Posts tagged ‘counter-intuitive’

Your Followers are NOT Infants

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 1, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’re likely clearing some last pieces of earth or personal caretaking issues. Such is so in preparation for 2020. Even though you don’t believe it is possible, your political, environmental, and personal fears will end as the emerging energies are shifting all. Those following have solutions you can’t yet imagine.  Please Note: The sound quality of this week’s BlogTalk channel isn’t the best because I used a cell phone instead of a landline.

Your Joys are Related to Old 3D Fears is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You probably feel that all is not well in your world. Even though we have addressed this issue on several occasions, you continue to worry about your future and that of the earth. For indications are that leaders you once held in esteem are not worth the energy to help them maintain their status. And those you once feared are more evident daily.

So it is there is little for you to attach to other than your inner-world for all else seems counter-intuitive, mean, and self-serving. You assumed that at this stage in your transition, you would be encased in a bubble of joy that excluded those who did not agree with your beliefs.

Even though you no longer believe that separation is possible, such is yet to happen.

You completed each difficult transition phase with hopes that joy would be evident with the next step. But you are so worn out now you no longer expect joy, merely more struggles as has been true for earth eons. Your current reality is that your life is not as pleasant, as was true before you initiated your transition. You are noting the underbelly of the earth and its inhabitants without the sunshine you once believed was a requirement.

Surely, you could not suffer as much as you have during this transition, including the loss of family and friends, without a reward. So it is you no longer care if that reward is of 3D or 5D. You merely need some indication that all you achieved is worth a reward.

Instead, you feel lonely, sad, angry, and yes, fearful. What if there are no rewards? What if the remainder of your earth life is to be in this nothingness without highs, joys, or fun? What if you pushed yourself almost beyond endurance to this flat life that is opposite of what we and others prophecized?

Such is not true. But until you receive some indication to the contrary, you are losing faith that anything is changing. So it is you are becoming surly in your inner anger. Anger and angst, directed at yourself. “Why was I such a fool to believe that I changed the world?”

Those of you in a different place – either before reaching this emotional block or after doing so – cannot understand the angst of your spiritual brothers and sisters. For you are cool, calm, and collected, knowing that all is well.  All is well, but extremely difficult to prove if you are experiencing your dark night of the soul or clearing of your final fear dust bunnies.

You forerunners are in the midst of the earth’s sea change from 3D to 5D. Yet, you are sensing or experiencing a more in-depth 3D than you once thought possible. Part of your discomfort is sensing the general upheaval of all earth beings.

Your views are so different from the general population that you have little in common with them, nor do you wish to find commonalities with most outside your circle. Even those within your circle are starting to demand your help – if not, physically, then emotionally. Those followers expect you, caretaker supreme, to help them through their phases. The same phases you struggled through without knowing where those struggles would lead or end.

Of course, you are angry and fearful. For not only are you in void time, making final preparations for 2020, but those followers connected to you, physically or emotionally, want you to carry them across their finish line. So it is, that whenever you sense a sparkle of joy, a follower either within your immediate circle or those you connect with empathically, call out for help with their issues.

So it is you are having difficulties believing there is a finish line.

Both your rest and nurturing time is limited. Exhaustion similar to your experiences during the first years of your child’s life. When your child cried, it was your duty to determine why they were crying, no matter how tired or busy you were. You were on-call 24/7.  You are falling into that same pattern believing you must care for others – even if you merely sense them – 24/7.

Stop caretaking. Stop feeling sorry for followers. Make them pick up their toys (clearing their fears) instead of doing it for them.

Of course, this command seems nasty, given that no one seems to be asking for your help. Need we remind you that you are both a consummate earth caretaker and Universal sensitive? So it is you are likely sensing cries for help more than you are physically experiencing them. You, with your sensory portholes wide open, catch the emotional cries of beings who do not wish to do their transition work.

Transition work is not easy, as you well know. But you completed your work so that those following were capable of completing theirs WITHOUT your assistance. They are not frail infants who must be cared for. Followers are earth adults and Universal beings. They, just as was true for you, want the easiest route possible – which they know you can provide. For you are capable of holding their pain as they explore their new life. But doing so is harming you emotionally and not helping them complete their transition.

Many of those following are looking for helicopter parents like you to pull them through difficult pieces only they can complete. So it is those of you who are overly sensitive are in a quandary for you are natural caretakers.

