You’re Evolving into Infant and Parent

November 5, 2013 at 11:41 am 60 comments

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 3, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re creating your own parent/child being so you are able to nurture yourself, as well as express childlike joy and love.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Let’s Remove Global Inner-Power Fear”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Please take a moment to process your feelings about living from your heart. Do you believe it is possible? Listen to your inner-being and it will give you the answer – yes or no.

If your response is yes, you merely need to voice your intent to live from your heart to yourself. If your answer is no, please read on.

Loving from your heart does not mean loving all but that dastardly person who wronged you. Nor does it mean you must openly love all.

Many of you worried about opening your heart to yourself, and therefore all, are concerned you will be abused once again for doing so.

As a child, most of you awoke in the morning fully expecting to find loving people and experiences. You walked into the street without supervision, jumped off high playground slides and raced madly about on your tricycle. For you loved and were loved. You braved the odds without a thought of the consequences.

Eventually, adults and older siblings trained you to be careful, to be wary, to not take chances. Security and safety were drummed into your head. You knew someone out there was waiting to harm you.

Some of you also felt that emotional, spiritual or physical fear within your family which encouraged you to broaden your safety net to all but yourself.

Given that your parents, society and the media continued the drumbeat of fear and the need to be ever alert to those “bad people” out there, somewhere, you started doubting your ability to discern bad from the misguided or fearful – including yourself.

Who could you trust? Certainly not yourself if you were not able to quickly distinguish between those who could harm you and those who merely wanted to be with you or love you. This was particularly true if you were afraid of your family members.

You could not trust society – the bogeyman was out there waiting to take what you had or to harm you. You could not trust your family for they were continually informing you of your wrongness, “Don’t touch that. Don’t break that. Be a good girl. Be nice.” and all other phrases drummed into your being that told you over and over that you could not trust yourself to know what was right for you. That you could not be lovable if you were wrong so often.

Many of you feel your family and society were loving. That you live from your heart easily. That is well and good. But we venture to guess that even your heart has a caution sign about it alerting you to danger. Meaning you have placed layers of fear around even the most loving family history.

In the Old Age, you were taught to live a life compatible with your world of fear. You no longer need to maintain the layers of fear in your heart – whether created by you, your family or society.

Does such a thought not seem far-fetched? Perhaps you could be loving towards this person or experience, but certainly must remain cautious around that person or experience.

Not that you need to welcome a stranger into your home to prove you have nothing to fear. Merely that even those of you who feel loving continue to have rings of protection around your heart. Perhaps there is a group of people, entities, political parties, geographic parts of the world, communities, bacteria, illnesses, plants, animals, reptiles or insects you fear.

It does not matter how great or small your ring of protection is –  it is reducing your ability to love yourself.

As an infant, you were overjoyed to watch a snake slither by, or perhaps to eat a spider or you did not care about the color or culture of your playmate. All were loving, learning experiences.  All were interesting and some people and things were more interesting.

That interest was whittled away until your new interests and thoughts were processed though family/society filters. Filters that did not allow you to love openly and quickly, but rather on the basis of, “Let me test out this new entity, experience or person. If it works or feels good, I will move further into the process. If anything frightens or angers me, I will back away quickly.”

Your emotions and experiences allow you to explore a bit, but not too much without filters of right and wrong showing their ugly heads.

Many of you remember we told you to process your experiences and new earth thoughts through your inner-being. It is now time for you to just experience.

In the next few days, you will create a new being that incorporates both parent and child. A parent to nurture you and to create a new set of experience parameters. And a child open to all new experiences.

Is this concept frightening for you? Such are the limitations of your love experiences and your love for yourself.

If you cannot trust yourself to monitor and nurture yourself, who can you trust? The God out there, somewhere who allows you to feel fearful – or the groups that encourage you to feel pain and fear?

Such myths were important in the Old Age when your direction and feelings were created outside yourself. It is time to negate those Old Age thoughts and to once again be the infant who knows that eating a ladybug will produce a new experience – good or bad.

Do you have the ability to know right from wrong?

Right and wrong were removed from the new earth as of this year. You are infants of the new earth in terms of exploration. At the same time, you are adults knowing what is right or wrong for you – not anyone else – for you.

Allow yourself to explore unhindered by your former earth experiences in this life or others. Allow yourself to love yourself – which is only possible once you remove Old Age filters from your heart. Allow yourself to be in innocence – and maturity.  An earth being never before experienced.

You are both the naive infant – soaking up the nuances of life through every cell every day you are alive – and the mature parent who knows when to rush into an experience and when to pull back.

