Is Earth on Your Shoulders?

July 11, 2016 at 10:35 am 48 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 8, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  The fear expressed via your media, politicians, friends and family is as predicted. For 3D structures wouldn’t collapse if fear and pain were occurring in bits and pieces instead of almost daily. Each of you has a personal puzzle piece that won’t become part of New Earth if you follow shoulds instead of your joy. 

“Focus” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You no longer need to carry the world on your shoulders.

Many of you are experiencing a heaviness you cannot attribute to happenings in your life. You are trying to understand why you cannot shake or shift sadness that is so deeply ingrained in you that you feel hopeless, angry and fearful.

That heaviness, that uncomfortable feeling is you assuming you are responsible for all earth and earth beings. That without your assistance, the earth would fall into a heaviness that is beyond anything you can imagine.

Once again, it is an issue of self-love and listening to that little voice within you. You are no longer the only or one of the few humanoids responsible for depositing Universal love throughout the globe.

For many of you have fulfilled that role time after time. You are the god/goddesses of love that seeded earth for this time. And each time you performed that role throughout the ages, you were either alone or one of a very small number. You did have the weight of earth upon your shoulders then.

As we discussed before, the earth is your creation and experiment.

So whenever you en masse felt the need for an injection of Universal love on earth one or a few of you would volunteer to perform that task.

That phase is over and has been for many months. Yet, because you are so attuned to earth, you feel the need to reduce the anguish of others starting to awaken – or to move them more quickly into 5D. Neither is possible for you are no longer able to perform that role. It is a bit like after being promoted to company manager you also want to complete the role you had previous to your promotion.

You do not have time nor energy to backtrack to a role you completed years ago. For once you initiated your personal 5D journey, you transitioned out of your earth caretaker role.

Yes, yet another caretaker role you must abandon now. For indeed, the earth is as capable of taking care of itself as are others. A piece you have neglected to accept fully. For you now are starting to accept that other entities can take care of themselves, but not yet that earth, as a whole, can also. If you will, the earth is your baby. And you do not wish to sense that your baby is unhappy.

The unhappiness you are now sensing is merely earth proclaiming uniqueness and individuality – just as is true for you.

And the unhappiness you are sensing through many entities of the globe is merely other beings awakening to their potential, their new beings. As if the blindfold of continuing service to anyone but themselves is being ripped off instead of being gently removed as was true for you.

Many of you feel as if your blindfold of continuing service was ripped off also. But in comparison to what is happening now – yours was somewhat of a “walk in the park.”

Of course, you are angry at such a statement for you suffered for months, possibly even years. In a sense, you opened the wound of knowing that there is a more loving way to live on earth. And those following are ripping off the bandage you applied to that wound.

Even though this is not now a “going gently into the night” process, it is not your process. You are at a different place for a reason. You are the beacons for anyone who cares to sense a better way. It is not your place to enmesh yourself in earth chaos. Such was your caretaker role for eons – either as earth observer or participant. That role has been completed.

Your new role, your promotion is to beacon of light. For indeed, instead of suffering and gnashing your teeth for a few months or days, you were embroiled in that role for eons. That role is over. Your new role is to be a beacon of possibilities for those who wish to follow. Your new role is to live in joy, to display to others the glorious possibilities of new you and New Earth.

Others will complete their painful stage in months or perhaps a couple of years instead of the eons you devoted to shifting earth to Universal love. Those following are completely capable of doing so if they wish. Carrying them will not assist them in moving to their joy – it will only delay their agony. Just as is true for those parents who ensure that their child never suffers or fails. Such makes for a wonderful childhood, an uncomfortable family dynamic during that childhood and an amazingly detached adulthood for that child.

So it is now. You cannot take away the pain and growth of others without stunting or stopping their growth. They will survive. In truth, they will eventually thrive despite their cries to the contrary. Do you remember trying to teach your child to pick up his or her toys? It was such agony with wails of anger, “I can’t. It’s too hard. NO” until many of you just completed the task for your child – resulting in even more wailing the next time.

You cannot carry someone over this phase. You can only display self-love in the hopes that they will notice and emulate. It is not your role to return to those who do not – and try to shine your light more brightly. Your only role is to shine your light for those who wish to see.

