Posts tagged ‘courage’

The Holidays and You

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 16, 2018, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  As you transition, you’ll have less interest in shoulds. If you have to make a decision, such as attending a family gathering, select the most self-nurturing action. In the future, decisions that seem so important now will disappear as was true for the test you didn’t study for in grade school.

“Happy New Year!” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We wish to address your increasing need to live the life you dreamed of – the freedom to be.

Perhaps you believe you continue to follow others, we beg to differ. For you once did so without regard for yourself – or others, at times. Even though you might now function as others want you to, you are internally or externally stating your independence.

Before, you did not consciously know you had a choice for your shoulds were so deeply ingrained.

Your choices are now coming to the forefront with thoughts of, “Do I want to do this or be that?” A new concept for most of you. For your 3D choices were limited to declarations of right actions by your parents, community, country, and global citizenship at that specific time in 3D history.

But now that you are starting to think ‘outside the should box’ about your needs and interests, your life is becoming more difficult. Not because you are wrong to declare yourself a sovereign being, but because you are not functioning as you once did.

Those closest to you are both amazed and enthralled. Even though their response might be anger based on fear, they are also likely beginning to initiate their spark of independence because of you.

The next few days, it will probably seem as if no one is particularly thrilled with your words or actions for they are expecting the being with whom they are familiar. Causing you to question yourself, for you are used to being the ‘nice’ person meshing with society’s flow.

These new, unusual words and deeds of yours might come from deep within you – and surprise you as much as the person with whom you are interacting.

Even though others will marvel at your courage, they will also feel some disdain for that courage because all are supposed to follow the established rules.

Innovators cannot be rule followers.

You are shifting the earth in ways never before attempted. So it is each of you forerunners is an innovator in a different field or area. It is as if you forerunners created a university with millions of program areas.

So it is you will not necessarily find anyone completely compatible with your thoughts or actions. For those of 3D will be amazed, if not angry, at your new-found independence and other forerunners will not be as interested in your area as are you.

Such does not mean you will be isolated, but instead that you have the independence of thought and action cheered on by other forerunners. You will also likely create anger in those fully of 3D, and amazement in those beginning their transition process.

You are not like anyone of earth or the Universes. You are a strong, independent being who willingly accepted this challenge of changing earth from fear to love. Not necessarily an easy task, but a task you accepted with excitement and joy.

For you were tired of fitting within the tight parameters of earth life required lifetime after lifetime to perfect your current skills.

It is as if you, en masse, said to the Universes, “I have fit my square peg in round earth holes far too many times in preparation for this transition. If the transition does not happen in this life, send someone else to perform my tasks.” At that point you and your forerunners were ready.

So it is you are shifting earth from fear to love more rapidly than you envisioned. Even though fear and hate continue to be promoted, fewer and fewer are willing to be part of either.

You believe it is your innate humanity coming to the forefront. Instead, it is your Universal being of love.

Rather than burning you at the stake, imprisoning you, or otherwise ending your actions so fear could dominate the world, others are beginning to follow your forerunner lead.

For all forerunners have been severely punished for love actions in one or more lives. Not because those actions were not right for you, but because those of the earth had not yet completed their fear lessons.

This time is different as those of you daring to peek outside your shoulds are discovering. Those who wish to remain of 3D are fading into the background. And those sparked by your need to be free of all 3D requirements are watching you in awe and amazement with thoughts of “Why do I have to do or be that?”

We stated months ago that your holidays would never be quite the same as in the past. So it is you are discovering what we meant with that statement. For your holidays are now more in line with who you are becoming, instead of who you were – surprising you as much as others.

You have become a beacon of light leading those living in the darkness of fear into the light of self-love. You are exceptional leaders holding your beacon of light higher and higher daily.

Allow new you to shine through your physical being by doing and saying that which feels right, instead of what others expect.

You are new you in all your glory. Allow that to be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

November 19, 2018 at 8:59 am 19 comments

Who Am I?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 10, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Do you sense the wackiness of your world now? Is your glass half empty or half full? You can choose to be a bit player in your television show meaning that your being/voice can be deleted at any time. Or you can be the star who lives despite all. Choosing to live in fear creates fear in your personal life and ensures you won’t be the star of your life.

“Are You Shoulding 5D You?” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

At times, you feel capable of anything and at others as if your world is coming to an end. “Who am I?” is your new mantra.

Just as was true during puberty when one moment you were a child wanting your parents to care for you and the next, total adult freedom and nothing to do with your parents.

