Why You Can’t Connect With Some

April 16, 2013 at 11:08 am 35 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s April 14, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You may have joined a family you had little interaction with before this life just so you could be part of this transition. In the next few days, your new software will help you understand why you selected that family or community and how best to interact with them.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Why You’re Afraid to Claim Your Power”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps there are family or community members you cannot understand because their actions and thoughts seem so different from yours. As a child, you may have even dreamt of your ‘real’ family rescuing you from this foreign home.

Even though you cannot remember your pre-entrance to earth, many of you lined up for the opportunity to be part of this transition despite the lack of interest of your previous spiritual family members.

You merely remember how uncomfortable you felt for much of your childhood as you tried to interact with the strangers who were your family or community members.

You might also have selected families you interacted with in past lives to complete specific karmic pieces in this lifetime. Even though you do not particularly like interacting with them, there is a bond of sorts with those people with whom you have had previous lives on earth. Those individuals are not the topic of today’s discussion.

We are speaking of those you cannot understand or relate to no matter how diligently you send them love and compassion. Perhaps they are family members with whom you feel absolutely no attachment. You cannot understand how they think, nor do you particularly wish to. It is not that you dislike them – there is just no connection.

You may have learned that you interact with the same people in lifetime after lifetime. Such is usually the case – except for now. There were limited slots available for an earth life during this initial transition phase. Those of you who were part of many earth beginnings – including the first humans and each major transition since – have found one another through your families or communities.

You relate to each other in so many ways – even though not all are positive interactions. But you feel some sort of heart attachment when you look within your being to solve the dilemma of how best to interact with them. You do not need to protect your heart – merely to open it and allow those who do not match your current frequency to live their lives without interference from you. Even though there is a heart connection, you have little interest in an ongoing physical connection.

We are discussing those with whom you feel no heart connection. Perhaps they are your parents, siblings, children, co-workers or a similar relationship. The connection is a void. You have no feelings for them and are not interested in understanding them. As if they are from a different place or world. So they are.

Even though all will eventually discover their light path, some of those you now interact with are not interested in doing so in the immediate future.

We wish to reiterate that there is a difference between those you have interacted with in past lives and those who are new to your circle.

Those you have interacted with in past lives – on earth or other venues – feel important to you physically, spiritually or emotionally. Those whom you have not interacted with previously do not produce the same feelings. You interact with them physically – but you have no ties to them beyond necessary 3D interactions. They feel like strangers.

Again, perhaps your childhood dreams included finding your ‘real’ family – an indicator that you did not have close ties to your family in this lifetime. Maybe you knew them briefly in previous lifetimes – but certainly not in a way that unites entities into families during non-transition times.

Why have we not relayed this information before? You did not have the emotional skills to interact with foreign bodies within your world.

You have been clearing for some time. As you did so you explored past lives, family dynamics, community interactions and many other pieces. But you have not yet learned how to interact with those who are not part of your heart. The next few days will provide the information to do so.

Some of those you have not experienced a life with on earth or other parts of the Universes you have managed to connect with in a heartfelt way. Maybe not as you would necessarily like in the physical world, but you have forged a connection.

We are speaking of those who feel uncomfortable and yet you cannot erase them from your being for there is nothing to erase. It is as if they are ghosts – not solid enough to eradicate from your life.

The next few days will provide you with tools to remove those who feel like a heavy burden with little or no information to help you on your way.

Let us explain. Sometimes those you have no feelings for latch on to you because you are a beacon of light and they are frightened. Those entities are most likely new to earth. They wished to be part of the excitement of this transition and volunteered to do so.

Some slots were filled by new earth entities who cannot feel or think as those of you who have lived numerous earth lives.

They are new earth souls – whether or not they are new souls in all parts of the Universes. Like Dr. Spock of the television show Star Trek, they might not even wish to feel as you do. They seem cold and calculating – playing with their new mental capacities and not interested in or familiar with feelings. Or so filled with feelings that you find them oppressive.

These new earth souls might have such an extreme imbalance that you do not wish to have them in your heart. That is the group you will address in the next few days.

Will you wish to help them learn the ways of earth? That is your decision. But most likely you will not for they are earth infants compared to your adult. You are flying beyond them – exploring new dimensions and activities – and they wish to explore earth.