There is nothing truly evil on earth or in the Universes. Merely experiences you wish to explore – good or bad in your current belief patterns. And neutral in Universal terms.

Know that you are wise enough to know the difference. You no longer need your society create parameters of rightness and wrongness. You are your own mature monitor. And that which will give you joy is but a decision away.

Will you move to those pieces of joy that help you sparkle inside and out – or to those established by your family and society that ensure you live in fear? So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Entry filed under: inner being, new earth, personal power, self love, self-help. Tags: , , , , , .

Let’s Remove Global Inner-Power Fear Recreating Your Physical Body – and Life Span

60 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Barb  |  November 5, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    Brenda —

    This sounds like a chance to fulfill the wish of knowing what we know now while also enjoying the freedom of youth. Now we just need our own permission! So much energy has been flowing lately, hopefully it makes this an easy thing to do!


    • 2. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 5, 2013 at 3:25 pm

      Hi Barb,
      The theme of new earth seems to be “easy” – like child’s play I suppose. I so agree that our biggest hurdle is giving ourselves permission. The piece that I found particularly eye-opening was the number of fears we maintain as a normal course of events – reptiles, illnesses, etc. So many fears in our everyday belief patterns. Here’s to the new parent/child in us all.
      Blessings and Love,


      • 3. Barb  |  November 5, 2013 at 5:11 pm

        Yes, the list of fears was rather a surprise! These eye-openers definitely expand perception! It’s pretty wonderful to realize that all this would have seemed like a big hurdle not so long ago, but now it mostly feels like another invitation to let go, embrace it all, and be in joy. Instead of “Are you kidding me?” it’s “Really? I can go there? Great!” I guess it always was an invitation, but now it feels that way too! Good stuff!


      • 4. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 5, 2013 at 5:23 pm

        Hi Barb,
        Like you, my first thought when I channeled this was, “Really?” And then, “Of course! Why didn’t I figured that out before?”

        This transition is absolutely fascinating to me. Each week, sometimes every day I learn something new. And for someone who loves learning – it just doesn’t get any better.
        Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 5. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 5, 2013 at 3:46 pm

    Promise to read this after my walk, Brenda. My head is whooshed out! I am curious as to what is here though, I must admit. First things first! I will be back!

    Love you!


    • 6. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 5, 2013 at 3:52 pm

      Hi Amy,
      Not to worry. Read when and if you can…otherwise it’s just another should. Play with your kitties instead if that feels more joyful. I’m weirded out also and tired. Somethings happening!
      Love Brenda


  • 7. Lady Diane Randall  |  November 5, 2013 at 5:06 pm

    Thank you, Brenda! This message is so powerful, it speaks directly into my heart. Thank you for sharing these messages; they are always synchronistic with what people are experiencing, certainly for me. I honor you and send you much love always. ((( ❤ )))


    • 8. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 5, 2013 at 5:12 pm

      Hi Lady Diane,
      Thank you. And for me also.

      Isn’t it odd that we have no problem understanding we need to love other humans from our heart in this new earth – channel after channel has informed us of that – but also bacteria, plants, rodents and all? It’s amazing to me how our perceptions continue to be opened for inspection – just when we think we’ve figured it out!
      Blessings, Sparkles and Love,


  • 9. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 5, 2013 at 5:43 pm

    Hehehehehehe I’ve been weirded out since yesterday, Brenda. Anyways, I am stunned at what is written here, and by what I was led to write as well. If it is OK, I would very much like to put Petals Unfolding here in this reply so that your readers can get an idea what it is like to say NO! to the OLD and walk forward in the NEW. Not easy stuff. Yet, the longer we DO the NEW the easier it becomes! (not sure how to do the rest so I will do it manually)……..The article’s name is, “How Far does “Conditoned Patterns” Go?” (I am so tired at this moment, I THINK that is the correct title!) LOL



    • 10. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 5, 2013 at 6:47 pm

      Hi Amy,
      No need for apologies. We’re both functioning despite weird and spacey feelings. That in itself can be considered a miracle. I thought our two blogs were closely related even though in different formats also. Guessing it’s time for us to review our deeply hidden feelings and fears. Indeed a Scorpio time of death and rebirth.
      Blessings and Love,


  • 11. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 5, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    PS……..How Far DO………apologies………weirded out and over…..