Your emotions are now similar – from angry to happy to sad to joyful within moments. For you are transitioning rapidly from an Earth 3D adult to a new being in new frequencies and dimensions. To do so, you must transition bit by bit – just as was true in puberty.

For just as was true in puberty, you do not yet have the wisdom be an adult in 5D or any other dimension that is your home base. Nor do you have the physical stamina to do so.

Perhaps you know that human brains are not fully developed until near age 25. So it is that many humans before age 25 or so, are not necessarily held to adult measures for giddy, unrealistic or angry actions. Those in their teens and early 20s, often act in ways Earth adults find irrational.

So it is for you now. You are in the beginning puberty stages of becoming an inter-dimensional, intra-dimensional being. So you flip between the actions and emotions of a 3D adult to that of an intra-dimensional, inter-dimensional being.

Perhaps such a thought makes you angry for you feel superior to many with your current inter-dimensional, intra-dimensional capabilities. You certainly do not feel as if you are beginning the process because you channel, sense feelings, heal, etc. – displaying how advanced you are compared to many.

In truth, you are merely a stage or two beyond others who wish to transition in this earth lifetime.

When you were a high school senior, you barely noticed high school freshman for you felt they were much more childish than you. Yet, now that you are older, a four-year age difference is not notable. So it is for you and those who will eventually follow.

Even though you are all in different phases of new you maturity for various reasons that only your inner-being fully understands, all will complete the phase you are in currently – jumping from 3D adulthood to new you puberty.

And because of your courageousness in completing phase after phase despite not understanding the logic behind the various phases, those following will have an easier path than was and is true for you. For by the time your followers reach any phase you completed, they will know that all is well in their world even if they do not like or understand a particular phase.

You are the courageous of the courageous. For you are experiencing yet another phase that does not seem to make sense given all that you have completed. Yet, if you acknowledge how much you learned before experiencing 3D puberty, you will understand that this phase is little different.

When you were an infant, walking and talking was a daunting task that you mastered with the help of the adults around you. When you were in pre-school, kindergarten or first grade, you mastered reading and counting.

So it has been for you in this lifetime. Each new learning experience or clearing has seemed impossible until you mastered it – only to accept another challenge with perhaps a bit of whining, but never turning back or stopping.

And now, you are in dimensional puberty trying to configure new adult you in ways that make sense to you now, but most likely will not as you progress on the maturity bar.

Allow that to be acceptable. Allow yourself to know that you have not yet achieved dimensional maturity. You are testing the waters of possibilities without actions that cut off your options.

So you are likely feeling disorganized, uncertain, angry, loving, joyful, fearful – as you decide who you wish to be in what dimension.

You have a home dimension – just as you had a 3D home as a child. But you might decide to move on from that dimension just as you chose to leave your home town before you were fully mature. It is and always has been your choice.

Just know that the confusion you are feeling now has little to do with your dimensional adulthood other than helping you select your direction for the time being as you mature into you. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

February 13, 2017 at 10:53 am 36 comments

I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore!

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s October 7, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   The next few days, you’ll solidify your place in 5D via better understanding the courage of those enmeshed in the earth chaos of floods, volcanic eruptions, etc., as well as those remaining steadfast in 3D fear and power grabbing. All are volunteering so that you and more and more others fully shift from fear to joy. Earth chaos events open your hearts, and 3D fear at all levels points out who you no longer wish to be. 

“You’re of the 3D Audience Now” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are feeling deep anger. Anger because you have not yet created what you want. Anger at politicians. Anger at earth eruptions. Anger at those people who will not allow you to be you. And anger at anger.

You believed you shifted beyond deep anger – that your world would be joyously happy by now. Yet, you are angry about so many parts of your life.

This anger is about what you do not have. Even though such a concept is selfish in 3D terms, here you are.

Such anger is yet another piece of self-love. For it is more about all that you accepted or did not accept for yourself in past earth lives than what is happening in your current life. All those hurts in which you denied yourself are coming to the surface. So that now something that ordinarily would not have bothered you requires hours, maybe even days of anger.

All is well and good for that anger indicates you are truly accepting yourself. Of course, such a thought seems counterintuitive for where is the joy?

Even though joy is your goal, joy can only be achieved through self-love. So it is you are cleansing those pieces related to self-betrayal that you placed deep within you throughout the eons.

Your anger is balancing your earth eons of self-denial.

Allow yourself to feel this anger – it is not bad nor a return to 3D. Your anger merely indicates that self-love has become your priority.

Now many of you are clamoring – because you are angry – this is not the life you expected. “Where’s my joy? Where’s the fun in anger?”