We have told you that some will never move beyond 3D in this lifetime. And so it is that these wonderfully loving souls have volunteered to fulfill that role along with others who have issues they wish to clear in this lifetime. The rest of beings on earth are Lightworkers.

Everyone is an important part of this transition – including those to whom you cannot relate. They are not bad people – merely new earth entities having a glorious time wading through the physical, emotional and spiritual 3D elements you moved through months or even years ago.

Think of them as immigrants who are enhancing the dynamics of earth, who will eventually transition into dimensions beyond 3D with fresh insights, thoughts and actions that you will experience with great joy in future lifetimes.

Allow them to be the infants of earth – no matter what their age. Knowing there is no need for you to spend time caring for them – unless you wish to in a heartfelt way. They are thoroughly enjoying their learning phases on earth – just as you are the dimensions beyond 3D. They are introducing new ‘blood’ to earth – and are as an important part of this transition as you.

There is no need to take care of them. Merely observe them, if you wish, knowing you are growing in different dimensional directions, while they are playing with great joy in 3D muck – only to blossom into Lightworkers at a later time. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Entry filed under: new earth, personal power, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , .

Why You’re Afraid to Claim Your Power First Salvos of the New Astrology

35 Comments Add your own

  • 1. beloved  |  April 16, 2013 at 12:42 pm

    hum, must explain my relationship with my sister. I never know quite what to do there. Time will tell if we are ever able to relate in a heartfelt way. That is my preference. Yet very little attachment- YEA!


  • 2. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 16, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    Dear Beloved,
    The same with some of my relatives. So much to learn…and process during this transition.
    Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,


  • 3. sylvia franco  |  April 16, 2013 at 3:03 pm

    Hi Brenda! Wow you described how I felt as a child growing up in Guatemala. I would go out at night and look up at the stars and call for my “real family” to come get me. I never connected with my earth family fully in a true soulful way and I am good with that. I hold compassion and love for them. I get along well with my parents and there isn’t any drama except for my oldest sister. Although I am neutral towards her, she triggers everyone else in my family. I just visited my parents yesterday and my mom just cannot understand why the four sisters are not close. I tried to explain the concept of just because we are related does not mean we are truly connected. It is what it is 🙂 Anyway Brenda, this article spoke to me as i have been pondering this whole family thing since my visit to my parents.


    • 4. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 16, 2013 at 4:11 pm

      Dear Sylvia,
      This channel answered many questions for me also. Lots going on for all of us in this transition. How wonderful that you can be neutral about your sister.
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 5. beloved  |  April 16, 2013 at 3:47 pm

    My daughter is from Guatemala. I sometimes wonder about her birth family and how different it would have been for her to grow up in Guatemala, how somethings would have been much richer and others not. We are so shaped by family but lucky we can form new connections when we grow up.


    • 6. sylvia franco  |  April 16, 2013 at 5:19 pm

      Dear beloved,

      I have often wondered what my life would have been like had I stayed in Guatemala. I came to the US with my family at age 9. I’ve never looked back really. I did not fit in, I am and was different. Actually have felt the same here hahahahaha.


      • 7. beloved  |  April 16, 2013 at 5:59 pm

        Beloved Sylvia,
        I too never felt like I fit here. I left the county for altogether about a decade. I cried the first time I returned to USA and had to leave again quick. Yet I now live in a place in northern California that actually feels like home, the more at home i feel in myself the more at home I slowly feel in the world. No mistake there. Blessings for homecoming for all of us!
        love savannah


      • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 16, 2013 at 6:30 pm

        Dear Sylvia,
        I am so sorry you have not yet met your physical friends/connections.

        Of course you’re different. All of us advance Lightworkers are different. We think and act different – but not for long. Just as yogurt was an odd food in the early 1960’s and is so mainstream now that kids take it to school for a snack, so too will it be true for those of us who think differently than those who have not yet moved towards the light.
        Blessings, Love, Hugs and Sparkles,


    • 9. sylvia franco  |  April 16, 2013 at 7:09 pm


      I lived in Northern California briefly back in 1999. Redding close to Mt. Shasta. I felt a connection there at that particular time. I am in Texas and left the city for country living in a secluded 12 acre property and feel very connected to the trees and forest!


      • 10. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 16, 2013 at 7:47 pm

        Dear Sylvia,
        How wonderful that the trees and forest are such an important part of your being! Maybe one of your skills is communicating with nature and relaying that information to those of us who have other skills. Just a thought.