    • 12. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 5, 2013 at 6:49 pm

      This comment made me laugh out loud. Thank you for the sparkles.
      Love Brenda


  • 13. AligningWithTruth  |  November 5, 2013 at 10:53 pm

    I so resonate with this post Brenda, thank you! 🙂 For me, it’s the process of ‘Reparenting the Child Within’, which is the very title of the first personal growth workshop I attended. And this relationship between my inner parent and my inner child is one of my most important relationships, if not THE most important one — especially since, as you very well know from my posts, my core wound stems from my family and childhood upbringing.

    It’s also interesting that, in one of my most recent posts,, I also had just responded a similar message to a reader who commented, “With all you’ve been through, it’s amazing that you’ve kept your heart open.” And I responded, “It may be easier for the personality self to close down the heart. But that’d be counter to the process of healing and ascension. I may have kept my heart open but I sure have learned and I’m now practicing the art and skill of establishing and enforcing boundaries. Gotta love myself — my biggest take away from years/decades of abuse.”

    So yes, I may have been deeply pained and abused, I may have forgiven, I may continue to be loving, BUT discernment and wisdom tell me to pick and choose to whom to be loving, and the circumstances and nature of relationship and interaction will largely determine the extent and degree of precisely how my being loving looks like and translates to.

    Thanks again for this message! Also, in response to the first part of this message, even if some of us do believe and are already living from the heart, this message is still an invaluable reminder and validation! 🙂

    Much Blessings…Namaste…♥♥♥NadineMarie♥♥♥


    • 14. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 6, 2013 at 8:41 am

      Dear NadineMarie,
      I follow your healing via your blogs and am so impressed how you’re transitioning from pain to love. From emails I’ve received, various blogs and personal experience, I believe family issues are some of the deepest held fears for many. And I so agree with your last sentence. Living from the heart is a process. Thank you for your loving input.
      Blessings, Love and Hugs,


      • 15. AligningWithTruth  |  November 6, 2013 at 10:44 am

        You’re most welcome and thank you too Brenda! 🙂 I am taking it all in and allowing myself to be bathed by your loving and supportive energy. 🙂 Much Blessings…♥♥♥NadineMarie♥♥♥


      • 16. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 6, 2013 at 2:41 pm

        Dear Nadine Marie,
        You’ve made my day! Supporting each other is where’s “it’s at.”
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


    • 17. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 6, 2013 at 2:50 pm

      NadineMarie, you and I are of ONE Heart. Amazing. Love, Amy


  • 18. pragti  |  November 6, 2013 at 12:32 am

    so beautiful Brenda..this chanelling of urs ! Finer aspects are present here..! Thanks so much
    Love and hugs !!


  • […] Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: […]


  • 22. Ellen Sypowicz  |  November 6, 2013 at 11:32 am

    Dearest Brenda
    i find this channeling like so many of the others, they blame the person trying to attain a higher vibe. it doesn’t sound to me like it’s coming from a love space or a teaching space. I would be questioning who I’m channeling. There are many who don’t have the confidence to already have the absolute belief in themselves. As you say in your message, “First you have to BELIEVE you have creation skills. Then you need to HONOR those creations you create – no matter the size or importance to your daily life. Then and only then, will you comfortably move into bigger creations”.. This is very tall order and disheartening to those who aren’t there, I think a sensitive being would tell them where to start and nurture them along rather than “blame them” for not being able to do this. I would not expect my grandchildren to run when they haven’t learned to walk. There was not much credible information in that channeling but alot of throw back in your face. I don’t think that helps. Ask for compassionate teachings that can really change a life, not throw back in your face failures. I hope you hear this, you are probably gifted .. but please choose wisely who you channel and let talk thru you.



    • 23. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 6, 2013 at 2:54 pm

      Dear Ellen,
      I’m so sorry you feel that this blog is guilt ridden. I can understand why you feel that way. For whatever reason, my channels seem to be for the scout masters of the world – the first to enter enter breaking the trail for others to follow.

      Often my channels relay more advanced information than where I’m currently at, but I know I will catch up eventually – when it’s right for me physically, spiritually and emotionally to do so. I think of them as a road map or travel guide of possibilities rather than shoulds.

      I’m guessing you aren’t interested in reading any of my past channels, but if you did you would realize how often my sources tell readers to move at their own pace – and that even though all are on the new earth stage, not everyone will be in the spotlight immediately. That the scout masters of this transition are in essence moving forward on urges, like salmon moving upstream, instead of with a knowingness of what’s ahead. Those scoutmasters will in turn report back so the more settled pioneers who wish to can follow with information gleaned from the scout masters’ journey.