And you will shine your light by the joy you express, feel and display in your world. You are no longer saving or preparing the earth for this wondrous transition. You are the beacons of earth with no need or energy to pick up the toys of earth. That was a role you satisfied before initiating your transition in this lifetime. Go in joy. Live in joy despite the anguish of others.

That role will be difficult for you initially, just as was true when you started teaching your child to pick up their toys. But if you continue to pick up their toys, you will not have the energy to be the beacon you now are. Living in joy and expressing that joy will do more for earth entities than any caretaking you can envision. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


Entry filed under: new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , .

Focus You’re Angry – How Wonderful!

48 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Finn  |  July 11, 2016 at 10:56 am

    Dearest Brenda, thank you ever so much (again!) for a most wonderful message. – I recently read something similar : “Instead of comforting those you care for with tender words now, you want to empower them to take control of their own lives. Your message might sound harsh at first, but it’s tough love that enables a mother bird to push her fledglings out of the nest so they learn to fly. Someone may resist your efforts today and accuse you of lacking compassion. Do not waver if your actions are misunderstood. Others will thank you later on after they soar on their own wings.” — Thanks again Brenda, please keep up the good work. – All my love to all of you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • 2. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 11, 2016 at 11:16 am

      Hi Finn,
      It is a difficult message, isn’t it? We’ve been taught for eons to take care of everyone – especially those WE deem weaker than us. And in many of our minds, we feel selfish and guilty for doing so. Instead of realizing this is a new age with new directions – but we will. We’re discovering that by loving ourselves, we can love others without the society shoulds and have tos. A new internal sensation and rightness instead of something created outside ourselves.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 2 people

      • 3. margiyogi  |  July 12, 2016 at 1:16 pm

        For eons perhaps, and then in our here and now families of origin dynamics. Thought I was over my- ok-I’m gonna have to fix it for you- role. But as recent trying situations with aging parents continue to unfold, I’m back there again. Thank you for a most timely message. ❤


      • 4. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 12, 2016 at 3:57 pm

        Hi Margi,
        Please don’t be so hard on yourself. We’re all learning our new normal, our new 5D role and we’re brave enough to do so while living in 3D environments.
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

        Liked by 1 person

  • 5. Cristina  |  July 11, 2016 at 10:58 am

    Brenda oh, that truth is this !!
    This morning I saw a drawing of an angel climbing a ladder and dragging a ball and chain to convict style in which the ball was the earth globe.
    I felt so identified, I had to hide the tears as it was about to enter a meeting.
    This month has been very hard. Lost joy, currently my only goal, I see very far away, and in another galaxy (I think my dream on earth will have to wait, because without joy worthless)
    But I do not lose courage nor faith, I’m used to miracles and know that they occur when you stop force.
    With great love, blesses and sparkles


    • 6. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 11, 2016 at 11:20 am

      Hi Cristina,
      Are you that angel??? You’re so loving. Is taking care of others in your job, etc sapping your joy?

      I’ve discovered that I now have almost a direct correlation between my joy and over giving to/caretaking others. In the past, it was a cumulative effect over days, weeks, even years. Now it’s almost immediate. Just a thought.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


      • 7. cristina  |  July 12, 2016 at 11:50 am

        Thank you for your loving words Brenda
        I have also observed this pattern: my joy is inversely proportional to my “self-imposed obligations” to care for and sustain others, even if nobody asks me.
        For some reason I always do not know, as a child, I felt responsible (and guilty) that everything around me feel good, comfortable and happy.
        And when I talk about my environment, I do not speak only of my family and friends. I realize that I can be ridiculous. I feel responsible for other people I do not know, animals and even plants …. I know it sounds absurd. But it causes great suffering. Even what I see in news.

        So imagine the anxiety and pain that causes me to not “save the world” from this new policy position I have. from which yes I can do some things, but not enough to be satisfied with myself

        When you see on the street homeless, or burned forest (I think of the trees and the suffering of birds, squirrels … and even the boars and wolves), or see an abandoned dog, or visit a hospital and see some sick, or children with Down … is a long list really makes me suffer deeply.