        The area where I grew up also ‘spoke’ to me – the trees and hills were family and I needed to visit them at least once a year – just as you would with family.
        Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,


      • 11. beloved  |  April 17, 2013 at 1:02 pm

        Yes, I live on five secluded acres and yes, communicating with the land is essential to my peace. Ironically we bought the place because that was my then husband’s dream which he no longer was so attached to yet I did it to honor his wishes. Our marriage started falling apart a month after we moved in after 23 1/2 years together. I never would have bought this on my own yet now I feel like it helped save my sanity. Life is so full of mystery, gotta love it.


  • 12. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 16, 2013 at 4:13 pm

    Dear Beloved,
    How wonderfully true that we can create our own families whenever we wish. Blood is not as important as heart.
    Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 13. Suzanne Rockford  |  April 16, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    Thank you for answering the call I sent out only yesterday. This issue has been foremost in my mind lately and this message helps immensely!


  • 14. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 16, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    Dear Suzanne,
    I’m so pleased. Thank you. Sharing my channels with others is one of my great joys.
    Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 15. beloved  |  April 16, 2013 at 6:20 pm

    Dear Friend from the Philippines,
    I saw your site some weeks ago where you talk about an online community and about your decision not to have children. I had clicked your name when I saw it on one of Brenda’s blogs. I would love to connect to you yet can not find the link. If you would like, please give me the link to your site.
    much love,


    • 16. nadinemarie33  |  April 18, 2013 at 9:59 am

      Dear Savannah, I think I’m the friend from the Philippines that you’re looking for. Would love to connect! 🙂 Here’s the link to my site http://www.mytruthsetsmefree.wordpress.com. Much Blessings…Nadine Marie


      • 17. beloved  |  April 18, 2013 at 10:37 pm

        Dear Nadine Marie,
        Yes, wonderful to connect again. I left some comments on your blog. I love your virtual center idea!!


    • 18. nadinemarie33  |  April 20, 2013 at 9:54 pm

      Savannah, I responded to you. Perhaps we can now keep connected through our own sites. Thanks Brenda for making us use your space as an initial meet up place! 🙂


      • 19. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 21, 2013 at 12:22 pm

        Dear Nadine Marie and Savannah/Beloved,
        I’m so pleased the two of you made a connection. You’re an example for all on building communities of friendship and love.
        Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,


  • 20. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 17, 2013 at 1:17 pm

    Dear Beloved,
    Your line, “Life is filled with (wonderful) mysteries is so true. Who would have ever suggested to you that you move on that piece of property without your then husband’s urging???
    Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,


  • 21. nadinemarie33  |  April 18, 2013 at 6:42 pm

    Brenda dear, this couldn’t have come at a more apt time for me, thank you! I often wondered, might I not have been switched at birth? 🙂 As I’m going through the clearing and peeling away of layers upon layers of family stuff, this most definitely comes in handy. It helps me distinguish and make sense of the connections — heart-filled, heartfelt, heartless…Thank you for a much-needed message. Much Blessings, Namaste…♥♥♥Nadine Marie♥♥♥


  • 22. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 18, 2013 at 6:59 pm

    Dear Nadine Marie,
    I read your blog and know how much wonderful cleaning you are doing. Your courage amazes me. Kudos for the beacon you are!
    Blessings and Sparkles,


    • 23. nadinemarie33  |  April 19, 2013 at 9:29 pm

      Yes Brenda, thank you! Your sparkling face after my posts helps make my light shine brighter! 🙂 And the beacon that you are allows me and contributes to making me the beacon that I am, Thank YOU! I too amaze myself with the amount of courage that’s flowing through. 🙂 Much Love, Much Blessings, Namaste…♥♥♥Nadine Marie♥♥


      • 24. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 20, 2013 at 10:29 am

        Dear Nadine Marie,
        I believe you and I have a mutual admiration society! Much love in return
        Blessings, Hugs, Love and Sparkles.