You will achieve your joy, but not if you hold your self-love ransom with the unworthiness you have stuffed within your earth beings for eons.

To accept your joy, self-love, you have to fully honor and respect yourself. So it is you are discarding those pieces deep within you that allowed you to feel not worthy of reward or self-love.

Perhaps this round-about way of discovering your true worth seems wrong. Should there not be a good witch waving a magic wand, so you do not have to feel this deep anger? Should it not be easier to love yourself?

Please remember that the stages you are completing to love yourself – and this transition – are en masse events. You, as a group, determined the direction, time frame and outcome of this transition. Your directive was to shift the earth to 5D or beyond. How you achieved that goal was entirely up to you and your cohorts.

En masse you decided your physical being could not withstand this particular stage until the self-love energies of the past few weeks bombarded your being and anyone else open to internalizing them.

As a result, earth and earth beings are far different from what was true a mere five or six weeks ago. Others, besides yourself, are declaring their freedom from those who wish to control them, from the fear energies that have floated about earth for eons, from anything that halts their dreams or directions.

You are rapidly becoming part of an underground, internal revolution of, “I’m not going to take it anymore. This part of earth history is done, a new chapter is beginning – and I’m part of that new chapter.”

So it is you will discover a greater and greater divide between those who accept self-love and those who are afraid of it.

Such is part of your current anger. “How can they not see they are powerful enough not to require a leader? That they can create their world within the energies of New Earth, that is bigger and better than anything anyone outside themselves can promise or create?”

These thoughts do not require you to leave your home, relationship, job, or community. Instead, these thoughts are a call to your new being to dare to be. So it is you are becoming angry enough to say to YOURSELF, “I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Anticipate many unexpected interactions.

You are a new being discovering how truly capable you are via clearing those pieces of unworthiness that you have hidden from yourself for eons.

But you have yet to discover a better way of clearing those pieces other than anger. Those who follow will clear their lack of self-worth more easily and rapidly because of you.

You are courageous scout masters astounding everyone – including yourself. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

October 10, 2016 at 10:55 am 34 comments

You’re a Transition Olympic Star

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 3, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  You’re of 5D now and playing with your new 5D software. Indicators are extremely odd and memorable daydreams or night dreams. Those who had a very difficult past few weeks decided to clear some final pieces you didn’t wish to bring with you into 5D. Even though 5D is now your home dimension, you can easily return to 3D or 4D with just a bit of focus that won’t be apparent to those still of 3D or 4D.

“Isn’t it Time to Stop Sacrificing?” is the title of this week’s Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are noting a new role or action that perhaps visited you before but never to the extent of the past few days. The testing of your new software is resulting in a shift within your being.

Some of you noted unusual daydreams or night dreams. Others of you internalized information you have heard before that now seems significant. And still others were or are graced with AHAs from unusual quarters.

Even though most of you had AHAs throughout your transition journey, this AHA provides you with a larger picture of your role.

Perhaps in the past, you cleared fears through those AHAs. Or noted a small section of your new role. But the information you recently acknowledged deep within your being is that you are a new person with a new role that is much larger than you anticipated, or at times, wished for.

That role acknowledgment is not to deny your earth dream creation, but to inform you that you have the skills to do both at the same time or in a similar time frame.

Many of you wanted to test your courage, your new skill set by combining two very distinct transition phases. And so you are. Accepting your new role – which is likely much larger than you anticipated – and creating your earth dream as a result or combo package.

Some of you are just beginning to realize your transition value. Even though you have been informed over and over how valuable you are – how important your puzzle piece is to the totality of this transition – you continued to think and act with a 3D consciousness.

A consciousness that told you that even though you could perhaps channel, see or hear things that others could not, such did not make you special. You were just you.

Even though that last concept is true from a Universal view, you were and are instrumental in the largest shift ever attempted within the Universes.

Perhaps you are wondering how the two concepts – you are just you and yet so instrumental – are compatible. You are not different from anyone else, other than you have a skill set necessary for this transition that you have hidden for eons. Just as a physicist is a human being with a skill set you do not have. Not because you could not acquire the skill set of a physicist, but that you are not interested in doing so.

Each of you reading this blog has a special skill set inherently important to this transition.

Your unique skill set was selected prior to your earth entrance in this lifetime. Those with duplicate skill sets or not necessarily appropriate skill sets for this transition are your ‘go to’ group in the ethers. Perhaps they are part of your personal council. Or they are observing you. Or they have moved on to other places and times. It does not matter. You were selected for your special skill set. And now you are beginning to understand the importance of that skill set for this transition.