Both you and those following must leave this enabling path.

You have created the superhighway those following can branch off of. By doing so, you completed the most difficult part of 5D path creation. Stopping to create a unique path for those following reduces the number of 5D forerunners completing their roles.

Stop caretaking – emotionally or physically. You cannot create a reward for yourself if you are enmeshed in the progress of those following.

Nurture yourself knowing those following are no longer infants, but instead middle school children who want you to do their homework, and cook, and clean for them. They want you to do it all.

It is time for you to say, “NO.” A loud NO that needs to reverberate to those surrounding you physically and those leaking into your empathic being because they are frightened.

Just say, “NO.” So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

November 4, 2019 at 10:24 am 22 comments

You’re a Beacon, Not a Leader

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 14, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   Your outer world will be even more chaotic the next two months. And because those just starting their journey won’t understand the energies, they will try to draw you into their fears. Your role is to be the pillar of knowingness they can latch onto if they wish. Or they can wallow in their fear. If you fall into their fear, the energies blasting through now will make it difficult for you to recuperate without illness or a great deal of rest.

“Naysayers Everywhere” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We propose a challenge for you. Even though our challenge is quite simple, you will likely worry about producing what we request much as you once pondered the difficulty of tying your shoelaces as a young child.

Allow yourself five minutes a day to list all that is right in your world. Some of you believe nothing is right in your world – hence the difficulty. While others will run out of features to list.

This simple challenge trains your mindset to the beauty of your life instead of the dullness and fears many of you now feel. For the media, friends, family, community, country and on and on continue to beat the drum of fear despite the truth that very little of that fear is touching you personally.

Many of you question that statement for you counter that some of your fears are about what might or is happening to others. Such is part of your expanding heart and knowingness that all are one.

At the same time, you must remember you have a unique role to play. You are not your brother’s keeper, but instead, you are your brother’s and sister’s motivator, their enlightenment.

So it is you must put aside your fears of what might happen to you or others as you claim your joy. That is your role.

What should you do if you are part of those being mistreated or harmed by the chaos? What does your heart tell you to do? That is your role. Protest, vote, move, stay. Your heart knows the way.  As you follow your heart, no matter your circumstances, all will fall into place as needed.

New Earth is not about fighting, but instead encouraging movement from fear, flight, and fight to love and joy. Such will not happen if you continue the 3D earth patterns with which you are most comfortable. You cannot continue the same patterns and expect different results.

So it is we request that you start with small pieces of joy during this tumultuous time. That you direct your movement to that which gives you joy instead of fear.

A piece you perhaps cannot yet understand is that your joy is not dependent on the movements or actions others are taking. For you have been trained to believe you must care for everyone but yourself.

Even though you are starting to incorporate your personal being into your nurturing arms, you continue to expect others will welcome your invasion of their privacy and joy with what you feel is right for them.

Allow others to find their role, their joy without your instruction – or more to the point, “shoulds.”

Your role and only role is to access your joy for by doing so, you will be performing a much greater service for all than stopping to help someone who has yet to discover their joy.

Such a statement appears counter-intuitive for you feel that once you have claimed your joy the only way others will discover the same is by you telling them how to do so. Indicating you feel as if you are more powerful, more knowing than others. Such is not a loving stance, but instead a 3D power play.

Allow others to find themselves. They will do so much more rapidly if you stand tall in your joy and your being.

Instead of a leader, your role is more of a beacon for any who wish to follow.

Of course, many will want you to tell them how to live a joyful life from your perspective and joy. What they have not yet discovered is that your joy is not their joy. So no matter what you tell them about achieving their joy, their role, your information will be counter-productive. For they are not you and will never be. Much as a hair cell has a different role and coding than does a skin cell.

Of course, that last concept leads to the question of how you are all one if your joy is not applicable for anyone else? Quite simply, once you find your joy and stand tall in that joy others will discover that they too can climb out of the depths of fear into their personal joys. That they are no longer sheep following someone, but instead strong light beacons of their own.

Each of you is equally powerful which cannot be ascertained by others if you or someone like you continues to tell them how they should be. They will find their way if they wish, just as you have.

Some of you are concerned because we have told you over and over that you are Olympic stars meaning that not every one of the earth is an Olympic star. Such is true, but that thought negates the power of your beacon of the freedom to be. For until everyone who wishes to claim that freedom does, the earth will remain immersed in 3D fears.