  • 25. Christie  |  April 19, 2013 at 5:07 am

    i appreciate this bc it is definitely been my experience. two very unexpected “explosions” happened in a matter of a few days. it seems it was about me needing to be deliberate in my choices of who i spend company with. one “explosion” was with a family member, my sister, who just wants to take from me and not give. is it even enjoyable hanging out with her? yes in the sense that i seem to always tap into the deeper aspects of people devoid of their limiting beliefs and all that, so that’s always fun. BUT it’s not enjoyable bc we can’t even have a conversation that doesn’t feel generic (generic to me, “too deep” for her) and she has too many wounds and “limiters” than i am interested in interacting with. i am totally somewhere else than her (and the rest of my family). while we have a few moments here and there of heart connection, they still carry too many wounds to be able to be drama-free. which is how i feel, drama-free (except i emote in order to release and clear) but i bring myself back to my real feelings. they are usually adding unnecesary (to me) aspects into interactions and i find that im quite bored hanging out with them. and they still don’t even see that there is indeed a shift happening on this planet, which boggles my mind! they are where they are, and it is great. BUT i decided to make my time about ME and really always re-focus myself to what i truly want to do and experience. which makes it easy bc i know it doesn’t include them at this time. and im quite ok with that! i just wish i had a new environment, which i know i will…

    so then after this i decided to go to a channeling class, full of lightworkers, thinking that this would be a good opportunity to be around like-minds/ hearts and just share some heart energy with each other. boy was i wrong about that. as soon as i started talking about how i am making my life all about me and what i truly desire, they went CRAZY. saying that i need to be of service to the world. i told them i do not feel that way, that while i feel it served it’s purpose (our service agreements), that i have the sense that it’s no longer necessary and that i am re-creating my life around self-love. and that this actually adds good things to the world. but, they totally flipped out. i then realized i need to be even more specific about who i choose to share company with. i now choose those who are where im at, which is self-love and always choosing from this place. i will not think of myself as someone who “serves” the world by way of giving up my joy and desires. they just couldn’t handle this concept, and were in fact very rude to me about it. so i now choose to be around those who want self-love also (and not sacrifice).

    what a last couple of days this has been! but never have i been clearer about what i will choose for my relationships (i have always felt doubtful here, but all of a sudden it’s so clear!) i feel like these situations have presented themselves plenty of times before, but not in a way that i felt so demeaned and disrespected, thus making it crystal clear of what i truly want in my relationships. in fact i think that becoming much more detached and willing to let go of my service agreements is now making it possible for me to see clearly and not have so much doubt; as before i was feeling too much of others’ emotions (as part of my service agreement, likely) so i couldn’t differentiate between their desires and mine. now that it has let up a lot, i can now actually see for myself and answer the question of “am i really interested in this person, or am i engaging just bc it seems like i should?”

    i have had a major epiphany- life is **VERY*** sparkly, brilliant, and glowing, it just IS how it can be, and *how we are* at our core. and so— i will choose as if i realllyyyyyy love myself sooooooooo much, and i will do just that! in fact i will write this and post it on my wall where i’ll see it all the time. and i also think it’ll be helpful to imagine an infant, bc i really adore babies, and when i see them i automatically have so much love in my heart and want them to have every need and desire met (and then some!). i want to celebrate them. i’ll think of myself as an infant who is treated so lovingly in every way possible and celebrated every day. i think this will help! and it sure makes me smile too 🙂

    ❤ thx Brenda, loved this one ❤


  • 26. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 19, 2013 at 9:28 am

    Dear Christie,
    Kudos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just because someone has a title (family, new earth, etc) doesn’t mean they’re at the same place you. You’re so courageous to listen to your heart instead of the “shoulds” of society.

    Like you, I have difficulties with HAVING to give and be of service if you’re a true Lightworker. That’s Old Age religious care taking.

    If you feel joyful doing so – it’s no longer a should But others insisting that you be of service and care for others is merely society dictating who and what you need to be – extensions of Old Age belief systems.
    Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,


    • 27. nadinemarie33  |  April 20, 2013 at 10:01 pm

      Dear Brenda and Christie,

      I totally, fully, completely resonate. yey! 🙂 Loving myself, working on myself, and focusing on my needs is the most effective and far reaching service I can give to the world. I’m glad I finally embraced that concept. So liberating! 🙂

      Much Love and Much Blessings,
      ♥♥♥Nadine Marie♥♥♥


      • 28. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 21, 2013 at 12:24 pm

        Dear Nadine Marie,
        Isn’t though??? YEAH for all of us shifting our care taking beliefs!!!!
        Blessings and Hugs,