      There are many wonderful channels and pieces of new earth information throughout the Internet. There are no shoulds in this transition – only those you place on yourself. This is a time of moving into joy, not being upset. Allow yourself to find those pieces that make you feel good – they’re the right channels/information for you.
      Blessings, Hugs and Love,


  • 24. Mary  |  November 6, 2013 at 1:04 pm

    “Please take a moment to process your feelings about living from your heart. Do you believe it is possible? Listen to your inner-being and it will give you the answer – yes or no.
    If your response is yes, you merely need to voice your intent to live from your heart to yourself. If your answer is no, please read on.”

    Well my answer is most assuredly Yes! I ‘know’ it’s possible, but I still read on Brenda, ’cause I was curious & didn’t want to miss anything lol

    Love You & all that you share
    Love & giggles
    Mary 🙂


    • 25. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 6, 2013 at 3:00 pm

      Hi Mary,
      I know. I figure I have some clearing to do to fully live from my heart even though I’ve stated my intent.

      The eye-opening piece for me in this channel was do I fear illnesses, insects, etc. I hadn’t thought of that before but yes there are several things I still perceive as scary or fearful (snakes aren’t part of that!). So I’ll continue to process and read and re-evaluate my belief systems.

      Thinking that as we mature in this transition, we’ll continue to find new pieces we want to process – which is little different from maturing as an adult in the Old Age. Just thinking how different our adult life might be if we had the knowledge at 16 that we have now – or maybe not!!!
      Blessings, Love and Hugs,


  • 26. elizabethsadhu  |  November 7, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    I had a realization at some point where I KNEW that I could love love love–all BEINGS but that didn’t mean I had to stay close. This came up particularly when I had an abusive boss. Sending the love and tried to have a little distance. Finally had to quit.

    thanks dearest Brenda for all you do and all you ARE! Amazing and wonderful and dear sister!

    love you tons and tons.

    Beautiful energy and information.



    • 27. elizabethsadhu  |  November 7, 2013 at 1:40 pm

      PS. I still send the love to that being…….<3


      • 28. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 7, 2013 at 5:55 pm

        Dear Sweet Elizabeth,
        I’m constantly at your loving being. What a beacon of love and joy for us all!
        Love Brenda


    • 29. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 7, 2013 at 5:54 pm

      Hi Sweetie,
      I did the same with some in my family. Boundaries that were good for all concerned and yet feel the love. A definite learning experience.
      Love You in Return,


  • 30. YL Chin  |  November 9, 2013 at 7:40 am

    This message reminds me of a channelled message that I had read a few months back. It said that all good and bad go back to the Source. Having read it, I felt so much better. I used to think karmic impressions/experiences or our ‘bad” thoughts do not seem perfect, but somehow or rather, my inner thoughts tell me that no god is perfect, and we are also gods and earth is a training school for gods to remember who they are and experience the shift for the first time or second/third etc time. So, I learn to forgive myself more. Care-givers would understand what I mean. To forgive ourselves as we take on this role is vital to our shift in C and it’s not easy to forgive oneself as guilt seeps in the crevices of our hearts. it’s so hard but I just release it and strive to start all over again.

    I’ve created all the realities for all levels that I want and oh, I can’t wait to see myself flying/dissipating and getting new job opportunities/new place even in a 3rd D reality. LOL. It’s vital to believe and honour our creation. that’s so important.And living in the Now. And if I don’t and believe like others who think 5th D is beyond reach until there’s a science breakthrough in the next 100 years, well, I might as well forget about dreaming. There are lots of documentaries about dimension hopping through M theory. I can really resonate with Brian Greene’s Elegant Universe. When you watch it, it’s not really that hard to imagine traversing dimensions and parallel universes. You’d feel good about it. Some physicists say that dimensions all have to do with the independent directions in which we move and are called degrees of freedom. Why not ask for more freedom. If Lucy can dimensional hop from one world to another through a wardrobe, just like Alice in Wonderland in a rabbit hole (?), I think we can do that too. Those people who write such stories have privileged info. We’re ready. LOL.


    • 31. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 9, 2013 at 2:08 pm

      Hi YL Chin,
      More and more I realize how I’ve limited my dreams through Old Age perceptions of what is possible. Anything is possible and probably always has been but we’ve placed such strict restrictions on ourselves that we’ve decided that dimension hopping is either not possible or only possible for a limited few who are wise enough to know how to do so. We all are – if we want to. And we will when the time is right for us. I love your dreams – that’s how your starting to create your new joyful world.
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 32. YL Chin  |  November 9, 2013 at 8:30 pm

        Actually I have to thank you, Brenda, for awakening me that creation shd be on all levels of dimension in your previous msg wrt the creation wheels channelled msg. I’ve neglected my present reality so your msg was a big wake-up call and I wasted no time in creating a new 3rd D reality for myself.