Now you are concerned it will be eons until all claim their freedom to be. Such is not true for your joys combined with the pummeling Universal energies of the next few weeks will automatically shift earth from fear to joy for those wishing to experience New Earth.

And the number of humans who wish to do so is multiplying by millions daily. Followers no more, but instead strong capable cells, if you will, creating a new earth body of joy and love. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

July 16, 2018 at 10:12 am 25 comments

Courage and Joy are Evolving

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 15, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You’ve removed the cornerstones of your earth structures to create new pieces. These cornerstones will stabilize earth and earth beings instead of readdressing similar issues decade after decade as has been true of 3D. You and your New Earth community are creating the perfect puzzle piece to end the trauma of the areas that most interest you. My next Creation Energies channel will be Friday, September 29.

“With or Against Nature?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

It is time to address your need to comfort others despite your discomfort in doing so. Perhaps you label such actions as caretaking. While such is true to a certain extent, more importantly, doing so is an indicator of how you dismiss your needs in relationships.

In 3D, you were taught that love, compassion, and the nurturing of others is necessary to continue your community or familial role. You have taken that role far beyond what was intended by the phrase, “do unto to others as you would have them do unto you.” For many, that phrase now means, “do unto others more than you do for yourself.”

This concept of negating yourself is not new – we have discussed it in a variety of ways throughout this transition. The difference is you are no longer human. So it is time for you to re-evaluate your beliefs, goals, and achievements.

Before you initiated this transition, saving another at the risk of your own life would have garnered you kudos from humanity and yourself – patting yourself on your back for your bravery despite all. You are no longer that person.

You are now a god/goddess/leader of the Universes. So it is you must protect yourself, as well as others. Many 3D acts of bravery were the result of 3D karma. You did what you did not only for kudos but also to pay back, as it were, some piece haunting you from a former 3D life.

There is no 3D karma remaining for those of you of 5D and beyond. You new vital roles have nothing to do with past 3D lives.

You are a fundamental cornerstone of New Earth, and you have prepared for this time for eons. An early transition or death as you most likely label it, before completing your 5D or beyond role is much more disturbing for all New Earth beings than you running into a burning building to save someone just because you think you should.

As is true for much of New Earth philosophy, such a seeming lack of heart or courage appears counter-intuitive. And it is if you follow 3D dictates. But for those of you who have passed beyond that, who have climbed your clearing mountain and stepped over the 5D Rubicon, it is not. For new you is similar to a leader of a country in that without your input, your directions, the battle might be won but the war will be far from or never over.

You are an elite being – for now. For as more and more follow your lighted path, others will become creators as you are now. But for now, not one of you can afford to be lost as a result of caring for another more than yourself.

Perhaps this concept upsets you for you feel you must care for this person or that philosophy. And maybe you must – but only if it gives you joy doing so.

Bravery is rapidly becoming less rewarded than joy – and you are initiating the drums of change in that area.

So it is that you run into a burning building if you must. But do so in joy instead of for the reward you receive from society for your bravery.

Most likely, you question our line of reasoning for you cannot imagine a time when risking your emotional or physical life to save another would not be rewarded. But then, you never imagined many of society’s shifts. From heating with whale oil to electricity. Or how the inventions of airplanes, automobiles and personal computers would change the Earth.

Perhaps slowly in your mind, but most definitely rapidly in ours, you are shifting pieces that once seemed cast in stone.

So it is that joy is now to be rewarded just as caring for another more than yourself once was.

But what about children, disabled adults, the poor and the needy? If it gives you joy to care for them, that is your role or part of your role. If you are doing so because you feel you should, it is not your role.

Many in 3D society go through the motions of what they feel they should do and be, even thought they do not have a sense of personal rightness while doing so. It is time for you to change that. So you will – one joyful experience after another.

You perhaps think that no one wishes to enter a burning building, but they do so out of the love of another human. Or is it? Is the need to caretake someone other than yourself greater in 3D because of social conditioning or because of personal joy? Such is something you need to clarify for yourself. Who are you? Are you the result of social conditioning or a 5D or beyond being who accepts the crown of New Earth creator?

Many of you are now wondering how this information meshes with the concept, “we are all one.” How indeed? That is something you must discover for yourself. But as you do so, you must include yourself as part of the equation – something you have been trained to deny for eons.

