The Sky Is No Longer Your Limit

December 15, 2010 at 9:51 am 2 comments

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry

Dear Ones,

Let us begin a new phase of our planetary shift. Most of you are familiar with discussions pertaining both to December 21 of this year and the significance of the year 2012. Various writers have written about the end of the world, new skills, the end of darkness or the joy of  light.

All of the above are correct – and none are correct. The energy shifts you have experienced and will continue to experience at an accelerated rate in the next two or three years are indescribable in your current language.

If something has not yet happened, how can it be described? So is it true for what is happening to you, those around you and yes, the earth. Major differences from what was, to what will be are occurring second by second and minute by minute. Sometimes you are unusually angry, frightened, exhausted or joyous. All indicators that something is happening to you. And so it is. But the net effect cannot be described as easily as, “I’m having a bad day.” Anymore than the industrial revolution could have been defined with, “I am working in a factory.”

Both statements are and were true, but the ramifications of those statements could not and will not be determined for several years. Let us give a more concrete example. In the 1960′s and 1970′, yogurt was available in a few health stores for health “freaks.” Today, your neighborhood grocery stores display shelf after shelf of all types of yogurt.

The same will be true of the skills you will be using on a daily basis within weeks, months or years depending on your interests and needs.

Channeling is not that unique. All of you reading these materials, in truth, all the beings on earth have the ability to gather and disseminate information in many more ways than you now allow. Some of you are most comfortable with sensing what is to happen, others see it and still others determine in a different fashion. You will find in short order that such skills are elementary compared to how you will access and disseminate information in the future.

The solstice/eclipse of December 21st and the following years until and through 2012 are merely the start of new worlds of gathering and disseminating information. Does that mean your current world will end? Yes, in the sense that using only five senses will seem elementary. Libraries used to be research centers with a limited number of volumes. Computers offer many more resources than was possible a mere thirty years ago. Did your world fall apart? Or did it expand? And so it will be for you now and in the future.

Those of you a bit more adventuresome will access your new skills more rapidly than others – including channeling. Channeling is merely your past, present and future joining forces to allow you to visualize or sense what is going to happen at a pace that fits your physical being. Some channels are able to sense, see, hear and know far into the future. Others curtail their skills to information that is for today or tomorrow. And still others only offer information that directly pertains to them. For indeed, channelers are limited by their world view. If they are afraid of dark forces, many of their messages will relate to dark forces. If they live in joy, their information will point to joy.

We are not stating that some channels are better than others, merely that their information is based on their courage and their knowledge-base.

Now we have frightened some of you. How will you know which channel is correct for you? In the same way that you know which yogurt is correct for you. It tastes and feels right. No more and no less. But we have digressed a bit.

We merely wish to state that all of you are capable of channeling or gathering information in addition to the five senses you now claim as possibilities. And as we move closer to 2012, you will automatically find yourself playing with these “new” resources. It is not so much that something will be added to your being during these dramatic energy shifts, as it is that the veils of knowing are being swept away.

You truly will be a new being in 2012 and thereby, it will be a new earth in 2012. As we move closer to that date, you will find yourself knowing and sensing more than you ever thought possible. That new knowingness will shift your life and your world. What was grey, will be white. What was red, will be blue. What was frightening or odd, will be expected. That is what these shifts are about.

Channeling is delightful and will continue so – but more in the sense of the many flavors of your yogurt choices. You have many skills you will develop and yes, create in the next few years. Our words cannot describe how you will change. But each time another veil is lifted, you will be more of who you truly are. You will no longer be a split personality of past lives, current life, spiritual lives and the future. You will be you in all of your glory.

You will skip along the path to time travel. You will play with energy. And you will have more fun than you can imagine for each of you will find skills and interests that do not yet exist. The sky will no longer be your limit – nothing will be.

You are a child of God, you are god and you are you in all of your glory. Allow that glory to shine as you add your creative and joyful thread to the Universal tapestry of life. Express yourself in all your glory. Sparkle in your joy and you will find channeling and your current methods of tapping Universal knowledge as elementary as reading a book before discovering the joys of a personal computer. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry    If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of my subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation request you receive in your in-box.


Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help, social changes. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Live, Laugh and Love Yourself This Holiday Season Happy Creation Holidays and Ever After to You!

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Karen Mead  |  December 15, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    Brenda – I love how you always seem to be right where I need additional info! I have seen so clearly recently that channeling is a gift we all share, it’s just opening to the possibility. And like other gifts, each of us has a unique voice.
    I love yours!


  • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  December 15, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    Thank you. Won’t it be fun when all of us are able and interested in blending our new skills!



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December 2010