        But I guess it’s something I have to overcome. I do not understand is that lately it has revived me so much this.
        I guess it’s my task to overcome at this time, release control that need to achieve a “perfect world” and go my way.
        Love, blesses and sparkles


      • 8. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 12, 2016 at 3:53 pm

        Hi Cristina,
        We’re just learning what our new normal is. And a large part of that is loving ourselves to create the beacon that all entities of earth including plants and animals can observe and emulate. The hundredth monkey is definitely at play in our new normal.
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 9. Ginger  |  July 11, 2016 at 2:20 pm

    Perfect, thankyou Brenda! Brought much needed clarification today.
    Love and sparkles,


    • 10. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 11, 2016 at 4:11 pm

      Hi Ginger,
      You know how I love knowing my channels help others better understand this amazing transition. THANK YOU!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 11. Iconoclast  |  July 11, 2016 at 3:17 pm

    Reblogged this on Infinite Shift.


    • 12. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 11, 2016 at 4:13 pm

      Thank you so much, Iconoclast, for posting my channel on Infinite Shift


  • 13. Doris  |  July 11, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    so accurate said!
    Thank you Brenda for this channel!
    My last two days were very joyful – after a big shift/transition/initiation that lasted about 4 days last week.
    Love and Fun 😀 Herz Zeichen


    • 14. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 11, 2016 at 4:14 pm

      Hi Doris,
      Blessings, Lots of Love, Herz and Creation Sparkles,


  • 15. Gil  |  July 11, 2016 at 4:34 pm

    Brenda I built fear upon fear and because I couldn’t cure it I came to the conclusion it was normal to fear everything, and all people. Your blogs and my consequent joy are slowly releasing me. When I was a hypnotherapist in England many of my clients (awful word!) said their problems arose form their inability to say ‘No’.


    • 16. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 11, 2016 at 6:28 pm

      Hi Gil,
      What an absolutely wonderful and loving comment. Thank you so much.

      We’re all in this together sharing our fears, information, and love. Thank you for putting all three in one short paragraph.

      And kudos for doing so much for so many despite your fears. You are indeed awe-inspiring.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 17. Julianne Kulsoa  |  July 11, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    Thank you, Brenda! This latest blog deepened me into seeing the connection between my sense of wanting to be of deep service to the world yet still carrying that “caretaker” role. So in tune, as a blog I just posted today is entitled, “Thriving Amid a World in Chaos”. In it, I mentioned a conversation with my 20-year old son. I caught myself playing yet again the mother role of wanting him to always be happy, rather that gifting him with his path and power. Your blog had me see how this still flares up around being of service to the shift in consciousness, the ascension process of others, that feeling of never doing, spreading or being enough light and love. It’s all so perfect, as I move in the direction of dropping that burden, and doing things like dancing more – living in 5D vs focusing on assisting others (which living in 5D does!!!). And taking up Jazzercise! Yes, it’s still fun!

    May we be evermore empowered and an expression of divine light and love from our own insights, joy and experiences, yet deeply moved and supported by each other.

    Thank you again for all that you are,


    • 18. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 12, 2016 at 3:34 pm

      Hi Julianne,
      That caretaking role pops up in my life every once in awhile too. It’s so deeply ingrained in us that we’re to take care of everyone before ourselves.

      As you so wonderfully pointed out, we’re finally daring to enjoy jazzercise, a good book, take a vacation and/or just say, “No” Go Team!!!!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 19. Christie  |  July 12, 2016 at 6:27 am

    Thank you Brenda, i feel barely affected by what is going on which is a huge leap from where i thought i could (maybe ever) be. Just a few months ago i was flip flopping from knowing without a doubt that i have let go, to momentarily not being able to detach myself from others’ pain once i hear of some issue, big or small, that has come up. In the last few weeks I have been pretty consistently holding my focus on myself this time (with some very tiny regressions) which i chuckle at bc im all of a sudden “here” in this place where it is so natural after such difficulty..! Especially during this planetary chaos, its just a small blip on my radar as i know all will be well. I think that all the old attachments to others pain simply was done cycling out of my system… of course we will all shortly land in this way.. it’s just time.. which is a very joyful thought, bc i love the idea/ knowing that it is all to be about JOY for us from here on out… how have you been holding up with these world events lately Brenda? Do you find its quite easy (or easier) to stay in a loving detachment at this point?