Some of you continue to think it is a fluke that you are of earth at this time even though you are finding that blogs such as this one and many others feel important for you to access.

In truth, you would not be interested in any transition materials if you were not part of this transition. This is not a religious movement. And your role is not to shift the thoughts of others by broadcasting your philosophy on a soapbox. Instead, you have a definite role that will produce the Universal changes you have dreamed of.

You are not an advertiser, you are a creator.

A difference many of you are beginning to accept and understand. You have believed that somehow you were at the tail-end or a minor piece of this transition. That you are part of it, but that this transition would occur whether or not you felt obliged or interested enough to do what you enjoy doing.

Your role is much deeper and more important than you ever imagined. The concept that the tapestry will be created with or without you, but with MUCH less sparkle without your input is far more accurate than you believe.

You selected and were selected for your role because of your wondrous skill set. A skill set you honed for eons to ensure you were ready to help all earth beings transition during this time. This is the Transition Olympics. And because of your dedication to honing your skill set, you were selected as the representative for all those who wished to participate.

Some of you are feeling too exhausted or frustrated to contemplate this concept. Do not fret. There will be a time in the near future when you will better understand this piece. It is enough for you to know that you are a human Universal being with the special skills necessary for this transition.

If you elect not to participate, there are seconds and thirds ready to take your place. For this transition is happening and has happened. You are of 5D. Now you are moving beyond that using your special skills.

What if you en masse had elected to stop at a 4D transition or to exit earth before you were able to create the life/earth of your dreams? You would have returned at some future time to use your special skills.

But instead, you en masse decided to do the impossible in one lifetime.

So it is you are understanding the role that is yours alone. And you are discovering how fun it is to apply that role freely.

You are not only an extremely skilled individual, your special being is courageous and daring beyond anything imagined prior to your earth entrance in this lifetime.

You are as special as any Olympic athlete. And a human moving closer to complete self-love as you accept the joy of fulfilling your destiny that was hoped for by you when the earth was initially formed.

Those of you involved with earth’s formation went about the Universes gathering the skills required now – including various earth lives. Honing skills to the degree that have allowed you to be the representative of your group, your collective on earth during this amazing transition.

And as you awaken, you will amaze yourself with your capabilities and understanding of the totality that is this transition. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:



April 4, 2016 at 9:23 am 40 comments

Bubbles of Joy

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 25, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at / brenda-hoffman:  The strong Universal energies of the past few days will impact each of you differently.There is no need to compare these energies with one another – or to feel someone is more of New Earth than you. Even though Pope Francis is a wonderful example of love and joy, you do not need anyone to bless you for you are now fully capable of blessing yourself.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for “One Step at a Time”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today, September 28, 2015, is a day like no other you have experienced on or in earth. You have crossed the barrier from human to Universal being. Of course, many of you question that statement for you feel or look little different from what was true yesterday or last month. Yet, you have opened your heart in ways you cannot yet envision.

Many of you have learned that an open heart is step one for becoming a Universal being – the end product of that statement is how you will dramatically begin to notice new you.

With a fully open heart, you will react differently to the same stimulus. Such does not mean you will necessarily open your doors to those not as fortunate as you. Or that you will wish to live on the street and beg for food after giving your money to an organization or religious community. It means those you once held in contempt, for whatever reason, will suddenly start to feel and appear human. As if you can see beyond their words into their hearts.

So it is earth has become part of the Universes through the efforts of you and your fellow star travelers.

Will greed, anger, war and punishment cease immediately? No. For you, at the forefront, will capture the rewards of an open heart before such is true for those following. It will be a process. But a much more rapid process than would have been true if all had entered the Universes at the same time.

You are the beacons of love and hope.

Earth is now open to Universal love as indicated by the recent visit of Pope Francis who radiates an open heart for all to see. Even though he remains within the mainstream expectations of who and what a pope of 3D earth is, he is also a beacon for all radiating love and joy within the parameters he created for himself.

So it will be for you. You can easily jump outside 3D parameters or remain within. For once your heart has opened – and it has – you create the life of your dreams.

Perhaps you wonder why anyone would wish to remain within 3D parameters. We direct your attention to Pope Francis. He has done more to open hearts within his 3D worldly role than would be possible of someone with another 3D label. For by his role, Pope Francis commands international attention and homage. So it is you will move into your place – one that feels right for you and no other.

How will your newly opened heart change earth? You will be less interested in gossip, spreading fear or being with others who do not feel or express joy. You will build a small bubble of joy around yourself that becomes larger and larger as others wish to discover what your joy is about.