What gives you joy is your starting and ending point. For joy has become your summit and goal. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

September 18, 2017 at 11:57 am 25 comments

The 5D Basic

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 18, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Unlike Universal energies, eclipses are human activation times similar to Christmas. Just as Christmas is labeled by humanity as a time of love and sharing, eclipses can be defined in any manner you wish. The energies provided by the Universes never dissipate but instead are similar to an ongoing class that can be joined or retaken at any time. Human activation times, such as this Eclipse, are limited to the time defined by humanity.

“Micro to Macro Dream Time” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel as if your transition is moving too slowly – or too rapidly. You are confused and angry for that which you wish to create is not yet available, and that which you wish would not happen is.

Your thought processes are awash with multiple pieces of information – most of which include the hidden word, ‘should.’

Perhaps you believe that such is not so, that you are following your inner voice. But whatever you believe you should be doing, the first question always needs to be, “Is this action or thought process giving me joy?”

Some of you believe that you must shift the world or yourself as rapidly as possible, that you are, in a sense, a world savior and to complete that task you must ignore your joy.

Even though perhaps counterintuitive to many, you can ONLY save the world by living your joy. It is the totality of joyful light you emit in unison that will shift the world.

For you to believe you must protest or say this or act in this or that fashion because those thoughts and actions are aligned with your hopes for the earth, is to follow 3D shoulds instead of your inner joy.

That is not to say you cannot protest or speak out if such provides you with an inner joy, but that you are not helping anyone, least of all yourself if you speak out because you believe you should.

Many of you are terrified that the actions of today will create more hatred tomorrow, that if you do not speak up, the current earth chaos and hatred will only grow deeper. You are assessing these issues with 3D historical perspectives.

In 3D, everyone needed to think similar thoughts – and to counter hate with hate to do so.

Even though individual 5D thoughts are unique, those thoughts create a more harmonious whole than was possible in 3D. For your 5D beliefs are no longer based on hate or fear, they are formulated from love – including self-love.

This is indeed a confusing time for you as you float in and out of 5D or beyond, yet live in a fading 3D world. So it is you most often approach hate in a 3D fashion. You gather with like-minded people to discuss the outrageousness of whatever is counter to your dominant belief pattern – fully believing you are doing so out of love.

In truth, your actions are of 3D love. You have, for the most part, yet to discover 5D or beyond love.

So it is you become angry with 3D actions that are unlike your 3D belief patterns expecting the chaos to continue unless you do so.

You feel as if you are earth’s savior. That without your continued strident approach to the chaos, the world will be lost.

This is no longer a 3D earth with 3D chaos, nor are you of 3D. It is time for you to create a new approach. One that is unique to you and lights your beacon of joy.

Of course, you are now asking to have your new, correct path outlined so that you can perform as you SHOULD. There are no shoulds in 5D and beyond. What gives you joy? Protesting? Reading a book? Camping? Working? Watching children play? Yoga? That is your protest. That is how you will rid the world of the current chaos.

Of course, such a path seems counter-intuitive, lazy, even inappropriate – but then, those thoughts are based on the struggles of yourself and others in 3D.

This is a new time and a new life. You are learning 5D basics. And the key to all 5D basics is to follow your joy. Do what feels wonderful to you, and you will rid the earth of its current chaos. Your beacons of joy will illuminate the earth so those with shadow aspects they are not willing to acknowledge will have few places to hide.

Continue to scream, “This is not right, why are others not thinking and acting as I believe they should?” and the shadow aspects of all are given more power.

Joy lights your beacon. Fear eliminates your beacon. Your need to have others think and act as you believe they should or from a historical perspective merely feeds fear and reduces light.

For your light is dimmed or eliminated when you function in fear. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

August 21, 2017 at 10:02 am 55 comments

You’re a Universal Change Artist


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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 19, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  Perhaps you’re discovering the deeply hidden fear you created to protect you in your 3D life –  the fear that separates you from the Universes. Now that you’re identifying that fear, you will find a book, experience night dreams or any other number of ways to finally clear that which separates you from your earth dream and next Universal phase. It is time to move on and so you are and will.

“Work Isn’t Part of Your Creation” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

For many of you, it is time for celebration. You have created your earth security dream. The momentum you started will draw those of like mind into your whirlwind of joy. So it is that those of you of 5D are moving into place.