  • 33. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 9, 2013 at 8:45 am

    Brenda, I again find myself here, reading this message. I don’t know about you, but these extreme energies have left me reeling.
    Yes, they do have Purpose and that is to get us ready to step into our next phase on this ascension journey. Deep stubborn habits are now being exposed, in order for us to see. Then we have the opportunity (golden at that) to change that pattern into one of Love.
    So much is unfolding so rapidly, it is with great challenge that I can even catch my breath. I know you mentioned it was time to do some inner searching, and I was hoping by this day, you found what you sought, and all is well your way!
    Sending you Love and Peace on this day, my friend!


    • 34. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 9, 2013 at 2:16 pm

      Hi Amy,
      Just finished my BlogTalkRadio show and was reeling a bit during that, but all was fine until I read your message. What the heck – I’m as spacey as can be. I have tons of things to do today but thinking I will just read – always a great way for me to ground myself.

      Today’s BlogTalk channel was pretty unusual – it was about creating a personal vehicle for dimensional travel. Didn’t expect that message. And so it goes.

      My visions are quite clear but in the past few moments I seem to be moving into yet another creation tunnel. Exciting but totally unexpected. Here’s hoping you catch your breathe soon.

      Here we go again!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 35. YL Chin  |  November 9, 2013 at 10:25 am

    Brenda, when I read your statement, “my channels seem to be for the scout masters of the world – the first to enter breaking the trail for others to follow”, are you able to elaborate on them?

    Just want to add, I remember your channelled msg about aliens, if human acknowledges and accepts the existence of ETs, that they are our space brothers and sisters (regardless of their agendas), that we are part of the collective whole of universes, that they are already on earth, humanity will take a quantum leap in consciousness, telepathy, abilities to travel inter-dimensionally, and the shift would have been faster if we join hands with the benevolent races, whoever they are.


    • 36. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 9, 2013 at 2:26 pm

      Dear YL Chin,
      Meaning that some of the Lightworkers are advance team members carving the way for others who opt to follow. Advance team members don’t necessarily have the understanding or information of those who follow – just as was true in the American West. American West scout masters created the trail without knowing what was around the bend or over the mountain until they explored it. Their reports helped the pioneers who followed decide where they wanted to live and why – mountains, near rivers on the plains etc. And so it is now. The scout masters don’t yet have a complete map but are exploring via interests and senses of what might be. Scout masters/advance Lightworkers are creating maps for those who follow.

      And from what I understand from my channels, different segments of our totality are living in different parts of the Universes. So we are ETs and they are us. Opening ourselves to the possibilities of new earth allows us the freedom to explore other dimensions and skills now only thought to be the skill set of ETs.
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 37. YL Chin  |  November 9, 2013 at 8:50 pm

        Tks for the explanation. So, they are paving the way for us even though not sure of what is ahead, I suppose the consciousness is ever-changing, not even avatars here may be able to predict correctly. All the ascension books predicting events on 21/12/12 I’ve read did not come true. .
        Somehow or rather, I feel that we exist in all dimensions. I may live here but I also live there. Dunno, just a thought. We are definitely ETs. Text book wisdom and mainstream media, hollywood have been indoctrinating the public with disinformation and half truths about our origins and other ETs that people only think the worst of all ETs. Today, in our news, researchers reported that the Egyptian Pharoah Akhenaten, Amenhotep VI might be an alien. Hope more and more official news will reveal more of these news and that 97% of our DNA (junk DNA by mainstream) is of ET origin.


  • 38. YL Chin  |  November 9, 2013 at 9:15 pm

    I am listening to your radio show. I’m surprised that you are talking about creating a vehicle and musical notes. I was actually reading string theory these past 2 days which alluded to musical notes, like different vibrations and frequencies in a cosmic symphony, that is how universes work and how we can live in dimensions according to our vibration. Wow. I just thought of Whitney Houston’s melismatic operatic vocal styling, hitting numerous notes in one syllable, demonstrating the dance of the cosmic universe, that creates it. I have always thought of her voice as the embodiment of divine love. I’ve never heard anythig so pure, so giving and divinely loving, and It touches/pierces the heart and soul. In Hinduism, it’s called the dance of natraja. I learnt this term from a course. And this dance signifies that creation is through love and love only. In string theory,, the tiny strings vibrate and dance in different patterns creating the fundamental particles of nature. When put together, it is a grand symphony that is the universe. OMG, i’m on the right track, I’m so glad my self and your msgs are guiding me along. My head is also reeling, it’s like 24/7 now. Some say, it’s dimension hop.
    OMG, can’t believe all these coincidences. I’m not crazy after all about creating impossible dreams. Thank you so much, Brenda.