There will be others who pretend to be joyful just to be near you. But miracle of miracles, because they wish to be part of your joy bubble, they will create one of their own within your bubble. Until they wish to separate from your bubble and create one of their own. So it will go – rapidly we might add – bubble after bubble.

For once others join your bubble, they will discover they are not interested in the same type of creation or development as you – discovering their own path once they have opened their hearts.

You, at the forefront, did the same only not in that sequence. You started on your path before fully opening your heart. That was your courage, your role and your magnificent plan prior to entering earth in this lifetime.

You bravely explored the frontier of your inner-being without knowing what you would find. You cut through the pain and heaviness that traumatized you for eons with little assistance other than your courage and inner knowing that you needed to move forward for something.

That something is now. For indeed, you are beginning to reap your rewards of love and joy in many ways you could not have fathomed a mere few months ago.

Some of you will declare that little has changed in your life. We beg you to state the same in one month.

So it is you are now a complete Universal being with an open heart – drawing the masses to you to discover why your joy is so radiant and enticing. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

September 28, 2015 at 11:33 am 82 comments

Are You Feeling Blah?


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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 29, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Perhaps you were a bit testy the past few days. Such was merely your new 3D segments emphasizing that they didn’t join your totality to live in fear, care taking or victim roles. Only those who exited their cocoon are allowed to fully dimension hop, frequency shift and/or time travel – as many of you are now doing day and night. 

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “How Will NEW YOU React This Holiday Season?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are not feeling the love and joy you anticipated. You feel as if nothing is interesting, different or new.

Do not fret or become discouraged. Such ‘blah’ feelings are merely your physical body shifting.

All phases of your being shift in an expected fashion. First, spirituality – you believe such is true. Second, emotions – you sense such is true. Third, physicality – you know such is true.

Those of you who exited your cocoon are most likely in your physical stage.

This Universal/global transition was long anticipated and planned to the last detail. That is, for the first to awaken – most likely, what you term Baby Boomers or those now of earth of a similar age – to build a bridge to the New Age. A bridge your children would cross and your grandchildren would destroy.

Interestingly – and perhaps to be expected – the always belligerent and courageous Baby Boomers decided to create a new plan. One in which Baby Boomers crossed the bridge – and so you are. But you cannot remember in any part of your being the next step for you are now creating that step. Slowly in your mind and very rapidly in Universal terms.

So it is that you are creating a new plan day by day, minute by minute.

You have grasped and lived the big pieces you anticipated such as: moving beyond shoulds and have tos; remembering how to love yourself; creating a life most compatible for your new being; and moving beyond old fears. Even if you have not completed all those stages, you know what you wish to do and why. And because of that, you are marching through a major holiday season with new thoughts and actions – pleased with yourself and all who dare to be.

But you do not understand what is happening beyond that. Where is the joy? Where is the fun? You continue to push and prod others to help you experience it – yet you feel flat, lifeless, dull or whatever word you wish to use.

Such is true for you are creating something far beyond what you expected. You are off the anticipated path – not in fear, but in courageous joy.

It is as if you are a scout master who anticipated following the path of former scout masters only to discover a new and better path. Even though it is a better path, this new path is filled with unknowns to all including those observing and sending you Universal energies.

We relish your courage and wonder at the joy of it. But such observation does not create a distinct path for you. You are exploring areas never before explored. The theme prior your entrance to earth in this life was that each adventure would build upon former adventures until new earth was reality for all.

You Baby Boomers, new beings or whatever term you wish to label those now feeling lost within themselves, are jumping generations to create a new world not initially planned for this time.

Such rapid growth is not at all wrong. For you are discovering that all aspects of your being are stronger than anticipated before entrance to earth in this life time. But you have NO map or path to follow. So you are frightened within your physical being – at the same time you are filled with joy and anticipation in your spiritual/emotional beings.

Will you stop or slow down? Perhaps. But given the determination and findings of new you as you sometimes slog through a path that feels as if it is encased in slippery mud or wet cement, you will continue as long and as far as you now wish.

Your physicality is holding up much better than all anticipated. Such is true because you took the time and effort to build your new being with care and expertise.

Is it possible you could ‘fry’ your physical being with your new path? No. You are ready.

Granted, some may return to the plotted path you created prior to earth in this lifetime. But enough of you are smiling within your being to continue the bridge crossing to New Age.

Your joy will return once you find secure footing. In truth, your joy will radiate from your being as if you received an A+ for a very difficult course you did not think you could master.

Know that you are capable. Know that the Universes are marveling at your tenacity and courage. Know that you moved earth to New Age faster and more efficiently than any – including you – thought possible.