    In one of Brenda’s previous channelings she talked about how we’ve changed course in a way in which it’s no more about fear-clearing and how we will be able to maintain our joy focus as we will not have to deal with our fears coming up for clearing all the time (if ive got that right). So im wondering if anyone including Brenda has felt this begun in their reality?? I am just curious bc i remember as i read that channel, it made sense to me at the inner level but couldn’t imagine it happening any time soon bc i had been through SO much clearing in the last months non-stop with a good amount of fears and the negative energy that lingers in my system after clearing and that was definitely my normal…. so then this last week i had an AHA moment all of a sudden that i haven’t had inner fears come up in the last almost two weeks altho i have indeed been clearing and integrating a lot, wow! So maybe that’s why i have had this background feeling of disorientation and confusion as i indeed have been clearing a ton these last two weeks, just as before, but* without feeling fear. I am aware that im cycling in and out of releasing and integrations as i am very tired and need lots of quiet time, but have not had strong fears/ bad feelings coming up. Just like my being has hit the “pause” button to readjust without any dramatic feelings/ energies that need to happen (only very slight negative or “off” feelings and for very briefly). If anyone has felt similarly id be curious to know… and i hope this is not just my imagination and it’s here to stay forever lol…. ❤


    • 20. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 12, 2016 at 3:50 pm

      Hi Cristie,
      YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m in a similar place as you and catch myself every time I start my old 3D role of caretaking. I’m so done with that – as my husband is learning!

      I’m amazed at how much quiet and down time I need right now. I’m very content to read, write my blogs and spend time with my husband in our house as he recoups from his hip surgery of last week. He’s doing wonderfully well and can do more than either he or I thought possible 6 days after surgery (there’s a lesson for us all in that statement!)

      And I’m also in a different place with the news. It’s almost as if our society has become addicted to traumatic events – like in those reality tv shows where some emotional or physical drama is part of the script or like the Romans loving watching Gladiators and animals fight to the death. We can say, “No” to that by just refusing – as you are – to believe the “sky is falling” in different ways every couple of days.

      We will survive and thrive and we’ll do so through self-love and love in general!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


      • 21. Christie  |  July 14, 2016 at 8:07 am

        Oh yes Brenda, less care-taking for you how wonderful! I love how it is getting easier and easier… i am seeing too that less giving out our energy can mean even better results like with your husband’s surgery.. perfectly exact to what im seeing in my life. Thank you for sharing your experience, as its a perfect sign at the perfect time…. (i guess it’s not a cause and effect universe anymore… its quantum… and is being shown more and more to us (we need lots of free space to live our joy after all!)).. for now we will stay in our peaceful centers, take all the quiet time we want, and nurture our unique joy 🙂


  • 22. elizabethsadhu  |  July 12, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    YES! ” Your new role is to live in joy, to display to others the glorious possibilities of new you and New Earth.” I have been getting this and I love the confirmation/affirmation…….YAY! As soon as I STOP looking outward for confirmation, I get it outside. heehee

    Today I shared on my radio show about the world and stuff is rising up and getting light shed on it and we are coming together and BEing in the joy and connection and love……………….AND gratitude to ALL. LOVE to all!

    I had a huge epiphany about it in the last few days. If anyone is interested……………..

    Also, my guides, The Beans, just said that if anyone feels called to have a session with me, then it is my gift to you…………..

    MUCH love, Elizabeth

    Thanks Brenda! I mentioned you on my show today as an amazing being who posts amazing blogs. MUAH!


    • 23. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 12, 2016 at 4:00 pm

      Hi Sweetie,
      To another being who channels loving and informative pieces about our new beings and New Earth!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


    • 24. Christie  |  July 14, 2016 at 8:12 am

      Exactly! We are paving and holding the joy-love frequencies and it serves everyone else by being a placeholder for them. And to be where we are in our journeys right now means to not try to help but it paradoxically ends up helping. But the key is not to try to be a helper and simply be in the energy of trust and love instead, following our own rhythm and joy…. id love to check out your radio show… im loving all that reflects joy!!