    • 39. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 9, 2013 at 10:17 pm

      Hi YL Chin,
      I know very little about string theory or quantum physics. I have to admit that I was extremely surprised by today’s channel. Most often my channels are about emotions – something I’m familiar with both personally and professionally. So glad you were able to put the pieces together. And I’m extremely pleased that you’ve decided to live in your personal reality/physical being.

      We have so many different segments of our totality spread throughout the Universes and yet we opted to focus on earth at this time. What an experience for us all. Hoping for ascension to another place or time negates why we elected to be on earth now. Relishing the shifts to our 3D being is more logical given the amazing transformation we’re in the midst of.

      As you’ve recently decided, enjoy your journey/exploration/new earth being instead of wishing it away. We’re exploring new skills in physical bodies.

      I’ve always loved Whitney Houston’s voice too. I was quite surprised today to discover I selected harmony when asking myself what my musical notes were. My guess before asking my inner-being would have been a drum beat.

      As you can probably guess, I’m amazed at my own shifts and growth. Watching myself shift each week feels like one of those example paragraphs I used to love in graduate counseling classes. Here’s to the new earth and new us!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 40. YL Chin  |  November 9, 2013 at 11:09 pm

        tks Brenda. So pleased and glad that all of us are shifting fast. So very pleased. Hope that the next channelled msg/subsequent msgs would touch more directly into what you’ve conveyed on your radio show. Or anything that is more specific on higher dimensional life or meaning of parallel universe/activation of DNA and make use of skills that we’ve lost. It’s time to integrate with families of universe and create. I think people are ready to touch on other topics, something beyond physicality other than emotions and release of karmas and thus a different talk show pops up. A very Big Thank You and love to you, Brenda. Cheers.
        P.S. I still can’t believe what I had connected/learnt in just a few days. Am Still amazed by the connection betn me and this site. Wow.


      • 41. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 10, 2013 at 11:21 am

        Hi YL Chin,
        Not surprised that all happened to you in just a few days. Some of us elected to do a more gradual process. I channeled at some point that some, like you, would elect to shift in one quick breathe. This stuff really is amazing.

        I never know what I’m going to channel before I start so hoping more of your questions are answered with this week’s blog. But if not, I’ve learned to just wait and see. Sometimes, I think we get information in stages so we don’t blow our circuits!
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 42. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 10, 2013 at 12:51 pm

        Brenda, and YL Chin, so much is coming in for me right now, I am on overload. It is an explosion!

        But the reason I am writing, I am fascinated with tones and sounds. I “hear” music or tones and when I sing these sounds, just before the next note is sung , I hear the next one. My cats LOVE it when I sing. And I feel the vibration of these sounds in my internal organs, bones and spinal chord. Also the sounds I make are not my language, but something I classify as my “heart language”. When I speak/sing these sounds, my Heart becomes very still and I FEEL Power coming forth from my throat. Animals seem to “understand” what I am saying. Not sure if it is the actual tones I am using or if it is the sounds themselves that are coming from my throat that are being understood..

        Music/mathmatics/quantum physics are all connected. In so many ways.

        That is that. Besides my keyboard and puter seem to be having issues today. I give up fighting!

        Love, Amy


      • 43. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 10, 2013 at 5:59 pm

        Dear Amy,
        Love that you’re hearing sounds – not necessarily of a language you understand. Years ago, I had a need to start making unusual hand movements that somehow shift/clear/rearrange the energies of the person I direct the hand movements to – each person requires different hand motions. Same kind of thing. Have no idea where I picked up that knowledge or why I needed to start doing. I still do infrequently. Others who have experienced thought it was from an Egyptian period of some sort. All I know is that it seems to feel good for whoever I direct the energies to.

        Today I went to a piano concert with three friends. I’m not the most musical person – have never been to a piano concert before. I realized as I was sitting there the music helped me create my vehicle. I saw myself in a golden square with tons of screens to contact whoever I wanted throughout the Universes. I was in a fairy-like ballet costume with ballet slippers dancing with so much joy around my vehicle – combining modern dance with ballet moves. I love dancing and am very good at it, but have never taken a ballet lesson in this life. Another lifetime????