Allow yourself to feel a bit dull and lifeless as your physicality adjusts to your new path knowing that you have completed the work or joy – depending how you wish to label this effort once thought to require two earth generations. Glory in you and all that is. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


December 1, 2014 at 10:34 am 42 comments

You’re the First Wave – What if No One Follows?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s March 17, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Last week’s equinox opened your color frequencies. You’re no longer coloring your life with a box of eight crayons – now you’re coloring with seventy-two color crayons.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,

Many of you are finding that what was interesting is no longer. Those people you found intriguing are now boring. That what you once enjoyed feels lifeless. We predicted such. But it is one thing to read about changes and quite another to experience them. Indeed, many of you find yourself reverting to the fears or patterns of old.

You feel as if you alone have not grasped the Lightworker brass ring. Or that your dream of a loving new age is a myth like King  Arthur and the round table. Such is not true – but you do not necessarily believe that yet.

You and all Lightworkers of whatever degree of activity are creating New Age myths. Even though not all King Arthur stories are based in reality – those myths, stories and dreams have a basis in the reality of the time.

Tales were once relayed by story tellers. Each story-teller – as is true for the party game “Pass the Message” – changed the tale a bit so it was more colorful or appropriate for the listening audience – until the truth was more fiction than reality.

Your tribulations transitioning into the New Age will make a wonderful story for your children and grandchildren as they piece together the courage of those who went before. But as was true in the past, they will color you with more wisdom and courage than what you now feel is reality.

You know you need to wake up when the alarm sounds to prepare for a job you may or may not like so that in your free time – what little there is – you can access the New Age materials that make your heart sing.

Yet, your initial transition history will probably read like: “You knew from the beginning you needed to change the world, so you put aside all that did not help you move in that direction.”

Within a few generations your history will change again to: “You knew the company you worked for required a complete restructuring so, as a clerk in the mail room, you managed to change your corporation and all similar corporations.”

Perhaps you find our thoughts amusing or even frightening, but certainly not reality. So it is for the tales of courage you share. No one who is in the midst of a shift – certainly not of this magnitude – truly understands how complicated the shift is or will be in their personal life.

Many of you marvel at the courage required to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust of World War II. You are in the midst of something similar. That is not to frighten you or to compare those who hid Anne Frank and her family with you, but for you to understand the courage you find within yourselves despite so many indicators that your role will not be a success.

There were many signs that Adolf Hitler’s vision would overtake Europe and all who helped those Hitler found subhuman would be destroyed. Yet, those who accepted the role of savior in cases similar to those who protected the Anne Frank family had the courage to continue whatever the consequences. So it is for you now.

You really do yet understand how courageous you are. Or that there will be days, perhaps weeks, when you wish this transition would go away. Not because it is not a wonderful dream. But because you do not know if you have the strength to continue; or if continuing will produce anything other than more pain.

The New Age/new earth has arrived.

The outcome of this shift is now predictable. Even though there will be a few skirmishes, perhaps even battles of will, the New Age is not going away.

You are no longer alone as was true for those few voices decades ago predicting the New Age was possible. Perhaps your family or friends have not yet jumped on the New Age/new earth band wagon, but they will eventually. For if you feel a loving need to interact with them, they too are part of the Lightworker movement – just perhaps not at the same pace as you.

Those of you reading this blog and others like it, are most likely advance Lightworkerers. But thousands of other waves will follow. You are the first wave. The feelings of the first wave of any concept – loneliness and questioning the validity of beliefs – seldom deviate. As is true of the fears that you have moved too far beyond society’s expectations to return to “normal” if this new earth/New Age is not reality.

Do you suppose the first explorers of earth were so certain of their goal that they had no fears as their food and water dwindled and the expected land mass was not in sight?

The difference is you are exploring inner-worlds, instead of your physical world.

To complete your new earth mission, the outer-world must match your new feelings. You feel more joyful, more love. But is the same true for your brother, mother, friends, neighbors or employer? Where is the love? You may feel it – but few others seem to feel the same. Was your arduous inner journey worth the effort? Will others join you? Or are you now so different you cannot return to Old Age society if others decide not to transition into the New Age?

You are explorers of the inner-world and creators of the new earth/New Age. What if no one follows? What if you are stuck in an environment that feels right only to you?

Rest assured, you are not alone. It is time. You are merely the first, but most certainly not the last. Others will follow more quickly than you now imagine.

Your pining for others to be part of your loving new earth will last for just a bit. Others will sense your light and wish to know more. They will suddenly find new earth materials fascinating and wars unproductive. In truth, they are loading their wagons impatiently waiting for you to give the sign that the new earth is safe.

