Has It Started Yet?

October 14, 2010 at 5:57 pm 2 comments

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations. com

Dear Ones,

Has it started yet? Are you frazzled with various directions? Do you wonder when your life is going to slow down just a bit?

Aha. You are there. All of you reading these words have hoped for a direction, a clearing of the mists that have surrounded you for so long. The mists are rapidly floating away – much as the sun clears a foggy day.

Not all of you are yet willing to remove your fog clothing and breathe in the sunshine. That is fine. Just be aware that your world – and more importantly, your life is now fully bathed in sunshine.

Perhaps you question that statement given that you are surrounded by the problems and fears of others. Please step back for just a moment and note your inner reactions to the dilemmas of others. Are you not finding it more and more difficult to stay sad and involved with those not interested in changing their lives?

The new sun in your life is your realization that others are as strong and capable as you. Their dilemmas are their issues – not yours.

Good Samaritans were necessary throughout the Old Age. Do you not see how convenient it was to not only monitor your pain and fears, but to add the burdens of others so that you were totally emerged in pain? The often repeated expectation was,  “life is pain and then you die.” You have completed those Old Age lessons.

It is time for you to learn in joy. And so you are – even if your first baby steps into joy are not as dramatic as you would like.

Please take a moment to count those important moments of joy in your Old Age life. Now do the same with pain. We venture to guess that you can easily list the joy moments, but your pain moments are far too many to tabulate.

The reverse is now true. The best way to describe this transition from the Old Age to the New Age is that the Old Age was a cold, dark, damp day that never seemed to end. In contrast, the New Age is a sunny, bright, balmy day with nothing much to be concerned about – a lazy, lovely day of summer.

Many of you use a great deal of your money to escape cold and dreary winters for a sunny beach. While you might feel a bit sad for those “stuck” in the cold, dreary climates, you do not feel sorry enough to give your sunshine tickets to them. Why not? Perhaps they need a sunshine escape more than you do.  But is not the reality that you feel you have worked diligently to earn your sunshine ticket?

The same is becoming true for you for those who wish to continue in the pain of the Old Age. Those whose lives remain chaotic have access to the same sunshine ticket as you. All they have to do is turn around and note that the fog has lifted, the snow has melted and the warm sunshine surrounds them.

Everyone on earth has the freedom to create whatever adventures they wish.

Those of you reading this material, have elected the sunny beaches. Those whose lives continue in pain have elected to shut their windows and lock their doors to the warm sunshine.

We are not belittling those who remain in the heaviness of the Old Age. Rather, we are pointing out that you no longer need to be in that environment. You have moved  beyond that.

And because you have moved beyond that heaviness, you have many mixed feelings. You were taught to care for others. Teachings based on the understanding that you were stronger, wiser and better than others. That has never been the case. But such thoughts encouraged the life of pain expected in the Old Age.

Allow yourself to live on a sunny beach with the full knowledge that anyone and everyone can create the same life. They merely need to accept the sun – the New Age – and their role in it. You have all earned a summer life.

But we will forewarn you that you will find friends and relatives who refuse to live in the sunshine. “I am too busy rolling in pain.” “I have too many negative thoughts to explore sunlight.” “How can I punish others if I accept the sunlight, the New Age?”

You, on the other hand, are running into the sunlight – so you have little interest in begging or badgering others to join you. You may see their misery and wonder why they wish to continue. You are outside looking in – rather than continuing as an actor in their plays of pain and chaos.

You have left the pain and chaos acting company and find little interest in even discussing that area. For those of you reading this material who feel that your life remains chaotic, please review your feelings. Are you not feeling less intensity about issues that are not bright and sunny? And so it will continue until you are no longer interested in even hearing about the chaos of others.

Such beings have elected to remain in the Old Age. You have decided most emphatically to move into the New Age. Neither is right nor wrong – merely two opposite directions. Those who wish to remain in the Old Age for now will find you frivolous. And those of you who choose to move into the sunshine of the New Age will find those who do not heavy and unpleasant.

No more will you spend hours trying to point out the strengths of those who refuse to hear such information. You will merely say or do something that indicates they no longer need to suffer. In turn, they will be repulsed by your lack of charity.

Two different directions. Two different people who will not meet until the person enmeshed in the Old Age opts to turn towards the sun. A personal choice you can no longer impact – for you are reading the map so differently you can not see their road. So be it. Amen.


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Entry filed under: new earth, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Puberty – Here We Go Again! Life is Good! And So are You!

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Carol  |  December 16, 2010 at 6:17 pm



  • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 16, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    Dear Carol,
    No. I just type what I hear. I’ve often wondered if the messages are related to my feelings on a particular day.

    I know many people are feeling frustrated, angry and scared now. I went through similar times about 20 years ago. And even though I have days where not all is “sunshine and harmony,” overall, I seem to have a pretty positive personality – it’s just that it seems much more real now after moving through those extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant issues 20 years ago. I hope that answers your question.



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October 2010