Some of you are quite angry believing you are doing it wrong or some other belief that indicates you are not worthy of creating your earth security dream. If you are reading this and similar pieces that highlight joy instead of fear and anger, you are of the forerunner group displaying your creative skills with joy and sparkles.

Even though some of you remain in fear of world events, you are beginning to realize that this transition moves from micro – your beliefs and actions – to macro – global/Universal beliefs and actions. Contrary to all you have known for eons.

The last great Age of fear moved from macro – global fears, community shoulds and have tos  – to micro – your actions and beliefs.

This reverse transition, in so many ways, has taken some of you a bit to adjust to. For your inner-being is voicing actions that often seem counter-intuitive – the opposite of what you trained your earth life self to believe all the eons you hid your inner-power/Universal skills/god/goddess capabilities.

Some of you are such dedicated god/goddesses that you created an inner life to match the heavy, 3D, outer-directed world that WAS earth. Now that you are reversing all you learned to best fit in the 3D earth, it is a bit more difficult than either you or we envisioned.

Some of you continue to fall back to your safety zone of what was instead of what is. That is the piece you are now addressing.

Many are ‘getting it’ daily – just as you did in school when suddenly understanding a math problem. Most likely, you pondered, you stressed, you became angry and then you just knew the answer. You did not necessarily know how you solved that math problem but you did.

So it is now. You try to force the issue. You become angry at your seeming inability to create what you want. Then one day it just is. Hindsight will indicate that you solved the problem in your way and time. But for now, you are in an angry at yourself stage for not understanding, much less solving the problem.

And that is the problem. You are addressing your seeming lack of creation skills and lack of self-worth in fear. Neither of those labels is accurate for you are merely retraining yourself to move in joy without fear or lack of worth.

Simple words, but not necessarily simple actions. For you have done such a marvelous job of blending in 3D fear that you are somewhat at a loss just what being without action means.

It means just as it is phrased. Being who you are – Universal god/goddesses, segments of the Godhead, creators of the world and thereby Universal creators – without a need to perform or prove that such is so.

A completely new path you are forging as you learn of the many tendrils of fear you added to your being to best fit in a 3D atmosphere.

Many of you yet believe there must be some sort of requirement, to do something in order to remove those pieces of fear. And, of course, that is your fear – that if you do not do anything, those fears will continue.

The piece you have not yet accepted is that doing something is continuing your 3D world within you. It is time to learn to be. A difficult task for those of you who are action beings.

Think of yourselves as Universal scout masters – a title that indicates a need for action. Action you completed by climbing your mountain and rolling down your hill to joy. It is time to switch off or shift that action mode to become the spiritual beings you are.

That does not mean you will walk around in white robes blessing others – separating yourself from your community, your nation, and your world. But instead, that you begin to practice knowing that you are all you ever imagined the most spiritual person of your earth to be. That, in all likelihood, you either helped those people you hold up as 3D spiritual examples of goodness and grace or were those persons in a former life.

You have been part of the ‘movers and shakers’ of earth from earth’s inception to now. You are a forerunner for you are of the earth creation team and know earth better than any Universal entity other than those who are of your earth creation team.

It is time to shift your focus. To throw off your heavy robes of earth disguise as you accept you – allowing your true self to shine throughout the Universes. Your earth days of hiding in plain sight are over. Throw off your cloaks. Accept yourself knowing that you are an earth creator, mentor, and change artist.

It is time to change earth once again. But not under the guise of a ‘normal’ 3D human living in fear or as the only one of the earth bringing messages to help the world move to various phases.

It is the time for you to claim you in all your Universal glory, to unite with others who have been your earth co-creators, and to move earth to new and almost unexpected joy.

When you, as a group, initiated the earth experiment, you were not certain such would happen.

For eons, you seeded thought processes through one or more of you visiting earth. Some of you were in human form. Others of you nudged 3D beings through your unseen words and actions. So it is that you are culmenating your earth project by finally allowing yourself to be you in your human form. And so it is that you are learning to throw away your cloak that hid you so well during the lives you choose to experience on your earth creation – until this time.

Throw away your cloak and allow yourself to be. That is the only difference between those of you who have created your earth security dream and those who are wondering why you have not. Allow yourself to be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


February 22, 2016 at 11:29 am 63 comments



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