This you will do with the joy you display when you remember to live through your heart, instead of your mind. When you allow yourself to know you are courageous beyond words. And allow yourself to be in all your glory.

Others will follow. Maybe not today, but certainly tomorrow. For they too are programmed to awaken to the new earth/New Age. Programs just not activated as soon as was true for you.

You are not alone – merely the first wave of courageous and loving human spirits exploring your inner-worlds to create new life and joy throughout the Universes. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

March 25, 2013 at 12:06 pm 35 comments

We’re Amazed at Your “Daring Do”

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 20, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on You are rapidly learning how to ride the waves of earth & spiritual energies. Think of it as building your earth/spirit muscles – from an 80 pound weakling to a superb athlete. 

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at http://www.Life Tapestry ”2012 is Your Year of Spiritual Puberty”


Dear Ones,

New moon. New direction. New life. That is what you are hoping for, but dare not believe. Such is possible – in fact,  inevitable. Will it happen during this February new moon? For some. But most of you Lightworkers are just beginning to flex your earth/spiritual New Age muscles.

Those of you who listened to Brenda’s Creation Energies show this week on are familiar with this concept.

Perhaps you participate in a Yoga class or flex your body in some other fashion. We wish to remind you how uncomfortable your exercise/work-out program was when you started. Those of you who are couch potatoes are thinking of this year in horror. Whether you are a couch potato or an extreme athlete, you have most likely not yet used your new earth/spirit muscles.

Perhaps you feel that you have stretched your spiritual muscles for several years. You have. The muscles you have not yet used are those muscles that combine your earth/spirit role.

You have divided the two areas into real life and your hoped for life. You go to work  or do other daily tasks longing for the time when you can fully enmesh yourself in the spiritual realms – forgetting that if you wanted to be 100% spiritual, you would be. Your current role on earth is to combine your earth/spirit being. Not an easy task – but one that you accepted before transitioning into your current earth being.

We are not chiding you – your role is extremely complicated and difficult. Indeed, many are deciding that their planned for role is too difficult and are transitioning back into the spirit world.

Those of you reading these materials – as is true for those of you listening to our radio show this week – have accepted your role and are moving forward with bravery and a doggedness that we observe in amazement.

As you move forward, we wish you to remember that you are much more than a spiritual being. Even though chanting, channeling and whatever other method you use to access the spirit world is important, it is not your end-goal. Your goal is to combine the two parts of your being into one.

What does this concept mean in your daily life? In the not-too-distant future, your two parts will combine so that you wake up in the morning as an earth/spiritual being and continue that role, those related activities throughout the day.

Perhaps you are concerned that you will become a spiritual “fanatic” by doing so. Such is not true.

If you read the fine print in your spiritual materials, you will note that a key piece of this New Age transition is living your life in harmony with your inner-being and by doing so, allowing and encouraging the same for others. A spiritual fanatic insists that others believe as they do.

Even though we have discussed at length that such uniqueness will NOT create chaos, you will have to move forward on faith. For eons, you have been taught that uniqueness is harmful and adjustments are necessary for social order.

We have told you that your world will be turned upside down and so it shall be.

Allowing yourself and others to be the unique entities you planned to be before moving into earth realms is just one step in that process.

Perhaps you are thinking that step will take years. We beg to differ. You are moving so rapidly that it will be months, not years, before that concept is part of the fabric of your daily life.

We will remind you of the shift in thought process by the majority living in the U. S. about African-Americans. Baby boomers can remember a time when African-Americans were not allowed to use Caucasian water fountains. Today an African-American is President. Previous U.S generations have dealt with other groups of unlike people, but such transitions required several generations – not less than one lifetime.

So it will be flexing your earth/spirit muscles. Your transition will occur in months.

You may wonder if this transition is an important feature of 2012 – it is. Last week we spoke of spiritual puberty. The concept this week merely expands that information. As you mature, your acceptance of others will also mature. You will no longer have a need to fight for the pail in your sandbox.

Many of you are wondering if this shift, this acceptance of others will occur throughout the earth. As usual, the answer is yes and no. For indeed, even though more people accept African-Americans than was true in the 1960’s, such is not true for all. But enough people in the U. S. do to choose an African-American president – a thought that did not seem possible even ten years ago.

Enough will accept their uniqueness and allow the same for others to shift your culture from childhood to young adulthood. This will occur within the year 2012 – not for everyone, but most certainly for those of you reading this material.

What does that mean for you in 2012? Your energy shifts will be almost constant. As you move through each shift, your physical being will change in ways that will move you into the uniqueness of your being and the acceptance of others.