  • […] Why You Can’t Connect With Some […]


  • 30. Christie  |  April 21, 2013 at 1:07 am

    Brenda & Nadine~

    oh yes! i love what you both have said! and am on exactly the same page….. Nadine what a beautiful name, and im glad to see other lightworkers who have embraced the concept of self-love! it is very liberating for sure! ❤ it did take me a while to fully embrace this but now i am SO sure that this approach to my life is the best i can choose for me!

    i have many thoughts on this…. how can we really transcend the limitations we need to, if we reject self-sovereignty??? it's not about service in the old way, i really feel it's now about placing ourselves right where we thrive best- in ourselves!!! and when we are all functioning in this way we give ourselves all we need, and allow others to do the same. and we grow from seeing each other and our own ways of living and become enriched by it, not by having someone else worry about us or take care of our needs for us. it's like we are becoming self-functioning units, but it still means we have deep love for others and we still boost each other just by being ourselves and loving ourselves…. is how i feel 🙂

    so i have been releasing my service agreement to transmute for the planet, so that i can make my life about me from this point on. i started working with a healer to do just this, who is on the same page as me. im getting help for this bc my contract keeps "re-sticking" as ive probably been functioning like that for lifetimes and this may be the first time ever that im letting go of being a care-taker. so i decided she was perfect for me to work with and i just wanna share what she said bc i think it's so awesome and im totally vibing with it! here it is….

    " "I have a message from Gaia for you, "I give you permission to let go of those very loving, but no longer needed agreements to take care of me / heal me. what you do to take care of and appreciate the beauty of yourself automatically has the same affect on me."

    My understanding is that you have for many lifetimes worked to heal the planet and she is appreciative. However, that work in that way is no longer needed. What you focus on increases, so she would like you to focus on beauty and health, in yourself first." "

    yeyyyyyy!!! i was on cloud 9 and felt gaia around me all day that day, as if she was saying, yes let go, i love you, you are done, please love yourself…" i went to the park after reading this message and saw gaia in such immense beauty and really felt her presence but also her telling me that yes she really did say those words to me and now it's time to love myself. it was amazing!

    sorry if im super skittish right now, it must be the solar blast right now, but i just wanted to share and i really love how im seeing that you are both feeling similarly to where im at… and Brenda i do love how your channelings are so cutting edge, on the "edge of consciousness" as i see it…. blessings of love, charm, magic, enchantment, and more to you both and to all !

    ~love, Christie


    • 31. Christie  |  April 21, 2013 at 2:12 am

      and a note for anyone interested: the healer im talking about is Sarah at imagi-creation.com….. she is super awesome and her information has really helped me to see through many of the beliefs that specifically lightworkers can get trapped in (like the service stuff that can be hard for us to let go of), and i have freed myself on so many levels by learning from her webinars, articles, etc. Hope you all enjoy!


    • 32. Brenda Hoffman  |  April 21, 2013 at 12:26 pm

      Dear Christis,
      Kudos and more kudos!!!!
      Blessings and Sparkles,


  • 34. vision5d2012  |  April 26, 2013 at 6:38 pm

    Hi Brenda — beautiful message! I am about to venture out into our larger community through various food-growing projects. This is very helpful information to keep in mind, as I encounter those with whom I feel little or no connection. So great not to have to wonder if there’s “something I’m doing wrong.” I’ve always been the “black sheep” in our family (funny, because our family was in the sheep raising business) and felt from moment #1 that I was the odd girl out. This information helps to soothe my mind about why I may have felt that way. Of all my many blood relatives, I only feel a connections with two or three of them and that even includes one of my sons and his family, which has caused me many moments of concern. I’ve had to detach and let go a lot. Many blessings to you, Alia


  • 35. lifetapestrycreations  |  April 27, 2013 at 8:12 am

    Dear Alia,
    I’m so wonderfully pleased that this channel helped you better understand your family interactions.

    Our media presents such a loving – and often false – picture of how families are supposed to be. Leaving us feeling wrong or bad, instead of, “I really can’t and don’t want to interact with this person whatever their title for whatever reason”. Ah the freedom to be!

    Kudos for daring to be you – the Lightbeing that you are!
    Blessings, Hugs and Sparkles,
    PS Love the black sheep analogy given that your family raised sheep!!



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April 2013