        This is so much fun. Check out Elizabeth Sadhu’s message right after yours. She’s also seeing/sensing things. Whoa interesting times indeed.
        Blessings, Music, Love and Sparkles,
        PS Make play not war – with yourself or others. A definite take-off of the 60’s make love not war!


      • 44. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 10, 2013 at 6:02 pm

        So much seem to be coming in right now for so many. So happy for you that you had some FUN! Yes, make PLAY not war! Beautiful, Brenda, just like YOU! 🙂

        Love, Amy


      • 45. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 10, 2013 at 6:06 pm

        Hey Amy,
        YAY for us all!
        Love and Blessings,


  • 46. elizabethsadhu  |  November 10, 2013 at 1:41 pm

    Amy–wish I could hear you!
    Brenda–was just able to listen to your blog from BTR. I immediately got a vision of my vehicle.. How fun!

    AND I realized that it is the shape of a necklace that I had purchased quite a few months ago and just found the other day. I was a very inexpensive (prob pewter) goddess depiction with a spiral in it hanging on a black string. I was able to put it in a silver string and I am now wearing it all the time. Now I know why I had to have it! The pendant is about an inch long and it signifies for me my vehicle. Although I am thinking I can just travel in this one, the size does not matter. And the Beans are nodding their heads with and emphatic YES!

    I see my color as a light pink-lavender and it is enveloping me in a beautiful radiant glow.

    love love love love love love to us all! ANd thanks Brenda for listening so well and sharing with us.



    • 47. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 10, 2013 at 6:02 pm

      Hey Sweetie,
      Thought you would enjoy part of the reply I just sent to Amy:

      Today I went to a piano concert with three friends. I’m not the most musical person and have never been to a piano concert before. I realized as I was sitting there the music was helping/encouraging me to create my vehicle. I saw myself in a golden square with tons of screens to contact whoever I wanted throughout the Universes. I was in a fairy-like ballet costume with ballet slippers dancing with so much joy around my vehicle – combining modern dance with ballet moves. I love dancing and am very good at it, but have never taken a ballet lesson in this life. Another lifetime????

      All three of us are creating – unique vehicles and beings. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Love and Blessings Sweetie,
      PS Thank you yet again for re-blogging on


      • 48. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 10, 2013 at 6:17 pm

        Brenda, again in my state of um fatigue-where am I, I read what you wrote but it flew right over my head. The second time around did it. Absolutley cool what you saw and felt. How incredibly touching. I love dance too, with no formal training. Maybe we were dancing together? Saudi Arabia? Hmmmm………lots of bracelets everywhere, lots of glitter and glam, long gorgeous hair and knock down dead eyes? Eyes bove the veil…….hmmmmm…….why this image beats me, but it sure sounds romantic. LOL

        Love, Amy …… now I am seriously laughing… right ear just rang…….hehehehehehehe…….yup, I am definitelly onto something here. Exotic dancing girls………..


      • 49. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 10, 2013 at 10:08 pm

        Hi Amy,
        Have to break your romantic bubble just a bit. My ballet performance in vehicle wasn’t of Saudi Arabia or that part of the world. It was more of a fairy princess look that you might expect in a ballet company. But that doesn’t mean we both couldn’t be part of the same dance company – maybe just in different parts of a performance!
        Blessings, Sparkles of Whatever Kind and Love,


      • 50. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 11, 2013 at 9:40 am

        Brenda, I saw what you wrote and as I read what you wrote, what I described came into view as well. It was like screen upon screen, just like you described. I didn’t mean to offend you by minimizing what you saw. I thought this Mercury Retrograde was all done and over with. Hmmm…….
        (((HUGS))), Brenda. Love, Amy


      • 51. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 11, 2013 at 10:50 am

        Hi Amy,
        You didn’t offend me one iota. I thought your rendition was fun – but I also thought other readers might want a literal translation of what I saw and sensed just as they received yours. Multiple screens – interesting. Did we create that because that what we understand from current technology or is that what will be??????
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


      • 52. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 11, 2013 at 12:34 pm

        Hmmmm……..Good question. This “crumb trail” is FUN, isn’t it? How awesome how one thing leads to another. Let me see if I get an answer today. I just might you know, probably in the most unexpected way! giggling……..