Will you be different than others? Yes, but you will also be an important part of your culture – just as was true for the U. S. scout masters of the 1700’s and 1800’s. Scout masters were treated as unique people enmeshed in courage and honored for their efforts to help others find the trail through the geographical maze that the U. S. appeared to be.

Others will be amazed at your courage and look to you for answers and direction – whatever your role in this transition. For a song writer can move as many hearts as a channeler or life coach. Your role is whatever is in your heart. Know that you are the bravest scout master possible.

We honor you. We are amazed at your “daring do” and watch you in joy and anticipation as you diligently prepare for your first wagon train. So be it. Amen.      If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button in the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

February 21, 2012 at 5:32 pm 15 comments

Let’s Dance! You’re Ready!

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

This week, Brenda channeled on her “Creation Energies” radio show ( how reviewing your perceptions of personal and world events will change the Universes…and shift your being from fear of chaos to peace.

On Saturday April 2nd at 1 pm, Brenda and her friends and co-channelers, Beverly J. and Rick Thompson will hold a live, open channeling session at the Greenville, SC Festival of Healing and Spiritual Awareness Conference. For more information, e-mail Brenda at Life Tapestry or Beverly at

Dear Ones,

Let us dance! Let us jump into the street in all of our joy and shout to the Universe – “We are ready! We do not need lessons, gurus or to move this way or that. We are READY!”

Many of you reading these materials find this humorous because you are reading these materials to glean more information about what is happening to you and your world. Ah. That is the rub! You do not need to read any materials for all the information you need to move into the New Age is deeply imbedded in your DNA, your cellular structure.

Our role is to help you remember what you already know. In a sense, we are helping you review the materials you learned in all of your lifetimes and transitions.  Some of you feel you cannot remember what you need to remember to make your personal shift into the New Age. We beg to differ.

The New Age has arrived. All of you reading these materials helped bring that transition about. You could not have done so if you had not known the steps and requirements necessary.

But now that you are moving into your personal transition, you are fearful that you will not be able to move across the New Age bridge…or maybe even approach the bridge. That even though you were fully capable of altering the Universes by creating the New Age, you, as an individual, cannot move yourself into the New Age.

We most definitely beg to differ. Creating the New Age was a much larger venture than is true for your personal transition. Not only did you need to ignite your DNA, but you needed to combine your abilities with enough like-minded people to introduce the New Age.

You have already created the biggest element – it is time for you to adjust your being to fit within that element.

The New Age is here. You helped create it. Now you have to allow yourself to live in the New Age. You can do so by revising your belief patterns – most notably moving from pain and fear to joy. But your patterns of fear and pain are so deeply ingrained that you have opted to use crib sheets along the way in the form of the writings and channelings of others – including Brenda

Are her messages necessary? No. You can move into the New Age of joy and peace without assistance. All you need to do so is to maintain belief in your creative skills and the reality of the New Age.

But since most of you, including Brenda, need reminding of your new skills and direction for a while until it is part of your everyday belief pattern and thereby, actions, we and other entities will continue to reinforce your new lessons.

Please understand that you are not a slow learner. This New Age is a tough course for most of you because of the many layers you have created to hide who you truly are.

You want to move into joy. You are truly ready for peace. And your creative skills are itching to create a new life for you – but you do not yet believe that you have the capabilities to do so. That is our role and the role of all of those whose messages ring true within your being. We are here to remind you that you were courageous enough to create the New Age and you are already fully capable of living in it in joy and peace.

Of course, there is chaos in the world – perhaps, even in your life. Change always creates chaos. Remember how frightening and chaotic your first day of school or college was? Change means moving in a different direction with new actions and reactions – which at first seem chaotic.

Such is now happening on the earth…and throughout the Universes. But just as was true after your first few days of school, you will soon feel comfortable in your new world. Even though there might be days when you wish to stay home with your mother or friend – as you might have the first day of school – that need to return to your old world of pain and trauma will lesson with time, as will the corresponding chaos.

Know that you are in a new school. One that teaches you how to live in joy. Is that not a reason to dance, laugh and play? Pain and trauma are fading rapidly – and joy is taking their place. A bit like completing those required courses in college that finally allowed you to immerse yourself in your field of interest – classes that felt like cotton candy and a sunny summer day.

Let us dance. If not today, then tomorrow…or whenever you allow your beliefs to move from pain and fear to joy. Life on earth is good and it is getting better. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry   If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of the subscribe page of Life Tapestry and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

March 9, 2011 at 5:07 pm 2 comments



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