 20, 2011 at 7:38 pm

    This post was so right-on for me that I can’t express it in words. It confirmed everything that I have been sensing, intuiting, and feeling over the past month. When my aunt, for whom I was guardian, passed away 10 days ago, it closed the door on my caretaking days. And, boy o’ boy, was I happy about that.

    Absolutely wonderful! Thank you, Brenda!


  • 7. Jayastar  |  October 21, 2011 at 12:13 am

    I am so grateful to have come across your blog! Of course, right on time & perfect validation for the last few days/weeks/months of my life. I am a happy, sunny, spiritual person by nature & all of a sudden (wellll, felt it coming on for a bit), everything was really hard! Crying, crying, crying for what seemed like no reason, a deep sadness, pains, etc… Life did seem to be turned upside down- like a dark night of the soul or something!?! My partner was worried about me, friends & family didnt know what was going on- so weird. It would come in waves, and in the ‘clear’ moments, I would ask What is going on??? I got the sense of really feeling the collective sadness/fear/anger/etc and that, yes, it was mine too, but magnified – like not all just ‘mine’ but at the same time, yes mine too? I don’t know if that makes any sense.
    I am feeling shifts & clearing but now today, physical pain!!! Right side- Ear, neck, headache, groin… Yikes
    At the underneath of it all though, in my heart, I feel grateful & very blessed to be on the planet experiencing this incredible shift. I have had the strong feeling that I came just for this- to get to re-member the Truth for my Soul, clean those last ‘corners’ (thank you for that analogy), and see what transpires… It has been hard sometimes (ok lately, a lot) to still be able to operate as a human being in this illusion of duality, with all the necessary upheaval and the resulting fear & anger in the collective. I guess that’s what makes it interesting 😛

    Sooooo… wayshowers/scout masters take action? Any More info about that 😉

    Thank You! With Love Peace & Light,


    • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 21, 2011 at 10:51 pm

      Dear J,

      What chaotic times we live in!

      I wonder if Dolores Cannon’s last two books might not be interesting to you?

      Much of what you describe I experienced 20 years ago – dark night of the soul! Please take care of yourself and nurture yourself whenever possible.


      • 9. Jayastar  |  October 23, 2011 at 8:31 am

        Thank you, Brenda, I will check it out!
        I am doing my best 🙂
        Grateful to have my practice & blogs like yours to help lift the soul!
        Blessings & Love!


      • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 25, 2011 at 3:17 pm

        Dear Jayastar,
        We’re all in this transition together – holding hands and providing support as we shift from fear to joy. It should be easy! But as we both know – it isn’t always!


  • 11. Grace  |  October 21, 2011 at 12:43 am

    As always, Brenda, a beautiful and timely message…thank you 🙂 It’s like an energetic zap for the soul-weary!



  • 12. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 21, 2011 at 10:33 pm

    Dear Grace,
    I love your description: “An energetic zap for the soul-weary” Isn’t all of this so fun!


  • 13. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 22, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Thank you! I love channeling and always ask that the messages help me and whoever reads them better understand and more easily move through this transition. I usually channel my blogs on Tuesday or Wednesday each week.


  • 14. elizabethsadhu  |  October 25, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Thank you Brenda—beautifully put. Much love to you dearest sister!!


  • 15. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 25, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Dear Elizabeth,
    Thank you! Did you read Karen Mead’s http://www.Peaceful Path blog this week? Another great blog.
    Love Brenda


    • 16. elizabethsadhu  |  October 25, 2011 at 7:58 pm

      If you mean the most recent, yes. It was divine. love you

      I always post both of yours to my Facebook page.


  • 17. soulsoothinsounds  |  October 19, 2012 at 7:05 pm

    I love your blog, Brenda…it’s always uplifting, simple to understand, and warms my heart.


  • 18. lifetapestrycreations  |  October 19, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    Dear Maria,
    I’m so glad. My intent before I channel is always to gather more information about this transition for myself and others who are interested and to do so in love and joy.
    Blessings and Joy,



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October 2011