      • 25. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 14, 2016 at 10:38 pm

        Hi Christie,
        Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 26. franheal  |  July 12, 2016 at 1:58 pm

    Thank you,Brenda for another enlightening post! Much Love to you ❤️😘❤️


    • 27. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 12, 2016 at 4:01 pm

      Hi Fran,
      You know we have a mutual admiration society. Your channels are “must reads” for me.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

      • 28. franheal  |  July 12, 2016 at 4:17 pm

        Thank you so much Brenda! The same goes for me! 😊😘❤️


  • 29. franheal  |  July 12, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    Reblogged this on franheal.


    • 30. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 12, 2016 at 4:02 pm

      Thank you so much, Fran, for reblogging my channel on FranHeal


  • 31. Marina  |  July 12, 2016 at 4:14 pm

    Hi Brenda, and thank you once again for your inspiring words, which shifts our understanding even further towards our goal. Strangely, several of the phrases you used today ‘chimed’ with me, almost as if I had spoken them. But then I realised that they had been said to me in a sort of ‘vision’ I had many years ago, when I was told that because of my great love of Gaia I had chosen to come down as part of a team, and I was here to be a ‘keeper’. Now, I have never really understood what that term ‘keeper’ meant, in a spiritual sense, I thought perhaps it was another word for caretaker. I realise that this is not of any great importance, but it’s one of those little ‘pieces’ that I would like to complete the jigsaw. Can you shed any light on that word ‘keeper’?
    Love and Light,
    Marina xx


    • 32. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 13, 2016 at 10:18 am

      Hi Marina,
      I can only guess that the word keeper was referring to your former ongoing earth creation role. We were indeed keepers (caretakers/observers/participants) of earth since our creation of earth. Now that earth is shifting to a Universal being we no longer have to care take our “baby” Again, that’s a guess. If that thought reverberates throughout your being – we’ve figured it out. If not, just ask yourself what the meaning to keeper is for you.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 33. Marilyn McMullen  |  July 12, 2016 at 5:47 pm

    Thank you Brenda. I feel much comfort from your writing – confirms what I “know”. Best wishes Marilyn


    • 34. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 13, 2016 at 10:21 am

      Hi Marilyn,
      Isn’t it amazing that we “know” so much but often (at least, until our transition started) didn’t dare trust that knowing? And isn’t it delicious that now we dare to listen to and act upon that knowing?
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 35. dawnofdivinerays  |  July 12, 2016 at 9:37 pm

    Reblogged this on Dawn of Divine Rays.


    • 36. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 13, 2016 at 10:23 am

      Thank you so much for posting my channel on Dawn of Divine Rays

      Liked by 1 person

      • 37. dawnofdivinerays  |  July 13, 2016 at 1:47 pm

        You are very welcome, Brenda. Namaste


  • 38. Sue  |  July 13, 2016 at 8:03 pm

    Wow, thank you so very much for this, it is exactly what I needed at exactly this moment!


    • 39. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 14, 2016 at 7:05 pm

      You’re so welcome, Sue. And please know that sharing my channel with others is one of my great joys!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 40. Doris  |  July 14, 2016 at 6:46 pm

    I’m really interested to see what you’re going to channel in your next blogtalkshow – these last 3 and 1/2 days were really tough – like some days (4) last week. Is this a new paradigm – 2 days up, 4 days down?
    Someone with similar experiences?

    My newest screensaver:
    Nowhere to go
    nothing to do
    “just be”

    Love and Kisses, d.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 41. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 14, 2016 at 10:46 pm

      Hi Doris,
      I never know what I’m going to channel until I start talking or start typing so I’m as curious as you what tomorrow’s BlogTalk show will address.

      As for ups and downs – especially downs for many – this has been an emotionally charged time. According to my channels and those of others, it’s a combination of those just starting to transition clearing, earth’s clearing, the crumbling of many 3D structures and earth entities needing to experience repetitive 3D fear activities so that those who dream of a different earth, a 5D earth will be energized to create that dream in love instead of fear.