        I saw your new post. I haven’t gotten there yet. Hehehehehe I am also in the process of creating another, let me see, 3 more posts for today on my blog. Isn’t Life grand? Hehehehehehe I’ll get to your new one in that Perfect Moment it arrives to me. (((HUGS))) and BELLY LAUGHS and you KNOW I can laugh! We have been there before! hehehehehehehe

        Loving you! Amy


  • 53. You’re Evolving into Infant and Parent | elizabethsadhu  |  November 10, 2013 at 1:42 pm

    […] You’re Evolving into Infant and Parent. […]


  • 54. YL Chin  |  November 10, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    Hey Brenda, it’s better to blow our circuits before we become experiments. LOL. The fukushima incident has caused radioactive fallout all over the world. Remember how Godzilla originated? Of course everything’s done for a purpose. Before it mutates me into an X-woman for other self-serving people, I had better move forward and evolve through good old fashion DNA! By then, i need not worry about any nuclear fallout or beam weaponry. Ha!

    I’m serious. A baby overcame aids because his/her DNA was 6% active. Jesus’ DNA was 100% active, as I was told by a guru in a course. Imagine if our DNA is 10% active, 3 strands and beyond, we can overcome any illness and possibly become remote viewers or super beings. LOL. By then, Lady Pinkrose, you can be the ultimate cosmic symphony.


    • 55. Lady Pinkrose  |  November 10, 2013 at 7:52 pm

      Hehehehehehehe Sounds good to me, YL Chin! I’m with you all the way! I am depending on my DNA! Come on! Let’s party! LOL


    • 56. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 10, 2013 at 10:13 pm

      Hi YL Chin,
      Not to worry. You don’t sound like a Godzilla and we’re not x-women. But maybe bionic women compared to our ancestors in terms of DNA expansion and new skill sets. That’s all the excitement I need – at least for now. YAY!!!!
      Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


  • 57. YL Chin  |  November 11, 2013 at 8:28 am

    I was talking about 12 strands this morning, now, I didn’t realise I would come across something is has far greater significance that it seemed to be. I think I have an idea as to why they say our DNA was originally a 12 strand DNA. Read this, an extract from an interview
    “…..We have all those qualities naturally, our potential is probably greater than that, if you understand that we are composites of various races of ETs, I believe at least 12 strands, 12 different races that is, all brought down into one race called human, then you begin to understand there is potential, in terms of, the fact that we are time travellers by nature, the fact that we are soul beings, beings with natural ascension capability, etc etc, the ability to fly, ability for unbelievable amount of retention; we are a genetic library in larger sense of that, in a intellectual sense, there are so many potentials in what humanity is about. There was a reason for a beginning, natural progression to a kind of composite of the race that became of this experiment that we became called humanity.” Kerry Cassidy (awaken to the

    From what I gathered, she is saying that human is made up of different races in the universe. Brenda, when your guides say that “we are different segments of our totality living in different parts of the Universes”, it makes more sense, in a DNA sense. I never thought of it that way.

    Some gurus talk about all in one, one in all, meaning that there is only one consciousness, and it is the collective whole of all consciousness in this universe, and I put it further, in this multiverse. I think the plan from the Source (of creators) is to have humans awaken to this reality, we are all one regardless of where we come from. Very clever, killing two birds in one stone, putting 12 types of DNA into one body. The Source has always been able to make use of the good and the bad to convey a point.

    Well, one thing at least, they can kill me with more nuclear incidents, cos I’ve got 12 sets of qualities to overcome it. There!


  • 58. YL Chin  |  November 11, 2013 at 8:30 am

    sorry for all the typing errors.


    • 59. YL Chin  |  November 11, 2013 at 9:11 am

      Cassidy’s conclusion about why we are here is quite enlightening,
      “The very bottom line, this dimension this humanity is at work, in doing, is coming in their own as basically magicians, that’s talking about us as creator beings because that’s the ultimate of what we are learning to be. So, you’re going through this dimension, you’re going through a very materialistic level of that into a spiritual level of that and you cannot create without bringing in spirit, otherwise creation is sort of dead or robotic…. it’s the revolution of consciousness, and energy will shift because of consciousness.”


      • 60. lifetapestrycreations  |  November 11, 2013 at 10:58 am

        Hi YL Chin,
        Not to worry about typing errors. My channels and many others indicate that we have been living with 12 DNA strands for eons, but that many more are opening so we can interact more freely with Universes, ourselves and other earth entities.

        I think of our uniqueness as I’m a fingernail cell of the total body or being. I’m not interested in the same things as a hair cell, but we work together to create the totality.

        And I’m cautious to negate earth and elevate spirituality as this life is about combining earth and spiritual in a physical body. Both are important parts of our being. It is just that we can explore and experience more because we have combined the two – not negated one or the other. Dimension hopping with physical memory – not in night dream state – is one of the examples of being both.
        Blessings, Love and Sparkles,


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November 2013