      Most definitely an emotionally charged time – especially for those attuned to the feelings of others as are many of us.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,


  • 42. cristna  |  July 15, 2016 at 2:41 pm

    Oh dear Brenda, it is so successful your blog talk radio today.

    This week I went to my absurd and old fears, after believing that had overcome reappeared out of nowhere, like ghosts.
    I was taking “Mimulus” Bach flower to help.

    But last night I had a strange when I heard about the bombing of Nice (France) feeling.
    Terrorism is not one of my fears. But knowing that was in Nice, it brought to my mind our joke, to create our dream in the Earth in Nice and walk with our Ferraris and our super-divine evening dresses in Montecarlo.
    Obviously it’s a joke between us. But my feeling at first was the absurd thought: thank goodness we have not created our dream, because it looks that if we get caught there. (Obviously is a 3D human thinking, but I insist I am not afraid of terrorism)
    But immediately afterwards I had a sort of wink to my higher self in the sense: if you had created your dream on Earth, maybe this would not have happened.
    It was a thought that made me very pensive, there was no reproach, much less guilt. But I was disturbed, as in plan: re-find your joy once and make your dream on Earth already !!!
    Love, blesses and sparkles


    • 43. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 15, 2016 at 3:15 pm

      Hi Cristina,
      My husbands deepest fear popped up last week also. Past experience indicates he should go into a spiral of ongoing fear. Instead, like you, he’s addressing that fear so much more positively than he has in the 17 years I’ve known him. Like us, and millions of others, he’s perceiving his world differently and deep fear is no longer part of it.

      As for Nice and Dallas and Orlando and Paris and any other traumas I neglected to mention, it seems overwhelming in 3D, but those violent activities are also shining a light on who we, as humans, longer wish to be. I have deep gratitude and love for all those who volunteered to transition or be injured as a result. And such deep empathy for those of 3D left behind who cannot understand why anymore than I could if someone I loved was among the victims. My heart goes out to all.

      And yes, it is beyond time for both of us to create our dream and our meeting – we will, we’ve come too far not to!
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation sparkles,

      Liked by 2 people

  • 44. Anything but… – Intuitive Voyage  |  July 16, 2016 at 12:32 pm

    […] there was a bit of a debate in me, recently the Channeler Brenda Hoffman in ‘Is Earth on Your Shoulders’ had Channeled that it was time to step back from… how to I summarize this, to step back from […]


    • 45. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 16, 2016 at 1:01 pm

      Thank you so much PeaceNowFlower for posting my channel on PeaceNowFlower.Com


  • 46. PeaceNowFlower  |  July 16, 2016 at 1:42 pm

    I have re-read your post a few days later. Frankly I was afraid that if I stopped sending ‘I Love You’s’ as a blessing to situations that distressed me, that disaster would happen.

    I received News of a Rumor of a National Day of Rage called for by Anonymous (so the Rumor said.) The Rumor cited the Main campus of my city as a meeting location for the Day of Rage.

    So I had the choice of sending ‘I Love You’s’ as a blessing or letting it be. I put the situation in the Hands of the Divine, and did no sending of Blessing.

    As you might have noticed, you did not hear about the National Day of Rage, which was yesterday.


    • 47. LifeTapestryCreations  |  July 16, 2016 at 3:08 pm

      Hi PeaceNowFlower,
      I can’t and won’t acknowledge rage pieces like the National Day of Rage. I’m so done with hate and rage. As I relayed to one person, I used to be a news addict and now I seldom watch the news. Too much hate and fear.

      And it appears as if you’re getting or have gotten to the same place. We’re doing it – discovering that fear is no longer our most important emotion and we’re gravitating to joy in all forms – including ignoring a potential National Day of Rage.
      Blessings, Lots of Love and Creation Sparkles,

      Liked by 1 person

      • 48. PeaceNowFlower  |  July 16, 2016 at 4:04 pm

        It was not part of the Mainstream News, but an Internet Rumor that was not spread by officials so that it would not be taken up. Actually received an email about it from a friend that day. They wanted me to be careful, and stay away from that Area.


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July 2016